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File: 10 KB, 488x209, lolita-tips-coat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6734254 No.6734254 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or does Lolita-Tips get a lot of really basic stuff wrong? Have they ever shared who they are? and do they even wear lolita? Because honestly, anyone who's ever bought something from a brand should know that brands publish garment measurements.

Any other gems of bad advice? Or ideas as to why this thing is so popular?

>> No.6734262

I stopped following several lolita tumblrs because they give such shit advice. None of them seem to have a clue what's going on. My biggest peeve, ever, is that multiple different ones have advised people to use Celga, Japonica or another Japanese shopping service FOR FUCKING TAOBAO.

... I just. Don't. Understand. How you can get something that obvious wrong.

>> No.6734273
File: 152 KB, 500x400, 1356594309068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but almost every decent Taobao shopping services has Taobao IN THE NAME. How can you... how would they even...

>> No.6734277


Are you... are you serious?

There's no way

They can't be that freaking stupid

>> No.6734282

They are that freaking stupid.

The last time I saw it, within an hour, the blog was answering a shitton of asks one by one, all telling her that Celga and Japonica don't buy from TaoBao. She claimed it was a "typo".

>> No.6734289

Aren't they one of the places that was telling people to buy a petticoat before they got their first dress too? Like people can magically know what shape/length petticoat they need before they pick out a dress?

>> No.6734294
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>> No.6734300

Precisely. Because those specific hyperlinks are just keystrokes away from www.taobaospree.com. How we all don't end up going to the wrong sites to do our shopping is just mindblowing!

>> No.6734298

Lol. Typos don't work that way

I don't really see a problem with this advice. You don't need to have the dress in hand to know what kind of petticoat you need to buy for it

>> No.6734314

Good links for aspiring lolis?
As I follow lolita tips but thinking of unfollowing them now...

>> No.6734319

Yes, but you do need to know how full the skirt is, how long the skirt is, and what shape it is to get a petticoat that works right.

I have 7 petticoats, I think? (a couple are multiples) and I know for sure that some of them absolutely don't work with certain pieces in my closet.

>> No.6734324

the blog fyeahlolita on blogspot is generally good (you will have to google it; I can't post the link).

>> No.6734334

Okay? But it's not really the norm to have to buy 7 different petticoats. Typically you can get by with a few basic ones, especially if you are a beginner and don't have much of a wardrobe

I don't think that advice is really that bad. They've certainly given much worse and there is much worse out there

>> No.6734359

...of course it's not the norm. I was trying to explain how many different possibilities there are in just my one closet (which only spans 2-3 styles, and less than a dozen brands)

My point is that until someone knows what style and brand(s) they are going with and actually starts to pick out items, they probably won't know what kind of petticoat to get. Baby's and Bodyline's skirts tend to be less full than AP's, for example, and Putumayo is a lot shorter, while IW tends to be longer.

I guess my biggest issue with the advice is the motivation. Telling someone to buy a petticoat first doesn't help them buy a better petticoat. It just keeps them from being able to go out in lolita without one. It smacks of "I don't want to be seen around you" sort of elitism. Which is just sort of sad, IMHO. It's like they are treating new lolita like this undesirable, unteachable thing instead of actually trying to help them make informed choices.

Sorry, it's really a pet peeve of mine as far as newbie advice goes.

>> No.6734377

so what's the real answer to this question? i've never ended up buying the wrong size, but i'm wondering what the general rule is (both for loli and non-loli)

>> No.6734387

Now I am no longer surprised why JasonTerror gives such shit lolita advice as he swears by this blog. His advice on other subjects is still shit but ahahahaaa... one mystery is solved.

>> No.6734423

I'm pretty sure it should be your normal measurements, nothing added.

& I think the general rule of thumb is the sleeve should reach to the tip of your thumb?

Oh shit is that why they say "Rule of thumb"?

Har har.

>> No.6734430

For lolita brands at least they usually list the garment measurements, so for a coat you'd want it to be larger since you'll be wearing at least a blouse and a dress under

>> No.6734435

This, for a lolita garment they're telling you literally how wide the bust and waist are, don't expect anything. You want a good margin if you want the coat to not just fit but be comfortable.

>> No.6734545
File: 4 KB, 300x168, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rule of thumb

Wait! Rule of thumb? In the early 1900s it was legal for men to beat their wives, as long as they used a stick no wider than their thumb.

>> No.6734546
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rule of thumb? Can't do much damage with that thing, can we. Perhaps it should have been the rule of wrist.

>> No.6734549

Urban legend perpetuated by faux feminists and movies. The saying is older than that and related to carpentry.

>> No.6734589

I've heard 4-5cm for cloths and ~10cm for coats

>> No.6734628

I really don't like lolita-tips. She posted her main and I checked out her pictures, and she's actually just a chubby girl with basic coords that aren't that great. I think it would be better if several lolis modded her blog, instead of just her; it makes her come off as holier-than-thou.

>> No.6734630


>> No.6734634



>> No.6734642
File: 396 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mj9sqg8Fmr1qal1v9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m 19-years-old and I have been a Lolita for about seven years.

Sooo...you were a lolita when you were 12? Riiiight.

>> No.6734671

to be fair I got interested in lolita when I was around 14, I guess. I looked like total shit when I started, but yeah.

>> No.6734685
File: 669 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mj9sqg8Fmr1qal1v9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6734688

glorious masterrace

>> No.6734691

Her tumblr is 99% "What do you think of Bodyline's L9340234??"

>> No.6734704
File: 755 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mf3g0tCROh1qal1v9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like there's a pretty big difference in maturity and such between 12 and 14. Those are rapidly changing years. I mean, 14 year olds are highschool freshmen.

>> No.6734715


She could lose some weight.

>> No.6734721

Dif anon, and this is true. I think when she says she's been into Lolita since she was 12, she means that's when she first discovered it and kept interest in it, just didn't wear it back then necessarily.

She definitly dresses for her size, I think she needs to experiment more before she starts to give advice.

>> No.6734722


I think actually it's more important that she learn to style her hair/apply make up and coord better.

>> No.6734726


That's important too but no make up can save you when you're fat.

>> No.6734732

Sent her an ask saying she doesn't seem qualified to run this kind of blog and asking if she'd consider taking on a couple of co-admins with different styles and experience.

>> No.6734734

Troll harder. She's not even that large (and there are larger lolitas out there) and has a fairly nice face. Would she look better if she lost some weight? Probably, but she looks better then a lot of the girls who try to dress in lolita and are thin but horse-faced. That's when make up can't save you.

Otherwise, agreeing with >>6734722. I think she might need a wig too.

>> No.6734735


Not trolling, she's fat. Why is it okay to tell her to get better make up but not to lose weight? You fatties are so agressive.

>> No.6734740

You're really pretty bad at this. Don't take out your anorexia on everybody else.

>> No.6734741


Of course, anyone who isn't fat has to be anorexic.

>> No.6734745

Anyone who's this extreme about someone else's weight probably is, yes. I'm not even fat myself, I'm slap bang in the middle of average. I think she's kind of fat but as others have said, I don't think that's her problem, her problem is that her outfits are mediocre and lack creativity or elegance. I'm just joining in because you're a retard.

>> No.6734748


And I agree that her outfits are mediocre and lack creativity and elegance but even if she did have better outfits, she wouldn't look great because she's still fat. Your body is just as important as your outfit.

>> No.6734751


You sound fat.

>> No.6734750

you sound mad

>> No.6734762
File: 45 KB, 250x385, porcelainsong bl sk lavender blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot

>> No.6734765


It could be worse. I could be fat.

>> No.6734771

>using a mental disorder as an insult
Stay classy, /cgl/.

>> No.6734769

You can look great and be fat, it's rare because most fat lolitas seem to go 'lel body positivity I'm automatically gawjus because I'm large and in charge', but there are some really stunning larger lolis. There's this one German girl who's probably my favourite gothic lolita who's at least a size 16, but I can't remember her name right now to provide a picture. Even if the lolita-tips girl didn't look good because of her weight, as long as her outfits were impressive, she'd be well-qualified to run a lolita advice blog. This isn't the petty vendetta thread you seem to be looking for, people have legitimate issues with the girl beyond 'lol ur fat'. Go hang out in the idol thread or something if that's the kind of petty bullshit you want to whine about.

>> No.6734772

Aha! This is the exact girl I meant in >>6734769 !
Thanks for giving me the name!

>> No.6734777


Yes, you can be fat and look good but as you said, it's rare and the girl in those pictures can't pull it off. And suddenly, everyone got sphincter punctured just because I pointed that out. Stay fat, fatties.


That's who were talking about? You could probably see her double chin if her hair wasn't in the way.

>> No.6734793

The double chin (which I can't see, personally) doesn't detract from her outfit. She looks gorgeous, and anyone who doesn't have this bizarre obsession with weight like you would probably agree. This is why people think you're anorexic.

>> No.6734795

Someone's jelly of porcelainsong

>> No.6734797

She looks 'bad' because her coords suck, not because she's fat. It's not like she's PT and trying to squeeze into a dress that is clearly 3 sizes too small for her. You might want to look at some actual landwhale lolitas before you start flinging this sort of shit.

>> No.6734799
File: 1.97 MB, 615x413, 1364579417355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The oufit looks gorgeous, she doesn't.


>Jelly of being fat

>> No.6734801

>jelly that she is more fabulous than you

It's okay anon, I get a little bit jelly of her too sometimes

>> No.6734816
File: 77 KB, 514x574, 1363921261582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....PT thread?
I'm game. Clearly anonrexic over here needs some examples of actual fat itas.

>> No.6734819
File: 737 KB, 500x673, porcelainsong green stained glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's American, not German.

She's fat, but no double chin.

Honestly though, I think fat lolitas should only run lolita plus blogs. They can provide general information, but overall I think the best knowledge good fat lolitas can give are things like if certain dresses fit, what sizes brands go up to, and how to work with your shape. It seems silly for a fat lolita to run a general lolita ask blog since most of their experiences don't mesh with average sized girls.co

>> No.6734826

Herp. Don't know why I thought she was German though. Regardless, what a babe.

I was the one who psoted earlier, saying that I sent her an ask suggesting she gets some co-admins. That way, you would have hopefully get both a plus-sized girl and an average-sized girl with the range of experiences and helpful advice that brings.

>> No.6734831

I think that would be much better. An advice blog with fat lolitas, average lolitas, and tiny lolitas in vary styles would be the best ask blog because there'd be an admin for every different type. Hope she listens!

>> No.6734833

Her and her girlfriend are so adorable

>> No.6734836

Yes! Of course she'll probably turn out to be an egotistical control-freak cunt and won't listen, but that would really be the best ask blog ever. Hey... what if /cgl/ made one?

>> No.6734843

>She's fat, but no double chin.
As a fellow fattie yeah she does. It's called photoshop and angles. She has the opportunity to take lots of pictures in a shoot, choose which ones are best, and edit those. These aren't exactly candids.

Not that a double chin is a huge flipping deal when you're already fat anyway. I think she dresses nice.

>> No.6734846

What exactly is the big deal about double chins?

You don't have to be fat to have one you know

>> No.6734851

>You don't have to be fat to have one you know

Meh it's just another thing people say to attack the person and not the fashion. Typical bitch shit.
Similar to:
>lol big nose
>ewww anorexic deer legs
>haha hammy arms~
>omg liek boobs in my lolita? GTFO
>ergh did you see her smile lines? she must be like 500 years old or something

>> No.6734855

While this is true, and chin fat is hard to get rid of in general, a double chin is a really good sign of being fat.

>> No.6734867


She's fat.

She's also beautiful.

God damn, can we just get back to the bitch that can't run a blog?

>> No.6734871

>God damn, can we just get back to the bitch that can't run a blog?
That would be nice, but what else can be said about her? Her coords suck, her styling sucks, and her experience is limited because of her size. Are there any other lolitas giving advice when they shouldn't be?

>> No.6734878
File: 24 KB, 475x267, Gummy Bear Gigante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give advice on cgl and I'm not even a lolita

>> No.6734880

/cgl/ not withstanding. I do that too because fuck if it isn't easy to tell people why they look like shit.

>> No.6735520

Someone just has a different opinion?

>> No.6735539

Why would faux feminists even spread that around? I've heard that more times out of the mouths of middle aged men. Come on, /cgl/, not everything is caused by feminists on the internet. Not even the dreaded faux feminist.

>> No.6735545

People who don't use shopping services really shouldn't give advice on shopping services.

>> No.6735596

I live in a tropical climate and long sleeves arent really an option. Is it okay to not wear any bracelets or rings? Im making a cord with sweets parade and all my accessories are a different shade of mint/green

>> No.6735614

No sleeves and no arm/hand accessories? That really sounds a bit unfinished. Try to get some nice bracelets.

>> No.6735641

or rule of fist

>> No.6735895

Depends on what you are doing. If you are going to a meet up or something where you think people are going to be judging your outfit, yeah, gets some matching bracelets and rings (pearls (faux is fine) and/or silver/gold are good stand ins for when you can't find the right match)

If you are lounging around the house or going to the super market or something, then don't worry about it.

>> No.6735941
File: 661 KB, 1280x1707, owner-of-lolita-tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know what to think about this, because that makes her the LOTR chick on egl and I think she's funny.

...but, no, not someone I'd take advice from based on her tumblr. Especially not coordination advice.

>> No.6735948

Ok, so since it's been suggested that she get co-admins, just for giggles, if you could get anyone to run a tips blog, who would you pick?

>> No.6735954

I think this is actually quite cute

>> No.6735993

The red/orange is too saturated to be layered like that. If it were more of a wine, or if she drew it into the rest of her coord differently, I think it could work, but as it is, it makes her legs and arms stand out really loudly, which seems off balanced, IMHO

>> No.6735999

Idk, I like when people use more rarer colors in lolita, and I like orange/red as a color

This could be a lot worse

>> No.6736007

oh, yeah, totally could be a lot worse, and it's not super bad. I don't think she's ita or anything, she's just... not really spectacular.

>> No.6736017

Caro-chan. I've never found any factual mistakes in her blog.

>> No.6736029

Yea, I learned about lolita when I was twelve.
Only started wearing it properly when I was 20 and actually had money to afford brand, and that was only last year haha

>> No.6736229

How long does Meta keep its patterns in store? I bought the sweets parade dress in June and its still in the latest series section and nothings out of stock? Does that just mean its a really unpopular print?

>> No.6736549

lolita tips drove me crazy bc whoever runs it answered every dumb question over and over agian it was so repetitive

>> No.6736559

Actually your measurements should be slightly less than the garment measurements because you know, breathing and all that. You don't want to wear lolita skin-tight so wearing ease should be about 1-2" for dresses, this will also depend on things like cup size/ribcage size as you don't just rely on your bust and waist measurements to fit into lolita dresses and they are usually cut for smaller cup sizes in the bust. The other thing that you need to be careful of is flat-then-doubled measurements, often they give an underestimation of the bust as the slight curve cut into the bodice is not measured hence why a lot of people will think "oh it was measured as 34" bust and fits my 34" bust" when maybe there's 1" in there that wasn't able to be measured by that method.
With coats you need more like 3"-4".

>> No.6736596
File: 907 KB, 684x599, 1359578650786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about some wrist cuffs like these, anon? I think they're adorable!

>> No.6736637

I have a few but the shades of the wristcuffs i have dont match the dress im trying to cord. I need to buy some white or black ones soon.

>> No.6736746

I'm still stuck on
>most companies do not take into account that you're going to be wearing clothes under [your coat]

Flasher lolita?

>> No.6736758

So she never answered my ask suggesting she get some co-admins. Anyone surprised that she's a delusional power-tripping bitch? I'm certainly not.

>> No.6736786

As someone who knows and has met her? No she doesn't, fatass. The only thing plus-sized about porcelainsong is her boobs and her legs

>> No.6736790

..which is why she has a double chin in all these
except for the pictures that have been edited clearly for d_l posts and when she's got her head held high. Don't be so angry, like someone else said, double chins aren't a big deal.

>> No.6736797

They're not even the same person you dumb fuck

>> No.6736799

My mistake then?
Although I still say when you're legs start to look elephantine like >>6734819,
and your arms look a bit flabby, there isn't a chance in hell your chin isn't suffering.
But hey, it's not like you're about to post any candids to prove your point.
Calm down lady.

>> No.6736926

Fat people look all the same to me.

>> No.6737997

exactly. I love the idea of a lolita-tips blog, but unless you are a god-tier lolita, you shouldn't be doing something like that alone.

>> No.6738006

I don't post people I know on 4chan :) It's poor etiquette. If you're so mad that a fatty-chan can look as fabulous as she can that you have to project imaginary flaws onto her, maybe it's time to get a hobby.

>> No.6738130

They don't sound like the mad one here.
Why are you so defensive over the fact that someone thinks she has a double chin? Perhaps you should get a hobby instead of worrying about a stranger's opinion this strongly.
> :)
Get out newbie.

>> No.6738135

>fatty chan
>projecting imaginary flaws
...but you're already saying she's fat? Do you enjoy the taste of your foot in your own mouth?

>> No.6738151

It's pretty apparent that she is a fatty-chan, though, I don't think anon means it as an insult

>> No.6738182

I've never met a fattychan that didn't have a double chin. Even only slightly.

>> No.6738190

I've met plenty of skinny people with double chins

What exactly does that prove

>> No.6738217

Proves that the likelihood of her having a double chin is strong, Stay mad, and hopefully her chin shoops will continue to be decent.

>> No.6738234

I'm not even the original anon you were talking to

You saying that you have met fat people with double chins doesn't really prove anything

Go outside or something

>> No.6738241
File: 498 KB, 280x242, 1364784234540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol sure you're not, still the same defensive bitch getting her panties in a twist because someone online thinks somebody has a double chin.
Please don't tell other people to go outside. Ever.

>> No.6738245

She has a double chin.

>> No.6738252

Of course you don't have to believe me, we are on an anon board after all, you could be a neckbearded creature from /v/ for all I know

I'm not understanding how you saying "I met x people will x so that proves that all x people have x" makes any sense at all

Go outside, anon-chan

>> No.6738268

>I met x people will x so that proves that all x people have
>so that proves that all
>proves that all
>that all
Nope, still didn't say that. Wanna give it another go?

>> No.6738272

But anon, they're not saying all people have a double chin. Just that the girl in question does.

>> No.6738290

>I've never met a fattychan that didn't have a double chin.

What is that supposed to prove then?

>> No.6738327

That a lot of fatty chans have double chins? Do you think I've met every fattychan in the world? You're trying too hard to look for something to be offended by. Really. And either way I still think the girl has a double chin. I don't know what you're trying to prove by arguing.

>> No.6738365

I never said I was offended, just that I don't understand your argument.

The basis of your argument is "I have met a lot of fatty-chans, therefore this particular fatty-chan must have a double chin" which makes zero sense

Literally the first comment I posted was >>6738151 and you started talking about all your vast personal experience with double chins and fatties

>> No.6739028
File: 155 KB, 957x632, tumblr_mkml47EyAS1qam9fpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6739325

Whew, sure is fatty in here

>>6738241 needs to go outside