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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6732014 No.6732014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone watching this?

>> No.6732025

"First time I posted here."

WTF? Okay, I have requested TWICE to be a part of Lolita Sales English and the first time I must have been rejected (months ago) and I asked again about a month ago and have received no response.

I have been in lolita for like 4 YEARS and shit like this gets by, but I can't join despite the group saying anyone can join?


>> No.6732028

how weird they like invite 50 new people a day, maybe your facebook profile looks really fishy or something

>> No.6732035

No my FB is very plain. There is nothing weird on there at all. Not even anime. Plus my posts are private. So all they would see is my picture, which is currently set to one of me.

>> No.6732036


... really want to see her Vocaloid cosplay, now.

>> No.6732040
File: 111 KB, 720x960, 533981_361862737256714_1222008218_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just click to the side. i saw it..

>> No.6732042

Holy fucking hell.
>it's good quality

Yeah. Sure it is.

>> No.6732048

>I bought this from milanoo. It's listed under lolita
>I generally don't cosplay lolita

I have never felt such an odd mixture of secondhand embarrassment and anger in my whole life.

>> No.6732049

Her comments in the thread itself are pretty hilariously deluded.

>> No.6732053

i tried...

>> No.6732052

the stock photo looked like poop but her wearing it makes it look 100x worse

>> No.6732059

did you PM a mod and ask themm about it?

>> No.6732061

we all did, haha.
i honestly thought it was a troll at first.

>> No.6732064

There was never any hope that she would follow your suggestions. Ever. Which is why I find Sabrina's response pretty fucking hilarious. Inappropriate, but hilarious. Because Rachel will label you a bully just as much as Sabrina, for being all LOLITIST ANTI MILANOO BRANDWHORE! or some other bullshit.

>> No.6732068

That corset lacing in front. Fuck. It's like she ordered it three sizes too big on purpose or something, the way it puckers between her boobs.

>> No.6732077
File: 117 KB, 215x226, gyugy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she already got defensive with me at the beginning because she replied to my first point of my discussion with her with talking about how she 'never had problems' with MNoo and whenever i hear anything in an argument im sleep

i tryd

>> No.6732071

Whatever you do, don't buy from her. Took her a month to post out my item, even after sending me updates like "Oh, I'm posting it tomorrow!" about three times in that span. Then she went ahead and posted it some weird name on it because she couldn't remember my name...I dunno, maybe she could have written it down along with my address? She added me on Facebook just to she could private message me and whatnot, so how could she not have my name? Especially after a month of farting around and my name is clearly displayed on my PayPal, email, ect that I gave her. It was just a pain in the ass as I live in a sharehouse and some parcel arrives with some weird ass name on it and then to have everyone go through it to find out who it belonged to...Wasn't cool. I enjoyed the day when I could finally delete her on facebook so I didn't have to deal with her 100+ Dr Who related posts all the time.
Tl;dr Even if she wasn't selling milanoo, don't buy jack shit from her because she overcharges and takes forever to post! "But school holidays Oh I got distracted Oh I forgot your name teehee~!"

>> No.6732080

The fuck did you buy from that trainwreck?

>> No.6732082

oh i was hoping milanoo was saying that was its size M.

>> No.6732085
File: 35 KB, 499x451, tumblr_m26nvnNG5o1qkk10ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Guys once again you've made your point now stop!
When I asked if I did anything wrong posting I didn't mean for everyone to question the item in question...
This doesn't have a reason to get deleted because it IS lolita.
So please cut it out, you are all saying the exact same thing and I have seen your point of view, even though I still don't agree with it."

>> No.6732088

Precisely. That mentality pops up so often. She probably already heard that the site was no good from elsewhere to be that defensive. Maybe she's one of those crazy bitches on Gaia who whines about lolitists making fun of her at conventions.

>> No.6732087


>> No.6732097

i was offering her alternative tho i dont get it
god im so new is almost everyone like this? ive only been into that lolita lyfe srsly for about 5 months now and ive seen so much crazy i could write a book its great but also bad at the same times
i need to stop bein so goddamned naive

>> No.6732093
File: 161 KB, 500x628, 1364458401593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, I can see being embarrassed for her but why are some of you describing feeling "anger" over this? Does some naive girl posting her ugly "cosplay lolita" dress to sell really piss you off this much?
Protip: It shouldn't. That's a very odd way to react.
Just contact the mod and let them deal with it.

>> No.6732094

Just a shirt. She posts on the anime/manga/pop culture pages too. I've made it a point never to go on those pages ever again.

>> No.6732100

I loled at Purronica stepping in with the stupid 'popcorn' comment. Bitch you are just as much of a hot mess, don't even lie.

>> No.6732103

I have not, but I'll do that when I get home, because it's pretty irritating. I was part of the group before, but I left lolita for a while and when I decided to get back into it I can't get rejoin this group

>> No.6732098


all my why

>> No.6732099

Nah, it's not that she posted it. It's her rampant denial that it's a hideous, yellow potato sack that's pissing people off (I assume). I'm having a quiet chuckle waiting for her to flip her shit and scream "bullies" on her post.

>> No.6732104

Just tell her that whether or not she thinks it's lolita no one is going to buy it from her.

I think it should be deleted.

>> No.6732106

I am actively participating and omg this girl. How many times do we have to tell her it doesn't belong there.

>> No.6732108

You sound retarded and are making me more angry than the girl in question.

1. Stop typing like an idiot.
2. Why the fuck are you tripping on here?
3. You should have simply PMed a mod and dropped it because of how new you obviously are. because now you look like a noob AND a backseat modder.

>> No.6732109

do you want me to bother a mod about it cause that sucks
i dont reallylike posting on egl comm sales lately cause i feel like they take forever to mod the post and im really impatient

>> No.6732105

A lot of newbies are super defensive and don't take advice well, yeah. It's unsurprising usually.

And a lot of poor girls, too. They pull the "I have a lolita heart! Don't make fun of my bedsheet dress!" routine. It's pretty funny most of the time.

>> No.6732110

Sometimes people just say things that are exaggerated to invoke amusement in others. We usually refer to these things as jokes.

>> No.6732112

I hope it does, other users jumped in and derailed a lot or were being really disrespectful for no reason

>> No.6732113

>It's her rampant denial that it's a hideous
Well in all seriousness someone should have contacted the mod first and foremost. She got defensive because you guys initiated an argument.
She obviously is new and doesn't know a "good quality" dress yet, so telling her that she can't sell her stuff and that her dress is shit would have made her get defensive. I hardly find it hideous, in fact I find her reaction predictable. A mod really should be handling this, not a gangbang of random members.

>> No.6732118

>cosplay lolita is a form of lolita

>> No.6732116

Fair enough, I see your point. It's never really a good idea to start a big discussion in that group from what I've seen.

>> No.6732115

what Rune said here, >>6732097
for me, it's that i bothered to give her other links to post the dress, especially when her OP said 'it's my first time posting, let me know if i did anything wrong', etc.

>> No.6732122

>I hardly find it hideous
Not an active participant and your other points make sense, but ... seriously? Cosplay or lolita, that dress is ridiculously ugly.

>> No.6732125

I'm 110% done, I had to give it to her tough.

>> No.6732128

I wasn't talking about the dress, I thought 'hideous' was referring to her behavior. I read wrong.

>> No.6732133

She needs to just delete it because obviously no one is going to buy a dress with that kind of commentary.

>> No.6732130

What is with you newfags? You all look equally as embarrassing as the poster.

>> No.6732134

Lord, no. Her behaviour is childish, but she's doing her best to stay polite (clearly). That dress is a hot mess, though.

>> No.6732137

I started off as nice as I possibly could, but she just got all defensive and honestly, she needed a little bit of tough love or she would have never gotten the point.

>> No.6732138

ok anon whats the deal i already know i'm new so...

>> No.6732140
File: 329 KB, 379x500, milanoowut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jsut made this tho

>> No.6732146

A good summary. Needs a little Len chibi or something in the corner to really push the envelope.

>> No.6732148

Len? Rin.

>> No.6732154

Why are you tripping on here? It's fucking pathetic and tryhard. Lurk more and post on anon. Your typing on both the fb post and earlier in this thread is fucking painful. You look worse to me than this girl does. Coming to cry about it over here. No one gives a shit.
Guess what. She will never get the point. You should have PMed a mod and left it alone. You all look like screaming tweens and it's laughable and embarrassing to read.

>> No.6732160

>You all look like screaming tweens and it's laughable and embarrassing to read.

Oh god this. Reminds me of monkies screeching at each other around a watering hole. I swear people just 'tell off the newbies' just to make themselves look knowledgable sometimes. It's so stupid.

>> No.6732162

well ok then thanks for the input

>> No.6732163

If you'd like to, I would appreciate it. You should be able to find my FB page with my e-mail. Thanks!

>> No.6732169

>Implying we haven't been doing the same exact thing here since the inception of this board.

Don't act like your shit don't stink.

>> No.6732173
File: 217 KB, 400x497, 1360333963870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the mod will PM the girl and apologize for those girls' behavior.
That was awful.

>> No.6732172

You two (same anon?) aren't any better, jsyk

>> No.6732174
File: 17 KB, 348x95, Screen Shot 2013-03-29 at 10.27.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and relative to the behavior displayed on that page we kind of are. Sorry.

>> No.6732175

You don't speak for the entirety of the posters on this board.

>> No.6732176

That Julie chick is a fucking psycho.

>> No.6732177

>I'm showered and back, what did I miss?

Seriously, this is a fucking dogpile of noobs (I mean if Purronica is backing the others up, you know you're in a shit situation...) on someone and it's embarrassing. I mean seriously, this is painful to watch... the poster (while the dress shouldn't be posted on the sales comm obviously) is handling herself much better than any of these idiots jumping down her throat.



>> No.6732178

I'm calling you out for being a disgrace and a terrible example. I haven't touched the FB thread. So yeah. I am better than you right now.

>> No.6732179
File: 13 KB, 306x204, 888000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because an anon board is 100% the same as the fb comm sales


>> No.6732181


yolo i guess

>> No.6732182
File: 81 KB, 670x515, arguing+on+the+internet_12f831_3691521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God. Damn.

>> No.6732183

lol bravo, agreed. I do think they are idiots and they think I'm an idiot for not attacking this girl on the fb page. truce truce I surrender

>> No.6732184

What's the business with Purronica?
I bought a dress from her a while back, had no trouble.

>> No.6732186

Are you seriously trying to act morally superior on 4chan? Those girls tried to be polite but that girl was clearly being a dense bitch and needed someone to straight up tell her "Shut up, you're wrong, go away."

That Julie chick is way out of line, though.

>> No.6732188

oh man the shit fests she's started over the past three or four months are hilarious. Ironic she posts against someone putting shit up that doesn't belong on the lolita comm when she herself tried to sell some stupid doll a couple months back and flipped her shit when she got called out. Pot meet the kettle.

>> No.6732189


oh i broke the rules without realizing and then some girl called me out and i insisted that she was rude even tho she really wasnt????? and then got mad and called a mod retarded and this other girl a cunt

and it blew up a shitstorm on getoffegl / cgl / btb

but besides that i ain't half bad besides that im fat or whatever

>> No.6732192

wait who was attacking who

>> No.6732191


hypocrite 4life


>> No.6732197

All the fucking idiots bitching about how precious lolita is to them are just going to turn around and claim that 'it's just clothes' fuck this fashion.

>> No.6732198

Except that's the mods job, not these girls. And yes, this board is MADE for bitching about people on anon.

>> No.6732194
