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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 142 KB, 960x662, 1807_396718060436209_1620883608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6727480 No.6727480 [Reply] [Original]

Okay its been some time after Mega and a shit ton of photos have been posted. Browsing the albums I come across these ladies and I cant help but wonder WHAT was going through their head when they thought that making the fukus v-necks/boob-i-fied, ass hanging out, and see through was a good idea. Well besides the attention.

Girls...they're supposed to be in middle school. Showing your legs can be sexy and classy with out looking cheap like this.

anyways: general wtf/weird/ bad Megacon (or just FL?) thread? Hell even post costumes that impressed you!

>> No.6727483
File: 82 KB, 960x665, 733764_396432500464765_1823981578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irratatingly enough I like some of the shoes. I saw way too much ass....and the asses werent nice enough to be okay.

>> No.6727485

Lol I saw this shit. The girls were really sweet but the outfits made me feel uncomfortable/ creepy talking to them. The really awkward thing is there was a REALLY good outers group (I think they had some inners too) going around and a pretty decent full-ish group that day too. Yeah....

>> No.6727490

They look like great costumers and cosplayers, it's too bad they have such trashy tastes.
Sorry but when you modify something this much from its original design to show that much skin it really says something about their agenda, and it's disappointing.

>> No.6727496

I actually think Jupiter looks good.

>> No.6727511

It's like Sailor Linebakers up in here

>> No.6727514

hahaha bakers... BACKERS, GOD

>> No.6727517

Shes really pretty and I like some of the things she has going but the ass cheek is a bit much

The construction was actually pretty good up close, and the fabric choice not bad (white could of been thicker or lined) and honestly the wigs are nice and so are the shoes but man I agree....when you are so close...then take it down the trashy alley? oh no.

Pics? Im interested bc usually "better" groups well....aren't

>> No.6727534

Haha no. There was one really nice looking group, they were missing a Mars and moon and Im 99% sure they were the outers you're thinking of cause I saw just the four of them together later that day and they were all pretty with niiiiice fukus.

Now the OTHER group? AlyChu's group? No. There were decent individuals like the Mercury (Korin) and Pluto (unknown) but the rest? yikes

>> No.6727545

Are you gay or something?
I'd tap Jupiter's ass so fucking hard, that California would finally break off from the rest of this country!

>> No.6727548


>> No.6727551

Mars too, hot damn!

>> No.6727559

WELL Im a girl sooooo. While I do enjoy sexiness, and what not, I also enjoy accuracy, especially when it comes to MIDDLE SCHOOL girls buuuut you know. I think the fukus can be sexy if you have the legs for it. Show a little ass in the breeze thats fine whatever, but cutting them so short? no.

>> No.6727568

back up your claims gurl. FL fag who couldnt go and damn I miss the FL cosplay scene. Plus I love Korin so.

>> No.6727569

While I don't exactly agree with some of the choices, the girls really look like they had a ton of fun. I'm sad I didn't get to see them or any of the other groups, because fuck yeah Sailor Moon.

>> No.6727581

They look good in my opinion.

Not to brown nose but I think your Mercury is probably the best Ive seen yet

>> No.6727586

LOL at people saying these trashy Sailor Moon costumes are well-constructed. I can tell from these pictures that they're not. Skirts longer in front than in back (noob mistake when attaching skirt to v-shaped bodice), hip/glove rolls not stuffed at all, some of the skirts attached wayyy too low at the waist... I could go on. Plus the senshi wear white LEOTARDS so no ass should really be visible. Eh, inaccuracy bugs me.

>> No.6727588

>jupiter's thighs

>> No.6727599

I'd like pictures of your mercury Korin! I remember your wig looked awesome!

>> No.6727602

She is the one named florida slut moon

>> No.6727610

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6727611

dear god thankfully Im not the only one THANK YOU.

Okay now I want to see the Mercury and the good Outers too!

>> No.6727623
File: 1014 KB, 1019x604, Screen shot 2013-03-28 at 12.02.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best moon group of Mega now shush you have your pics. Not the best photo but Im pretty sure CosplayCousins, Alouette, and the neptune are the outers you people are going on about. Yes they looked great because theyre pretty girls with talent, much like why Korin looked amazing too.

>> No.6727631

>dat pluto wig

so....long...want to touch...

>> No.6727637

>dat venus
my sides

>> No.6727643

goregous, sexy and classy!
I love the Neptune.

SM cosplay is meant to be classy sexy. Showing off all leg is very common in japan (like gyarus tend to do ) they can be top covered, but wear short shorts and heels/boots. I love it.

OP pic is just disgusting to me, and i'm a lesbian.

>> No.6727645

okay....youre right. Those Outers DO look realllllly good. Not fair. That Pluto man. And the Uranus too. They got the look down. But that group is really good looking, and their costumes actually look really well made too. I wish they had a mars and moon though

>> No.6727654

Are you my soul mate or me?? Hello fellow lesbian here who really agrees with what you said! You're totally on about the Japan thing, plus I always think sexy is well sexier and classier when ONE asset is shown off... like this! Show your legs with a dress/shirt and heels....show your behind with nice fitting pant...show your top with a sexy shirt...even showing the back with an open back shirt can be super sexy! Unless a character is designed to show more...theres no need too!

Personally I like that Uranus though, though quite a fan of the Neptune too.

>> No.6727660


Specifically more of this group (perferably) or pics of the other one!

>> No.6727669
File: 142 KB, 960x754, 62759_10151808776149466_1819222426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent seen much more of them that aren't bad hallway/end of the day shots. But there is this?

>> No.6727672
File: 63 KB, 592x888, 29017_432403553501623_219529758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this? Hopefully that is good enough. Ill start looking for the mysterious third group

>> No.6727674
File: 46 KB, 353x168, tumblr_m15un2dnBb1qa1oth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorly made costumes cosplayed by people with poor taste. Fitting.

Well made cosplay done by people who actually look tasteful and sexy at the same time, not to mention accurate.

>> No.6727676

Well, hello there. It is nice to meet another lesbian on /cgl who agrees with my view on sexiness. I don't find girls who have everything hanging out appealing in any way, just trashy.

A nice pair of jeans can go a long way if it hips a girl's hips and butt properly.

>> No.6727679

Boom. Thats exactly it.

Hello! Once again, I agree! I love a girl in nice jeans and even some simple heels/ boots. Yum!

>> No.6727680
File: 394 KB, 681x1024, 8560689860_6b5a263a7d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude! There's still a ton I'd like to fix and remake on it though.

Ahhh, I was so happy with my wig! You have no idea how many tears I shed over that thing.
Welp. I've never been more terrified of self posting here, but uh yeah.

>> No.6727681

But seriously hot damn these girls are so much more attractive than the trash girls. Costume AND body/ character wise.

>> No.6727684

Oh my god stop you're perfect! Ahhhhh! You are just the cutest!

>> No.6727685

>Dat Pluto
...She is really freakin gorgeous. One of the best i've seen. I love her wig!

>> No.6727691

So dead on!!! The visor. it's perfection.
I think i saw your progress pics a week or so ago. So happy you posted the completed costume.

>> No.6727701
File: 101 KB, 960x639, 6682_494125717310736_820294_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same! She is one of my favorite local cosplayers...as is Hannamaru and Alouette! Im new a bit fangirly but it was really neat for me to see them together....the neptune is great too I just dont know her! ^^;

>> No.6727703


>> No.6727713

The Hotaru is so cute and awkward. I love it.

>> No.6727716

They are like my perfect outers. I want them. And I want more photos of them to fangirl!
The Neptune is elegant and graceful!
The Saturn cute, awkward like a child, and endearing!
The Pluto looks wise and statuesque and fierce!
The Uranus confident and charming like a prince!

They are so wonderful! Why isn't there more "on scene" photos and only weird con ones! :(

>> No.6727722
File: 320 KB, 1000x1000, 1327013494125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone looks great in this picture, especially Uranus.

> 9/10 would trib vigorously

>> No.6727726

That Uranus is so fuckin hot she makes me feel like a blushing 12 year old

>> No.6727728

Shes single. But seriously I love Alouette as Uranus. Maybe its because she is a lesbian, and a pretty one at that, that I think she pulls it off so well but hot damn. I also had a huge crush on Haruka growing up.

>> No.6727733

Uhh I don't know about the other dyke but I just bought a ticket to Florida

>> No.6727737

Go get em girl. Personal friend of Alouettes. She like DC Comics (Batwoman esp.), Mass Effect, reading, dancing, broadway, and long walks on the beach.

>> No.6727746
File: 264 KB, 800x1200, 8561832198_a453c4959b_o-X3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you.

>> No.6727748


>> No.6727758


>> No.6727767

Solid Group. I just wish the Venus had colored her eyebrows(The black is a little too strong with the blond wig, should have at least lightened them to a brown at least) and hid her hair a bit better(Should had more of the wig in front of the ears) I thought that Jupiter had made her gloves to short, but it looks like it just slid down.

>> No.6727771
File: 49 KB, 346x341, 1302665434401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these feelings coming over me?? I think I have a girl crush on her.


Lucky. Live out the dream for this poorfag & take nice pictures of her if you see her, okay?

>> No.6727786


I am more than willing to bring this to fisticuffs and I fight dirty.

>> No.6727805

You guys should just message / email her you never know....

Except for I do because I know her and she's very shy when it comes to flirting so play nice! But you guys if you think that looks good on her you obviously haven't seen her in catwoman hot damn.

>> No.6727817

Haha, yeah like I could actually playfully flirt with a beautiful woman cosplaying one of my first crushes. I could make her a spaghetti dinner, that's about it

Deer lord, please post

>> No.6727826

Sage. This thread went no where really. Also talking about this chick like she's some piece of meat is kind of annoying

>> No.6727831

I can't post because I'm on my phone but go to Facebook and look up alouette Cosplay and enjoy the latex catsuit yummy ness.

Sorry, it's just rare to see a beautiful lesbian cosplaying so well (and lesbian characters at that!)

>> No.6727844


'Hot damn' is the greatest understatement of the year over that Catwoman cosplay of hers. Seriously, she makes such a fantastic Selina.

She's absolutely adorable and a total sweetheart though, really passionate about the characters she loves and the things she does. She's got a lot of talent for costuming, too.

And I will actually track down and punch anyone who thinks she's a piece of meat. Maybe repeatedly. In the face.

And I'm one step ahead of the other anons on that other thing, but I'm pretty sure I'm transparent on this one as to who I am, so she could figure it out pretty easily ;)

>> No.6727846

At risk of getting drowned by wet vaginas... I get that the second group is leaps and bounds better than the first. But they still have LOTS of construction issues... The hip rolls are killing me, and the shoulder guards (the clear parts) are really poorly done. A lot of the wigs need some serious love and styling and fabric choices are meh (a mistake I see so often with BSSM cosplay) and the skirts lacking poof; bows lacking interfacing and the piping on the collars being all different widths per costume... Anyway, the second group is mediocre at best in terms of BSSM cosplay and accuracy, miles above OP's picture.

Korin's is really the best in this thread accuracy and construction wise.

But oooh a lesbo actually cosplayed Uranus oooOOo

(Saturn being a chubby chub and the Jupiter being at least mid to late 30s doesn't help my much in my judgement of the second group either)

>> No.6727850
File: 60 KB, 960x662, god rest my soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6727847

I love how you went from don't treat her like meat to "but I fucked her" classy.

I know she's hot as hell and smart and geeky. That's why I'm so attracted to her as I'm sure why the other lezzie is too.

>> No.6727851

Little creepy.

>> No.6727855


>> No.6727856


>> No.6727857
File: 24 KB, 523x479, 1363239763866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Venus

>> No.6727864

PLEASE show me a fuku you made better. I think korins has weak points too, and the outers of the second group are better than the inners but on par with korins though they have weak points too

>> No.6727867

? I have to make something better to be able to tell when shit looks bad? Do you not see the points on the hip rolls STICKING STRAIGHT OUT from the body suits on almost all the costumes? Korin's does have weak points. I never said it didn't. I said it was the best in this thread.

Sorry you think one of the chicks is hot, but that doesn't mean the costume is fantastic.

>> No.6727868

And talented!

Seriously y'all talk about guys like this all the time, I'm sorry but the pearl clutching is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.6727870

I just don't think they're worse than korins. At least the pluto/Uranus.

And yeah. It's easy to pick apart shit when you don't know what goes into making it

>> No.6727871


I like how you assume I fucked her, as opposed to just having talked to her prior.

So yeah good job there.

>> No.6727874
File: 103 KB, 442x304, 1359013681517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like they're having fun so why not? It's obviously a joke cosplay. Nothing to get upset over.

>> No.6727875

She's pretty much the perfect girl for me. Oh why is she so far out of my league and across the country!

>> No.6727878

That was totally what you were implying. It's okay, I'd be proud about it too. Share stories ;)

>> No.6727877

I'm pretty damn sure that's not a joke... Nor do I see where you're getting that.

>> No.6727879

Ok that's ridiculous. I know that sailor suits are hard to make. Point out where I said they were easy? But just because something is difficult doesn't mean it can't come out looking subpar. That's the most moronic thing I've heard tonight lol

>it was hard to make so that means it gets a pass on looking mediocre! Duh! Don't you know that!

Overall, wig styling, props, costume, all put together, Korin wins this thread (her chest bow is easily the nicest looking as well). Uranus could have better wig styling, her hip roll point in the front is one of the iffy ones that is a weird shape and sticking out from the costume. Same could be said for Pluto.

I never said they were shit. I said they were average.

>> No.6727886

You honestly just sounds like you have your panties in a knot over something/these girls. Chill.

>> No.6727894

rofl, i'm not white knighting average costumes because I want to bang one of the girls. Be more transparent, lol.

>Pointing out logical flaws, get told 'y u so mad'

works every time as a tactic when you're wrong, huh? I'm out of this thread, don't worry.

>> No.6727893
File: 949 KB, 500x341, 5fingers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat or chubby cosplayers always ruin Sailor Moon cosplay for me. I understand the fantasy, but honestly... if your thighs are bigger than their waist, it's quite offensive to my eyes. >_>

>> No.6727897

You're lucky no one posted the Saturn of the other group then.

>> No.6727899

Thank the lord this thread was fine and positive and dandy for the most part before you galivanted in for no reason

>> No.6727903

Why do I feel like you're just a girl from one of the other two groups or were you not invited to any? Poor you

>> No.6727908
File: 133 KB, 316x378, 1340828722468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem if you don't get it. Any hentai based cosplay though isn't meant to be taken seriously. Best not to get your panties in a bunch and just shrug it off if it's not your cup of tea.

>> No.6727918

I'm sooo lost as to where you're getting this... Is there a sailor moon hentai with THEESE EXACT outfits?

>> No.6727919

Are Mars and Mercury sisters? They seem to both have the same jewnose

>> No.6727923
File: 228 KB, 427x640, GKUzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen worse.
sage for not being FL related

>> No.6728039
File: 6 KB, 300x200, 889995567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, from an outsider watching you two bitch at each other, just gotta say: youre the only one who sounds like you belong to either group since youre getting so defensive over legit concrit sweetie


>> No.6728269

am I .. the only one that's slightly bothered about the Venus ? she just looks so out of place imo and the wig.. just no.
I usually don't comment about races and stuff and it's really annoying me because she's got the body (DEM legs) but.. I just can't see her as Venus.
I get that you like the character and all but if you're going for accuracy.. erhm
She's also the famous Black Venus in that picture that's always floating around in black threads right?

>preparing for "u racist beyotchhh!11!" in 3...2..1

>> No.6728275

are you seriously strolling in /cgl/ asking if a girl is gay for not finding another girl attractive?


>> No.6728280
File: 60 KB, 600x450, sailor-moon-hentai-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys, I really think they were probably going by this infamous hentai image of the sailor scouts.

It makes sense why they have a glossy look/provocative look to them, right? right?... (trying to reason this)

>> No.6728288

I actually really like this picture and I think if you did want to slut up a Sailor Costume this would be a good way to do it. There's just something really sexy about it. Maybe that's just me.

There's really no need to widen the collar space like OPs scouts. A good bra and diving neck line is more than enough.

Also the hip roll should actually be diving from the waist, I don't like this look of extending the bodice and having really shallow skirts in order to show odd as much leg as possible.

>> No.6728318
File: 84 KB, 500x195, 1362804724851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck its not that hard to hold a violin properly. Fucking look it up before you cosplay a character that's not a dumbass at playing the fucking thing. I see this all the time and its bringing about increasing rage.

>> No.6728339

That's how I hold mine and I'm on grade 2?

>> No.6728342

That's how I held mine. I only learned in elementary school. Are you the same anon that's been complaining about this for...years?

>> No.6728359

Yeahhh... Those girls are too 'curvy' for those outfits. They look fatty

>> No.6728360

Don't worry, anon, their rolls are stuffed alright rofl.

>> No.6728367

I have been playing violin for 14 years and am in a professional orchestra. That's how I hold my violin. Stop being an asshole.

>> No.6728400

Agreeing that the Venus' posture is correct... What looks off to me (ex-violinist) is the fact that she has no shoulder rest so she's lifting the instrument up just a bit too far with her upper body. Common mistake (I know the other orch dork anons will agree) I see when artists place violins into art or cosplayers use them as props.

>> No.6728401

Dur NEPTUNE my bad

>> No.6728404

>I have been playing violin for 14 years and am in a professional orchestra
Caught your lie there. Orchestra Musicians call it "Symphony Orchestra". Those who call it "Professional Orchestra" are beginners and one time fans.

>> No.6728407

Quite possible this person's from a different country/area and calls it something different to you? Also why would you bother to lie about that?

>> No.6728416

Right. I don't give a fuck you call it and I can call it whatever I want. I call it professional because it is a profession, unless you cannot understand that concept. Also we are not a symphony orchestra. We are too small to be considered that. If you want to get technical I am in a professional chamber orchestra. Again, professional because I get paid. You're just mad you are wrong about the posture. Get your facts straight. Here let me google this for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchestra

I noticed she didn't have a shoulder rest.. I thought maybe since the picture was at a weird angle we couldn't see it. I thought maybe she used a sponge like beginners but that would look tacky on cosplay. Though since she probably isn't playing she doesn't exactly need a shoulder rest for cosplay. Though, I have played without a shoulder rest before when I have left mine at home, but it does cramp up your neck and shoulders.

>> No.6728417


Right. I don't give a fuck you call it and I can call it whatever I want. I call it professional because it is a profession, unless you cannot understand that concept. Also we are not a symphony orchestra. We are too small to be considered that. If you want to get techinical I am in a professional chamber orchestra. Professional because I get paid. You're just mad you are wrong about the posture. Get your facts straight.

And since for some reason it only posted the link before, refer to my previous post.

>> No.6728418

Do you not see how obvious?
>pretends to be something to appear wisdomly.

>> No.6728421
File: 1.02 MB, 325x203, vNchxSL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing obvious here is how mad you are

>> No.6728423

>Has me confused as some anon.
>Long winded explanation.
>Provides info from Wiki

>> No.6728427

so mad

>> No.6728434

Samefag needs help.



>> No.6728513

I want to fix Mercury's sad bow very badly. These girls are adorable though.

>> No.6728518

Marry me! You are overflowing with cuteness! Beautiful costume and wig!

>> No.6728576

You are blind.

>> No.6731166 [DELETED] 

I see nothing wrong here. I would kneel behind each of these scouts and kiss, lick and suck all of their luscious asses! Makes my cock throb!

>> No.6731172

as a chubby chaser, please post the Saturn of the other group.

>> No.6731180

Am I the only one here noticing Mars' wig?

>> No.6731188

wow dude, they make the other girls look like a hot mess.

>> No.6731216

Cause these girls actually care and put effort and arent into the slut attention. Plus the other girls ARE a hot mess....

>> No.6731270

All fat, ugly and innacurate except for Moon and Mercury.

>> No.6731458

>they were probably going by this infamous hentai image of the sailor scouts.
that would be kinda cool actually

>> No.6731527
File: 327 KB, 720x720, omgSTAHPalready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're done jerking yourself off, Alouette, your Uranus wig is all wrong. So many other Uranus cosplayers did it right and it's the easiest wig out of all the scouts. At least put a little effort into styling it. It looks like you took it straight out of the plastic bag.

Obvious self-admiration is obvious.

>> No.6731546
File: 49 KB, 700x480, Sailor-Uranus-sailor-uranus-4ever-31920713-700-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that I look at it yeah she could have styled it to look more wind swept and hair like.

Hers looks like a blonde helmet.

>> No.6731619
File: 34 KB, 220x388, 220px-Sailor_Merkur_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love your wig. Aside from the color I'm so happy that it's got a little volume to it. So many Sailor Mercurys default to a flat dark blue wig. Too cute! <3

>> No.6731633

careful, the only other person who criticized the second group (with alouette) got drowned in vag juice.

>> No.6731743

Now that I look at it...none of that groups wigs look that good. Im the least put off by Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiters because they look natural which is something I like (but thats my opinion Im not saying its right or the best way, I know some people rather more stylized or "straight from screen" looks) but they all could use more styling in my opinion.

>> No.6731748

The two whiteys look out of bag too. JS

>> No.6731751

I agree with you on the wig. I really dont think she posted those things about herself though considering how weird she gets about sexual stuff.

Its fair of you to criticize the wig, because it really could use some work, but unfair to assume someone would say those things about themselves or be "jerking themselves off"

>>inb4 "omg stop youre alouette"

>> No.6731944

^ this

what the hell happened /cgl/? Dry off your vag and actually look at the construction.

>> No.6732126

Gah, it is a tad darker than I would have liked, but thank you! Honestly, the whole wig almost didn't happen because when I got it, it was a giant poofy cray helmet hair mess. That's actually toned down a lot.

>> No.6732139

Korin, what wig base did you use for it?

>> No.6732152

It was an Inigo from Arda in midnight blue.

>> No.6732153


Pretty sure that's a different girl.

>> No.6732190
File: 33 KB, 266x414, 1324601052464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.6732801

What about it?

>> No.6732835

why do Florida cons have the worst names?

>> No.6732844

you think so? idk I was guessing it's the same girl due to the legs+costume
can anyone post the black sailor Venus cosplayer pic?

>> No.6733160

Brown and purple is good, the blond in the middle is ok. I still want them all. OP is probably a fat chick or a fag...

>> No.6733166

I could see her as Venus, but her make-up needs a little work to pull the look together .Maybe it's even a wig issue? A warmer tone of blonde would work better overall for her. Overall, she looks sexy. The costume is great and she has a perfect body for Moon cosplay.

>> No.6733453

Nah man. This is pretty tame compared to past Florida threads.

>> No.6733671

I know. Even then, that's not a good thing.

>> No.6735501
File: 68 KB, 638x960, santaclaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6735677

Nigger Venus, stop right there.

>> No.6735684

crop those titties, let me rub my face in them. damn butterface.

>> No.6735686

I want to fix that Neptunes face.

>> No.6735725

Sounds disgusting. The fat rolls would swallow you whole

>> No.6735969

>Megacon thread occurring long after con ended.
>Usual group of Florida attention whores expect attention over SM group
>No one notices or cares
>Start a thread
>Within ten minutes, bring up Alouette's group and begin the asspatting and selfposting

>> No.6737513

So can somebody just post more of their sluty pics please?

>> No.6737533
File: 61 KB, 397x600, black venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google "Black Sailor Venus"

>> No.6737553
File: 275 KB, 900x1350, 31894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a much clearer one

>> No.6737560

If only I could sew, I would attempt to be a better Venus.

>> No.6737605
File: 115 KB, 720x960, 393709_4689416080499_1413823187_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6737663

She's pretty cute, but that costume is terrible.

>> No.6737818

More pics of this group?

>> No.6737823

Is it bad that I thought she was Sailor Hulk?

>> No.6737851

Nope. She cosplays as 'Red She Hulk' too. Its sad.

>> No.6737858

Oi. Things to never cosplay unless fit.

>> No.6738016

Her arms ....

>> No.6738021

Stop slut shaming you ugly vain bitch.

>> No.6738032

Sailor moon has sex/is sexually active in the manga.

>> No.6738094
File: 1.13 MB, 191x200, 1342249250614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well this is weird, but I'd take her over some of these other sailors. Just sayin.

>> No.6738291

What bothers me most about this, more than the sluttification is that they have fused the regular fukus and the super fukus.
They have the petal sleeves, but are missing the stars on the chokers and heart shaped brooches. ROUND BROOCHES!? HOW DID NOBODY NOTICE?

>> No.6739091

we missed that since they have nice legs and amazing behinds. I would take the five of them if I only had a place to keep them at!

>> No.6739184

You're fucking adorable and are one of the best, if not my favorite, Mercurys I've seen. Dat wig. Dat visor. Your face works well for her character too, you've got her cute look down really well.

>> No.6739665

you wanna see do not cosplay unless fit, visit the bitch's "fanpage" AlyChu Cosplay on FB
and dont get me started on the Photographer shes got conned into thinking they are best friends to get free shoots

>> No.6739867

post some of the pics. cgl's too lazy to go look

>> No.6740325

that's actually my favorite Venus for some reason.

>> No.6740360

No, just post more Sailor Moon pics of these chubby sluts already!

>> No.6740386

Just looked her up. Gross.

>> No.6740394

Different girl.

And as for the Venus in the group shot, I think she'd look a lot better if she got a better wig and used better makeup. The wig she's using looks like it doesn't fit and it is just too blonde which just looks bad against her skintone. She would benefit from using a dirty blonde wig and better makeup application. Other than that, I have no problems with her cosplay.

>> No.6740394,1 [INTERNAL] 

You should know...Ms./Mr. Judgemental... that these girls were very nice, not slutty at all, and incredibly accurate to the anime drawings of the costumes. It is hard making costumes of cartoon characters come to life and not look unflattering and stiff. It was the photographer that asked them to look over their shoulders at him...and from where I was standing (because I was talking to them right before he asked for pictures in different posses) it looked like he was holding the camera higher than apparently he was. I'm sure if they knew the pic would turn out so much on the "ass-cheek" side, that they wouldn't have agreed to do it! They weren't about that mess! So, do your research before you open your mouth next time. They all looked amazing and were amazing!