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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 660x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6714294 No.6714294 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/,
I just searched the board and couldn't find a thread for Pax East. Is it not big with cosplayers of something? I'm headed there today.

I was also wondering if there was going to be a meetup.

>> No.6714568

Yeah, cosplay isn't as big at the PAXes. What are you going as?

>> No.6714730

Ah, that's a bummer. Are you attending?

I'm actually not cosplaying because I have only done anime cosplays so far and I figured it would be strange for me not to cosplay as someone from a video game.

>> No.6714893

The cosplay scene isn't big over there since it's a video game con

>> No.6716185

Of the people who do cosplay, there's a fair amount who go as non-vidya

>> No.6716781

I go to prime, and I thought there were a fair amount of cosplayers. However, they've never been big on cgl for some reason. I guess more people go to anime cons here? It always makes me laugh when there's a huge thread for sakura con, but hardly a peep about PAX prime. Compared to PAX, sakura con is the tiniest down home con.

>> No.6716986
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Last year was super related because j-nig & pikminlink, but I haven't seen any big cosplayers posting about being there this year. I did a (bad) video of some of the cosplayers of 2012's pax east, it was a really fun con if you're into games/games journalism, some of the most professional panels i've ever seen, i'll be making it a priority to go again in the future.


>> No.6716997

Actually, I'd say the cosplay scene is pretty big, the other parts are just bigger. Exhibitors have special parties for cosplayers, and often give you special swag. I'd say there are a few thousand cosplayers at each PAX, but they just aren't the majority.

>> No.6717047

Heza is there, and IchigoKitty.

>> No.6717393
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>> No.6717396
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>> No.6717437
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>> No.6717438
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>> No.6717439
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>> No.6717441
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>> No.6717442
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>> No.6717471
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We beta now. I'm that guy who takes a photo then leaves.

Please be my friend. ;_;

>> No.6717473
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>> No.6717477
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>> No.6717483
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>> No.6717480
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>> No.6717486
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>> No.6717509

I don't know if it was pikminlink, but there was an absolutely fucking adorable Pit I've seen a few times over the past couple days.
Saw these guys, that Ocelot girl was great.

I went to the Protomen concert yesterday night, and there was the cutest little girl there with her dad, and she had a Protoman outfit on. Super cute.

>> No.6717522

It was

>> No.6717527

Thought so, the outfit looked the same. Like I said, super cute.

>> No.6717562

The BB guy needs to get some meat on them skinny arms bones. Ocelot is fantastic.

>> No.6717580

Women always make better pretty boys.

>> No.6717623

I've seen some male Ocelots that were...pretty good...too. This one's great because she's got the 'tude down.

>> No.6717628

they do
her contouring is great.

>> No.6717721

So, anyone here doing any costumes for PAX?

>> No.6717728

Anyone wanna meet up for the last day?

>> No.6717915
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Oh my what a terrible Solaire. Where did you find that? He's not even wearing the correct helmet.
This was at pax, take a look.

>> No.6717994


Also I'll be dressed as Solaire on Sunday (since its quite fitting). I'll be at free play console C-4 playing Demon's Souls, if you can find me.

>> No.6718996

I recognize that Solaire, she's on my 3DS friendslist.

>> No.6719041

>go to PAX East
>Elizabeth everywhere
me gusta

>fall asleep on beanbags in Handheld Lounge because I hadn't slept at all the night before
>wake up
>surrounded by 7 or 8 Pokemon Trainer cosplays
For a moment, I thought I was having a weird dream.

>> No.6719081

There were some damned good looking pokemon cosplayers too, there was an absolutely great Skyla/Fuuro.

>> No.6719501
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>> No.6719504
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I think the only one I liked was the female trainer from B/W.

>> No.6719505
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>> No.6719516

I couldn't find you, I guess I was too late.

>> No.6719951

I was also cosplaying as solaire at pax, but I had to modify a metal bucket a bit, since I wasn't prepared to drop $70 on a helmet.

I got a good 40-something pictures taken and about 80-something praise the suns.

I also met
>>6717438 and >>6717915

The friends I went with said I looked much better than them, but I'm not so sure.

>> No.6720015
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>wake up
>surrounded by 7 or 8 Pokemon Trainer cosplays

>yfw you check your reflection

>> No.6720116
File: 591 KB, 500x751, DSC01892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I think you're talking about me! Thanks.

It was my first time at pax, and compared to anime cons there were way less cosplayers, but the cosplayers that were there put in so much more effort like wow. It was really impressive, I think I like that atmosphere a lot more than anime cons.

>> No.6720836

Post pics, brah

>> No.6720843

Yeah, I think that was you. Great job. Did you go to that Pokemon cosplay contest thing? Who ended up winning that?

>> No.6720849

So, now that it's over, PAX highlights?

>> No.6721292
File: 202 KB, 448x599, PAX East 201329104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you rike?

>> No.6721367
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and then there's this fucker...

>> No.6721371
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The Doctor finds a shiny new companion.

>> No.6721374
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a man and his waifu

>> No.6721377
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keept seeing all grpwd up Hit Girl walking arpund

>> No.6721394
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death destroyer of worlds

>> No.6721396
File: 196 KB, 449x599, PAX East 201329237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6721491

Vampy really does look horrible without photoshop. That costume isn't even that impressive.

>> No.6721507

i hate this damn pose... is it literally the only thing the character does in the game? Like does he walk around like that?

>> No.6721542
File: 377 KB, 819x1024, 8587168785_35f2b92107_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PL wasn't at PAX, she was a guest at another con in Arizona. I know which Pit you are talking about, and it wasn't even remotely close to PLs Pit. >>6716986

pic related

>> No.6721549

There's other poses but its the most iconic one

>> No.6721574

Anyone snap a pic with the Umbreon and Glaceon?

I swear I saw them on Friday and Saturday.


>mfw this was my first con
>mfw it was pretty cool

Looking forward to Anime Boston in a few months.

Plan to cosplay as Godot from Ace Attorney, because it seems like an easy first build.

>> No.6721667

That's one of my friends I walked around with a lot, she kept getting asked if she was PL at the con too.

I was in the cosplay contest! It kind of ended in a weird way.
In the beginning of the panel a good Darth Maul cosplayer showed up, and he was the only non-pokemon cosplayer there, so we joked that he was just a ditto in the shape of DM. When the cosplay contest came around he went onstage too(running with the joke he's a ditto) and made it to the final three.
The audience's applause chose the winner and he ended up winning, but I don't really think that was what the panelists had in mind when they put him in the final three, I think they were just trying to keep up with the joke or something. I ended up in second and a duo of Touya/Hilbert and Juniper came in third.

>> No.6721714

I ran into her a ridiculous amount of times over the weekend, it was crazy. Absolutely adorable.

>> No.6721719

It's just the pose on the cover, so people do that for photos a lot.

>> No.6721759

Heh, I know that guy IRL. Not surprised his picture showed up here; despite his duct-tape bracers and general laziness with the costume, people were taking his picture all damn day on Saturday. Praisin' ain't easy.

Anybody got a pic of the two dudes who were dressed up as those wavy balloon man things?

>> No.6721805

If something is even generally recognizable as a favourite character, people are gonna want pictures.

>> No.6721807

Went as Jace Beleren on Friday and Combine Civil Protection MetroCop/Barney (fuck wearing a gas mask indoors) on Saturday. It's best to say that I'm going back to the workshop with these before using them again.

I can't stop procrastinating...

>> No.6721818

>Zer0 has 5 fingers

>> No.6721821

Kinda lame when the joke entry wins 1st.

>> No.6721824


>> No.6721826

It's kinda hard to call as that's the entry that the crowd wanted. If they didn't grant him the win then people would be pissed that they were ignored.

>> No.6721834

But it really shouldn't have been an entry at all, I feel bad for the people who did actual Pokemon cosplays and didn't have a chance because someone made a mildly humorous joke.

>> No.6721837

Oh hey that's me!

>> No.6721883

That makes sense. I guess the organizers let him in just to have fun and not be dicks thinking that nothing bad would happen.

Guess the crowd proved them wrong.

>> No.6721968

I do feel kinda jipped, since it was the first time I entered a costume contest. tbh I still count it like a win in my head, but still.
I think the panelists were just as surprised when he won first. They seemed like nice enough guys that they wouldn't purposefully try and throw the contest to a joke entry, they probably just wanted to rile up the audience more.

Off the topic of Pokemon, did anyone here enter the League of Legends costume show?

>> No.6722015

She (he?) was awesome! Kept the crowds entertained during the lineup on Friday morning.

>> No.6722056

Prince is a gal

>> No.6722165

jesus she looks like a midget with a giant head

Agreed. I hate that shit.

>> No.6722220

Dick move by the organizers honestly

>> No.6722237

I don't think it's what they intended, they were just making a bit of a joke with it, and didn't want to be jerks by telling the Maul to gtfo.

>> No.6722269

Do you think that the organizers could predict the crowd to be cheering widly for Star Wars cosplay at a Pokemon costume contest?

>> No.6722355

Not sure what you're quoting me for, I was defending the organizers.

>> No.6722752

Anyone get pics of my Dust (Dust: An Elysian Tail) on Saturday?
Meeting the dev in costume was the best highlight of an already awesome PAX...

>> No.6723015

dang. I unfortunaely had only seen you in the distance

>> No.6723151 [DELETED] 


There's the one I took.

My Friday and Saturday shots are up, still attempting to get Sunday's done:


>> No.6723156
File: 176 KB, 800x1200, 8591879194_69cc5a16e0_o-X3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's the one I took.

My Friday and Saturday photos are up, still trying to finish off Sunday:


>> No.6723707

Thanks dude! Damn, it isn't easy making sure the hat covers the eyes in every photo, heh.

(Hur hur super-shitty Fidget Doll item made in about 90min in the hotel room that morning)

>> No.6723891

Oh Krieger-san!

>> No.6724002
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I've got a shot with Umbreon and Glaceon, its low quality though, It was off a friend's phone

>> No.6724099

Are you Rosa or Nate?

>> No.6724227
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x853, pax-east-borderlands-398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went as Lilith (picture taken from a website, cause I have none of my own), far far far less people interested in cosplayers compared to anime cons (but this is my fourth PAX so I went in knowing this). Lots and lots of LoL cosplayers (as always) and also quite a lot of Borderlands I noticed.

Cosplay aside, PAX was great this year. Expo hall and parties didn't fail to disappoint.

>> No.6724229


Oh hey someone replied.

yeah I was only there until 1pm sorry, had to catch a train back home at 3pm


oh dang, I didn't know /v/ lurked /cgl/ that much

>> No.6724330

oh shit! You did the cel shading. Been wondering how to quite do that if I ever do Mordecai or now maybe Zero. Though I saw at least one neat Zero there.

>> No.6724345

Dammit dammit dammit. You and about 11 other cosplayers I saw after putting down my camera for the day, because I hadn't taken any pictures before that point.

>> No.6724377

so awesome, I would go in and fix gthe choppiness of the wig however, it looks really odd. great color on the wig though! Love the cell shading effects.

>> No.6724390
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eh.. been meaning to take a break from posting on 4chan, but I had to check out PAX Eat cosplay and news

I went on Sunday with this anime twist on the TF2 Spy. Shoulda gone Saturday. I forget how short and hectic Sunday is.

>> No.6724423

I saw a loooooooooooot of Lilith's at East, most of them were good too. Good job.
Did you do the Gearbox Panel? I got one of those loot chests, that was pretty sweet.

>> No.6724436

There's always bound to be crossover between just about every board.

>> No.6724460

>>6724423 > I got one of those loot chests, that was pretty sweet.
I got a rock.
Well, just a Krieg and some candy. I had a yellow card.

>> No.6724466
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anyone else see this in the carnie food court area by tabletop?

>> No.6724469

Parcs & Rec is best

>> No.6724528
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The following were taken at the Capcom booth.

>> No.6724532
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>> No.6724535
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>> No.6724537
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Now taking bets if Hsien-Ko is a man or woman.

>> No.6724542
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>> No.6724545

Hsien-Ko is a man. He's the bf of the Morrigan, and does a lot of heavily padded crossplays.

>> No.6724557

Ah damn. Seems like I lost a bet then.

>> No.6724558

Is he the one who does that black one with the horns? I saw that one at PAX too.

>> No.6724568


>> No.6724574

Thought so, face looked the same.

>> No.6724578
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Saw this guy playing Luigi's Mansion on 3DS and had to stop and take a pic

>> No.6724595

Dat wig! Any more of her?

>> No.6724671

thanks yo - the wig actually has to be redone completely (it's backwards)
UGH I am INSANELY jealous. I was at the panel with FOUR different color cards gearbox employees were handing them out on the expo floor to Borderlands cosplayers on Friday) and no orange. I'm happy enough with getting Krieg though, what an awesome announcement

>> No.6724876

That really sucks, bad luck there.

>> No.6724953

Im the Rosa!

>> No.6724993

I-it's a video game con, r-right?

T-that means there'd be no homefucks there, right?

>> No.6725009

I can't speak for PAX East, but I haven't seen any at PAX Prime, so that's a good sign.

>> No.6725014


Just because it's a video game con, doesn't mean there wasn't non-vidya cosplays there.

I met a brony cosplaying as Rarity, he was a pretty chill dude. I also saw some anime cosplays as well.

In all honestly, why does it even matter?

Everyone is just there to have fun and enjoy themselves. Who gives a fuck what they cosplay as.

>> No.6725198

A friend of mine likes Homestuck and was commenting he didn't really see any unlike Anime Boston. Then I pointed out there was one at a table right behind us that he disnt notice.

>> No.6725248

Less than other cons. I've only seen one in the 2 I've been to. A fair quantity of ponies, though.

>> No.6725252

Both of you are good, but Nate is givin' the thousand yard stare there
He's fucking seen some shit

>> No.6725318


Doesn't stop Ponies or Adventure Time.

And I know you hate it for some reason, but Homestuck is going to be a video game in a few years.

So, uh.
Prepare yourself.

>> No.6725410

A friend of mine did Homestuck. Her costume was good. I saw two or three others, and they weren't bad either.
I'd say in general, the quality of cosplay at PAX is good, simply because not everyone is cosplaying.

>> No.6725449
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Someone from slowtaku took this pic of me on saturday and it got on the site. I was Udon Taskmaster and they took my cheap toy guns away at weapons check because they looked too real despite being painted white with orange tips.

Had a lot of fun there but yeah there was a real lack of cosplays compared to anime cons I've been to before.

>> No.6725485

There's still a lot of cosplayers, just a lower percentage. PAX is huge, mang.

Part of the reason for less cosplayers is that PAX is more of a "Do-things" convention than others.

>> No.6725583

I was kinda surprised there weren't more of those gray faced goons around. I found it funny that when I found a table to meet with my friend who loves the damn webcomic, there was one sitting right near us. Plus he made the comment that he hadn't seen many or any and I pointed out for him to look behind him. She was kinda cute even. Then again my friend was never much for social interaction.

>> No.6725640
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Some smashing cosumes

>> No.6725643
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Saw his guido playing the new Luigi game.on his 3DS

>> No.6725647
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>> No.6725645
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That Mad Maw was cool

>> No.6725675 [DELETED] 

Ddduuudde! Htf did you miss me ALL WEEKEND (Shinobi/white ninja with red armour). I are disappoint...

>> No.6727662

Why did you post a lower quality one of the one you already posted?

>> No.6727768
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Tradechat <3

>> No.6727783
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>> No.6727789

is that supposed to be hitsune miku?

>> No.6727803
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>> No.6728104

That man is a true legend

>> No.6730016


>> No.6730535
File: 718 KB, 1024x790, 1364188797554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so who was the asshat that got thrown out?


>> No.6730559

According to one of the comments, may be some guy called "Silvermania"? Anyway that sucks to have happened.

>> No.6730692

Wow. I have no idea how I missed that I already posted it