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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 57 KB, 500x331, tumblr_mjszqaWF8p1r3pswuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6703515 No.6703515 [Reply] [Original]

So, the last thread didn't exactly go to plan, but I think we should try again and have a discussion on the "Living Doll" movement in a wholly neutral or positive light.

That means, no shitting up the thread with your vendettas.

So, what do you think of the fashion as a whole?
Who's your favourite "Living Doll"?
Share doll-like makeup, hair and fashion tutorials or give advice.

A note to the janitor/mod. Drama is likely to occur in this thread, so if it gets out of hand instead of nuking the whole thing could you maybe just prune it?

>> No.6703518

This thread will never go as planned, "living dolls"are fake they either ruin their face with make up, Photoshop, or surgery.

>> No.6703522


Same could be said for a lot of Cosplayers.

>> No.6703525

>So, what do you think of the fashion as a whole?
In small doses it looks cute. When you go to uncanny valley then it ain't kawaii no more.

>Who's your favourite "Living Doll"?
I have yet to find anyone who hasn't gone uncanny valley.

>Share doll-like makeup, hair and fashion tutorials or give advice.
Don't do what the girl in OP's picture does, you're just going to make a fool of yourself.

>inb4 jelly uggo, vendetta, and the like

>> No.6703531
File: 125 KB, 500x750, bjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thinking of getting myself a pair of these soon. Can anybody vouch for the quality and durability?

>> No.6703533


>Don't do what the girl in OP's picture does, you're just going to make a fool of yourself.

You know girl in OP has been signed to be the face of a makeup line in Russia and is currently in Japan filming a documentary?

>> No.6703536

Living Doll is just as valid a "style" as lolita and thus, just as deserving of a spot on this board.

>> No.6703547

Good for her. I still think she looks idiotic 99% of the time but that's just what I think. I don't know what that has to do with my suggestion to others attempting her makeup but okay.

>> No.6703550
File: 1.72 MB, 1682x563, tumblr_inline_mjtf8dKNZ71qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that's starting to like Dakota?

>> No.6703554


Well, because you said girl attempting it would only make a fool of themselves, and yet Anastasiya's makeup has garnered her success and opportunity.

>> No.6703590

I'm okay with it being "legit" I just think it's nearly impossible to pull off well. Points if you can though!

>> No.6703595

Well, the way she does her make-up and photoshop has always been cute. I'd say that I like her take on the style, as opposed to the extreme anime eyes and cinched in waists. It's still fake looking, but in a more subtle way.

>> No.6703597

I don't hate her, but I just CAN'T with those eyelashes halfway down her face.

>> No.6703599

I wish someone would create a version of these where the joints are pinker and less dirty looking.

>> No.6703600

Awh, those clothes are actually really cute. It's an interesting combo of stiff artificia-lness from her, and a flowing, natural-ness from the clothes. I like it.

>> No.6703628 [DELETED] 

Dakota's very pretty (though I agree those eyelashes are a little ridiculous but I'm sure that was a makeup artist's doing, not hers), but I still can't get over all the lying, constant switching of personalities and styles, and the drama she's caused.

>> No.6703635 [DELETED] 

I agree with you, I have no problems with her looks, she's cute and good at makeup/shooping and there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm not really a fan of lying and being a huge cunt.

>> No.6703642

I find the look appealing, but I'm not pretty enough to pull it off.

>> No.6703655 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 524x718, d90dcb0e46481ee7d49d516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Venus for reasons I can't quite put my finger on, but I get the feeling that she's not going to be doing the living doll schtick for much longer judging by her latest tweets.

Seems like now that she's growing up and going through her teenage years that her interest in the style is beginning to wane. I actually feel sad for her, but we all know that Margaret pushed into this kind of stuff in the first place.

>> No.6703658

Why don't those tights have ankle joints too? I think it looks kinda silly to only have knee joints, I can't think of a single BJD off the top of my head that has knee joints but no ankle joints. I can understand having no thigh joints as you wouldn't be able to see those unless you were wearing a really tiny skirt.

>> No.6703663 [DELETED] 


I kind of feel happy for her. I mean, she's done some bad stuff, but can you really blame her having grown up with "those" parents and having Kirsten for a sister?
She's waded through so much shit and she's still come out on top and unscathed, I can respect that. Charms did say that she had aspirations to be a model/actress so I guess she's living her dream, good for her.

I'm just glad she finally gave her hair a fucking trim though.

>> No.6703683 [DELETED] 

If she manages to release herself from her crazy mother and be a normal person, good on her.

>> No.6703689

I agree with this anon completely.

On the subject of Anastasia, i think she is a real sweet heart. Her look is a bit uncanny and really over the top. But her personality man, i don't understand most of what she says but her body language really says ''Sweet girl that is a bit shy''

>> No.6703786 [DELETED] 

Wow, I honestly don't like her...but seeing those tweets.
I feel kind of sorry for her.

>> No.6703835
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>> No.6703837
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>> No.6703842
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>> No.6703845

For a split second I thought it was Taylor Swift instead of Dakota.

My opinion is she's got a pretty face and the personality of a dishrag.

>> No.6703858 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 519x84, alright mama palermo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for posting my picture, anon! those tweets are deleted now.
her mother recently posted this on twitter which I believe is related to Venus' tweets.

>> No.6703863
File: 223 KB, 1023x767, 456452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I the only one that's starting to like Dakota?

Nope. Japanese people love her.

>> No.6703876 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 999x368, venus2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always felt a bit bad for Venus even if I don't really care for her, don't hate her(though I can't listen to her voice)

>> No.6703927

It's alright anon, I'm kind of liking her too.

>> No.6704022 [DELETED] 
File: 458 KB, 500x198, vg7yc7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks shoped. The circle lens aren't too noticeable though.

She's still got a bitch face. So no, I still don't like her.

>> No.6704039 [DELETED] 

I think most of her critics would have been really loyal fans had she not done all of that crap. Most, if not all of them, have said they love everything beside that. I know I have definitely been stalking her wardrobe choices.

>> No.6704088 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 450x523, csdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you finally get to fuck Dakota Rose and she just silently stares at you as you undress her the whole time with those judgmental eyes of hers as if to say "Stupid neckbeard, you make me sick. You're not even doing this right" and it gets you even harder

>> No.6704099 [DELETED] 

As if she'd do it with the lights on, you gotta be dreaming.

>> No.6704108
File: 31 KB, 500x375, mjt65ojhPC1s2fb4jo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't even hard to notice the editting, her face shape is different in every picture, special the lenght of her chin.

Here have some natural Dakota.

>> No.6704109
File: 50 KB, 604x453, mjt67ewGhB1s2fb4jo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704112

why are the bottom eyelashes always practically sitting on her damn cheeks

They look like they're falling off

>> No.6704114
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, mjtcv7NHpo1rk3lrwo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her own version.

>> No.6704126 [DELETED] 

>get dakota in bed
>kissing your way down her body all romantic and shit
>slowly slide her panties off
>she has no vagina; had it removed to be more doll like

>> No.6704131

Please don't get these. They make everyone look like shit. They don't match your skin, they make you look dirty and messy. The idiot who made them knows nothing about subtly or how to translate the look in a way it looks good on the body.

>> No.6704138 [DELETED] 


I always thought she was adorable. She just needs to get away from her caustic, shitty family.

>> No.6704150

I think she's a lot like Felice Fawn. They're constantly exposed to shitty enablers who don't seem to really give a damn about them. I'm certain that they'd both be nice people if they got away from their current situation and learned how to be people again.

>> No.6704152 [DELETED] 


She already has a kawaii uguu azn boyfriend </3

>> No.6704164 [DELETED] 

>Implying she isn't fucking 10 different guys a week without him knowing

>> No.6704167 [DELETED] 

To be real here, there's a very high chance he's doing the same.

>> No.6704221 [DELETED] 


Hmmmmm.... I don't know. I may not have been particularly fond of Dakota in the past but she doesn't strike me as a very sexual person.
I think it's because her previous photos have always been kinda outwardly sexual, it's like she's putting on a front.

>> No.6704227
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she has her own Purikura machine now which is pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.6704235
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>> No.6704239
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>> No.6704258

Apparently there's gonna be a Living Doll on Snog Marry Avoid tonight

>> No.6704278 [DELETED] 

Sure it's tonight? My TV guide thing talks about a girl with fake tan and 'Lady Gaga-obsessed Eli'.

>> No.6704302

You're right. She;s just gonna become a barbie. I'm.. relieved, for now.

>> No.6704307

God I hate this show and all of the people on it.

>> No.6704312

hardly unscathed. Anyway, a while ago there was that angry birds video and in the camera flashes you could very clearly see the cuts on her arms.

>> No.6704320
File: 70 KB, 826x738, 1361992862880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704349

I actually like Dakota now. Even in the candid/fan shots I've found of her, she looks good. I'm jealous but kind of a fan now.

>> No.6704388

>having a vagina removed
Now THAT would be an interesting sight.

I wish I lived wherever that show airs or had internet good enough to watch a streaming.

I fucking hate you people, nobody puts these crazy TV shows on the internet, I can never find toddlers & tiaras either.

>> No.6704398 [DELETED] 

Those weren't cuts, japanese members from PULL were at the MILK event she was and and confirmed there are no scars, makeup or anything like this on her wrist.

>> No.6704400

You must have pretty low standards then.

>> No.6704409 [DELETED] 

Really? I've seen the video even if I don't know where it is now and there were very clearly self-harm marks down her arms. Maybe someone edited them in but they looked pretty realistic.

>> No.6704414 [DELETED] 

The were marks from the chains that were also used at the shooting.

>> No.6704423 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 500x295, 17953529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this? It is preassure marks from chains.

>> No.6704430 [DELETED] 

Same, I just want to adopt her and let her live like a normal girl her age.

>> No.6704433 [DELETED] 


No they're not. Where the hell did you get that from?

>> No.6704435 [DELETED] 


Well that's a lie because I browse PULL and NOBODY has said that.

>> No.6704436

A lot of puri machines have whities all over them

>> No.6704444

Really, she's just doing dramatic gyaru make up. If you look at her Valentine tutorial, that's fucking normal gyaru make up!

>> No.6704442 [DELETED] 
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Doesn't seem so because we did.

>> No.6704450 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 400x300, 2cohcmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never saw selfharm cuts, don't you? These aren't some.

>> No.6704457
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>> No.6704508

I don't think she's the prettiest or most unique of course, but I really don't understand when people say she's ugly.

>> No.6704525

now that she doesn't photohop herself but someone else does she looks better
i always thought she was pretty though, and had a nice style, except that her personality is awful

>> No.6704539

Ohhhh! That's much clearer than the video I saw and yea, that looks like what it is. Looks like the marks from hangers when someone is shopping.

>> No.6704564

Seriously. She is a cute white girl. Nothing too crazy pretty, but very charming look. That said, I like how she looks now in her photo shoots since she has more facial expressions than just her usual.
Also, what would you guys consider appropriate "living doll" makeup/clothing? Something that isn't over the top or not fit for casual day looks.

>> No.6704586

In order to look casual but also dolly, I guess follow what most seagulls seem to do anyway.

For makeup:
>flawless skin
>enlarging circle lenses, probably best in a natural color
>lip gloss
>long, curled lashes/more natural falsies

For clothing:
>pleated skirts and jumpers
>non-form fitting skirts and dresses
>not too much skin (maybe leg but not cleavage)
>thigh highs/knee highs/lacey ankle socks
>blouses with peter pan collars

>> No.6704589 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 306x425, artists depiction of suspect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has he gotten wider or is the angle? she has the typical western short torso so maybe that's it.

While she doesn't strike me as pretty she has that v-line thing (pointy leno chin) Korean people go gaga for. She's not exactly ugly, not in the traditional sense either. It's more like her ugly inner self makes her outside uglier?

Her eyes look odd too. Not because of the makeup or circlelens. They just look like the don't match up and aren't quite almond shaped.

i don't know if this terrible rendering helps but uh yeah

>> No.6704593 [DELETED] 

damn forgot to draw her pupil partly hidden by eyelid,

>> No.6704596 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure about her eyes, but I'm pretty sure she's always had that wide/short torso. In her outfit videos that she so desperately tried to edit, she still looked that way. At least her legs look skinny? Arms not so much, though.

>> No.6704601


Probably because it would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to get them to sit right where they should, since tights are usually only a few sizes and people's legs are not. Some could end up with the ankle joints too far up or down.

>> No.6704616
File: 20 KB, 360x360, Men_s_Combed_Socks.330165711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably because it would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to get them to sit right where they should
So then how do socks work?

>> No.6704627


Socks aren't the same as tights. Tights go over the entire leg and if you were to put a pattern on them, like joints, in order to make the ankle AND knee joints line up, the only way to do that would be to custom make them, since some people have longer legs than others.

>> No.6704653

They don't. I have to buy kid's shoes because of how small I am. But I don't fit into kid's socks, so even at the smallest adult size, the heel is always on my ankle.
/Unless they're tube socks, but they don't exactly make no show tube socks.

>> No.6704667

I hate how this only lasts for like 5 minutes and if you want to wear it you have to spend the whole day reapplying it and the concealer eventually just sits in your lips creases and looks like shit.

>> No.6704719

So basically a mix of lolita and gyaru. Gotcha.

>> No.6704724

You mean your lips end up looking all crusty with crusty skin-colored paste on them? Yeah, I got that too. I hate having to constantly reapply lip gloss.

>> No.6704732 [DELETED] 

> I still can't get over all the lying, constant switching of personalities and styles, and the drama she's caused.

Can someone give me a greentext summary of what this anon is talking about? I've liked Dakota for ages but I've never been able to find anything that's related to drama or lies.

>> No.6704743

there's too much, and all of it is trivial

>> No.6704757
File: 218 KB, 640x480, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dakota looks less than average to me, there are better looking people who roam my general area, and there are prettier girls on the internet

>> No.6704762

who is this? she's gorgeous.

>> No.6704764 [DELETED] 

A lot of girls I've met through J-fashion (lolita & gyaru) used to be scenesters. Most of us are around Dakota's age (19?) and back then, she was a much loved scene queen. She used all of the foul mouth grammars that ghetto niggers use today, and called everyone a faggot or shithead. She'd call everyone names, and her videos she was just a nasty little girl. She had this "image" of being a skunk (I think of scene like that as skunks), and she was just awful. That's all I got for you.

Google "Dakota Rose Scene" for pictures.

>> No.6704771

Any girl can be "pretty" with gyaru make up. All of these girls are average. I don't believe any girl can actually be pretty especially when we live in a world with men objectifying women, make up, surgery, thinspo, etc. Make up and photoshop can change everything.

>> No.6704779
File: 51 KB, 480x525, tumblrm2bprkz74i1qff6ij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jennifervanille on LJ
Used to have the tumblr blog : http://Erotica-dollesque.tumblr.com disappeared for no reason then coke-with-kate.tumblr.com and now disappeared again.

>> No.6704798
File: 239 KB, 1095x1600, DSC_0309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More dolly girls a.k.a girls in gyaru makeup

>> No.6704806

For some reason, I find Dakota's current looks (like the ones published in magazines and not her own personal edits) more attractive than the pictures of this girl. I think it's because she has that same expression Dakota always used to have.

This girl looks like she has all those features that ulzzangs get surgery for.

>> No.6704810
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Hmm, weird profile.

>> No.6704820
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>> No.6704825

I'm so jealous of girls with heart shaped/pointy chin faces. I have a very round face, and the only thing losing weight will do (I'm already underweight) is make my cheek bones show. I hate having a round face. I also hate when people say Asians are the cutest. Yeah, some are. I'm not one of them. I'm also too tall (5 foot 8) to be petite, but I am thin. I'm just not cute/pretty/etc, and I'm jealous of any girl with good enough photoshop skills like kooters.

>> No.6704823


>mfw my profile looks like that except my chin is bigger and my lips are nonexistant
>ugly forever


>> No.6704829
File: 17 KB, 285x248, icrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have same profile

>> No.6704832


Could a white girl with droopy eyelids use eyelid tape/glue to look less old/tired? I love the cute doll look but I can't seem to get it without looking tired or old because of my eyes.

>> No.6704836

Do all white girls look the same!?

And her profile isn't ugly, in my opinion anyway. I just think her nose looks weird? I don't know how to explain it, but she's not ugly for sure.

>> No.6704841
File: 55 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mhy5t2RS8R1r1ll6io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face round, she looks different between the two blogs. Her stoic expression is probably a result of her trying to emulate ~model expressions~ her coke-with-kate blog was basically a runway blog, and it seemed she was trying to emulate that . This pic is from that blog.

>> No.6704844


I always thought I just had generic European features. I didn't know it was considered attractive until I found this living doll trend, though. Yay for me!

>> No.6704850
File: 452 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mczldyerLJ1qgf4bqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704853

I think it's a beautiful profile. Very dainty and very pretty...

>> No.6704856

What are generic European features? :(
Can you post a pic?

>> No.6704858


I think there's some sort of injection thing that helps slim round faces? It's quite common for those who don't like going under the knife, but would like to have some work done.

>> No.6704866


Thin upturned nose, pointy chin, angular jaw?

Much like these except way less flawless and with worse lighting.


>> No.6704870

I know that feel, anon.
>5' and thin
>relatively big eyes/double eyelids
>tall, thin nose
>BUT flat cheeks and weak chin (almost Juria level)

So close to being kawaii, yet so far away...

But like the other anon suggested, you could get work done... Before someone says your face will thin as you get older, this isn't always the case for asians until they hit like 80.

>> No.6704871
File: 136 KB, 445x566, tumblr_mhy5t2RS8R1r1ll6io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dakota level shit

>> No.6704872

I don't think that's European. I think that's just caucasian.

>> No.6704878


There are lots of different types of Caucasian faces though. There's mine, then the most common one I've seen is tall curved forehead, stub nose, and weak jawline with an overbite.

>> No.6704886


>>6704829 >only half white ;_;
Me too though, I think she contoured her nostrils.
I'm talking shape though, I look like Vex-chan. (Unfortunately)

>> No.6704893

>tfw when thin and short, but white with a very round face and facial features that are all too close together, a large, wide nose, flat cheeks, small eyes and just all round hideously ugly.

>> No.6704896

I have figures with knee joints but no ankle joints. They are mostly purely display figures, not the possible ones also sold as toys
Figures aside, I think this style is gross.

>> No.6704900

Oh god you must be a troll, or very unintelligent.

>> No.6704962


And you must think white people ARR ROOK SAME.

Chinese, Japanese and Korean Asians all look basically the same but have different individual features. Same with Caucasians.

>> No.6704984

I'm pretty sure that's what they meant.

>> No.6704994
File: 729 KB, 1400x2005, 1312629543246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the drama guys but can we supplement it with on topic stuff so the thread doesn't get deleted?

>> No.6705035


Bump for this >>6704832

>> No.6705043

I love how everyone on /cgl/ is now always scared their thread is going to be deleted if it's somehow not in the good graces of the terrible janitors.

>> No.6705055
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>> No.6705060

I don't understand why she doesn't blur out the lid in her eye makeup. Her photos are already so heavily shopped. I'm not really into this stuff, but was curious as to if there's a reason for that.

>> No.6705062
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>> No.6705063
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>> No.6705067
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>> No.6705068
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Yes, you can.

>> No.6705087

Dif anon, but what if your eyes are already #4 and want them to be more like #1/#3? My one eye droops slightly more then my other (makes eyeliner a little aggravating actually) and just want to lift it so that they look symmetrical.

Like, my my right eye is #4 but my left is #1, could I then achieve #3?

>> No.6705098

This seems like an okay place to ask this question.
How many sizes do you usually go up when you want it to be cute baggy?
This seems to fit well in the dolly style.

>> No.6705103

I think that you can, anon. One of my eyes is #2 while the other is #1 (sometimes #4), but I changed them using eyelash glue to make them both the same.

I'm not sure how easy it will be with tape, but it's definitely possible with glue.

>> No.6705134

Yeah , you'll have to adjust and your position your tape so the wider side is near the outer eye for three or cut it so it's like number 1 and adjust them till their equal. I heard mezaik fibers is the best for this though.

>> No.6705137

Well, generally I am really into fashion movements that make people look... like weird pretty aliens of any sort. That was my first feeling when I saw OTT sweet- OMG aliens from the planet KAWAII!

I am kinda confused about it because I know this is a fetish for some people, but some of the more well known "living dolls" are like 15. Not that it has to be a fetish for THEM, but it's kinda disturbing when underaged girls are famewhoring in a capacity that can make them fetish objects because I'm not sure they realize the fact that they're opening their lives up to creepy motherfuckers.

Also, some of the shooped pics are creepy looking. Again- I'm sort of against doing things specifically to show yourself to other people on the internet, so the shooping makes no sense to me.

>> No.6705145

How did you apply the glue? Just into the crease or...?

Good to know. I just feel strange because I have creases, they just aren't symmetrical.

>> No.6705172

Well, it's my bone structure... Which I'd have to go under the knife for.

I would love to trade heights with you. I'm so tall and most shit I buy overseas doesn't fit because it;s catered to girls around 5 foot. I've went under the knife for double eyelids and it was the best investment of my life. Now my eyes don't look like manly rectangles. Your face sounds almost perfect, but yeah - that chin and cheek thing ruins it.

>5' 8'' and thin
>surgically engineered double eyelids
>tall, thin nose (not round and flat/pug-like like a lot of asians)
>also flat cheeks and no pointy defined chin or anything :/

>> No.6705188

>some of the more well known "living dolls" are like 15.
They're lying.

>famewhoring in a capacity that can make them fetish objects
Anything and anyone can become huge fetish objects. Look at Chloe Moretz, for example.

>> No.6705224 [DELETED] 

Yeah, her voice is utterly tragic aka at least I can listen to Dakota's voice?

>Personality: Venus > Russian Living Doll > Dakota

>> No.6705304


Most of them are lyign about their age. Girls who say they're 13-15 when they're nearing 20 do it because they're desperately clinging to their wasted youth and hoping that as long as they look cute and young, they wont have to deal with growing up and dealing with reality.

>> No.6706024
File: 554 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mipcbylhrI1qah5ozo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is like the cream of the European crop, all very generic yuropoor features. Funny because she's probably American, but she deffo has some kind of European heritage.

>> No.6706100

and lolis, gyarus or any fashion. all the fashions are fake. end of the story.

>> No.6706130 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 500x373, 1335670343535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no "generic European" features. you can't narrow down what the most common facial features of a continent are. That girl looks Eastern European or Russian though. She's got some features in common with kooter like the wider face and nose but her lips are a thousand times more shapely and attractive.

On a side note, Japs go crazy for blond blue eyes young things even if they are in no way remarkable where they're from or to the general European population. Watch the film girl model for reference. The Japanese who handle these hopefuls are cold and business like and if you don't match their high expectations then have fun paying off the debt you accumulated while in grorius Nippon.None of you should be envious of Kooter once you get a glimpse of the wholly unglamorous life she's leading there.

She's probably only in it for the teeny tiny bit of compensation she's getting. From observign her manner and general demeanor you can see she doesn't give two flying fucks about the kawaii bullshit she pushes. she was savvy enough to know how to appeal to people who do and that's what matters. Have you noticed how her videos are riddled with ads now too? If that's not an indication that she flat broke and isn't making nearly enough through her small modeling gigs than I don't know what is.

>> No.6706162 [DELETED] 

>ghetto niggers

>> No.6706167 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 708x666, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I really do believe Dakota has an ED or has at least had one in the past. You look at her in her old videos and she really is completely fucking tiny and frail, and given her history with her mother being super critical of her and Kirstens looks, Kirsten bullying her over her weight and her mother supposedly giving her diet pills so she could be more like Kirsten, it wouldn't surprise me. That and she's chewing gum in a lot of her old videos..

I thought maybe the first time she got on TV that she was recovered, but we all saw how bloated/puffy her face and body was. It seems like over the last few months she has been getting thinner and thinner, which is not all surprising considering the amount of pressure she's under, but it's still sad.

>> No.6706178

Kipi has one since 2008 or so, nothing new.

>> No.6706205 [DELETED] 

Koti is the only one who has some success over this living doll trend. I have always liked her, the fashion, ads, everything is so kawaii. I don't care what she has done in the past, since I was a stupid teenager once. Her dirty secrets is a big part of why she's popular.

The worst one is probably Venus. How did she get e-fame at all? Her videos are fucking horrible, she shouldn't be giving ANY advice. Her skin is a nightmare, can't imagine how she would look in her 20s. It's disturbing how her mother helps her cater to pedophiles.

>> No.6706211

Is that hime-lulu?
She's kawaii as hell

>> No.6706215

That's so... appropriate. Brilliant!

>> No.6706224

those aren't scars. those are some drawn on japanese kanji.

>> No.6706229
File: 112 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mj9fhfZWCU1s5wx39o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the living doll tag on tumblr is a goldmine for luls. I highly recommend.

>> No.6706237
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x960, EW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My favourite is this bitch.

>> No.6706239
File: 75 KB, 450x750, tumblr_mjvsnzFo2f1rj4ns0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so ashy....

>> No.6706245 [DELETED] 

>I don't believe any girl can actually be pretty especially when we live in a world with men objectifying women, make up, surgery, thinspo, etc. Make up and photoshop can change everything.
>Smells like envy teen spirit.
>I know actual models who look perfect IRL with no make-up, surgery or photoshop.

>> No.6706259

open your eyes wide as a daily excercise. my ophtalmologist recommended this to me since myopia gets your eyes down and closed with the time because of squinting in order to focus things.

>> No.6706271 [DELETED] 
File: 562 KB, 483x645, Screen shot 2012-12-13 at 17.37.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Venus, probably because I first found out about her in her earlier videos and enjoyed those. She was a lot more cute and natural back then, and mostly just cosplayed and did dances. None of the "living doll" stuff, and she didn't even wear circle lenses that often IIRC. I feel like Margaret pushed her into the more artificial "dolly" stuff to get her popular and she just went along with it. She seems like she's having a lot less fun with it, now, though. Pic related, early Venus AKA best Venus.
Also, I always get sort of annoyed when I see people trash-talk her on PULL, but I can't exactly put my finger on why.

>> No.6706327 [DELETED] 

It's weird. because different things seem to look good to me irl than do in pics. IRL, most girls with model-like features are kind of boring. They are usually high school age girls and all look interchangeable to me.

When I see someone who I think is beautiful IRL it usually involves looking exceptional, not technically flawless. Maybe it's just charisma?

>> No.6706347 [DELETED] 

I agree with everything you said
I feel bad when people trash talk her because she doesn't deserve it, I'm pretty sure that her mother was the one who insisted on dollying her all up and she agreed because, why not, you only live once.
I wish she never jumped on the dolly bandwagon, she was a weeby girl, but so naturally adorable

>> No.6706491
File: 99 KB, 500x283, tumblr_mjr3hgxg4L1rbtnf9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem badly-shooped joints...

>> No.6706502
File: 102 KB, 460x460, tumblr_mix8xaTbhY1r36pv3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this girl was mocking the living doll tag when she first started posting in it, but she keeps photoshopping her pictures like this.
Does she really think that people believe this photo is an accurate representation of her features...?

>> No.6706508

God, she looks like an alien.

>> No.6706517
File: 56 KB, 574x528, 1302405268584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her right (our left) eye...

>> No.6706522 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 760x507, 1d664090754ee5e201ad7d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's the next kotakoti duh.

Speaking of, does anybody remember when "Kojirina" was praising herself as the NEXT kotakoti, and was literally Photoshopping Dakotas eyes and lips onto her pictures?

>> No.6706525 [DELETED] 

lol that was so ridiculous... what did she expect to happen if she 100% copied someone else?

>> No.6706529 [DELETED] 

>does anybody remember when "Kojirina" was praising herself as the NEXT kotakoti
I don't
>and was literally Photoshopping Dakotas eyes and lips onto her pictures?
I remember seeing one picture maybe but holy shyte, she's hilarious, any other pictures where she copies Dakota?

>> No.6706551 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 259x354, tumblr_mjvo65HHCT1s57trjo1_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously think this girl might be retarded. I'm not even trying to be mean, but the way she types and the sort of behavior that she seems to think is acceptable seems to indicate some mental issues are present. How can someone her age be so immature?
either that or she's just really...bitchy and unoriginal. and thinks she can get away with it by deleting her tumblr every time someone criticizes her.

I remember there was one photo of her wearing an IDENTICAL v.w. knockoff sweater as the one Dakota wore in a couple of photos, but it looks like she's deleted it since. I think she's trying to be more 'alternative' now...pic related.

>> No.6706564 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 1476x793, a_real_life_barbie_Kotakoti_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6706565 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 866x1356, tumblr_m7gz20bkW21rqtq33o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol when her actual face looks like a cross between dakota and pt irl

>> No.6706571 [DELETED] 

She posts on PULL now and it's hilarious.

>> No.6706573 [DELETED] 

Lets call her PixyKoti

>> No.6706580 [DELETED] 


Nah, Kotiteri.

>> No.6706583 [DELETED] 

> pixykoti
Okay, i laughed. Just imagine her reaction if she became the next pixykoti.

>> No.6706586 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x400, pixyteri-desu-by-pixyteriyaki-d3e8men-jpg--1315523977440-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like a cross between dakota and pt irl
Not even that.

>> No.6706589 [DELETED] 

That's actually cute.

>> No.6706592 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 395x493, 63kWSaPYhFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6706593
File: 314 KB, 2344x710, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think that's bad, meet Dakota Fawn.

Originally started as a Kotakoti copycat under the name Lllunabella, but when nobody paid attention to her she moved onto imitating Felice Fawn and now goes by the name Mila Mortice.

>> No.6706598

She's getting progressively worse looking. She looks like a Tim Burton character in the last couple of shots.

>> No.6706599
File: 117 KB, 963x604, OJCjzLPr7p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From when she was Lllunabelle.

>> No.6706601
File: 599 KB, 763x356, zv8q6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one?

>> No.6706602

Does anyone know what she actually looks like without ps or makeup?

>> No.6706609

The progression is actually creepy. From "teehee look how doll like I am" to "I'm the skeleton princess"

>> No.6706615
File: 74 KB, 896x600, dBGZB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this apparently lol

>> No.6706616 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1363720846956-jpg--1315523977440-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the both of them put together.

>> No.6706633 [DELETED] 

Whoa, I've been so out the loop. Last time I heard about her she had deleted her Tumblr to take time off and sort out her head or something. Guess that didn't work.

>> No.6706671

Does anyone know what circle lenses Dakota wears? I've been thinking about getting a pair, but I have blue eyes and have no idea what lenses look natural while still being enlarging.

>> No.6706675

I've heard 'Beaucon Shimmer Blues' before, but I don't think we've ever confirmed the brand for certain.

>> No.6706693 [DELETED] 

I feel like they pick on her or are harsher on her than the other girls (venus voice is too high pitched, ew. Venus without make up is ugly lol. Venus wants to go to a boarding school? What an entitled little brat). Like Venus for the most part is very harmless. Like yes Margaret is a loon, but take it out on the mother, not the poor girl. I mean they got upset and called her fake when she tried to show her support for gay people for crying out loud.
I'm willing to bet that her frustration and depression is also due in part to them

>> No.6706712
File: 20 KB, 426x313, utena_nanami010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6706726
File: 74 KB, 738x960, amatue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all bitches can go home now.

>> No.6706791 [DELETED] 

Her latest tweets have been really depressing to read. I have a soft spot for her.
Don't seek refuge in sweets, Venus! It'll only turn into a vicious cycle. ;-;

>> No.6706808

"living doll" is neither cosplay or j-fashion

>> No.6706875 [DELETED] 

I have mixed opinions about Venus. I don't hate her, more as I relate a lot to her cause I was a little weeb too when I was 12-13. Aside from not having learned to makeup yet, and that fake voice her mother makes her put on, she seems like a geniune person.
Her blog posts are sweet, and -hopefully I'm right and- can tell she writes them herself, because we all can tell when her mom is on her account.
I'm actually thinking about following her blog/going on it more often because I just can't with her videos.
Overall I think she's a cute /little/ girl who's being used as a puppet by her horrible mother. She's so selfish. She wants to live vicariously through her daughter, but the way she's doing it about 2 steps higher than the average pageant mom.
I feel bad for her, I really do. I hope she can get away from her mother before she gets as messed up as Kotex.

>> No.6706883


Is this post a joke? It's a mixture of both.

>> No.6706887

Also, best Venus is short dark hair Venus.

>> No.6707304

Thanks, anon.

>> No.6707432 [DELETED] 

long story short, ,venus is a victim of child abuse

>> No.6707676
File: 38 KB, 526x300, poe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why gurl :T

The bottom liner is so weird looking.

Kooter had been overdoing the bottom liner lately too.
I don't think she's doing it right...For a second i thought it was peacock feather with tons of shoop. the circle lens are a bit much.

Reminds me of this tutorial:

I think the key to replicating Kotter's is to not venture into tare-me territory like the girl in the tut has.

>> No.6707738

Her eyebrows are so nice.

>> No.6707765

Dakota Fawn is officially my favorite living doll.

>> No.6707939

what, why
Charms, I thought you had more sense than this; have you really fallen for the ~*you're all beautiful*~ bullshit that this girl propagates? She's just a fame-hungry attention whore copying other cyberstarlets, why do you like her?

>> No.6707948

is this sarcasm?

>> No.6707955 [DELETED] 

Maybe cause she looks fucked? She looks fucked to me.

>> No.6708014 [DELETED] 

She photoshops them in every picture because she has hairy gypsy eyebrows.

>> No.6708680


Please be joking.

>> No.6708683

I still follow her

I like her. Wish she would admit she shoops and she's a tryhard but still - I like the Koti+Fawn style.

>> No.6708686 [DELETED] 


No, it's not Koti+Fawn, it's just Fawn now. She TRIED to copy Koti and failed, so now she's fame sucking off of Felice. Badly.

>> No.6708687

She still does the huge eyes and similar make-up, doesn't she?

>> No.6708688


Gyaru makeup=/=imitating Dakota

>> No.6708697
File: 160 KB, 800x533, o0800053312462640258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6708701
File: 72 KB, 580x773, bfu7eudcqaeqqy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6708716

link to her blog please?

>> No.6708863

Red haired Venus > brown haired > short dark haired Venus > curly blonde haired Venus >>>>>>> fried haired Venus

>> No.6708865

>Dakota level shit

>> No.6708879 [DELETED] 

This entire thread is clearly just an excuse to talk about Venus and the other dramawhores


>> No.6708902 [DELETED] 

no it's not
fuck you

>> No.6708915 [DELETED] 


You guys are just posting pictures of random bitches on tumblr and gossiping

Take it to http://maximum.faggotry.org/

>> No.6708921

Now she's opening a clothing store, so we all now can be as ~*goth&edgy*~ as she is

>> No.6708924

>Submitting false reports or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban of indeterminate length. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported it or another post is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports.

>> No.6709027 [DELETED] 


No you.

>> No.6709052

This looks so ITA.

>> No.6709061


I'm kind of more put off by the fact that it appears to be a size or two too large. I assume she's making quite a lot of money, can she not afford to have it taken in, or a nicer dress in a small size?

Oh.... it just occurred to me that it probably used to fit a few months ago. Now I feel bad.

>> No.6709085

The photo is from MILK's event that was last week in Osaka, the brand did supply her the clothes, she didn't choose them herself.

>> No.6709106

I would love inks to any make-up tutorials and such for this type of look.
(more the Dakota type than the crazy Russian Barbie type)

>> No.6709127

But janitor, my post wasn't even about Koti or PT. Unfair </3

>> No.6709132

holy shit, according to the whole "you need these features to be kawaii desu ne living doll~" i fit all of them? seriously
>heart-shaped face
>chubby/full cheeks (bane of my life)
>wide eyes, with long lashes (they're green, not super kawaii limbal ring blue)
>small lips, but full
uh and i'm pretty pale? with pinky cheeks. christ. did i just accidentally become a living doll? also for body:
>size 8 in eu/uk

>> No.6709143
File: 76 KB, 640x426, icrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never be kawaii because no heart shaped face </3

>> No.6709147
File: 34 KB, 591x660, esmeralda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she wouldnt do this. Instead of being an inferior verion of somebody else, she shoud just be herself. I can see her making the most of her romanian looks, maybe getting a tan, wearing colorful gypsy clothes. That would be so cute.

>> No.6709157

Do you want a sticker?

>> No.6709163
File: 37 KB, 400x301, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of eyes do you have guys? Does your eye shape allow you to use dolly techniques?

Mine are kind of like the first picture on the last roll. I am european and people often tell me my eyes are weird and they've never seen a face like mine. Sometimes I get stuff like "You look a bit asian, do you have any relatives that are asian?" I don't really think I do, but I guess my dark hair, eyebags and the way I dress might fool people a bit.

>> No.6709166

No. She wants us to ask her to post a pic, so that she can recieve compliments and validation!

>> No.6709169

She has an ugly nose. Looks like a sharp, wide beak.

>> No.6709174


god she looks like the girl doing that "sweet, casual lolita makeup" tutorial who just looks like a clown.

>> No.6709175

The thumbnail of the last image is serious nightmare fuel. I thought it was one of those ridiculous ghosts you see on /x/ at first.

>> No.6709180

/cgl/ always has something to say about everyone's noses

>> No.6709185

Well, those are epicanthic folds, which are quite rare in Europeans, enough to be listed as a congenital abnormality, often indicative of downs syndrome/FAS/Turner's syndrome. There are a couple of indigenous groups in Europe that have them too though.

>> No.6709183

Mine are like bottom right. I don't do the generic dolly makeup though, because I'm too lazy. Mostly just top lashes and light eyeliner aside from usual other products.

>> No.6709187

I have eyes like the photo in the second column, second row, I think. I don't think my eyes are big enough for the dolly look, though I've been told I have doll-like skin/lips.

>> No.6709190

>maybe getting a tan

If I recall correctly, just after getting felice's fever she once claimed she has a rare super speshul condition that doesn't allow her go out in the sunlight or some bullshit like that.

>> No.6709203

>tfw worst example of european (dark hair and eyes, face like a pancake)
>tfw can't wear circle lenses due to base curve
>tfw fat
I'd sell my soul to satan and murder babies to look like one of the girls in this thread. Do you seriously think they look ugly?

>> No.6709211

Anyone got any dolly eye make up tutorials? I can't seem to quite get the hang of it, especially the upper eye-liner. Not sure what angle I should be doing the wing at.

>> No.6709233

My eyelids fold like first row/last column and third row/third column, so severe epicanthic folds like >>6709185 said, and I'm European too. I get lots of people who think I'm half-Asian even though nothing in my bone structure would suggest that. My eyes seem deep-set because I have a heavy brow, but because I have no cheekbones my eyes and lower lids kind of bulge out. Eyeshadow is a nightmare and I've pretty much stopped trying.
Any tips?

Tumblr syndrome.

>> No.6709251


>> No.6709271

why is everyone suddenly opening a clothing store?

>> No.6709412

post a pic

>> No.6709434

omg ur so speshul
Would you like an award or

>> No.6709440
File: 463 KB, 1280x1115, mgf5gwBCTu1qj816fo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6709480

Open up a gyaru magazine, ffs.

>> No.6709508

Oh please. She's actually pretty swarthy. She probably gets a deep, olive tan as soon as the sun touches her skin.

>> No.6709512

i'll see if i can be bothered
bruh im the special-est

>> No.6709537
File: 155 KB, 500x637, tumblr_mjy5paeNS31rjijkbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aux naturale nose you mean

>> No.6709560

She is cute! Look like doll!

>> No.6709572

Yes!! Anime come to real!! ^__^

>> No.6709583



she has some serious issues

>> No.6709588

>"normal people"
Christ, what a snowflake.

>> No.6709590

Mila looks practically reptilian. Like, i just can't find her attractive at all.

>> No.6709595

Her eyelashes have eyelashes. How original!

>> No.6709611
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>> No.6709613
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>> No.6709618

I've always liked her as far as looks go. I prefer her over her sister any day.

I hope she's matured and grown up in the time she has spent away from her family.

>> No.6709630
File: 75 KB, 500x700, DSCF0427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709631
File: 54 KB, 479x639, tumblr_mjymzfhDIK1qm613xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709640

Charms officially confirmed for shit taste in everything

>> No.6709641

Is she wearing wig? I need it.

>> No.6709644

Dakota's hair always looks so silky and well behaved. My hair always looks crazy as soon as I walk out the door into the winds.
Any help on this?

>> No.6709654

her hair is quite thin, i think :o she's very vague on her hair care (like everything else she uses/does) u_u

>> No.6709655

no ma'am. she's a hairstylist or something though, she does wonders.

>> No.6709658

She wearing extensions for that look , I believe.

>> No.6709680

ugh man like shes cute but shes such a shitty person

>> No.6709693
File: 208 KB, 500x750, felice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any relation to felice fawn?

>> No.6709710

She looks so mexican to me.

>> No.6709813
File: 592 KB, 880x2640, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mila actually scares the shit out of me.

>> No.6709814
File: 816 KB, 880x3896, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709820

How about her? Have you forgot her, seagulls?

>> No.6709822

Isn't she in inpatient treatment for anorexia or something? Aside being hideously weabooish she is very cute.

>> No.6709868

Mila has such an ugly profile.

>> No.6709919


I wonder what Felice's reaction to this would be

>> No.6709977

At least she's cute naturally. I'd like to think I'm pretty good looking, but I still wish I had her face.
Can't with her everything else, though.
(copypasta'd from RBT archive, sorry for novel)
From what I've gathered, what happened was she announced on her facebook page that she's bulimic (psh, noo) and she was being hospitalized. Then, all of her sites were deactivated. After she was in rehab, she had asked a friend to post a video on youtube, because people were saying she'd died, dismissing any rumors and explaining what happened. Not that many people saw the video and it was apparently deleted so more of what was said in the video is hearsay from various people. In it, the girl said she'd be back online in a year. But the video was taken down and so were ruaridoll's sites. Now there are mirror sites under 'ruarridoll'. So it's been over a year and nothing's been heard from her, so nobody knows if she's okay.

>> No.6710407

Actually Felice was who named her 'Dakota Fawn'
She was pretty creeped out by her

>> No.6710570

that stupid shadow under her eyes makes her look like a retard. It's a shame because a loved how she did her make up in her lunabelle phase.

>> No.6710595

omg this person has the perfect lip shape

>> No.6710596

no, no, no. I made the mistake of getting these. I'm lucky because I have an olive complexion, so the tights match my skin color. Needless to say I only wore them out once. I actually got quite a few compliments on them, but after like 3 hours of wear there was a massive run. Those $50 tights were the same quality as the $10 ones you get at wal mart.

>> No.6710608

ugh that's too bad because under all the filters and mac book bug eyes she looks pretty cute

>> No.6710617

ahahahahah has anyone seen queenofblendingmua's double make up tutorial? She pretty much does this eyelash thing

>> No.6710632
File: 86 KB, 556x611, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know why but I can totally see her pulling Shmegeh-esque pics in no time

>> No.6710692

Sometimes I wish I could bash her fucking face in

I have never felt so much inexplicable rage when looking at someone

I feel bad when I step on ants but I fel 0 sympathy for that bitch faced cunt.I have memorised everything bad she's ever done.
What is wrong with me

>> No.6710735

do it now

>> No.6710778

I didnt know dolls wore NGE shirts.

>> No.6710786

Why did all the posts about Venus in this thread disappear? Just curious. It seems awfully strange...

>> No.6710834

wow... she's actually quite beautiful IMO

>> No.6710926


And sure she would look 100x better without all that OTT sloppy photoshop

>> No.6711110


I don't blame her.
I might mail that img to Felice.

>> No.6711118


I don't know.
Like, what is your reason for hating her?
I can excuse her bad actions because I know that it's all a product of a horrible, shitty upbringing.

>> No.6711120


Janitor deleted them. Probs cause she's a minor, idk.

>> No.6711140

Holy shit, I didn't realize until reading >>6711110 that one side was Luna and the other Felice. Thought they were all the same person. That is just crazy.

>> No.6711151

dat fag.

>> No.6711195


Who the shit is this?

>> No.6711211

Where do you get clothes that give you that curveless, straight up and down look like she has in the first picture? I'm at least the same size if not skinnier than Dakota and I'm only a 30B, but every time I try on clothes I think would make me look like that, my boobs are so visible and man I just think it ruins the whole look.

>> No.6711216

Pretty sure it's because she behaves a lot like these bitches I used to know.
She said she poured a drink over a poor girl because she was ugly. She's still a selfish bully by her own accord.

That and her face irks me.

>> No.6711239

Maybe wear sports bra that gives you a flat surface between your breast. You know what I mean?
So there isn't a curve to fill in between. I feel like the way I am saying this sounds stupid.

>> No.6711275
File: 330 KB, 500x657, Screen shot 2013-03-21 at 9.28.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking glad this biddy's tumblr got hacked.

although on another note, what happened to all the posts about kojirina?
fucking hate this janitor. oh no, did someone's ~*feeeeeelings*~ get hurt? did we make lauryn cry?

>> No.6711307



Why the fuck is Dakota in a Japanese love motel? Isn't she like 17 or something?
Why is that from this picture her skirt is fairly thin and even the crotch area of her underwear is fucking visibile? This borders CP... IDEK what the hell is this girl thinking.

>> No.6711318


Fag Mgcee the IV.

>> No.6711322


I remember that, I was the one person that dug up that old tweet first. I used to really dislike her because I thought she was a shitty person, which she probably is. Having reflected on this now however, I actually think the drinks thing was made up, or she fluffed the story a hell of a lot to make herself seem tougher than she is

>> No.6711326


I pretty much fit that description, except I'm a size 10, gat damn.

>> No.6711331
File: 192 KB, 816x1218, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit..
I sent Felice that collage of her and Luna, like joking about it and not expecting her to publish it or even respond, but I just got home and checked my Tumblr inbox...

Did anybody catch what Felice said about it because she's deleted whatever she published now.

>> No.6711334

Fuck off PULL. Stop trying to stir up drama where there is none.

>> No.6711335

This really hit home. Ouch.

>> No.6711339
File: 21 KB, 512x289, The Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, someone that's attracted to women here, and also not from /cgl/, I just saw this thread on the front page.
This shit looks creepy as fuck. I mean, all your little lolita dresses are kind of stupid looking, but this is just fucked the hell up.
What kind of broken person would want to make themselves look like an inanimate object?
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I do like the cool cosplays you guys do of vidya gaem and anime characters, 'cause you can tell actual effort went into them and that you're not trying to some sort of fetishists wet dream or something. Well maybe you end up playing someones waifu, but at least you're not doing it on purpose.
Which reminds me, has anyone ever cosplayed as The Boss?
Pic very related

>> No.6711340

who's this bitch?

According to her twitter, "Mr. Mei" asked her to take this pic.

Great parenting there, Cathy.

>> No.6711344

you sound beautiful, dress size does not matter c:

>> No.6711356


Well just FYI, when a woman chooses to dress in a certain way, put on a certain kind of makeup or do her hair in a particular style, it's usually not so we can get another guys dick hard.
Don't be so egotistical.

>> No.6711364

Who said I was a guy? Don't make assumptions.
And maybe I did sort of word it to make it seem like I thought you only cosplayed in order to attract people, but what I meant was, making yourself look like a doll or a little girl is creepy as hell.
that's all.
Also, to anyone that's reading this, please cosplay The Boss.

>> No.6711367


Because you are a guy. It's either guy or extremely masculine female. Or a lesbian. One of those.

I've been meaning to play MGS3 soon. Just finished playing MGS2. Dem hips don' lie.

>> No.6711370
File: 3 KB, 300x57, princespagetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6711373


omg lol

>> No.6711374


Their body, their rules, bro.

>> No.6711384

So you think I'm pretty masculine, huh?

>> No.6711390
File: 45 KB, 663x167, rxysj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were her responses. The second sentence is awkwardly worded. I guess it's more of a roleplaying action than an actual comment, still

>> No.6711393

Haha, thanks for your opinion. We will be sure to notify those participating in the living doll thread that someone doesn't find them attractive, so they should stop.

Lets all stop doing what we enjoy because it is weird to others.

Do you want me to tell you to stop being attracted to women because I think it's creepy and broken?

>> No.6711394
File: 121 KB, 856x304, 0fwxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr version: She's bothered.
She probably deleted them because she didn't want to attract attention to Luna/Mila. I think she probably got some of the same questions you did too.

>> No.6711397

I wasn't telling you to stop, just giving my opinion on it.
And if you feel like telling me yours go ahead.

>> No.6711399


Well you did come off as being very manly and all "Hurghhh cosplayers, get on muh dik".

>> No.6711400


Oh shit, I kind of feel bad now. I've never been a huge fan of Felice, I don't dislike her but it's shitty what Mila is doing to her when you consider that one of her main sources of income is her image. You can't just steal somebody's entire persona like that, it's so weird.

>> No.6711403
File: 41 KB, 844x475, 1354382689433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im important listen to me and my opinions stop doing what i dont like blah blah blah

>> No.6711404

I wasn't really going for that.
Maybe you just saw what you wanted to see, and I have no problems with that.

>> No.6711406

God dammit, I've always really hated Asuka.
I'm not demanding a god damn thing, I'm just letting you know how all of this looks to an outsider.
I thought you might need a perspective from someone else.

>> No.6711410


It was the way you worded it. You say you've never been to /cgl/ before? Well if people are aggressive towards you it's because you sound like somebody like /r9k/, and we get raided by them and /fit/ daily all saying pretty much the exact same things you just said, ie.

>why would you do something like this
>it's not attractive to me and makes no sense
>you should just stop, it's creepy because I don't understand it

>> No.6711413

Anyone who does anything strange is constantly told how it looks to other people on a daily basis. No one cares about your stupid opinion, go away and stop shitting up this thread.

>> No.6711414

>hurr gurl is stealin' muh stail
Felice just takes generic portraits, the other girl can do whatever the fuck she wants even if she obviously just wants to get e-famous

Felice doesn't own 'wearing certain clothes and posing'

>> No.6711426
File: 34 KB, 704x528, 1354731455761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and everyone hates you so go away and take your pleb taste elsewhere

>> No.6711435
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you've done it.

>> No.6711444
File: 249 KB, 600x400, 1356908381789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any more

>> No.6711449


Oh come on, we both know that it's beyond just "wearing certain clothes and posing". That girl is flat out imitating her existence and it's weird.

>> No.6711450


I agree. Mila looks like Feelice's younger, prettier sister. They both have a generic tumblr goth girl style and I don't even think she's copying her intentionally. At least not the poses, those pictures are generic as fuck and you can find a shit ton of other girls doing them as well.

>> No.6711454

No Felice doesn't own it, but you must admit that this is going into the creepy obsession territory

>> No.6711455
File: 352 KB, 395x296, 783736541_856606[1].g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.
RIP in piece Kaworu.
Burn In Hell.

>> No.6711476

it's creepy but she allowed to do it
I don't think she's obsessed, just wants e-fame so she imitates whoever is e-famous

they're all incredibly generic photos anyways

>> No.6711503

Hi Mila

>> No.6711537
File: 158 KB, 480x268, Whaambulance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol apparently bitch got told:




>I don't even think she's copying her intentionally

Except she also copied Kotakoti in every little detail

>> No.6711556

Felice isn't unique, but like >>6711537 said, Mila also copied Dakota pretty obviously.

>> No.6711561


>Felice Fawn has made posts about me on more than one occasion that were very rude, but this time went frankly too far. I woke up to an inbox full of hate messages and all I really want to say is that I can’t believe how l cruel some people can be. I think that is extremely low and hurtful and should not go unnoticed. It’s not right. People should think before they intentionally hurt another person, not to mention publicly. I have to say that I’m extremely disappointed with the level of maturity displayed by someone nearly a decade older than me. I’m deleting any messages about this topic because I will not stoop down to that level or defend myself to people that don’t know me and will never know me.

Jesus, you're really gonna play that card Mila? REALLY?

I remember when she got caught on PULL promoting herself under a different account name and talking shit about plenty of other girls. Just how high up is her horse anyway?

>> No.6711564

except with EVERYTHING Mila's ripped off, it is kind of difficult to imagine that this isn't intentional.
>we just happen to have the exact same taste. in photography, music, attire and reblogged content. COINCIDENCE!

that doesn't seem weird to you?

>> No.6711566

Someone should do to Mila what she is doing to Felice.

>> No.6711639

Anyone who says they're ugly (I believe all girls are ugly without shop/make up/surgery) are jealous because they can't shop/make up/surgery like them.

Really, any girl can be pretty. It's called make up, and everyone looks like shit without that and shop.

>> No.6711654

Sadly this is untrue.
Any girl who's ever been to a ladies' only gym or lived with female roommates knows that everyone looks better with makeup but some of us look a lot better with makeup than others.

I think about half the problem is genetic in my case- I have a lot of features like a square jaw, wide shoulders, high forehead and cheekbones that would be striking on a male person.

Then I have a little snub nose and baby mouth that would look good on a girl.

Is it sad that I lost 75 lbs, still need to lose 50 and if I could change two things about myself I'd make my chin pointy and my eyelashes not blonde?

At least for being fat, I can work out.
Polite sage because I'm whining.

>> No.6711659

Yes it fucking does. All "dolls" are extremely thin. Size 0-2 or GTFO

>> No.6711663

something tells me you're a troll, hm. or just a lonely misogynist?

>> No.6711669

Who is Mila? Is Mila and Dakota Fawn the same person?

>> No.6711670

No, I'm being serious. A size 10 is huge. It's not as fat as some people, and I don't give a shit that America's "AVERAGE" size for women is plus-sized/fat, but dolls cannot be fat. Look at everyone posted. None of them are fat, all of them are thin/petite.

>> No.6711671

>I believe all girls are ugly without shop/make up/surgery
Jesus, that's incredibly depressing. I honestly feel bad for you.

>> No.6711673

but you can dye your lashes?

>> No.6711676

I think she's sz 10 UK which is like a size 6

I'd say to be dolly you should be around 0-4 US, maybe 6
but it depends more on how you're proportioned

>> No.6711678

Yeah, my vote is troll.
I actually think seeing a highly hourglass shaped girl at size 10-12 doing kind of a living doll Tex Avery thing would be neat.
There are a lot of different types of dolls, from chubby baby dolls to vintage barbies, who were curvy like a motherfucker in the way ladies who are a 0-4 rarely are.

Besides, at size 10 and 5'7" you're not fat by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.6711679

Thanks for bringing up Mila. I'm not into Tumblr in any way, and I've acknowledged I can never be pretty without cosmetic surgery because I have a defected eye. I can never wear dolly make up or anything because my face is so unsymmetrical and my eyebrows are practically growing on my eyelids (they are very low on my face). Anyways, that Mila girl is a fucking twig. Anyone know how tall/weight? She's skinnier than Kooters.

>> No.6711690

I don't care for "curves." Curvy is another word for fat.
My favorite blog on Tumblr is gentlemenprefercurves.tumblr.com. I was around when that blog FIRST came out as an anti-pro-ana/thinspo, and jesus christ the girls submitting were fucking chronically obese. Not even in the fat range, they were beyond that. I can't call fat/plus-sized/whatever "friendly" word you want to use pretty - it disgusts me.

Asians are mostly thin. A lot of Asians are fucking adorable as hell. They just have that face. And even if an Asian is like, a size 4, they're gonna look fat/chubby at that size. I know it has a lot to do with porportion, but in the end, thinness is the best look for dolls/lolitas.

>> No.6711691

marzzannameara. notorious for being a huge bitch and drama queen on PULL while simultaneously touting herself as a ~*living doll*~ uguu on tumblr.

>> No.6711695

i was talking about eu/uk size 10, but okay.
seriously serious tho? you do know these girls shoop majority of their curves in? and their "petite" stature. in kota and venus are hardly sizes 0-2 us heuheu.
whenever i look on the living doll tag and see +size dolls, it's so nice. i love that we're not just generalizing the living doll trend to a specific weight

>> No.6711697

yep, troll. if not, i pity any female that comes into contact with you (and your opinions).

>> No.6711698

Asian girls are usually short as fuck and gain weight in their bellies most of the time. Ofcourse they start to look chubs beyond size 4 if you're short and gain weight in your stomach and hips

>> No.6711704

I'm not a troll. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't make me a troll. I'm someone who idolizes stick-thin girls (not boney). I'm a lolita and I hate my body for it. My calves are so fucking huge and manly. I have too little body fat and too much muscle. I don't care about weight - I care about body shape.

>> No.6711705

>gain weight in your stomach and hips
isnt that...where every woman gains weight? its either hips or stomach. i dont think anyone gains weight specifically in their arms/calves lol

>> No.6711710
File: 798 KB, 400x400, 1363553781660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not a troll it sounds like you have pretty serious issues around weight and you should probably go see a therapist.

I'm not a troll either, by the way. You sound frightening.

>> No.6711713

Um... I meant actual curves. And most Japanese girls are under 5'5" and small framed. I'm thinking something like Dita Von Teese or Christina Hendricks.

Size US 10 at 5'7" or 5'8" could look find depending on how fit you are and how you carry your weight. That's like what, a 29-30 inch waist and a 32 or 34 inch inseam? If she's a C or D cup she'd probably look pretty nice.

>> No.6711718

thighs as well :)
oh, the way you worded it seemed as if you were some pro-ana troll that was here just to stir up some crap. but yeah, i get you. i have very broad shoulders and big boobs, but the rest of my body is very slim, but that doesn't make you ugly. being a lolita/gyaru/living doll isn't about how your body is, or your proportions, it's about your style and how you present yourself. many japanese idols etc aren't exactly stick-thin or "boney".

>> No.6711723

This is what body types describe anon. Apple shaped people gain on the lower torso/waist, hourglass on the hips and breasts, pear shaped on the hips/thighs etc. Obviously everyone gains weight everywhere, but the portion of the fat distributed to each area changes depending on the body type.

>> No.6711729

On average yes, but Asians body shapes are usually apple/boards on average as opposed to say hourglass or pear

>> No.6711756

5'2 US size 4 on the bottom but size 6 on top.
How can I make my body seem more proportionate by making my top look smaller without wearing clothing that is too tight?

>> No.6711764

Dark items on the bottom, light items on top

I like to wear black tights+skirts+blouse or a dress

dark jeans and whatever top is fine as well

You have a lot of options but avoid tops that have an elastic or whatever on your hips, they always make you look bigger

>> No.6711770

hi! you should look at http://thepolyvorecollection.tumblr.com/ some of the sets are super helpful, also look at the faq (i'm a loyal follower of theirs)
good luck! :)

>> No.6711789

Also the best skirts are the ones that sit on your waist and flare out

I'm pear/hourglass (somewhere inbetween because of my shoulders) but I can wear something like mori just fine(though I'm 5'8)

So you can wear a bunch of things, just try it on and know how to style it

>> No.6711791

Mila = Dakota Fawn

Dakota Fawn is just the name that Felice came up for her.

>> No.6711796

Some women are lucky to got a very even distribution of fat when they gain weight. Some may even gain weight in their tits before anything else.

>> No.6711816

What are some off-brand lashes that are similar to Dolly Wink? I've noticed that I don't have the money to splurge on popular, branded, gyaru lashes...

>> No.6711837

I do. But I'm a lolita so having huge tits and a flat ass doesn't feel very lucky.

>> No.6711848

That is exactly the opposite of what everything I found on Google said (dark tops, light bottoms)...
That looks very useful, thank you!

>> No.6711864

Yeah idk if that anon was just mixed up or something but lighter colours make things look larger, and darker makes things appear smaller.

>> No.6711952

radioactive eyebrows

>> No.6712480

Can somebody please tell that wannabe gyaeu cunt prettyp0lly to gtfo from our tags? Thanks.

>> No.6712657
File: 173 KB, 479x386, Screen shot 2013-03-21 at 7.03.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtu DOT be/WC6WTQXere4

has anyone else seen this?

>> No.6712709

Even though this makeup couldn't work for obvious reasons, it's the best ~actualy animu eyes~ makeup I'm seen.

>> No.6712927
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 427889_283986485027721_169632662_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for replying to a 3 day old post, but as far as generic European features go, I've got a picture I'll put in my next post that you can look at.

But, if you're talking generic white girl face, I find most girls I know that are a mix of everything look like Jenna Marie Mason (pictured), Jenna Mourey, or Courtney Stodden before she was a balloon-boob clad, golden goddess.
Obviously, not all carbon copies, as with anyone. But they have similar features.
Not-so-defined and/or thin jawline, round shaped eyes, defined nose that sticks out, and wide/long mouths.

>> No.6712932
File: 201 KB, 1370x1240, 1352328690328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6712993


Next time she will shoop herself to look like a 6 yr old child.


>> No.6713258

IKR I'm really sick of those cunts, I hate Dakooter but PULL chicks are the worst, Dakota could eat a bowl of cereal and they would find some kind of problem with it

>> No.6713264

Where in the fuck did you get that picture? Is there one for guys? Please tell me what you searched to find that picture, I love this sort of stuff!

>> No.6713278
File: 296 KB, 1200x1390, RiKnY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I got it in a old thread here a while back.
Reverse image searching got me this.

>> No.6713307

What I love most about these pictures is they're crazy accurate from the men/women I know that aren't mixed raced. I am, so I don't really look like any of these.
I swear though, either Puerto Rican men all look the same, or they used only pictures of my family.

>> No.6713437

I just LOVE those pictures. I don't know why, but I'm showing them to everyone around me and they're just wtf'ing at me. Do you have any more? What are these portraits called?

>> No.6713628


That's not true. Some women look better with less makeup, and some women look better with more makeup. It really depends on their face. For example if I try to wear lipstick I just look like a tranny, any shade. The only thing that's ever looked good on me is just plain chapstick.

>> No.6713630


Size 0-2 can also depend on the height, and I think a lot of "living dolls" should be tall and leggy. I'm a size 0 but I'm only 5 ft tall. I could never look like a "doll" or anything.

>> No.6713751



Isn't that our resident Cunt-Master / Spoony's tumblr?

>> No.6713758

>[Luna / Mila] got caught on PULL promoting herself

LOLz! Saw that thread.
This girl also suffers from GOTIS like Kooter.

>> No.6713832

these are photoshopped as well...people are dumb if they believe this is still legit lordy have mercy.

>> No.6713834

the photo to the left, her right eye looks bloated than the other one as well.

>> No.6713841

god i want to punch mila in the fucking face. she looks very cheap when put side to side comparison with felice.

>> No.6713849
File: 49 KB, 620x380, elly_beforeafter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok im done being irritated by mila...

honestly i still think she's some elaborate troll who loves the attention that she is getting.

that or some girl who dreams of making it tumblr famous so she just subconsciously photoshops herself to look like popular figures like dakota and felice. she probably also hopes that she'll be posted on the chive someday by random perverted men.

>> No.6714255

No. It really depends on HOW the make up is applied.

>> No.6714795

know any new dolls that looks good ?