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File: 82 KB, 497x497, acc12bc44e394a2e7ddeabdecd34225a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6709866 No.6709866 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like L-email is using photos of Choke again. Or at least, I thought they did that before. Feel bad for all the girls who bought this wig only for a near-identical one to come out.

Listing here

Other expensive wig dupes you've found?

>> No.6709882
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I just want to say...

Thank you.

Thank you anon, for not saying 'LOL GUESS L-EMAIL SUPPLIES LOCKSHOP TOO!' and instead being intelligent enough to realize that just because wigs look similar does not mean they come from the same supplier or factory. That, in fact, they are simply copies.

...You kind of made my heart grow two and a half times at least this day

>> No.6709892

That one's a pretty obvious copy too, considering the texture and tone of the blonde and purple are completely different.

>> No.6709909

Agreed 100%. But we have fucking morons who wouldn't look at these two wigs twice before screaming at the top of a mountain that they found Lockshop's supplier.

>> No.6709921

Haha thanks for the comment. I've owned enough wigs to know that similar doesn't mean the same. Hard lessons learned from eBay.

I was thinking that too, but at the same time I recall someone who bought it mentioning that the colors were off. I think the L-email wig may be closer to the 'true' Lockshop colors.

L-email doesn't seem to brush their wigs out before photographing them, but we do know Choke does at least a small amount of styling. A lot of the blue tone could actually be from her top/shirt as well. I admit I don't care enough to actually look at the stock photo of the wig.

Tl;dr wig is probably closer to the true Lockshop look and not Choke's photo.

>> No.6709936

I have the Lockshop wig... I'm kind of.. I don't know, disappointed in it? I love the colors, but there are all these shorter strands that frizz out from the cap...

>> No.6709945

Would you mind photographing it? I've wanted to see the true colors for awhile, and the frizz to the wig as well. I don't doubt that Choke would shop out a lot of flyaway hairs and frizz.

>> No.6709947

I've heard this from some other people and it doesn't surprise me.

>> No.6709957

Lockshop wig aren't lace front are they? I don't mind paying for a nice wig, but it's hard for me to think of paying that much money if there isn't a lace front, especially when you can get nice lace fronts for $30-$40 in the US.

>> No.6709965

No? At least as far as I know, they don't carry any lacefronted styles.

>> No.6709970
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>> No.6709971

You know, even though L-email does use other's photos for their wigs, they do get them made from the same supplier because there's evidence that the supplier of places such as GLW and Lockshop sell the wig styles to cheaper companies.

>> No.6710058

I wouldn't be surprised if they had the same supplier, but the fact of the matter is they aren't supplying the same exact wigs. I don't think people argue about the supplier so much as people stating the wigs are identical.

>> No.6710094

Well yeah, they're not identical at all, but they do use the same designs. Though, their wigs aren't bad quality at all.

>> No.6710104

Yeah that's the main point, noobs come in here thinking they have found that one mysterious, hidden shop on taobao that NO ONE ELSE HAS EEVVEEERR FOUND LOL that sells the exact same wigs... and it's never the case. Similar, and hell, even identical LOOKING wigs does not mean 100% it's the same wig as what GLW or Lockshop sells.

But can you find similar ones for cheaper? Sure thing.

>> No.6710110
File: 343 KB, 1600x1200, lockshop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon but here.

>> No.6710111


Not to sound sarcastic as I really do not know - what would be the point to having a lace front on a wig with bangs?

>> No.6710114

>does not mean 100% it's the same wig as what GLW or Lockshop sells.
This is true, but I'll attest that L-email is much better and easier to deal with than GLW for sure. Ugh.

>> No.6710122

Are there any pics of the Lockshop wig worn by people who aren't choke?

>> No.6710124

oh yeah i'll never buy from glw again, shitty service, spotty quality, just nope. taobao wigs i have are 10 times better quality for 1/3 the price

>> No.6710125
File: 17 KB, 308x448, 1362804333098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GLW uses mutiple suppliers thought, one of them really selling their wigs on taobao, pic related.

>> No.6710138

You know how when you part bangs too severely you see the wig cap itself? Never had that problem with a lace front. Plus it overall looks more natural.

If you ever do decide to add some fluff and volume to the bangs, it looks better than it would on a non lace-front.

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.6710145

That shop is not their supplier. They sell very similar wigs, for sure. And yes, they are working on gradient rhapsody wigs. But they are not the supplier. I know because I asked them about their rhapsody style wigs in the pastel gradients and they told me they are still working on figuring them out for other colors... if the were really the supplier they would already know how to make them.

>> No.6710158

Either way, the point is that the wig designs are sold to other shops from the suppliers eventually, and GLW's designs aren't even original.

>> No.6710164
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>> No.6710165
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I've never been too impressed with the look of that prism wig in a non-photoshopped, studio setting.

>> No.6710167
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First releases were quite yellowish too in natural light.

>> No.6710171

Oh yeah I can agree with that. I thought you were trying to say that was their supplier since it says

>one of them is selling their wigs on taobao

unless that's not you, then my bad

>> No.6710200

I feel like you'd have to really brush it out (but not overbrush) to get even close to the look in the Lockshop image...

>> No.6710233

the wig looks awfully thin :/

>> No.6710244

I owned the Prism wigs and a number of other Lockshop wigs, and let me tell you that the Prism wig is definitely not as nice as her other wigs. My other wigs are really pretty, soft, full and natural, but the Prism wig is just a bit lacking. I'd say Lockshop is a great place for wigs, but avoid the Prism style.

>> No.6710256

It's thick, but not super-duper thick. It's mostly because it's all in layers, with the top layer being the blonde, middle and lower layers being longer each. The top feels thick, but it thins out at the bottom. If it were a full gradient dye job, it would be a very thick wig throughout. But the best you're going to get with that is a custom dye job yourself. I wouldn't be opposed to do that.

The worst part about the wig is fuzz right at the roots of the bangs.

I got mine 2nd hand, but it hadn't been worn. I gave it a good wash regardless. It was a good price considering what it goes for new (and at the time, shipping wasn't so expensive).

>> No.6710434

Buying this one I've paid of some doctors bills. OH GOD, YES.

>> No.6710663
File: 46 KB, 600x600, mermaid-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of wig dupes, I ordered a wig and tights from Lockshop last october. Still waiting. Thier customer service is awful. I planned on ordering quite a few more of choke's wigs, but now it's not gonna happen.

>> No.6710668

uh did you try emailing her?!?! My wig was lost in October (... were the BJD tights even available then??) and I emailed her in november and she sent me a new wig.

I mean, have you even fucking tried?

>> No.6710679
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 2-clip-in-ponytails-pink-to-mint-fade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you sure know what you're talking about, don'tcha?
Yes. I have I have 5 emails to her customer service rep, and every time I send one I get the same reply. "You didn't receive my previous e-mail?" Like email's can magically get lost over the internet? And my last email, asking for the tracking number for the replacement was never even replied to.

>> No.6710687

>Like email's can magically get lost over the internet?
...Yes? Have you never heard of spam filtering?

I've had this happen multiple times from SS, webshops and other places to one of my email addresses, so for certain emails I have to use an alternate email address on another service.

Wow you must be new to the internet.

>> No.6710689

Sorry, don't believe you lol. Did you try, I don't know, the other avenues like posting on her FB and sending asks to her tumblr and basically every other way to contact her?

Did you even get the secondary email address she sends when she responds to the contact form on the site?

>> No.6710693

Okay, choke, calm down.

>> No.6710696

My suggestion would be to make a bigger fuss. Take it somewhere public, like their facebook.

Cap your emails as proof and post your story to tumblr, and even here.

This isn't fair to you, and you deserve to make sure people are warned and know your story.

>> No.6710698

>everyone itt is now choke

>> No.6710701

She shouldn't have to try other avenues. She paid for product and deserves it, not some unresponsive runaround.

>> No.6710705

Checked my spam folder, thanks. The wait in between replies was months. It's funny, the only place I've ever gotten a reply from Choke is here on /cgl. I didn't see the point of spamming her social media with a complaint, I'd rather post it on an anonymous image board. I still like her in general, so I don't want to spam hate all over the internet.

>> No.6710706

Lockshop's customer service is really good. Message them on Facebook, not via email. I had a wig with a production fault, emailed about it, and got a free wig of my choice (They sold out of the style I had that had the flaw.) and they didn't even ask for pictures or anything. They paid to ship the replacement to the UK too.

You just need to contact them in the right avenues, I've found Lockshop very obliging.

>> No.6710707

Agreed, but if they're not going to honour their side of a sale, she really should go public with it. If for no other reason than to warn other people off. I mean, how frequently have scams slowly brewed in the comms, all because people didn't want to cause a fuss or be "that bitch" who spoke up about a botched purchase?

>> No.6710710

She shouldn't HAVE to, but sitting here stamping her feet isn't quite as proactive, either.

Like, if you care enough to complain, don't you care enough to try different avenues to get your product? Throwing a hissyfit won't help.

>> No.6710716

I never had a problem contacting via email. Obviously other people haven't either. So then if she is having a problem with her emails, it seems to be on her end... it's not a runaround to actually troubleshoot a problem? At this point I don't think she is telling the truth anyway. The Grey mermaid wig wasn't in stock for a looong time after August/September... Pretty sure it wasn't even available in October.

>> No.6710718

>I didn't see the point of spamming her social media with a complaint, I'd rather post it on an anonymous image board. I still like her in general, so I don't want to spam hate all over the internet.
This is so... backwards. So you'll smear her on cgl but not with your name attached?? Oh but you still like her.


>disclaimer: I don't give two fucks about choke

>> No.6710730

Exactly how I feel. Suddenly so much Choke support.

Stop defending poor business practices and customer service so vehemently.

>> No.6710733

That was a sarcastic comment you dipshit,

>> No.6710736

Stop believing every little thing you read on an anon board.

>> No.6710738

Other people have had a problem with Lockshop's customer service though. This isn't a one time thing.

>> No.6710739
File: 106 KB, 1865x859, lockshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, here's the email. You mad much? If you'll look at my post's I haven't said anything besides the customer service is awful. The tights were on pre-order for months in advance, if you remember correctly. Anyway, messaged the facebook, didn't even know there was one.

>> No.6710740

Choak leave dis place!

>> No.6710742

What exactly does an email have to do with pointing out that you supposedly like her so much but you'll bitch about your experience on 4chan rather than fucking GOOGLE to see if there were any alternative ways to contact her (which you would seriously have to live under a rock to not know).

You are a moron.

>> No.6710746

Thanks for getting back to me Lockshop customer service. You're input was incredibly necessary.

>> No.6710748



>everyone itt is choke

>> No.6710752

>What is Sarcasm?

>> No.6710758

Sometimes I wonder if the rabid choke defenders are not choke, but instead people who also hate her. So they bash others like this to turn more people against choke.

Deep shit, man.

>> No.6710769

As I said, I don't give a fuck about choke, and her customer service probably is terrible. But buyers of any company that sit and twiddle their thumbs and whine on cgl instead of actively attempting to get their items or get their money back make me question their motives. That's all.

>> No.6710774

>In a thread ABOUT wig problems
Where other's have also mentioned issues with the same company. Come on anon, are you serious or just that bored?

>> No.6710780

>viral marketing

Nice try, Choke

>> No.6710783

..When was this ever a thread about wig problems? It's about wig dupes.

>Other expensive wig dupes you've found?

OP talks about L-email stealing choke pictures, initial discussion was about the dupe wig being meh compared to the LS one, quality comparison, then later anon came in and brought up her customer services issues.

And yeah, mostly bored. Again, I said her customer service issues are shit. You're reading in me whiteknighting choke- I'm not. I just think that anon is a complete dumbass for barely lifting a finger to resolve her issues.

>> No.6710797

The issue shouldn't be there to begin with. That's the issue. Sellers need to be more on top of their shit. I can like someone but still think they're doing a poor job at something, especially when they have my money to boot.

>> No.6710801

>believing anything you read on an anon messaging board

Seriously, did you ever get that money from the Nigerian Prince or...?

>> No.6710802

Excuse my newness, but are they reliable? I've never heard of them and usually get my wigs from GLW or a local wig store. Their prices seem awesome.

>> No.6710804

They're not awful, they're not awesome. Some wigs are better than others. Usual TaoBao level quality for the same price.

>> No.6710805

Wait, where are the other mentions of issues with customer service and Lockshop in this thread?

>> No.6710808

Ah, good. I was worried they were Milanoo in disguise. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6710810

I was JUST about to ask that same question.

>> No.6710833

There's a tumblr that's reviewed a few of their wigs but i can't for the life of me find it. Thought it was roseview, but it's not.

>> No.6710845


I just got two of their wigs, should I review?

>> No.6710849

Please do. I'd really like to get some wigs from them, but I don't want to get ripped off.

>> No.6710851


k give me a few and I'll post it

>> No.6710880
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So I bought




>> No.6710887
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first up is the lolita curly poofy wig

1. Customer service was excellent, my shipping was held up because they forgot to ask my phone number, so they shipped fedex instead of USPS.
2. the wig fibers are very soft, and the wigs are not as thick as gabalmania wigs, but not as thin as some taobao wigs.

this is the base without the twintails

>> No.6710889

Ooh, those are lovely. Did you receive what was pictured?

>> No.6710892


and with the twintails, it was a little poofier than I thought, but overall I'm actually pretty satisfied

>> No.6710894
File: 68 KB, 800x670, IMG_2995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot my image!

>> No.6710895

link to taobao shop please?

>> No.6710896


>> No.6710898
File: 56 KB, 580x800, IMG_2996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The rhapsody wig was super soft and super big, out of the bag it was a little flat, so I brushed it to add poof, it reminds me of being in a hair metal band.

It's also a yellow blonde, a little lighter than the photos I see of the GLW wig

>> No.6710899


It looks really cute! I'll definitely be ordering from them when I get the chance.

>> No.6710903
File: 49 KB, 520x800, IMG_2997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's all of the wig to one side, there is a LOT of hair

>> No.6710908


Overall good wigs for what I paid for, good customer service, a little on the shiny side but I didn't pay more than $30 for the two so nothing baby powder won't fix.

Would recommend

>> No.6710913

I feel so ashamed that I ever ordered from GLW now.

>> No.6710916

I'm sorry but if you didn't hear back from her the next day, you should have emailed again. It's not your fault that you didn't recieve your order but it is your fault for not making sure you got your damn order.

>> No.6710923

Thanks for reviewing this. I was half considering a casual Minako Aino cosplay, and this wig could work.

>> No.6710919

Shhh, don't try to reason with stupid people, anon.
It's bad for your health.

>> No.6710921

>it's the customer's fault that choke... choked on their order


>> No.6710928

Minako's hair isn't wavy like that, though.

>> No.6710929

I know, but straight wigs don't provide the volume her hair has.

>> No.6710931

Of course it is. I personally wouldn't let a comany get away with not sending me the products i've ordered or refunding my money. How stupid can you be? You need to stop being such a pussy and waiting for the company to ~do the right thing~.

>> No.6710934

Eh, fair enough.

>> No.6710951

>customer sent multiple emails

Did you even read what they wrote or are you just blinded by your need to whiteknight Choke every time her customer service issues are brought up?

>> No.6710954

You know I really like how if this were glw, or a taobao seller, or an ebay seller people would be all over that company's ass criticizing but since it's chokelate it's somehow the customer's fault for not being assertive enough.

>> No.6710963

She sent 5 emails and she waited months in between before she got replies. Did YOU read the thread? Why was she waiting months before trying again?
Why is she moaning about not recieving her order when she gave a piss poor attempt at getting that order?

>> No.6710968

Five emails is a lot of emails to miss regardless of the time period between which she sent them.
Anon is right, stop whiteknighting.

>> No.6710969

Just want to add, i'm not saying that it's right that she didn't recieve her order - the customer service IS bad and she SHOULD have recieved her order. But when she didn't, she should have tried harder to get it instead of waiting for months. That is what is stupid.

>> No.6710971

You must be new here. Whenever anyone comes forth with claims of terrible service or products in threads, they are expected to prove that claim. And asked to. Once again, I say: Why are you believing this anon in the first place? They have an email from December screen shotted? What the fuck kind of proof is that? Where is the original invoice with the wig and the tights from back in october? Why are you so quick to jump on people being skeptical but blindly believing this person?

>> No.6710973

Stop blindly believing everything you read on the internet without facts to back it up.

>> No.6710976

A lot of people have claimed plenty of bad reviews about glw, mintymix, and arda and never necessarily have had to post a shitload of "proof" either. Are you new?
The real question is why are you so personally invested in proving there's ~fake reviews~ on cgl? What motive would an anonymous person have to make up a story about a wig they didn't actually purchase with details that didn't actually happen?
If you've had good luck with the company then you'll buy from them despite what others say. If you're skeptical then you won't. Simple.

>> No.6710977

How about this then. IF infact the anon is telling the truth then it was fucked. If.

>> No.6710979

ahahaha bullshit. yes they have. The only reason that GLW reviews are never refuted is because SO MANY NEGATIVE ONES came through, so it's obvious they are shit, no questions asked.

I never said there was a fake review. I said you're jumping down people's throats for being skeptical and yet you are so ready to stand by this person without even a shred of evidence that it's true. That is idiotic. A person who supposedly sent 5 emails over the course of months and didnt bother to contact lockshop via FB or Tumblr? I'd be so fucking pissed I'd be ready to drag choke through the damn dirt about it and never buy from her again AND make sure everyone knew about my experience, with plenty of proof to back it up. But nah, we just get 'I like her tho k?' and a screenshot from an email from december. Don't be an idiot, please.

Sure, that's fine to say.

>> No.6710982

As for arda and mintymix? Haven't seen fucking mintymix reviews in eons, and arda has a good amount of shit ones too, so of course it's not so side eye worthy as this...

>> No.6710985

Bullshit my ass.
I'm jumping down nobody's throat, it's you that's jumping down that anon's throat for not being an "assertive" customer despite the fact that it's still chokelate's fault and responsibility as a seller to be on top of her own orders, which clearly that email proves regardless.

You're a bitch.

>> No.6710986

>arda has a good amount of shit ones too, so of course it's not so side eye worthy as this

Arda used to get whiteknighted all the fucking time. There would be threads dedicated to Arda and there's even a viral thread for their dumb wig contest going on right now. So I don't understand why you're treating them like they're on the same tier as glw with an overload of negative reviews when they're not.

And the reason nobody does MM reviews anymore is because she's practically irrelevant and barely ever stocks. Plus people have outsourced the majority of her wigs.

>> No.6710989

I did, retard. Quit trying to start drama. Do you really want me to post all 5 emails?

>> No.6710991

I think you better or else you're clearly a vendetta chan out to slander the name of the precious lamb that is LS.
I've never seen someone so adamant about prodding another anon to post proof of their negative experiences like this ever.

>> No.6710993

Lmao. The way you put it really makes me wonder if Choke is here or not.

>> No.6711000

Oh that wasn't me, not that you would believe me, lol.

I would yes. And the invoice with the grey wig and tights on it from october please. Good way to shut me up and win at the internet against me.

>> No.6711003

So true. I'm hardly that concerned over $60 I spent months ago. I wrote it off after the third time I never got a reply. I was stunned when in February they said the restocked the items and would send me them again free of charge. I think that was the last time this came up on /cgl. Then I was not surprised at all after I never got another reply.

>> No.6711006

Or actually, just a screenshot of your account page with the order history

Seriously you will completely have my foot in my mouth.

>> No.6711008


>> No.6711013

>Good way to shut me up and win at the internet against me.
Yeah because we're so damn concerned about having your approval and trust anon. No really, you're just that important to us all.

>> No.6711028

Sorry if you believe in blind faith on an anon board (I mean, how stupid are you lol) but I don't. It makes you look naive and ignorant. I don't see what the problem would be to get the information out into the open about a customer service issue? How is that a fucking bad thing to warn people of? I don't get your line of thinking at all

>People say things without proof and i believe them!
>I call other people bitches when they ask for proof, who needs stinky proof, YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE

Seriously, must be a tough place in the real world for you anon.

>> No.6711032

Not that anon, but I think you're missing the point. None of us actually care if it's true or not. For one, this is /cgl/ drama and vendetta-chans happen all the time but no1cuur. Even if it's a load of shit, one of us will happily agree just because it's fun. But no one actually cares.

>> No.6711034

Stop calling other people naive and ignorant just because they don't believe that one should have to post a precise paper trail of their interactions and purchase to give a negative review.
I've left negative reviews about Arda wigs on here before in the same detail and I never got heckled to provide more proof by some holier than thou dipshit like yourself.

Also lol
>trying to backpedal into the "Oh I just want to protect people from a customer service issue" when you originally said the anon was stupid for not messaging the seller more

You're full of shit and an obvious whiteknight.
It's pathetic.

>> No.6711035

No one cares about bad customer service? Oh ok, you're right, I was missing the point, lol

but you got mad at called me a bitch and that hurt my feelings!

>> No.6711038

I'm not even the same person, it's a shame you think that I am. I just think you're acting crazy. You seem to think people care about proof, which honestly no one does. People are going to believe whatever is more fun, cause that's how dramu works.

>> No.6711039

Actually I called you a bitch, and you are. Although I'm sure it greatly hurts you that more than one person thinks you're an aspie.

>> No.6711041

It's pathetic you think everyone who disagrees with you is samefag.

You come onto a thread and make a claim like that and get upset when people ask for proof? Seriously, how dumb are you?

>> No.6711042

>implying I'm not having fun

>> No.6711044

People usually ask for proof when there's absolutely zero indication that there is anything wrong with someone's service. Aka, you-know-how and their vendetta anon.

In Lockshop's case, Chokelate has come on here and admitted to fuck-ups before, so why the OMG NO PROOF, POST YOUR ACCOUNT HISTORY AND ALL FIVE EMAILS AND TIMESTAMPS?

>> No.6711045

You just got done calling someone else a samefag and now you're trying to say that you aren't one?
There's only one crazy bitch in here that keeps saying that original anon was stupid for not messaging the seller more, and it's you.
You're a lunatic.

>> No.6711049

Was meant for >>6711041
if it wasn't obvious enough.

>> No.6711055

Isn't there a way to check same-faggotry?

>> No.6711058

>be a mod
>forced ID
other than that nope.

>> No.6711059

why would you care?

>> No.6711079
File: 803 KB, 800x600, 398696_382259098529081_1398819634_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looks at the "Customer Showcase" photo-album at their facebook page. Pic related.

>> No.6711085

oh that poor poor fringer

>> No.6711086


>> No.6711094

That's the smallest mouth I've ever seen on a person's face like that.

>> No.6711115

do people know where to get headbands like that? pref ebay? all i've found are small lots of flowers, nothing super massive.

>> No.6711159

try etsy

>> No.6711176

I have their mermaid wig and I was horribly disappointed in it. It's shiny and it's got some gaps tha will show your scalp and hair under it..

>> No.6711209

If you look on her Facebook page she says she's thinking of bringing out a 50s-style lace front wig if people are interested. No doubt it'll be way, way more expensive, though. I have three of her wigs and I'm very happy with them all, but I really don't think they're worth the price if you're not in Europe.

>> No.6711213

Definitely agree. I first got the silky straight wig and it's so lovely and thick, but my prism one isn't as good.

>> No.6711352

Lol. For the record there have been at least 3 different anons disagreeing with you.

Just came back to the thread. I see everyone that disagrees with you is still choke.

>> No.6711928

>I see everyone that disagrees with you is still choke

Except the person you were replying to was defending the customer, not the "PROVIDE ACCOUNT STATEMENTS!" idiot

>> No.6711957

And there's been about five different people disagreeing with you. And about three more have since came to the thread with a less than extraordinary review about the prism wig without GASP ~*~proof~*~
Go away already.

>> No.6712078

Reading comprehension fail, wow. No one was arguing about quality. They were arguing with you about customer service. And no, it was obviously just you, not find people rofl. Not even the anon you're replying too either. And i see still no proof, feels good to win on the internet, my day is complete! Yes, obviously i am the one asking for account statements.

>> No.6712826

how much was your shipping and how long did it take?

also, i will be receiving their mint green rhapsody wig in the mail tomorrow so long as it doesn't take USPS 3 days to get a package from Chicago to S. Michigan. I'll post a review as well.

>> No.6714542
File: 15 KB, 403x403, 600873_10151233701191765_1571757143_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF you are in fact Proof anon, you have not won only proven how retarded you are. Get off my 4chan.jpg

>> No.6714570

>caring this much to go looking for this thread before it auto archives and commenting

Different anon, but could you be anymore upset? Wish you guys would both just fuck off.

>> No.6714606

Their international shop:
Supplies pretty much every GLW wig on request and also GLW used their stock images some years ago (first they didn't have watermarks).

>> No.6714634

Unfortunatly I have to say they make SIMILAR wigs, not the same wigs. I am the anon who is attempting to buy pink to white and lavender to white rhapsody gradients and they said they were working on the lav to white (before CNY) meaning they aren't the supplier because they would already know how to make the wig and not have to 'figure it out'. Also I'm in the middle of a paypal dispute with them because they decided to never speak to me again after I paid for the 10 wig batch... moving it up to a full out claim on the 28th if they don't respond. So just a heads up about that shop.

>> No.6715445

I'm quite sure they used to be GLW's first factory back when they were still good quality.

>> No.6716876

OH perhaps then yes, I would agree that is a possibility. Update, I suddenly received a tracking number on my package, crossing finginers!