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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 1990x901, cosplay suggestion template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6707903 No.6707903 [Reply] [Original]

> ten pages
> no suggestion thread

come on, /cgl/

remember you get no suggestions if you don't give some to the rest of your cosplaying brethren.


>> No.6707918

You first!

>> No.6707922
File: 563 KB, 1990x904, Kuro's Clusterfuck of a Cosplay Suggestion Thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever, i'll put mine in first.

mainly I wanted this to get some suggestions for my boyfriend so i'll post his second

>> No.6707923
File: 164 KB, 1988x890, Kuro's Boyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6707938


You look like your boyfriend with your man makeup on. Not that thats a bad thing, both of you are really good looking. Sorry, no suggestions, just had to say it.

>> No.6707951

thank you, i know i do; i went out as him for halloween lol

sage for unrelated :)

>> No.6708277
File: 440 KB, 1985x909, new one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your up for a challenge I think you can pull off Rush Sykes from The Last Remnant.

Maybe Aizen from Bleach? I'm sorry. I'm not much help...

>> No.6708311
File: 1.21 MB, 1598x729, wsicaota13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always lovin these threads.
Trying to narrow down a few for Otakon
>Sailor Uranus /OR/ (Neo) Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
>Wonder Woman /OR/ Moira O'Hara (American Horror Story)
>Princess Bubblegum /OR/ Lady Rainicorn /OR/ Ice Queen
>Odette (Swan Princess) /OR/ Sakizou art
>Margaery Tyrell /OR/ Sansa Stark (Purple wedding versions - Game of Thrones)

Those eyebrows need a major grooming girl. Even your crossplay characters have much thinner eyebrows.
I'd say Allen, just because the world needs more DGM cosplay.
If you do Allen, Lavi or Kanda would work. Or, with his beard. Based on his height, I'd say Kanda.
Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill. The first one looks nifty too.

>> No.6708357
File: 785 KB, 1990x901, fanexpoapr20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not into anything too crazy. Something a bit more simple and fun. Any suggestions are awesome. I've a month to set something up.

>> No.6708360

>those eyebrows
>not suggesting for the four other people
You can fuck right off.

>> No.6708386

I got too excited in posting and forgot to suggest! Sheesh /cgl/ is quick.

6,7,3. Rapunzel?

1 or if you are into trying a helluva lot of fire emblem characters. lots would work well

>> No.6708392

Stu Pickles

>> No.6708433

maybe after a year of lifting you can do that.

>> No.6708462

Only reason why I'm not definite on it. I'm not close to the physique of the character pictured but older iterations of him have smaller builds. I think I possibly could pull off an older version of the character if i lift till the con.

>> No.6708480

lol no you wont

>> No.6708490

A boy can dream

Maybe I can go as glass joe.

By the way thanks for all the alternate suggestions. ;)

>> No.6708510
File: 401 KB, 1598x713, suggestmecosplaysplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinata would look great on you. On your makeupless picture you look like Zoey Deschanel haha. I think you'd make a cool Edward Elric or Squall Leonhart.

As for your boyfriend I think he'd look cool as Yu Narukami or Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4, you can be one of the girls and you can go together.

I think you'd be a cute Mio Akiyama or Sailor Saturn.

Yukari Hayasaka from Paradise Kiss (the blue dress runway, specifically).

Tohru Adachi from Persona 4. Maybe Joe Kido from Digimon Adventure/Digimon 2?

>> No.6708513
File: 902 KB, 1985x909, Suggestions 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make and adorable Hinata
If he's ok going without glasses Tiger would suit him
Faith from Mirror's Edge or your first option.
Wow, you really look like your first option. You should copslay that for sure. And Uranus... but I'm bias towards Sailor Moon cosplays.
You should be ok with your option. I'm trying to think of something simple that's not too popular or obscure but I'm kind of bad at this.
That first girl you have in the pirate get up. That is so cute and I think you can pull it off.

>> No.6708517

oh goodness, you would make an excellent meg!

>> No.6708523

Julie from motorcity

meg for sure

>> No.6708525
File: 280 KB, 1598x713, cglrequestbeardedone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on your crossplay makeup, I'd be really interested to see your Gaara! Though, You definitely have the hair for Hinata.
I think you could do a good Klein cosplay (even though he's on my own cosplay list).

You have the perfect body for Touko/Hilde, and I have a softspot for poogeymanz.

Not sure if this is relevant to your interests but there's a pic in there that makes me think you could do a great Daenerys Targaryen.

>> No.6708527

Liliana's already a work in progress, but thank you for the support!
Meg would look wonderful on you and so would Sailor Jupiter!

>> No.6708538
File: 2.06 MB, 1000x1626, sailor_jupiter_cosplay_photoshoot_by_swoz-d5ayh76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Thanks! I kind of figured Meg would be given. haha I should probably get on making that soon then!
Oh gosh! Well, you are going to look fabulous then! And actually I've already cosplayed Sailor Jupiter (pic related)

and sage for no real contribution.

>> No.6708539

labcoat/hevsuit freeman?

>> No.6708543

I can dig it. That's getting added to the list. Thanks much!

>> No.6708545

Of course. Any vidya ideas for: >>6708357

>> No.6708550


>> No.6708552
File: 859 KB, 1990x901, suggestions please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to remove Nodoka because I don't like her that much, I prefer Yui
New suggestions please! Amaimon is pretty much confirmed and so is Yui
(no /co/mics)

Meg please!
Also Sailor Jupiter

Reki from Haibane Renmei!

I'm sorry but I don't have any new ideas at the moment, but the one you listed seems ok

Hell yeah Sailor Uranus , I trust that you'll make the uniform look perfect

From your list: May or Chell
maybe Kitsu Chiri from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?

Seconding Yosuke, it's the hair

Hinata or Saki

>> No.6708558



>> No.6708563

B-but I said that I didn't like Nodoka!

>> No.6708565

Looked like it would work.Do Yui then! You already have 2 good ones lined up.

>> No.6708572

Can't you read? She said that she was going to cosplay Yui as well.

>> No.6708575

>Amaimon is pretty much confirmed and so is Yui

I agreed with-...

No. I'm not going to even explain. You are trying to make a simple suggestion more than what it is. Wilikers.

>> No.6708582

Dude just get the fuck out

>> No.6708672

New thread pls.

This one's already turned to shit and OP didn't post the rules.

>> No.6708700
File: 1.69 MB, 1990x901, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very good at crafting 3D things, I'm ok with sewing, but armour and props.. not so much.

>> No.6708729

Do you do gymnastics?

>> No.6708794

Suggest to others please

>> No.6708829
File: 1.34 MB, 1971x892, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt going to post in this thread, but you have to do meg
captain hammer
swan princess, lady amalthea, or really any of the waifus of my childhood
dark magician girl, why is this even a question
do a rule 63 of toad from xmen, i can see it looking rad af

>> No.6708835


oh man, classic DYEL black dynamite.

>> No.6708846

>mfw a third of the posts itt are hidden stubs for me
Feels good. I bet the entire canada crew has posted.

>> No.6708856
File: 369 KB, 1990x1012, armour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shave and go as Otacon.
Stop doing duck face in photos, best advice I can give

>> No.6708876
File: 94 KB, 600x450, 1340228415640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass Effect

>> No.6708883

Bu they're "fun"

>> No.6708894

The rules should always be posted in OP's post
But I doubt that it would have made a big difference as it seems like some people ITT can't read

>> No.6709092

I did club gymnastics for 11 years and then switched to pole vaulting for high school and college.
Haha thanks. Well, I might get started on Meg sooner than I expected with the over whelming unanimous (sp?) vote. Also, do Malzahar, That design is really cool and you can pull off the shirtless look fine.
Takagi or Dark Magician Girl
Go for Captain America
I think you'd make a good Snow White from that show Once Upon a Time. I on;y watched a couple of episodes but you have a similar hair cut and facial structure that it would be recognizable.
Hughes please!

>> No.6709107
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 164431_581763075168397_1917498611_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga pls
>implying i dont just have luscious plump bj lips

>> No.6709151
File: 973 KB, 1598x713, suggestions1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got you all! Sorry if I missed anyone.

You kind of look like Hiddleston in that second pic... so perhaps with some interesting makeup choices you could do a cool version of Loki from the Avengers movieverse. I know people are usually against that kind of thing but something about your expression just really reminds me of the actor!

Tarzan is honestly perfect and I'm glad you're doing him. I think you could also do Sid from Soul Eater pretty well if you wanted to try using your own hair for it. Your facial structure also reminds me of Mink from Dramatical Murder, but that's a BL game so you may get some weird attention at cons (though lots of girls play it so maybe you could use that to your advantage, haha)

Dark Magician girl would be so cute! I'd love to see more cosplays of her.

Perhaps Mari from EVA? You'd get to keep the glasses!

Oh man, Hughes would look great.

Kraehe would look lovely on you! You should also look into Anna from Fire Emblem (I'm thinking specifically as she appears in Awakening but yeah - your features would really work for her).

Your dark hair really compliments you - Mio from K-ON! would look cute.

Seconding the suggestion for Adachi from Persona 4!

Bubblegum would look lovely, but as a fellow Moonie cosplayer (who is also attending Otakon) I'm gonna have to say Neo Queen Serenity. You look great with blonde hair! (Hopefully I'll see your there - going to be Eternal Sailor Moon on Saturday).

Chell is a good choice.

I'm getting a Flynn Rider vibe.

Ooooh I think your Grell would be a cool one to see. For girls, Hinata would also be a good choice for you! If you're into crossplay, though, maybe you and the BF can go as Protagonist (him) and Yosuke (you) from Persona 4.

>> No.6709152

nah dude its duck face, stop it

>> No.6709158

I would love to see a bravest warriors group done well.
Maybe ogla from MGS2

>> No.6709549
File: 868 KB, 3196x1426, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really like your pink wig on the picture, I think Sumia would be interesting, I would love to see that!

Ahhh! you're very cute, I think Dark Magician girl is an adorable idea.

Do meg PLS.

I think you could be a cute Azunyan
Chell because dem lips.

>> No.6709756
File: 170 KB, 1310x600, leagueofcasuals3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocking, alternatively Wednesday might not be an recognizable cosplay but it's my favorite of your ideas.
I'd say go for capt, might depend on where you're cosplaying but Shep is hard to pull off imo.
I wanna say Malz, I have not seen a good Malzahar yet because everyone seems to think malz is DYEL mode. I actually like you better as Varus, who I have in my picture but would probs go better with your more angular face, lol.
Echoing previous posters, DMG is a great choice.
If it's your first cosplay gonna suggest Roark or the Kid. Are you planning on making or buying, and can you, or someone who can help, sew? In terms of face, Maes would be the best match.

>> No.6709763

>Captain Hammer
hahahahaha love it. Might just have to add that to the list. Made more entertaining because a few halloweens ago I accidentally dressed as Dr. Horrible. This was before I had seen the show.

Good to see I have a bit of support on the Hughes front! Thanks!

You definitely have the face to pull off Asami. I think you could do Rosa (Pokemon B/W 2) really well.

>> No.6709770

I'm actually gaining interest in doing The Kid. I'm planning on making as much as humanly possible since buying things rarely looks accurate. I think a couple of friends may be able to help me sew some things but I'm not quite sure. I could always learn sewing, I suppose.

Also, of the ones you listed, I think Ez would be the closest match, but I think it'd be pretty cool seeing a male version of Vayne, so she gets my vote!

>> No.6709779
File: 556 KB, 1985x909, Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing it backwards so people at the bottom have a chance as well.

Damn, you already chose some perfect ones.
Stocking and Wednesday are the nicest. BB Hood would be nice too. You could also try a little sister from Bioshock.

Sumia and/or GodDoka

Nice Dovahkiin. Captain 'Murrica would work nicely here.

Still Tarzan

I'm siding with the rest here. Do Dark Magician Girl.

Nodoka would work best here. Of chart, maybe Eureka from Eureka 7? Might be nice due to the short hair.

Fuck, I want a beard like that. Hughes is a good one. But since I love /m/ stuff and you look like a broad dude, I'd say Batou from Ghost in the Shell. You can modify some sport swimming glasses for the eyes.

Your hair looks like you'd be an excellent Meg. Off the chart I'd say Suigintou, mainly due to your height, facial structure and sewing skills.

Dem hips... Ehm...
Michiko from Michico to Hatchin. Viletta Nu, Code Geass. Hanekawa Tsubasa, Bakemonogatari. Those might be good.

Travis Touchdown, maybe? You seem to like /vr/ a lot more, but I can't think of something better.

Quattro Bajeena, Gundam Zeta. If not, Captain Sky High, Tiger and Bunny.

I'm a bit stuck in some old stuff, I guess. I've seen quite a lot of shows, but some tend to recur more in my suggestions. Also, ran out of space. Hmm.

>> No.6709906

Bampu~ ( ´θ`)ノ

>> No.6710022
File: 134 KB, 512x620, definitely not drow ranger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that second character
Holy shit, did league of lehendas rip off Drow Ranger that hard? It's like... why. Sorry for OT but I just had to point it out.

Also, for something completely different, here's a superior-- I mean similar, character design that you might like.

>> No.6710218

>White Hair
>Must be drow.

>> No.6710222

But she's not a drow either...

>> No.6710268

Gendo Ikari

>> No.6710720

I was going to remove Nodoka but thanks for the new suggestion anyway

but I said that I was going to remove her..

I've said that I'm not interested in /co/mics or the like, but thank you for suggesting something new

>tfw you're going to/you want to cosplay as Yui
>tfw nearly everyone suggests Nodoka even tho you don't like her

>> No.6710781

I didn't know how to reply to posts on here, but then I figured it out:
I think Faith Connors would be great; maybe Yuki Cross too? You have a verr cute face ~

Madame Red? Her dress is very pretty.

How about someone from TF2? I think the Medic would suit you.>>6708510

Elizabeth from Black Butler.. or Chie Satonaka from Persona 4? You have a pretty smile ~

Maybe Ivan from Tiger and Bunny? Um. Alois from Black Butler, I think you have a similar face to him.

Maes would be so perfect.

Kyoya from OHSHC perhaps? For the glasses part.

Oh sweet jesus, please Malzahar. I can't really think of characters with dreads though, sorry.

Captain America, would be best I think.

Asami, please ~ I think it'd be great for you with the right make up. Maybe Yukiko from Persona 4?

You are so adorable. Stocking would be perfect for you I think. Maybe Ciel from Black Butler? He's pretty dark. Alois, too.

Oh god Varus is my favourite LoL champion you have no idea. I think Swain would be great, since I've never seen one before

Daft Punk, please ~ it'd be so great.

Thanks for the replies on mine, I appreciate them all, and I think I'll look into going through with this DMG cosplay!

>> No.6710843

I'll make some more suggestions when I'm less tired.

Thanks! I'll consider Yuki Cross as well. I think you can pull off Bianca from Pokemon Black and White.

I'm definitely going to cosplay as Chell. I think you can pull off Alice Liddell from American McGee's Alice

Well if you don't want to cosplay Nodoka maybe Hanji Zoe from Attack on Titan?

>> No.6710885
File: 307 KB, 525x791, Mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh Julie's really cute! Thank you!

Reki is pretty too! I'll definitely watch it! I think you could pull off a great Shizune Hakamichi from Katawa Shoujo~

I already have done Mio haha, pic related. Sumia is so pretty~ Please do her. I think you could make a pretty Yuno Gasai too.

Thank you! I think you'd be a really cute Stocking and you really look like Wednesday Addams hahaha. As for my own suggestion, I think you'd be an adorable Menma from AnoHana.

Hahaha thanks! I think that maybe you could pull Akuma from Street Fighter series, Agni from Kuroshitsuji or Hermes Conrad from Futurama for the lulz.

Thank you! I was planning on doing Yukiko later this year haha. You're such a cutie~ I think you'd suit Chie perfectly. You'd be a really adorable Azusa from K-ON too!

>> No.6710953
File: 890 KB, 1990x901, newchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru from Robotics:Note
Momoi from Kuroko?
With that stomach, Jolyne from JJJBA.
Rider from Fate/Zero
Anyone from Anarchy Reigns if you are looking for over the top.

>> No.6711004

Ohhh Momoi's so cute I'll add Kuroko to my watch list! I think you'd be a great Kirino from OreImo!

>> No.6711286
File: 323 KB, 1980x888, tgerfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawd chu cute o-o
Cosplay Sumai plz!

Hahah Adams Pleeaasee

Do swain, be a bro.

You look like a Manuel, It be nice to see someone make the mask instead of buying it. Go for it bruh.

Your as cute as a button, Youd make an amazing seras.

>> No.6711300

You'd make a gorgeous Asami, as well as a cute Lumpy Space Princess if you watch AT.
You're adorable!
Mugi from K-ON
Bolin from Legend of Korra
Sherry from Silent Hill
Go with Vamp!

>> No.6711333

lol, hai there /d/eviant

>> No.6711358
File: 1.03 MB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to pick 2 or 3 cosplays for the summer. A couple simple ones and a really complicated one or one simple one and a complicated one.

>> No.6711361

>in b4 autism chan insults you for not posting suggestions

>> No.6711369

Hinata and Mephisto would be adorbs

Adachi or Dojima from Persona 4, Junpei from Persona 3 (sorry, I'm a huge Persona fan so it's the first thing I thought of ;w;)

Faith Connors definitely! You could pull off the other ones too.

Moira, you look really identical to her! Soy Maccha and Carousel are good choices too, I haven't seen much stuff like that.

>> No.6711371

I posted some >>6711369

I was gonna do it separately so it wasn't gonna become one huge post. Doing a lot of the others now.

>> No.6711389

Meg and Ayla would be awesome. I think you could make a really cool Android 18 too.

Maes. Dragon Age 2 Male default.

Nodoka would be adorable. I also thought of Kanaya from Homestuck because of your hair.

Dark Magician Girl!

Any of them would work honestly.

You'd fit Captain America well. You also look kind of like Tom Hiddleson in your picture so perhaps Loki in his suit outfit?

Beth would be incredibly cute. I'd suggest Fiona but that's been done to hell and back. Maybe Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)?

Yagura Ichiko, with the weapons and blood! I think you'd make a great Parasoul (Skullgirls) too.


Holy shit, please go as Maurice that'd be so hilarious. If you're okay with humorous stuff I think you'd fit Mr. Satan (DBZ) nicely too, haha.

>> No.6711396
File: 1.15 MB, 1988x890, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post was my suggestions, inb4 anyone says I didn't suggest. Also:

Choi! You have the perfect facial structure.

>> No.6711401
File: 808 KB, 1598x713, cosply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't really need suggestions. I am definitely doing Aya from GLTAS and a Legionaire from Fallout, but uh... I could do with some second opinions!

You probably don't know the series, but you'd be a super cute Tandi from the first Fallout game.
Other than that, I could really picture you as Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin.


Oh! I second the Silent Hill idea, Heather looks like she'd fit you.


Very obscure, but you should do Red from Everafter, even if it was short-lived... I think you'd make a good Wednesday too, you've got a very nice face for her.

Oh, your Meenah is SO CUTE and one of my favourites! You should, imho, definitely do Madoka. I think you'd make a cute Plum from Bravest Warriors too, by the way.

>legion cosplay
You must.
You must do it.
It would be amazing.
Also, Ulysses from Fallout.

>> No.6711617

>>6709779 here:

Nice one, I'll keep that one in mind.

Sorry, didn't see that. Maybe Taiga from ToraDora then?

Nice to hear that. I'll try to do my best to not turn it into an abomination!

>Hermes Conrad.
Brilliant. That is going to be my Halloween/Party one. Thanks~

Buying it is no option really. Especially the part where one of those masks costs around 4000USD. I'm fucking around with pepakura a bit, but I'm hoping it will turn out all right. I only need the epoxy-fiber and vacuum former to really build them. Not sure if I'm going to put in all the lights...

Not into /co/ apart from some exceptions...

Will do. A bro of mine will go as Roy too, to make it more perfect. I love humorous stuff, btw. Hercule/Mr. Satan would be funny as shit.


This was the image I was referring to btw. Couldn't pass up the chance to post it.

And now for more suggestions, all off the chart:

As easymode: Kotoura-san or Suzuha from Steins;Gate.

Mugen, Samurai Champloo.

Michiko, Michiko to Hatchin.

Human Jenny from Teenage Robot? It keeps the blue hair /co/ theme up.

Why genderbend Anon if you could go as good old Anonfemale? Alternatively Mami from Madoka, Or good old Velma, that would look nice too. And be cheap.

>> No.6711618
File: 425 KB, 1985x909, 1355627490262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Akashi from Tatami Galaxy?
How would you feel about cosplaying The Dude form Big Lebowski?
Seeing as you're open to crossplaying I'd suggest Giorno Giovanna form Jojoąs Biyyare adventure, it doesnąt get much more extravagant then that.

>> No.6711629
File: 925 KB, 212x176, Guy_opens_door_closes_it_in_disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the image too, dammit.

Hidenori, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou.
Or just stick the Lawrence. Or maybe Suzaku from Code Geass.

>> No.6711853
File: 322 KB, 1990x901, Suggestions rev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw this together quickly. i will remake this with some better photos next time i post, but at the moment i had to use what i could find due to bad lighting.

Possibly Naoto from persona 4, her clothing was designed to hide curves.

Honestly, Kat would suit you very well, Otherwise, take a look into Yuko Nishiwaki from Persona 3.

Your build and face structure would lead rather well into Raziel from Soul Reaver

>> No.6711897
File: 109 KB, 338x513, qbhreco1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should do Aya
It's not like she's my waifu or anything.

>> No.6712018
File: 4 KB, 250x231, 1363476032812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6712827
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, 20130321_220127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pu I on a lab coat and say scientist. Seems vague but i think hed look good as alot of science extras.
'You' from the current anime problem children.... sorry dont recall whole name.
Yukiko from persona

Also I know this request is probably retarded and breaching etiquette but I need to put together a costume in like 2 days and only thing I have is the wig in pic. Im willing to work my ass off for this but I just need a suggestion that could get put together quickly. Male or female characters are fine. And I'd prefer something that wont take too much styling of the wig. If any of you are feeling nice toward me thanks in advance.

>> No.6712838
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 1309546620446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should really get a haircut and fix yourself up.
No offence, but you really have the typical male weeaboo look going on with the thin long hair and the greasy pale skin

>> No.6712844

I hope you don't take this as a bad thing, but I think you have the perfect awkward, wiry look for Vincent. That being said, you'll be my hero if you find three other people to do Magika with so I gotta support that one.
Rory or Watashi, whichever you're more invested in.
Noodle, especially given your height.
I don't have much of an idea of what your physique is, maybe you should update with a picture of your full body?
I love your nose, be Oscar.

>> No.6712845
File: 1.03 MB, 204x195, 1363814518115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no offence

>> No.6712857

you left your trip on dill

>> No.6712890

I know. I'm just trying to be honest

>> No.6713004

>constructive criticism != being a bitch
Not like you have any room to talk about looks with how greasy you looked in that shitty /x/tan cosplay

>> No.6713475

Oh.... Oh my.... I'd like to see you as all of these please. So... Just do all of them. K? K.

>> No.6713480

You could easily pull off any of your listed cosplays.
I think you have a VERY good face to do Zia from Bastion. Group cosplay Zia with my Kid.

>> No.6713575
File: 266 KB, 1985x900, Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could easily do faith from mirrors edge
Bonne Jenet- King of fighters, with a wig or dyed hair
Megara, if thats not a wig than holy crap
Kyo Kusanagi from king of fighters
grell sutcliff

>> No.6713618

I'm proud of you for even knowing Skies of Arcadia. Just do that. Just do it.

>> No.6713642

Yo, guys leave her alone. It's okay, she's an extremely handsome girl bitching about an ugly Beta male. That's tolerable. It's his fault for offending her aesthetic tastes.

>> No.6713736

Will post self later, running late for something already >_<

It's still a little form-fittingy I guess, but you look like the type who could pull of a pretty good Marceline

Definitely Choi, I see the facial resemblance

Stocking, or not so recognizable, but maybe Shutorasuka from Dain Akuma? Would love to see that dress on you too ;)

Rory, or probably not your thing, but you've got the facial structure to do a great Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians

>> No.6713755

Greasy long haired guy here,

None taken, i'm working on my skin problem and have had a (slight) haircut since those pictures.

But thanks, it's good to have that sort of thing pointed out ^^

Thanks, it was suggested by a flatmate of mine when he watched me play Catherine, so i thought I'd throw it up. i don't think i have the guts to do horns/boxers Vincent though. (and England is cold)

Convincing my flatmates to do a magicka cosplay with me has been a goal for a while now though.

thanks for the suggestion. i've been meaning to watch black butler for a while now, and i think this just bumped it to the top of the list.

>> No.6713790

So beta male... it hurts

>> No.6713862

It's so cute when you can tell that someone just learned a new 4chan term and tries to use it every chance they get.
It's like babby's first day on the internet

>> No.6713870

not really a suggestion, but holy shit your Castiel is amazing

>> No.6713871

meant to quote >>6708311

>> No.6713895
File: 317 KB, 1990x901, help me cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd make a pretty good Yosuke (Persona 4)
try Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Definitely try Korra (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Gendo Ikari (Evangelion)
Mami (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

>> No.6713938

You're depressing to look at

>> No.6713941

I'm planning on doing Yukiko later this year! Thanks! :3 As for your wig, I'm thinking about Tomoyo from Clannad, Nue from Kanokon... Depending on your skill level maybe Suigintou from Rozen Maiden or Duke from Tales of Vesperia?

She's really pretty! Thank you. I think you'd be a cool Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4.

>> No.6713974
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, Mazui_Angel_Beats__05_3667FE9A.mkv_snapshot_06.50_2010.05.01_07.13.51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wig would go pretty well as Angel from Angel Beats

>> No.6714008
File: 990 KB, 1990x1000, IWANTTOBECOOLLIKEYOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really stuck...

>> No.6714016
File: 54 KB, 468x286, THE HURT FEELINGS POLICE ARE ON THEIR WAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should delete your post, guy, because you're making us girls feel bad.

>> No.6714019

No, you are the definition of the term... No human being comes closer than you.

>> No.6714023
File: 1.36 MB, 1281x677, gismo firebugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of an obscure one, but you would suit Gizmo from firebugs. though the game only got an EU release on PS1 back in '02

unfortunatly this was the best image i was able to get of him

>> No.6714026

Gamzee Makara

>> No.6714031
File: 43 KB, 661x299, post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have many plans but i'm very open to sugestions:)

You really remind me of Shilo Wallace, from Repo!
you are really beautiful! You definetely remind me of Moira!
im going to say maybe Chell? you remind me of her.
>>6708277 You remind me of Mulan of course but you could also pull off Asami.
I dont know if you like Vocloid but you reminded me of meiko.

you reminded me of Bolin:)

>> No.6714048

Amaterasu seems really cool, and I want to see it done, but I don't know how well it could be pulled off. Remember body paint, contacts, and use the swirls in the design. It will help being recognizable to the game and art style.

>> No.6714054
File: 125 KB, 680x970, Eternal Sonata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think you have a lot of potential.
Also that fanny pack 10/10.
Just like the other anons, I suggest cutting the hair, that in itself with help your face clear up.
Also if you have a wegmans near you in the organic/health food section they sell these volcanic ash wipes. Since I've been using them my face has become a lot softer and I have a lot less blackheads which has always been an issue with my skin.
I think the Vincent idea is a really cute one - as long as you do the horns.
I think the Batter from OFF, maybe someone from Jo Jo's, The Young Justice variation of beast boy (extra points if you get the legs right), Luffy or Doflamingo from One Piece, or Flame Prince/ss are my ideas.

>> No.6714055


Thank you for the tips, this is actually a twin project with my sister and we both are willing to spend the money and time to make it as accurate to the reference as possible. We still have until July 13th to make this so plenty of time to make things go smoothly.

>> No.6714059

There are too many already.

>> No.6714066
File: 135 KB, 576x1024, 891654_10200408094717756_909487139_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fanny pack was part of my first cosplay (from MCM Birmingham on the weekend).

Thanks for the tips on the ash wipes, there's no wegmans around, but I'll check out the local drug stores for them.

And thanks for the suggestions. Never thought of doing anything western really, so I'll definitely have to give Young Justice a look in.

The only thing that scares me with JoJo's is the fan-base is very dedicated, and i don't think i could live up to standards until i've had more practice. (but that gives me plenty of time to catch up on the show).

>> No.6714077

Firebugs was fucking cool.

>> No.6714090

is a reply to

seems i accidentally deleted the last number

>> No.6714122

>using "such a beta male" instead of "so beta" or "such a beta"
>not knowing the "male" is pretty much redundant.
I mean if you're gonna try to be catty, at least do it right.

>> No.6714126

Damage. Control.

>> No.6714130

not the same anon but where I live I've never seen any Ramona cosplayers

>> No.6714187

nice dreads brah
toki wartooth
robin from team titans
chel from the road to el dorado
crossplay vayne, i feel like you could trap really well

>> No.6714194

Not the same anon, but.
Do you live in the fucking ukraine or something.
She's one of the most cosplayed characters.

>> No.6714248

Thanks! but I still can't find someone to cosplay as haha.

>> No.6714503
File: 288 KB, 1990x901, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hair kind of looks like DmC Dante.
Maes hughes would suit you so well
Be a Quarian like kal'reegar
Lili Rochefort
Flynn Ryder

>> No.6715432

Korra! And maybe Aoi Asahina from Dangan Ronpa.
I have been thinking of cosplaying Mulan sometime. Thanks for the suggestion! But personally I don't think I can pull off Asami.

>> No.6715485


Other people played OFF? Holy shit.

A group for that mite b cool.

>> No.6715863 [DELETED] 

I hope this is a good thread for this...
A few friends and I want to cosplay from the same show - but we can't figure out what. We've been very picky with what we want but we'll probably settle for close-enough. Basically, we just want a show with

> an ojou sama character with long hair
> a large chested girl who is not pale skinned
> a tomboy character
> a taller character
> some sort of weaponry and fantasy/semi-elaborate costume involved

Closest thing we got to was Madoka Magica. Any other suggestions?

>> No.6715874
File: 856 KB, 1400x2232, Mahou_shoujo_6x6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any magical girl show ever. Look through all of the PreCure spinoffs, you'll find something there. Sailor Senshi are overdone, I'd refrain from that. It's 5AM here, so I'm just going to post this magical girl rec chart and hopefully you'll find something useful.

If you're a fan of CLAMP, consider cosplaying from one of their series as well. I think X would fit with all of your criteria.

>> No.6715888 [DELETED] 

You probably won't see this, but yeah, we're looking at maho shoujo shows... The only one we really need to nail down is the racially-ambiguous large-chested female character since everybody else is easy to fit in (crossplaying is an option, too).

>> No.6715892 [DELETED] 

You probably won't see this, but yeah, we're looking at maho shoujo shows... The only one we really need to nail down is the racially-ambiguous large-chested female character since everybody else is easy to fit in (crossplaying is an option, too). She really doesn't want to cosplay as a character that doesn't resemble her skin colour. I wish she wasn't so worried about it, but it's okay, there are options out there that we just don't know about.

>> No.6715957

Disney princesses.
>Any of them
>They're disney princesses, you could always add a fantasy twist with weapons and more elaborate designs like those zombie designs

>> No.6715987
File: 534 KB, 1598x713, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to edit in additional pic of me: http://puu.sh/2lUnO

Vanessa would work well, good choice

Kat would be perfect given your body shape IMO

You can pull off Edgeworth decently I bet. I'd stay away from Kaito but I dunno

>> No.6716123

You remind me of that Asian rapper who sang "Pepsi spicy / like a sexy laaa~dy'.

>> No.6716191

I think you could pull off a good Misogi Kumagawa. Go for that!

>> No.6716244


You're cute, would suck your dick. Either way you could cosplay all of those because you have a really 'generic' main character face. Make sure to use a bit of make up to make yourself look even more polished.

>> No.6716271

...I really hope this is a samefag. He looks like the kind of guy that follows you to your house and then guts you and eats your spleen.

>> No.6716582

Ooh, how are you planning on doing Aya? Her costume seems pretty tough! For her "skin", would you be going with a zentai suit? Good luck!

>> No.6716820


>> No.6716831

No that guy isn't me.

Why do you think I look like a serial killer? Is it the hair? I was planning on ordering some hair products soon.

>> No.6717644

You'd probably look better if you smiled more in the pictures.

>> No.6718421

It's the combination of the eyes + thick lips + emotionless expression + horrible haircut that does it for me, personally.

>> No.6718428


Yoshihiko from the hero Yoshihiko and the demon kings castle. Your bored expression is perfect

>> No.6720732
File: 746 KB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being black makes cosplaying hard sometimes

>> No.6720733

srry for no full body bad its the middle of the night

>> No.6720760

lil wayne

>> No.6720766

You could pull off any of those characters, but don't think you can avoid wearing a wig just because you have dark hair.

>> No.6720770

*most of those characters. Oreki doesn't suit you at all.

>> No.6720776


I'd go for Lieutenant Kitsurubami, the brown FLCL girl.

And I know that broke student feel, but at least you are doing well enough to use metric measurements.

Another cool off-chart suggestion would be Aisha Clanclan from Outlaw Star.

She about fits your body type and you could probably make the costume by toning down on your purchases for a while, just like I am doing...

>> No.6720952
File: 155 KB, 1598x841, 1359517022235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukio Tanaka from BECK

I've been told to do vash or guts but I'm not familiar with those guys. Anything from the metal gear series that I look like by any chance?

>> No.6720960

I don't want to swear at you. please delete this post.

>> No.6720964

Any suggestions for a male with dreads? 5'11" skinny.
I was thinking shikamaru from naruto, but I don't want to turn out like one of THOSE people. I read about a guy from cowboy bebop with dreads, the mushroom vendor, which I don't remember.

Otherwise I think my options would be a joke cosplay or just ignoring the dreads

>> No.6720967

I'm the other guy with the dreads and I've found TWO (yes, I know right I actually found ANOTHER viable cosplay with dreads)

Nathan Spencer from Bionic Commander
Agon Kongo from Eyeshield 21

>> No.6720968

I just saw your post and was about to delete mine, gonna look through those suggestions

>> No.6720971

If you find anymore can you post them? I'm having a difficult time finding anymore

>> No.6720992
File: 324 KB, 512x467, bebop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the ones already mentioned like Sid from Soul Eater and that girl from FMA, there's someone in bleach too I think.

I have slightly longer than shoulder length so that's why I considered shikamaru.

But I just found some ideas, Captain Jack Sparrow, one of the white twin dudes from the Matrix, Cipher (flat chested black girl), Otto Rocket (short dreads), Sideshow Bob, Hermes from Futurama (short dreads), Predator of course, and some other anime characters from animes I haven't ever heard of.

Here's a pic of the cowboy bebop guy

>> No.6721025

>someone in bleach
You mean Kaname Tosen? If you can pull it off, go for the Arrancar version.

and I'm assuming you were going to tie them back for Shikamaru?

We've now made this thread into a dreadlocks cosplay thread.

>> No.6721033

aw thanks! ill check that character out

>> No.6721039

Yea, back and up, they sag a little bit at the ends if I do it but I don't really care. I'd be more worried about looking like a fag for cosplaying as a naruto character and with the netting he wears.

>> No.6721430
File: 411 KB, 1990x1092, cosplay template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any suggestions are welcome, i only go to 1 convention a year so im in no rush really.

>> No.6721512

Shiki Tohno would look good. and it's fairly simply :)

>> No.6721608

Thanks, i wanted to get a traditional Japanese school boy uniform but i couldn't find a fair priced one online.

>> No.6721616

Suggest for others before asking for suggestions.

>> No.6721627

the thread was kinda dead so i didnt think anyone was still even on. but ill take it into account next time.

>> No.6721647
File: 570 KB, 1990x901, cosplay thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very experienced with cosplay, but it looks like fun.

I think you'd be a cool Shinji

Looks like you'd make a great kitsurubami

You would be a totally cool Johny Cage from Mortal Kombat.

>> No.6723516
File: 1.46 MB, 1990x901, cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, this is my first go at this. Give it to me straight, people.

Definitely Kat

JJBA, eh? Maybe Johnny would be good for you

American McGee's Alice or Stocking

You'd make a good Sumia

Seconding Johnny Cage. You also look vaguely like Tom Cruise so maybe Maverick?

Dude, do Godot. Seriously


>> No.6723519

Welp, it happens when these threads turn into a sausage fest that people are less interested. We need more kawaii girls to liven it up.

>> No.6723522


I'd say Dipper

>> No.6723537













>> No.6723544

















>> No.6723545






>> No.6723549

>autism chan insults you for not posting suggestions
I always thought that the autist was the one who didn't post the suggestions because
>lol u guize don't have a lyffee!1 gib me compliments ;))

>> No.6723552

no offense but I thought that you were a fabulous guy before reading the female part

>> No.6723555

Fuck off Poolboy.

>> No.6723557

Go back to /fit/, no one cares. This is a thread for cosplay suggestions, not your fapping preferences.

>> No.6723643

Beryl Benito

Mystia Lorelei

Ganaha Hibiki

Maybe Bunny from Trickster Online?

Cheria Barnes

Maurice would be funny.

Kaenbyou Rin

T-elos. Choi would be very cute, too.

Have you considered the official human design version of Rarity? As long as you don't mind that Equestria Girl hasn't aired yet, of course.

Godot definitely.

>> No.6723678

no suggestion for you, but you will make a fucking awesome tarzan shit son

>> No.6723694

wait what?
thanks lol

>> No.6724137

sumone mad they get low score

>> No.6724153

shit, I see it nowD:

>> No.6724187


>> No.6724305
File: 217 KB, 1990x901, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be perfect as louis theroux,
Go for Portal
Ghost hunt.
Meg would be perfect
Go as Adam from Deus ex
Rapunzel from Tangled
L from deathnote
Koichi is perfect
Number 2

>> No.6724356
File: 764 KB, 1340x346, Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 5.48.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height: 5'1"
B/W/H: 32-22-35
Cosplay ideas: Dekomori (Chuu2), Original!Miku, BunnySuit!Madoka, Ed Elric (FMA)

Suggestions please!

>> No.6724361

If you don't suggest for other people you get nothing.

>> No.6724395



Sailor Uranus


If you did Kraehe I would actually piss myself with excitement ; u;


Dark Magician Girl

You have no clue how much I am now looking forward to you as Tarzan


Yagura AND Stocking


Labrys and maybe Momo from Peach Girl~?



>> No.6724399

I haven't finished yet, but I'm working on it, anon~>>6724395

>> No.6724422

You would make a very cute Tsunade






Kojiharu the 8th (AKB0048)


>> No.6724485

Rikka Takanashi

>> No.6724492

Asuna from SAO

>> No.6724582

>wait what?
Take your "I didn do nuffin!" somewhere else. It's blatantly obvious that you posted those.
>giving yourself and 'your waifu' 8/10
>giving everyone else less than that
Fucking Canadians...

>> No.6724613
File: 135 KB, 880x402, 1363749822805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So four days later I finally get my shit together....

Alright, so I'm looking for something a little simple now, since I'll be coming down from a major project, so not too expensive or time-consuming this time round, though all suggestions are welcome :)

>> No.6724620

If you could do a Saria, I'd love to see it! I think you'd be able to pull her off really well.

>> No.6724662

you should consider wearing more eye makeup

>> No.6724687

Dude, you definitely gotta do Kassim after Tarzan. I just got into Magi and it's amazing, not sure who I could cosplay as from it, though...maybe Alibaba or Judar

>>6723516 is me

>> No.6724696


My vote's on Saria

>> No.6724784
File: 1.52 MB, 1990x903, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late to the party, but I'd really would like to do a video game or comic character. Can't set on an idea though.

I vote Johnny if you're thinking JJBA.

Oscar, Oscar, Oscar.


I think Roark would look pretty cool.

>> No.6725023

Oooh definitely Mari

Also, it's rather different, and not sure if you'd be up for the wig and all that, but Impa from LoZ: Skyward Sword? It's a similar type of costume, and I can see you possibly really working that if you do it well...

>> No.6725284

O-Oh..... You picked all the correct cosplays... Haha

Also, thank you for the Roark support :D I had considered his father Byron as well.

>> No.6725339

Mari definitely would fit you.

Also, Shizune from KS might look nice.

>> No.6726172


>> No.6726184
File: 393 KB, 1598x713, 1359517022235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob from Tenjou Tenge
the Leadsinger from Slipknot (if you into band cosplays, lol)


Dawn from Pokémon, Morrigan from Darkstalkers

I don't have a idea for you. But your asian look helps you with alot of stuff. You could do an Ouendan-Club thing, or something

For the Love of god, Please, Please do Japanese Dark-Elves. there are alot of them. <3

Captain 'Murrica or When you stop smiling Guts from Berserk.

The Scout from TF2

Egoraptor,lol. J/K, Adam Jensen from Deus Ex

Lan Fan from Full Metal Alchemist (Manga or the second series based on the manga "Brotherhood").

Additional to the list on the picture: Onion-Bro Siegmeyer of Catarina from Dark Souls

Germanfat-fag out!

>> No.6726650
File: 447 KB, 1990x901, suggestiontemplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd make such a good Hinata.
would make a cute 10th doctor!
Chell or Touko. I think you'd make an adorable Touko, though!
wow, your castiel is amazing. you have the perfect face for moira. i think you'd pull sailor uranus off well, too! or you could do pb's strawberry gown, would be cute.
No idea comes to mind, but your idea would suit you well.
your bangs are so cute!
you would make a cute Ahri!
please do meg oh my god
Roark. Yes.
wow this cutie! nodoka please!
dark magi girl, you have a qt face!
you are going to be a perfect tarzan wow. malz would look great too
do Cap!
what a cute Meenah. I think you have a perfect face for Asami as well
omg well you are adorable. i think you'd make a good Annie/goth Annie from LoL
Jayce maybe?

>> No.6726763
File: 1.49 MB, 1990x1054, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes miss having long hair, made cosplay easier.

>> No.6726783

>yfw you are the only one that thinks so or cares
if you have balls of steel, i think you could do sinbad
headhunter nidalee.
go big or go home

>> No.6726869

>>yfw you are the only one that thinks so or cares
Except I'm not. Everyone can tell you DYEL duckfaced tripcancer. It's not like you don't post yourself in these threads to do anything other than attention whore (hard to do any better when you're not a cosplayer, eh).

>> No.6726914

>not a cosplayer
are you new here?

>> No.6726943
File: 369 KB, 1990x1024, cosplaysuggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6726956

No, compared to me, you are.

>> No.6726982
File: 667 KB, 1994x896, suggestions pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need suggestions, I can't think of anything.

>> No.6727016
File: 35 KB, 735x772, kanna2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! That would look really good.

Kanna from Tamako Market?

>> No.6727019

>No UR a newfagz
I don't even like poolboy but seriously you're a giant faggot

>> No.6727020

This is my post by the way, wanted to make a separate one for suggestions.

Assuming you will be wearing make up with your cosplay. I also would like to see your body type more, since the dress sort of hides it. Either way, if you're into more dressy characters I can see you as Ange from Umineko no naku koro ni, Chihiro from Persona 3, Amane Nishiki from Blazblue and Kanaria from Rozen Maiden (With proper make up.) , but those are just from the top of my head.

>> No.6727700


I have nowhere near enough swagger to do Sinbad. I actually just figured that I could pull off Hakuryu

Ox King would be really cool to see. Maybe Pacha from The Emperor's New Groove would be a good fit too

>> No.6728391
File: 527 KB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your smile would lend to a very adorable Sweetie Belle. However, your body type definitely screams "Saria." You'd do justice to either one!

You definitely have the figure for a plugsuit- glasses also seem to flatter your face, so I would suggest Mari.

Being a Batman fan, I would love to see a Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum.

While a Leona cosplay would be super impressive, I think your face is definitely suited for Officer Cait. You're quite thin, so I think you would look good in any form-fitting/stereotypical 'superhero' costume, including Batgirl's.

Grell would have to be my first choice! You're tall and thin; not to mention it's rather rare to see males cosplay Black Butler. However, I wouldn't mind seeing you cosplay Loki either.

As soon as I saw your face, I thought 'Rozen Maiden." You would make an absolutely lovely Suiseiseki.

I'm terrible with suggestions, but I do think you might make a cute Chell, if you've ever played Portal. That being said, I do think Rosa's outfit would look flattering on you, and you make a nice brunette.

>> No.6728394


I don't think you have the bust for Power Girl.

>> No.6728501

poolboy pls go

>> No.6728789
File: 256 KB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Totooria "Totori" Helmold

White Rock Shooter

Sharrkan from Magi

Valentine from Skullgirls

Porco Rosso

>> No.6728858
File: 1.05 MB, 1990x901, junk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you could get the costume together bright would be so damn good

also me

>> No.6730873
File: 371 KB, 1988x900, الحافظة.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bam magera

first thing


2nd girl is very appropriate

don't do last thing, that's racist...

ffs, I just managed to get it out of my head

iron man

you are very handsome man


yoruichi from bleach

you look like little girl


>> No.6731112

>blue shirt, not black
And still it's better than God's...

>> No.6731159
File: 45 KB, 1047x897, 1352051776848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cronus Ampora

>> No.6731258
File: 1.08 MB, 1990x995, Ugly fucker, aint I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always post in these so late....

Definitely Catherine
Gokou Ruri, from Oreimo if you want a new idea.
Otherwise, Franken Fran. You never see enough of that.
Why not Erika, from the first Pokemon game?
Suiseiseki's perfect. I see no other option here.
If you've got your heart fixed on League, go with Nidalee.
Ox King. I don't think I've ever seen one of those.

>> No.6731381
File: 440 KB, 1990x960, 1363749822805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jotaro from jojos
Anthy Himemiya from revolutionary girl utena
Kou Ichinomiya from arakawa under the bridge
Kuroyukihime from accel world
masako natsume from mawaru penguindrum
Kuranosuke from jellyfish princess

>> No.6731786 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1588x688, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weight: 153.5 lbs
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
waist length is 34
hips length are 38
shoulder lenghth is 19 inches
Dosh: 100$
Preference: None (Crossplay is also fine)
>Pic Related

(I'll be your new Boyfriend Anon :')"

>> No.6731818

You have to give suggestions to others in the thread or no one will give you any suggestions.

>> No.6731820
File: 22 KB, 244x165, N Oooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could draw well because oh man the image in my head is just beautiful right now

actually he'd probably make a better therapist than superhero.

>> No.6731847
File: 1.20 MB, 1588x688, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weight: 153.5 lbs
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
waist length is 34
hips length are 38
shoulder lenghth is 19 inches
Dosh: 100$
Preference: None (Crossplay is also fine)
>Pic Related

(I'll be your new boyfriend Anon <3 edition)

Haruhi - Melancholy of Haruhi Suzyimaki
Kain Fuery - Fullmetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist
Greed - Fullmetal Alchemist
Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bepop
Nana - Nana
L - Death Note
Beatrice - Umineko
Alice - Alice Returns (American Mcgees)
Pierrot Le Fou - Cowboy bepop
Faye Valentine - Cowboy Bepop
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

>> No.6731852

Kain Fuery - Fullmetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist

Greed - Fullmetal Alchemist
Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bepop

>> No.6732274


>> No.6732283

Invest in some proactive, bulk a little
then maybe Roy Mustang

>> No.6733064

Not my fault I had defective genes

>> No.6733077

>father had pock marks the size of quarters
>mother has rosacea and horrible adult acne
>my face is clear with OMG HARD WORK

Dude, genes are no fucking excuse. My face was horrid and now, I barely get anything, except that one damned period pimple.

>captcha: fancied Uploadin
No picture this time /cgl/. Nice try.

>> No.6733396

while I understand your points about anons post, you could have been nicer in your last post, you were rather rude and I hope your intent was not to hurt his feelings, that would be rather brutish of you. Maybe he cannot help the acne, I have acne and have tried almost everything and I wash my face ever day, I even went to a dermatologist and Acutane didn't prevent the acne for more than a few months. Maybe you should think more before being so rude. Because your post went beyond innocent honesty.

As for the anon with the acne, I think you're rather adorable and anyone who cannot see past some blemishes is really a jerk! A good tip to help acne is to sleep with a fresh clean towel over you pillow every night :)

>> No.6733535
File: 1.93 MB, 1990x960, Cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

# 1
Please oh please do Tarzan

>> No.6733568

>I can't help that I'm fat, it's my genes!
>No fucking excuse! You're lazy! Eat less, fatty!

>I can't help my acne, it's in my genes!
>Internet hugbox

Never change, cgl.

>> No.6733580 [DELETED] 


I like talking to people :)

>> No.6733592
File: 1.25 MB, 1990x901, CosplayIdeas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't joined one of these in a while, revamped my suggestions image with some better pictures, too.

Hero, from Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

If you're not against crossplaying, I think you'd make a super cute Waver Velvet from Fate/Zero

You make a beautiful man... If you don't mind crossplay, I think you'd make a great Gil from Pandora Hearts

Tsukimi from Jellyfish Princess

My first thought was Sailor Jupiter, but from the comments I can see you've already done that. Maybe Juliet from Romeo x Juliet?

If you don't mind getting /fit/ for it, Sha Gojyo from Saiyuki would be cool

Sailor Pluto, maybe?

Your face and crossplaying ability are perfect for Yoshino from Zetsuen no Tempest

Probably already been suggested, but a heavy from TF2

Ginoza from Psycho-Pass

>> No.6733648


>> No.6733761
File: 155 KB, 1990x901, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda new around these parts

If you get the beard right, I think you could pull off KingOx right.
Nid could do well. However, I'd say go with either default or the headhunter skin. Whilst I infact love my Bewitching nid, I think those two skins would make for the most interesting cosplays.
It'd be cool to see a Sanada done
Definitely Yukio

>> No.6733804
File: 378 KB, 1990x901, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a lot of cosplay experience, but I'm willing to make any costume.

>> No.6733825
File: 979 KB, 1990x901, hstyhnrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6733830

Sailor Pluto or Anthy I think would be really cute for you!

>> No.6733844

Suggestions from : >>6733825

Beatrice from Umineko

Cool Marshall Lee or that zombie dude from Warm Bodies


I think you could make a cute Sophie from Howl's

You've got the right idea I love all the cosplays you've chosen!
some chubs for you:
Dayakka (Gurren Lagann)
The Furher/King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Ganju Shiba (Bleach)
Marechiyo Ōmaeda (Bleach)
Sajin Komamura (Bleach)
Ganryu (Tekken)
E. Honda (Street Fighter)


>> No.6734464
File: 363 KB, 1990x901, seagullrequestgloriousredhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought about doing Viola from Soul Calibur 5?

Try out Maria Ross from Full Metal Alchemist, you'd be great for that.

Seras Victoria, for sure!

>> No.6734485
File: 172 KB, 1990x901, suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fem deadpool

>> No.6734525
File: 1.06 MB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm doing it
Good, very good.

I'm thinking Margaret Moonlight (No more heroes), might be kind of tough, but you look great with her kind of haircut.

He'd make a really good Otacon, I think. Thirding the motion for Yosuke as well, he's a got a "Yosuke face".

That guy on the cover of Bioshock infinite. Haven't played it yet so I don't know his name. That or New Dante/Donte.

You've probably heard it, but maybe Daru from Steins;Gate? I'm drawing a blank here. Maybe if you lost a little weight Yu Narukami?

Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening is what I thought when I saw the body pictures, Margaret Moonlight (again), I think Labrys would be great too!

You are awesome. Maybe look into Rufus from Street Fighter.

I'm sure you're aware you were born to do Flynn. Also start liftin' if your going to do Joseph, you can pull it off though.

>> No.6734764
File: 547 KB, 1990x901, 111111111111111111111,,afd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine. I don't know how I'm going to do closer, but there you go. Anime and Videogame characters are fine, along with joke cosplays and genderbents.

Jacuzzi Splot from Baccano!?

>> No.6734804

Barnaby from Tiger and Bunny
Wolfwood from Trigun
Link from LOZ

Bang Shishigami from Blazblue
Blackjack from Blackjack
Zabuza from Naruto
Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear
Superboy or Clark Kent from Superman

>> No.6734815


Natalia from Tales of the Abyss!
Himawari Kunogi from xxxholic (She has a lot of outfits, and a lot of them are adorable and elegant)

>> No.6734825

Also N from Pokemon. I think you'd do him justice if you get a good wig.

>> No.6734837

Oh shit I meant >>6734485 for the second list on the second post and >>6733592 for the Natalia suggestion I'm sorry, I don't comment often.

>> No.6734990

I think I have Tales of the Abyss for 3DS sitting around but haven't played it yet--she looks super awesome, so I might have to play it so that I can justify the cosplay, haha. Thanks for the suggestion~

Yet another reason to finally get around to watching Umineko. I looked her up, and her dress is seriously amazing!

>> No.6735009

you don't have to watch a cartoon just to cosplay it... *rolleyes*

>> No.6735018

Chell eh? Could be, but I'm more interested in dresses and skirts ahaha~ I think you'd be a great Isabella from Paradise Kiss!

Korra? What's with the dark-skinned suggestions? I'm pale haha. Alice from American McGee's Alice?

Ohh she's cute! Do you recommend any version?

I'm guessing you mean Masako? She's cute too~ How about Jill Valentine?

I'm already making Mayuri!

Aww, thank you! I like your hair too. I think you'd look great as officer Cait!

Tsukimi? Must be the braids haha. I think you'd make a great Beatrice from Umineko.

She's beautiful~ I love her design! Velma is a great idea, but I think you'd make a great Moeka Kiryuu from Steins;Gate too!

Thank you everybody for the great suggestions!

>> No.6735019

No, but it's always nice to know something about the character you are cosplaying.

>> No.6735034

Michiko from Michiko e Hatchin is the first thing I thought of. You're very cute, and I don't see a lot of her, and she seems like a fun character to cosplay as, if you're comfortable with showing skin.

>> No.6735070

just read some stuff on wiki

>> No.6735072

That's the fucking most stupid thing I've heard all day. How utterly boring it would be to cosplay something you don't know or care about.

>> No.6735101
File: 10 KB, 102x118, beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get around to watching Umineko
>watching Umineko
maximum shiggying of my diggy

>> No.6735104

? as if people cosplay because it's so much fun to know what you're cosplaying

>> No.6735112

I can't quite tell if you're being sarcastic, but for me personally, I never cosplay from something I haven't seen/played.

>> No.6735117
File: 41 KB, 250x337, 1363901868908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if people cosplay because it's so much fun to know what you're cosplaying
...Uh, yeah, that's a lot of the fun of it.

>> No.6735187

I'd make it akin to drawing fanart of something you aren't a fan of. It isn't wrong, like you can make whatever you want for whatever reason you want, but for a fair number of people, the motivation comes from an appreciate of the work, and it seems weird to pay homage to a work you aren't familiar with. Make sense?

>> No.6735301

those people are weird

>> No.6736835


>> No.6736868
File: 363 KB, 1981x895, Save god dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry I can't think of any new characters at the moment but Ed would be suit you very nicely :)

Have played Baoynetta? Because you could totally pull her off.

Seeing as you like Avatar how about Bolin? Youve got the big arms and general body for him :)

Youve gt quite a young face so younger charcters would be great for you. How about Robin from batman? Or even teen titans!

I don;t waant to suggest anything else cause I really want you to be Misato! You've got her face and I can see a similar personality with those photos!

>> No.6736896
File: 1.05 MB, 1990x901, cosplay suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officer Jenny from Pokemon

Alice! I'd love to see more cosplays of her alternative dresses.

I think all of your ideas would fit you well. Also Kirito from Sword Art Online or maybe Ezreal from league of legends

Please do Welma!

Sailor Mercury. Cure Beauty (Smile Precure), Akemi Homura (Puella Madoka)

>> No.6736903

Thanks for the suggest!

Have you seen Chobits at all? Sumomo would be very cute for you <3

>> No.6737048
File: 415 KB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the picture on the top right, I think you would be perfect for the green dude from Ao no Exorcist (if you were to dye your hair)
Vanille from FF 13
Darian(I think that was her name) from Dantalian no Shoka
If you want to do a league cosplay, I think you would be able to pull of Nidalee...
If you like league, Vayne would be perfect for you
You would have to change your hairstyle quite a bit, but I think spike from cowboy bebop would fit you well
Rikki from Little Busters maybe
Eddy from Tekken

>> No.6737098
File: 151 KB, 1052x1068, donte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one option.
Fuck You.

>> No.6737236
File: 425 KB, 1985x900, god I need help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd make such a cute Mikasa!
Wow you're beautiful. You would look fantastic as Neo Queen Serenity
Rock Lee from Narato
I don't know Chrono Trigger, but you have a good body for Ayla it seems
Yasuhiro Hagakure from Dangan Ronpa
tokyo akazukin!!
There needs to be more hotline miami cosplays
you look almost exactly like Kat, good choice
mari, you'd make a very cute mari
ooh moxxi! and if you did do yoko again, maybe do a different costume... I just find most yoko cosplays to be boring.
p-please be misato... so cute. you could also pull off cute princess costumes (ariel, snow white) if you're interested in that.

>> No.6737918

Akane from Psycho-Pass.

Morgiana from Magi.

Kane MacDougal from Mouretsu Space Pirates

Alice from Pandora Hearts

>> No.6738714
File: 571 KB, 1990x901, Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if my suggestions aren't super, this is my first post on cgl

Meg from Hercules would be a good look for you

Ever consider Big Boss/Naked Snake?

Spencer from Bionic Commando/MvC3

Eva from MGS3 is kind of similar to the Hellsing cosplay. Is that a Babydoll cosplay?

You could pull of Alistair from Dragon Age but you'd have to chop off your hair

There's a guy earlier in the thread who has a bunch of suggestions for dudes with dreds.

Those are all good ideas, especially Flynn and Dante.

Definitely Batgirl

You look more like Cillian Murphy than Tom Hiddleton, but Loki is a more exciting costume than Scarecrow

Lady from Devil May Cry 3

Your features say "Link" to me. Or maybe Sheik

I would say Dean from Supernatural but idk if that counts as cosplay. Nathan Drake maybe?

>> No.6738820
File: 334 KB, 1987x917, blakeryansuggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions will be separate.

>> No.6738984

>suggestions will be separate
>never posts them

Also guys, you are supposed to give suggestion to the five people directly above you, not five people from the top of the thread because they obviously already have gotten suggestions

>> No.6739037

lift more

>> No.6739054


>> No.6739080
File: 145 KB, 300x172, 1363458213839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad dude, allow me to rectify. This is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, haha.

Zatanna? I think you would dress up nice with a character like that.
If you're scrawny try the Demi-fiend from Shin Megami Tensei
Definitely Officer Jenny like the other suggested
Amy from Soul Calibur
I hate to be cliche and suggest catwoman but that face screams it to me.

>> No.6739344
File: 1.11 MB, 1990x901, SKINNY copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I did this right :I

I'd definitely go with Flame Princess.

Maybe Mistogan from Fairy Tail? He doesn't seem that buff.

For some reason, I can see you as Nurse Joy from Pokemon.

I don't know if you like Batman, but I can kind of see you as a Batgirl.

Taokaka from Blazblue

>> No.6739395

I come from /fa/ to rate you fuccbois
Manly Eyebrows

graphic t-shirt/10

Monkey face


hideous and disgusting style


Actually pretty cool

ugh so manly with your beard and fat body
lose some wait u cunt


cross dressing cakeboi

Enough for today

>> No.6739401

More handsome version of Rick Owens, disgusting hair though

>> No.6740627

I always do my suggestions separate so I can track who is replying to which post. In this case, when I was working on them this morning, storms knocked out the power so I just went to bed.

Your ideas are already good, but with those measurements, I think you could pull off a Tekken girl like Michelle.

Have you considered /co/splay? There's thinner characters you can do without being fuckhuge. Flash/Speedy?

Do Nero if you feel confident making that costume, and I'd suggest a wig for that hair. Don't even dare attempt that with your own unless you want to cry all morning the day of the con.

Sailor Uranus or a Star.

Misato is a good choice given your ability and needs. You also suit the face well.

Hope from FXIII or work out and be the blonde twink from swimming anime.

Bolin from Avatar as well?

Get back on FB homo.

>> No.6741483
File: 365 KB, 1984x904, So Far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you don't have any nice/recent photos

Well, fuck.

Anyway, first time here. Please be gentle.

>> No.6741497

Have at it, I don't really cosplay much but I think that's going to change.

>> No.6741499
File: 630 KB, 1990x901, dixncheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped my image

>> No.6741506
File: 107 KB, 510x782, Dany-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment I opened your image I thought of Daenerys from Game of Thrones.

>> No.6741509

and my suggestions.. heh
Have you considered Amon?
Umm I am getting a really Doctor Who feeling from the picture you provided, maybe that could work?
Holt Hyde from Monster High
wow um, I really like all of the picks you have for yourself there and don't have anything to add.
May from Pokemon!

>> No.6741511




>> No.6741515

Hrmm, possibly but like I said I am looking for cosplays that fit my body type.

>> No.6741518

I like the Amon suggestion, I never really thought of him because of my body shape, as Amon is rather built.

I might have a hand at making my own mask, because

>Look at masks online
>$65 for shipping

Such is life for an Austrlian who can't craft..

>> No.6741528

True but with a proper amount of shoulder padding and whatnot it's a little bit easier to create the illusion of being built. Also I think making your own mask is a good idea and shouldn't be too challenging given the right materials.

>> No.6742009
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 453456346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for him?

he's 5'10

>> No.6742024
File: 47 KB, 400x518, him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6742071

Cosplay as someone who posts in the suggestion thread.

>> No.6744278

Kawaii bampu desu neeee

>> No.6744528

fill out the chart

>> No.6744742


>> No.6745099
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1344496700524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start losing weight because fat as fatass and want to crossplay
>think about at least posting my face to see what might work with my features, so I can at least work on certain things while I lose the rest


>> No.6745430

Just post it. If you're a guy, you can pretend people like you like this guy >>6726184

>> No.6745465

/cgl/, I'm a 180 cm female, with an angular face. Any suggestions for female characters I could pull off that don't have very difficult construction (eg. full plate armor, full body paint + sculpting, etc)? Thanks!

>> No.6745661

No you dumb bitch
Post the template
Post suggestions
Get suggestions.

>> No.6745736
File: 2.33 MB, 1990x1030, mepics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'8 and circulate between 135-145 pounds usually, it's pretty temperamental. I'm already sold on doing Shuu because I like the game, but I'm having trouble choosing between the other two/am open to other suggestions, looking for another cosplay to do for an upcoming con and have to get started really, really soon, but I'm being indecisive. Also, working on ideally getting to 130 by con time.

>> No.6745739 [DELETED] 

Woop, was also thinking Sailor Mercury or Neptune. Input is appreciated.

>> No.6745756

I was also thinking maybe Mercury or Bulma, but I'm open to anything. Forgot to put my input on other posts, here we go:

If you can pull off Brook well, go for it.
This Alice might be good? It's nice to have a game with so many outfit alternatives.
Anthy from Utena?
I'd love to see a Tank Girl cosplay in general.
I don't think Ferris Bueller cosplays are a possibility but you look a lot like Matthew Broderick.
Seconding Cronus.
Instantly thought of Flynn.
I love Kanji so I commend you on your choice, but if you're new to it I'd say Dipper.

>> No.6745787
File: 117 KB, 1040x492, Cosp.suggest..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time cosplaying ever so suggestions would be nice

>> No.6745808
File: 1012 KB, 1990x960, 1000hoursinMSpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would certainly suggest Batgirl as a logical choice.

You could pull a decent Suzaku with the correct hair styling

I think you could do a great Victorique from Gosick

I think you would do well in a Mori (Ouran) cosplay.

I'd suggest Harley Quinn, you have the face and body to do it real well.

Also, hope I'm not too late.

>> No.6745830


oh right. im suppose to help.

With the black hair I'd say Faith Connors from mirrors edge?

A little sister from bioshock? not "cute" per say but...



ramona flowers?

I guess I'd agree with shuu

>> No.6746036


>> No.6746445


Dude...you could pull off an AWESOME Marty, make sure you have the voice down

>> No.6747303
File: 406 KB, 1990x901, 1363749822805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find suggestions for you guys, but this the first time I'm even thining of cosplaying, already having trouble finding something for myself, sorry for that.

>> No.6747316
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, DmC Devil May Cry Vergil and Stylish gameplay videos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747321

I am not sure if those goes in this thread but hey can't hurt to try.

I want to get into cosplay but have not a fucking clue where I would go to do such a thing. I live up in the north east in rhode island. So we don't get much shit up here. Any way have some cons that are new people friendly around the east cost?

>> No.6747323

Is this thread dead?

>> No.6747365

all cons are usually friendly towards newbies.
Look into new York cons. Take a friend or two.

>> No.6749634
