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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6705811 No.6705811 [Reply] [Original]

Any recent awkward weeaboo encounters/horror stories?

>> No.6705831

did you come from /r9k/ too.

>> No.6705841
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I'm not op, but I did too.

This is for you.

>> No.6705844

No. I just looked through the 10 pages of /cgl/, and didn't find a horror thread.

>> No.6705948

poor guy. i wish there was something we could do to deal with these weaaboos other than hope you don't encounter them, like a sort of weaaboo prevention system

>> No.6706029


Those aren't weeaboos. Those are FTM, or MFTs or god knows how those degenerates call themselves nowadays.

Better support that social justice for those whilst we check our privileges.

>> No.6706039
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My story isn't much of a horror story really, more just a guy who was the impersonation of /v/ who had either been dared by his friends or thought this was a good way to get girl but here we go.

I was wearing pic related at a con just over a week ago, had a few guys ask for my number and such, nothing bad until this guy. He came up to me when I was standing with a couple of friends and started to rattle off an impressive collection of bad pick up lines.
>Were you born on a chicken farm? Cause you sure know how to raise cocks.
And other amazing and seductive things. He went on for about 5min rattling these things off. When I finally told him to just leave he said
>I'll draw you a picture
Said picture was of a dick and he attempted to through it into my cleavage. Brat wouldn't leave until one of my mates I was with told him she'd punch him.
It's probably not funny written out like this but looking back on it I can't help but laugh.

>> No.6706045
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My story is sort of lame, but I knew this weeb girl who would bring every manga with her to school and smelt of piss. She told my boyfriend she would shlick to him in class through her pants/skirt whatever she was wearing at the time. I think now all she does is uploads herself singing Nightmare before Christmas on youtube.

>> No.6706127

>Go to Sci Fi Speed Dating at local con
>"Oh hey this girl looks nice"
>She keeps glancing at me over the course of the session
>Surprised when she didn't give me her number or email at the end
>She hunts me down afterwords, insists her mother wouldn't let her
>Yes, I speed dated her mother too (awkward as fuck)
>Give her my email, she somehow finds me on facebook despite using a different email for that
>Find out she not only lied about being 18, she also lied about being single
>"Oh well"
>She breaks up with her boyfriend, starts hitting on me really hard
>Also gradually evolves into a homestuck
>Start finding out she's obnoxious as hell about homestuck and talks like a twelve year old weeaboo
>Can't block her now because my dumbass brother added her and refuses to delete her since "[I'm] so mean to her"
>Currently just being annoying as fuck to make her leave me alone

That said, there were some other nice ladies there. Apparently quite a few were interested until I mentioned my age. I was probably the youngest guy there, being about to turn nineteen at the time.

>> No.6706149

Carrying an electric rod might be a good idea. Their obesse wobbly bits are supposively a great conductor for high voltage. This would make things easier for escape-plan.

Thank god for living in Eurofagia now, I still recall the horror of dealing with this shit in anime club while going to US highschool for a year on exchange program. Shit gave me nightmares.

>> No.6706351

This happend a few years ago.. no big deal not that I think about it.

My friend recently got into cosplay. She wanted to try out a local con before hitting a bigger one, just to test the water. I decided to go with her at the last minute. Not wanting to be totally left out, I donned my paparazzi Tshirt (literally says paparazzi in large text across the back with a printing of a vintage camera hanging from the neck on the front.) I thought I was going to be clever.. just taking photos of my friend. Everything was fun until some starlet wanna be came running up to me, screaming no pictures please! She then cracked me over the head with her purse. WAS SHE CARRYING A FUCKING BRICK IN THERE? I know it sounds wimpy but it was a very heavy bag with tons of shit in it. It knocked me flat on my ass. Being the shy wimp I was, I started to cry. >_> She was removed from the con grounds. Hah.

>> No.6706371

>Said picture was of a dick and he attempted to through it into my cleavage.

>> No.6706407

>Said picture was of a dick and he attempted to through it into my cleavage.
>he attempted to through it into my cleavage.
>through it into my cleavage
>through it

>> No.6706445

The girl is crazy but this guy seems to be so fucking good looking I can sort of understand how someone socially inept could act like that towards him.

>> No.6707989

>going to speed dating at conventions

>> No.6708089

Not really a horror story, but an encounter:
>hungry, hubby and I hit TGIF
>hostess says our waiter's name is Shadow and he's a bit crazy...ENJOY!
>guy comes to table
>ask if Shadow is his real name
>responds yes
>taken from "jitsu", a ninja term, which he follows the lifestyle of
>says he was born in Okinawa, Japan
>obviously white/black mix with maybe Philippine thrown in
>I joke and say "Well, now Naruto makes more sense to me."
>eyes light up
>ask me if I read the "Mahn-gah" or watch the "oo-nee-mah" and what my favorite character is
>sees husband's FMA tattoo
>asks about FMA vs. FMA:BH for like 20 minutes

Don't get me wrong, he was a sweetheart, just...special. Lol
So, if you're ever in Dover, DE, go to the TGIF and look for the guy with Vanilla Ice eyebrows.

>captcha : encounter unatute
Lulz. Even captcha knows...

>> No.6708121
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I had a shudder-worthy encounter at a smallish local con.

>Be mega short, 11-year-old looking Yuno Gasai
>Really thin, tall geeky looking guy and his friend/brother ask for pic
>Both seem very socially awkward
>But okay sure, I'm dressed up and it's my first con
>Guy comes over and hoverhands me
>I smile and pose
>At last second before picture is taken, he leans in, squeezes my shoulder, and whispers into my ear
>'Hey. I'm a really big fan of yours.'


>> No.6708174
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>not having that on your bucket list

>> No.6708203
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I'm curious about the speed dating at cons. Anyone care to share their experiences? Good, the bad, the ugly?

>> No.6708212

No. Watch Geek Love on youtube. Its...magnificant.

>> No.6708208


Fuck I had two first time conners with me this last one too I really wanted to see how they'd react to it.

>> No.6708220

The good: if you're good looking, super easy to find some action.
The bad: I'm not good looking.
The ugly: Speed dating is the closest I've ever been to having a relationship.

>> No.6708227
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This is what I pictured after reading the last line.

>> No.6708228

wait, there are really speed dating at cons?
Wanna tell me who would actually do speed dating at cons

>> No.6708234

i haven't the faintest clue. thought it would make a nice joke.

>> No.6708233


Some have them. My local con had one recently, they even had a speed friending which I wanted to go to but missed.

I'd like to go to one just for the experience, I think it would be kind of fun.

>> No.6708252

Kawaii Kon?

>telling friend about it
>wait why would you do that instead of speed dating?
>youre like putting yourself RIGHT in the friend zone

>> No.6708291
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I think it's a nice a idea to get to talk to new people without the romantic 'pressure' of speed dating.

>> No.6708330
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I looked in on the "Geek Speed Dating" at Convergence a few years ago.

It was 80% guys. (Would have been more if they hadn't capped it.)

pic related

>> No.6708352

I honestly don't really want to be friends with weebs.

I have NOTHING in common with the ones I've met.

I watch anime and shit but I don't act like a stereotype about it.

>> No.6708367

Alright, this isn't a horror story so much as it is me venting.

I sell wigs at cons, the con opens and two homestucks roll in within minutes. They have unsealed paint and they hog up the booth talking about wigs for this character that I obviously don't carry, seeing as I have all anime wigs. So they buy a simple black wig and go off to style it, or so I assume. The two come back within minutes and ask me to cut the wig in the booth. I'm just kind of stunned, but somehow another patron offers to cut the wig for her. So the random patron starts cutting her hair while it's on her head, which I believe may be unsafe but I let it slide as long as they do it over the trash can.

I offer the patron a discount for cutting this homestuck's wig, and again I assume the homestucks won't be back. I was wrong again, this homestuck needs red glasses or some shit, but needs to cut these glasses she bought in order to fit the character. She asks for the scissors I have, and I flat out deny her as they're my only shears for cutting wigs. I was kind of pissed at them, but they continued to stop by the booth and talk to me.

Now I understand I should be nice to customers, but I am sick of people asking me to style their wigs or somehow complete their incomplete cosplays. I am not the cosplay medic. I am not your personal stylist. If you don't know how to style a heat-resistant wig look it up on youtube, there are ample tutorials, and do it yourself in the hotel.

>> No.6708381

yes, there are hawaii seagulls! what did you guys cosplay as? i might have seen you.

>> No.6708393

>not seeing the kawaii kon thread
Negro please

>> No.6708408

And let me dump a few more stories. Different convention, relatively busy throughout the weekend, but slow on Sunday so I'm taking breaks for lunch and stuff. A little before I get lunch this Asian lady walks in and asks to try on some wigs, I leave her be because moms love wigs and usually buy two or more. An hour goes by and I come back to this lady STILL in the booth. The poor girl working with me is running around making other sales while this lady tries to put wigs on and off herself while messing up every single wig she touches. She puts nothing back and leaves all the wigs scattered haphazardly around the booth. I ask her if she's going to purchase a wig and she begins to back down. Eventually I get her to leave.

So then her daughter comes back and she really wants a Sailor Moon wig. Sailor moon is $55. She asks to try it on, and thankfully it fits. But then the daughter tells me she only has $40 left, which is nearly a 30% discount. I say no, and the mom comes in to haggle. I really want these people out of my booth so I give in at $50. She puts it on her card and then asks for an extra wig cap. I tell her wig caps come with the purchase of each wig, but she keeps saying "No I get another" like I don't understand her English. I refuse and she keeps saying "I pay $50, I get two wig cap." I tell her she can purchase another wig cap for $3 and she leaves in a huff with sailor moon, her daughter apologizing to us on the way out.

>> No.6708428

This is more of an awkward encounter at a con. A weeb from the same series walked up to me and started talking to me in character. I talked back to them in character until I realized that the camera they were holding in their hand was recording me for the entire conversation. I don't understand why someone would walk up to someone with a cam and record them without even telling them it was recording. I can only pray that they didn't put it up online anywhere.

Aw, sorry bro.

>> No.6708429

You one of Arda's people, or a different company?

I had a girl come up to our booth and pretty much begged me to style a Sasuke wig. I told her that 1. I had no blow dryer or outlet to use, and 2. I would need to be paid to do a heavy style job like that. She tried to keep getting me to do the job, and also she didn't want to pay for the styling job either by offering to help with it if it meant she didn't have to pay for it. I had to deny her since you know, I don't have any way to actually style the wig since I couldn't use a blow dryer anyway.

Unfortunately some people don't understand that yes, we sell wigs, but for all the time it takes for us to cut and style their wigs, we lose out on time it takes to actually do wig sells and help out other people. I made the mistake before of doing a commission at con and lost a couple hours trying to work on this wig with my limited capabilities. At least he was nice enough to tip for my time and styling job.

>> No.6708446

I got pressured into a speed dating panel at a con once. They needed more girls or they'd have to send away some guys and I got asked and my friends practically pushed me in.

It was... interesting? Lots of people to talk to. This was kind of a party con though so it attracts less super nerds I think. Anyway you sit in chairs and every two minutes you get to talk to a new person. You get a paper to fill out how they were and if you'd give them your email. There were some awkward people in there, but nothing terrible. One guy was nice and brought me water. I wouldn't go again though. Afterwards I got an email stating who wanted to share their email with me and stuff.

>> No.6708455

you dont even like guys

>> No.6708463

Another company, but we have hiperlon fiber as well. I actually bought mostly Arda wigs before I joined this company.

And sometimes I help style it, not with heat or anything, but with bobby pins and whatever I have in the booth, because I do want to help out my customers and make their costumes work. But I get nervous enough cutting and styling my own wigs let alone my customers. And I really can't cut your wig in my booth when I'm swamped, or take it back to my hotel tonight and style it myself.

>> No.6708466


Well that's nice, but not everyone that goes to an anime convention is going to be a weeb. I'm not really all that interested in anime myself, but it's one of the few large events here in Hawaii that I can meet people with similar interests. And now with HEXXP gone... uggh...

>> No.6708492

Yeah. Stuff like trimming bangs isn't so bad. We even keep bobby pins and hair ties at the booth to help customers out with basic stuff. But when they want you to spike up a wig for you well... Yeah. Not much you can really do that.

>> No.6708491

The good: I was 18 and everybody called me pretty. I had low self esteem at the time so it was a nice ego booster for once.
The bad: Everybody was over 25
The ugly: I was an awkward turtle and 1/3 of them were too.

>> No.6708534

all those pasty geek stereotypes
please tell me it's normal to be this judgmental

>> No.6708536
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>please tell me it's normal to be this judgmental
Oh bb, welcome to /cgl/. You're home now.

>> No.6708568
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> heading back to room to get things for a room party
>gets out of elevator, sees a stumbling drunk guy with his friend helping him up
>thought it would be funny to tease the guy and say a quick flirtatiously say "hi" to him

>> No.6708589

>all those pasty geek stereotypes

>> No.6708601
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This is a really stupid question, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to ask this.
My first con is in a few months, and I've read a good amount of horror stories contain vomit. Do people throw up at cons a lot? I have really, really terrible emetophobia, and it's something that's been making me fairly nervous.

>> No.6708603


>> No.6708621

they're like 50 years old and dating an an anime con
dear god please put them down already

>> No.6708623

Yeah, and the women in their aren't exactly very savory looking either.

>> No.6708636

I love geeky, pale, awkward, elitist (& the whole lot, really) guys, of all ages.

My dream is meeting a 6 feet tall skinny pale guy with a big nose and somewhat thick eyebrows, telling him I enjoyed the Star Wars' prequels and making him so angry about it he'd spank the shit out of me and then rape me.
I'm not sure what would happen after, though.

>> No.6708638

well it was mostly just the old people
>telling him I enjoyed the Star Wars' prequels and making him so angry about it he'd spank the shit out of me and then rape me
i lol'd

>> No.6708640

The only vomiting I've ever seen at cons has been at room parties, and even then only when there are people there who don't know how to control their drinking. You should be fine as long as you avoid the crazy room parties.

>> No.6708664

I'm emetophobic, too, and I fare fine. Just room with people that know their limits. If they party, find out about what time they come back and either come back and fall asleep sooner or come back about an hour after they do and you should have yourself covered. People don't just walk around throwing up all over the place at every con. Most of the puke stories on here are from just a few small groups of people that don't know how to control themselves; that far from defines everyone at a con.

>> No.6708675

I just started college in the fall and after reading some of the stories on /cgl/ for some reason I thought "Some of these can't be true. There really can't be any weebs like that in college. There really can't be adults who still dress like hot topic emo goth lol so randumb." But there... is. My friend was telling me about this sorta big guy who wears a cat eared hat everytime she has seen him. He has drawn two pictures of her now where he seems to keep emphasizing on her breast.

In my Costume Design class last semester there was this girl who wore the same fur lined jacket with a fuckton of buttons covering the whole front side and this black plastic fedora.

From what I could remember about her, she was interested in pretty much all the shit that's popular now like Pokemon (had a Pikachu backpack), My Little Pony, Dr. Who, Avengers, Kingdom Heart, and whatever else. I never chose to talk to her but when I would talk to someone in her earshot, she would just butt in to make the conversation about her/whatever she saw or done is for some reason more important than whatever thing I was sharing. I actually saw her on campus and she was wearing that fucking jacket and hat.

Oh, and she mentioned/threw around a lot how ALA is so much better than AX (YMMV but it was kind of annoying the way she put it because she made it sound like the two were in competition against each other). She seemed to think a lot of herself too for apparently working staff at ALA and being the "head" of fuck if I remember. I'm just glad I don't have a class with her again.

>> No.6708679

*saw her today on campus

I really should read over my post to make clear of all these errors.

>> No.6708681

> People don't just walk around throwing up all over the place at every con.
It's terrible but I thought back to that hotel worker who came here and told everyone the horror that was the room where the congoers who booked it had shat upon everything.

>> No.6708704


here. I like the way the dude from Geek Love (who was the same guy running the thing I went to and actually really fun in person) put it: "The odds are good... but the goods are still kinda odd"

>> No.6708705

The guys at the one I went to weren't so bad. It was slightly more even when it came to guys and gals, but there were definitely more of them. It was at a comic con, so of course there was a few neckbeards there. Granted, there were a few lady neckbeards there... such as one who turned out to go to my university and also live really close to me.

>> No.6708706

Can't sleep and I've got nothing to do so I'll share some stories.

I live in a very rural area in the grand map of anime exposure. No local conventions aside from a yearly college run event and our frequent summer meetups that happened every few weeks just to give us something to do and a place to wear our costumes since at the time a lot of us were too young to travel across the state to attend conventions.

It was especially hot that summer but we schduled a meetup anyway at our local big park. The place was a popular hang out spot for events and no one had to rent anything so it was first come, first serve for the lone covered picnic area.

As usual we posted in the local Facebook group and a lot of it was spread around by word of mouth and we were all familiar with each other so most of the time it would just be the regulars, rarely with a new face that wasn't a friend/family member of a regular. Since it was a regular/local sort of thing the best details we gave out were the location, the date and the times we'd be there. Everyone who attended before knew it was a picnic sort of event and to bring food, blankets, and to wear comfortable clothing or cosplay since there was no gurantee we'd get the covered picnic area.

>> No.6708707

When the day arrived I got there when our usual time was, which was noon. A few others had beaten me there, one of which being the coordinator for a lot of our events since she was the oldest (nearly 30) and was a bit of a mother figure to all of us. However there was one person that stood out immediately and not because it was an unfamiliar face. Practically chatting the coordinator's ear off was a short girl with long neon orange hair and an oversized Bleach shinigami outfit.

I came over to see what was up and that's when I met her, Cheeto-Chan. The coordinator all but shoved the girl at me to introduce me, saying we'd have plenty to talk about since we were similar ages (I was 16 at the time and she was 15). Cheeto-Chan was just as ethusiastic to meet me and kept asking me about my costume which was nothing special, just a casual Pikachu gijinka (yellow knee shorts and a yellow tanktop with the headband and tail) given that it was over 95F that day. As more people kept arriving she kept asking me questions and really wearing thin on my nerves so I ended up excusing myself to go put my things down and left her on her own.

The covered picnic area had been taken by a family reunion so we migrated across the other side of the lake and set up our blankets on a grassy area that was partially covered by trees. Everyone had brought towels or blankets and some sort of food/supplies except for Cheeto-Chan who looked confused by all of it until she learned that the food was for everyone to share. It was a buffet thing set up on a huge blanket and despite being new Cheeto-Chan had no troubles making herself the front of the line and digging in, mostly ignoring the utensils provided and using her fingers to pick up food. Normally this would just be bad manners but there was a reason why I'm calling her Cheeto-Chan.

>> No.6708708


You see, Cheeto-Chan didn't buy a wig for her "female Ichigo" costume. She used canned colored hair spray to turn her shoulder length hair into a massive orange mess and in doing this to her hair and styling it, her fingers had turned orange to the point where it looked like she had been digging in a Cheeto bag for an hour. Needless to say, people were irritated by her behavior but we wanted to be nice to the guest who was just joining us for the first time so we didn't say anything.

With her food aquired, Cheeto-Chan realized she didn't have a blanket to sit on and unluckily for me, I had brought an extra beach towel in case someone had forgotten theirs. I ended up eating my lunch next to her and listening to her wolf down her food as loudly as possible before going to get more. Given how tiny she was I have no idea how she ate that much, especially using her fingers as much as she did and outright sucking food off them and probably ingesting a lot of spray residue. Cheeto-Chan had been there nearly an hour when it finally went from annoying to outright disaster.

Since there weren't enough tree shadow to cover us all, a lot of us ended up sitting in the sunshine which for the most part didn't bother anyone too badly given that we were dressed for the weather. Well... everyone but Cheeto-Chan. By the time she had finished eating, leaving her trash in the grass beside her instead of throwing it away, she had started to sweat because of her heavy black Shinigami costume. Orange trails of sweat had begun dripping down her neck and forehead to the point where everyone had noticed and I suggested she should probably wash her face off under the spigot by the water fountain that was used to wash off picnic supplies and fill water bottles.

>> No.6708709

Of course Cheeto-Chan didn't know where it was but another girl offered to show her since she had to use the restroom beside the water fountain anyway. Cheeto-Chan went with her (I'll call her Lolita since she was one, though it was badly made Ebay) and we couldn't see them once they rounded the lake. It was about ten minutes later when Cheeto-Chan came back, water stains all over her outfit and her hair a sopping mess of her natural light brown hair and dripping orange mess. Without a word she came back to the towel I had loaned her and picked it up, shaking the grass off it before wrapping her hair up in it turban style without asking me if she could.

I was flabbergasted but figured it was just a towel, it wasn't too much of a loss and it was her costume being ruined in the end. It was then that Lolita came back, outright sobbing and yelling to her friends as she twisted at the bottom of her dress like she was trying to wring water out of it. When she got close enough we finally saw what had happened and we all put two and two together even before we heard her yelling about what had happened.

Cheeto-Chan instead of washing her face had squatted down and dunked her head under the water and had tried to scrub her hair clean before complaining that the orange spray would get in her eyes and asked Lolita to scrub her hair clean. Lolita refused and told her it would stain her fingers and went to shut the water off when Cheeto-Chan tossed her head back to get her hair out of her face, splattering Lolita with orangey water from her face to her legs. She was so stunned she couldn't even say anything and rushed straight to the restroom to try and salvage her dress (lace monster that it was) but couldn't get the color out no matter how much she tried with paper towels and water (the soap was used up).

>> No.6708710

Lolita was so upset that she ended up leaving soon after and Cheeto-Chan never once apologized or even seemed to understand what she had done, saying it was an accident when I asked about it. People avoided her like the plague and the mood was pretty much ruined so people ended up leaving early, several hours before our scheduled end time. In the end Cheeto-Chan was the only one left after the few of us waiting on parents got rides with others and the Coordinator was forced to wait there with her because she didn't want to leave a minor by herself and get in trouble if something happened to her.

What I was told later was that Cheeto-Chan had told her mother the wrong time to pick her up on purpose because she thought we all hung out after the event and did cool stuff. The event was to end at 4 and Cheeto-Chan's mother wasn't supposed to arrive until 6 and she claimed her cellphone had died and she didn't remember the number so the coordinator couldn't call her, probably thinking she'd get in trouble for lying. They ended up sitting there for hours with Cheeto-Chan eating the leftovers the Cooridnator had brought and trying to talk to her about anime and other stupid stuff until her mother arrived.

By the time everyone knew what had happened after we had all left, it was decided that Cheeto-Chan was banned from our events. When she tried to join the group Facebook shortly after the Coordinator refused it and we made sure to keep our event dates as quiet as possible to make sure she didn't show up. Luckily for us, she didn't.

>> No.6708717

Heh, I like reading these threads. I'm only just going to cons now, since I spent my school years (and most of my college years, i'm 26) doing sports, drama and academia. I'm definitely not an anime fan, but I have friends who'll stand with me and inform me of the variety of costumes that walk by at cons. It's a weird situation sometimes, and bear with me here because this is going to sound a little conceded, but I actually get the same treatment INSIDE cons that full anime cosplayers get if they go downtown on any given day. I wear popped collars and aviators, I work out 3 times a week, am a practicing Christian and I'm ex-army.

Just recently I attended a convention in Vancouver and had a gang of 15yr olds (maybe?) excitedly inquire as to whether I'd come as a homestuck character (i don't recall the name, but he has multiple popped collars and looks apparently like me). I replied no, but if the character was cool and they thought I looked like him, then thanks!

Curse my pleasant Canadian nature.

I spent the next 15 minutes politely listening to them tell me about their webcomic series, then the next 3 hours and 45 minutes avoiding the heck out of them as they stalked me through the con, calling out the character's name whenever they saw me (then a litany of catchphrases I can only assume the character spouts).

Anyway, not on par with some of the hassles you guys have experienced, but it's just interesting entering this world of cons from a totally different angle.

>> No.6708737

is this a humorous copypasta
im new to /cgl/

>> No.6708743

I feel like there is a possibility I know who you are talking about, because this isn't the first time I have heard someone describe someone like this here.

>> No.6708746

This reminds me of story. More WTF than anything else. Sage for lack of horror.

>Otakon 11
>went for one day
>grabbed whatever was clean; didn't put too much thought into what I was wearing
>hear snickering behind me at a panel
>Ignore it
>"She's not even wearing a wig" "It's sad when people don't even care about costumes..." "That has to be the shittiest Edward Elric I've seen this con" And other various snark
>look around; I don't see any Edwards around me
>wonder who they're talking about
>Later: go into bathroom, see full length reflection
>Grayish black jeans, black boots, red hoodie (it was lightweight cause I knew how cold the con can get), hair pulled back into a ponytail
>MFW it was ME

>> No.6708762

why did that give me a boner?

>> No.6708768

Aah, alright! Thank you! I was just a little worried with all the people who seem to get drunk/be hungover the next day, but I feel a lot better now!

>> No.6708896

You just described my boyfriend

>> No.6708930

Speed Friendzoning, my god...

>> No.6709007
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>> No.6709115

Ahhh, sorry for the late reply! I'm so saving this. Pretty much exactly what happened.

10/10 Accurate as can be.

>> No.6709523
File: 430 KB, 355x243, jfclol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't. Oh my god.

>> No.6709528

Had both good and bad. Last one i went to, guy seemed normal but then started emailing me stuf about his pokephilia, how he wanted me to be his sexy Loppuny and how i should have sex with him and his fiance.

I was outta there as soon as "sexy lopunny" came up. Plus there was the messages like stalkstalkstalkstalkstalk lol <3

>> No.6710590


>> No.6710695
File: 16 KB, 400x326, 1310656570653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good I am not the only Delawarean who browses /cgl/.

>> No.6710729

Oh god how he says the words
Reminds me of how my old roommate, who claims to be Chinese just because she lived in China (bitch was Native American and black), kept trying to tell us all how "cartoon" is a word from Britain, where it is actually pronounced "Caw-Oon"

>> No.6710764

the thought of some chinaboo running around screaming about cawoons literally made me laugh out loud
thanks anon

>> No.6710848

Vancouverstuck member here. Some of our younger members are still in their weeaboo stage and a little crazy about homestuck....

I can vouch that the rest of us are fairly normal though so I hope you don't have Homestuck PTSD. Apologies on behalf of the community!

>> No.6710857

Oh man, I have a whole book of stories about her.

>> No.6710860

LOL Why claim to be chinese when you can be the much superior Japan.

(joke btw. i dont wanna get banned for trolling)

>> No.6710859

Still better than all the pinoys at cons who claim to be half or quarter japanese

>> No.6710865

capcha: supply ideoryf

>> No.6710912

> getting metallic paint for sword for cosplay
> cashier is super-awkward guy, mentions cosplay out of nowhere because he used the same paint
>weird, but okay, cool
>see him another time, talk cosplay a little
>he mentions not being able to sew and how he STAPLED his cosplay together
>mfw I'll probably see him at ACEN

Being pretty picky (and, admittedly, kind of judgemental) about craftsmanship, I NOPE'd right the hell out of that conversation.

Also I have NEVER seen a more socially awkward person, at cons or otherwise.

>> No.6710911
File: 681 KB, 370x305, 1332308175853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same situation in my area. Worst part is that I know someone that's actually half Japanese and half Pinay, and yet no one actually believes them and just think they're Chinese.

Though it's funny to think that people will believe the "half/quarter" Japanese person that is lying over the actual one because the liar likes anime and cosplays. Pathetic.

>> No.6710922

Congrats, anon. You made me laugh out loud.

>> No.6710955

They're generally stories including her being a glutton and a total cunt. Some are weeby, some just make you wanna slap her. Some are both.

>> No.6711009

Catherines hands looks so big in that and her pig tails look too thick. sage for off topic nonsense.

>> No.6711046


Oh really? Well, I guess from her Facebook she seems to have a lot of friends who are cosplayers or type of people who go to cons (though uh... I tend to think anyone who has friends over 100 is a lot since I'm below that mark. I found her when he commented on a mutual friends status). Her name is Chauntel.

She's short and from what I knew, dyed her hair a lot. Because of the way she dressed she seemed to take pride in looking like a 12 year old and just screamed special snowflake. I don't think I would have had so much of an issue with her if she didn't keep trying to like, talk over me or show off. I understand being enthusiastic about fandoms or whatever, but she came off as a poser for the things she expressed interest in.

>> No.6711065
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I lol'd, and then related.

>> No.6711066

I don't even need any of them. I already have geeky pale awkward nerd. He's skinny as fuck with sexy long hair.

>> No.6711073

I do know who that is then. Chauntel Carmen?
According to the ALA roster:
>Bag Stuffing & Cubbie Assembly: Chauntel Carmen

I remembered that she was in a skit with Nobody's Destiny Productions (see: >>6707454), but I think she's in another cos group, V3 Cosplay Syndicate now?

>> No.6711075
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forgot to add pic!

>> No.6711100


Yeah that's her. I didn't know she was a part of a cosplay group other than she just cosplayed (tbh it bugged me that she parted the wig directly in the middle for her Kairi cosplay). I tried not to judge but she was just all like "me me me." She made her job sound like it was a really big deal and sorta just brought it out of nowhere when I was talking to a friend about AX.

I don't know. Maybe I just didn't give her a better chance to get to know her more, so she might be better with other people or those who actually know her.

>> No.6711113

I don't know her very well, actually through mutual friends who have an issue with some of the people she's cosplayed with and whatnot.

I wouldn't be able to say much on the personality factor, but the people associated with her in cosplay tend to be really like that, and quite off-putting. Also I can see too where she follows all the trends. It's pretty easy to lop her in the bandwagon tier.

>> No.6711178

It's in the archives somewhere. I don't even remember the convention name now but it happened this year.

>> No.6711181

That's fantastically true. Even though my SO browses 4chan and watches anime I think I'm too strange for him. God bless my normie boyfriend.

>> No.6711202


Ha. Oh Kawaii Kon. (Such a small world.)

>> No.6711228

General question to all of you here.

I am no regular and only come here form other boards because of the drama/fap fodder but why is it that so many of you let things go on for so long unhindered until it all explodes and people get injured?

I know many of these stories are made up/exagerrated but still judging by the way people here utterly avoid telling people "yeah you tried to rape me before so I wonk bunk with you" instead they go "I didn't want to come across as a bitch etc".

Its either submissive until it goes well past the point of no return or complete bitch, wheres the middle ground?

It is just so foreign to me.

>> No.6711256

>implying this tiny part of the community is everyone

>> No.6711272

happened to me once. i feel you bro

>> No.6711283

How many stories did this happen in? You make it sound like that's happen often when usually it goes
>they tried to r4p3 me
>called the cops/staff/
>fuck you crazy bitchy

Or are you referring to how they won't tell someone to fuck off right off the bat when they know that person is trouble?

>> No.6711357
File: 69 KB, 600x742, 1363185674228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting to post this story for a while now its hella long so ill just give you the short version, there is the creepy dude code named “Balls over”.

>Supanova 2011, Over crowded my 1bedroom (Friend of mine Ben asked to crash on the floor) Me, Ben, Chris and Tom chilling in the lobby at 3am eating microwave lasagne we got from the vending machine. Creepy ballsover dude comes down elevator and sits with us and we make normal convo. He looks at our lasagne.
Looks at Ben dead in the eyes and says ”Lasagne huh... I know how you like to eat lasagne Ben... You like to scoop it up on your dick and lick of the cheese”
Wags his tongue as he says this
Complete and utter fucking silence
Then looks at my mate Tom “Hey Tom I saw on your FB that it says your interested in men, Tom tell him awkwardly that it’s not true and his brother was fucking with his account. He then looks at all of us and says that his mate left and he has an extra bed in his room, We all look to Ben , Me and Tom together “don’t you need a place to stay man?” “yea its pretty over crowded out room would you mind putting him up. Ben fucking death stares us, “No im pretty sure its quite fucking fine.
We fight to try and get him to go, Doesn’t happen and Ballsover leaves, Ben leaves to get room on the floor before everyone heads back, Me and Tom use computer in lobby to change his facebook profile back to women. Log in. Its still on women.

MFW I think about what he said about the lasagne

>> No.6711747

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm pretty socially inept, so I can't ever speak up because I'm afraid of upsetting people.

>> No.6711845

it's not just in the cosplay or convention community....

but circumstances are usually worse because of temporary nature of convention acquaintances and rooming with pretty-much strangers.

Some people (male and female) use convention setting like a Vegas alibi : "I'm drunk/awkward/socially inept (or whatever excuse for not having social filters) and dont see these people every day so I'll try to get away with what I can get away with" etc

just, you know, social conditioning bullshit.

>> No.6711866
File: 314 KB, 1280x2796, russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some semi-old Hetalia lesbian horror

>> No.6711894

Implying /cgl/ is better


>> No.6711910

>I wear popped collars
>I'm cool


>> No.6711979
File: 160 KB, 500x281, tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started college (a bit late at 20) and i saw a flyer for the anime club. i kinda want to join since i'm new to the state but.....
in middle school i was briefly in one. it was horrible.
>giant weeaboos (including myself gah)
>weeaboo dramu
>dramu everyday
now that i'm not a weeb (i just enjoy manga and anime, but i don't glorify glorious japan anymore) i kinda want to join.
but..these stories make me reluctant.
college students can't be this bad cant they?
right...? right?!
>tl;dr are college anime clubs as horrible as them all?

>> No.6711982

Just go, and if it sucks, stop going.

Some anime clubs are chill, and some are weeaboo infested horrors. You won't know until you check it out.

>> No.6712047

One of my friends came over from Japan to the States to live. Although he isn't full Japanese (1/4 at best; I know this sounds phony already, but he;s 1/2 Dutch and another 1/4 Viet I think), I know he has stories from highschool about people being nuts about his heritage and all sorts of weeaboo drama. I want to convince him to put the story here. I've heard it a lot of times and it still makes me laugh; I'll try and post it when I get his permission.

>> No.6712074

>Japanese people

stfu you bitch. Only Americans can be proud of their country? Jesus fuck.

>> No.6712084

What the fuck are you talking about? Anon clearly said he has stories about other people going nuts about his heritage.

>> No.6712086

Another Chicagoan?

>> No.6712087

Elsie pls
get trip back on, you're avoiding my filter

>> No.6712095

Yeah, they'd better check their privilege!!

>> No.6712102

.>>6712047 I can't get over how some animu fans practically worship Japan. I've never felt the urge to take "a pilgrimage" to Japan I like manga and anime, but come on, but I don't feel the need to discus that stuff with my college friends unless they're into it.

>> No.6712106

Woops. I missed the period between "Japan" and "I".

>> No.6712137

It's part of the delusion. Just like putting claims on a particular character as "theirs" is. The truly weaboo are often ostracised long before they find out about anime, usually because they're socially awkward as fuck more than anything else. Anime gives them a unifying factor with other people who are similarly "oppressed" and Japan becomes this ideal haven for them. It's out of reach for the majority of them as well, so that makes it an even more appealing fantasy.

Every single person I've known to go to Japan with these ideas that it's a better place than where they're coming from has come home dejected and disillusioned but for one.

She basically grew up while she was there, got over the delusions, and came to realise that nowhere is perfect. She also came to realise when she returned to the US for a few years that teaching English to kids in Japan is better than breaking up lunchroom fights between kids in her home town for half the (relative to living standards) pay, so I don't blame her for going back again.

>> No.6712153
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So... My college just approved an anime club... I've always avoided them like the plague in high school. But I realized that this will be my last chance to experience/witness these kinds of weeaboo festivities. I'm almost curious enough to go to the first meeting and then probably never ever show up again.

Or is this just a recipe for just another weeaboo horror story ?

>> No.6712166

I.. I didn't sat anything about Japanese people and Americans being proud about their country.

Wait, did I? I'm really confused.

>> No.6712168

Could be a lot worse.

>> No.6712172


>For trolling


>> No.6712173

link to jewtube vidya pl0x

>> No.6712195

b-but I like the star wars prequels..

>> No.6712227

For the same reasons so many people do the same outside of the cosplay scene. They're shy or insecure or who knows what else. To an extent I can understand that but it really has to stop after a certain point, not to mention that the people trying to cover it up with "I'm not a bitch" or "I didn't want to be rude because I'm such a good person" are really ridiculous and possibly delusional.

>> No.6712242


>Or is this just a recipe for just another weeaboo horror story ?

You butter believe it.

>> No.6712244

It's better to not upset the crazy.

>> No.6712257



>> No.6712305
File: 1.99 MB, 295x216, gender_reactions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened to my friend during an event.

She is doing her cosplay, pretty good for a first timer; people taking pics and whatnot. A group of her friends decided to go with her; a few guys and girls; mostly moral support. Suddenly during the photoshoots, 2 girls come running and smiling and say "Can we hug you?"
Her being nice and all agrees and the two girls hug her, then run away shouting "thank you!" and vanish (the girls were around 15-16). She comes to our group who was hanging out with her. "Did you see that?" "Of couse we did, wtf". The day goes on.

A few hours later our group is having some food, cosplayer friend is there with us; and a few feet away the same girls are looking at her and giggling. My friend looks at me puzzled. The girls come again and ask if they can hug her. "Uuuh Ok..." The girls hug her and run away shouting "thank you!"again.
"Wtf!" she says. The whole group is laughing at the whole situation, some other people has noticed the girls weird behavior.

We finish our food and are just sitting there chilling. Then a goth girl of around our age (22 at the time), asks for a picture. My friend agrees and the goth girl takes the picture of my friend. Then she gets way too close close and grabs the sides of my friend's head and gives her this weird look like she has fallen in love. Then she tries to kiss her but my friend leaned back. The goth girl kissed my friends head and hugged her head. Though the goth was skinny, because the goth was standing and my friend sitting, she basically boob raped my friend's face with her B cup boobs. My friend pushes the goth girl away, who then leaves without saying a word. Best part, all this time my friend's boyfriend was there, totally puzzled and not knowing what to do at all.

"I think I had enough of this" says cosplayer friend totally pissed off. She and her boyfriend leave so she can change to normal clothes.

>my face (and girls faces too) when boob scene.

>> No.6712361

NYfag here... Dude I have her added.
This is fucking scary.

>> No.6712382
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>I know how you like to eat lasagne Ben... You like to scoop it up on your dick and lick of the cheese”

>> No.6712399

Who was she dressed as?

>> No.6712681

This sounds like it written by a 16 year old.

>> No.6712943
File: 498 KB, 225x177, tumblr_lotqzjyBtA1qba508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While looking for videos of a con I plan to go to so I know what to expect, I found this piece of work:
There's nothing that irks me more than when people do this shit at a con ; not only that but skip to 2:07 that poor ciel cosplayer is clearly uncomfortable

>> No.6713002
File: 761 KB, 180x165, tumblr_me9v2oLuEY1qgygu0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoo lawdy

>> No.6713011

why thank you I was a bit drunk when I wrote it.

Yuno from Mirai Nikki

>> No.6713209
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Valle gets around ;). He's a regular con slut, I would know!

>> No.6713429

i meant a way to teach them that certain things that they do is wrong, and how to control themselves

>> No.6713759

>>Her being nice and all agrees and the two girls hug her, then run away shouting "thank you!" and vanish (the girls were around 15-16). She comes to our group who was hanging out with her. "Did you see that?" "Of couse we did, wtf". The day goes on.

>>Getting weirded out by teenagers asking for hugs
>>doesn't realize that lots of people will want to hug cosplayers dressed as favorite characters
>>doesn't realize that half the people their age have never even heard of boundaries, don't even ask and use way too much force

There have been stories on here of people being straight-up groped, stalked and full-on tackled to the ground. (I myself fit into the latter category and I don't even cosplay.) They've had their props broken and snatched away. Some of the stuff I've heard on here has legitimately earned the title of "horror story".

If your friend has a low tolerance for people who don't respect boundaries, then cosplay definitely isn't for her.

Most con-people I've met are cool, but there's always that obnoxious minority that ruins it for everyone else.

>> No.6713779

It can't be any worse than my anime club. it's basically a club so weebs can find friends and hang out with other weebs. We don't even watch any anime! We have stupid events like lazer tag or going out to eat(getting bubble tea) as a group. It's quite literally awful.

>> No.6713885

Reposting the excellent second hand embarrassment playlist an anon made for one of these threads a while back in case someone hasn't seen it.


>> No.6713901

New anon here, mine is full of awful people. We've got a group of guys who hate anything that isn't moe anime and will scream whenever we watch any, to the point where they drown out the audio. Keep in mind, we meet in university lecture halls with full sound systems, so they're pretty fucking loud. They also hate anyone who's not them, and "joke" about raping the girls in the club (meetings are in the evening, often in out-of-the-way buildings without many streetlights around, so it's already creepy enough when you leave) to the point that even the other guys in the club are creeped out by them.

I haven't gone to a meeting in two and a half years. Thought about going to one last month, checked the forums...and a guy in the club was complaining to the execs that the rape shit was getting out of hand. They just told him he was overreacting and just because he didn't get the joke he didn't need to be a pussy and complain online (nevermind that the forum has a club complaints thread....).

It's funny because there are actually a shitload of anime fans at my uni, but barely any of us are willing to go anywhere near that club (the club has about 20 regulars, the school has nearly 50k students) and we can't start a decent one since lol an anime club already exists.

>> No.6713912
File: 294 KB, 640x429, 1266973680087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hostess at a wine bar
>>fedora-wearing, 30-something year old regular is a self-described otaku and will say so high, loud and repeatedly
>>keep mouth shut
>>Boss well-meaningly mentions that I know some Japanese and my old Japanese professor stopped by the shop once
>>suppress power level so as not to encourage him
>>still tries to talk to me about 'ah-nee-may' and 'main-jah' anyway
>>mfw he has shit taste and is a condescending asshole about it
>>mfw he called me 'sugar cube' last week
>>mfw there's a strong possibility he may be a brony on top of everything else

>> No.6713923
File: 21 KB, 278x340, MuffledAutism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Going to Anime Boston in May
>Sharing a room with 4 Homestucks


>> No.6713931

collect the spaghetti

feed africa

>> No.6713932
File: 96 KB, 502x417, AutismIntensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck the spaghett

I'll just have them spit in a bucket, because that's a thing that's perfectly alright in civilized society.

>> No.6713935

Were any of them actually in that infamous video? If so, jfc man I'm sorry.

If not, are they just obnoxious? How did it come to pass that you were rooming with them? Deets, man! Deets!

>> No.6713944


It's gonna be me, two girls, a guy, and a shemale. They're all annoyingly into Homestuck, while I'm into stuff that isn't objectively awful.

I'm staying with them because we couldn't afford a hotel, and one girl has an aunt that lives in the city.

There might be a bit of animosity between them, because I've slept with both girls and the shemale.

So, should be a fun weekend.

>> No.6713945

May the Convention gods have mercy on your aoul.

> capcha: 895 oJapped

>> No.6713960

Soul*, sorry.

>> No.6713962


It's alright. Your transgression has been forgiven.

>> No.6714049


Annoy them by trying to start the 'Japanese Animation' or if you really want to piss them off, 'Asian Cartoon' club.

Can you go to an employee of the university and tell them what's going on? I'm pretty sure you could get something done if they're really hammering it in (no pun intended) about the rape thing.

>> No.6714073

Seconding the "going to an employee" thing.

What is it with some people in the anime fandom who just won't take no for an answer?

I had to deal with a guy like that a couple of years ago. He had Nice Guy Syndrome TM to the extreme, thought his life was a harem anime and made lots of jokes similar to the ones you described.

He would also touch me around my thighs, the small of my back, my waist and even "accidentally" grabbed my breasts a few times while tickling me. No amount of asking him to stop and talking to him about how comfortable it made me seemed to get through to him.

Once when we were alone, he pinned me down and when I started yelling for him to stop and started to struggle he said--and I shit you not--"You know you like it". So I got loose, chin-checked him as hard as I could and got the hell out of dodge. We were supposed to be meeting friends, but I was too mad to stick around.

After that, I got the reputation amongst him and his friends of being a ball-busting bull dyke who overreacts at the slightest thing. Go figure.

tl;dr: Squash this shit by going to a higher power before shit gets out of hand. Assholes like that shouldn't be allowed to ruin the fun for everyone else and that's what they're doing if people are dropping out of attendance. It sounds like you've given them plenty of warning.

>> No.6714074

This sounds highly promising.

>> No.6714081

Surely a uni employee would boot out the club staff if they found out the anime club had turned into the sexual harassment club.

>> No.6714085

I want to see this forum

>>sexual harassment club

why does that sound like an eroge to me?

>> No.6714091

I hope these are all highschoolers. Infinite shame when adults do this shit.

>> No.6714115

omfg so much second hand embarrassment
oh god i hope they grow out of that shit

>> No.6714120


I've known people who have graduated from college who behave like that

>> No.6714127

I honestly cannot make it past the 30 second mark on most of those videos

>> No.6714137

everyone should at least watch the first couple minutes of the mlp unboxing video.

it's painful but jfc just watch it

>> No.6714147

I managed it and then I was like

"That's Lilly Blossom you ignorant bitch get on my level."

>> No.6714230
File: 1.13 MB, 300x225, 1339195167258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One just happened to me today.
>waiting for the bus
>two teens are down the street skating by
>first passes without incident
>second one is scrawny with a naruto shirt
>sees me
>attempts to do some complicated flip with his skateboard as he passes in front of me
>skateboard flops around hand he stumbles over it
>he looks back at me with a deer-in-headlights stare while trying to quickly get back on
>he trips and stumbles again
>awkwardly places skateboard in front of him and skates away quickly, glancing back at me
He tried, /cgl/, he really did.

>> No.6714314
File: 97 KB, 800x1225, romneypageant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so painful for me to watch women closing in on 30 who still act like that, have that awkward lolrandumXD screen presence, posting shit on YT. I wonder if they have any real world friends, or if they spend all their time with fujoshi hikikomori and teens from deviantart.

>> No.6714366
File: 23 KB, 175x175, _ml_p2p_pc_badge_normal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and this black plastic fedora.
Like a $1 party store New Years Eve hat?

>> No.6714378
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1344925657016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to close it as soon as the DRRR cosplayers started making out

>> No.6714416


This story sounds familiar, are you Canadian by chance?

>> No.6714427
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>> No.6714436

I know this feel.

He would constantly try to hug/touch me when we were together and I would be resistant to it, even going so far as to put my arms out to keep him away.

He would stalk me and any friend he could find on my social networks.

He would constantly try to buy me things, pay for everything, never let me even spend $1.50 on a bottle of water.

I started off politely saying "I just want to be friends, I'm not interested in anything futher, not interested in dating." then insisting "we are just friends." It finally had to blow up and get ugly, I finally felt totally cornered and got very angry at him and told him I never wanted to see or hear from him again.

Then I was a bitch and a psycho... when all the while he had been borderline-psycho who wouldn't take no for an answer. I swear, sometimes people just bait you into flipping shit, just so they can blame their own failure on, "well she's a psycho."

>> No.6714441

Oh my god, are you me? I honestly feel like sometimes I attract just these sorts of guys. And they do really get really awful after a while.

You can't tell them to stop because they insist, and if you let them they expect something from you. "nice guy syndrome" is one of the worst problems in anime culture. There are just so many of them!

>> No.6714445

Well and at first a lot of people make the mistake of "He's so nice, I don't want to be too mean and break his heart." So they kind of just downplay everything. I made the mistake of not being direct enough at first because I didn't want to seem "too mean."

I just wish they could understand that I like them as a person and I don't think they're horrible. I simply don't always want to date the guys I hang around with.

>> No.6714447

But they want you to date them so they can 'protect you' since they're 'so nice' and you 'deserve someone like them' etc. Even though all that really means is that they think they deserve to date you.

>> No.6714495

Oh wow more delaware seagulls.
From reho but I know EXACTLY the guy you are talking about

>> No.6714505

They probably have a limited number of friends, so avoid the fallout from telling off a specific shithead until he/she does something undeniably awful. But if they had told off the shithead early on, all the shithead's friends would have been furious and painting up the victim as the aggressor.

And a lot of bad stories come from high school, where kids misguidedly try to befriend classmates they should have avoided.

>> No.6714515

It's the other way around for me. Those people keep talking about how no one understands them, they have no friends, they're so happy I'm such a great friend for understanding them, and so on. And if you ever show anything other than delight over anything they do, they turn it around and make you feel guilty for "judging" them, "betraying" them, or something like that. They keep that manipulation up until I just snap and cut them off.

>> No.6714546

I gave up the desperate post-high-school "alternative" group because I got tired of all that bullshit. I don't want to deal with people who do want to deal with those endless conflicts over nothing.

>> No.6714631

This one time I was dating this guy who was relatively nerdy and pretty "typical" as far as it goes. He was nice when we started going out, but as soon as he got into cosplay (after figuring out that I was into it) he began to share links to my Facebook page about weight loss and articles about cosplayers being a size 6 (2 in US I think). He later was telling me to start dieting and working out more.

To be fair I wore a size 10/ 12 at the time. But he was almost double my weight (130 lbs x 2) and only two inches taller than me (5'5" + 2"). I broke up with him soon after that.

And now he only chases cosplayers who wear a size 6, but I have yet to see him succeed on that.

Oh well.

>> No.6715110

He's in his thirties and calling himself an otaku still?

By 'main-jah' do you mean he was trying to say manga?

>> No.6715135

what a piece of shit. No one has the right to tell you to lose weight, esp if they are twice your size.

>> No.6715172

Typing this under medication. So please excuse the terrible grammar and spelling.

I will be known as Aryanna for this experience. 16 at the time going to my first con out of state. A con at NY! My friend Bea and I have been planning this for months and pleading with our parents to let us go.
Another friend of ours, Lisa, is joining us. And her brother… Jogs.

Yes. Jogs is going to be the problem here. Why is he coming with us? It’s the only way Lisa’s parents would allow her to go. Let me tell you how it went.

>> No.6715178

Thursday: Bea and I were done with our last minute packing, costumes, clothes and props. (I spent the night at her home). Then we started waiting out on the front porch for Lisa and her brother to arrive at 8 am. And Bea’s cousin to pick us up at 9 (since we will be staying at his place). All three arrive around 9ish.
Lisa is your typical high school sweetheart. Blonde, bit of freckles, sky blue eyes. Jogs… Faggot all the way! I can’t say gay since I know gay people and most are respectable. Jogs was the kind you would hate on sight. Tall, model skinny, blonde, over bangled, miasma of homo.
Lisa apologizes for being late, Jogs just breezes past us and plops down on bench, sitting crosslegged and giving Bea and I the “over my sunglasses dare to complain” glare. Bea and I just give him the disdained “sniff”.

Enter the Hearse.

>> No.6715190

It looked like a hearse. It rolled to a stop in front of the house. Driver side door slowly opens. Out stands a guy. I say a guy cause he looks too young to be a man. Around college level I thought. White elbow length hair, 6’2, drummer pack physic. Pale complexion, dark 80’s sunglasses. Cargo shorts, Plain green ¾ long sleeve shirt. Rolled up magazine in hand. And he walks directly to Bea.
“Indie!” Bea jumps up to hug him. And he un-emotionally replies with her name. And he does not hug back. Bea begins to introduce us and immediately Jogs is between me and Indie, quickly closing into Indies’ morning shadow.

Up pops the magazine to tube Jogs on the nose and stays there. “Personal space” Indie calmly says. Turn to Bea, “I’m going to use your toilet. Load the car”. And enters the house. As the door close I hear him greet Beas’ parents. Lisa and I are in stunned amusement. Bea with a big grin on her Face. Jogs… Holding his nose “who the hell does he think he is”.

>> No.6715197

My ex is 43-ish and still calls himself otaku, amongst every other cancerous fandom you can be part of.

>> No.6715242

What a cunt, glad you got rid of him!

>> No.6715246

sounds like these kind of people

>> No.6715254

Oh shitz son. Didn't even know y'all responded! 302 represent! We need a meetup. ;)
I wouldn't be surprised if y'all have seen me in my shitty attempts at lolita around here. lol

Ivy - so you've encountered him too? lol do tell, do tell. He honestly seemed like a nice guy, just a bit...out there. Hell, I am FFS.
Side note and Confession time: I never had a real weeaboo stage, so I kinda went full blown retard for about 2 years, from 2009-2011. But I really am a nice person, just... awkward at points, and that's what this guy seems like. Really awkward, but a genuine sweetheart.

Fuck me, this is wrong when that short post has taken me 15 minutes to type because I'm kinda drunk.
>ain't nothing else to do around here

>> No.6715386

It took a while to pack the hearse/station wagon. And he had some Aluminium cases in the back. By the time we were done, Indie was done with his ablutions and was walking out to us with Beas’ parents. He took one look at the baggage packed hearse, and started pulling them out. Then rearranging them. Once he was done, there was more room than what we could have possibly imagine. Looks at us and says “Tetris”.

Saying good bye to Beas parents, we got in and rode off. It’s roughly a six hour trip to New York. The Hearse was actually a station wagon that had been bodyshopped into a hearse. Seats for 5 including driver. And it still had that new car smell. Bea was seated in the right passenger seat. Me behind her, Lisa in the middle and Jogs behind the drivers’ seat. Bea continuously talking to Indie( he does not talk much). Us listening quietly and some small questions. Indie has this voice that you have to be quiet to hear properly. Like some sort of whisper that carries. We learned he was on his third year in college majoring in Metallurgical Engineering, he’s 19, Hair is bleached white. And he DJs. Upon learning this, Jogs starts rapping some Lil Kim song.

Ok. We were on the Highway. Going real fast. Indie turns around in his seat, stares at Jogs. Stares at him till he shuts up. I was looking everywhere at once. The highway, the speedometer that seems to say 200 mph, Indie, Lisa, Bea then highway again. He finally sits back down, sees Beas’ hands on the wheel. He takes over. The next hour or so was in silence.

>> No.6715452

Officially now in New York City. Driving there is a scary experience. Riding for that matter. Cabs everywhere. Indie negotiates the streets between crazy Taxi Drivers. Jogs takes this as his cue to butter up to Indie. By touching Indies’ earlobes and saying “You’d look fantastic with earrings”.
The Hearse swerves to the curb in screeches. The next I see is Indie turned around in his seat. The backrest down and the head rest slammed into Jogs stomach, his face inches from Jogs face. “Do not ever, EVER! Touch me!” And He says this in his quiet, unemotional voice. Which would have freaked me out except his sunglasses have come off and I was staring into his eyes.

Green eyes.

Green Asian Eyes.

>> No.6715474
File: 53 KB, 960x720, 554949_10200327439365222_1553636357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was on my news feed... err yeah.

>> No.6715487

what? a group of butch lesbians with dirty faces hanging out?

>> No.6715491

Good one.
It's Supernatural cosplay, gone bad..
Of course as I remember one anon told me a long time ago on /cgl/. They are just cosplaying from the convention episode of SN.

>> No.6715519

We finally make it to his apartment without incident. He lives on the 10th floor. A Two Bedroom corner Apartment. One is his bedroom and the other he has converted to a DJ/Soundroom (complete with egg carton soundproofing) and he locks it. He shows us how to convert the 2 sofabeds he has (wow) explains not to use the shower (super still has to change the valve 7 months ago) but use the bucket and dipper. His last words to us before he went to bed, “there is food in the fridge, don’t drink the tap water, remember where you are, Don’t give me a reason to send you home early” Then his door closes.

Jogs turns to us and calls “Dibs”.

>> No.6715566
File: 505 KB, 500x375, awwhereitgoes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jogs turns to us and calls “Dibs”.

>> No.6715585

The afternoon was spent fixing our costumes, I’m going as Bulma from Dragonball on Friday and Konoko from Oni on Saturday. Jogs disappeared hours ago to buy junkfood from the convenience store downstairs. Lisa and I immediately started bombarding Bea questions about her cousin.
“Is he wearing contacts?”
“They’re his real eyes!”
“Is he Japanese?”
“Filipino mother, Irish Father!”
“You lie! Your parents are American!”
Bea smirked “my Last names Clarcke”.
“Is he single, straight?”
“No pics of anyone in the apartment, And He’s straight! I’ve met his exs!”
A bell rings in the apartment. Continous ringing. Indie shuffles out of his room to a wall panel near the door and presses a button. “Who is it”
“Indie, It’s Lice! There’s some gay guy here. Says he lives with you?”
Indie looks at us. I can see him mentally counting us.
“Dude! He looks like some castoff from Bloomingdales!”
Indie Buzzes them in.
A few minutes later Jogs appears. And Lice. Lice looks like those typical College Frat Boys. And He gives us the Joey Tribiani line “How you doing?”
Indie sneezes “Jailbait”
Lice immediately backs off. We just smile at him.
Jogs pouts at us. “why did you guys not look for me?”
“We did not know we were playing Hide and Seek.” Bea replies. “Couldn’t you use the door bell.”
Lice breaks into the conversation, “He couldn’t even see the damn buzzer. He just kept knocking on the door.”
We ride Jogs hard on his stupidity.

>> No.6715625

Indie and Lice left for some class. We just stayed at the apartment. Called in Pizza. Come morning we got ready. For some unknown reason, Bea’s Harley Quinn costume, which is hanging in the corner behind a lamp, has grease stains.

So panicking. What the hell. How and why? When said costume was hung it was clean and never touched nor breathe over till morning. Out comes Jogs from the bathroom, dressed as what he was bragging, L from Deathnote (seriously, this is not cosplay) humming the cat in the hat. We just stare at him. He then picks up his loot bag, turns to the door, looks over his shoulder, “See you in line!”, then out the door he goes.

>> No.6715642


>> No.6715647


Kinda. At least it looked like a cheap party hat It's the one in this picture (the one wearing it is not her. the owner + the girl I was referring to is the one with the blond hair). She wore it everyday with the same jacket.

>> No.6715658

Bea started crying. Lisa was apologizing for her brother. I was angry at Lisa for apologizing for her brother and I told her so. Pretty soon Lisa and I were shouting at each other.

Out from his room comes Indie. He just gives us this sleepy, annoyed stare. Our argument peters off. Bea just sobs in the background.
“What?” he asks Bea.
I tell him about Beas’ costume.
He looks at the costume, looks at Bea, “I could add it to my laundry. Just wear something else today”. And with that he goes back to his room.
Then we realized how stupid we are for reacting and arguing that way. Bea wears her Saturday costume, Lum. Lisa goes as Lady Deathstryke. And off we go to the con.

>> No.6715664


What the fuck was that

I'm still in the process of watching it and god this makes me cringe so bad. I got pretty mad though when they pulled out the handicap placard WHEN THEY AREN'T EVEN HANDICAPPED.

>> No.6715678

Nevermind I take back the comment about the Handicap spot. It's clear why they have it.

That fucking ending with those other friends and just that overall waste of almost 100 dollars.

>> No.6715697

Gates open 9 am so it was still early. But the line was around the block. We walked around the line looking for Jogs. Find him somewhere in the middle. And he immediately raises his voice “No cutting in line!”
That seriously was embarrassing. People turn to stare at us and jeer. We walk back to the end of the line after giving Jogs the finger.

>> No.6715700 [DELETED] 

After so long we got in. We saw Jogs a couple of times but he ignored us. Which was good. What was not good was when he found opportunities to photo bomb request for pics of us.
If that photog did not shout at the faggot, we would have never known. Jogs responds by sticking out his tongue at us and at the Photographer. For the rest of the day wetried to avoid him. Lisa was embarrassed by him.
Well we couldn’t avoid him entirely. He sought us out on the stairs where we were sitting. He sat next to us, overloaded with all the crap he bought. Then stood up again after telling us he was just going to the toilet and told us to watch his stuff.

He did not come back. So the rest of the day we were forced to lug his stuff with us. We were somewhat avoided because one of the things bought was a Yaio paddle. Handle was really recognizable. Bea and I keep telling Lisa to just trash his stuff or give away. Says she can’t do that because her brother will only get a lot more difficult to be with. Totally ruined that day. We left before 6 pm to go back to the apartment.

>> No.6715713

See, this is the point where you ditch Lisa. But you didn't, so there's more story ahead. Post faster, I'm excited.

>> No.6715817

My college anime club was pretty weeby. There was a handful of cool people that kept me going for a year or so. But really, sitting in a room watching things I have already seen (with the addition of screaming yaoi fangirls) for hours each week just wore on me.

>> No.6715865

Sorry. Did not copy paste right. Lisa is actually fun to be around, just not when her brother is around.

After so long we got in. We saw Jogs a couple of times but he ignored us. Which was good. What was not good was when he found opportunities to photo bomb request for pics of us.
If that photog did not shout at the faggot, we would have never known. Jogs responds by sticking out his tongue at us and at the Photographer. For the rest of the day wetried to avoid him. Lisa was embarrassed by him.
Well we couldn’t avoid him entirely. He sought us out on the stairs where we were sitting. He sat next to us, overloaded with all the crap he bought. Then stood up again after telling us he was just going to the toilet and told us to watch his stuff.

He did not come back. So the rest of the day we were forced to lug his stuff with us. We were somewhat avoided because one of the things bought was a Yaio paddle. Handle was really recognizable. Bea and I keep telling Lisa to just trash his stuff or give away. Says she can’t do that because her brother will only get a lot more difficult to be with. Totally ruined that day. We left before 6 pm to go back to the apartment.
Where we found Indie walking around in a towel.

>> No.6715929


>> No.6715941

I moved here >>6715903

I keep seeing the thread limit line. Don't know why but playing it safe.

>> No.6719525

>AX 2012

>Meet a group of friends in the lobby, decide to go to Denny's.
>Girl I've never seen before and am not introduced to comes with.
>Orders nothing (we were all paying our own tabs) and says she needs a special diet or some shit.
>Constantly eyes our food, breaks into every conversation with nothing relevant or interesting.
>Girl eventually goes outside to make a call.
>We all look at one another.
>"Does anyone know her?"
>"I thought you knew her."
>"She's not your friend?"
>She is literally a complete stranger to all of us who has simply been following us around at different times and is now following us all.
>She comes back inside, starts eating our food for some reason? What the fuck.
>Get up with a few friends, say we need to head back to the con center.
>"Oh, let me come with you!"
>BZZT NO we are already up and moving away.
>Get outside and run.
>Like literally run away from this girl who by now we realize smells rank and is creepy and who is she we still don't know.

Now at cons and meetups, she still comes up to us. None of us really know who she is still, but she likes guro and gore a lot and invites herself to everything we do.

Obviously not the worst story, but I've never had a stranger force themselves into a group where they know no one and act like we're all friends, and then eat our food too.

>> No.6720037 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 500x667, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,dsfadfsdsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this picture on tumblr. Apparently it's Felicia cosplay, and from the looks of it she wore it in public.

>> No.6720050

>starts eating our food
That's when I'd cut a bitch.

>> No.6720054
File: 64 KB, 500x667, whothefuckwearsthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this picture on tumblr, and from the looks of it, she took it to public place