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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6698711

It's just service@yoybuy.com I think. I emailed them already, asked what was up with the website, got an automated reply about what their hours are and etc..

They're back up again for me but who knows if it's stable at the moment.

>> No.6698728
File: 142 KB, 501x800, psb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there anymore street clothes shops? looking for more stuff like in the picture. i already know of keqilin, that's where the picture's from.

>> No.6699049

Wow, insecure about your country much? Please tell me where I was talking about Americans. I was talking to my fellow Britfags.

>> No.6699124

has anyone ever bought from this shop before?
Their wigs look really nice and I'm thinking about getting some but want to be sure that I'm getting what I think I am.

>> No.6699131


I buy the woman underwear because I was a little worried that the men underwear don't fit me

>> No.6699278

I bought 6 wigs from them. They're all very shiny without flash.... And with flash they're of course even worse. These wigs are almost on par with those cheap Halloween costume wigs for their shine. Most synthetic and soft wigs are pretty shiny. One key to note about this, if you're okay with the fakeness and shininess of these wigs is rain hurts the wigs. I haven't worn 3 of my wigs out, but for the 2 that I did wear, the rain kind of burned them... Like if you take a flat iron to a wig that's not heat stylable. It "crimpled" it.

>> No.6699280

Chinese anon here
Type "Feizhuliu" into Taobao.
Sorry I don't have Windows Language Pack so I can't give you or see the characters.
But it's literal "non-mainstream"

>> No.6699297

Found the Chinese characters on Google:

OT but one of the top results is a feizhuliu Tumblr where they say: 'Sometimes fzl net idols are confused for Korean ulzzangs but feizhuliu net idols are all Chinese!' but the top post is Park Bom. Good work guys...

>> No.6699319

This is the japanese shop that those images are stolen from:


>> No.6699326

Feizhuliu is like Korea's Ulzzang and Japan's Gyaru.
They're all the same style, just for different ethnicities.

>> No.6699330 [DELETED] 

... exactly? It says that right there. My point wasit was specifically a *feizhuliu* Tumblr.

>> No.6699334

There's your problem.

>> No.6699335

... I know? It says that right there in the quote.

My point was that it was specifically a *feizhuliu* Tumblr.

>> No.6699348

thank you both!

>> No.6699356


>> No.6699357

Because there were was a nice huge typo in it. What's it to you?

>> No.6699359

What would the term for a plunge neckline dress be?

>> No.6699363

Anyone know what the first 3 options on this listing are? Google Translate turns it into 'Longer section of'.


>> No.6699365

What does plunge even mean when referring to a neckline? I'm only familiar with "plunge" being a plunger. Can you use another word?

>> No.6699367

Different Chinese anon :p

蓝黑宇宙星空 加长款
黑白宇宙星空 加长款
紫红宇宙星空 加长款

First one (first two characters) means blue to black
Second is black to white
Third is purple to red

>> No.6699371

It's a dress style that makes any girl look flat chested due to gravity unless they have implants or are wearing a push up/padded bra.

>> No.6699382

lol, true that

It means a neckline that "plunges" down to give a view of the cleavage. Usually like a 2 inch wide deep V or U shaped notch that extends to just above the underbust or so, or something like that.

>> No.6699395


>> No.6699400

Are we not allowed to post taobao links? Tried posting a link for some really nice lolita fabrics yesterday, but got banned because it apparently was a banned link...

>> No.6699407

how much do you guys typically spend altogether on a taobao order?
including shipping and ss charges and whatnot

>> No.6699412

Why do people keep asking this?

It all depends on what and how much you buy

Plenty of SS sites have weight and shipping estimators as well as shopping cart systems

>> No.6699427

I can post them fine. Are you on a mobile device? Sometimes my posts don't work in the quick response whenever I get on my phone.

>> No.6699428
File: 26 KB, 248x310, T1fxRXXDNbXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a small question: I confirmed and paid for my order two weeks ago on TaobaoRing and they still haven't received the items from one of the stores I purchased from. Should I be worried at all?

Also anyone know any reputable stores that I can get this wig from? I'm just so nervous about getting a colored wig and just want to know the one I'm getting is good quality.

>> No.6699459

I had a problem like this with TBR, and I contacted my agent. Apparently, the company never even shipped it out, and they had no clue how long it'd be until they did, so I just had them cancel it, and put the funds into negating my shipping costs.

>> No.6699471

Errrg. That's not what I wanted to hear. Frick. I'll e-mail TaoboaRing and see what's up. Hopefully that's not the case.

>> No.6699516

I'm a lolita and a nice lolita dress (Kidsyoyo, Infanta - I'm not talking about their "cheaper stuff") are around $100 each.
A pair of shoes is about $30.
Hair accessories add up to pretty expensive.
I've made 6 orders so far, each one being at least $1,000 and shipping about $100-$200 (SAL) depending on if I was discounted for stuff being sold out after 1st payment

>> No.6699517

What do people mean when they say "good quality"? All of those wigs are not nearly as nice as cancer type wigs, or human hair mixes. That's what I call "good quality" because I prefer "natural" looking wigs that don't have much shine and the fibers are actually heatable and aren't plasticy.

>> No.6699522

I wish these threads were more active. Can people possibly post their past orders? I just want some more pretty things to buy in my next order, and I want to make it within the next 4 days.

>> No.6699523
File: 130 KB, 567x850, T2E1qCXo8bXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KL released headbow for MC http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=17543830027&

>> No.6699525


>> No.6699532


Been eyeing it for a few days...not sure if I should just buy it to be safe, or wait and see if they're still in stock if/when Mozarabic JSK comes back in stock.

One thing I can't tell about it though, is it a wire/hard headband, or do you tie it in the back with a ribbon? If the latter, I'd probably wear the lace bit as a choker instead.

Emailed an SS to see if they'll let me buy it and hold it while I wait though, guess I'll see what they say Monday.

>> No.6699549
File: 219 KB, 600x450, possible orders 03-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's (two separate, actually) shitty small orders I've been contemplating, adding to/taking away from for a while now. I've been spending what little spending money I have on brand lately so I haven't actually gotten a taobao haul in a while. I'm going to try to do this next month though.

Dresses petti and blouses are for sure, might nix the shoes though and add a bunch of accessories from one or two shops instead.

>> No.6699553
File: 256 KB, 1138x693, boohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another anon here, probably it's because of that. I had a similar problem and I e-mail them a few days back. They said the store didn't send my things and they were going to ask why, if not refund...Happens that one of my things were damaged so the store sent it back to the factory...I told them to change it for another item instead.

me too...This is my order, I had to change the pink/mint ish sweater for it's cardigan version(A little bit more pricey, I have to pay the difference with shipping cost...)

>> No.6699562

>not overly shiny
>not thin
>doesn't shed much
>colors aren't too off from the images
>doesn't tangle like an utter cunt
>feels silky, not utterly cheap like party store wigs
>able to style using some heat (hot water) or can take whatever needs to be done to the wig (dyeing, parting, styling, etc.)

Obviously any human hair wigs are high quality wigs since they are meant to look like real hair. For cosplay and some lolita, you usually can't resort to those type of wigs just due to unnatural colors, extreme styles, or just cost. You still want good quality wigs for those, simply because they're likely to hold up under styling and the wear and tear of the occasion.

>> No.6699563

I really love that practically everyone who posts an order now calls it small and shitty, including me.

>> No.6699572

Haha well to be fair, mine REALLY are (I'll admit it, I've ordered a single item from taobao multiple times).

>> No.6699595

If theyr'e super shiny though, you can always soak them in some fabric softener to dullen them

>> No.6699619
File: 1.60 MB, 1429x704, mysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be honest and tell me what color do YOU think looks best. I am VERY money cautious and kind of a shopping addict, and I end up regretting about half of my Taobao orders.
Spending 159yuan on a NORMAL (by Normal I mean non-lolita) dress is very expensive to me. I'm someone who comes from buying stuff from charity stores and free/donation places all of my life. Lolita is the biggest investment from me.

Also, does anyone know anyone else that sells this dress aside from mysis.taobao? I know that mysis is a major scalper because some of the items in their store i've found for less than half the price at other places, however I have never been able to find this dress or that other chiffon dress that has the ugly bust anywhere else. Help, please?

>> No.6699622

I don't want to end up buying all three and then never wearing them.

>> No.6699625

blue for me...pink is too contrasting for my taste and black too neutral, blue looks cute..
But that's my taste

>> No.6699627

Blue. Pink is awful, black is too plain.

>> No.6699626

Agree with Navy. Black you can barely see the design, pink is too... loud.

>> No.6699638
File: 165 KB, 500x747, pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks everyone for your input (I hope you all aren't the same person lol).
I really loved the pink one at first, but I've never really liked that "style", as in those types of zipper/amo/katie/juria (keywords) clothing, because I don't really own any other types of clothes aside from lolita. Since I love the pink version of pic attached, I figured I'd go with the pink version of this. However, I love the navy version as well. My boyfriend prefers the black version.

>> No.6699641

let us know what they say... I personally want to know if the bow is detachable? I assume it is... and it looks lilke it's a wide headband and not just a flat piece of lace

>> No.6699668

So for keywords we have:
Amo, zipper, juria, katie, axes femme, milk, milklim, spank - are there any more of this "type" of fashion? Also, what is this fashion called - creepcute, pastel goth, cult party kei (I honestly have no idea the difference).

And what would the anon who posted >>6699638 and >>6699619 be called?

>> No.6699674

Do they even have a Taobao shop?

>> No.6699684

What are peoples experiences with Bhiner?

We did a group order and apparently one of the items was 'out of stock' and they never told us and after waiting a few extra days to ask, it took a day or so to get a reply...

I'm really bothered since I needed this stuff for a con this weekend. Oh well. Just curious on anyone else's experiences.

>> No.6699693

i think it only looks good on a mannequin/would be really short irl (the M size is 79 cm) + create the illusion of broad shoulders

prefer the jsk in >>6699638 better

>> No.6699699

I'm 5 foot 6. Most lolita things are midthigh at the shortest to at least 3 inches above my knees, I'm pretty careful about length so I'm still unsure. I wish I was 5 foot tall.

>> No.6699702

most of axes femme's stuff is otome or mori, not !spank! - mysis probably just replicated some pieces of theirs because they're popular

>> No.6699717

Will taobaotrends ship SAL if you ask?

>> No.6699718


I hate Bhiner because of all the supposedly out of stock shit and having to requote way too many times.

>for this weekend
Yeah that's probably not happening anon. Taobao orders (even if using a fast shipping method) should at the least be two weeks before an event but even that's pushing it.

If you want to pay the ridiculous shipping that is DHL, that's probably your fastest you can get but it is expensive as fuck.

>> No.6699720

Mother fucking fuck. Why would they do this now. Going to have to wait to buy this, probably. Ahem, however, it looks like a rigid headband.

>> No.6699723

Doesn't hurt to email and ask anon.

>> No.6699725


Well as I'll probably only use the bow anyway, I'm not exactly against a little "altering" of the headband.

I do like that they let you order the headband and bow separately, will probably grab an extra bow along with the combo.

>> No.6699727

Ugh jesus christ. TBN just asked me which colour Mozarabic Chant I wanted, what the actual fuck is going on with Krad Lanrete/TBN? I am actually really worried I won't be getting my custom sizing now. I paid for this ages ago.

If it wasn't already apparent, I am never buying through TBN again.

>> No.6699733

TBN has been fine with me but I never did custom sizing before.

I hope it works out for you anon.

>> No.6699980

This is my first experience with this too. I already decided that they're too expensive, so it is probably the last time using them. I told my mum and she suggested maybe they have more than one custom order arriving at their warehouse, so I am hoping that is it.

>> No.6700008
File: 891 KB, 2794x1180, ALL the taobao stuffedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my shitty order that I wasn't going to post here because it's not very relevant I suppose to /cgl/ tastes, but there you go.
Half of it is my sisters, and then she got mum hooked and that pile of Garfield is hers.

My stuff is pretty much the right hand side.
I went through taobaoring.
Should be at my house next week sometime.

>> No.6700013

Please review/take pic of the apple beret. I was considering buying it but I dunno...

>> No.6700017

Link to floral tights please?

>> No.6700015

OHGOD, Layton plushie please! Where are the dustplugs from also?

>> No.6700034
File: 162 KB, 640x480, appleberet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's the pic the SS sent me. It looks a darker colour which I prefer. But I'll put pics up when it gets here.

>Layton plushie
>Dust plugs were from here

>Floral tights
The picture from the SS look more cream than white though.

>> No.6700050

Thank you!

>> No.6700066

Link to the suspender dress on the far right?

>> No.6700073

Does anyone know what's going on with TBR? They're not replying to any of my emails.

>> No.6700076

If you have been paying any attention to these threads since CNY you would know that their service is now horrible and they havent been responding to anyone

>> No.6700082

could you please tell me how long taobaoring took to process your order, buy and send your stuff? thank you.

>> No.6700091

Link to makeup brush sets? Both of them, if possible. Thanks!

On that note, any reviews on makeup brushes from taobao? I've seen them in haul collages but I've never seen anyone review them before.

Also, opinions on whether one should buy lip products from taobao? There's some lip balms I've seen that look really great but I'm really freaked out they'll turn out to be shitty.

>> No.6700104

Just send them an Email titled "URGENT ORDER ID TB43743984CN" or whatever your order ID number is, and they'll confirm and buy your items right away.
It took me 2 days to have them confirm my order and buy all of my stuff.

>> No.6700113

Can anyone tell me if this is out yet?

It's the only item that hasn't arrived at my SS yet and I'm wondering if it's past the beginning of March (according to them) yet. Or better yet, when does it come out?

>> No.6700114

i'm kind of relieved now. btw, how long did items took to arrive at their office? thanks!!!

>> No.6700126

reposting from other thread
(skater dress request)
Yep I had it submitted to the dictionary, CTRL+F "flared" (first post spreadsheet.) enjoy
check the spreadsheets, its different for your needs, like big order/small order, need item fast (you will want seller with best EMS discount), custom orders you want good english skills, etc.
but right now I'm really liking Yoybuy aside from their site being screwy

>> No.6700127

The items take however long the individual shop takes...? I'm confused by your question? Each shop is different... Of course the custom made shoes I'm ordering are going to take longer than everything else is in stock. I bought 4 pairs of Antaina shoes and Taobaoring said they'd take about 3-4 weeks until they arrive to them.

>> No.6700132

if it doesn't work just put the item id and we can figure it out from there

>> No.6700135

SS spreadsheet anon here.

During my spring break, I'll recheck all the reviews on the individual SS pages and add if it's positive, negative, or neutral. Of course, people should read the reviews themselves but I think it'd be a nice quick addition.

>> No.6700138

sorry, i just wanted to know because i've read plenty of people claiming they made their first payment and still waiting (like a month or so) for taobaoring to buy their items.
if it's a month for custom made shoes i think it's ok and you're lucky with taobaoring.

>> No.6700174

Gabalmania actually. Why does everyone keep saying Gabalnara?
I was actually looking at this wig a few days ago too, and the straight version looks better imo. I don't see why they would have a Taobao shop, but they do ship internationally (keep it mind it's EMS).

>> No.6700200

I think people are full of shit when they say Taobaoring hasn't bought their items.
Taobaoring buys items after they receive 1st payment. I've made 11 orders with them now, and never had a problem of them not buying items after they receive payment. The only time an item takes a month or longer to arrive is the individual SELLER, not Taobaoring's fault. Or a pre-order.

>> No.6700198
File: 267 KB, 943x1023, pinksoccer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find socks like these on tao bao?

>> No.6700204

They get the two mixed up. Gabalnara DOES NOT have replica problems - but Gabalmania does.

>> No.6700271

>Suspender dress - seems to be out of stock now though.

I put in the order on the 21st of February. On the 1st of March I sent them an email enquiring how much longer it'll take for them to get my order, and they processed it within the hour.
They tended to my order very courteously and answered all the stupid questions I had for them when they finally got around to it.
Don't fear emailing them, both James and Sydney are wonderful to deal with.
Anyway, took just under 2 weeks for 47 items to arrive to them, they took photos the same day, I paid instantly, and it was sent out the next day, on the 13th.
It's currently sitting somewhere in my country at the moment so I'll hopefully have it the start of next week.

>Pink brushes

>White brushes

>> No.6700338

Not true. I put in my order after CNY, and I've been having several responses daily, other than weekends, for the past couple weeks, up until the past few days.

>> No.6700348

Your one experience does not negate the barrage of people coming in here to complain about not getting responses

>> No.6700421
File: 65 KB, 502x400, il_570xN.263771397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find this fabric?

>> No.6700428
File: 347 KB, 1000x1000, smshttyorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ some resale items

>> No.6700480

those pink brushes look soft as fuck, i might order some of my own.

>> No.6700513

Damn it Yoybuy, you were working fine. Don't crap out on me now!

>> No.6700514

Could you be an angel and review the eyeshadow palette when you get it?

I've been thinking of buying one from taobao but I'm wary of quality. Has anyone else gotten one?

>> No.6700519

I've bought one from ebay, they're like $10 shipped if you do it that way

The quality is okay, they don't stay on too long, though, so you'll need a good primer

>> No.6700530

Sauce on rose necklace and tights?

>> No.6700552

Can anyone tell me how much fabric this is?
A yard, half yard?


>> No.6700566

Quarter of a meter.

>> No.6700571

necklace: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9696096960
fake thigh high tights: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16108289204
OTK pattern socks (my seller sold out, here is another listing): http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13258624796

>> No.6700573
File: 43 KB, 960x333, 580536_10151777967859256_1604296583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know sauce to this?

>> No.6700575

I just saw some on Daruma.

>> No.6700577
File: 1.25 MB, 1136x560, shittysmallorders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really depends. I haven't had them figure in the shipping and whatnot but this is already about 240$.

>> No.6700621

Thank you!
That's sadly quite expensive, considering I need about two meters...

>> No.6700630 [DELETED] 

Well here's my shitty small order organised in a shitty collage. I'm going to be in Korea for a while so I'm ordering there since shipping will be halved.

>> No.6700637
File: 2.83 MB, 1226x3000, TB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's my shitty small order organised in a shitty collage.

>> No.6700645

...I was close enough.

>> No.6700679

Is taobaoring back to normal, yet? Pruany confuses me.

>> No.6700685

bra and panty set?

>> No.6700690

Beautiful and shitty. Can I get a link to those tights with lines down the sides? I tried the shop but I can't find them.

>> No.6700694

Sauce on the star tights?

>> No.6700699


The ones at the top or the CatGirl ones?

>> No.6700710

>Bra and panty set

I'll do a review of the things people have been interested in when I receive it.

>> No.6700714

awesome! thanks

>> No.6700729

gurl, you got style.
could i have a link to the black bag with wings, and the knee strap things?
also weird blue bag out of curiosity.

>> No.6700756

link to the space tights (the first one)?

>> No.6700759

link to galaxy leggings?

>> No.6700765

The catgirl ones- I googled it, but no luck.

>> No.6700768


That's the thing, originally I had this order up and planned over a month before the event. But since they took all that extra time not telling us that something was 'out of stock' I'm not getting any of those items now.

>> No.6700774

i'm going to the Philippines over the summer and i'm guessing it'll be for in between one month and two.
i'm planning to order when i'm there because the shipping would be cheaper, but i've never ordered from taobao before
Which shipping method/shopping service would you guys recommend? I'm really nervous and don't want to throw away money

>> No.6700777

Link to the black leather skirt on the bottom row please? Love your style.

>> No.6700783

lol thankyou

Wing backpack:

Knee cuffs:

2D bag:

First space tights:

Galaxy leggings:


thankyou anon

Leather skirt:

>> No.6700785

i'm so sorry to do this but everything here is so fly can i pls get sauce
>black/gold skull socks
>givenchy(?) flat cap
>pink and black hats with horns or whatever
>dog bag
>storage boxes
>pink shorts
>pink and black underwear set
>studded flower headband

>> No.6700806

link to the underwear holder?

>> No.6700812

no worries haha

Skull socks:

It's Giyongchy, rather than Givenchy but:

Not sure which pink horn hat you mean but black horn hat:

Dog bag:

Storage boxes are both from lazycorner.taobao.com

Pink shorts:

Underwear set and panties are from zhushihuishe.taobao.com

Studded flower headband:

>> No.6700858

Not the same animal but http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19269015857

Link to the harness and the knee ones?

>> No.6701000

Knee cuffs:


>> No.6701009

Maybe link to the tights in the top right corner with the patterns, the unicorn socks, the chiffon shirt, and that flower clip thing? Also love your order!

>> No.6701020

Anyone order from Surface spell before? I was thinking about ordering but I need to know the L/XL size measurements first. They don't write the sizing on most of their product pages.

Not a fattychan, just happen to be 5'8" and cursed with swimmer's shouders

>> No.6701038 [DELETED] 

The 101 Dalmatians and OMG ones? They're both yeikung.taobao.com

Unicorn socks:

Chiffon shirt that is my favourite find on Taobao ever:

Ear cuff:

>> No.6701042

The 101 Dalmatians and OMG ones? They're both http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16988167569

Unicorn socks:

Chiffon shirt that is my favourite find on Taobao ever:

Ear cuff:

>> No.6701217

Link to cake socks please?

>> No.6701239

If it's just Pruany that you're having trouble with, try looking at different SS. I've moved from TBR to TaobaoTrends.

>> No.6701261
File: 29 KB, 237x320, galaxy leggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have those galaxy leggings, they're pretty tiny, and when they stretch, the colour gets distorted/faded and weird.

>> No.6701295
File: 226 KB, 967x692, taobaoshipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a stupid question but I I read the FAQ and googled a bunch of stuff and I'm still confused. Is what I circled all shipping options, It seems strange that one option is waaaay more expensive than another. Once again I super apologize if this is a stupid question but I just wasn't sure.

>> No.6701303

Different domestic shipping methods within China.

Like in the US, you can do one day delivery, two day delivery, the "normal" one, etc. Two day will obviously be more expensive.

>> No.6701306

I mean two day will obviously be more expensive than the average one. One day will be even more.

That kinda dealio.

>> No.6701308

Different types of domestic shipping options within China. Usually most SS will use 快递

>> No.6701320

Can i get a link to the Sheep/Ram plushie?

>> No.6701350

Anyone know of any reputable Galbanara resellers on Taobao? I don't mind cost but I just really don't feel like trying to figure out how to order from Galbanara.

>> No.6701393

You might be on their custom webshop then.

>> No.6701425

Cake socks:

Awww damn. Just how tiny are we talking?

Ram plush:

>> No.6701555

I never post my orders here because people don't know how to read watermarks and there are always 50 people going LINK TO THAT THING PLS when the watermark is right now

>> No.6701560

>right now

wat. *there

>> No.6701562

Sometimes the watermark is hard to read. I usually try to read it and find the item myself before asking.

I usually get wrong results off my poor reading when it's the shops that don't have a name such as shop######.taobao.com

>> No.6701573

you can always post them after SS bought the items for you. That's what I do.

>> No.6701581

With all the stolen images floating around Taobao, I'm just never sure if that shop happens to be the one they're buying from is all.

>> No.6701586

^ This
And some watermarks has kanjis

>> No.6701590


Even if the picture is stolen, the watermark should be from the original shop

And how would you know if the person bought from a shop using a stolen image or not?


I am mainly talking about this post >>6700637

The watermark is extremely apparent in basically 90% of those pictures

>> No.6701595

Can you review those lip shaped lip balms when you get them? I saw them on sweetmini and I really want them but I'm wary of buying lip products on taobao. ;;

>> No.6701602

Just say "if the watermark is clearly legible I'm not going to repeat what shop it's from."

>> No.6701621

90%?? More like 20%. And the ones where it's really obvious didn't get asked for.

>> No.6701690


>> No.6701714

Well they STRETCH a lot, which is good, they'll definitely fit you even if you're a little overweight, but the pattern and colour distorts when they stretch. I can try and take a picture of the distortion.

>> No.6701719

That'd be awesome if you could. I have skinny legs, but I'm probably taller than the average Chinese girl...

>> No.6701731

No problem! I'll be back in like two hours, have to finish up some coursework so be sure to check back here.

>> No.6701780

I guess the custom thing about opening packages is over? Since no one is complaining anymore.

>> No.6701791
File: 36 KB, 250x365, chara_tsukimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get red glasses like pic related?

I know of this pair: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18404620550
But it has the weird part on the top sticking out. I'm gonna get these if I/someone can't find another pair.

It's never over. It's just luck.

>> No.6702026

Anyone have the link to those tights that supposedly make your legs thinner? Those ultra tight ones.

>> No.6702031

I don't have a link, but I believe they're called compression tights.

>> No.6702223

I've seen "stovepipe" used.

>> No.6702323

mine average around $200

>> No.6702333

Navy. Pink looks too tacky and black looks too normal.

>> No.6702345

It's not taobao, but there's these http://www.jlist.com/product/SEA479

>> No.6702487

Where is the best place to buy black tea parties?

>> No.6702551

link to strawberry shirt please

>> No.6702587

possibly not a taobao question but where can you order prescription circle lenses?

>> No.6702729



>> No.6702732


>> No.6702993

Can anyone recommend me any wig stores that sell natural/not shiny looking wigs? Thinking of getting some just for casual/everyday wear.

>> No.6703114

You won't find wigs like that on Taobao... Seriously, if you want a good quality wig for everyday wear, just buy a human hair wig or a human hair mix if you can't afford that. I've had the same human hair wig that is just as good as new for 6 years. I wear wigs everyday and the wigs I've bought fro mTaobao are the cheapest. Shiny, sheds a ton, and the weft underneath or cap, whatever it's called shows.

With most of those "natural" wigs on Taobao with stolen pictures, they're monsters. They shed every time you just "feel" the wig by running your fingers through it. I've bought about 20+ wigs from Taobao and they don't last very long, let alone look realistic or natural due to the amount of shine and just fakeness. I can't explain it any better. The fibers aren't real hair, and that's all I can compare it to.

>> No.6703117

Not that anon but human hair wigs are fucking creepy...

>> No.6703119

Just because they're human hair? And of real quality?

>> No.6703124

>real quality

Sure, whatever you say.

>> No.6703131

honestly i have to second >>6703114 post. sure, i've bought a fair amount of wigs from taobao that are "natural" and "decent" quality, but compared to real hair, they aren't quality. every wig i have had an enormous amount of shedding. i've dealt with human hair wigs for most of my life, and never really had an interest in wigs until lolita. my mother's been through chemo for the passed 7 years and her wigs are beautiful. there is no shine and the fibers are soft, but not plastic like. there is an actual real "part" at the top (hairline?) on the wigs. the wig doesn't shed unless you actually tug or rip out the hair, which even then, the hairs are sewed repetitively within the cap underneath - so ripping the hairs is nearly impossible unless you just cut it. wigs like these are what i would call good wigs for casual/everyday wear. taobao wigs? uhh... not really.

>> No.6703137

I got frustrated and e-mailed TBR, saying I was worried they've forgotten my order. Which was true because I really, really wanted some of those clothes and a few had already been sold out.

After my e-mail they did everything extremely quickly and now I feel so very relieved and guilty.

>> No.6703154
File: 376 KB, 373x508, flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any wig stores

I bought my wig in 2009 and it's been lasting ever since! However, they don't have the longer version of this. The model was "Robin," and it sold out a llong while ago.

Pic attached is a picture of me I took outside with the flash going OFF. Keep in mind that human hair blends are heat stylable, and I've never had an issue with Jenny's. Very few split ends, no shedding, and fibers stay in shape! Hair is thick and tough, but very easy to style.

Yes, if you want quality, you will have to pay more. Same goes for brand vs replicas of lolita (I'm not a lolita myself, but I've read into the massive quarrel between the two).

From personal experience, I've bought from Jenny's and have had the same wig for 3 years. I've worn it everyday I go out and it's my favorite wig.

Taobaoring has A LOT of backlog and for 2 years straight Sydney and I have been close, but she's completely stopped Emailing me. James is the only one who responds to me, and he doesn't even know my name. I feel sad by how backed up they are, and then cutting in line by Emailing them URGENT, because I feel like I'm cheatijng everyone else. So, don't feel too bad!

>> No.6703155

I didn't read what you had to say, but that is a very beautiful lace front wig! Did you curly it yourself? Most curly wigs I have end up tangling really fast.

>> No.6703157

I honestly don't understand the obsession with fooling people into thinking your wig is natural hair. If my friends saw me yesterday with my short curly black hair and tomorrow with long straight blonde hair, they either know it's a wig or they're retarded. As long as it looks good (not necessarily the same as "real"), I don't care enough to pay $100 for the difference.

>> No.6703165

>fooling people into thinking your wig is natural hair
Different anon(s), but
I don't think it's about that.
I think it's that for a GOOD quality wig, there should be a hair line, minimal shine, and not much shedding. You'd look silly with a natural colored halloween costume wig. If a wig looks "too fake", that's what I call bad quality. I'm unhappy with the majority of the wigs I buy from Taobao as the wigs themselves don't last very long. I want an everyday to wear wig, and if I have to spend a bit more money for a bit more durable and realistic wig, then I will. I want something natural and pretty, not just something for a temporary time.

>> No.6703168

Long-lasting I agree. The rest of it -- enh. I mean, if you want something to wear everyday, such that you fool people into thinking it's your natural hair, that's one thing. I'm not interested in that at all. To me there are more important facets to a wig's attractiveness. I'd rather get a shiny wig with a really great color and thickness, because everyone who knows me is going to know it's a wig anyway.

>> No.6703174

Sorry I used the same phrase again, didn't mean to, and I don't mean "fool" to be pejorative or anything. Just, making people believe that the wig is your hair seems to be the goal of keeping the wig as "natural/real" as possible.

>> No.6703179

Well not really. It's more about quality. Looking more natural doesn't mean you care if people think it's natural. It's just not as attentiony if it looks like it could be real.

>> No.6703181

Does anyone have a link to the baby violin case bag replica please

>> No.6703307
File: 214 KB, 700x1305, T2MqDvXeRaXXXXXXXX_!!1107014531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried to order cosplay props from Taobao? Tried to order a sword replica, but the SS says it's too long to ship. Well shit.

>> No.6703311


I like the cream rose comb, where'd that come fromt?

>> No.6703423
File: 83 KB, 265x251, 1323056689421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-mailed TaoboaRing last night about the items I'd been waiting two weeks to arrive at them. Turns out they have a record of them signing for the items that are missing but can't find them. Frick. My wedding dress was in those items!

>> No.6703440

huh? Are they going to do something about it?
Taobaoring dissapoints me more and more lately...

>> No.6703443

They said they're going to look again. So hopefully they'll find everything (about half my order is lost right now).

>> No.6703446

Get your shit together, TBR. A wedding dress is pretty damn important.

>> No.6703450

It is a headband.

>> No.6703461

I tried to buy these: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19175971960&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
Using yoybuy, but they refunded me. Reason: "This is not goods."
I know that. It's a deposit FOR goods, no?

>> No.6703489

Oh wow. I hope they find it.
Email them

>> No.6703502

Try http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w497781419.35.ZNSqsK&id=19336587604& instead?

>> No.6703524

Is this just a toy machine? A calculator? Does the cash actually go through that slot? I'm so confused.

>> No.6703532
File: 321 KB, 711x385, pics1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty small order that was just received through TBR. About time. It was ordered before CNY.

>> No.6703535 [DELETED] 

Pretty OT, but has anyone thrown a CD (specifically J-pop) in with their order, had their box thoroughly searched, and not gotten it taken? Or any other similar experiences would be helpful. Wondering how China's customs are with Japanese CDs. I would ask SS to put it inside a purse or something, but I'm sure it'd show up on x-ray plus I would like more than one so they might not fit so conveniently.

>> No.6703542

Pretty OT, but has anyone thrown a CD (specifically J-pop) in with their order, had their box thoroughly searched, and not gotten it taken? Or any other similar experiences would be helpful. Wondering how China's customs are with Japanese CDs. I would ask SS to put it inside a purse or something, but I'm sure it'd show up on x-ray plus I would like more than one so they might not fit so conveniently.

>> No.6703556
File: 161 KB, 647x1332, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, that's a coin bank. I saw it before on youtube:

>> No.6703561

why are you ordering gundam from taobao?

>> No.6703562

ah, the comeon image was ment for >>6703443
Service is being terrible...
Hope everything turns good for you!

>> No.6703572

Possibly a stupid question but why would they confiscate CDs...?

>> No.6703579

I've never seen anyone post an order with a CD before but to keep it in perspective:
Some countries are trying to guilt China into checking for counterfeits. Example is the US which is why it's a bit hard to get knock offs of brand names here (i.e. Coach bags, Nike shoes). If Chinese customs happens to see those, then they're supposed to get rid of them.

As for CDs, you'll have to look if Japan does similar pressuring things.
(On a sort of related note, why would you order a CD? It's probably just a burned copy).

>> No.6703666

Why not?

>> No.6703693
File: 229 KB, 640x360, megucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with ordering figures from Taobao.

>> No.6703697

Are there lots of nendo petit knock offs? I know there's loads for normal nendos.

>> No.6703753

Thank you so much!!

>> No.6703760

Plenty. A lot of the knockoffs are usually turned into keychains.

I went to a "japanese lifestyle" store and they had ugly Lucky star petites as keychains. Besides the colors being messy and shitty details painted in, the hole for the petite base was still there.

>> No.6703804

Sauce for gunpla? Do they have a lot of different ones?

>> No.6703838

I ordered mine before New Years. It looks so cute in the photo!

>> No.6703847

Question, what are the times for these shipping methods?

-Hong Kong Airmail
-Hong Kong Airmail Small Parcel
-China Airmail Small Parcel

>> No.6703848

Er, it's impossible to say without you telling us where you are. Even with that, they can all vary quite a lot...

>> No.6703851

I was looking for shoes my size (42, I have big feet so this is a task, to say the least). When it comes to bigger sizes, it often says
42定做不退不换 which translates to "42 custom rebate does not change". I don't really get it. What does that mean actually? Sorry for the trouble, I'm a bit slow and I'm not a native English-speaker.

>> No.6703879

It means that you cannot change your option once you decide you want to buy that sizing.
You're committing to buying it because that shoe size is rare in China.

It might also mean that they'll need a few days to make your shoes if they do not have any in stock.

>> No.6703975

Derp on my end. I live in the US.

>> No.6703987


Thank you very much for the help!

>> No.6704061

Thanks for the information. I really like having the booklets.

>> No.6704068

At first glance, I thought those were onahole boxes.

>> No.6704065

link please....please

>> No.6704080

As long as you check the reviews, nothing should be wrong, I mean they come disassembled anyway so there isnt much to worry about!

>> No.6704125

i have a package shipped via hk airmail that should be here today, so a week and a half for that and 5-12 days for EMS

dunno about small packet hk/china mail though

>> No.6704490

I wanted to order a sword prop from sword art online and TBR told me they wouldn't do it...

>> No.6704506

You both should look in the thread archives, this is old news. Customs will take your weapon props even if a SS did agree to buy it.

>> No.6704536

You didn't have a problem getting them through customs? There are a few ones I want, but I'm scared they'll be confiscated.

>> No.6704542

Different anon, but I've gone through two different SS's and have had all of my replica figurines confiscated by Chinese customs. It.... sucks.

>> No.6704547

Not that anon but dang that sucks. Scaled figs or smaller stuff?

>> No.6704624

Oh, it's you again.

>> No.6704633

These are still all fake and shit. It's the same quality stuff as from chinatown or some shit.

>> No.6704720

I don't think they care. I know I wouldn't.

>> No.6704815

Smaller stuff. I had three 12-inch ones (they were in a set), four 6-inch ones and a bunch of smaller ones. At least they didn't take away my plushies...

>> No.6704973

link to the pink hat with the cat ears?

>> No.6704980
File: 223 KB, 490x169, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty cute. Saw it on the front page of Taobao.

>> No.6705014
File: 245 KB, 800x800, T13mrLXotmXXXr.aE__105343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...dat shoop. Why do so many taobao shops do this, anatomy doesn't work this way.

>> No.6705023

Oh god, those heel have to be at least 5+ inches and she has to be rather short torso-ed for that to make sense...

>> No.6705044

Rently I see thiss message on Bhiner

"To all parcel with brand products shipping via EMS or airmailcn:
China post office start a check for parcels export from China,for parcel more than 3.0KG with brand products,please change to other shipping way,or it will be confiscated by Chinese customs."

Maybe is important for a lot of anons.

>> No.6705053

I'm not sure what to think

I've actually seen someone proportioned like this irl

granted she was probably 12 or 13, but she was probably 5'2, her legs as long as mine(I'm 5'8 and my height is in my legs)

no fucking torso, she was practically boobs then hips

>> No.6705081

so shitty small orders would be safe?

>> No.6705085

supposedly yes

>> No.6705102

So....Sal is safe?

>> No.6705173

Yeah, that was my concern. I'm only buying like $5 worth though, so even if I get confiscated, it won't be like a huge blow to me.

>> No.6705169

Look what I found.
There is one at Urban Outfitters too. Guess this is bleeding into american fashion now.

>> No.6705263

You can buy it on eBay for $.99 free shipping just like those hello kitty glasses. I've seen them at Walmart, Rue21, and a variety of places.

>> No.6705376

SAL is just "safer" but it can still get checked and taken away by customs. It's based off luck really.

tl;dr version in FAQ.

>> No.6705496
File: 152 KB, 479x640, x2_69a8825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for this lingerie seifuku top

taobao or any store links would suffice

>> No.6705581

Any one know any good tricorn hats both regular sized and smaller?

>> No.6705697 [DELETED] 

>no fucking torso, she was practically boobs then hips
That's basically me, except I have short legs, so I end up looking midget status. (which isn't too far off, I'm 4'10.5")

>> No.6705898
File: 89 KB, 640x732, article-0-17A8E4EC000005DC-637_640x732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this isn't news. Those headbands have been in Western stores for quite some time now.

>> No.6705923

What's the status on being able to buy makeup on Taobao through SS? For some reason, I thought I had read around here that Pruany wasn't accepting orders with makeup products.

I'm using Yoybuy. I just wanted to make sure before purchasing anything.

>> No.6705929

Just email them and ask because SS can change their policies pretty much instantly. Yoybuy is pretty quick to get back to you and this way you know what their policy is now, instead of say yesterday or months ago. The whole Paypal thing happened pretty much instantly, so that's why I'm suggesting to email them.

>> No.6705940

I think Yoybuy will let you buy pretty much anything that isn't a virtual item or something living or illegal.

>> No.6706017

link to shoes in the upper left hand corner please.

>> No.6706052
File: 485 KB, 1250x1016, Taobaoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My group's items just arrived at Taobaoring.

>> No.6706180

I'm pretty sure Bhiner just doesn't use SAL, so they wouldn't mention it.

>> No.6706247

i see they've changed the place they used to take pics. maaaaybe, they already moved?

>> No.6706250

link to the pokemon bag?

>> No.6706279

Awww girl I'm so sorry! I hope they can reorder them for you.

>> No.6706334
File: 86 KB, 778x703, $T2eC16N,!)QE9s3HD)RqBQhPgHE7pw~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a link for pic related?

>> No.6706423

link to that sailor cardigan please?

>> No.6706442

Just search for galaxy jacket? 星空 外套

>> No.6706518

So which shopping service is the most reliable right now? I liked Taobaoring last time I ordered but people seem to be having a lot of problems...?

>> No.6706622
File: 262 KB, 438x700, bogutasummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this awful? Or cute for the summer? I can't decide, but a cool outfit like that would be much better than regular lolita clothes once it starts getting really hot here. I do know Boguta is very hit or miss, but it's pretty cheap.

>> No.6706627

That looks like maid + ageplay combined.
The fabric is frinkly and it looks way too little girlish, then again most sweet does, or at least AP.

>> No.6706629

Oh yeah, I bought my 6 year old that outfit.

>> No.6706631

You are aware that they're selling ONLY the skirt, correct? It's cute if you're into gyaru, but certainly too whorish for lolita. If you wear that people will think you're trying to be the other type of lolita.

>> No.6706634

Or faggot jacket.

>> No.6706635

I swear you are a samefag of every other faggot who keeps asking this. Choose whoever the fuck you want! Read the FAQ!

Taobaoring is fine, and just because other people bitch and complain about their service doesn't mean everyone else is having an issue. The people of /cgl/ aren't the only people who use Taobao!

>> No.6706645

thx both worked

>> No.6706646

I know I've asked before but I don't think I ever got an answer. What's the best place to buy tea party replicas? I heard antainai's are very square toed and look like clown shoes.

>> No.6706650

Pokemon Messenger Bag: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16452330687

Sailor Collar:

>> No.6706652

>Sailor Cardigan
Derp. I don't know why I wrote collar.

>> No.6706663

Are there any similar shops to taobao?

>> No.6706686

Antaina and SS are the only ones who make TP replicas.
Are you retarded? If you can only "hear" what other people say and not look for yourself, than you are a fucking retard.

>> No.6706689

>antainai's are very square toed and look like clown shoes.
Maybe you should just buy the originals then.

>> No.6706758

? Uh no, there are tons of shops that make TP replicas lol
Just three links I pulled with a quick search from three different stores.

>> No.6706769



Personally I think these look the best and appear to be the best quality.

I had a link to bodyline's factory supplier but I don't have time to look for it right now. They also make tps.

>> No.6706776

You do realize that no matter where you buy them from, they're coming from Antaina, right? I've bought shoes from various different shops that WEREN'T Antaina, but they are carrying Antaina and that's what they sell.

>> No.6706782

Ok, calm down and thank you.

>> No.6706780

Wtf holy shit no.
Those bows are the ugliest shit I've ever seen!

>> No.6706786

um no, they don't. One of those links does have antaina, the seasons shoes are NOT and neither is the third link. There are dozens of stores that make their own tps.

>> No.6706789

anon wanted non-square toe. i think those fit. They look a hell of a lot better quality than an-tai-na too. And not nearly as ugly. I guess it's up to anon to decide.

>> No.6706811

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w8274195054.55.4bqtnX&id=22124796083& Another store's pair (obviously not an-tai-na either)

>> No.6706816

The seasons shoe IS secret shop. I've bought from the shop on the third link, which is also Antaina. Just because they use stolen stock photos DOES not mean they are not resellers of Antaina.

>> No.6706820

Those are Secret Shop.

I believe >>6706776 meant to say, they're coming from Antaina or Secret Shop, because above was mentioned

>> No.6706825

No, they are not secret shop. Secret Shop does not sell shoes on taobao.

And no, there are plenty of stores that sell tps that are not an-tai-na or SS

>> No.6706829

No, Seasons is NOT secret shop despite people saying they are. And you;re saying the third link is not selling the shoes in that link, but is selling an-tai-na shoes??? Because those aren't stolen stock photos...

>> No.6706835

Can even see the tag inside the photos that doesn't say Secret Shop. Seriously not sure why people think that other shops can't make tp replicas lol

>> No.6706843

Let me be really dense for a second you're saying http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.298.Mx1flw&id=14125215002 this link, that shows shoes that are OBVIOUSLY not an-tai-na due to both toe shape, bow shape, and material are actually lying by using that picture and selling an-tai-na shoes instead? ... I mean, that's really hard to believe. Which means, where did those stock pictures come from? Because they aren't AP stock photos... Sorry that's just a little hilarious to me

>take pictures of mysterious shoes that don't exist because obviously no one other than an-tai-na and secret shop make tp replicas
>put up listing

>> No.6706882

Sorry, just going to add I own both Secret Shop and Seasons TPs and they are not the same shoe. They are very similar, but not the same. I think Seasons uses the same sole molds but the materials are different and the quality is a bit crappier compared to Secret Shop.

Anyway, anon, I think these are really cute (not tps though) if you want a pair of these! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.129.YdpIlm&id=22118952820

>> No.6706886


>> No.6706891

>there are tons of shops that make TP replicas lol
except those are probably all made by antaina

>> No.6706899

Nope. Seasons is most definitely not. And the third link is obviously nothing like an-tai-na's TP, just look at them side by side lol, it's obvious.

>> No.6706900

Can someone give me some decora supply stuff ?
Looking for things to decor my laptop with.

>> No.6706915

Bhiner doesn't use SAL (then again I asked this a while ago...)

I hope so.

I indicated in the SS spreadsheet on the OP post which ones are fine alternatives to tbr.
(or fuck the police and use tbr anyway as the other anon said).

eBay or Amazon (hell some SS even let you buy from China's Amazon). I'm guessing you're asking for a site similar to Taobao.

>> No.6707183

does anyone else have problems with yoybuy website? It has been really slow or down for few days..

>> No.6707201

Yeah same here. It's either down or slow whenever I've tried to use it...

I should just get my shit shipped so I don't have to deal with this anymore.

On a different note, I've tried to pay with my debit card like 4 times in the past 24 hours and I get the same error message every time-- "Your card could not be verified with Alipay's verification service. Please choose another payment method and try again."

This is the same card I've used for all the other times I've loaded my account with money. Anyone else get this problem suddenly?

>> No.6707214

So that's ... what?
Seasons, Secret Shop, an*tai*na and Miranda/Custom House or whatever it goes by now? Still only four factories, one of which you can only buy from via certain shopping services. Also, who sells Seasons aside from that Anna Shoes shop? I've not seen them elsewhere.

>> No.6707219

I actually own original Tea Parties. Unfortunately here they are about $200 a pair. I was hoping for a cheaper pair for other colors. No need to be rude.

>> No.6707241
File: 354 KB, 800x800, ArtkaBoots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the reviews on these boots before ordering, so I knew what I was getting wouldn't be red (several reviews mentioned the colour difference and described their boots), but thought other people might want to see the difference between the stock photos and real colours. Only one of the stock photos comes even close to this caramel-ish, golden brown.

>> No.6707249

Wow those colors don't look the same at all.

They still look cute though.

>> No.6707256

Yeah. Several of the reviews described the boots as fawn coloured, golden tan or light brown, so I knew that they wouldn't be red in the least. All I can assume is that they used to have actual red ones in stock and now only the golden brown are left.

>> No.6707279

Oh god, please link to the factory supplier when you get the chance, Bodyline's shoes are great.

>> No.6707287

And the third link which is non of those as well as any other shops you can find just by searching. Antaina have a specific look so it's easy to pick them out from the resellers. Seasons doesn't appear to be sold anywhere else. Still- at least two other factories other than antaina and secret shop... which was the point, that they are not the only people who do replica TPs.

>> No.6707289

It's supposedly the Miranda shop above if I remember correctly.

>> No.6707303

So fucking done with Bhiner. This shit is beyond ridiculous.

>> No.6707313

what happened?

>> No.6707316

Seconding this! I really need some RHS for a cosplay and Bodyline shoes are the best, so comfy and durable.

>> No.6707332

Our group order (the one where Bhiner claimed an item was out of stock but left us to sit there and assume it was being shipped for over a week) just got to our group leader and we're missing a kigurumi and a pair of shoes. She says the box was packed so tight that there was no way it was customs seized, Bhiner just didn't put them in the box in the first place.

>> No.6707342

Browsing through the Miranda/Custom House shop and jesus, their cosplay shoes look like shit compared to their lolita shoes, why the quality difference? Price isn't that different between them...

>> No.6707373

I never understood why people use Bhiner anyway? No SAL, and the EMS is not as cheap as with TBR, right? Even with the 5% less fee, you end up paying more, plus people are always complaining about their service.

>> No.6707392

We used Bhiner mostly because we had started out on Yoybuy right before they took off paypal and then we got more group members and we made the agreement not to use SAL because some of them needed items for a convention. I think we considered TBR but we saw here how backlogged they were so we just went with Bhiner.

>> No.6707414

Paranoid anon here, with the info that >>6705044 gave us, I'm worried. My next package is almost 6kg and will be shipped EMS. I don't have ~high brand~ items like VW or LV or Coach or anything, but I have a few brands that are pretty well-known...? I think. A Milklim jacket and Swimmer shoes. Will they be confiscated? Should I have them shipped separately?

>> No.6707462

Ah, I see. Well, maybe TaobaoSpree would be a better choice in the future.
I had the same problem so I did a Western Union. I had to call WU when my bank confirmed it had arrived there days before, and they were acting like it hadn't arrived yet, finally got transferred to a "specialist" and he immediately confirmed they had gotten it "that morning"(yeah, right) and it would be sent to China now. ~25 minutes on the phone with them. But, it was only $12 fee which was the cheapest of all Yoybuy's payment methods, so that's okay I guess.

>> No.6707570

How do you guys go about planning your group orders anyway? Shitty generic question but basically how do you go about finding groupmates, dealing with shipping costs, etc?

>> No.6707572

Usually they're done locally- since having to pay domestic shipping on top of the order shipping makes it pretty much not worth it.

>> No.6707576

Ask around with people you know?

>> No.6707601
File: 381 KB, 469x643, taobaoenglishfailurenum34398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a good laugh when I saw the picture on this sweater while browsing taobao.

>> No.6707604

I tried Bhiner once. It was...okay but wouldn't use it again.

People I know locally. I wouldn't bother trying to do it with people not locally because of domestic shipping within your own country would be a headache and not worth it in the long run.

If you want to do it with strangers/acquaintances:
1) ask for money to their items up front.
2) use spreadsheets (like the budget one in the first post) to keep track of each person
3) split internationally shipping evenly
4) weigh items and do math when the items get to your residence so that people don't fuss from overpaying international shipping on their own items.
5) get payments (or give money back to) people in your group about shipping

Hold onto items until people pay for their part of shipping so that way they won't skip out on it.

You can ask on facebook, comms, other forums, maybe even this thread, etc

>> No.6707605

haha, looks like a resource pack preview pic?

>> No.6707611

Wait...is that a deviantart url right in the middle?


>> No.6707622

Yeah, looks like the preview image to a resource/clipart pack from dA.

>> No.6707864

I sent an email yesterday and today James said they are in the middle of moving to a new storage. That plus all the orders before CNY are the reasons of their slowness.
I wasn't expecting them to reply that fast. I've always used taobaoring and the feedback of their page scared the hell out of me a few days ago.

>> No.6707877

They should post that in their news blog thing...

>> No.6707880

Can anyone recommend some taobao stores that sell anime figures?
>Not chinese rip off's of course.

>> No.6707884

Just buy them from Mandarake if you don't want knock offs.

>> No.6707891

You're better off finding private collection sales if you absolutely must go through TaoBao, anon. Use Mandarake or AmiAmi pre-owned if it's an old release. AmiAmi or Hobby Search if it's newer. If it's a preorder and the preorder is sold out, wait until the release date. People do cancel and sometimes they have extra stock.

>> No.6707944

links to blouses please?

>> No.6707954

link to lace tape?

>> No.6707957

R-Series, it's in the watermark

>> No.6707958

All 3 are from R-Series

>> No.6707982

Excuse me, yes they do. Secret shop may not have their own shop, but that doesn't mean other shops don't sell them. A few threads back when someone mentioned those very strong chemically smelled shoes, those were Secret Shop. I bought several pairs from that store and they are Secret Shop resellers, if not SS themselves.

>> No.6707984

Have you never heard of people using OTHER PEOPLE'S STOCK PHOTOS?

>> No.6707987

links to suspender dress on the left and lace purple and black dresses please

>> No.6707992

Uh this is how I feel about brand in general and again why I buy replicas.

>> No.6708006

>packed so tight
>no way it was customs seized

Uh... Not always the case.
My package I received my REPACKED very tightly by Chinese customs, and had items missing. I know Taobaoring (I know you said Bhiner, but I'm just giving you an example) packs things immediatley after they photo them, so there's no way Taobaoring forgot about the items. They were confiscated as bootlegs. Wish you guys would have warned me - this happened in September 2012 though.

>> No.6708007

sauce on black heart thigh highs, black bow thigh highs, blue floral blouse, white blouse with black lace, and jean shorts with lace. (sorry for the volume) please.

>> No.6708010

>Milklim jacket and Swimmer shoes
Uh those little kawaii niche indie fashions no one in the real world knows about?

No, shit like that won't be confiscated. I don't even think that shit is popular in China.

>> No.6708013

>3) split internationally shipping evenly
I never agreed with this because one person may be ordering a ton of extra heavier shit and one person may just be ordering tights.

>> No.6708022

It's just a general guideline. Of course you should make it the fairest you can. You can always guesstimate how much a person's items weigh and use that as your guide to dividing internationally shipping and then reimburse/ask for more depending on how much it was off by.

>> No.6708028

I am not sure if your SS would be willing to weigh each of your group member's things individually though to get the right shipping price for each person though.

If some one orders a ton of shoes and another orders only tights, you could guesstimate, but it'd be just that. A guess.

>> No.6708054

Different anon, but
>ask for more depending on how much it was off by
As if anyone would pay more if the shipping was undercharged.

>> No.6708060

>right shipping price for each person though
If by SAL, the shipping price would be greatly overestimated... 5.1kg = 6kg with SAL
5.1kg with EMS = 5.5kg with EMS (since they go by 500 grams)

>> No.6708066

I'm the anon who asked the question about group ordering - but do you really think the person would believe you about prices & shipping? If I wasn't the host of the group order, I'd assume I was being scalped.

>> No.6708074

Honestly just do it with friends and people you trust, and don't be stupid by just ordering something small like a pair of tights

>> No.6708075

... Ok let's recap since you are too stupid to read.

>anon asks for other tps instead of an-tai-na
>'No one else makes replica TPs except An-tai-na and Secret Shop'
>links get posted to disprove theory

Ok, then where did these mysterious fucking stock photos come from then? Because the shoes wouldn't exist if An-tai-na and Secret Shop are the only replica makers.

Why is it so hard to believe other shops make TPs? Seriously, lol, killing me with your stupidity here.

Ok, no. I have TPs from Seasons and they are not Secret Shop. If they were re-sellers why would they bother pulling out the inserts and putting their own brand logo inside? Makes no sense. And they materials are different. They use the same sole molds, that is it.

As for other shops re-selling Secret Shop? I've never found any shop that does. I've found a shop that still has left over secret shop stock from when they did sell on taobao, but I've never found a legit re-seller. I own both Secret Shop and Seasons Tps and they are not the same shoe. Similar? Sure! The Same? Nope.

>> No.6708077
File: 221 KB, 700x943, T2KCVyXfNNXXXXXXXX_!!411522675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on taobao:

That's why in my little quick guide I made, you keep the items until you get paid.
At end of the day, it's based off the people in the order. Group orders can be good and can be bad...

Then you divide that extra weight evenly. That sucks for everyone but oh well. Or you can do even more math and do percentages based off the order without rounding and then take that into consideration. It's up to the host and participants.

Do your own calculations if you don't trust the host. Weigh the items out, ask for screenshots for the order, do other shit.
That's why I only order with friends I know and can hound for money or just by myself.

>> No.6708083

Shitty small order anon?

>> No.6708084

This. I would just use a SS that weighs each item individually. That way you would be able to screen cap the order as proof.

Group orders sound like a hassle. What if somebody's stuff gets taken by customs? What if the package gets lost, either from the SS to host or from host to buyer? What if things are damaged but the SS won't refund, or are damaed from the host to buyer?

>> No.6708105

There wasn't any tape from customs though. The items missing were a thick kigurumi and a huge pair of heeled shoes.

>> No.6708118

I don't think there is a SS that weighs each item individually. That just seems inefficient for a SS to do since they probably have hundreds of other orders to do.

>all those questions
Should be dealt with the host and people involved.
My view is if shit gets lost from customs, that sucks but oh well can't do anything and money is lost. That's the same thing as if you did it by yourself since you wasted your money and wouldn't get a refund. The host shouldn't have to compensate for that.
Same goes for if the whole package is lost or damaged (and then there's the trust factor with a host, which is why people should just do it with people they know and blah blah blah).

>> No.6708123

Also ours weren't packed immediately after photos. We had a situation where we were stuck waiting a week after the last item arrived for another item that wasn't actually being sent. They didn't pack our items until we asked about the item that we were still waiting on.

>> No.6708125

Email Bhiner then. Good luck about those items.

>> No.6708135

We're doing that right now. We've filled out a form they sent us and are waiting for a reply on what they'll do.

>> No.6708141
File: 163 KB, 640x480, TBR0051364A12358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoybuy weights items individually.


btw my items arrived all to tbr...It seems that the tape store gave me some freebies because I ordered 8 tapes and in the photo there are 10...

>> No.6708172

How long does TBR's stuff usually stay in the purchasing stage? Because I have all the pictures in the bar is full I just want to pay for shipping already.

>> No.6708177


Email them right now. They are honestly buying shit and having it arrive then forgetting online correspondance. Had to bitch at em.

>> No.6708182

you can always send them an e-mail. my guess, if they are taking long time to reply, is that some things are missing or something...Since it's 100% purchased.

>> No.6708187

No, that wasn't shitty small order anon.
This is shitty small order anon currently posting.
That was just a common sense anon to not be ordering light weight small shit.
I'm still waiting for my order to arrive.
School has been keeping me very busy so believe it or not, I haven't been checking these threads since one or two threads ago! I haven't even checked the tracking on my current Taobao order, because I'm trying to get over my shopping/taobao addiction!

>> No.6708189

Different anon, I've bought 5 pairs of shoes directly from Antaina and three of them look different than the other two pairs.

>> No.6708191

Customs always uses yellow tape, but I believe you mean there was no tape that said "Repacked by China Post" or whatever.

>> No.6708198

It used to not take a long time. Now it does. Email with "URGENT" somewhere in the title and say you need it quickly and they will get to it.

Good luck on getting over the addiction.

>> No.6708204

Ok... The toe shape and bow size on an-tai-na shoes is very recognizable, you can't really mistake an-tai-nas for any other brand shoe. Take a picture of all five toes and I bet they are all extremley similar?

The point however was that the stock photo shown is of a shoe that is obviously not an-tai-na and obviously does not have a secret ship brand stamped into the heel patch. So by the other anon's logic that only an-tai-na and secret shop make replicas TPs, then the shoes in the photo used for that listing should not exist.

I know plenty of stores re-sell an-tai-na, they are really easy to spot. But there are also stores that make their own replica TPs and I'm not sure where this idea came from that ONLY an-tai-na and secret shop supply replica tps ever... Well obviously it's already been discredited in this thread, but I'm still not sure how that idea even formed in the first place lol

>> No.6708210

Yeah, sorry. It was all the yellow tape, none of the "repacked" tape.

>> No.6708211

I have some time I can wait for it, so if it doesnt change for a few more days I will email them again. I already sent them one with "urgent" and I know they have tons of other orders I feel like im just being a pain in the ass for them.

>> No.6708253

It's my first time ordering from Taobao, and I'll my order will probably be $500+. I was planning to use TBR before this whole fiasco started and have sort of been waiting for it to calm down and have been looking for more items. Do you think it's okay to order through them now and try to keep up on online correspondence to keep my order running smoothly, or just use TBS instead?

>> No.6708262

Link to the pink rose sweater?

Really cute order, anon!

>> No.6708265

>try to keep online correspondence
Yeah...their communication is still meh with some people. Others have been lucky so it's a toss up.

If you want to do continual responses back and forth within reason, use a different SS like TBS as you said or other SS.

>> No.6708317

Again, stolen stock photos.

>> No.6708372

I think we're in autosage btw

>> No.6708377

I'll make a thread I guess.

>> No.6708382

New thread:

>> No.6708391
File: 90 KB, 450x687, T2C2DaXkRXXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from R-Series before?

I've never heard them mentioned, and the sizes seem awfully small, but by god is pic related adorable.

>> No.6708394

Thank you! I bought it from here:

but I wouldn't recomend buying from there since the store seems to carry the sweaters with holes(I purchased the sweater version of that cardigan and was returned to the factory because of holes..) I was going to purchase them from this store at first, but since the sweater version went out of stock there, I purchased on the other store:

>> No.6708663

There's never anything on Boguta that's good. I used to see things I could almost really, really like but there was just something awful about it. This is cute but I think it looks too thin and flat, and generally poor quality.

Oh my...

>> No.6708719

Again, I ask you, from WHERE? Wow, you really are a moron, lol

>> No.6708926

I bought a pin-tucked and ruffled skirt from them and it's pretty great. But I also bought a dress from them and it was terrible.

>> No.6709160
File: 70 KB, 853x480, 1340932224854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't that's why I ask. And I'd rather buy from a shop someone else is buying from because then I know the review of the exact item I'm getting even if it's not from the original store.

And update to lost items from TaobaoRing: it's been 3 days since they said they would look for them and e-mail me back and I still haven't heard from them at all. Should I e-mail them again or just keep being patient. This is just so frustrating. TaobaoRing has lost like half my order right now and then I don't hear from them...

>> No.6709571

When I split orders we weigh the items with my friends and split it by %

>> No.6709577

R-series is really popular, there are people buying from them itt. Their items tend to be heavy and also i think they are good at custom sizes.

>> No.6709896

If listings are at "9999yuan" is it because they're sold out or?

>> No.6709929

Yes. Since TaoBao doesn't charge fees to list some place use it as a way to show some of their past work. It can be used as a place holder for preorders before they open or just a way to hold a listings place until more stock is gotten, but it's not a guarantee.

>> No.6709935

I see, thanks!

>> No.6709985

I really like the color of this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.405.UjE7Gw&id=16136142761
but does it have a basewig with a similar color? I'm having trouble navigating their page/keeps redirecting me to boy cuts