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File: 50 KB, 533x800, Misako-Aoki-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6700853 No.6700853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, my tumblr dash is blowing up with girls in a huff because apparently Misako Aoki said some comments about dark skin not being good for lolita. Of course all the black girls are freaking out about how horrible she is for stating it, and the other half of my dash is talking about how she meant tanning doesn't go with lolita.

Why have I never heard of this before now? Is it people stirring up with old bullshit? or is it something new?

>> No.6700859

those bruises on her arm are not very kawaii.

>> No.6700864

I totally didn't notice that until you said something. Now it's all I can see. Why didn't they airbrush it out? XD

>> No.6700869

Probably dumbshits blowing it way out of proportion, like the knee exposed thing.
Think it's old, and she probably meant tanning (like gyaru)

>> No.6700878

She's entitled to have her own opinion about things. She just says what she thinks looks cuter in lolita, it's not like she thinks she makes the rules. Japanese people are pretty racist by our western standards, but to be honest it's more that they're just blunt about what they say.

Just wear whatever you want. I hardly think Misako is going to call the loli police on you.

>> No.6700881

That's why I rolled my eyes. She probably meant not to tan if you are already pale, and if you can't do anything about your skin color then it doesn't matter. I personally think it's hilarious people are getting so upset over this.

>> No.6700883 [DELETED] 

Looks like it stems from some SJW uppity nigger

>> No.6700887

She's thinking of it from an eastern pretense, being tanning.

To think she cares enough about international lolitas in her thought process anyways is probably a stretch.

>> No.6700917

Even IF she did mean it as "dark" skin and not tanned skin, why are these girls being so sensitive over what this chick says? Nothing against Misako personally, but even if she said white people can't be good for lolita I still wouldn't care. I'm dressing how I want.

>> No.6700927

Because they want to show off how they don't care about DA REWLZ and what special unique snowflakes they are.
I mean did you see all that petticoat drama last week?

>> No.6700924
File: 44 KB, 669x567, kldfjhdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here

>> No.6700930

I think it was inadvertently racist, and she should still retract her comment. Whatever her intent was, it is accidentally insulting to a lot of people.

>> No.6700932 [DELETED] 

I think it was inadvertently racist, and she should still retract her comment. Whatever her intent was, it is accidentally insulting to a lot of people. It's pretty ostracizing to a lot of people.

>> No.6700937

People put this girl wayyyyyy too far up on the pedestal. Just sayin

>> No.6700945
File: 101 KB, 520x466, 12688558211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually offended by someone's personal opinion on what looks good and what does not

>> No.6700947

who, Misako?

I'm more surprised by the way this girl takes her words so damn personal, plus "makeup is not necessary" is bullshit

>> No.6700948


This bitch be crazy.

>> No.6700956


No she doesn't need to do that, even if it does have racist intentions.
Like everyone, she is allowed to have her own opinion and she can say whatever she want, no need to apologize for that.

>> No.6700958

I thought the whole knee showing thing was just because of a competition, and that's what it came down to between the winner and second place? I doubt she'd judge someone so harshly outside of a competition setting lol.

>> No.6700963

In the Top Model comp, where she was a representative for Baby, in the Baby store, she said the model shouldn't show bare leg.
People have taken those two comments and exploded with rage about how Misako is a slut-shamer or some bs

>> No.6700974


I have that postcard of her, and there are no bruises on her arms. Did someone shoop them in? Weird.

>> No.6700976

To be fair, Misako is rather a stuck up entitlef bitch...

>> No.6700980

What makes you say that?

>> No.6700982

Misako is always pretty well dressed and presentable. The people jumping up and down about her comments are usually itas and special snowflakes that dress badly. So.... yeah, I'll take Misako's style over the SJWs style.

>> No.6700985

Haha, no. Even if it was, she's Japanese. They're extremely racist, it's surprising enough that she only meant tanned.

>> No.6700988


Erm, she has never failed to be polite. Even to my overweight friend wearing an Iron Gate replica, Misako has been nothing but cordial.

She even takes time out to meet her overseas fans, so I don't think she is stuck up. She's actually rather down-to-earth in person. Perhaps a little fake, but that comes with the whole idol/model thing.

>> No.6700987

>slut shamer
>the point of lolita is modesty
I don't even.

>> No.6700990

Eh. I was never a big fan of Misako and I don't get why she's so fawned over as the "kawaii queen" or whatever.
People need to stop freaking out over opinions. It's not like she's campaigning to make BTSSB refuse to sell to black/dark-skinned lolis or anything. She just doesn't think it looks good.

>> No.6701001

OP here, I just grabbed it off the net, I didn't even notice bruising when I saved it. Unless someone scanned the post card and there was dirt on it?

>> No.6701024
File: 69 KB, 231x315, fuckthatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701026
File: 2.64 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I have. Maybe the picture you posted was used on her blog and they didn't photoshop it as much. I still remember the hilarious photo of her with fake bottom eyelashes hanging off from the end of her eye.

>> No.6701032
File: 49 KB, 533x800, misako aoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe they just photoshopped it more since it was being printed as postcards and other promos.

>> No.6701039 [DELETED] 

Dark skin complexions look terrible with lolita and ends up looking like a horrid mess. Not only that but it looks especially weird when you see a brown asian girl from Singapore or something trying to look cute.

>> No.6701049

No one really asked for your opinion.

>> No.6701054

I think it is easy for white girls to sit here and say it is ridiculous for dark skinned girls to be upset over this, but I think the frustration comes from a lot more than this one comment. We are told repeatedly that pale skin is best for Lolita. It is something that gets under your skin. I mean almost everyone has something they are insecure about in lolita so it is not hard to understand the frustration. When a famous lolita says something like that it just like another stab in the gut. It’s like “I know a lot of people don’t think I am cute in lolita, why do I need to be told I am not cute over and over again”.

>> No.6701061


I'm really amused by how you picked Singapore out of so many countries, especially since the majority of us here are Chinese and mostly fair skinned.

Also, Xylia-x makes a better Lolita than you could ever hope to be.

>> No.6701067

This just in, everybody!
The great Libra shared her opinion! It is now law!

>> No.6701069

>inb4 misako's new kawaii kkk-coord

>> No.6701077

No one asked dark skin people to wear lolita but they still do anyway.

>Mostly Singapore/Malaysia/Thailand/Indonesia/

Anybody can have "fair" skin if you spend hours with facial treatments and bleaching. Yes it looks very ridiculous when the person has a pale white face while the rest of the body is brown.

>> No.6701079

What I don't get is why anyone gives a fuck what she has to say about ANYTHING? She is not a lolita goddess, she didn't invent lolita or make the guidelines, she's just a fucking model. Guess what? Models say dumb shit sometimes.

>> No.6701082

Are you serious? Maybe Malaysia/Indonesia I can agree with being darker skinned, but Singapore is mostly pale skinned.

>> No.6701087

pls go

I can see why she would feel the need to talk about tanning, whereas I doubt black lolitas are even on her radar. But yeah, tumblrfags love to blacklist somebody FOR LIFE over any perceived racism.

>> No.6701091

>Singapore is mostly pale skinned.

No? Southeast Asia and its populous is comprised of mostly dark skinned from the austronesian bloodlines. Very common thing to see them spending so much time bleaching the face and leave everything else alone.

>> No.6701092

If buying make-up is too expensive for you how the fuck are you a lolita?

>> No.6701090


Libra has no idea what she is talking about. Colour me surprised.

>> No.6701094

Do some dam research on South East Asia and its dark skinned people.

>> No.6701095 [DELETED] 

>I'm a nigger so Im offended!
>No one really asked for your opinion.
>I showed her!

>> No.6701104
File: 23 KB, 289x292, meh.ro10588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, I was thinking the same thing.

>> No.6701100

Bitch please I live here. Bleaching is not common at all. Do some research before you sprout shit.

>> No.6701101

So, how about you stop being insecure and quit whinging? I'm primarily black so I'm used to being shit on over everything from my nose to my butt and I have to live with people assuming my normal hair is a weave-on, a wig or some other variation of "not really mine" or "fake" because it looks "too nice to be a black girl's". It's complete bullshit, but I don't care.
Yes, it's annoying how dark-skinned girls get so much flak and the all fetishism over pale skin is ridiculous, but what's the point in having a meltdown over it? They're just opinions, and dumb ones, at that.
Crying and getting antsy won't change anyone's mind. Just try to look your best and keep moving.

>> No.6701102

meta raised the bar, btssb has to keep up

and shiro is begging for a comeback

>> No.6701105


>> No.6701107


hahaha no

>singapore fag here
>so pale no one can figure where i'm from
>census report: 74.2% of residents were of Chinese, 13.4% of Malay, and 9.2% of Indian descent, while Eurasians and other groups form 3.2%.

>> No.6701114

But no one did. This thread isn't a "What do you think of dark skinned lolis?", it's a "lol look at all the SJ buttmad over Misako having an opinion". And I think it's pretty clear no one wants to hear from a known shitposter.
Now put your name back on and quit samefagging.

>> No.6701116

>No one asked dark skin people to wear lolita
No one asked ANYONE to wear Lolita, you bottlenecked retard.

>> No.6701117

About this knee thing, I'm 5'3" and my knees show in brand dresses. is my body weirdly proportioned or something?

>> No.6701120

If you take what Misako says seriously, you're thinking way to highly of her. She's a person and Japanese (who are known to be racist and xenophobic), She's entitled to her own opinions, even if they are messed up.

Misako's been into lolita for a long time, so it's only natural for her to be into the old lolita rules and style.

>> No.6701119

Which brand? If it's AP then no, you're not weirdly proportioned so don't worry.

>> No.6701127

Blatantly someone has taken her opinions out of context and exaggerated them. However I do agree with Misako about the leg thing really, unless you've got the legs to pull of a shorter lolita skirt, it's best to wear tights to cover up the skin rather than OTK socks. However it's AN OPINION, not something everyone has to agree with.

>> No.6701125

Don't let it get under your skin.
How much is it ingrained also that lolitas should be thin and pretty, and fat or homely girls should just stay home?
It's frustrating yes, but not all people are so narrow-minded. As long as you're enjoying what you want to do then it doesn't matter what other people think.

>> No.6701126

"Bleaching" is when they have a lighter skin tone in the facial area while the rest of the body is darker. Looks very tacky and and rather annoying because they are trying to be something they are not. Just like with south/central americans claiming that they are fair skin people because of European integration. Not only that but people with white skinned are worship in south asia and usually have higher paying jobs.

>stop taking geopoltics seriously

You what?

Why is it that everybody denies that the country they are from has dark skinned individuals.

Are you ashamed?

>> No.6701128

I agree with you, whining about someones opinion is stupid. I was just trying to explain why people are getting so upset over this comment, and where the frustration is coming from. Yeah, I was a bit upset about it at first because I like misako, but it is just another opinion and hers doesn't really matter anymore than anyone else's.

>> No.6701129

>still replying to libra

>> No.6701131

pretty much any brand i have lol (ap, meta, emily temple)

>> No.6701136

Second post in this thread and not libralibra. Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.6701137

I'm 5'3 and my brand rides up a little above my knees too. Not noticeable though. I can't explain it.

>> No.6701139

>tumblrfags love to blacklist somebody FOR LIFE over any perceived racism
> blacklist


>> No.6701140


>> No.6701145
File: 68 KB, 495x190, 1361067910612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I didn't even notice

>> No.6701146

Riveting tale.

>> No.6701150

>not spending a bit of time and research about the history of south east asia and its people.

Look having a light complexion is very popular because they are treated better.

>> No.6701151

Those are the slightly shorter brands you've listed, so don't worry too much.

>> No.6701154

>I read it on the internet so it must be true

>> No.6701165

Let's just ignore the shit poster shall we? Does anyone have screenshots/links to what they're saying?

Misako gets a lot of flak for saying what she does, but I don't think she's being intentionally racist. It does make sense when you consider the culture and context.I don't think she would have said the same thing in front of African American Lolitas. She doesn't realise the racial aspect of it, simply because they are not as racially sensitive over there.

About the whole slut shaming issue, it makes sense because Lolita is about modesty. If women can choose to expose their bodies, then why can't the opposite be seen as a choice as well?

>> No.6701164 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, you little nigger faced fuck

>> No.6701168

Libra pls go
Libra pls

>> No.6701173

>She doesn't realise the racial aspect of it, simply because they are not as racially sensitive over there.

I think it's more that she doesn't consider the racial aspect it because Japan is a racially homogenous nation. They don't DEAL with skin color issues so that wouldn't even come to mind. (Suppression of Korean/Chinese/etc? Yes, but not skin color.)

I agree she was definitely talking about tans/gyaru types and not dark skinned in the racial sense.

>> No.6701189

Not to mention expecting someone to dress well within a fashion has absolutely nothing to do with 'sluttiness,' and to say so is implicitly defining a woman's sexuality by how she displays herself for men. Truly Tumblr is Ouroboros feminism.

>> No.6701192

So you are denying the science community?

Now thats not nice

>unintentional racism

You what? Racism is still racism. Not only that but Japan is a xenophobic society.

>> No.6701201

See, this is the exact problem I'm having. All these tumblr idiots don't seem to think that Japan or any other part of the world for that matter, is different than where they live(the western world) but honestly Japan and most of asia are so very different. It's kind of disgusting that people go automatically to race instead of thinking about the cultural differences.

>> No.6701205

There are black people in Japan. Not like a TON or anything, but certainly you'll see one or two over the course of a day.

>> No.6701208

Even though Japan is known for its xenophobia with the rest of asia?

>> No.6701222

Yeah but physical presence vs cultural notice are two completely different things.

>> No.6701225

You mean filthy Nigerians who are slowly degrading Japan? I mean the police can do very little because of the fear of racism.

>> No.6701226

Not even. Most feminists are on about bikinis being liberating and 'omg I wear painful heels and skirts I have to keep pulling down myself!' and the like.

Another thing is that, some of them seem to think that lolita is trying to please men by conforming to modest standards as well as the belief that acting on femininity in such a way shows submission to men, even though the fashion is from a long time ago.

>> No.6701219

Obviously she's saying it from an Eastern perspective. Lots of girls there tan (gyaru, b-kei) and orange isn't a good look with lolita. I mean since she's the fucking "kawaii ambassador" I guess she should be thinking about her comments in a broader perspective (since that's like her fucking job now), because of how easily people can take her comments out of context and twist them, but I wonder if she even knows that she's unintentionally offending people?

>> No.6701229

She probably doesn't know that since she doesn't really speak English. I doubt she reads many sites that western lolitas post on, and I think it's highly unlikely she follows what's being said on tumblr.

>> No.6701231

Most of asia is known for xenophobia. Though, to be honest the reasoning behind it has nothing to do with race or skin color, but with historical reasoning. Plus, asia has always been pretty isolationist, and for good reason.

>> No.6701238

Japan thinks that the other asian countries are inferior to them.

>> No.6701242

She's talking about Japanese girls though with the skin thing. Like "don't go get a tan like a gyaru and use your parasol". It's a very common thing said by Japanese lolita people including Mana. They're not even considering black people when they say that because there are no black people in Japan except a tiny number of foreigners. Also Asians are just obsessed with light/white skin in general, so I'm not sure why it's so shocking that Misako prefers it. Underneath all the frilly clothes she is just a normal Japanese woman and probably uses those stupid skin creams and shit like the rest of them.

>> No.6701246

At the same time I've noticed that a lot of lolitas (tumbler or otherwise) are feminists, so in that context it's the mindset that dressing in lolita is anti-men because it's the opposite of dressing sexy, and that sluts that don't dress lolita and show their body are doing it for men, etc, etc...

Honestly feminism is really just, "Whatever I do is riiight, womyn poweerrr"

>> No.6701253

So does South Korea. Also China. I don't get what your point is.

>> No.6701257

I have just come in to say, do not give a flying fuck about Libra. Serious. She is but a hose that sprouts a never ending stream of nonsense. Just ignore her and move on or she will never leave.

>> No.6701259

I guess you're right. But there's a lot of feminists straying away from that sort of thinking because it's 'slut shaming' or whatever. They just put any women's issue on a high pedestal that nothing else can compare to, even though tons of things can.

>> No.6701262


Apparently she uses a skin cream made by Yakult.. I always imagine her smearing Yakult on her face now.

>> No.6701263

The problem is feminism vs "feminism".

That and, there's more than one faction/school of thinking under the overall umbrella.

>> No.6701268
File: 77 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako is too cool for all you plebs

>> No.6701272

Yeah, I'd have to say this is true, though I have no idea how prevalent or obvious it is in modern-day context.

>"Asia for Asians!"
>Actually meant, "Asia for Japan, bend over so we can buttfuck all y'all"

I mean, their war crimes against China were pretty horrendous (Rape of Nanking, anyone?)

To be fair, all the Asian countries think that they're superior to the others. I mean, Korea? Basically known for being nationalistic and extremely shallow. I've been asked by Koreans if I was Korean because they thought I was cute. Because I guess only Koreans are cute. Also, China, no one likes China they can eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.6701273

I always wondered what Yakult tasted like, but I'm afraid to try it.

>> No.6701282


Postmodernism and embracing little narratives blah blah. I still don't see how wearing high heels that mutate your feet serves as empowerment. Sure agency is important, but you can't apply that to everything. One of the pitfalls of third wave feminism.

>> No.6701283

Why is everybody surprised that a Japanese person is being racist?

>> No.6701289

You're missing out man. What's so scary about Yakult? It's like yoghurt, but tastier. The worst it can do is make you shit.

>> No.6701319

It's very sweet, I always dilute it before drinking. Also shake well first because you get some mucky stuff stuck on the bottom on the can

>> No.6701323

Stop responding to Libra
We want it to go away

>> No.6701359



That, and there CAN be white people with dark skin, that's a thing you know. It's not a racial thing, it's a skin tone thing. I've seen plenty of white people with skin darker or as dark as mine, and I'm hispanic and definitely don't have light skin.

>> No.6701479

Misako has been like this forever, why are people surprised?

>> No.6701484

I always thought libra was a guy that creeps on lolita threads. You never see him talking about prints/dresses or accessories and I remember he kinda tried hitting on a nose ring lolita before.

>> No.6701558

Someone needs to post that on tumblr for the people whining to see.

>> No.6701566

yea because the west is retarded

>> No.6701572

How are threads like these allowed, but Dakota threads are removed within 5 minutes?

>> No.6701579

because ITT people are discussing race and lolita

in Dakota threads people just discuss Dakota's eyes and vagina

>> No.6701585

Stop being butthurt Spoony. no1curr bout Koochie Rose.

>> No.6701587

Ow people actually ask that? Thats fucking terrible.

>> No.6701597

you may have a bigger chest and that might cause a dress to ride up a little higher, or that you have a long torso. There are many reasons but none of them are due to "weird proportions" don't worry.

>> No.6701710

Did she post noods or something?

>> No.6701726

This is probably before the editing for the card

>> No.6701984

No one has posted the source for these comments yet??????

>> No.6702007

I don't see anything wrong with what she said.

>> No.6702192


It's also known as "I choose my choice" feminism and there's a lot of back-and-forth about how to deal with, say, high heels.

I wear high heels because I like them, but also because it's gender normative, and also because height is often linked to perceptions of competence.

So, that's a mess to untangle--I'm making a choice, but that choice is influenced by benevolent sexism. Most of the leading feminists like to talk about the influence of social expectations without bitching at someone.

So, a really educated third wave feminist would say something like, "Wearing heels is participating in conventional gender politics, but it's also sometimes necessary to do that for your job/life, and while I criticize the assumption that you should or must wear heels, I understand you gotta do what you gotta do."

Tumblr feminists are often new.

>> No.6702202


Because black girls get dumped on a lot for being ugly in pretty much any fashion they do, normal or alternative. It's not so much they care about some Japanese model spouting shit as they are sick of hearing it.

That said, I'm 90% she meant tanned as in "spray tan" you see in other fashions. Mostly because I don't think the Japanese brands/models give two fucks about any clients that aren't Japanese. All non-Japanese people look equally ugly to them; they're just selling to our ugly asses for the money.

>> No.6702231

>brown isn't very kawaii*~ tee hee~

I hate this slut.

>> No.6702246

But isn't this the sort of thing that feminism is trying to prevent? This sort of passive sexism is more of a problem than most other things. Wearing clothing designed specifically to cater to sexuality, which is geared towards attracting men is fine if that's what you want, but don't say it's empowering, don't say it's for 'you' because its either to look attractive to men, to fit some sort of standard, or to make women jealous. Also, high heels have nothing to do with being tall. They're used for the same purpose as foot binding was in Asia.

>> No.6702318


what the fuck dude, why can't feminism just be about equality?

why do I have to hear about this stupid shit from every "feminist" about how I subversively think about dicks when I choose shoes? or when I pick out a swimsuit I'm doing it because THE PATRIARCHY TOLD ME TO WEAR IT.

No, I do these things for me, because I want to, there are a lot of real issues feminism needs to address

>wage differences
>sexism in the workplace (ie being told I'm sexy, being treated lesser because I'm female)

and you're focusing on high heels and skirts? Can you not find ANYTHING else to attract your attention to?

>> No.6702335

well taking in mind how the japanese have more stereotypes regarding skin color it wouldn't surprise me she said so

>> No.6702346

What in the ever loving fuck is this shit about high heels?! If feminists really believe this, I do not want to live on this planet anymore. Sounds like they don't know SHIT about history/historical costuming. Because you know who originally wore high heels? MEN.

>> No.6702347

Although I can't stand Cadney, I pretty much agree with what she said:

>>I’m going to argue that the very question she was asked: “what kind of person looks best in Lolita” was setting her up for disaster from the get-go. Like what a fucking awful question…?
The only way she would be able to please everyone would be if she said “everyone can look good in Lolita!” and refuse to actually answer, but… that’s simply not what she was asked. She answered with her opinion and I don’t think she meant to say IF YOU DON’T NATURALLY LOOK LIKE A DOLL AND AREN’T PALE YOU BETTER NOT WEAR LOLITA I think she was just expressing her personal ideal for the kind of look someone should try to achieve using what they’ve got.
I mean really, how the fuck do you respond to that question (with an actual opinion not a half-assed “I THINK EVERYONE LOOKS EQUALLY GREAT”) that won’t make you sound like a jackass? It’s impossible, because it’s an awful question

>> No.6702354

Sorry about the random green text. Typo.

>> No.6702364

Don't worry anon. I'm a feminist female and I knew that. I believe it was started by a short king, but that part I may be wrong.

>> No.6702369

Sort of. Middle eastern horseback riders wore them so they could stand in-saddle while shooting (bow and arrow), and the French nobility liked them and copied them.

>> No.6702390

I'm new to lolita and that episode was super interesting! But it was definitely very out of place to introduce the fashion without presenting them with Kera or a GLB to show some of the different styling techniques.


>> No.6702417


Because high heels cause damage to the feet and tendons, are painful and dangerous to wear, and are expected for women in the workplace? That is totally an "equality" issue, where my appearance needs to include makeup, heels, a carefully maintained haircut, and shaving all my body hair off, and a guy looks just as nice and normal as I do if he trims his beard and wears loafers. It's totally unfair.

And there's nothing wrong with pointing out, "hey, that's sexist". Most serious activism is focused on "real issues", but if you get into academic study, there's a lot to examine about these overall trends.

Wear whatever you want, but the fact is you wear what you wear and do what you do because you live in a society that dictates what you should wear and do, and that's not fair. You should be able to wear a skirt or pants, short or long, man or woman without someone bitching at you for it because that makes you a prude/faggot/manhater/anti-feminist colluder.

>> No.6702410
File: 156 KB, 450x495, 1361086919455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6702420

Are you one of those people that blame your insecurities on everyone other than yourself? Because it seems to me like you are.

>> No.6702435


Feminists really believed... what? That high heels are damaging to the feet and it's unreasonable to have an expectation for people to wear them? That, in fact, they should probably be discouraged as a fashion item, and this expectation of wearing Dangerous Fashion is an issue that, at this time, mainly affects women?

Feminists like to look at what people expect from men, what people expect from women, and why those things are expected or not expected, and what kind of implications that has. I don't see what your problem is.

>> No.6702447


Not that person, but if someone bitches at you over and over for basically existing, it gets old really fast.

I don't know any fashion that gives black people a 100% pass. Anything a black woman dresses in is going to have someone bitching she's ugly and needs to stop wearing it just because she's black. It gets obnoxious really fast, and people get kind of hair-trigger about percieved bitching because they get so much bitching.

>> No.6702464

The video in question
The presenter says "So you shouldn't do tanning, right?" And she agrees
That's what these girls are freaking out about :/

>> No.6702482

Sorry if it came out that way, but I was trying to explain why people are getting so mad about the comment. I just saying that being told something over and over again does effect people. Insecurity come from things that we are not happy with about ourselves but are very easily exacerbated by others pointing them out all the time.

>> No.6702548

Great posts.

>> No.6703329

One of the announcers does say 'so pale is best?' But Misako never said it herself, and anyone with two clues would know they were talking about tanning, not skin color.

>> No.6703376

Hmm she doesn't really elaborate so could have easily been misinterpreted.. I'd like to think that she meant to use our own natural skin colour rather using fake tan (which makes some people too orange).

>> No.6703388

I wish men would remove their body hair too. Hairy armpits and legs are so fucking gross.
I guess I should marry a competitive swimmer, lol.

>> No.6703549

and now men don't wear high heels anymore, nor are expected to. Soo....

>> No.6703553

Yes they do. Just because they aren't pumps doesn't mean they don't wear shoes with heels.

>> No.6703557

i dont wanna stir the shit, but the only issue i really have is women are expected to be hairless, even though they grow just as much hair as men naturally. I dont care if you're a man or woman, you should be allowed to shave OR not shave without judgment. That's all.

And all this Misako stuff is so annoying. Why are so many black lolitas so butthurt over something that has nothing to do with black people but rather tanning your skin? ugh. tumblr lolitas always annoy the fuck out of me.

>> No.6703660

Oh I wasn't arguing with any of your points, I totally get the double-standard (hairy woman= pig disgusting go kill yourself, hairy man= manly) I was just expressing my distaste for hairy men and half-wishing that they were expected to shave too.

>> No.6703676 [DELETED] 

This is why niggers should not be allowed access to our media.

>> No.6703680

Posting this in

>> No.6703699

Exactly, so don't bitch about pale skin looking nicer.

>> No.6703716

diff anon, but I love guys who shave their armpits. I love cuddling but you expect me to sleep in that? No thank you!

>> No.6704376

I think you are on the right path though. I mean, yeah high heels are awful for you and women unjustly expected to wear them. But trying to show the sexism in this and change it? That isn't possible right now. At all.
Instead of saying "oh what if men had to shave everyday yeah", we should focus on
>men and women deserve equal pay
>men do not have a right to be sexist in the workplace
and especially >it's not my clothing nor my actions (walking down a dark street or whatever) that caused me to be raped, it was the rapists idea, motive, and action that I was raped.
We shouldn't focus on how high heels and shaving are sexist, at least not right now. Gay people can't even get married right now. We have to go the pace conservative people can handle. Polite sage for off topic of OP's main discussion and rant.

>> No.6704933

>I remember he kinda tried hitting on a nose ring lolita before.
lol, when? He's creepy.

>> No.6704975


>> No.6705057

>south/central americans claiming that they are fair skin people because of European integration.

You are either claiming there was no european immigration to central and south America
Or claiming that there was but for some reason all these european white people's genes disappeared and everyone became a shitskin

I'm not sure which is the most ignorant.

>> No.6705076

No, you're the ignorant one. You're replying to Libra. Stop replying to Libra. We want it to go away. Stop replying to Libra you dolt.

>> No.6705091

Man, I love the mucky stuff. I wish it sold separately as a form of yogurt. Dat texture, dat taste.

>> No.6705094

No, we were talking about how she had it removed to be more doll-like.

>> No.6705487


But these things are all linked--the insane emphasis on how you dress can excuse your rapist or justify your lower pay. Attacking these ideas as overarching concepts might be the way to go.

The common thread in all this is Women Are Things, or Women Are Decorations. We have to hit every manifestation of this assumption to undermine it completely.

The other problem with not drawing attention to the more minor issues is that people don't see how pervasive it is. We have to emphasize that this is something every woman deals with every day, with no exclusions.

(Men also deal with it too, but their issues are different).

>> No.6705628


The point is the high heel thing, the skirt thing, it's not a good selling point, women have real issues like the two other anons have said, pay, rapists, and sexism and they want to see feminism help them with those real issues, not ones that "could be related"

To me, you talking about heels is like helping a cancer patient treat baldness, it's a symptom of the overreaching disease, but I'm sure that cancer patient would rather you help with the pain or with the nausea than some trivial thing like hair loss.

I want feminism to work, I know what it's like to be a victim of sexism, but feminism doesn't help me, it always seems like a extreme belief instead of something palatable.

>> No.6705783

Yes, that was my main point I was trying to make. I'm not the best at explaining. But I completely understand what >>6705487 is saying with the link. Women should not be objects to be treated as less than men, but attacking the looks we are forced to accept is more specific than the broad issue. I would love to not worry about how I will be paid first, and then throw high heels out the window.
And with rape, I really do think that the main point people need to point out is that no matter who, what, when, where, or how, rape is not acceptable. I think we need to attack how it has nothing to do with what we wear and the situation, and that will make a more general and grand argument (since men and women both say stupid things like "well you're just trying to defend your slutty behavior"). Because there really is no situation that justifies rape.

Linking back to this thread a thread, I wonder how some feminists react towards Lolita. It is a fashion with very feminine clothing, and a lifestyle that is about modesty and 'ladylike' behavior. You have to wonder the reasons why people would be opposed to the fashion, especially since one of the main icons, Misako, supports a Lolita lifestyle. Is it in support of freedom for women to wear what they wish, or is it pulling back on the movement that women are allowed to live any lifestyle they wish, and shouldn't be put in skirts and blouses?(especially with some Lolita's who put their modesty on a pedestal)

>> No.6705805

Sense at last

>> No.6705823

What's hilarious is that she isn't even pale. She's light skinned yes, but she's most certainly not pale. But then again, most Asians aren't super white by nature without the help of products or just by staying the fuck out of the sun and shoop.

Everyone needs to relax, also, I still haven't seen source on this?

>> No.6705933

The video has been linked at least twice in this thread

>> No.6705934
File: 241 KB, 392x411, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHAHA finally! being short and white has an advantage. While in the 'real world' being tall and tanned is ideal ! the things you girls are bitching about.

>> No.6705945

>Linking back to this thread a thread, I wonder how some feminists react towards Lolita.

I'd say that lolita is a freedom of expression, and even though it ties into standards set for women in the past, it's also counterbalancing against the standards set today, which is sexual attraction it's pretty in line with oldschool feminism. More and more it's becoming the norm to wear revealing clothing, but it's also expected. Lolita, in my opinion takes the focus away off of the body itself which in turn is empowering, the same way it's empowering to stray away from society's standards. Even the modesty aspect of it it defies the norm, even if it's inline with a norm from the past.

>> No.6705949

She's wearing the dress I just bought

>> No.6706005

anon i love you. this so much

>> No.6706072

I think overall, lolita is an appreciation for artistry -- not some counter-culture expression of femininity.

>> No.6706582

>not some counter-culture expression of femininity.
well then you should learn more about the origins of lolita, because it very much was/is a rejection of gender norms that expect women to expose their bodies for male attention

>> No.6709403

This is so much bullshit I don't even know where to begin

>> No.6709875

What kind of Bullshit textbook are you reading from

>> No.6709886

lol textbook what

Wikipedia, to name one. I believe it derives from interviews with early lolitas about the source of the movement but I don't recall what exactly where from.

>> No.6709913

Oh wikipedia is legit source. Ok.

Look if you want to discuss feminism in Lolita you need actual literature. Or else you're just grasping at straws and putting out ideas as facts

>> No.6709923

early lolita was MOSTLY middle aged, normal working woman who wanted to escape during the weekends and be someone else. Pretty sure they never mention anything about male attention or body exposure...

>> No.6709952

More legitimate than 'well this is MY opinion so you're wrong!', yeah.

>> No.6709954

I think you're confusing lolita with ganguro and manba, aka the beginning of gyaru. Gyaru was the one trying to reject Japan's ideal of beauty - pale skin and dark hair, by tanning and dyeing hair light.

>> No.6709955

Literature does not define feminism, that statement is very ignorant.

Japan has a very small feminist movement.

Lolita, as all other fashion movements are about self expression and refusing the Japanese norm of trying to hid induviduality and blend in as well as expressing the view an old school feminist view. The view that overt and excessive sexuality is negative, and it only drives women to become more sexualized and hurts the view of women in society.

To western modern feminists, it seems like a throwback to the 50s or some similar sentiment, while in Japan it's really outwardly rebellious, as well as the fact that it teaches women to behave as they wish rather than with or against society, since many of the norms in Lolita are basically unimportant in modern society.

>> No.6709961

Actually, Lolita, gyaru, manba and basically every underground fashion movement centered around women are feminist in nature, though Lolita and gyaru are two sides of the same coin, they are also trying to defy the norms of both gender inequality and suppressed individuality.

>> No.6709964

I haven't stated my opinion. I'm just questioning the credibility of what's been said.

>> No.6709979

Just because you specifically don't learn about Japanese underground fashion as a feminist movement in your feminism 101 class in community college doesn't mean that it's not a legitimate thing. Hell, a lot of modern feminists refuse to acknowledge that sort of anti-sexual old school feminism because they ignorantly equate it to slut shaming

>> No.6709987

You're so bad at this you need to stop before you show more ignorance. If you can't even differentiate what feminism literature means you need to take a step back.

>> No.6709994

whats the name of this print i love it

>> No.6709998

You're saying you need to have specifically cited information. Also differentiate between what? Your sentence didn't make any sense.

>> No.6710002

No, but your question implied disagreement.

Here, I even found a legitimate source for you: http://manga.about.com/od/mangaartistswriters/a/JWinterberg.htm
>Lolita clothing is by nature very conservative; perhaps as a reaction to the modern image of sexy and powerful women, Lolita instead showcases an innocent and modest look.

There's your requested "literature".

Explain it well enough, though. You are the one that sounds ignorant here.

>> No.6712984

To be honest, she's probably right. Rarely does dark skin go well with pale colours. Rather than being butthurt about it maybe people should try and find ways of making it look better. I've never seen a good lolita.

Lolita is 1800s era, this was still very much the era of segregation in England. It's completely alien to see a dark skinned person in Lolita

>> No.6712989


a good dark-skinned lolita*

>> No.6713003
File: 147 KB, 360x491, 51a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all lolita is pastels
>black people did not wear clothes until recent years

>> No.6713028


>Jumping to extremes

>Posting a picture from an archive which admits 'coloured people' wearing monied victorian clothes are incredibly rare.

You really showed me.

>> No.6713044

Black lolitas dont look good. Sorry to burst your bubble. They just dont.

Once again, the OP was talking about tan lolitas, not blacks.

>> No.6713062

You tryin' to say all black people look the same?

>> No.6713074

Anyone can look amazing in lolita so long as they take care of themselves, have good hygiene, can dress well, dress to flatter their figure, etc. don't see how you think this is racially exclusive?

>> No.6713080

Uh, actually pastels look better on dark skin because of the contrast. On pale skin it all washes out. But as mentioned, that's irrelevant because she was talking about tans, not race.

>> No.6713127

Not the same anon but tired of seeing this. Making a sweeping generalization like "black lolitas don't look good in lolita" is the same as saying "only asians look good in lolita". I can't take you seriously. There are good black lolitas, just like there are bad black lolitas, just like there are good asian lolitas, just like there are bad asian lolitas. How do you define good or bad in lolita? I do it by coording ability, if the clothes fit well, good makeup skills, hairstyle, etc. I don't look at a black person wearing a great coord and say, well, you suck as a lolita because your skin is too dark.

>> No.6713152

>still getting trolled this hard

>> No.6713273
File: 47 KB, 500x370, banny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714270

It's pretty foul, and always weirdly lumpy.