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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6683880 No.6683880 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into brolita?

I'm 19 and my facial structure is becoming more and more masculine as I age.

>What clothes do I wear?
>Do I need to know how to do makeup?
>Can I do this without surgery?

>> No.6683901

post a face pic op

>> No.6683904

1. Yes, what anon said, pic please.
2. Wear clothes you like in shapes that suit your figure, ie skirts that create the illusion of hips and that sort of thing.
3. 420chan's /cd/ board for transgender and crossdressing can probably help you a lot more than we can.

>> No.6683907

if your face isn't too masculine, you'd do well to practice makeup highlighting and contouring. of course, it depends on what your face looks like.

i think another option is to take female hormones?

>> No.6683929

Lolita is not about "being a little girl"

It's a fashion

>> No.6683954

"I want to be the little girl" is a moot quote.

>> No.6683987


>> No.6684004

lol so i just went to the /cd/ board on 420chan...someone with a wig posted their pic, and now everyone is asking them how they did their hair. maybe you are better off posting your pic here, op

>> No.6686025

bump, this is relevant to my interests some contouring tutorials before and after or any advice would be appreciated I would have no idea where to start for a convincing crossplay.

>> No.6688625


>> No.6688687

bump for help....

>> No.6688684

bump for interest

>> No.6688694

maybe if you'd post a face pic we could help jesus

>> No.6688730

How tall are you? How wide?

Brolitas are held to a lower standard than regular lolitas

>> No.6689241

Does anyone have any pictures of brolita's in their mid to late 20's? I want to get some ideas since I'm in that age bracket.

>> tfw you look 22-25 and you appreciate it even more since you want to crossdress

>> No.6689345
File: 30 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mj9tym0UvT1qj1wzpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's a brolita in his mid-20s

>> No.6689388
File: 209 KB, 640x960, aDSC_0349-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is all about contouring, just look at all those visual kei artists that look like little girls. Also hiding your neck may help.

>> No.6689775

Not OP but, I'm 21 and 5'2", lanky as fuck. I'll try to get a face pic later.

>> No.6690066

Only this is community we have men trying to dress as little girls. Imkay with cross dressers for show or entertainment but this is just embarrasing.

>> No.6690073

>how do words

>> No.6690511

die cis scum

>> No.6694071

that nose creeps me out a little but the rest is really cute

>> No.6694080
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>> No.6694087

Honey no, at that point it's called 'petite'.

>> No.6696489

Novice brolitas usually have no sense of coordination whatsoever. Can someone make collages or coords with pieces that can flatter a male body (broad shoulders and back, etc.) and make it look ladylike?

>> No.6696597

Why are lolitas so obsessed with coordination?

It's like you don't even think beauty is a factor. Just clothing "coords."

Maybe that's why nearly all lolitas are ugly. You don't deem physical beauty to be an issue.

>> No.6696621


>> No.6696622
File: 3 KB, 220x238, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fashion style

sage for replying to obvious troll

>> No.6696625

>Look at me mom! I can shit post!

>> No.6696632

Ain't that a relief...

>same boat as >>6689775

>> No.6696638

>beautiful woman who looks gorgeous in clothing
>"ugh, terrible. doesn't have the proper coords. so ita."

>ugly fat person

Why are lolitas so dumb?

>> No.6696656

Woah, he's great. I could never tell.

>> No.6696663


He's photoshopped here. He doesn't look so great irl. At least he's thin though.

>> No.6696672

Ah, too bad. At least his coord is good and he's thin and short?

>> No.6697260
File: 389 KB, 1200x1600, tumblr_mhxmj4N64l1qj1wzpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not photoshopped moron. That's just a man being a trap.

Also I heard he lives in Japan now so he's livin the dream.

>> No.6697307

Because it's a fucking fashion, not a beauty contest. Your face won't make up for a shit coord. People don't always think fat/hideous people in good coords look amazing, but they can appreciate when they get it right.

>> No.6697326

Don't be so shy, guynons. We're all here to help.

You'll need blush, liquid foundation, BB cream, pressed and loose powder, white and brown eyeliner pencils, eyelashes, mascara, lipgloss, cream eyeshadow, and exfoliater/moisturizer (you can make this naturally) to feminize your face.
ELF has very cheap starter cosmetics. Stay with pale, beige and blushy pink colors. No garish pink blues and greens.

As for tutorials, find some drag queens on youtube and stop after lashes.

Wearing a draped center (vagina neck, scarf, etc) helps soften broad shoulders. A scarf or a wig draped on the shoulders can hide an adams apple. Wear a decent petticoat and a pleated skirt outside of lolita to emulate hips.
Obviously wax/nair everywhere (or shave if you don't mind razor bumps and daily aftercare) and wear thigh high socks or stockings. Sock Dreams has plenty of unisex socks for bigger legs.

>> No.6697649

Not to mention he's also one of the cattiest bitches ever, but he freely admits that so at least he's honest. For me it took away from him as a person.

In person lookswise his makeup always seems overdone and looks cakey, but it shows up really well in pictures. His voice will throw you for a loop though. He tries super hard to sound feminine and it's kind of creepy.

>> No.6697668

yeah he really photoshopped that pic. i don't see his penis anywhere.

>> No.6697670

>makeup always seems overdone and looks cakey, but it shows up really well in pictures
That's typically how it works for everyone. If I wear a "normal" level of make-up, it looks good in person and shit in photos and vice versa for photo-level, caked on make-up.

>> No.6700509

OPs picture looks like Tenleid with a flatter nose bridge

>> No.6700735
File: 32 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mfi30dntw71qfzwtxo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita isn't about being a little girl. If you want to do that, fetlife has ageplay lolita forums and that's probably where you want to be >>6683880

For other interested brolitas, just learn to coordinate well, learn the magic of makeup and don't be a dick at meetups.

Some brolita photos

>> No.6700738
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>> No.6700736
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>> No.6700739
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>> No.6700747
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>> No.6700746
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>> No.6700750
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>> No.6700752
File: 30 KB, 277x360, tumblr_mdu4sw4MMS1qcz87bo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the top drag makeup does this

>> No.6700751
File: 74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_me88b7yKf31qdey4oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what NOT TO DO

Bad coordinates do this

>> No.6700753
File: 116 KB, 500x376, tumblr_md58nm7gED1roq8u5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad coordinate with no makeup or hair effort

>> No.6700754
File: 143 KB, 282x750, tumblr_mge5rmrkMa1qzusefo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad coordinate and bad wig choice

>> No.6700755
File: 69 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mgrny3WerN1qcz13yo6_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is just ageplay, so don't aim for this if you want to be a brolita.

- Put effort into your makeup and contouring (none of that dollar store shit)
- Don't do cutesy/demure poses with bad angles (You can do cutsey poses when you've gotten down your angles and coordinates)
- Don't pose sexually (Only for ageplay is this acceptable. Even normal girls cant get away with sexy poses in lolita)

>> No.6700925


As a brolita in training this guy is one of my heroes.

Does anyone have advice or pictures for/of Brolitas who are 5'7-5'8"? I'd like to get some ideas as I'm worried about skirts not going below my knee.

>> No.6701048

If you're that tall, it's okay if the skirt falls slightly above the knee (I'd recommend less than two inches). Underskirts can be a good option, but you have to be careful with them or they might look wonky.