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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 547x260, ng98ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6689985 No.6689985 [Reply] [Original]

and bootcovers just suck

>> No.6690056
File: 146 KB, 716x1030, mat-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Moon never had much of a heel though.

>> No.6690085
File: 130 KB, 1024x714, sailorsoldiers145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it? Before the manga even got to Stars her boots looked more like the 'modern' one anyway?.

>> No.6690093

The one on the right kinda looks like the sort of footwear strippers wear but it's still much better than the one on the left, I'd rather wear sexy boots than boots that look like someone stole them from a clown.

>> No.6690202

very cool

>> No.6690312

>Implying clowns are go-go dancers

>> No.6690907

>implying clown gogo dancers wouldn't be amazing

>> No.6690913

>implying I didn't get a little aroused thinking of sexy clowns

>> No.6690958

that escalated quickly.

but since this thread's here, I want to ask...would you ever buy a pair of boots (shoes, whatever) for a cosplay and modify them to make them more accurate, but thereby limit them to only fit that one cosplay? Especially since remotely decent gogo boots like OP's are minimum $40, I'd hate to not be able to reuse them.

>> No.6690959


XD haha

>> No.6690967

I guess it depends on how much you really like that character and if you plan on re-wearing that cosplay out for many more times to come.

I've really splurged on shoes before for a cosplay when I knew for sure that I would enjoy it and I enjoy the character/has alternate outfits with said boots. Also, if you are looking to really accomplish the professional/polished look, it's probably best to modify to accuracy.

For a number of others however, I try to keep the budget a big easier on me and will try to go with enough to look like it, generic enough to be reasonably reworn, and see how much the shoes will affect the cosplay if it's not 100% accurate.

>> No.6690983 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 289x321, Boots320Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the 90's better.

I know SM isn't rooted in the believable but running about in tiny heels like that doesn't seem like you can do a whole lot.

Chunky heels seem better for it.

Besides, an actual human cannot wear the modern ones on the left and NOT look like they are wearing stripper heels. Sailor Moon can just fine, actual human, nope.
Also SM is not wearing platform heels so again, the modern ones are out.

>> No.6690985
File: 24 KB, 289x321, Boots320Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the 90's better.

I know SM isn't rooted in the believable but running about in tiny heels like that doesn't seem like you can do a whole lot.

Chunky heels seem better for it.

Besides, an actual human cannot wear the modern ones on the right and NOT look like they are wearing stripper heels. Sailor Moon can just fine, actual human, nope.
Also SM is not wearing platform heels so again, the modern ones are out.

>> No.6690988
File: 555 KB, 168x126, rdr3_1_168_5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck outta here

>> No.6691028

I agree. I prefer the chunky heels for both logic and comfort. If i'm gonna fight crime, it isn't going to be in stilettos. Besides, i kind of feel like they look tackey for SM cosplay.

>> No.6691054

The modern would be fine without the platform, and the 90s would be fine if the heel was slightly tapered toward the bottom.
As they are, they're both ugly and inaccurate.

>> No.6691491

Say that to every comic book heroine in existence. High heels are more flattering.

>> No.6691510
File: 9 KB, 250x250, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally prefer the middle ground type of heels. Slimmer then the 90's, but not a little more support then the stiletto of the modern.

Also, Sailor Jupiter boots are such a pain in the ass to find unless you want to dish out 50+ for them. Most places just don't like to make simple lace up ankle boots. I finally found a pair of boots I can paint green, but they're still a little shorter then I'd like.

>> No.6691513

That you, Gropey?

>> No.6691574

>and bootcovers just suck
>doesn't know how to bootcover.
you suck.

>> No.6691844

The boots in the image you posted- know where I can get them/similar? They look perfect for Kurisu Makise cosplay I'm putting together.

>> No.6691878

It's a anime. There isn't any logical choice cause it's not logical. If you just prefer it ok but it's far from "logical"

>> No.6691899

Heels in general are ugly and trashy.

>> No.6692007


advice on bootcovers? I've tried making them like six times for different costumes in different methods and nothing works

>> No.6692114
File: 1.47 MB, 783x4125, Painting Shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. So plus sized shoes. Crossplaying shoes.
Anyone have any experience? I'm helping a friend with crossplaying. He's used to tennis shoes all his life, so I'm trying to steer clear of the mile high heels (aka the majority of drag shoes). I've had some luck by searching for large women's shoes, but the selection isn't fantastic. Luckily, all he needs are black pumps, so I'm really happy there.

He's a men's shoe size 12-13, or a women's 14-15.

The site's I've found that are pretty good so far are snaz75 and Barefoot Tess.
Here's two pairs I've found with lower heels, priced $42 and $59.

If I could, I'd love to halve these prices.

>TLDR Where to find cheap drag/plussized heels? And requesting personal experiences with crossplaying shoes.
How to paint shoes tutorial unrelated

>> No.6692132

the big thing to remember when ordering women's shoes for men, is to look for WIDE sole shoes. Women's shoes are sized differently, obviously, but less obvious is that women's shoes are also generally slimmer and thinner than men's. So be sure to look for shoes that are wide enough.

>> No.6692181

I do this for most of my cosplay shoes... I just absolutely hate boot covers, I think they always look terrible compared to an actual accurate shoe.

>> No.6692320
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>> No.6692319
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>> No.6692323
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>> No.6692326
File: 2.14 MB, 760x2243, boot_cover_tutorial_by_the_cosplay_scion-d399xk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6692336
File: 253 KB, 849x1168, 1293902864295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6692340

you're just a lazy rich cunt unable to make shoes. fuck you.

>> No.6692359

if only!

>> No.6692362

See, it's the platform that makes them look stripper-y

>> No.6692391
File: 45 KB, 267x412, 1350244053442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heels in general are ugly and trashy.
>Heels in general are classy and sexy.

>> No.6692406

Yeah, I had such a hard time finding mine. Are you planning to somehow punch holes in those for the laces?

>> No.6692413 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 316x378, 1340828722468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For accuracy purposes, I'd go with it regardless because only a lucky few of us women actually have long perfect legs and a slim figure. Get chunky small heels and you'll look, chunky and small. Pretty soldiers, are the ideal beauty. Which is not chunky and small. Unless you're cosplaying mini moon..Putting that out there for the biased seagulls. Put that damn heels on and quit your bitching.

>> No.6692423
File: 133 KB, 316x378, 1340828722468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For accuracy purposes, I'd go with it regardless because only a lucky few of us women actually have long perfect legs and a slim figure. Get chunky small heels and you'll look, chunky and small. Pretty soldiers, are the ideal beauty. Which is not chunky and small. Unless you're cosplaying mini moon..Putting that out there for the biased seagulls. Put dem damn heels on and quit your bitching.

>> No.6692442
File: 203 KB, 500x628, bootcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boot covers are more easy than shoe covers, mainly because shoe covers are tricky and you have to find a way to hold them up whereas boot covers, with the right fit, will hold themselves up.

Pictured is a boot cover I made to go over some gogo boots I already had because I couldn't afford to buy another pair.

The first thing to do is pick your shoe. It doesn't have to be the same style that you're trying to make but it has to be something you won't have to worry about walking out of so either get something with an ankle strap or something that will lie flat against your foot.

You can made wedge boot covers to go over healed shoes but otherwise you need to get the right kind of heal. You don't always have to cover the heal itself, it can come out the bottom of the shoe.

Sole-ing your boot covers is also important. Note that most fabrics aren't designed to take the kind of wear and tear that your the sole of your shoe does, as such, they'll rub raw within a day. I've tried using cottons, leathers and PVCs and they all wear through. Some have more traction than others. I made a pair once that had zero traction and I nearly went flying on a slippery floor.

If you want to keep the sole of your shoe you can do what's called a stirruped boot cover. Like this http://www.puckstop.com/acatalog/facc_mondor_3374_tights.jpg

But that only works really for extending an existing shoe, not covering it. To cover the whole shoe you're going to at least need to cap the sole at the tip so it effectively hooks over the end of the shoe. Then use elastic right up by the heal to keep the rest in place. If you're going to cover the whole heal you might as well put a full sole onto your boot cover because it saves you wasting time hemming the boot cover and will, in general, look better.

>> No.6692459

classy and sexy don't tend to to apply to the same piece of clothing

It's either one or the other.

>> No.6692464

Cosplay is already an expensive hobby. What's the harm in them spending money? You sound dumb and butthurt.

>> No.6692469
File: 304 KB, 1024x768, boot covers turtorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6692442 continued

So you've picked your shoe, next you pick your fabric. If you're going to use an elasticated fabric you probably won't need a zip. If you're going to use a fabric with little to no give, then you're going to need a zip. The zip can either go straight up the back, which is easiest, or on the inside of the leg which involves editing one side of your boot cover.

Pictured is a tutorial I drew up for a friend to explain my method. I'm sorry if it makes little to no sense but hopefully it shoes the basics.

Adapting the pattern to include the heal depends on how you want the heal to look and what type of heal you are trying to cover. I find it easiest to cover chunky heals and to cover those you can cut the heal as part of the main shape of the boot cover. If you're trying to cut shaped heals, it's best to make the heal as a separate piece.

>> No.6692492
File: 2.90 MB, 320x271, 1351226774249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even fashion?

>> No.6692504

I can't even wrap my head around how hard you're reading into that comment

>> No.6692533

Is making shoes even cheaper than buying them if you're not making a hell of a lot of them?
I'm not buying the tools and taking fucking cobbling classes.

>> No.6692549
File: 467 KB, 1024x768, bootcoverexamples1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some other examples of boot covers.

Type 1: Where you have 2 boot shapes, sew them together, and hope for luck. This was how I sewed my first boot covers and really I only got away with it because the PVC I used has stretch in it that allowed me to wiggle the shoe into the cover. But as you can see, especially in the blue ones, which were my first, it gets really tight on the shoe (and you can feel it on your foot) and noticably slacker once you get passed the heal to bridge area which is the area of most strain. It didn't really matter for the white ones as it worked to my advantage. By the time I'd got to the red ones I was learning to tighten up the top as well, but again, they can be hard to get the shoe into and you have to sacrifice the fit around the ankle.

In the 1 and 3 example, those are made from lycra and therefore the amount of stretch in the fabric does away with having to worry about tightness. Stretchy fabrics are easy to fit.

Type 2 are examples of partial boot covers where either you're extending a shoe in the same colour or you're extending part of a shoe that's in a different colour. Again the brown and black combo was one of my early cosplays and was a poor choice of shoe.

Type 3 involves heal-less boot covers. These have a tendancy to slip down, no matter how fitted you make them. In the case of the pink they kept slipping and getting under my heal and got torn to shreds and so had to be re-made because when I pulled them up they were full of holes at the back. The white ones held up find but they made the shoes look like wedges when they weren't meant to be.

>> No.6692581
File: 402 KB, 1024x768, bootcoverexamples2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type 4 - SOLES

These are a god send. Make boot covers with them and suddenly all your boot covers will look so much better.

Now my type 4 examples are made with fleece (yellow with tiger stripes), bi-stretch (blue with white caps and yellow details), microfibre peachskin (blue with white bows and dark blue details) and gabardine/cotton drill (white with yellow details).

As you can clearly see, some fabrics do better than others. The fleece staid up because they were fitted but I did have to keep tugging up the parts past my knee as the fabric wasn't stiff enough to hold itself up.

The bi-stretch example was too short for it to matter and tight enough fitted that they didn't slip down.

The microfibre example, as you can see, drooped! I don't know whether interfacing would have helped, I was pressed for time when I made these and they were so fiddly that I almost gave up.

And I don't have a worn example of the cotton drill ones but they held up well because it's a stiffer fabric. You can stiffen fabrics with iron on interfacing, which is like starching shirt collars (a bit at least, enough to get the idea), which will help. However you might want to line your boot covers if you do this because I don't know how interfacing feels against the skin.

Type 5 are examples of flat boot covers. We were also rushed for time with these so they were starting to look a little chunky. More so in the left example than the right. To get the raised colours at the bottom we sewed strips of fabric around the bottom of the boot pieces before adding the soles.

On the subject of details. It is easiest to add details before you start sewing your boot covers together. If you have a design that straddles what would be the front middle seam (I'm sorry I don't have a clear picture of an example) then you'll have to sew that seam and then sew over it. it's tricky but not impossible.

Type 6 - ZIPS! These allow you to fit your boot covers nearly perfectly to your leg.

>> No.6692585

Type 6 is however where things start to get a little more complicated and I'm too tired to draw and write coherently so I will continue in the morning if anyone is interested. I'll also move onto heals and shoe covers if anyone wants the info or if the thread is still here.

>> No.6692602

yes please

A bootcover tutorial that can make even some sense to a sewing-dumb anon like me - and I'm sure there's others here too - would be great.

>> No.6692634

What does pitting mean?

>> No.6692700

it's probably an f, so 'fit'

>> No.6692748

Yes can we talk about high heels please? They hurt so bad. How do you girls do it??

>> No.6692849

Practice. Lots and lots of practice. Start small, work your way up.

Also get support insoles that you can slip in into the shoe if possible. It helps a lot, especially by the end of the day.

>> No.6692883

Practice is important, yes, but I think one thing a lot of newbies don't realize is: There's no trick to it. Heels hurt. Tall heels hurt like a bitch. All day in tall heels makes you want to chop your feet off at the knees.

Being fabulous is suffering.

>> No.6692889

Thanks anon, it seems like unnecessary self-inflicted pain but gonna try it again

>> No.6692893

Holy crap, i knew it! Thanks for being honest I never understood why girls say it is comfortable

>> No.6692902

It can be comfortable for short term wear, or if you're not walking around all day, and if they are broken in they'll be a lot better than new heels.

>> No.6692920

I have an event to attend p soon where I'll need to wear heels. I've been avoiding it for so long and doesn't help that I'm clumsy too ;_; gonnafallmyassdown.jpg

>> No.6692922

The clumsiness can definitely be overcome with practice.

>> No.6692927

This. Shit hurts after a couple hours, although there are ways of making things more comfortable. Like said, certain heels hurt more than most. I'll switch it up depending on what I'm going to be doing for the day.

>> No.6692936

Thanks girls I'm gonna go put on my heels now. I swear to god guys have it so easy. I have major penis envy now lol

>> No.6692948
File: 120 KB, 359x477, 1359008023429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy right here

>> No.6693017

This entirely. I can't wear kitten heels to save my life, but the platform pumps w/ stiletto heel I've practiced walking in are pretty natural for me. Just uh... stay off the grass.

>> No.6693162

Oh no. Those aren't the ones I'm using. I found more accurate ones with laces. The only down side was they're black, the heel is kind of chunky, and a little shorter then I wanted. But I'm thankfully I managed to find them for $20.

The image is from searching ladies boots on google. But it's from a website talking about them, not selling them unfortunately.
This. Heels are going to hurt regardless, the taller the heel, the worse it'll be. Hell stand on my feet at a booth for 8 hours a day tends to leave me feeling sore. That's why kitten heels usually don't bother so much since they're usually only about an inch or so. Though wedges tend to help a bit since it gives a bit more support.