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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 69 KB, 381x827, sexynojutsu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6691856 No.6691856 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, what do you guys think? This is gonna be my first cosplay at Megacon this weekend. It was either Sexy No Jutsu or Surfer Singed, but I didn't have time to make the bracers for Singed. Is there anything I should add/take away? I want to look as best as possible this weekend!

>> No.6691860

Look too old.

>> No.6691866

Really? How old should someone doing a perfect sexy no jutsu look? I'm 20 and I look younger so I didn't even think age would be a problem

>> No.6691870

Yeah you look late twenties and i always imagine this as 15ish. It supposed to look like a teenager /shrug

>> No.6691872

well I can't argue with someones opinion :/
I guess I'll dump a few more pics so you guys can see maybe different angles

>> No.6691876
File: 72 KB, 369x869, sexynojutsu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6691884

You don't look younger than 20. You eyes especially make you look aged.
try drinking more water, getting more sleep, and use an under eye roller along with moisturizing.

As for the cosplay, it looks cheap and rushed, and you do not want to walk around a con barefoot. Naruto also isn't nearly as popular as it used to be, so you'll be mostly ignored. If you do choose to go ahead with this though, I think you should detangle that wig, get better ties for it, work on your make up, and get some better poses.
Also the smoke clouds shouldn't be clinging to you like that, as they are meant to be floating around him(her?). As it is now, it is clear you just glued some batting to a swim suit.

>> No.6691881

Agreeing with the other anon. The dark circles under your eyes, the leathery looking skin on your forehead and the little sagging of your cheeks near your chin places you much older than 20 when i look at this picture. Maybe someone can give you some makeup tips to help though.

>> No.6691891

Ugh looks even worse. Like some redneck`s mom decided to cosplay.

>> No.6691889
File: 60 KB, 290x855, sexynojutsu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one for now, gonna get food and I'll be back

>> No.6691893

Cover up that tattoo.
also don't do this cosplay. it does not suit you.

>> No.6691902
File: 382 KB, 639x349, double.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUGOI! You look great in this Sexy no Jutsu cosupu-ray! It needs less clouds and a push up bra for super sexy boobies!

Also two penises in your mouth would just add the bow on this whole cosupuray!

>> No.6691921


>> No.6691925

you're 20 and you're that big of a naruto fan? are you autistic?

>> No.6691934

For dark circles under eyes, you can also use damp teabags. Just let them sit on your eyes for ten or so minutes a day. Cucumbers also work well.

I would suggest diluting the cotton. Stretch it and make it wispy. It doesn't look like clouds, it just looks like cotton. Also it seems rather top heavy.

>> No.6692035

Agreed; lightly brush the cotton balls to make them look less like cotton balls and more like a cloud. Also, it looks weird that they just stop at your shoulder and then there's this visible bra strap.

Look up a few makeup tutorials; black whiskers aren't a sufficient substituted for a good base of even, non-shiny skin tone.

>> No.6692038
File: 50 KB, 492x400, webcam sasss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first real advice given, thank you
I'll take your advice with the cotton.
I can assure you all that I don't have dark circles under my eyes, it was just the lighting and shitty camera quality. pic related the only other option is webcam but you can see how much better I look with makeup

>> No.6692045

>pic related the only other option is webcam but you can see how much better I look with makeup

No, you're still a pretty average looking girl, with a pretty average body, who should not be walking around in nothing but cotton balls.

>> No.6692047

? You are given honest opinions on the fact that you look too old and you think that's not constructive? And protip you still look to old in this picture. You're obviously too self conscience to wear this costume if you're going to get upset by opinions here when you asked for them... how buttmad will you be when you get posted in the Bad Cosplay threads? Lol

>> No.6692059

is this a troll or vendettachan? the poor girl's costume/face definitely isn't the best, but posting her facebook pic for cgl to pick apart is going a bit far

>> No.6692062

While Naruto is indeed mostly ignored I HIGHLY doubt she'll be mostly ignored. Megacon's post-con photo galleries contain tons pics of girls like OP. Skimpy, shoddy costumes that have tits and ass on display. She'll get tons of attention in that outfit and a shit load of pics even if it is Naruto.

>> No.6692071

Well I'm glad that once again the hobby of cosplay is confused with Halloween and it is nothing but whores in slutty costumes.

>> No.6692078

I'm sorry to say this, but you definitely look older than 20. In this picture I would say that you look about 26. In OP you look around 30, because of the wrinkles on you forehead and your cheeks.

Even in the webcam picture you can still see the eyebags and wrinkles under your eyes, which ages you. You're not an ugly girl at all, but you don't look younger than 20.

>> No.6692087

Sexy naruto cosplay with a visible tattoo? Clear vendetta.

>> No.6692101

Does it matter what kind of tea? Black, green, white?

>> No.6692106

>the first real advice given, thank you

No, just the first advice you listened to. There were other, earlier posts that gave you advice that you chose to ignore because they mentioned that you are not the cute bubbly 15 year old you think you are.

>> No.6692108
File: 14 KB, 232x279, 1311643452906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could help!

>> No.6692123

Please don't do this. It looks cheap as hell and slutty. Don't bring it to Megacon, we get enough bad costumes, but once you see one of the better costumes there you'll be embarrassed you brought this.

>> No.6692126

And she's ashy.
Get some lotion!

>> No.6692174

what are you doing for shoes?

>> No.6692191

I asked my boyfriend about you and showed him this thread. My boyfriend says you look anywhere from the ages of 16 to 28, but he REALLY can't tell difference in ages. He says that (I also agree with this), it is a good cosplay especially compared to stuff. I do not believe you look "old", and he doesn't either. Your face isn't caked in foundation/make up/photoshop, so you don't have the flat 2D face that most Asian girl cosplayers photoshop themselves as. It's nice seeing some "natural" cosplayers. You really don't look old. You just look like a normal white girl without make up or photoshop. You also have a thin-ish body. May I ask how tall you are? I know that shorter girls have to look thinner than anyone else because they just look fat if they have a bit more meat on them.

>> No.6692207

I would say don't do this pose. Remember Naruto doesn't transform into a cutsie girl.

He's still a young boy doing a perverted Jutsu. With a simple cosplay like this, to really sell it, you have to get the personality behind it.

>> No.6692215

>I want to look as best as possible this weekend

Don't do that cosplay

>> No.6692239

Dat dirty bra.

>> No.6692304

use white clean underwear please. that just looks dirty.

>> No.6692389


> detangle wig
> get better ties
> ditch the top; get a strapless bra and re-do it
> cover ALL of your underwear
> put make-up over that tattoo
> that eyeshadow is nasty; try a natural look
> put something on your lips
> don't pose like that

>> No.6692408


I will say that I'm pleased you're using pantyhose. That's a step in the right direction.

>> No.6692431
File: 360 KB, 724x1104, sexy_no_jutsu_cosplay_ix_by_brakeheart-d48lws8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense but this Sexy No Jutsu cosplay is so crappy. It looks more like you're wearing a goofy-looking swimsuit made of cotton.

This is how a proper Sexy No Jutsu cosplay looks like. Better follow her example or choose a different cosplay.

>> No.6692579


Not really, any sort of tea bags will work fine. I usually use green tea or chammomile.

I read it is also good for headaches, but I don't know if that's true or not since I've never used them for getting rid of headaches.

>> No.6692587



>> No.6692593

Sexy is what this is supposed to be, and your not showing nearly enough to be considered sexy.

>> No.6692598
File: 66 KB, 720x540, 4545454545454545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than this. This girl think she's a famous cosplayer, too.

>> No.6692612

I laugh at stupid attention whores that do this and do it so poorly that they barely get any attention at all.

OP go full whore or don't even try.

>> No.6692609

Mother of god.

>> No.6692649

>29 year old
>fucking cotton balls and glue

top lel
What a shite board

>> No.6692656

You'd be much cuter if you would stop making that stupid facebook smirk.
Contrary to what women think, men don't find it attractive when you purse your lips out like a duck and tilt your head to the side in that sassy manner.
stop acting like a nigger

>> No.6692734
File: 2 KB, 125x104, 1358145892106s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop embarrassing yourself
it hurts

>> No.6692797

its not the worst first cosplay attempt I've ever seen...
with that being said, you should have used a different cotton (not cotton balls) like stuffing for plushes, foam for a valence, etc...

wear underwear that isn't so noticeable, remember, you're supposed to be naked under that fluff

have the cotton come up higher on your one hip so it hides your tattoo,
this will not only help that but give it a more whispy effect, it looks a little stiff

brush your wig, its too frizzy

cosplay takes time a practice, practice, PRACTICE!! You're not going to get it right the first time, no one does.

and be prepared to catch flack when you post your pics here, even the most seasoned cosplayers attract trolls. Above all, have fun with it.

>> No.6692805

You're cute, people saying you're ugly or fat are liars.

I would suggest fluffing out the cotton like others have said, also I suggest reducing some cotton on the top.

Don't do anything based on our advice alone though.

>> No.6692811

Lol Sakura-Con 2011

>> No.6692832

I think you are very cute op, ignore the fat whales hating.

>> No.6692843

reading comprehension? No one said she was ugly or fat. They said she doesn't look like a 15 year old.

>> No.6692939

>Don't do anything based on our advice alone though.

But all advice given in this thread has been productive as useful. She really should modify her costume based solely on the advice given here.

Again, no one seems to be "hating" here. There are simply saying she does not have the 15 year old face she thinks she does, and many have offered advice on how to correct some of the problems she seems to be having.

>> No.6693163
File: 49 KB, 381x827, 1363209266976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I advise against this costume, at least listen to the other suggestions in here about make up and making the clouds more cloud like if you do wear it. Have a terrible attempt in meitu to make your clouds look more cloudy.

>> No.6693186

Yes cause anyone who pointed out that this girl isn't actually all that special looking is a whale...


>> No.6693728

I fucking don't understand you, OP. You have had the INMENSE fucking luck that everybody is trying to help you, are telling you that you are thin and don't look too old (not 15, but not 40 either), are giving you tips to improve the shitty cotton balls in order to look like proper clouds.
yet you claim we are being jelly fatties? where? nobody has been calling you the things you said people called you in this thread.
don't fuck with cgl patience, or they'll destroy your life in a second a la PT.

>> No.6693765 [DELETED] 

>This costume is bad and you should feel bad.

If you must persist with this atrocious cosplay which you obviously wearing for attention and people to fawn over how "sexy" you are please follow the tips others have given you. I will recap:

-Use natural make-up, you are going for 15-year-old girl, not old harlot
-Wisp out the cotton for buck sake, or get cotton used for stuffing plush toys, since it is far more wispy...You could easily added it over the train-wreck that is the cotton balls
-Nude colour underwear, or white. Or both (so wear two pairs of underwear = preferrable).
-Strapless bra
-PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU COVER ALL YOUR UNDERWEAR/BRA/TATTOO. It looks tacky, and you are suppose to look naked. You can cover your tattoo with the cotton, or get some body make up stuff.
-Stockings are a wise choice, but pick something less shiny (so matte look)
-You will need to wear shoes, it's a health and safety issue. You can try getting nude coloured ballet style shoes.
-Brush your wig out. As it is it is meant to be not that wavy (if memory serves).
-Take better care of your skin. You do not look 20. Do you smoke? Smoking ages you much faster. If not, more water, moisturise your skin (get a facial moisturiser, use it after cleaning your face with some kind of face wash. Also toner). Get more sleep/sleep.

The concept for this cosplay has merit/can be effective. You have not done enough to satisfy that however. If you cannot be bothered to try and fix this, don't wear it out in public for the love of Glob.

2/10 making have to write a long, shitty post like this.

>> No.6693769

>This costume is bad and you should feel bad.

If you must persist with this atrocious cosplay which you obviously wearing for attention and people to fawn over how "sexy" you are please follow the tips others have given you. I will recap:

-Use natural make-up, you are going for 15-year-old girl, not old harlot
-Wisp out the cotton for buck sake, or get cotton used for stuffing plush toys, since it is far more wispy...You could easily added it over the train-wreck that is the cotton balls
-Nude colour underwear, or white. Or both (so wear two pairs of underwear = preferrable).
-Strapless bra
-PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU COVER ALL YOUR UNDERWEAR/BRA/TATTOO. It looks tacky, and you are suppose to look naked. You can cover your tattoo with the cotton, or get some body make up stuff.
-Stockings are a wise choice, but pick something less shiny (so matte look)
-You will need to wear shoes, it's a health and safety issue. You can try getting nude coloured ballet style shoes.
-Brush your wig out. As it is it is meant to be not that wavy (if memory serves).
-Take better care of your skin. You do not look 20. Do you smoke? Smoking ages you much faster. If not, more water, moisturise your skin (get a facial moisturiser, use it after cleaning your face with some kind of face wash. Also toner). Get more sleep.

The concept for this cosplay has merit/can be effective. You have not done enough to satisfy that however. If you cannot be bothered to try and fix this, don't wear it out in public for the love of Glob.

2/10 making have to write a long, shitty post like this.

>> No.6693798

Would put it in your butt/10

>> No.6693997

Pigtails should be more lively. "Clouds" should be more hovering and less smooshed onto your body. It looks a cotton ball bikini.

Also, don't do the peace sign pose. You're supposed to be cosplaying a sex vixen, not a weeaboo. Put your hand on your hip and blow a kiss or something.