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6682373 No.6682373 [Reply] [Original]


>lol what is gothic lolita
Seriously? Am I the only one who saw this and thought it was a massive bias on Pixie_late's part? How can you organise something like this and not include what is arguably the most mainstream-famous style of lolita? What a load of shite.

>> No.6682426

wtf she can't be serious
I assume it's just an oversight on her part and she'll realise she forgot it soon?
>include all types of gyaru and gyaru-o that about 5 people in the UK actively wear and do well
>omit gothic lolita the most well known jfashion that is swimming with good representatives

>> No.6682436

It's that's pretty fucking bad. It would be one think if she just said sweet, but who would write out "sweet and classic" and not immediately remember "and gothic"?

>> No.6682434

I don't even get why she's running it, they should let Kyra or Michaela have some input after all they've achieved with bringing brands to the UK recently. What has PL actually ever achieved? Being a model for GLW is no big deal, and you'd think a convention for Japanese culture would want to get the people on board who are actually getting Japanese companies involved in their events.

>> No.6682441

Perhaps biased because she's all into gyaru now? It would make sense. I agree with >>6682434, Kyra and Michaela have more than earned their stripes. They might be too busy though, which is fair enough.

>> No.6682501

Who even gives a shit about half of these 'styles'?

>> No.6682506


Aren't Kyra and Michaela busy with the Tea Party Club's events? I know they're doing the big Frock On event this year (which looks great, and I can't wait to see how it turns out!).

>> No.6682526

Hyper Japan was originally run by both Kyra and Tania, but there was a small falling out or misunderstanding and Kyra ended up quitting. Now Hyper Japan is run by Frills & Frolics, the other UK lolita group. Since that is Tania's lolita group, I highly doubt she would want to hand it over to the Tea Party Club.

>> No.6682541

Seems like people care more about their egos than actually putting on the best possible event. Great.

>> No.6682549

And that's why fewer and fewer lolitas are going to Hyper Japan.

>> No.6682554

Was there much lolita stuff at the last one? I thought the February one last year was pretty good, but apparently the November one wasn't much cop.

>> No.6682561

Reading this list made me cringe.

>> No.6682572

I'm not 100% sure, because I didn't really go looking for stalls so someone might come over and correct me on this, but there was pretty much no lolita stalls at the Christmas event. There were some 'kawaii' accessory stalls and Tania's stall that sold tights, but no where that sold lolita clothing.

>> No.6684710

Hyper Japan tickets are released! Who is going?

>> No.6684888

ITT same fagging. Kyra and Tania are friends I'm friends with both I should know. :/ Tired of all the shit stirrers who needs to grow the fuck up.

People who aren't lolitas. I wear lolita but like all the best lolitas in the UK community we all try other styles. You're sounding like a noob anon....

>> No.6684906

Gothic Lolita wasn't in the other fashion show either. I agree the Feb one was really good but that's because P_L mixed a lot of different fashions on the show and NOT just lolita. Like the Nov one was more like a lolita show which was a bit meh. This is why I'm excited about this one it looks more interesting getting all the cool styles that isn't so mainstream on it, than doing just Lolita fashion which's been done to death.

>> No.6684909

Not even shit stirring. There was a misunderstanding between them and it was pretty public. After Kyra wasn't invited to run the bring and buy stall again she posted on one of the UK comm facebook pages about how she felt pushed out because some people were more concerned about fame. There were loli secrets about it and everything. They may well be friends again now. But that was the last time Kyra was involved with Hyper Japan.

>> No.6684928
File: 80 KB, 466x634, 7162936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One critique about the fashion shows that hyper japan does: They seem to get models who aren't model material.

I'm not a cute girl or a pretty girl by all means and I enjoy J fashion but if I was to watch a fashion show, I want to see pretty or near perfect, cute models to demonstrate the styles well.

What really grinds my gears is when I see that one really fat girl with pink hair on the show again and again. I thought at first she was there to do some kind of funny sketch so people can laugh at her but she was all trying to be kawaii and shit. wtfidonteven? I think they need to really pick people because they look good, not because they're friends with them. Pic related >_>

>> No.6684931

When I went to the first hyper japan they tried to include the three main styles... And I haven't really gone to others since then because they seemed to focus a lot more on sweet or there's not much info about the lolita events.

>> No.6684930

They tend to use their same group of friends, which is why you see the same models over and over again, and unfortunately, that girl is good friends with pixie_late.

>> No.6684942

THIS SO FUCKING MUCH! HYPER better up their game with giving us a more diverse show. Fingers fucking crossed! People are bored with recycled lolita shit. I'm applying and I know I'm definitely thin and model material. O yea and that pink landwhale better not wash to the fucking shore or I swear I can cut a bitch.

>> No.6684972

>that pink landwhale better not wash to the fucking shore or I swear I can cut a bitch

LOL I've seen her around too. She's not only over weight but she's huge like height wise. I'm getting really sick in the stomach looking at her bingo wings and "hump" in that photo. I hope someone will tell this woman to gtfo the community and tell p_l to stop letting her landwhale pals in the show.

>> No.6684980

Not that I'm defending that girl's weight, but you girls sound VERY bitter right now.

>> No.6685004

The thing I think is stupid is they open model applications, but they just end up picking their friends. Why go through the farce of having applications when we all know who will be in the fashion show on the day?

>> No.6685014

Hummm....in her defence by the looks of the lineup in November, the only 'model' that was recurring is that fat one with pink hair so I don't think she picks her friends at all! I think HJ vets the applications, pixie doesn't seem to have the final say in a lot of things when it comes to this. I applied and didn't get picked but I got a reply from someone else which wasn't pixie who probably works under or with her.

Back on the topic, I like the list of styles because Im really hoping to learn more than just one fashion this time round.

>> No.6685022

Other than Scarlett, the RoxieSweetheart girl, Katie...

>> No.6685033

>doesn't seem to have the final say
She always says "curated by me!" whenever posting pictures of the Hyper Japan fashion show. I'm sure she has a very big decision in what happens.

>> No.6685046
File: 216 KB, 593x472, 1356594882105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god can we not? There is so much of NOTHING to do, except watch the stage shows all day (most of which are boring as shit)
Biggest waste of money I've ever spent

>> No.6685051


All of this 'friends' business are utter BS and complete guess work to me. I'm a fan of Pixie_late and I see tons of photos of her with a lot of diferent girls. It doesn't make them good friends or even close to that. Besides everyone knows of her and she seems to be very sweet and chummy to everyone so would anyone who models could then be known as her 'friend'?? C'mon..... We're not in high school anymore. "Oh look all those girls are on stage because they are friends with the popular girl. *bloody big sigh*

>> No.6685053

Dude it's like a tenner to get in. Not worth travelling for, definitely, but it's fun as part of a general weeby day out in London.

>> No.6685060

Oh ok, since you're her fan you must be right. We're all just imagining that we're seeing the same girls being the models every year. Thanks for correcting us on that one!

>> No.6685063

Definitely not worth ten times that price that I paid

>> No.6685067

No, not saying I'm right. I just don't see the same girls every fashion show. If I'm wrong then let's hope to see fresh faces and more interesting new fashions this year then.

>> No.6685120

Don't quote me on this, but:
>styles wanted!

I'm going to guess that means that they're very aware they will fill out their quote for Lolita's quickly like they always do, and the 'wanted' is a call out for styles in which they are likely to be lacking in because they're less common. Seems obvious to me, I dunno why that screams bias.

(Also forgive my ignorance, but does Lolita-kei definitely = Lolita? err.. only I've never really heard it referred to in that way. Meaning that category may be a different thing entirely.)

As it is, pixie_late has organised a lot of things and Kyra is unable to run everything Lolita related for her own sanity. Not sure why people are whinging.

>> No.6685128

Lolita-kei is usually just shortened to Lolita. It's the same thing.

>> No.6685225

Fair enough! Just the first time I've noticed it be referred to like that.

>> No.6685274

OP is really nit picking with the lack of ONE style that is left out, chill the fuck out.

Even if she's not an overweight fatty chan, her outfit is really dire and doesn't even fit a style. I'm sure she's nice but second hand embarrassment all up in here!

Nobody cares about who's organising what just as long as it's good. I think ITT is full of drama mongers who hates on anyone who is known, pretty or popular.

Also P_L wears gothic lolita really well I also don't see the bias. I'm thrilled to see many different styles that deserves more attention being represented and about time to.

>> No.6685376

Pixie_Late is messed up how can she forget the other styles.

>> No.6686086

Isn't her style aomoji kei?

>> No.6686299

The issue is that it's probably the most well-known one out of all of them, why would it be left out?

>> No.6686303

No visual kei, either. It really seems like she's just gone 'lol I don't like these, off they go'. You can't organise something like this and leave out major styles, it completely defeats the point.

>> No.6686452

Why do you guys always have to assume the worst??

So she didn't write an extensive and heavily comprehensive list of every single weird style that came out of Japonz. That does not automatically equal that she would exclude anyone who applied with any styles that are not on that list.

It seems pretty obvious to me that it's a quickly done list of examples and that's why it seems vague. Geezzz.

>> No.6686479

hi tania

>> No.6686486

I've never seen it referred to as "lolita-kei". are you sure that's not just made up?

>> No.6686489

there's three fucking well known lolita styles and she deliberately omitted the one she doesn't like
it doesn't take a fucking genius

>> No.6686497

Seriously. It's not "every single weird style," it is the MOST famous and recognizable jfashion.

>> No.6686499

It isn't. A lot of my Japanese friend's refer to it as that sometimes, or even as "rori-kei"

>> No.6686501

disinfo pls leave

>> No.6686502

Huh. Never knew that.
I guess it makes sense it would have a -kei, it still looks awkward to me...

>> No.6686507

you'd think the CC sign would say that then...

>> No.6686505

I can only guess gothic is lumped in with the aristocrat style.

>> No.6686511

Anyone who thinks this way is not fit to run anything involving jfashion. That is bloomers on head retarded.

>> No.6686517

it's not, though.

>> No.6686533


Samefagging detected. gtfo. Nobody likes you.

>> No.6686547

I was two of those posts, you have a shoddy samefag detector.

>> No.6686551

I know that gothic lolita =/= aristocrat, but I'm just suggesting what could happen on the day. I probably won't go if that's the case.

>> No.6686554

Right... and we can be sure of that because we're in a shoddy anonymous site where everyone is the same person and the same person can be everyone else. TROLOLOLOLOL!

>> No.6686557
File: 118 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There. Now you can be sure of it.

>> No.6686562

BITCH please! Everyone always ends up going to hyper japan. It's biggest J-culture event in the UK for a reason.

Your attempt to nit pick is so obvious, it's painful.

>> No.6686565

Technically Japan Ex is bigger. A lot of people are getting fed up of Hyper Japan. Most of my friends who went last year have decided they're not going again this year because it's so boring.

>> No.6686583

I went to the first HJ, even though it was small it was so much better than the past couple of years. Its pretty much going the same way as MCM if it wasent for the food and small fashion element. The Feb HJ had coverage in Marie Claire, if they could the same exposure it would be great for Jfashion. Its just a shame gothic and otome were left out. Maybe its because P_l and her bf are both Gyarus that they wanted to focus on those styles more.

>> No.6688289

First HJ was the best by far, every one since has just been shittier and shittier. The only people who come now are London lolis and girls who haven't been before.

I'm far more excited about frock on than HJ this year

>> No.6688489

Actually Pixie_late has done so much for the community. She organised a lot of amazing fashion shows, get lolitas in the media in a good light like that Marie Claire magazine and had that interview with the curator that did the Lolita exhibition.

She may have changed her style but she's not just a model and you seem very biased with a personal thing against her?

>> No.6688557

It's funny how the things that pixie_late organises are people interviewing her or her being on stage, while the things that Kyra organises are events that everyone can join in with.

>> No.6688589


Organising fashion shows means she is promoting the fashion for everyone which everyone can apply to. I personally wouldn't have met a lot of lolitas if it weren't for conventions like Hyper. Technically everyone can join in, just the select few can be on stage as models. Plus all those girls that attended Hyper got interviewed by Marie Claire so literally everyone can join in.

>> No.6688595

She's organising fashion shows at events where a good chunk of the attendees are into lolita. It's hardly an achievement. I'd be more impressed by it if she ran a fashion show that she wasn't starring in, but we all know that will never happen.

>> No.6688608

this is a totally plausible scenario but lbr are they likely to be lacking in sweet lolitas?
or even classic for that matter

>> No.6688612

That's hardly an achievement, Marie Claire got a press pass to Hyper and Hyper staff introduced Tania to them since she was working with them and dresses weird (as far as a mainstream fashion magazine are concerned). It's not like she rang them up and got them to come.

and ha GLW 'model'. It's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.6688821

ok, coming in here to clear some stuff up.
pretty much Hyper Japan organiser are the ones pushing out Lolit fashion. not Tania
they specifically asked to not include gothic styles. i think they want to do 'cute' or 'kawaii kei' or something like that as they are now linked with kawaii international.
the problem with Hyper Japan is they need more sponsorship. they are rrun by or closely linked (i forget) with the Japanese Embassy and Tourist Board so they are eager to push traditional Japan and cultural things like sushi etc. and not so much the lolita / otaku stuff
though they are happier with a bit of cosplay and 'kawaii fashion' for some reason not lolita. i think it's to do with the negative connotations or some shit
but yeh basically it's the Hyper Japan organisers being a pain and putting pressure on Tania to ditch the lolita thing
though i won't argue that her personal style preference has changed to more Gyaru kei which is why there are probably more gyaru styles than anything else though that's pretty funny as i remember that Hyper Japan were pretty wary about Gyaru being included in feb because of it being too sexy

>> No.6688857

Interesting. Well, if that's the direction they want to go in, then whatever. It'd be nice to see an annual event fill its place in the UK lolita calendar, though. Maybe if stuff like Frock On became a regular thing.

>> No.6689863

Get it together 21st century UK lolitas, I've seen you around at cons, picnics and festivals around the UK and you're all unapproachable as fuck.

>> No.6689913

Have there been stalls to buy lolita clothes? I know the first one I went to had lolita clothes to buy even though they were on the expensive side.

>> No.6691019

No, that was only the 1st one. Baby Paris used to come but they don't now.

The only thing even slightly lolita is Tania's fashion show of her friends

>> No.6691023

Not true. The February 2012 HJ had a Baby/AatP stall and a lolita bring and buy stall which did really well.

>> No.6691061

Bad wording on my part. The 1st one was the only ones with several brands (AP, IW, Baby Paris and Moitie from CD Japan)

Baby Paris came to 2 more after that but not to the last one and aren't coming to any more

There wasn't a bring and buy last year either and won't be any more.

There are no more lolita stalls at HJ

>> No.6691129

It wasn't CD Japan. The first one had the Kera Shop and BtSSB Paris there. BtSSB Paris stopped coming after someone stole from their stall. The bring and buy was scrapped because apparently the other stallholders were complaining that the bring and buy got their space for free, although I'm not sure how true this is since none of the other stalls were selling lolita clothes so it's not like they were taking away any business from them.

>> No.6691397

Nope, CD Japan were there. They had a stall opposite selling CDs and stuff and if you wanted to buy any brand that wasn't Baby (because that was the Paris store) you had to take it into the music stall to pay.

Baby didn't stop coming after they were stolen from, they came to the hyper after that. It was the latest one they didn't come to.

>> No.6692783

I don't remember this thief thing? Did the person ever get caught?... Oh wait my memory may have a faint idea, was it they left the stall alone for a little bit and someone got taken?

>> No.6692812


>> No.6693692

Yeah they didn't turn up one day because they had food poisoning and things got nicked. All I'm saying is that if that wasn't enough to put them off attending other things (hyper management?) must have been pretty bad

>> No.6696102

IMO Jfashion at Hyper is dead. I went to the Xmas one to catch up with friends, but hardly any lolis were there, so it was a really rubbish experience. I won't be going to Hyper anymore. It's not worth it to me.

>> No.6696148

This. It's just not worth going