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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6686324 No.6686324 [Reply] [Original]

How does /cgl/ feel about Enako?

>> No.6686333
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>> No.6686342

Enako is super cute, but I feel bad for how mobbed she gets at Japanese events. That must be scary! I'm glad I'm not a super cute Japanese girl because I could never put up with that.

>> No.6686348
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That's because you're an obnoxious American with the entitled "OMG EVERYONE'S A CREEPER GTFO AWAY FROM ME" mentality. That type of thinking doesn't exist for cosplayers in Japan.

>> No.6686358
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so you're saying that japanese cosplayers don't mind creepers and neckbeards?
so ~demure and reserved~

sage because Enako is a cutie pie but I can see this turning into a yellow fever thread

>> No.6686442

I'm saying that Japanese cosplayers don't think of people around them as "creepers and neckbeards" because they aren't physically attracted to them, let alone act with fear and disdain towards them.

American cosplayers love to act like they're about to be raped or in some other form of danger. You're dressing up as a cartoon character for a con, calm the fuck down.

>> No.6686455

Yes, that's why they panic when people take photos of them without telling them (and yes - western cosplayers do this, too).

>> No.6686456

>generalizing a group of people

you need to stop.

>> No.6686464


>> No.6686481

Believe it or not, I'm just someone who has claustrophobia which most commonly manifests itself as a severe issue with crowds. Men, women, kids, if it's too crowded I want nothing to do with it. I'm amazed that Japanese people can live where there are so many crowds without constantly feeling like they can't breathe.

>> No.6686487 [DELETED] 

I miss the "someone threw a cum ball into Enako's eyes and she cried" meme.

>> No.6686515 [DELETED] 

you're right, anon! we should all be yamato nadeshiko like all japanese women. after all, women secretly want to be raped all the time

>> No.6686523

I am sure that when you grow up in a society where your "personal space bubble" does not exist, and there isn't much of a social norm for "appropriate talking distance" that you are just used to it because it is the way it is. Japan is small, has concentrated populations in small areas as well... Imagine if they had American standards for "personal space bubbles..." it would just not work.

>> No.6686529 [DELETED] 

Yes because nobody's ever been raped or assaulted or stalked at a con. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.6686689 [DELETED] 

I'd like for you to provide me proof or evidence of ANYONE being raped at ANY con.

>> No.6686705 [DELETED] 

You speak as though having a "space bubble" around you and acting afraid and outraged if a man gets too close to you is some kind of social virtue. What the fuck do you think is going to happen to you by a guy asking for a photo in a public place?

>> No.6686730
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>> No.6686735

Crime stats fag over here:
Due to the so called "Dark figure" of rape statistics it is very difficult to get an exact picture of rape anywhere. However the statistics that we do have state that rapes happen pretty much everywhere so it is safe to assume that at some point someone has been raped at a con: if they reported it or not, gender non withstanding.

It may not have been on the con floor, but it is more than likely in the many hotel rooms ect and it is important to remember that cons are a world wide thing and that rape is a common crime.

>> No.6686785 [DELETED] 

So in other words, you have never seen nor heard of any instance of rape at a con but will still protest it's something to be afraid of when you go. Because rape is so "common" that if a man asks for a photo of you or gets too close he may try something.

What a load of feminist horseshit. Go back to hiding in your "bubble" because fat men with beards are monsters.

>> No.6686795

While I can't provide evidence that people have been raped at conventions, people have been sexually assaulted and things do happen. Hell, Katsucon had some trouble not too long ago because a convicted sexual predator attended and went off with an underaged girl.

>> No.6686804


Even so, that doesn't mean you should generalize all men and all places to be unsafe and rape filled. We have statistics that state that petty crimes happen pretty much everywhere, but that doesn't mean we're scared, just aware.

>> No.6686825

I'm just drive by commenting so I'm not saying that at all but conventions do have that risk to at the least be sexually harassed by either gender. Everyone is in the same area for 3-4 days and added with the mindset of people going just to get laid, the raves with alcohol and drugs (we all know there are drugs no matter what people say), and just plain stupid people... it's going to lead to things. It's not just men, it's women as well just like men can be victims as well as women. Some of those yaoi fangirls are downright scary and I've had my gay friend tell me he's been molested by girls at conventions so it does happen the other way around.

>> No.6687387
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>> No.6687392 [DELETED] 

that's not what that anon was saying? anon was just saying that generally there's a possibility for rape to happen anywhere, that's not weird or controversial or feminist. that's just commonly accepted fact?

>> No.6687397 [DELETED] 

>that doesn't mean you should generalize all men and all places to be unsafe and rape filled
Strawman pls go

>> No.6687472 [DELETED] 

You're right. There is always a chance that a photographer will try to rape you in the middle of a convention center filled with people during an anime con... but somehow I doubt that is going to happen.

>> No.6687637
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>> No.6687693 [DELETED] 

You know, you don't necessarily have to jump to full blown rape. I doubt most people are afraid of having that happen in a crowded public place. But other things can and do happen that are extremely uncomfortable or frightening, like having a photographer lead you to an isolated corner and try to get pictures up your skirt. (This exact scenario happened to me.)

>> No.6687699 [DELETED] 

You don't have to jump to full blown rape, you know....most of us aren't actually afraid of being raped in a crowded public place. There are other things that can and do happen that are frightening or just really creepy and uncomfortable. Like being lead off to an isolated corner and having a photographer try to get pictures up your skirt. (This exact scenario happened to me.)

And when you have a tiny little woman being completely surrounded and basically mobbed by guys with cameras.....yeah, that looks pretty scary. Mob mentality makes normally sane people do awful things sometimes.

>> No.6687726 [DELETED] 

>being around lots of people taking my picture is scary because I think they'll become a mob and try something.

Only dumb American women raised under stupid feminist tenants think this way. Stop being terrified and uncomfortable of men.

>> No.6687732 [DELETED] 

>Like being lead off to an isolated corner and having a photographer try to get pictures up your skirt. (This exact scenario happened to me.)
>Stop being terrified for no reason!
Fuck off to /r9k/.

>> No.6687775 [DELETED] 


Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.6687779

You don't honestly think the Japanese women let you take upskirts, right?

>> No.6687782
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This girl looks absolutely terrified.

>> No.6687791 [DELETED] 
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>ALL MEN are sicko rapist pigs who want to victimize you at all times and in all places!

Yes, that was my EXACT point, thank you so much for comprehending.

>> No.6687794 [DELETED] 

Look, this isn't the right board for you. You're not going to convince us that we haven't had any experiences that would make us afraid of a mob of men, because we've lived it. You are wasting your energy.

>> No.6687799
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>> No.6687804 [DELETED] 

You're scared of being raped and molested even the most public and safest of locations, citing that a person might take you into a corner somewhere and do what he wants with you. If this isn't being irrationally scared of men I don't know what is.

>> No.6687805

Yes. This is what most cosplayers don't want to happen, because they're not running a fetish photography session. Nip and Western.

>> No.6687810

Oh, also; the mobs of photographers seem to be more prevalent at Japanese cons (from what I've seen) than at American ones, since I think the majority of male attendees at the Japanese cons are there to take pictures. I highly, highly doubt any significant amount of them wakes up in the morning thinking "I'm going to go to a con today and be all creepy and pervy to girls!" But mob mentality is a REAL THING. Many studies (which you are welcome to look up, google's right there) have shown that people tend to go with what a crowd is doing and the more people are around, the less likely someone is to step in and put a stop to something bad they see happening. It only would take one sick jerk getting inappropriate for others to start going along with it. I know you have this cute kneejerk reaction to anything you think is remotely related to "feminism", but get the fuck over it. I'm telling you facts.

>> No.6687812 [DELETED] 

Your "experiences" involve walking into a crowd half-naked, being self-conscious about it because you're an unsexual nerd, then projecting your insecurities onto men at the con.

You have never been raped or molested. All you have done is be afraid. Stop being afraid of men.

>> No.6687815 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should take lessons from Japanese women. Japanese cosplayers can be around men in public and not be terrified of being raped, labeling any unattractive man as a "creeper."

>> No.6687816 [DELETED] 

Reading comprehension, bitch, give it a try. I SPECIFIED that things OTHER than rape can and do happen, and those are the things we're wary of. I don't want guys taking me into corners and trying to get upskirt shots. It's not fun. I never, at any point, tried to imply it's the same as rape, nor did I claim this is something all men would try to do. So quit putting words in my mouth.

>> No.6687817 [DELETED] 
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>Your "experiences" involve walking into a crowd half-naked, being self-conscious about it because you're an unsexual nerd, then projecting your insecurities onto men at the con.

>You have never been raped or molested. All you have done is be afraid. Stop being afraid of men.
Yeah. Which one of us is really projecting here.

>> No.6687820

You know that's a porn actress who is having a fetish session, and not an actual cosplayer, right?

What fucking series do you even think she is actually cosplaying from anyway?

>> No.6687818

I take it you lived in Japan for a significant amount of time. Do share your experiences of Japanese culture with us!

>> No.6687823

Dis nigga doesn't know about muh single-gender train cars

>> No.6687822 [DELETED] 

When you can come up with one verifiable story of rape or molestation happening when a cosplayer got their picture taken at a con THEN you can come here and talk about how women should be terrified of men. Until then you are just letting your stupid feminist fears get the better of you.

>> No.6687826 [DELETED] 

No. We can talk about whatever we want whenever we want. We do not have to justify ourselves to you.

>> No.6687824

Mrs Wide Open has also been certified a lunatic and is chased away by police whenever she appears. She is, incidentally, also not a cosplayer. Just an insane woman.

>> No.6687830 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 500x234, tumblr_m15sye2qqs1qlrxk7o2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, encouraging you to use reading comprehension was clearly a waste of effort. You and I are having two completely different conversations. It's actually kind of creepy how you're obsessed with talking about rape when I've actually been trying to steer away from that.

>> No.6687833 [DELETED] 
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>expecting reading comprehension or rational discourse from an arcanine misogynist
Just ignore them next time.

>> No.6687840 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 317x266, 1360631855287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder this guy literally began by comparing rape to "petty crime," there was no reason to ever take him seriously. Y'all have to get better troll detectors.

>> No.6687841 [DELETED] 

You're doing the old feminist routine of making exaggerated anecdotes of hypothetical situations that don't actually happen. You actually expect people to believe that some photographer dragged you into a dark corner then started lifting up your skirt trying to get photos of your panties? How the fuck would that even work?

You are stupid and should just stop talking. Nobody is trying to fucking molest you on the convention floor. I seriously hope you're just trying to employ dumb feminist propaganda because if you are really this irrationally scared then you must scream anytime a man approaches you in public, seeing every male as a potential rapist.

>> No.6687843 [DELETED] 

I haven't personally looked into it. I was actually meaning rape in general is very common, regardless if it happens to women, men, children ect...
I was just giving you the information about the dark figure and i said nothing about feminism so cool yo tits.

>> No.6687844 [DELETED] 


>> No.6687849 [DELETED] 

Crime fag anon again:
I never said anything about men. I just said rape was a common crime... Many things and people can be raped. rape happens every day to all sorts of people as does theft and yes awareness is better than fear.

>> No.6687856 [DELETED] 



>> No.6687855 [DELETED] 
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>expecting rational discourse from someone who clearly just wants to rant about feminism but is too lazy to click

>> No.6687873 [DELETED] 

What do you want people to say? That people never get raped anywhere? Weirder things have happened at cons than a guy trying to take upskirt pics.

>> No.6687881 [DELETED] 

Im not afraid of men... I don't know why some men assume that women are. Maybe women aren't afraid of men: they are afraid of you.

>> No.6687891 [DELETED] 

Yeah :/ Pointless i know.

>> No.6687897 [DELETED] 

I would love for you to describe how you believe you will be raped in cosplay in public during an anime convention by a photographer. I want to fucking hear this.

>> No.6687898 [DELETED] 

>I'm not afraid of men. I just see men as potential rapists and avoid them in public circumstances in order to avoid being their victims.

>> No.6687899

Just one?

>> No.6687900

All this shit about how Japanese cosplayers isn't taking into account the rules of photography at events in Japan.

Fact: you can and WILL be arrested for attempting to take up skirts without express permission at Comiket. Unless you are part of a mob taking a specific pose, or next person up in a photo line, you cannot take unwanted pictures. This is also why standard Japanese event photography features faces in the background blurred, pixelated, replaced with Laughing Man, or similar. Many events I went to had separate registration for cosplayers and for photographers. Photog registration sometimes costs more and requires submitting a lot more personal information. It's also a LOT more OK to refuse pictures.

By making it safer to say no, you feel safer saying yes. I felt a lot safer at Japanese events than when I went home to the states.

>> No.6687902 [DELETED] 

>expecting rational discourse involving American women who believe in feminism

>> No.6687903 [DELETED] 

>You actually expect people to believe that some photographer dragged you into a dark corner then started lifting up your skirt trying to get photos of your panties? How the fuck would that even work?

Uhh. He said he wanted pictures. He indicated what he thought would be a good spot. I followed him. That right there should prove I'm the exact opposite of this hysterical, paranoid mess you're describing, because I don't assume every person with a dick is a rapist. It was still public, and I didn't mind letting him take pictures out of the way of the crowd. Then he started angling his camera from way down low, asking me to stand with my legs far apart, etc. I wasn't "projecting" fears, if anything I started out naive and trusting. This guy was BLATANT in what he was trying to do. I became uncomfortable and disgusted. I didn't scream. I didn't call him nasty names. I just shook my head and said "no" to his request. He kept trying different things and I said no again. Then I walked away. Big huge dramatic scene there. I think it's kind of fucked up how you immediately need to jump to these FAR THE FUCK OUT EXTREMES of every single situation.

Oh, and news flash, I'm STILL not afraid of men, nor do I assume they're all creepers. I'm just aware that they exist out there and I take precautions for it. I guess that makes me a paranoid hysterical feminazi bitch?

>> No.6687905 [DELETED] 

I was raped by a woman when i was 8... Im a girl.

>> No.6687910 [DELETED] 

You don't know what "feminist" means, you really really really don't

You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.6687917 [DELETED] 
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For the




NO ONE HERE said they think a photographer will rape them in public



>> No.6687920 [DELETED] 

You're not the first idiot to try to use that article as some kind of bait evidence. If you actually read it you'd know that it only involves STATUTORY rape and it had nothing to do with the anime con or even took place there. It also has absolutely nothing to do with cosplay or having your picture taken.


This is why nobody takes feminists seriously.

>> No.6687918 [DELETED] 
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>anyone who realizes I'm an off-topic shitposter is a feminist!

>> No.6687925 [DELETED] 
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>anyone who disagrees with my feminist rhetoric is an off-topic shitposter!

>> No.6687926

No shit, it's just some troll posting fetish photography shoots and fantasizing about muh servile jap waifu.

>> No.6687933
File: 78 KB, 570x871, 2rojepj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't that board, guy! You are welcome to go there and I will not give one single fuck what you think about feminism!

Jesus, I was trying to keep this thread salvageable for whatever the fuck OP is about, but fuck it. /cgl/ reaction pic thread, anybody?

>> No.6687930 [DELETED] 

You believe a photographer is going to drag you into a dark corner and force his camera up your skirt. Is one notion less stupid than the other?

>> No.6687931 [DELETED] 

Give up. mr r9k is nuttier than a snickers bar. Also sorry for what happened to you.

>> No.6687939 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687936

Not american, also not a woman and i still think you are a neckbeard.

>> No.6687942
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>> No.6687943 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687947
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Hi Kenji!

>> No.6687945 [DELETED] 

You're not the first woman to make a story about how you were molested by an evil man at a con but failed to provide any evidence or even a name to corroborate your story.

Post the name/identify of this alleged molester. I guarantee you that you can't. Because your story is made up.

>> No.6687950
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>> No.6687951
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>> No.6687952 [DELETED] 

protip stupid cross-boarder trolls: despite what the rumors about this board may tell you there are not that many actual feminists here. /mu/ is the feminist hangout (they are also all men.)

>> No.6687953 [DELETED] 
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>"No one has ever been creeped on at a con in any way, shape or form."
>"I have."

I am having so much fun with this dude

Oh by the way I forgot to mention I caught up with him later, asked for his ID and made a photocopy of it, I can find it in my file cabinet and scan it for you if that helps

>> No.6687955 [DELETED] 
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There are actually quite a few feminists (or at least for 4chan) here who go OVER TO /R9K/ TO TALK ABOUT FEMINISM. I know some of our tripfags do it. It's surreal that they can manage and the people /r9k/ actually belongs to can't.


>> No.6687956
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>> No.6687957 [DELETED] 

Not actual feminists. Just nerdy women raised to believe feminist social constructs You have been taught to believe that if you encounter a man you don't know in a public situation there is a chance that you will be raped or molested. This is ingrained feminism, an American phenomenon cultivated from the 60s.

>> No.6687963 [DELETED] 

protip: you actually don't have to hate men, think yourself superior to men, think all men are rapists, etc etc etc to be a feminist.

You can even be a feminist that likes men and considers them of equal value to women. Crazy, I know.

>> No.6687965
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>> No.6687962 [DELETED] 
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Your ideas are super interesting.

>> No.6687967
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>> No.6687966 [DELETED] 

A chance as opposed to......no chance whatsoever?

Gosh, this whole "rape" thing must be an elaborate hoax! Good to know, I guess. I'll start hitch-hiking home more often.

>> No.6687972 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687970
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>> No.6687971 [DELETED] 

>"No one has ever been creeped on at a con in any way, shape or form."
>"I have."
>"Accusing a man of that is a serious offense. Where is your evidence?"

Amazing how every woman has their own story of rape and molestation at anime cons but none of them have any names or evidence. Those "creepers" must be really crafty.

>> No.6687977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687980 [DELETED] 
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Yo I heard if you repeat yourself and ignore all arguments against you it makes you mad correct.

Oh wait, I see you already heard about that one.

>> No.6687979 [DELETED] 

I know what you're getting at but to be a feminist you have to believe in the myth that "the patriarchy" is currently actively working to oppress women in America, which is just as crazy. I really hate women who say things like "If you're a girl and you're not a feminist you're stupid/just trying to get male attention" who aren't even aware that this fear-mongering lie is the central tenant of feminism.

>> No.6687981 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 308x305, MISALOLFAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be sure to video tape every encounter I ever have with another human being from now on.

>> No.6687983 [DELETED] 

When you can provide proof of rape and molestation happening at an anime con, then you can spout as much feminist rape propaganda as you want. Not before.


>> No.6687984
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>> No.6687987 [DELETED] 
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Actually I can spout all the feminist propaganda that I want right now.


>> No.6687991 [DELETED] 

Why bother with video tape when you can make up your own stories? The burden of proof is such a hassle. I guess that's why so many women love to falsely accuse men of rape.

>> No.6687993 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687995 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687996 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6688001 [DELETED] 

Patriarchy just refers to a set of beliefs that have been ingrained in all of us since childhood about gender and what men and women's roles are in society. It's not a huge conspiracy theory, it's just....the way people think and act. Women have made huge amounts of progress and I'm much better off living in America right now than in other places or times, but that doesn't mean sexism is dead and gone. You've just been trained to ignore and dismiss sexism and not even really see that it exists. More women are going to college now than ever, and we have more career options than we've ever had, and guess what you have to thank for all that opportunity and equality? Feminism. People having the nerve to speak up and refuse to be treated like doormats. People will constantly try to make you think feminism is all about hating men, but that's just to discredit the movement.

>> No.6687999 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6688003
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(I don't mean you, beautiful male seagulls. I love you guys.)

>> No.6688016 [DELETED] 
File: 472 KB, 370x277, 1317627786175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

golly, what would i ever do without wonderful men like you telling me what I think

i'd probably just not think at all, it hurts my tiny feminine mind

>> No.6688012 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, 1297808342999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are just really not a fan of the idea that structures of power have shaped them from the time of their birth.

Great post though.

>> No.6688019 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 400x296, 1302011377708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think!? We'd be lucky if we could remember our own lived experiences ;_;

>> No.6688025 [DELETED] 

How does it feel knowing that sitting behind a keyboard expressing your rambling, incoherent word vomit is the only outlet you'll ever have? If you tried expressing these thoughts in a room of people with any modicum of intelligence, they'd just break down laughing at you until you had to leave with your head hanging in shame.

>> No.6688026
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inb4 he goes off about muh freedom of speech

>> No.6688082
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>Be me
>Be female cosplayer
>Not scared of men/fine with people taking my picture (as long as they fucking ask first)
>Have had creepy/uncomfortable encounters which I try to avoid if possible
>Hard to tell when somebody (male OR female) is going to cross a line = gotta be wary
>Strangely, still okay with going to cons, talking to strangers, having photo taken etc
>Also believe that molestation and the like DO happen at cons
>Also believe that men and women (and everyone else for that matter) should be treated equal
>Rape is a real thing that can happen to anyone

Fucking shit, must be some crazy feminazi cosplayer bitch who can't stand having people come up to me without crying creeper.

>> No.6688118 [DELETED] 
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What does one do when women’s lives are worth so little—worth arrogant, self-satisfied ridicule and nothing else, not even the appearance, however false, of charity or concern?

>> No.6688648 [DELETED] 

There is no reason whatsoever for you to be "wary" of being raped and molested in a convention center or hotel lobby. If you carry this concern, whatever reason, simply because you are approached by men, that indicates fear and your subject to feminism. You are viewing men as potential threats.

>> No.6688667
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>> No.6688669 [DELETED] 

The problem is that men are naturally filth and have to be educated to stop being evil. It's not prejudice - every man who is not a feminist is, in a sense a misogynist. You are your own antagonist. Anxiety, tension, and your everyday struggles are sometimes a product of the arbitrary dichotomy between masculine and feminine that you’ve internalized. Rather than accepting that you sometimes feel things which contradict the trite stereotypical indicators of what it means to be an alpha-male, you’ve opted to incarcerate those parts of yourself that conflict with your image of macho. You mislabel unintegrated aspects of yourself as weak, ineffective, and incapable because it is easier than learning how to harness their inimitable powers. Being a feminist doesn’t mean you have to be angry or militant. It just means you value gender equality. It means you understand that Link needs Zelda and Mario needs Princess Peach. One is not more important than the other, they are interdependent. Luke needs Leia. Rescue her from the dark side and you’ll be rewarded.

>> No.6688685

This is the best response to a troll i've seen in a long time. :) Thank you,intelligent anon.

>> No.6688715


>> No.6688719

lol Nope. I just woke up an hour ago. *sips coffee* Nice try tho

>> No.6688740

Christ girl. I'd read your tumblr.

>> No.6688742 [DELETED] 

Why would I call myself a troll? There's nothing 'troll' about my post - it is my honest opinion and if you don't like it, feel free to be a misogynist and disagree.

>> No.6688749

Whoops, wait, I misread their post.

>> No.6688752 [DELETED] 


>doesn't agree with post

Now I know not to take you seriously.

>> No.6688757 [DELETED] 

But I'm not using it as 'name calling'. I explained that refusing to identify as a feminist can only mean that you detest the values of gender equality. Identifying as a feminist is the only safeguard you have against the inner tyranny of your gender.

>> No.6688777 [DELETED] 


K, whatever you say. Have fun battling your inner man.

>> No.6688788

I like you.
>n-no homo. Maybe.

>> No.6691043 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lki1z2H5321qb5ct1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnd you totally missed the point.

>Hard to tell when somebody (male OR female) is going to cross a line = gotta be wary
>MALE (as in has a penis) OR FEMALE (as in does not have a penis)

I know you're either an incredible idiot, or a troll, but seriously dude, are you really that insecure about your sexuality and how you treat women that you need to call ever female (and suspect males who also posted) hysterical misandrists (complicated word, I know)? I also never mentioned I thought I would be raped.

Also, I think you need to look up what Feminism means.

>> No.6691047 [DELETED] 

>not being educated or bothered by these things enough to identify as a feminist makes you misogynist!!!
>men are naturally filth and have to be educated to stop being evil

I'm a female and a feminist and I hate the likes of you. You make us look bad with you shitty men-hating actions and words.

>> No.6691148 [DELETED] 

>claims she doesn't hate men
fun fact: and us guys hate femnazis who are unwilling to admit that heir movement is about anything else than increasing female privilege

what have you ever done for gender >equality?

>> No.6691158 [DELETED] 

Feminist tactic #104: add "whether it be male or female" into your statement to try to appear more rational and even-handed.

What you're describing doesn't apply to both men and women. When a woman approaches a man the man's first thought is not to think "Uh oh, watch out. This girl might try to molest me. Women are known to be sexual predators. Be wary." This is something unique to women in America because of feminist influence.

If we were talking about a man leading you back to his bedroom or something then it might be understandable to be "wary" of something going down, but just TALKING with a man in public? This type of irrational fear and caution shouldn't even be on the radar.

And yes, it is feminist. You are taught to view all men you don't know as potential deviants. Even in the safest, most mundane situations. Because, after all, "YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN RAPE MAY HAPPEN."

>> No.6691206 [DELETED] 
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>bumping this old shitty thread

>anyone else thinking of replying to this old shitty thread

>> No.6691218 [DELETED] 

More that you can't trust weebs which come in both genders.

>Is a faggot

>> No.6691220 [DELETED] 

>female privilege

You funny troll, I almost replied seriously.

>> No.6691242 [DELETED] 

Wait, so you think
are not privileges? Do you even know how hard it is for fathers to stay in touch with their children after a divorce? Not only is it easier for he mother to get the children, she can also easily deny him access as much as possible, condition her kids to hate him if they're still young, et cetera, et cetera.

There's also the fact that you have a much higher chance (almost a guarantee) that the society will provide for you, endless safety nets (which is why there is much more homeless men than women), a guarantee that you will never be drafted (unless all men are dead already), you get higher pay for the same amount of work; have a privileged education from the start and you have it a billion times easier if you want to become a teacher; have the government cater to your every single complaint; have the privilege of rarely being confronted with violence (unless the source is other women) and constant white knighting from other men; you are punished nowhere near as hard as men for the same cry; you are the majority of domestic abusers and get away with it easily, while females who suffer abuse have it just as easy to report their abusers and have them punished; you can falsely incriminate others of a crime without needing any evidence and with guaranteed no reprisals... the list just goes on and on.

It makes me wonder, what are the male privileges again? Cause I can't think of anything.

But then again you won't even read my post, because having your 'privileges checked' is something you cannot stand, and you will likely send me to some other board and call me names to silence me, since, as always, femnazi's are incapable of rational argumentation (as you are about to prove).

>> No.6691243 [DELETED] 

>for the same cry

In retrospect, I wonder why I even bothered, you're probably gonna post some witty (read: shitty) troll response anyhow.

>> No.6691250 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 498x487, 1296955273563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baww why do people keep telling me my feminism rants aren't board relevant
I'd like to imagine you're not a troll and you're just this easily self-victimized

>I'm a faggot

>> No.6691252 [DELETED] 

>have a privileged education from the start and you have it a billion times easier if you want to become a teacher
>you get higher pay for the same amount of work
>have the privilege of rarely being confronted with violence
> you are punished nowhere near as hard as men for the same crime
Oh... you're serious.

>> No.6691264 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1200x834, 4354554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the male privileges again

Women get uglier as they get older.
Men get better looking as they get older.

Timelessness. The ultimate privilege.

>> No.6691269 [DELETED] 

Since MRAs are so keen on specific anecdotal evidence that doesn't reflect the larger problem, my step sister didn't get custody of her child after her divorce, despite her being a competent human being, a graduate student on a fast track to a fabulous career. So yeah whatevs
2/10 making me reply

>> No.6691268 [DELETED] 

>get paid more
>expected to pay for everything
>all money goes to woman and kids
>get divorced, still have to give woman and kids all money
>don't even get to live in your own house

So much for that extra money.

>> No.6691300
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This thread is so off-topic from what OP originally posted. Don't get me wrong, it's glorious though.


Brb, laughing forever.

>> No.6691324 [DELETED] 

Uh huh. So you're saying you'll be more attracted to Justin Bieber when he'll be an octogenarian than now?

But I didn't rant? I just responded to you asking for what privileges you had. If you ask someone a question and they answer, you have only yourself to blame, you imbecile.

I would explain in detail why all of those points are true, but since you deny them ever being possibly true, before hearing any argument for it, there is nothing I can do about it.

>> No.6691330

...is the janitor really combing through this thread trying to delete every negative post?

Jesus fuck I hate this bitch.

>> No.6691343

I'd assume they're just deleting what gets reported.

>> No.6691350

I think they just got rid of all the off-topic /r9k/ misogyny and rape shitposts instead of deleting the entire thread.

>> No.6691351

It's actually kind of awesome

A+ work, janitor

>> No.6691353

But they also deleted the pro-feminism / gender-equality posts.

>> No.6691357

Those were off-topic too though weren't they? The thread is supposed to be about Enako. Alternatively I think we should make this about cultural differences between Japanese and American cosplayers and cosplay scenes in asian vs the west.

>> No.6691363

If we can do that without it devolving into "sluts" and "feminism!" again, I'll eat my shoe.

And by "eat my shoe" I mean "be very pleased with the general maturity levels of /cgl/ today."

>> No.6691368

But that was the point no? That Enako ultimately suffers even though she is a cosplay star, because she is treated nothing but an object of sexual desire, not appreciated for her cosplay skills / the mass of male "fans" who behave like dire animals in the East, compared to the West where they are either civil, or get branded a 'creeper' and are shunned by the cosplaying society (whereas in Nippon, those people ARE the cosplaying society) because of gender equality/thanks to feminism.

>> No.6691382

We can talk about that in a cultural context. Are we mature enough to approach the subject matter academically as opposed to making it into a flamewar? I think we could try.

>> No.6691385

I really wish ignorant morons like yourself would stop cheering on the janitor. He's not supposed to be editing people's arguments.

I know idiots like yourself like to point and laugh at others, but this janitor shit is destroying the board.

>> No.6691388


What is this, cosplay.com? I came here to get away from this mommy mod bullshit.

>> No.6691393

>monitoring maturity levels on 4chan

Please fuck off.

>> No.6691403

Pruning off topic shitposting is what janitors are supposed do isn't it? Not trying to whiteknight here but as anons we're the ones who submit reports and as janitors they're the ones who take care of them. If you don't want them to intervene don't make shitty troll posts that you know someone else will report.

>> No.6691421

Janitors' one and only job is to remove content that expressly breaks the rules of the board. They do not get to manage or interpret people's posts or arguments.

But since there's always going to be stooges like you who support their corrupt behavior because seeing people bashed over the head makes you laugh it's allowed to continue.

>board is completely destroyed

Please die.

>> No.6691426

It violated global rule 3 you dingus.

>> No.6691433

If you really think the loss of off topic shitposting is DESTROYING THE BOARD, your vision of what the board should be is fucking awful and no one will be sad if you leave.

>> No.6691455

When there are janitors on /cgl/ that can delete whatever they want, anytime they want by simply calling it "drama" or "shit-posting" then yes, the board is pretty much destroyed.

>> No.6691467

Feminism and male/female privilege are off-topic shitposting. They are not cosplay or lolita. Just go to the appropriate board and post there.

>> No.6691524

Talking about shit-posting is off-topic. I'm afraid I'm going to have to have your post deleted.

Janitors are gods. All hail our janitorial overlords.

>> No.6691553

Yeah, these posts are off topic and I wouldn't be surprised if they got deleted. Why are you so angry? Subjectivity and quality control aren't janitorial overreach, they're global rule #6. If you don't like the rules of the site, leave.

>> No.6694022
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how did an Enako thread turn into this

>> No.6694028

Because of janitors trying to micro-manage conversations.

>> No.6694104

Stop singling her out!!

>> No.6696806
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>> No.6696808
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>> No.6696824

She has an adorable babyface but other than that I see nothing attractive about her. She's got a big nose, square body, no tits, and kinda chubby. Definitely not sexy.

But I guess Japanese guys dont care about sexy. They just want moeblob stuff.

>> No.6696871

>tfw western 'sexy'
>tfw I'd rather be 'moeblob' than sexy any day

>> No.6697569

the first post was a weeaboo who thought she was scared of fan attention
that turned into "japan touch rules/vs american space bubbles"
which delved into male weeaboo creepers vs innocent cosplayers
and then that started a feminism debate that was deleted

>> No.6698196

>no tits

>> No.6698198
File: 96 KB, 666x1000, enakoswimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shit god damn dropped my picture

>> No.6698773
File: 36 KB, 700x490, 1352090290905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that it sounds weeby but I wish that the west had more love for moeblobs instead of saying "she's kinda hot" or rating everyone based on sexyness
>tfw you're either hot or ugly, and you're the latter

>> No.6699026
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bra tricks.

>> No.6699058

I lol'd.

But really Enako-chan is cool beans Really like her.

>> No.6699062

she's a cunt, from what I hear.

>> No.6699064

But her mom's not British.

>> No.6699087

sauce on that. Is she really?

>> No.6699097

A bit off topic, but which Japanese cosplayer was it who was rumoured to have died in a car crash but just faked her death to quit without pissing off her fans?

>> No.6699134

I thought she fell down the stairs

>> No.6699171

Oh yeah that's her. Quick Google search says that her cause of death was only given as "an accident". Amusingly, it was reported as heair bleach poisoning to Coscom.

>> No.6699378
File: 110 KB, 500x333, 8236299409_a20c63ea7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be cool to be a well-known cosplayer in Japan. You can sell all kinds of merchandise of yourself to fanboys.

>> No.6699393

Any proof of her still being alive? I can't seem to find anything that confirms she is still alive. Just a whole lot of fishy sounding stories.

>> No.6700949

The Legend of Saya