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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 642x253, gems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6685852 No.6685852 [Reply] [Original]

Old: >>6681226

>> No.6685859 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 271x224, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still got some open invite slots!

>> No.6685857

Is this game supposed to be fun

There isn't really much to do, it's basically just like a dressup doll game

>> No.6685860

And some people think doll dress up games are fun so it all works out? It's not for everyone, obviously.

>> No.6685863

I think they're fun too but I wouldn't download and register for an app just to play one just so I can end up buying everything i wanted 2 days later

>> No.6685890

It's not fun, really, especially if you max out your 200 gems and run out of things to buy. It's just kind of addicting and dammit I want hearts and shit.

>> No.6685914

I downloaded it a few weeks ago, but didn't have room on my phone for it. Finally made some room now, so here's my invitation code.


>> No.6685917

Punch in my invite code: LE-7340-5805

In return, I'm giving you a list of names to use for the unlimited free gem trick.



>> No.6685918



>> No.6685928



>> No.6685929
File: 609 KB, 1173x909, finally happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever feel bad about inviting random people...
I mean I had to BS my way through a conversation saying I was just trying to make random friends...it was weird.

Also I finally got my persian neck scarf and completed the persian set.

>> No.6685931



>> No.6685936



Nope. Can't bs if I can't understand hangul.

>> No.6685937

You could just be like, "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else! ^-^;; "

I just blocked everyone after I added them, since Hitler managed to message me after I added him with pictures of Aryan women.

>> No.6685945

I only have a few spots for others to add my code. its GX-2526-7700

>> No.6685948

In the search for ID just type in any 4 numbers and itll find people easier then guessing names.

>> No.6685965

Just caved and did the invite cheat. Glorious. However, I immediately block people, because I'm scared they'll come around to my house and break my face.

>> No.6685988

This might be too much to ask for but is it possible anyone could get me a code? I'm using BlueStacks and I haven't been able to receive any code at all with my phone causing me unable to play.

>> No.6686016

Did you remember to input your area code? I didn't the first time I tried it and got an error.

>> No.6686017

Is there anything I can do with extra items I get from a gacha? Can I sell them, gift them, or am I sol?

>> No.6686018

When I put in my number by itself it sends but whenever I try placing codes it's not accepted. I could be doing it wrong though. Never really used a phone for international reasons.

>> No.6686036

Keep your dupes and pray for a function in future.

>> No.6686058

my code is SE-1232-0004 I've just started but i accept all invites and visit each room a couple of times a day

>> No.6686077

ugh, how many gems did it take you to complete the set? i'm 40k down and still no bed yet. Am I just really unlucky?

>> No.6686096
File: 180 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help fuel my addiction! I still have a lot of slots left. TY-2616-7204

>> No.6686173

Anyone aware of the limit of what we are rewarded from invitations? I'm using BlueStacks and after I add someone it kind of crashes so it's a slow process. Wondering how long I should go on for daily, weekly etc.

>> No.6686178

It's 200, but no one knows if it resets

>> No.6686186
File: 62 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to add me, I'm almost always up for a chat!

Name's Milky, invitationcode is TH-6771-6000

>> No.6686195
File: 223 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-03-12-02-01-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me. I've almost reached my final form.

>> No.6686214
File: 73 KB, 371x294, batnoises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up for talking, and have no clue what I'm doing.

Code is GX-6249-3109

>> No.6686220

So cheat codes are already out?

>> No.6686225


up up down down left right A B AB

>> No.6686226

oh u

>> No.6686227


>> No.6686249 [DELETED] 

I cannot find my invitation code, where is it?

>> No.6686258 [DELETED] 

My invitation code MV-88t8-8603

When you see the black cat you will know you have found the right place.

>> No.6686295

I'm down 40k just for the scarf.
I've got three beds though....that's what ticked me off the worst.
I've got the completed set now...in multiples.

>> No.6686302
File: 43 KB, 533x505, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting! I have no invites slots left, sorry guys!

>> No.6686312

I cannot into life this morning. jeez.

My invitation code MV-8878-8603

When you see the black cat you will know you have found the right place.

>> No.6686313

Oh, thank you!

>> No.6686495

Would it be wise to save all the duplicates from the gotcha or just delete them? I'm worried I spent all those gems and maybe sometime down the road we'll be able to sell and trade.

>> No.6686503


>> No.6686519

Why delete them anyway? It's not like they take up actual space. Just keep them for later and hope that we can sell or trade in the future.

>> No.6686528

Also another easy (and eventually passive) way to make gems is to add a bunch of users as friends. I've found that about 10% will heart you every day. I have over 1000 friends now and I get about 100 of them to heart me each day so that's 1000 gems in addition to the 700 from my daily tasks. Not as fast or effectively as the invite method, but it's pretty steady and I fear the invite exploit may be taken away someday.

The only downside is that people try to talk to you. If you have a girl avatar or have listed yourself as female on your journal, don't add guys. You'll thank me later.

>> No.6686566

some new ids.


>> No.6686581

What are some things guys put in your journal?

>> No.6686590

I'm liking this game so far but I'm really frustrated that I can't preview items in my room before I buy. Stuff I thought matched my room theme actually didn't and now I've wasted gems.

>> No.6686597

Fuck I need those bunny slippers from the gatcha. I keep getting ugly ~cony~ shit that I don't want.

>> No.6686601

Yeah that really sucks. I just wasted about 20K on one gatcha. Ugh. I think my favorite part of the game is when they have little 'needs' because it's cute when it seems like they choose the chair or the food or w/e that they want.

>> No.6686602
File: 199 KB, 750x664, lineplaymao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have two slots for invitation codes but here ya go


My name is Mao on there. I lack fashion sense. Boy avatar but I'm a girl.

>> No.6686636

Regarding the invites...
I have tons of people added on Line, but they're not showing up under the Add Friends tab. what do
Also, where do you put in invite codes?

>> No.6686643

Kat Rivers

>> No.6686653
File: 38 KB, 251x173, duckface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I took a diary photo and made mad duckface.

>> No.6686665


>> No.6686720

Already invited 200 people. When can I invite more? :/

>> No.6686772

If I deleted my character do I lose all my items and gems?

>> No.6686788

Yep. I just did that and lost everything but you can easily make it up since it doesn't delete the people you added from Line so you can redo the 1k gem invites.

>> No.6686810

I keep getting friend requests from random people but I really don't like adding random people.. eh.

Even stupider is it doesn't tell you if you own something already, I've wasted gems by buying a duplicate of a closet item I already owned, ugh.

>> No.6686844

Yeah, they tell you when you own a gacha item on the checklist but that's about it.

>> No.6686855
File: 119 KB, 1600x1044, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to add me! I usually change my avatar's hair/clothes every few hours, but the only other Ralts I found when I searched was an animal, so I shouldn't be hard to find. :)

>> No.6686870

Anyone know when new gachas are released?

>> No.6686871

So if I delete everything right now then when I make a new character it will let me re-invite all the people I invited before?

>> No.6686875

The last one was a week-ish ago for White Day, so it might be either monthly or seasonal for holidays?

>> No.6686972

Fuck. I keep getting all these rare gacha items but not the one I want. Fuuuuck.

>> No.6686992

If they're your friends on Line, it should. It deleted all the friends and invites I got from here but all the strangers I added on Line were still available to re-invite.

>> No.6687024

Fuck it. I can't preview anything for my room and nothing is matching even when I specifically buy wallpaper and tile from the same theme. I'm just going to buy out the tile and wallpaper categories since I'm wasting a ton of gems anyway.

>> No.6687048

Is there a way to clear your room so you can redocorate it quicker?

>> No.6687069

I kind of wish I made an animal person instead, they're so cute!

>> No.6687079

You'll have to manually remove each item.

>> No.6687087

Getting an error when i try and play for the first time. I am trying to play on a rooted android, any info?

>> No.6687101

Game doesnt let you play on a rooted device, sadly.

>> No.6687183

I haven't even posted my avatar anywhere but a bunch of Japanese members are flooding me with hearts. Kawaii as fuck, yo.

>> No.6687239

DX-1580-3405 is my invitation code, I have 7 slots left, thanks <3

>> No.6687242

heres some that worked for me


>> No.6687248

hanemi masamai and yunta not showing for some reason/

Any way to look at your friends' lineids?

>> No.6687251

>>6686195 here.
Thanks to all who used my invitation code, I'm all out of slots so it's now removed from my info! Still happy to add seagulls. Wish I could heart more than 20 of you.

>> No.6687258

So do I. So many people give me hearts and I feel bad that I can only reciprocate up to 20 per day.

>> No.6687268


add me as a friend if you'd like as I'm not sure if you can use my code since it's stuck in the red slot where it asks to review the game.

Got 152 hearts in two days and tried to like everyone back but it's impossible.

>> No.6687293

Whenever I try to see my Diary it just keeps loading forever. Anyone with the same problem? I'm using BlueStacks.

>> No.6687323

Could be due to downtime. They're doing maintenance for 30 minutes.

>> No.6687325

I'm having a similar problem, whenever I use my blue stacks sometimes it gets stuck in the loading page forever

>> No.6687337

cony 2012

>> No.6687340
File: 78 KB, 523x368, 1350082009396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dump money into around the world gacha
>get three pairs of royal earrings

>> No.6687342

got 5 kitty caplets

>> No.6687346

4 pairs each color of black cat shoes.

>> No.6687348

das rough

>> No.6687349

I'm considering going out for the wonderland series....like I've got almost all of alice...and hatter/hearts looks neat...but 700 gems and 1000 gems to get duplicates is kinda steap after
my experience with Persian.

>> No.6687362

four fucking wonderland teasets

>> No.6687380

got 7 royal tom yum soups :|

I love real tom yum soup but this is not real life. T^T

I'm starting to like line play much more than poupee and I've been on poupee since 09. Line play has nowhere near the amount of items that poupee does but it makes up for it by releasing cuter ones.

>> No.6687383

I have 10 persian cat towers.

>> No.6687388

Have I missed any gacha? Everyone seems to be really cute and have nice rooms. Unless all that stuff is in the store which I haven't looked at yet.

>> No.6687391

The bulk of interior items are in the shop.

>> No.6687437
File: 22 KB, 261x160, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a bunch of open invite slots!

>> No.6687655
File: 415 KB, 1019x571, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is way too addicting. I'm all out of gems.

>> No.6687719
File: 33 KB, 641x295, Screen shot 2013-03-11 at 9.35.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so confused

>> No.6687728

I'm saying you can invite up to 200 people, and then after it says you can't invite anymore then you have to wait around 12-24 hours for it to reset so you can add more people.

>> No.6687737

But it's been a few days since I hit 200 and it never reset.

>> No.6687745

So after seeing the last thread I downloaded it! Still really sucking at everything but I'll be more then happy to add people!!


>> No.6687748

Are you the one who sent me a message on lineplay about it?
I've encountered 2 people who've had this problem, and I advised them both to log out of lineplay and restart their phones.
It might be your phone, or your connection.
It might not be syncing up right with lineplay, and having it confirm your timer has reset.
You might want to uninstall lineplay, and then reinstall it.

>> No.6687754

it's been going around on here that it takes a week to reset. i have no other problems with line play, everything syncs totally fine, but it hasn't reset the counter.

>> No.6687758

That might be true for some people, but mine reset within a day.

>> No.6687759

what does it mean, when i open the friends list, and there's a letter N on their icon?

>> No.6687762


It means they're a new friend. Same with notifications and items in your closet/room deco, anytime you see an 'N' there's new stuff you haven't viewed yet. :)

>> No.6687774

so going to settings -> profile -> log out does it?
i don't want to lose everything by logging out

>> No.6687780
File: 55 KB, 292x305, lineplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started! Invitation code is UZ-3793-2700, name is Sonny Crockett.

>> No.6687784

You don't lose anything by logging out.
You only lose everything if you delete your avatar.
Remember how when you first made an account, you needed an email and pw?
Well logging you out just logs your email out, incase lets say someone else wants to log into their avatar.

>> No.6687789

wtf, some of you have so much shit in your room. how much real money are you spending on this?

>> No.6687800

Zippo. People are exploiting the invitations through LINE to get gems. Well. Using. Some people have gotten up to 50k that way.

>> No.6687806

so i logged out and then "connected" to my line account again. on the "add friends" tab none of my uninvited line friends show up.
i logged out again, this time logging in with my email and password, and they stil won't show up.

>> No.6687807

but isn't that creepy as fuck?

>> No.6687808

I haven't been doing it myself, so beats the shit out of me how much contact you have with those people.

>> No.6687814

I've added just about every name in all the lineplay threads, and literally no one has contacted me.
Even if they do, I'll just ignore them.
Try uninstalling it, and then reinstalling it.

>> No.6687876

Not really? Line is totally different than the game. You need a Line account to get Lineplay but once you sign up you pretty much can just add a bunch of people on Line then never log in again. They'll probably pass it off as spam or if they contact you on Lineplay, just block them.

>> No.6687901

I uninstalled and reinstalled the app entirely and it's still not showing up.

>> No.6687914

I am having this problem too, I think you are mistaking the 200 limit bonus gem invite with the 200 limit add friend on LINE? I don't think the 200 bonus gem resets.

>> No.6687927
File: 22 KB, 479x253, SC20130312-004632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I logged out, logged back in, uninstalled and reinstalled but my invite function still says I cant get anymore gems. Did I break it?

>> No.6687932

Look at the OP.

>> No.6687940

>>6687901 here
same, i've done all of that and now the invite function finally showed up again but it's telling me the same thing

>> No.6687937

I've added over 200 people on both line, and invited over 200 on lineplay and it reset for me on both of the apps.
It has to be something with your phone, some people are saying it takes one week, or one day..
For me it's 1 day.
I really don't know, since I haven't had this problem.

>> No.6687944

just curious, do you have an android?
i have an iphone and after trying everything it's still telling me i hit the limit

>> No.6687949

I am >>6687927 and I have android, if its any help and I have the same problem.

>> No.6687960

so, these random strangers that i add, when i add them will they know my handphone number? because i gave it to line when i signed up.

>> No.6688053

This cheat fuels my gacha addiction. This isn't good

>> No.6688117

I shouldn't imagine so

>> No.6688163

I don't think they will, I haven't poked around Line too much though.
You may want to go into the Line settings and set it to refuse voice calls so they cant call you on Line.

>> No.6688243
File: 625 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-03-12-20-15-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I love the kawaii desu pink items and the antique furniture

I'm trying to mix items from each but I'm beginning to wish I'd chosen one style and stuck with it.

>> No.6688246
File: 19 KB, 980x166, phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't see your phone number but you can add privacy:
>uncheck public ID

>chats & voice calls
>uncheck receive voice calls

>> No.6688248

i'm >>6687960
i finally grew some balls and typed in random japanese names to add. some body actually sent me a PM, i think s/he was asking "who is this?" fuck! am blocking everyone right after i invite them and get my 1k gems.

>> No.6688255


>> No.6688259

>be a cat
>new loli dress
>can't buy it because you're a cat

>> No.6688260

i miss having 90,000 gems. time for random name searching!!
I really hope they add a trade or selling item system too.

>> No.6688308

I know that feel anon....
I know that feel to well.

>> No.6688316
File: 42 KB, 360x640, g4CvjPbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two slots left! I can't add any more invites though, unfortunately.

>> No.6688321

Your avatar has got a sultry look about her

>> No.6688328

I logged out and logged back in and the only thing it did was erase my extensive LINE friendlist from LINEplay so I can't even SEE all the strangers I friended.

...Well fuck.

>> No.6688330

Shit. Now I have to buy all that new cookie stuff to go with my chocolate stuff. Guess I'll be entering more invitation codes tonight.

>> No.6688369


and maxed my search limit.

>> No.6688417

I bought the bed and bathtub. So expensive together! The only way to play this game is to cheat for gems. Sheesh, LP. You are expensive!!

>> No.6688453
File: 640 KB, 1199x873, lproom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized my houseplant is not on the table lol. Still a WiP. The Wonderland theme is fun but I might scratch the whole thing and start over with something more 'it came from ikea'.

>> No.6688582

Probably because they want you to buy the fucking gems. The latest event was, "We reached 6 mill players, so there's a discount on gems! Buy 'em!"

>> No.6688585

That happened to me, but they appeared after a bit.

>> No.6688632

What is a gacha?

>> No.6688647

can I get this on the computer

>> No.6688665
File: 139 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invite me ? I'm making a rabbit/chocolate themed room.

If anyone gifts me the wearable head rabbit I'll gift anything in return?

>> No.6688670

nope. Iphone 4 lyfe gangsta

>> No.6688697

Look up Bluestacks anon.

>> No.6688722

I know this might be a stupid question but how can i take HD quality pictures of my PC screen like, I use Prt Scrn but it looks awful

>> No.6688737
File: 96 KB, 1132x679, lineplay-error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this restricted error when I try to play LINEplay with Bluestacks. Anyone else have this problem or know a way to fix it?

I really want to play LINEplay, but I don't have a smartphone...

>> No.6688765
File: 162 KB, 276x381, osaka 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i get an ihpne just to plaey this baka kawaii game

>> No.6688833

not working for me either! uh oh

>> No.6688850

Never mind, I figured it out. I re-downloaded a newer version of Bluestacks (I guess I got an older one the first time?)

>> No.6688855

If your problem was anything like mine, I originally downloaded it from CNET instead of the Bluestacks official website. So if you didn't download Bluestacks from their own website, I'd try that...

That, or, it was re-downloading the LINEplay app that fixed it. Since I had to re-install it with the new version of Bluestacks.

>> No.6688866
File: 61 KB, 456x589, 1333325533006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that same problem.
I'm on a mac, and it's not working no matter what I do.

Any suggestions? I wanna play with you guys too.

>> No.6688864

One of the reasons I don't use CNET anymore.

>> No.6688889

Same here, my house is split between antique furniture/pretty florals and gothier/black cat stuff, lol.

Same happened to me on my Mac. I just play it on my iPhone instead.

>> No.6688949

Sorry friend, I tried googling a lot about this but the problem doesn't seem to be answered anywhere.

The best I can suggest is what I did >>6688855

Though I imagine you should download the "MAC" version, if you're using the PC version on the mac (?somehow) it might cause problems? I hope you get it working, though!

I'm still very confused about the game in general, aha.

>> No.6688952
File: 19 KB, 275x266, lineplay-booger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welll, I just started and I don't really have any idea what I'm doing, but here's my invite code:


I have 3 slots left for invites. If you're allowed to invite people who invite you, I'll happily do that for the first 3. If not, I suppose more random picks from the thread here !

>> No.6688953

>if you're using the PC version on the mac (?somehow)


>> No.6688977

same here!
LINE play is only allowing me to invite 4 people despite me adding 10+ on LINE
any solution yet?

>> No.6688978

I'm playing on an iphone but the invite friends from Line thing isn't working for me. When I go to the "add friends" tab there's nothing there. Is there any way to solve this? Because I'm saving up gems just by doing the tasks and after four days I only have a bed and a bathtub while you guys have these epic rooms... ;_;

>> No.6689008

You have to goto the settings (little gear button in the right corner), then profile & thats where the invite codes go in :3

>> No.6689016

edelweiss if you're reading this thread, could you post your invite code? o u o

>> No.6689030

God dammit.
>Finish redoing my house into a sorta Bakery Pink house.
>Go on Lineplay today
>See they come out with new items
>Fucking cute ass gingerbread interior
FUCK YOU LINEPLAY. I maxed out my friend invites, and now I gotta wait, and then redo my whole damn house.
Sorry for the late reply, yeah I have an android phone.

>> No.6689069

I feel like a creeper adding people. I wonder if the names on those posted lists are just getting endless random adds and invites.

Anyway my code is RS-5332-4900. I still have 9 slots!

>> No.6689076

sorry I completely misread, in my last reply,
posts a good step by step on how to do it that should hopefully help you out

>> No.6689087

Oops - I was doing a screenshot to post it here and then got distracted. MH-1572-4303

>> No.6689105

that feel when you waste all your money on gacha and just keep getting every item but the one you want fuuu

>> No.6689118

Bluestacks has a screen capture option and if you have Windows 7, use the Snipping Tool.

>> No.6689139
File: 395 KB, 1185x686, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6689136
File: 38 KB, 251x213, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got seven invite slots available, please fill them!

>> No.6689155
File: 499 KB, 500x330, tumblr_m81u2aM0oV1r3zat8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want those alpacas.

>> No.6689159
File: 41 KB, 325x191, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. what does the girl version of these new cookie outfits look like?

>> No.6689177
File: 121 KB, 1366x868, 882403_139010142941986_380759792_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it

>> No.6689184

Really starting to regret making a male avatar and Lineplay's decision not to let everyone just wear anything they want like TinierMe used to.

>> No.6689197

It seems to just appear and disappear randomly. Sometimes it will show me a huge list of people that I'm friends with on Line to invite, and other times it will be blank or only list a few.

>> No.6689258

I was happily adding names on Line when I got this: The max limit number of searches has been exceeded. Search ID temporarily unavailable.

What am I supposed to do now? Does it think I'm a bot?

>> No.6689263

if I understand correctly you can only do 200 a day

I think there's some way around this by resetting the clock or something, I'm not sure. I haven't done it myself yet, but I imagine people on tumblr are talking about it

>> No.6689279

I'm a total noob my code is JR-4556-2504

>> No.6689283

I haven't been adding 200 people a day though, so I didn't think it would be an issue. I'll try to find something online though. Im using an iPhone so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.

Thanks though.

>> No.6689347

For adding names on Line, not Line Play, you just have to wait an hour or so and they'll let you add more.

>> No.6689463

Thanks. Do you know what the limit is per hour?

>> No.6689545

Where are people getting the futon style bed from?

>> No.6689574

just delete your whole character, the Line invites reappear when you go back into line after you created a new character.

>> No.6689582

it's no limit, you just get 'muted' from doing it if you type in too many non-existent names

>> No.6689810

comfy life gacha or some shit

>> No.6689894

Does that delete all your shit, too? Items and such?

>> No.6689900

So I'm deleting my cache and Lineplay's telling me that it'll take a few hours. Does anyone know if that will solve the space issue, because I've got that on my phone and just now my computer.

>> No.6689905

KAY NEVERMIND it didn't take hours and it did solve the space issue. So anyone who's getting that error, you can clear you cache under settings>storage management

>> No.6689929

I had to clear it and then reinstall it all together.

>> No.6689943

Thanks for the heads up, anon. I only got the space issue once so far but whenever you see some shit like that you know it's going to cause you trouble later.

>> No.6690102

It deletes everything. Gems, items, avatar, friends (that you've added). It only takes ten minutes to get everything back though.

>> No.6690121
File: 1.29 MB, 1439x806, a0293436ef064bf295b3131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to my friend list and saw this.

>> No.6690130

6 million user milestone event. They just put bought gems on discount, that's all.

>> No.6690255
File: 435 KB, 502x450, thrift shoppin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love my lil niggie

>> No.6690327

What does it look like? Might be from a Gatcha.

I was putting in real names with numbers so it could be that as well as fake names.

Also if anyone needs more invites, or friends I'm Synthia at KU-5866-7500.

>> No.6690341

There's two. One comes from the 'Jobless Lonely Moon' gacha and the other one has a more 'asian' style to it. I've looked through all of the beds and gacha but havent seen it anywhere....

>> No.6690343

I deleted the cache, logged off, deleted de app, then reinstaled it and nothing. The gem bonus hasn't reset yet. Has there been anyone that actually could reset the bonus?

>> No.6690382

What bonus? The daily bonus you get for giving hearts and watering plants resets daily around 5 EST. As for the invites, it's rumored that they reset once a week but so far we haven't seen anyone that has actually had it reset. It might be a permanent thing.

>> No.6690392

I was talking about the 1000 bonus gem for every people you invite until you reach 200 people. I hope it's not permanent, I only have 40k gems and I still need to buy a shitload of stuff.

>> No.6690423

Isn't there a futon for the Bathhouse set?

>> No.6690584

Anyone up for a /cgl/ group chat in the lounge sometime?

>> No.6690641

Yeah, but there's only like five or ten spaces?

>> No.6690647

I saw that it sucks. That said, I'd stll like a chat!

>> No.6690646

Ah, that's true. Still I don't think there would be more than ten of us on at any given time? Could always have an overflow room or something.

>> No.6690650

I'd be up for it if we worked it out, haha.. I don't really know how I mesh with /cgl/, but I guess there's no better way to find out

I guess we would have to have a few rooms

>> No.6690664

If you guys choose random unused rooms like "rooms for football fans 9" or something like that it could work. That will put it on the popular rooms section though if it fills up.

>> No.6690660

There's some 20 person rooms in Free Talk, at the bottom.

>> No.6690671

That works! 20 people only 1, guys?

>> No.6690675

Sounds good to me. On the way there.

>> No.6690689
File: 121 KB, 631x319, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6690739
File: 7 KB, 113x64, four.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for seagulls! Finally!

>> No.6690745

are peopl;e playing online or on phone?

>> No.6690749

Both it seems. i'm using Bluestacks but I'm downloading the official PC version right now.

>> No.6690761

And the PC version was just for Line, not Lineplay. Damn it.

>> No.6690835

Which room is it?

>> No.6690844

Free talk, at the bottom "20 people only 1"

>> No.6690848
File: 302 KB, 1022x465, chat1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that didn't take long to turn into a shitfest.

>> No.6690850

Looks like the only 20-person chat room active on the Free Talk, scroll down.

>> No.6690863

I think it depends on your region, the only active 20 person chat I see in Free Talk is full of moonspeak

>> No.6690876

There was moonspeak in ours for a while because some bitch wouldn't leave.

>> No.6690881



>> No.6690890

Still some of us in the /cgl/ chat if anyone wants to drop by.

>free chat
>20 people only 1 room

>> No.6690896


>> No.6690897

I'm new and not exactly sure how this works, but my code is BH-0466-6700.

>> No.6690929
File: 156 KB, 640x960, IMG_3709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6690934
File: 42 KB, 360x640, s6EKLPql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked through the thread and tried to add everyone. However, some names were a bit generic or hard to pinpoint because the ID search sucks (I got 20k+ results for Ji Ji).

I still have two slots btw!

Why thank you.

I use a Galaxy S3. There are 2 ways to take screenshots but I usually just swipe the side of my palm across the screen.

I usually post screenshots of my room's progress (pic related). I'm just about done though so I'll probably just post outfit snaps.

>> No.6690937

Ah, sorry! I forgot how generic as crap my name was. I'm changing it back to my original (Jimang).

>> No.6690945

I don't think Ji Ji is that common but the results that popped up were ridiculous. They aren't sorted by relevance or anything so you just have a sea of names that have "ji" in it.

Anyway, I've just added you!

>> No.6690950

Aw. Someone was suggesting Skype, maybe that could happen?

>> No.6690951
File: 43 KB, 171x60, tumblr_meqzgrCOvn1qd1l7ko1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't used the search so I'll take your word for it. I'm in the /cgl/ chat right now (join us!) but I'll add you back when I leave.

>> No.6690952

I think it's because you're using the Japanese version, not the English version.

>> No.6690999

It won't let me change the region setting (although everything except the chat area is in English) so I guess I am foreveralone from cgl Lineplay chat

>> No.6691003

I'm bad at organizing skype groups....and im just an idea person

>> No.6691106



>> No.6691244

Does the unlimited gem trick still work?

>> No.6691338

How exactly does it work? Sorry, I'm new to Lineplay...

>> No.6691336

How do you get these?

>> No.6691365

Read the OP.....

>> No.6691412

it took me a while to understand too
LINE is a communication app similar to skype. to cheat gems, add random strangers on LINE. then enter the game LINEPLAY, and go to the friends list. the strangers you added earlier - if they aren't on LINEPLAY, you can invite them to the game. Everytime you ask a "friend" to join LINEPLAY you get 1000gems. you can block these "friend"s right after you send an invitation.

>> No.6691608

Chatting with you guys last night was fun, even if random people did keep getting in! Let's do it again?

>> No.6692147

Do you wonder if they think there's a weird American Lineplay spambot or something

>> No.6692152

It was kind of fun with the random people being confused

>> No.6692167

It was really fun even though I was only half-way coherent through it.

>> No.6692236
File: 100 KB, 500x750, 45303613330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My invitation code is SR-1394-0904. My house is really messy right now though.

>> No.6692330

Anyone happen to know how to get pictures onto lineplay? I want to post my art in my journal for friends, but I can't figure out how? Can I even do it with the blue stacks emulator?

>> No.6692332
File: 115 KB, 448x399, lineplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added most people in this thread I think, add me if you like

>> No.6692370

Does anyone else with the persian cat chairs have trouble sitting in them?

>> No.6692400
File: 364 KB, 640x960, IMG_0042[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't seem to be having any issues with it.

>> No.6692592

I was having an issue too, must just be an occasional glitch.

Btw do we have confirmation on the invite gem limit resetting after a week?

>> No.6692623

Add me as a friend or use my invite code :3

I still have a few spaces left to use invite codes for others :3

>> No.6692665
File: 524 KB, 800x1280, 2013-03-13 02.33.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've added you!!! :D

2 spots left

>> No.6692756

You can't sit in them if they are facing a table and right up against it (I guess because of the arms?)

>> No.6692897
File: 77 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to add me too!

>> No.6692993

Oh man. Thank you so much for the gift!! ;__;

>> No.6693045
File: 694 KB, 1012x568, lineplayfull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really do much with my account anymore. This app kinda got boring after I fully furnished my room and especially since I've been getting an 'insufficient space' error which doesn't let me give out hearts because avatars won't load when I visit their room. :( My username's Scarlett, I'll try to add people here when the error goes away. (most of the time I get the error but once in a while I don't)

>> No.6693047

delete the cache, if that doesn't do it delete the app and reinstall, it fixed it for me.

>> No.6693048


>> No.6693069

You could chat with us; we did a lounge chat last night

>> No.6693128

I'm thinking of making another line play...to have human items...but I think that it may be a silly idea

>> No.6693142

Are you guys gonna have one tonight as well?

>> No.6693184

She said that she could reset the 200 people gem bonus. Or at least that is what i understood (otherwise, why bothering on adding +200 people if the limit is 200). That makes me feel better. SOMEDAY I WILL RESET THAT FUCKING BONUS.

>> No.6693229

I might have missed it in the last thread but it won't let me add any more invite codes. They're greyed out and it keeps tellin me I need to write a review (which I have a few times) and it hasn't acknowledged it.

Are the other spaces for others to add my code?

>> No.6693250

Damn, have you really spent 200,000 gems? That's a lot of Lineplay.

>gookshow over
One would think, captcha.

>> No.6693251

Not same anon, but yes. One word: Gacha.

>> No.6693311

Holy shit guys, I just won two beds from gachas in a row. The black and persian kitty ones.

>> No.6693316

i just got started and have no idea what i'm doing, but...!

my invite code is FG-8003-2402! please feel free to use it if you want to!

>> No.6693323

Awesome. I keep getting the goddamn black cat hats and paw print area rugs. I just want the shoes and dresses, but those are the only items I can't seem to win.

>> No.6693334

Yeah I can't win those either. I really want the black cat dresses bad.

>> No.6693338
File: 354 KB, 800x650, AmaranteLINEPlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I JUST won the white dress and another fucking cat clock (that makes four). Pic related, my current room layout with about a third of the cat items I've won now. I have at least three little carry dolls, four hats, four of the large stuffed dolls and three toasters.

>> No.6693344

nice nice!

>> No.6693348


I have multiples of those. I wish I could give them away to others. They should really make a market.

>> No.6693358

Giving things away would be awesome. I wouldn't even mind not being able to sell them. I just feel stupid having a little icon with "4" on it in my closet.

>> No.6693372
File: 79 KB, 640x544, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not incredibly new. I don't want to try the whole gem trick though. Too anxious about people messaging me.

>> No.6693402

Well it's chance so you shouldn't feel dumb. I felt dumb though when I've purchased the same jeans twice.

>> No.6693421

any new info to get this working on a rooted phone?

>> No.6693434

why can't i get the cony bunny slippers! I really want them so badly!!!

>> No.6693491

I was scared too but I did it and blocked people as soon as I could. I know have multiples of things so fucking much, and a NEET room.

>> No.6693500

I'll try to put in more invite codes from here when I can.

>> No.6693589

I'm fairly sure it's been over a week for me but my invites haven't reset. :/

>> No.6693590

iOS or Android?

>> No.6693621

Android and PC

>> No.6693695

You can give hearts by clicking on people on your friends list or people who gave you hearts without going to their rooms.

>> No.6694273

Oh, I'm late for the party again. Meeh.
I'm Lain on Line play. I am too lazy to care about my house and my gems at the moment, but feel free to talk to me and add me. :3

>> No.6694294
File: 216 KB, 1016x514, line lain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm in room "20 people only 1" in Free Talk. Come join me!

>> No.6694297

Same, and I'm on iPhone. :(

>> No.6694890

thirding, also iphone

>> No.6694966

I'm on BlueStacks and also nothing. Tried everything.

>> No.6695000

Is there any baseball bat item on site?

>> No.6695006

People's avatars don't load, either, when you get that error.

>> No.6695025

I haven't seen anything sporty, which they should considering they have particular interest group chats for different sports.

>> No.6695030

I know that there is a baseball ball and a baseball glove.

>> No.6695065

Ooh, uh maybe for boy avatars only? I haven't seen any of those...

>> No.6695221 [DELETED] 

Hanging out in the /cgl/ room '20 people only 1' lounge.

>> No.6695286

invite code xy-3533-7104

>> No.6695305

How long do you need to wait to clear the 'max number of id searches has been exceeded' message on Line?

>> No.6695447

Like an hour

>> No.6695526

How do you take screenshots within the game? I've only been taking screenshots with my phone, but is there another way?

>> No.6695541

On the computer? There should be a "print screen" button, PrtSc on my computer.

>> No.6695567

So the 200 invite limit thing. I reached it yesterday. Couldn't invite anyone new. Wouldn't show my LINE contacts in the ADD FRIENDS tab. So I logged out, restarted the phone, logged back in and was able to add 7 more. And it's giving me the same message again. Any clue why it allowed those extra 7 but won't do more?

>> No.6695616

Sup guys! I'm still working on my room but my code is ZC-8056-2404, I only invited people from this thread so it'd be nice if yall could return the favor. I'll friend anyone but seagulls are the best!

>> No.6695650

So once I fill up the five slots at the top by entering other people's invite codes... do those slots reset or something? Is there anyway to show me my 'total friends' count somewhere? Whichever number that pops up when I click on someone's avatar from the menu to visit them and it says their total number of friends is what I mean. Once again, invite code is XY-3533-7104

>> No.6695673

Go to the screen where your avatar is standing in front of your house and tap your character. It'll give you your number of friends.

>> No.6695697

Invite codes are actually a separate thing to friends.
To add someone as a friend, ring up their profile and there should be an "add" button at the bottom.

>> No.6695752

can't seem to change my wallpaper or flooring... kept getting 'unexpected error occured' any work around?

>> No.6695896


ONCE AGAIN, people, if you want to be found, those of use who have filled up our slots can't find you through just invitation code. If you want to be added, put down your name!

>> No.6695899

This game is adorable, just started playing and trying to decorate my room so it looks less pitiful.

Added a few people from this thread, and my code is TD-9239-4904

>> No.6696027


My slots are filled up, but feel free to add me, MiddyNin. I redesigned my whole room, I'll post a full screenshot way later, I'm heading out of the country for a while.

>> No.6696041

"you cannot receive any more gems because you invited more than 200 people"

what to do?

>> No.6696231

How do I get an invitation code to give out??

My avatar is Tacocat

>> No.6696529

What's up everyone? Who's on?

>> No.6696574

Go to the top right (your settings) > Profile > Invitation Code. You'll be able to see your code and add other's.

It's supposed to reset after a week but I'm not sure it's going to happen.

>> No.6696907

Thanks!! My invite code is EP-2471-3804.

I am Tacocat :3

Is there any way to play Line Play on the computer? This is really draining my battery.

>> No.6696999

Using BlueStacks. Don't forget to put it on tablet size!

>> No.6697457

New gacha and new items. Arghh, I need another 200k gems. Stupid bonus thing please reset.

>> No.6697529

I think we are on autosage.

>> No.6697791



>> No.6697840

Hey guys, my name is Bueno and my id is AM-6184-7006.

I can't add any more invite ids but I'll blast you with hearts and stickers on your diary if you want to add me as a friend. I'm also okay with chatting if you ever want to.

>> No.6697875

I haven't been messaged by any of them and I've added about 100 people through this. I think you'll be safe, you can just block them later you know.

>> No.6697875,1 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone know if you can send out the 200 invites to get gems after deleting your old avatar & starting over?