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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 325 KB, 800x614, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6681226 No.6681226 [Reply] [Original]

Post your invite codes, invite other people, show off your rooms, and meet other seagulls!

>> No.6681242

I foolishly made a boy avatar and now I wish I made a girl. I guess once you choose you're stuck with it. :\

>> No.6681258

Invite code! RY-9285-8605
Thank you!! I added everyone from the last thread but nobody invited me. °.°·(((p(≧□≦)q)))·°.°。

>> No.6681265
File: 134 KB, 480x800, 741422159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my slots are full but still add me as a friend!

Name: Irisu

Also. Does anyone else have an error with background and floor? It doesn't show for me nor anyone else's when I go to their house. As well as not being able to change anything. It just gives me an error

>> No.6681274

Amarante, TR-3567-8401

Also out of slots for invitation codes, but I accept friend invites!

>> No.6681275

Actually check out under Settings > Profile > Delete Avatar. If you haven't done much, you can delete without much loss!

>> No.6681271

If you do the computer version do you sign up with your google email and all that stuff?
It gave me all these things to do but I'm not really sure what to do.

>> No.6681277
File: 45 KB, 599x505, BE3h02yCYAESFjZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've changed a few things since this picture was taken, but hooray, my room is cute! This is such an addicting app, oh my goodness.

>> No.6681291
File: 116 KB, 640x740, princess desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting because I can

Classy as shit gacha princess set yesssss

>> No.6681294

And I'm assuming you can recreate a new avatar after this. Also, I'm not sure if it'll affect your house/friends... I know it'll delete your gems.

>> No.6681293

Also, I sold my soul to get the persian kitten bed. Those gachas, man.

>> No.6681318

I keep getting an error since they've updated with a newer version of the game earlier today, too. Says it's run into an "unexpected error."

>> No.6681326

Sorry my slots are full, but I'm more than happy to invite people by names! Hopefully your name isn't too hard to search for, and it makes it easier to identify your name when you attach a picture of your character.

I'm MiddyNin, VG-3842-8701, and here's a slightly updated house layout (I really like seeing the full view of everyone's houses on here).

I have no problems with the lineplay on the phone, is yours on the PC? Is there a way to redownload it or update it?

>> No.6681331
File: 685 KB, 1600x1280, middynin-snakehouse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot my picture...

>> No.6681340

Yeah, PC. Maybe uninstall/reinstall the app, I'll try that.

>> No.6681341

In the last thread I messed up my invitation code but please feel free to invite or add


>> No.6681350

Check beforehand if that'll delete your character/progress somehow. I'm not sure how the PC works, but it'd suck terribly if that happened...

>> No.6681367

Have had the error since I installed it. I just put up with it.

>> No.6681371

Is anyone else getting an error that claims the game doesn't have enough space to run? Even though it keeps on playing? This error started popping up as soon as I updated to the new version today, even though the card it's installed on has over 10gb free.

>> No.6681373

I don't have a smartphone, so I'm not sure how it works, but I thought if you would delete the app of a sign-in game, it wouldn't do anything to your progress? Since it's sign-in. :/ I downloaded bluestacks, so even if its on PC, it works exactly like a smartphone.

>> No.6681397
File: 25 KB, 512x384, ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is the deal with invite codes? How do people use them? I don't get it, if someone already is in the game.... how can you invite them? Wat?

Someone explain things simply to me as you would a retard because that's pretty much what I am when it comes to lineplay.

>> No.6681401

Speaking of that, what do you do if you get duplicates? Like is there a way to sell them, trade them in, or give them away?

>> No.6681402

Line. The thing they make you download to play Lineplay. You search for people on there via 'id search', friend them, and if they don't already have an account you can invite them and get 1000 gems.

>> No.6681409

Same. It lessened considerably in the last day or two though.

>> No.6681410


Add me yo. I'm trying to go with a snake temple theme in my room. Unfortunately I can't seem to get wallpaper or flooring to display properly. It always gives me an error.

>> No.6681408

It's not an invitation code for them to play, it's a referral code, saying that they "invited" to you play. A lot of games use these as a way to gain more players through word of mouth and will reward you for inviting a certain number of people. Because this game is all about networking and socialising, they allow you to enter more than one per player. Make more sense?

>> No.6681413

When you add random people on line to invite on lineplay, there is apparently a 200 people limit. Is that permanent or does it reset?

>> No.6681414


Old thread has a lot of the answers you need >>6668768

But yeah; invite codes are more referrels;
and no, you can only delete doubles of things.

>> No.6681418

I have 3G so it runs super slow on my phone but here's my invite code: PU-6804-8200
My name is krakentan.

>> No.6681425

ok i think i get it now...

I think this is my invitation code?

>> No.6681426

I think it's weekly, but I dont know when it resets.

>> No.6681430

I made mine today and it's amazing how addicting this game gets you after a few short hours.

My invite code is HZ-9047-7505

>> No.6681429


I added a few of you guys last thread! <3

>> No.6681431

h-how do i get this?

>> No.6681433


>> No.6681435

try running it on your computer by downloading bluestack~ it's super slow on my phone too but it's faster on my computer

>> No.6681438

Downloading tihs ap now, it is one of those games that you can't do shit with unless you buy some bogus in game "gem" or "coins" with real life currency? I hope not, it looks really cute...

>> No.6681441

It isn't necessary, but it makes buying things easier. Mostly, invitation codes help heaps. Take all of the codes people post in the thread and add them to your profile. Go to settings, profile, invitation codes and add them there.

Found the solution for this via tumblr. It's an cache issue with the app. Go to settings (in the app), manage storage, delete cache.

>> No.6681444



>> No.6681448

I'm Mao, got another invitation code:


>> No.6681449

alrighty well then i am registering as we speak but i don't want top just pick a random referral code


Do I get a ref cde once i join or what?

I have 2 jpopsuki invitation slots to give to people who use my referral slot.

will show proof. I also need to be assured that you will be responsible 'cause i don't have a lot of bonus points to give out.

>> No.6681453

You're allowed to fill in 5 referral codes. If you have friends that play, use theirs. Otherwise, going random from the thread doesn't hurt. It's a fast way to make friends and gain hearts (which get you more gems).

When you join, the same place where you input referral codes will give you your own code to pass out. You can put this in the thread, your profile, your avatar journal, Facebook, whatever for other people to use.

>> No.6681458

Also, when you get your code, you don't have to write a review. You can skip that step. Most people just use that as another point to pass out their code.

>> No.6681461
File: 915 KB, 500x289, tumblr_m7s7764T2u1rsskhm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My name is MamiShigi :)

>> No.6681464
File: 412 KB, 1049x586, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Username is pyrite. All my invite slots are full but I'll add you as a friend!

>> No.6681466

help i cant decide if i wanna be a girl or a kawaii animal

>> No.6681473

Oh, and my username's vrygia!

>> No.6681471
File: 120 KB, 640x695, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't send out anymore invites, but I do have a slot or two left!

>> No.6681481
File: 399 KB, 752x419, 549305396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, man, the cache thing actually worked, thanks!
Alright, here's my house, by the way.
Dollie, JN-8900-2306

>> No.6681480

Kawaii animal, always.

>> No.6681487

So the 200 Line referrals is per week, or the max referrals ever?

>> No.6681489

I just started, but I'm thatpichu and my invitation code is..

>> No.6681492
File: 354 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-03-09-16-44-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is called Background Character, and my code is TM-4947-4004
Feel free to add me. I didn't know whether to be a kawaii girl or a kawaii animal, so green person is my compromise.

>> No.6681501
File: 105 KB, 477x250, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my room is so bare orz

my screenname is mushroom and my invite code is JH-2661-0102!

>> No.6681507
File: 321 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-03-08-23-53-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Code: ZX-4032-3806
Name: Allee

I feel like there's nothing else I want to buy, I hope they get new stuff soon. Add me as a friend <3

>> No.6681514

I just started as well !
anyway, username is : Izzy

>> No.6681516
File: 60 KB, 831x756, 10128478a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there's a Line anime


>> No.6681521

Okay I just made this. I'm a kawaii deer thing


name is Ladybelle

>> No.6681522

>27 episodes


>> No.6681523

just made an account! catgirl :)

>> No.6681526

Just joined! Already hooked! I'm Cella:


>> No.6681528

Done! i'm Milai

added thatpichu,ladybelle and mamishigi to invite list~

>> No.6681534

Oh wow, I'll have to watch these later.

>> No.6681538

My referal code thingy is NY-0155-6104 :)

>> No.6681540

I'm new at this game, but I still have invitation codes!

Name: Sharu
Invitation code: VT-7301-8901

>> No.6681543

forgot code:
RS -2100-0503

>> No.6681555

I'd like to play it on my computer (Mac) but its not working too well. Is anyone else having this issue? And can I link accounts?

>> No.6681553

>>Deletion may take a few hours to complete

>> No.6681576

I watched the first episode, it got a chuckle.

>> No.6681608

This might be a bug or lag but I find it hilarious. Sometimes my avatar will float across the floor very slowly instead of skipping, like she's possessed.

Has this happened with anyone else?

>> No.6681630

I don't have any more slots for adding invite codes but feel free to enter mine. (Please? Gotta work my kitchen, lol)

>> No.6681636
File: 567 KB, 1248x702, wonderland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My house is really coming together~

>> No.6681677

where do i find my invite code? my name is sugarpop17...

>> No.6681685
File: 68 KB, 471x464, dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I've still got invite slots open if you wanna use my code!

>> No.6681689
File: 536 KB, 1026x768, whoooashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also updated my house a bit from the last thread.

I wonder if enough people have bitched about useless duplicate items and they're starting to work on a sales/updated gifting system. I have duplicates of almost every gacha item I've won :I ...and five pairs of Happy Cony Slippers.

>> No.6681701

oh shit, i went to some random house and used that bitch's bath tub.

>> No.6681716


Hey, looks like you figured out the invite code! Thanks for using mine! <3

This is literally my favorite thing, and I love that the other person's avatar watches you bathe too
seriously what is going on

>> No.6681722

found mine~ PZ-3035-0405

>> No.6681731

Yeah I did and you're welcome~

>> No.6681734

Just created an account. Invite code is BG-7723-7804. Everyone has super cute rooms. I'm super jealous!

>> No.6681742

Username is erikasato if anyone wants to be my friend...I seem to have none.

>> No.6681775

I'm having the same issue, something about security with a brown bear

>> No.6681792

I still have a few spaces!
GJ 3134 9004

>> No.6681799
File: 48 KB, 260x290, 1337473059894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out of invitation slots but you guys can still add me a friend: UpsetSandwich

>> No.6681859

feel free to add me


>> No.6681871

is it possible to run out of hearts to give? I can't heart anyone anymore

>> No.6681885
File: 50 KB, 209x193, 1361064309657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I normally use the Android version on my phone. I downloaded it on PC using the bluestacks program because it's easier to design my room when the screen is bigger.

But it doesn't seem to let me log back on while on my phone? Did I just screw everything up?

>> No.6681887




just had to re-sign into line

>> No.6681906

Is there any way to sign out of the line app itself? Im using an iPad/iPhone.

>> No.6681946

I think if you go to Settings, a logout button should be at the end

>> No.6681950

You only get 20 hearts a day (it changes at 1pm PST for me). Each day is about the same or different amount of tasks you have to fulfill to get bonus gems for visiting and giving hearts to friends/random people. Click on your gem amount to see what are the tasks/hearts left.

>> No.6681960

Oh my god, what's this cute game! I am downloading it right now.

>> No.6681973

Just joined, my code is ZD-8871-2901 ! I don't really know how everything works yet, haha.

>> No.6681975

I added you!

>> No.6681996
File: 94 KB, 245x309, 1335245640830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just made an account. What do I do? I am confused about how do things work here and I would appreciate it if someone explains it to me.

>> No.6681994

I'm sweet-reverie! Just started and my invitation code is:


>> No.6682006

I want my phone already fjreijeife.
This shit is too damn cute for my brain. Also it remembers me of Pico, which doesn't exist anymore...

>> No.6682056

You can do much except dress up and decorate your house. You can go to other peoples houses and clean up their shit and eat their food and sleep in their beds but that's pretty much it.

>> No.6682057

Yep, same here when I tried on my mac...

So it's just a Mac issue? Figures. gd Apple

>> No.6682073

Thanks /cgl/ I'm addicted
Especially to those gacha's

>> No.6682111
File: 155 KB, 616x442, alpacaparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remodeled my room yesterday to an alpaca nightclub full of booze and woke up to a ton of friend requests this morning! I guess it was a hit.

Username: fattastik

>> No.6682113

how can you all afford so many decorations?? I just began playing yesterday and I'm trying to invite more people but it won't let even after I wrote a review! HALP!

>> No.6682122

Read the old thread to learn how to get unlimited gems: >>6672734

>> No.6682134

JFC everyone go get bluestacks NOW. I just got it and it's fucking amazing, huge size on my screen and no lag or messing around with bandwidth at all. Only problem seems to be the number of gems reset to 0, but I had spent everything and only had like 200 left anyway. Plus it's waaaaay easier to mine gems this way (typing on keyboard vs typing on screen).

I've sorta exhausted the indonesia share line id page, any other places to get them?

>> No.6682138

I tried, but apparently it doesn't like Macs very much..

And I've been guessing random videogame character names, more or less. And anime, etc. Just enter all sorts of famous names.

>> No.6682150

Guess you can't play it if your phone's modded. Oh well, It looked cute.

>> No.6682158

Forgot to add my name, It's Yesse, feel free to add me. Code: HZ-9047-7505

>> No.6682169
File: 416 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-03-09-13-42-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this game is so cute
i'm haley, my invite code is LK-7570-7506. even if you've filled up your invite list, feel free to add me as a friend!

>> No.6682204
File: 63 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really starting to think of deleting my account and start playing as a girl. I guess you have a lot more stuff to work with?

Quite new to this game, but I finally found my invitation code: TH-6771-6000

Feel free to add me!

>> No.6682215
File: 179 KB, 358x481, green saten wink wink nudge nudge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My invitation code is FE-0955-1301

>> No.6682224


I searched for too many people and it disabled searching though ):

Couldn't find many people, even by searching common first names.

>> No.6682264

It takes an hour before you can search again!

>> No.6682267

Gods damn it. This game is indeed cute, but I can't take it anymore after an hour. It's just so... There is too much space in the room and too many stuff to buy JESUS CHRIST UGH
I don't wanna play anymore.
Fuck this.
Why does it has to be so cute.

>> No.6682270

Still have invite slots open if anyone wants it! Username is elione, the one with brown hair, because apparently there are two of us lol.

>> No.6682275
File: 475 KB, 913x646, line20130310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAY!! Just wanted to say I LOVE how you partitioned your house, it looks so comfy!

Update of my room~ Getting a bit tired of the goth theme though. Want to start over with a white fluffy room. There's no good goth partitions.

>> No.6682309

Blustack is not loading on my pc and I ALLOWED access to internet n everything.
gonna have to ude the slow phone app till i get bored of it, i guess.

>> No.6682318

Damn it /cgl/!
My code is LB-6179-5901, name is Ace. I'm not sure how many Aces are on lineplay, but I'm the one with red glasses and pigtails making the >:3 face

Mobile connection sucks at work, so I'm going to start using as many referral codes as I can and then maybe add the rest of you guys.

Btw, does anyone know if the other line games use our play avatars or do anything for lineplay?

>> No.6682328
File: 111 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this, what do?

>> No.6682329

AK-0414-4005, username's tokidora.

I'm new but I'm already addicted to the gacha. Feed my addiction.

>> No.6682332

Wait a bit.

>> No.6682338

SR-1394-0904, my username is K8. No screenshot because my room has nothing in it yet...

>> No.6682355

Your av is super cute

>> No.6682359 [DELETED] 

Hey guys enter my invite code please~ PZ-3035-0405 my name is sugar pop. I added as many people as I could today already.

>> No.6682366

Hey guys enter my invite code please~ PZ-3035-0405 my name is sugarpop17. I added as many people as I could today already.

>> No.6682371

I'm already full, but my username is さくら姫 if anyone wants to add! :)

>> No.6682375

Hey, anons.
This may be a stupid question but, how do you feed your avatar?

>> No.6682386

Anyone know how to get past the red invite? I've already submitted a review on the app store but it keeps telling me to go there.

When you visit people's houses sometimes there's food and you can click on it. Or you can buy food decorations from the store.

>> No.6682388

you have to buy food. it's in the interior section but it's under (accessories i think) it's the little tab next to the fridge one, the food section is shaped like a donut.

>> No.6682390

click on the fork bubble that hovers above any food item. If you currently don't have any food items in your house, go to James' house and eat there (or if you have any friends with food items you can do it at their house.)

>> No.6682391

This is the correct answer, anon.

>> No.6682395

I just go to random peoples' houses for that sort of thing.

>> No.6682396

I keep getting the "search limit reached" on Line, I'm so annoyed.

>> No.6682399

Okay so I haven't looked into this game (yet, damnit /cgl/ you know my weakness) but this sounds so hilarious to me. Like, does James run a kawaii soup kitchen or is it just a random guy that people bum food off of on a massive scale? What happens if you don't feed your avatar? ...Can your avatar die?

>> No.6682409

That sucks that you can't just buy a fridge with food in it. Maybe I'm just lazy.
But thanks~

>> No.6682418

You can literally just buy food there's no difference in the effort

>> No.6682422

James is the Admin account so he has everything beginners need in general and is the default friend, that's the point.

You can't die afaik? I assume the icon either goes away eventually or sticks around until you eat.

>> No.6682427

Hey, anons who are using Bluestacks to play-

If you're having issues doing the coin trick because the LINE app is fucking up, download the computer app (line.naver.jp/en/#) and you can add a bunch of people from there.


>> No.6682433

Correction: This also goes for the folks who are using smartphones, I think.

>> No.6682438

what's the coin trick?

>> No.6682443

It's in the old thread.

>> No.6682461

Thank you! Sorry~

>> No.6682464

... how on earth do i "install" it?

>> No.6682477

Have you never downloaded an app to your phone..?

>> No.6682480

There's a LINE ID exchange facebook group. I've just been going there and using everyone's IDs from that.

>> No.6682484

Does anyone feel like 1:1 talking? I am bored.

>> No.6682493

what does it mean when it says:
line id search is temporarily unavailable

>> No.6682495

Anyone? It's so obnoxious

>> No.6682505


>> No.6682510

Not the same anon, but also have this question. Does it only go away after someone has used our invite code?

>> No.6682536
File: 64 KB, 640x474, 1325655205326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bought everything Ive wanted. My avatar is done. nothing to do how do I go on with life

>> No.6682546

Those slots are for people to use your own invite code. You get ten of them.

>> No.6682587
File: 494 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m0kxhpgaqN1qm7uyp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I deleted the game.

>> No.6682606

Wait for new releases.

>> No.6682621

I keep getting insufficient space/an unexpected error has occured. I've restarted the app a few times but it keeps happening, what should i do?

>> No.6682623

That happened to me, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it, even after uninstalling a few things, so I just started playing on the PC.

>> No.6682639

Does anyone want to chat? My username is Mayumi.

>> No.6682647


Cinemadoll. just joined :3

>> No.6682659

I just want those Thailand and England dresses from the gacha. But it's giving me everything but those.

>> No.6682666

You have to kill yourself now. There are no other options.

>> No.6682671

It's got a bunch of symbols in it, just look up Exchange Line ID on FB.

>> No.6682676

Found it and a Thailand LINE ID Exchange.
So is LINE like AIM for Asians I'm starting to wonder

>> No.6682688
File: 93 KB, 1023x574, Rinepray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxed out my money and now I have none again.

>> No.6682751
File: 269 KB, 480x800, 2013-03-06_19-14-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my house, constantly changing my avatar.
Add my username: Grimreaper.

>> No.6682796
File: 296 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-03-10-10-43-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 4 fucking pairs of fucking cat shoes, I just want some more uguu hair. Christ.

>> No.6682853

I just got it up and working and I'm pretty excited.
My name is Bueno and my IC is AM-6184-7006

>> No.6682857

I wish i had an iPhone so i could show people my cute room :'1

>> No.6682864

What do you have? You can screencap anything, right?

>> No.6682871

I have a samsung Nexus, the only thing i seem to be able to save and post are selfies of my avatar the app takes.

>> No.6682882

You can look up lineid on google and find people on the Cafe forums. I feel kind of bad though because I added all these nice, seemingly-lonely people and they always try to talk to me.

>> No.6682884

Are you the one with all the black cat stuff?
I couldn't find you!

>> No.6682888

I have a galaxy note, and can take screens using the lock and home buttons a la iphone. Is that possible for you?

>> No.6682935

No, unfortunately not, I just tried it and all it does is bring on the power off screen.

>> No.6682955

Have you tried lock + volume? That's what it is on mine. I have a droid bionic though so I'm probably way off.

>> No.6682980

That did it! Thanks anon! I probably should have just googled it, I feel kinda stupid asking 4chan whoops.

>> No.6683022
File: 451 KB, 875x675, LINE PLAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to make a kitchen, but im liking the bath house theme.Also those fucking gachas, took me forever to get that damn waifu couch.
My friend codes VV-5597-9204

>> No.6683036
File: 858 KB, 1022x801, kawaiihouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm tamallama
bless the gem cheat

>> No.6683040

An easier way for newer OS updates is to swipe the side of your hand across the screen. No button holding or combinations.

>> No.6683081

I can't. I just can't get over how creepy it will be to get those gems.

I want that couch so so much. I got fucking eye bags and my pixel child is far too pallid to pull that off.

>> No.6683101

How do you get LINE Play for your PC?

>> No.6683109


>> No.6683125

might be a dumb question, but how do you swipe while browsing items for sale while using bluestacks?

>> No.6683126

It took me for fucking ever.
I wish therewas some sort of trade system, I want the bags myself lol

>> No.6683134

Drag your cursor over in the same direction you would on your smart phone.

>> No.6683142

Just downloaded it!

>> No.6683144

actually, that doesn't work on my laptop for some reason! but i found a way approx. 10 seconds after making that post, lmao. in case anyone else is having a problem, try using your arrow keys instead.

>> No.6683164

Does the game lag a lot for you, guys? It's become a bit hard to play because of the lagging it's doing...

>> No.6683168

Yeah. It has good days and bad days.

>> No.6683176

Ah, alright; thought there was something wrong with my phone.

>> No.6683178

Yeah, even with my 4G this is game is lagging pretty hard. I've switched over to suing Bluestack because of this.

>> No.6683179
File: 122 KB, 600x337, edgeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm playing via Bluestack since my cellphone is too small and I can't see shit with it.

>> No.6683201

I just started, my code is:

>> No.6683226
File: 197 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1362882554405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invite Code: YF-1096-7803

This game...love it so much!

>> No.6683244

Here's my invite code, I just started: RS-1163-4504

>> No.6683252
File: 521 KB, 1439x853, ran ran ruum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This room...

>> No.6683264

..oh my god

>> No.6683263
File: 45 KB, 563x522, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avatar update: I am now kawaii desu.

>> No.6683329
File: 210 KB, 759x488, linplayhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to do with the right corner

I still have the tile/wallpaper error so I can't do anything with the gray unless someone found a solution for it?

>> No.6683336

I was in your house earlier and it displayed properly. Maybe try clearing the cache?

>> No.6683354

I had the error pop up since the very beginning when I first installed it. I cleared it earlier today but still have it

>> No.6683419

You need a kitchen!

>> No.6683437

It’s rather awkward getting messages from people youve friended on LINE. what do you say? ゛oh hello youre just a stranger i added to get game money?゛

Its strange being bombarded with hearts, too.

I hate how this game is consumming my life D:

>> No.6683443

Isn't this board for people over 12?

>> No.6683445

Block them on line.

>> No.6683452

I'm not sure if it's because I went through and set my privacy setting about first thing when I got the game, but I haven't been messaged by anyone yet.

>> No.6683507

If anyone is bored enough to make unlimited sockpuppet accounts(for the coin trick) you can get an app called pinger which gives you a fake phone# that you can use to make more line accounts.

>> No.6683563


Thanks. IM sorta in the same situation.Most ppl i add appear to be inactive, thankfully.
I’d be willing to trade your dupes for my persian kitty ones.

>> No.6683568

You can't trade/sell items on lineplay, only delete

>> No.6683606

My code ud-1284-8106. I have more so feel free to ask once this gets taken up.

Just started a few days ago. So addictive.

>> No.6683663

My code is fb-4538-5201 and name is buttsrbuttiful.

I've just started because it looks kind of cute. Are there any objectives in this game other than having a cool house? or is it just for funsies?

>> No.6683669

Basically just cool house/outfits, yeah

>> No.6683672

How the hell do I get gems? I know people are supposed to put in my invite codes but I don't think that's gotten unlocked yet because the code input page still says I need to write a review with my code (which I already did).

So, without easy gems... this game is pretty boring.

>> No.6683688
File: 48 KB, 1096x258, lineplay unlimited gems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the thread... use the gem trick.

Pic related, made this so people stop asking.

>> No.6683706
File: 611 KB, 948x565, nyam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have slots left! YA-0747-1500
Username: Kyuu

Now I kinda want to have all the Chocolate things.

>> No.6683705

Is anyone else having trouble coming up with names on line, for the unlimited gem trick?

>> No.6683707

Regarding the gem trick-
Someone on tumblr is saying "it resets after 12-24 hours but if it doesn't just log out and back in"
Wasn't it said that it takes a week to reset? I used up my 200 a few days ago and it's still telling me I hit the limit.

>> No.6683711

And, while not really an objective, chatting with people. I had a few pleasant conversations myself with other seagulls on there!

I really want to catch up in this thread and add more new people but I'm very tired. Soooooon...

>> No.6683715
File: 910 KB, 1504x1112, cuteshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a bunch of stuffs in my room.

>> No.6683722

What a beautiful room~

>> No.6683727

>neat room
>"I wonder where is the avatar-"
That Persian cat set man, if you had blue eyes I wouldn't be able to tell if you were an avatar or a giant cat toy.

>> No.6683737


All my invitation slots full, but 4 more people can add me! I started a few days ago :)

>> No.6683764
File: 587 KB, 1172x1024, tea party house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Feel like I'm having my own giant tea party

>> No.6683806

how are you guys getting these fullroom shots? i can't... maybe because i'm playing in a damn ipad?

>> No.6683808

I put together 3 separate pictures to make a whole one.

>> No.6683814

I'm playing on bluestacks and it has an option to change app size and I put it on Tablet size

>> No.6683840

I keep getting an 'error lack of space' bubble in LinePLAY and i only have that app downloaded and LINE (Using Bluestacks.) Anyone else having this issue?

>> No.6683844

>tfw going for persian set
>Only need two more items
What pisses me off, is it's only the neck fur and the sweater that I need.
I just need those two things. And yet, I got THREE rare beds back to back. COME on Line Play...better random rare drop rate would be nice.

>> No.6683846

Same but with Black cat- brown hair, white dress, and the standing/held plush

>> No.6683857

Hey baby

>> No.6683859
File: 181 KB, 338x317, right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then it's not a rare drop, now, is it?

>> No.6683864

Yeah. Pretty new to the game.

>> No.6683867
File: 322 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ionosphere, and my invitation code is RC-5690-3900. I can't invite anyone else, but I have seven slots free!

So addicted to this game, though. Spending way too much time on it!

>> No.6683892

Oh god I can't find you out of the 1000 odd Mayumis. Add Background Character, I'm lazy.

>> No.6683898
File: 16 KB, 374x475, ffdffggggggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant figure why i am getting this message when I only have 2 apps installed through bluestacks

>> No.6683925

Just joined! My code is YR-7303-7106

>> No.6683934

Jesus christ I shouldn't have named my character Mayumi

>> No.6683942

I'm HotaruKitty BE-6988-3701

My avatar was hungry, so I bought a cute teaset for like 1000 gems and then ate it. Then it disappeared forever. Crying.

>> No.6683945

You can always change it. Just don't put two stars on either end of Mayumi because gee golly gosh that is prevalent.

>> No.6683947

WHAT. That's a fucking error, I'm so mad on your behalf.
And guys, I am not sure, but pretty sure we can't search for you using invitation codes.

>> No.6683948


>> No.6683956

Look under your table! I saw something as your room was loading.

>> No.6683958

This, I got a food symbol from the table.

>> No.6683961

Omg. That's so weird. It was under the table. Weird bug. I GOT MY TEASET BACK ;D
Thanks for visiting <3

>> No.6683962

I'm glad your cat is just cheeky and hid the teaset!

>> No.6683963

Like a dirty sim, eat food and then put it on the floor.

>> No.6683994
File: 139 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I allready posted my info ITT. So sorry if this is a double post!

My name is Milky and my invitation code is TH-6771-6000

I wish you could trade your stuff, or sell it.

>> No.6684030

Ugh this is what I get for thinking 'I wonder what's up on cgl" >.> great


>> No.6684047
File: 125 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean? I just have to wait for my review to be recognized?

>> No.6684053

Dunno but I've got the same thing

>> No.6684063

How do y'all get all these gems? I don't wanna pay for them and I'm guessing a lot of people don't either, so how do I get more than like 700 gems a day from doing the chores? any special tricks? I want to have a pretty room like you guys but it's gonna take forever to buy all that shit

>> No.6684065

Can you seriously only invite 5 people?

>> No.6684129
File: 44 KB, 685x217, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this message on Bluestacks, is there any way I can fix it?

>> No.6684132

Changed it to Lain. If someone can tell me if there are any other Lains, that'd be cool because I don't know how to figure it out myself

>> No.6684156

Try deleting your cache
Its in settings > manage storage

>> No.6684276

calm down, the other thread 404'd

>> No.6684277

Here, updated my name to Spacey Acey since just Ace made me hard to find.
Also, fucking gatchas, I feel weird doing the gem trick, but I just might

>> No.6684292

...Hadn't when I posted that, obviously?

>as you comment 12 hours later

>> No.6684314

How do I do the gem trick? There's no "invite" button under the "add friends" tab for me... I'm playing on an iphone btw.

>> No.6684329


You add people on the line app first.

>> No.6684335

There's some asian fb share group. a lot of those worked for me. >>6682671

>> No.6684350

I did that, the person i added isn't showing up. It just says I don't have any friend requests.

>> No.6684360
File: 42 KB, 640x960, lineplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my avatar name is glittersatan !!

i've changed a lot since this photo but i'm too lazy to upload a new screenshot from my iPhone.

my invitation code list is full but i would gladly add anyone as a friend *U* if anyone sends me hearts or gifts, i always send back! (i want the new puppy one, the candy basket, and the i pink diamond)~~~!

>> No.6684366

Dormitory, spa, or bohemian?

>> No.6684407

You have to add them on LINE then go to lineplay and look in your friend requests on Lineplay.

>> No.6684413

again, that's what I did. I added a person on Line, then went to Line Play to invite them but there's nothing on my friend reques page.

>> No.6684431

Does anyone else have a problem with the wallpaper and floor in the room not showing up? it happens in every room I go in.

>> No.6684438

Did you restart lineplay? You can't be in the friend requests page at the same time.

>> No.6684443

I've tried restarting everything, it just won't work...

>> No.6684445

Is there any way you can permanently delete items?

>> No.6684484

Have you tried clearing your cache? This usually fixes a ton of errors.

>> No.6684499

That hasn't worked unfortunately.

>> No.6684533

Click 'edit' when you're in the closet or room deco.

>> No.6684553

Here is my code: EG-7348-8503

I still have all my invites and feel free to add me as a friend!

>> No.6684564 [DELETED] 

My code is TY-2616-7204!

>> No.6684670
File: 1.43 MB, 1718x1148, lineroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so fun and addicting, feel free to add me! :3


>> No.6684675

I just made an account, I'm playing with BlueStacks. My invitation code is DX-1580-3405 and my username is Veroveri, I'll add you lovely people.

>> No.6684689

I still have some spaces left, so enter my code please~ PZ-3035-0405

>> No.6684699

I have the same problem. I figured it was a problem due to my cellphone being hacked and using a root version of the game. Do you get the same "An unexpected error has occured" message too?

>> No.6684719

I have a few slots left, please invite? XK-1344-2004

>> No.6684726

A 14 year old threatened to report me because I said ass in the lounge.

I'm pissing myself, oh my god.

>> No.6684741

I have five black kitty clocks...I just wanted the toaster. The gachas are definitely addictive!

>> No.6684747

Same thing is happening to me...

>> No.6684759

I just made an account
my invite code is pw-9457-1801

>> No.6684764
File: 264 KB, 1262x1047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is my (Ionosphere's) room. I have everything necessary for making a wholly black cat themed room, but I like it the way it is!

>> No.6684873

link to said fb group?

>> No.6684899

That's the message I get! I haven't done anything to my phone though. What kind do you have? Mine is a Gallaxy SIII.

>> No.6684958
File: 476 KB, 1600x1574, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still having trouble processing hos cute this game is.

And I reeeally hope that the friend invite limit isn't 200 forever. I need more gems!

>> No.6684960

Oh jeez I forgot to say my name is GalleryAllergy, feel free to add me!

>> No.6685062

I've been getting this problem too, I've been using bluestacks so I'm not sure why...

>> No.6685084

Ok! I've decided to sort of help out everyone ITT by putting up small lists of new LINE IDs I've tried using recently. So, here. All of these LINE IDs can be added and will give you money from inviting them to line play(sorry there's only 10. I'll be putting a few small lists everytime I add new people who work for me.


>> No.6685292

Invite code ud-1284-8106. I have six left after this.

>> No.6685332


>> No.6685355
File: 444 KB, 789x837, Screenshot_2013-03-10-19-44-32~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on my house.

IGN: happiimilk

>> No.6685369

Do you have to pay to use this on your computer?

>> No.6685373


>> No.6685382
File: 185 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Krissy! There are about 20 but I'm up near the top c: I hope they come out with new gachas soon, they are so addicting.

>> No.6685394
File: 139 KB, 1031x651, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then..

>> No.6685403

I still have seven slots left. Please enter my code!

>> No.6685404

This happened to me as well! For whatever reason if you go to settings, change keyboard settings and then return to the main screen it fixes it on my computer at least.

>> No.6685409

Thanks! I went to settings and switched the size to tablet and that fixed it as well.

>> No.6685416
File: 13 KB, 131x165, eeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm too lazy to get a new screencap.

>> No.6685458


This game has some kawaii shit

>> No.6685462

My code is ZJ-1074-4701, all slots empty!

Have at it.

>> No.6685490

Keeps telling me that I need to write a review on the App Store before putting in anymore invitation codes but i have written a review for the app store. How do I get it to acknowledge that I wrote a Reveiw

>> No.6685504

Please add me!

>> No.6685505

Can you play on both PC and iPhone? Or if I login my line account on an other device, will it fuck my shit up?

>> No.6685506

Invite code: JX-0421-4506
I'm new please add me and I'll add as many of you as possible

>> No.6685509

Can't you only enter five codes for other people? I thought the red slots were for people who enter your code.

>> No.6685517 [DELETED] 

My game keeps freezing/getting stuck on the last step on customizing. Getting frustrated.

>> No.6685565

Oh. Is there an easier way to earn money besides visiting other peoples rooms entering invitation codes

>> No.6685568
File: 908 KB, 882x665, LINEplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally took the time to mesh together some photos of my house! <3

>> No.6685569
File: 89 KB, 363x343, LINEplayavatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& here's an updated photo of my avatar, please add me and send hearts! <3 i love new friends~~~

>> No.6685575

I got all I wanted from the gachas except for that pink cat dress from the Wonderland 2 gacha. It's getting me mad, I NEED IT. I've already spent like 40k gems trying to get it.

>> No.6685592

says your code is invalid

>> No.6685598

That means that their slots have been filled

>> No.6685664

Whoa. Did you buy all those gems?

>> No.6685671
File: 21 KB, 176x181, avatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All slots are empty!

>> No.6685672
File: 161 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My username is cinemadoll. Still trying to work on things and saving up. MV-9259-8805

>> No.6685673


>> No.6685689
File: 93 KB, 329x208, creeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a little uncomfortable.

>> No.6685690

Oh God I laughed

>> No.6685703
File: 170 KB, 1013x618, whatnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So some of you are saying that if you have a code you don't need to write a review, however I already did and it still askes me to write one, what do I do? I'm literally stuck because I can't add more people and I need gems to fulfill my dream of having a house made out of chocolate

>> No.6685705

Mine is RS-5332-4900. I'm super new!

Also, the old thread is gone. What's the gem cheat?

>> No.6685706 [DELETED] 

I have more names! I've done 200 names already and I'm waiting to see if it resets. :( There are some on this list that have the game already (like 10) but I'm not going to go back and try to figure out which ones lol.


>> No.6685722

Can you write these out horizontally instead please, anon?

>> No.6685726

this >>6683688

Seriously, everyone that keeps asking.
Maybe just start the next lineplay thread with that image.

>> No.6685790

Oops, sorry! I copy & pasted. Here are the other names for line..I've done 200 names already and I'm waiting to see if it resets. :( There are some on this list that have the game already (like 10) but I'm not going to go back and try to figure out which ones lol.

sparkle, sparkles, shiver, shutter, mutter, single, married, goddamn, martial, zeus, search, load, avatar, friend, fairy, write, user, hollywood, mulan, wazz, goon, cereal, rapunzel, poool, spring, today, night, short, choi, choon, choo, pearl, oyster, captain, firework, youtube, beautiful, 2kid, mushu, chinese, disney, glitter, honor, roll, buffalo, grin, football, canada, india, australia, antarctica, google, noodle, fries, maple, syrup, toph

>> No.6685791

thanks! and yeah, I'm really curious whether this invite reset is weekly or not... I guess it hasn't quite been long enough for most of us to tell yet

>> No.6685806

We're in auto sage. Should we make a new thread?

>> No.6685813

Yeah, and use that gem trick image as the OP so people don't have to ask anymore

>> No.6685854

>New topic

>> No.6686865


>buy gems
>gem trick that gives unlimited money

lol no