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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 363x155, Toracon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6680069 No.6680069 [Reply] [Original]

Just two weeks until Tora-Con at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. Anyone else going?

Confirmed guests so far:
Todd Haberkorn
Cherami Leigh
Mike McFarland
Monica Rial
John Swasey

>> No.6680092

I'm going dressed as Sebastian from Black Butler. First time cosplaying so we'll see how it goes. Girlfriend is going as dress-Ciel, it's how I got roped into it.

>> No.6680108

Just mildly amused with how some people were bitching about all of the problems about the staff and other people going to this con this year, yet they all seem to have scheduled to go to this anyway. Hate how people around here are filled with such hot air.

I'm only going for a day, the only guest that interests me is John Swasey.

>> No.6680122
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I haven't even seen any threads about it besides this one so I have no idea what people have been saying.

>> No.6680130

You'd have to have them added on a social network like Facebook to see really. I've been going to this con for awhile so I've managed to make quite a few acquaintances, can't say all of them are the brightest.

>> No.6680135

They come periodically throughout the year. Basically a bunch of high school kids whining about a con that's run by busy college students. Not realizing that they have to compete with other clubs for space and some things are just unpredictable and out of their control.

Or that one chick who says that she's being discriminated against because she's hot and isn't allowed to jiggly her tits in a Yoko costume or smoke in front of the doors.

>> No.6680139

If these guys want to whine and bitch they can do it about Roc-Con. What a fucking clusterfuck. Only reasonably good thing was the Hetalia meeting, and they hyped the fuck out of that, half the people who attended only went for that.

>> No.6680152
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Oh that's just Brittany Bors, aka cum dripping fuck sponge girl. She's a popular lolcow.

She went on a tirade because a couple years ago she was told to put on a jacket in her Yoko cosplay while another Yoko (who was less endowed and didn't have as much ass hanging out) wasn't told to cover up because she technically wasn't showing as much. She considers this "discrimination."

She doesn't realize it isn't about making the other person wearing the same costume 'equal.' It's the fact that she was showing way too much T&A that the staff deemed inappropriate via their rules. She could always go to another convention instead of this one that allows more exposure, but she never does. She's an asshole and the only people who ever stick up for her shit are attention whores and beta orbiters.

>> No.6680158

I thought that was another chick and Brittany was the one with obvious shoop and was criticizing some other girl's yoko and wouldn't admit to the shoop and something about her boyfriend or... dunno

>> No.6680161
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That's the same chick.
She was also bitching about the smoking near convention doors too and how she should be able to do what she wants around them and everyone else just has to deal with it if they don't care for the smoke.

>> No.6680164

Pretty sure Brittany Bors was the Yoko who entered the Otaku House competition with a badly shooped photo. The original looked so much better than the shoop! Anyways, there were some complaints and her boyfriend called everyone "cum dripping fuck sponges"

>> No.6680168
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>> No.6680174
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Well she kept denying that she used photoshop when people questioned her and she became very hostile and rude to people.
A twelve year old came and later told her off for acting like such an ass.

>> No.6680179

Why would she shoop this? She looks better before the shoop, the shoop is horrible.

>> No.6680185

So aside from Britawhore, what else is going on with Toracon?

>> No.6680191

Powerglove is playing.
That's about it.

Honestly I feel sorry for anyone who pre-registered for the weekend pass since there is hardly anything interesting going on Sunday besides cosplay chess and the dating game, which both happen Saturday anyway. Panels are meh tier. They have one called "Furrries and Anime."

>> No.6680194

They have that Vocaloid concert, but if I recall correctly people were kind of disappointed with it the other time.

>> No.6680198

Torastaff had no idea WHAT they were doing with that. They didn't realize it would be so big, there were lines crisscrossing two whole buildings, not to mention the simulcasts.

>> No.6680202

Ugh. Hopefully they'll get it right this year, I kind of want to check that out.

>> No.6680204

>>6680092 here, tossing in a few videos I got from Toracon 2012.

Picture montage (iPod quality):

Vendors (hopefully they won't fuck over Artist Alley again this year):

AniMiku Simulcast clips (was running low on battery by then, couldn't record it all):

John St John Panel (he was great):

>> No.6680222
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We'll never be rid of her, will we?
She'll be to western new york as Pixyteri is to Texas.

>> No.6680228

Considering that the main thing people keep citing about her and Toracon is an event that happened over three years ago, I think at least for now we're rid of her shenanigans.

Though we'll see how 2013 goes.

>> No.6680232

Unfortunately >>6680168
only happened a month and a half ago.

Oh and she appeared again when one of her friends got posted in a drama thread too. She likes to get herself involved in fights.

>> No.6680243
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is it possible to be nostalgic for something after less than a year?

>> No.6680278

Jon St John was fucking hilarious

>> No.6680306

Is anyone else going?

>> No.6680360

I will be going Saturday, but I'll just be wearing a lolita outfit. I didn't have the budget to finish my cosplay in time.

>> No.6681503


>> No.6681655

Have a question about the cosplay contest, and nobody seems to answer posts on the forums; if you want to enter the walkons, do you have to do the whole training/practice bullshit? That stuff goes for like five hours and makes you miss all the good panels. All I want to do is walk across the stage with my girlfriend in our partnered cosplay outfits. Both outfits were purchased so we're not trying to win awards, just want to have some fun and make Ciel/Sebastian fangirls squeal.

>> No.6681699
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>no chris sabat

>> No.6681704

Pretty sure that the only way you can enter the cosplay contest/show whatever with bought costumes is as a skit.

Though if the judges are the same dumb high school chicks it's always been then they might let you do it somehow if you ask.

>> No.6682019

Neither of us have the confidence to really do a skit. There have been others who bought costumes and then did the walkons, hence the question. But I don't know the details, and again, nobody says anything on the forums.

>> No.6682026

Well just ask.
Just say "Hey do we have to stay here for the whole practice, or can we just show you our walk on a few times and be on our way?"
It's quite simple. You should also keep in mind that you might have to wait for people practicing ahead of you.

>> No.6682043

They had better wise up and give out microphones for cosplay chess this year, sick and tired of not being able to hear more than half of the stuff going on.

>> No.6682095

Bitch do you know how expensive and hard to coordinate that is? These are a bunch of college students that are given nothing but a free reg to perform for you and get very little funding as a club.

>> No.6682099

I think this is what annoys me most when people criticize this convention. It just seems to slip some peoples' minds that this is still run by a college anime club ffs.

>> No.6682114

On top of that the cosplay chess club is really new and had to become a club because they kept getting snubbed for practice space and the anime club didn't want to be liable for them. So why the anime club is one of the oldest and largest clubs on campus and commands a little bit of respect this new club still gets snubbed a lot.

>> No.6682117

I'm going! I normally cosplay, but this year I'll be wearing lolita since I recently got into that. I'm going to be wearing my Sleeping Garden jsk. If any of you see me wandering about, please say hi. I could use more friends.

I can't believe Tora-Con is almost here, I hope the weather is okay. Last year was miserable, and that was in April.

>> No.6682140


wait what? does the anime club not realize that the only reason anyone goes to this con anymore is to see the chess match and maybe a guest or two? the panels are always shit and they can't organize the dealers/artists properly

>> No.6682143

I'll say hi if I see you anon.
And yeah here's hoping the weather will be a bit better.

>> No.6682148

I went to that 'The Cosplayers' panel last year. I have never felt such secondhand embarrassment in all my life. I was stuck in the middle of the room and couldn't get out without causing a huge disruption. They played these stupid homemade youtube videos of themselves eating shit in poorly made cosplay. Nobody laughed. Not once.

>> No.6682149

Well that and the fact that besides Anime Syracuse there really aren't any other major conventions that happen in western new york.
Panels tend to be best on Saturday, and I hope that they learned their lesson from last year about organizing the artist alley better.
Dealers usually get the better end of the stick regardless.

>> No.6682154

In fairness though everyone knows that retarded Cosplayers 'documentary' is shit.
They try to pawn this at a lot of east coast conventions. They're really not that good.

>> No.6682160

Anime club has a whole slew of other things they do besides run the convention. They can't also support a whole group of 30+ cosplayers. The e-board has enough on their plate as it is.

>> No.6682218

I think a part of the problem is Roc-Con. It steals visitors from Tora-Con locally, and it's a shitty con anyways.

It didn't help that Vic Nignoggy visited Roc-Con when for some reason he's still banned from Tora-Con because some overly religious wingnuts threw a shitfit.

>> No.6682251

>It didn't help that Vic Nignoggy visited Roc-Con when for some reason he's still banned from Tora-Con because some overly religious wingnuts threw a shitfit

While I don't have a problem with Vic not shitting up Toracon, what happened to make him banned? If anything I thought the uber religious would be all over that guy.

>> No.6682274

Someone asked him something about his religion at a panel, and he answered, and a whole bunch of adults flipped shit. Wasn't there so I only have secondhand though.

>> No.6682308

Has there been any word about Tora-Con looking at new locations? The college seems intent on screwing them despite all the income RIT makes from people buying food and paying parking on that weekend.

They've been hitting cap every year for a while now, and 20 x 2500 = 50000 so even for saturday alone they ought to be making enough cash each year to handle this.

>> No.6683414
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Any word on where Artist Alley got put this year? I couldn't find it last year and heard all these stories about sellers having to put out jars for gas money to get home, so I want to make sure I support them this year.

>> No.6683521
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I want to feel sorry for them, but is it a common practice for artist alley vendors to not set aside the funds for travel back from a convention?
Just seems shaky as hell to rely on sales to fund their trip back home.
What if people didn't like their products and couldn't sell?

>> No.6683541

In fairness, no one would ever expect that the sellers wouldn't make enough to cover GAS MONEY.

>> No.6683548

Idk some of those sellers sell some pretty shit things.

Just seems irresponsible not to have that for an emergency. Js.

>> No.6683557

You underestimate what depths con-goers wallets will sink to.

>> No.6683572

AA is going to be in the Bamboo room this year. It's on the second floor of the building right across the Clark gym, which is where they had it last year. Not a great location imo.

It's a pretty tiny room so I hope they put the dealers somewhere else.. otherwise the artists are gonna get screwed over this year too.

>> No.6683575

The fuck? The bamboo room is a great room. It's a little out of the way, but it's still attached to the SAU. It's where Iron Cosplay usually is from what I remember.

>> No.6683664

The Bamboo room is a great spot that really is right on the beaten path. It's where they had a lot of panels last year, including Voice Actors Uncensored. It's right across from the room that has been used pretty much every year as the video game room, and it's right upstairs from the fireside lounge where the Hetalia and big meetings usually happen.

That's a much better spot than the last two years.

>> No.6683729

Has there been any word on last minute guest additions? After they lost Chris Sabat they never added anyone else (though they put the DJ on the "guest" page, which seems to say slim pickings like crazy).

Hopefully they got someone else, this is kind of the year of the reruns as far as some guests go.

>> No.6683741

Wow, I'm really bummed. I didn't know Chris Sabat was dropped until now.

The DJ is mediocre.
And if it's the same guy I'm thinking of then he dates some unbearably annoying attention seeking twat that got posted here not too long ago for being a lolcow.

>> No.6683778
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Who the fuck is this guy and why is he on the guest list?

>> No.6683782

He's probably friends with whoever runs Toracon's page. I'm really not surprised he's 'selflessly' self-promoting on the guest page when he's not a freaking guest.

>> No.6683793


It's shit like this that pisses me off so much. There were dozens of voice actors who would have still been available for Tora-Con, but instead they pull this shit.

>> No.6683820

>“I don’t do this for the compensation or the hookups; this is all about the love I’ve had for the community since I was very young”

Do people seriously buy this garbage?

>> No.6684153

Not one bit.

I mean, seriously, they're putting the DJs on the guest page now? What the fuck?

>> No.6684169

Vic is already lined up for Roc-Con 2013. They're actually starting to get a relatively respectable lineup. Most of it is still "smaller" roles, but they got the guy who played Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat and Heihachi in Tekken, and the woman who played Nurse Joy, Dark Magician Girl, and Luffy. They got Uncle Yo too, which explains why he's not at Tora-Con.

>> No.6684184

Yeah because I'm sure he'd be doing it for absolutely free if he weren't being compensated and adding reputation for his service. What a tard. And no.

That's pretty cool that they got Uncle Yo.

>> No.6684621
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I had an idea for a cosplay of Terra in esper form from Final Fantasy VI, but I was told that it would be considered inappropriate by Toracon rules because it involved a tight bodysuit.

Not sure what to do this late in the game.

>> No.6684623

Don't listen to what you're told by random people.
They're not the staff and they don't make the rules.
You can send in an email and ask the staff directly yourself.

>> No.6684684

If it's tasteful it'll be fine. Also you're still cover up. Just make sure your nips aren't poking through and you're fine.

>> No.6684769

There's a group of guys showing up at Toracon and they're doing a rainbow zentai suit group.
You should have zero problems, and whoever gave you that information is really incorrect.
The only time the staff gives you shit is when you have exposed body parts dangling out. Like that butthurt Yoko girl did.

A bodysuit covers your body. As long as you don't have massive camel toe and erect titties you should be fine.

>> No.6684827


It was Tora-Staff who told me it wouldn't fly. I used the Contact Us form and explained the outfit, making sure to point out that it wouldn't be over the line in any way, but I was told that the new policy is no bodysuits, based on complaints received in previous years. When I pointed out the girl who did Midna last year, they said they had some faculty complaints about it and had to cut bodysuits to keep the college happy.

>> No.6684871

They're going to be joyous at the fact that there's going to be a group prancing around in zentai suits then.
Also, they need to update their rules since it pretty much says as long as you're covered you're okay. I would've criticized.

>> No.6684998

that was fucking hilarious, mostly because I know a lot of people that were involved.

I should have had to pay to enjoy all that buttmad

you would be correct

>> No.6685023


Oh come the fuck ON.

>> No.6685035

He has been the DJ at the rave for the last two years. He's decent.

>> No.6685040

No he's pretty substandard. Especially if he's the guy that did the rave last year.
>been doing gigs at this con for two years
>obviously their go-to because they know nobody else
>lives pretty much locally
>still considered a 'guest'

>> No.6685061

college student run or not, toracon brings in a ton of money and is still a pretty shitty con as far as how it is run.

if they cant handle two days they should bring the con back to being saturday only.

>> No.6685066

Not that I have anything personal against the con, but I think they should do Saturday only anyway just for the fact that there's literally -nothing- to do on Sunday.

>> No.6685191


I've bought the weekend pass every year but ended up only going Saturday anyways because nothing on Sunday interested me.

>> No.6685230
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>> No.6685244

...I don't recognize half of the characters on the east side and whoever made this should have flipped them around so it makes sense for where the text is.

>> No.6685255

>that cowering troll above the Freakazoid

If that's any indication of that one really obese, unfunny, autistic dude being in the cosplay chess game again...

Fuck that guy is awkward. How does he even manage to participate?

>> No.6685260


Uh, isn't that Hiccup from HTTYD?

>> No.6685262

....You mean Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon?

Though yeah fuck that guy. He worms himself into the show every year even though no one likes him.

>> No.6685265

Is it supposed to be? Can't tell. Half of these are poorly referenced.

>> No.6685269

It would be just like him to cosplay a character dressed like that.

>> No.6685291


who? do tell

>> No.6685310

I don't know his name. He's just in every cosplay chess game I've ever seen at Toracon. He's just generally that unfunny, awkward fat guy up on stage. You can tell he's trying really hard but there's just nothing comical about what he does, and if on the rare occasion something's funny it's usually at his own expense--like getting himself fucking taken out so we don't have to watch him on stage anymore. He stays up there for a long time too.

One sec, lemme see if I can try to find a photo...

>> No.6685325

Okay found an example.
This was him during the chess match in 2011.
Last year he was only a stage prop character, my bad.

Awkward guy with blue hair, can't miss him.

>> No.6685370

Who is he supposed to be?

>> No.6685386

Hey! Peach/Yotsuba here from the past two years shows...

Thanks for the supportive comments. Yes, we are a new club. Finding space to practice is difficult some times. Yes microphones get expensive. And yes there are many other issues... (A big one this year was having WAY less time to put together our show. We started later in club + Tora was moved up a month.) For instance certain characters with masks NEED mics and also some people are just naturally much louder than others, overpowering them. Overall a lot of our members are on the quieter side, and Ingle (where the show has been the past two years due to the growth in our audience) has horrible acoustics. We had mics last year for kings, but tech crew turned off my mic the first day on me by accident, for instance-- so even mics can be unreliable. We promise to always try our best but know ultimately hearing us (especially in the way back) can be difficult. :(

I will be stage managing this year and hopefully am able to help control chaos backstage so at least the show runs smoothly and the only issue we face this year is the sound stuff... (I think we are planning more hanging mics and possibly floor mics this year to help? I'm not club staff so not sure.)

As always we hope people are quiet in the audience so everyone can hear better... Also that people do not interact with actors in the audience (because yes we DO leave stage some times! :D)

We also will not be doing two different "endings" this year, BUT the shows do have some differences still so if you decide to see us again Sunday, hopefully you enjoy. :3 For those who can't make it we are TRYING to get it on YouTube after. No promises but that is the game plan. No clue what the quality will be.

I will say this year we are doing something pretty cool I don't want to give away... So it's worth seeing.

>> No.6685392


A lot of neat cosplays on the board this year. Any other questions field me and I'll try to answer. If anyone is interesting in JOINING and being on the board next year, I can also help with that. Club is open to everyone who can make it to meetings and we try to get almost everyone into the show. (I am pretty sure we hit a record high this year.. We not only have as many stage ninjas as last year but more staff and waaaaay more people on the board. Yes a board has limited squares. We made it work-- go with it.)

>> No.6685419

seconded. fuck roccon. the woman who runs it is a bitch.

toracon may not be perfect but out of the college-run cons i've been to it's definitely one of the best.

>> No.6685438


Floor mics and hanging mics would be amazing, that needs to be a thing that happens.

No different endings? Well I'll still try to get in on Saturday I guess. Tora-con's Sunday schedule is awful this year so everyone's going to try to pack into your show Sunday.

Tora-con seemed way earlier this year than it usually is, yea. Do you think that's going to end up hurting the show? Not that I wouldn't see it anyway, there's really no reason to even come to Tora-con if you aren't going to the show.

How do you feel about the cast? Enough quality repeat actors? Interesting characters and fights? Whet our whistle! Western NY is so boring when it comes to cons.

>> No.6685551

We had a few ceiling mics last year so yes we are going to see how many more we can get I think... We definitely have a LOT of returning cast. (Unfortunately we did have people graduate too.) Our club also basically doubled in size so expect a ton of new faces. Definitely try for Saturday because each day we have to usually turn some people away. Not much but some. If everyone plans for Sunday people will miss out.

It hurts in terms of people are still memorizing stuff -_- but we'll have our finger's crossed and if a King forgets a move or needs a notecard, please cut them slack. A lot of us work part time or full time in addition to school, so losing those weeks hurt a lot. I think the physical fights this year are awesome though and we definitely have some HILARIOUS cast members. Some pretty good mixes of characters, new and old-- and some clever dialogue to accompany it all. My only real worry is how quiet some people are but I will do my best to beg staff for mics all over. (And for my one line in the show-- I will sing it as loud as I can. Yes. Sing. Forgive my lack of intonation because it will be funny. :P)

>> No.6685559

Also I haven't seen it yet, but our intro video this year should be amazing. Last year I helped organize it for my friend who filmed it... People in club didn't know what to expect so we had some trouble getting them excited for it. This year we have a better camera and great editing team so that video should really put the show off to a good start. :D

It is East vs West.. We do have plot this year. Better than last year's plot in terms of an actual story. More ninjas get murdered this year... (Pretty sure we have a kill count going backstage for laughs.) Also excellent use of props... I don't wanna give away characters but if you check the event page on Facebook some people might have listed their characters... so just assume what props those might include. It's fantastic. (We really, have a LOT of props this year. Kinda nervous but it will look great no doubt.)

We will likely block off the front two rows again this year due to actors needing some space by the stage and also to avoid any props that go astray hitting someone... Nothing major. Would be like a ball rolling off the stage or nerf darts.

>> No.6685611

>the woman who runs it is a bitch

Sadly I know her in real life. Went to high school with her bitch daughter. That woman made Roc-Con for the express purpose of trying to make her own Tora-Con to make cash. And sadly, she's getting success out of it.

>> No.6685613

1) The new cast is amazing. The original cast is basically gone and it posed many challenges for the new staff running the show. There are MANY new faces, but they are all excellent. There are returning members, who might be harder to identify this year.

2)We have lots of new ideas and really exciting features this year. Its going to be much faster paced and more dynamic show.

3)We had MUCH less time to rehearse. Lost a month and probably 2 or 3 weeks.

4)If people are concerned about audio quality please come to our other events and fundraisers. Like our page on facebook to stay informed. We hold a mini convention in Dec and are holding a Cosplay Formal Ball this Spring.


>> No.6685647

I second the comment about attending our events! When we raise money that is funding for not only more rehearsals with tech crew (to make sure they get mic/light/sound cues right) but it allows for things such as more microphones on stage! It's expensive!!!)

>> No.6685648

Do you know anything about this supposed rule change banning bodysuit cosplays? It's a ways up in this thread. That's going to fuck a lot of people over.

>> No.6685657


The picture >>6685230 has Celty and Freakazoid in it and I assume they're using bodysuits?

>> No.6685666

No such rule exists as far as I'm aware.

We do however, make sure everyone has undergarments on in case of wardrobe malfunctions! (Lord knows we've had a few in the past. Learned our lesson.)

>> No.6685699
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I don't suppose if I said "do tell", you'd enlighten us?

>> No.6685760

Nothing last year. Year prior we had an issue with a male actor and year before that a female.. Both on Sunday's show I think. Could be wrong. XD

Not going to go into details because it's honestly not fun when it happens to you and why we strive to prevent it more and more each year. (I mean... stage acting puts a lot of stress on cosplays so it's no surprise accidents happen.. we just don't want accidents. Nobody does.)

Personally I'm nervous about the bodysuits on stage and thus why we stress layers. Chances are we will be fine like last year... but tempted to make a "censor" bar for a ninja to run out in case of emergency.

>> No.6685765

Considering some idiot decided to hold the event during what Rochester likes to call WINTER, layers are becoming a part of the equation for all of us.

>> No.6685767

The weather during Tora does unfortunately usually stink. :(

Last year there was a cosplayer in a Haruhi (Ouran) bikini cosplay. It was well done but I still was like WTF since it was cold and raining.

>> No.6685788

>cided to hold the event during what Rochester likes to call WINTER, layers are becoming a part of the equation for all of u
i demand sun

>> No.6685796

Just to add insult to injury on that, we hit 60 today.

Guarantees a blizzard for con day.

>> No.6686417


The FB page for the club started announcing characters today with photos. The photo looks like a screen cap based on the dimensions. Maybe it's from the opening video this year?

>> No.6686858


So we've got Ezreal, Freakazoid, Hiccup, (female?) Thor, Korra, Joker, Celty, Ghirahim, and some other east characters I don't recognize.

>> No.6686862

I don't get why some people on chess pick weird obscure characters. Save that for walking around con. Not for a show where you have to appeal to a large audience of varied nerds.

>> No.6687078

Everyone makes their own costumes in club and gives the staff options for a pick for each side of the board... Issue is people are gonna only make a costume they want to make. (Who wants to make a costume for a character they aren't fond of? :P)

I don't know what choices didn't make the board (since as I said, everyone lists two characters) but I would like to think they choose the best line-ups they can. This year's lineup (speaking as a club member)) is pretty well known character IMO so I don't think it will be as big of an issue as it has been in past years... There are few characters that aren't big names or at least from big titles. Just keep an eye on the FB page for character releases if you don't believe me...

>> No.6687077

An update on Artist Alley- it's going to be in the fireside lounge. Apparently the guys organizing AA got the room number wrong or something. What

>> No.6687083

welp that sounds like it will be utter hell. let's hope they put up a curtain wall in that area and space it as well as possible. Not much could be worse than last year.

>> No.6687098

After reading the email again, looks like they're also gonna put tables in the room next to the fireside lounge (room 1829... which actually isn't numbered 1829 for some reason). Sounds like a mess tbh and I'm not too terribly excited..

>> No.6687099
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I went to it last year, no one was told where the line was. I had to wait in the line for three hours. The concert itself was pretty cool though, I'm gonna see it again.

>> No.6687111
File: 329 KB, 522x1534, 1361430352311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for the love of fuck.

We went from good location, to better location, to who-knows-where-the-fuck-it-is location.

What the hell.

>> No.6687119

I guess I'll have to start preparing and make some donation jars lol.. sucks because I really wanted this con to be decent so I can add it to my annual con line-ups.

>> No.6687196

Isn't that the room where they stuffed the rave one year?

It's an okay size but no one will know where the fuck it is.

>> No.6687547

>dat image

I cannot contain my squees.

>> No.6687548

>Isn't that the room where they stuffed the rave one year?

Was it that one room that got unbearably fucking hot?
Hope they got some good ventilation, forget the size.

>> No.6689486


>> No.6690034

10 days to go

>> No.6690149

don't remind me

>> No.6690204

Noooo, I'm not ready!

I thought it was in April this year like usual until about a month ago when one of my classmates informed me that it is most certainly in March.

>> No.6690610

Yeah there's a lot of us wondering what they were smoking on the dates there. We're all going to freeze to death.

>> No.6690727
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, 1358968054470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping my eyes open for any DoA cosplayers this year. We never seem to get any at Tora-Con and I want ideas for the future.

>> No.6691924

Living in the Rochester area. We just got about every kind of snow that we could get - light snow, fluffy snow, heavy snow, sideways snow, hard snow, whiteout snow, diagonal snow, sticky snow, non-sticky snow.

If this is an indication of Tora-Con, it's going to suck weatherwise.

>> No.6692839

I know, right? Why do we live here?!

I don't know if it was stated before and I missed it, but out of curiosity, why is Tora-Con in March this year as opposed to April? Is RIT on break, or does it have to do with when Easter falls or something?

>> No.6692900

I'm pretty sure it's never snowed at Toracon. However it's never been held in March either. I think they moved it because the normal time is way to close to finals for a lot of attendees and the staffers involved.

A couple years have had giant gusts of wind all day and there's been rain ranging from sprinkles to DOOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNNPPOOOOUUUUURRRRR but never snow.

>> No.6692935

Last I heard it was basically RIT trying to kill the entire event. Apparently, despite the fuckloads of moolah they make on the event, the old fuddy-duddys running the joint just can't get over the fact that one weekend in the year, there's people of varying ages running around in costumes talking about nerd stuff, at a Technology school of all places.

>> No.6693120

RIT higher ups have been trying to crush the nerd culture image for awhile. They very hesitantly support anime club despite the fact it is the largest club on campus and the largest anime club on the east coast.

They banned all larping on campus despite the fact they have a ton of huge open fields. Also they switched from their quarter system to a semester system which wonked up their co-op program. Just to seem like a more normal school.

>> No.6693168

WHY? They're a school that teaches every possible massively nerdy thing there is. Embrace that shit, it'll make you boatloads of cash from the nerds pouring in to buy your overpriced classes.

Seriously, if they're going to charge $40k a semester, they need to stop trying to push away the very people who will actually pay that AND who are likely to be able to pay more as alumni.

>> No.6693329

You wanna like leave my boyfriend alone? Thanks.

>> No.6693335
File: 412 KB, 600x615, 1359133144699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$40k a semester to go to that school
Lol wow, hope it's worth it.

>> No.6693337
File: 70 KB, 960x719, lolwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, it's been literally like FOUR days since that post and you're trying to start shit. Why don't you go back to FB and not embarrass yourself again? There's really no reason to shit up the Toracon thread with your attention whore crap.

>> No.6693353

I just received word of this like 5 minutes ago so

>> No.6693357

And that somehow prevented you at looking at the post date and realizing nobody cares anymore?
Not mad, just not sure whether to feel pity or annoyance for you being this dense.

>> No.6693363

ot but isn't this the picture of that Brittany girl's (the yoko) white knight?

>> No.6693367

Idk I don't spend my fucking life on 4chan being an idiot wrapped up in what everyone else is doing. Have fun being a basement dwelling land whale who only lives for conventions and the few friends you have though. Fucking weeb.

>> No.6693368

Nope. Wish it was so we could say there's only one lolcow around here, but it's true.

>> No.6693378
File: 33 KB, 640x480, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well for being the person always wailing about drama and "bullying" you sure do know how to go looking for fights, don't ya?
>fucking weeb
Oh girl. Lol, I'm not the one taking pictures of myself in a Stocking wig sucking rainbow dick candy in my messy room.

>> No.6693388

>"Everyone on 4chan is a greasy weaboo landwhale"
But... you're on this website.

I thought we'd been through this, guys...

>> No.6693389

Maybe she's going for irony and self debasement?

>> No.6693391

I sure hope so

>inb4 she actually claims that was what she was doing

>> No.6693396

Maybe she actually left this time.
She's having herself a pretty good circlejerk on facebook right now.

>> No.6693398

she's got ugly hooker lips.

>> No.6693405

I don't even know this chick.

The only impression I have is that she's some super classy weaboo attention whore that doesn't think before she posts.

>> No.6693407
File: 64 KB, 792x160, 202993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by the standards of normal people
I think he meant
>by the standards of young screaming weeaboos that wouldn't know shit about a rave and DJing

>> No.6693417

Oh I can see why they're dating each other.
They're both insecure egotists.
>hurr cgl opinions don't matter!
>let's just freak out whenever someone mentions something on cgl, WHICH WE DON'T BROWSE BTW~

>> No.6693456
File: 155 KB, 522x342, MFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd think it would occur to someone that maybe, just maybe, they should ignore what people say on an anonymous message board about someone else.

Silly me, that would involve the young lady not being an overly emotional sillypants. Hope your boyfriend has thicker skin than you do.

>> No.6693461

Wait that is the same girl that tried to whiteknight Brittany Bors..

>> No.6693474

No, that's someone else.

>> No.6693483
File: 331 KB, 1250x1036, 1363130305715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fun being a basement dwelling land whale
You live in a room that looks like Chris chan's dumpster and you're always on the internet.
You're seriously going to say someone else is basement dwelling when you do nothing but sit on your ass and complain about your weight or miscellaneous problems all day? Bullshit.
>who only lives for conventions
Yeah because nobody is allowed to be excited for conventions on cgl.
>few friends you have
And you think you have friends? The only reason why you have friends is because people feel sorry for you and your issues. And if you weren't taking pictures of your tits or your barely covered crotch in the bathtub every week you'd have even less people paying attention to you.
>fucking weeb
Oh, you are the biggest weeb. Pot meet kettle.

Grow up.

>> No.6693488
File: 74 KB, 503x293, wait?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not.
Same chick as last time. She translates 4chan for Brittany that doesn't know how to post here. Lel.

>> No.6694045

I'm planning to have Todd sign my Legend of Zelda Link to the Past Player's Guide. What most people don't know is that Todd plays Link in the animated fan adaptation of the LttP manga (Vic Mignogna plays Agahnim, Kira Buckland plays Zelda, and Kent Williams plays Link's Uncle).


I'm hoping Todd will have some updates on the project, since nothing new has been announced since a little while after the trailer went live.

>> No.6694580
File: 272 KB, 720x960, IMG_2455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started going to Toracon in 2010. So far I'm on a roll with finding the actresses who voiced various characters in Negima:

Brina Palencia - Yue
Caitlin Glass - Chachamaru, Chisame
Jamie Marchi - Haruna
Leah Clark - Nodoka, Ayaka
Trina Nishimura - Chao, Motsu, Setsuna (3rd voice)

At Tora-Con 2013, two more actresses will be there - Monica Rial (Konoka, Kazumi, Satsuki) and Cherami Leigh (Setsuna's second voice, Akira). Going to keep going until I have them all.

Except Greg Aryes. He fucked up the main character's voice by managing to make it the most annoying thing ever, and doubling down by sounding less like a guy than Negi's female voice actress in Japan.

>> No.6694583

They banned LARPing? Jeeze, we've even got that over at Nazareth. NAZARETH OF ALL PLACES.

>> No.6694606

There's a fellow Nazfag on cgl? Now I've seen everything. To be fair they hate the LARPers and blame any sort of damage that happens around GAC. I think they only let them do it because there's so little else going on at Naz, especially thursdays at midnight.

>> No.6694656

While I don't mean this as a snark, what IS the attraction of LARPing? Admittedly my only real "experience" with it was watching, and it was...well, basically a dozen or so neckbeards and two very large women running around with sticks and stuff pretending they were in a D&D world.

I know we play imaginary games in our backyards as kids, but there has to come a time when that stuff stays in our imaginations, or is expressed through some other means, writing, art, music, heck video gaming. I just can't understand the draw of it now.

>> No.6694714

I think for some people it's a source of escapism and trying to live out all that stuff characters in fantasy/animu/vidya get to do. I kinda like the SCA stuff because it's serious fucking business. I can understand the attraction to recreating things with historical accuracy. However, the system the Naz kids use, Amptgard uses foam bats and their garb can range anywhere from nice dresses and armor to some guy in a t shirt and kilt. There's not a lot of restrictions and more prone to awkward nerds. Also even though they have foam bats they're still brutal with their strikes. At one point some guy wouldn't stop hitting me and I had to be all "dude fucking STOP."

And that doesn't even touch into some of the politics and drama I hear about.

>> No.6694726

Yeah some of it gets out of hand. The biggest problem is that in LARPing, and really any kind of RP, comparatively few people really learn the most important detail: you're not the main character in the story. Other characters and people are involved, so you can't just flail on through thinking only of yourself.

>> No.6694841

>implying you have friends

good luck in your quest in ever being accepted by the few people that can manage to be around you

>Hope your boyfriend has thicker skin than you do

He doesn't.

>> No.6694867
File: 13 KB, 298x296, 1363104614184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other lolitas going?
I kind of feel bad because I always feel drawn between dressing in cosplay or lolita, but since I can never make any of the community meets I feel like conventions are my only ways of talking to other lolitas.

>> No.6694926

There's usually a pretty sizable lolita population at Tora-Con. They had a lolita event last year IIRC.

>> No.6695908

Just got confirmed on the Tora-Con forums, no more guests.

So we've got two reruns. a guy no one has heard of, and the fucking DJs.

This is going to suck.

>> No.6695964

>no more guests
....u wot m8?
So who are the guests now?

>> No.6695985

Todd Haberkorn (Rerun)
Cherami Leigh
Mike McFarland (bit parts ahoy)
Monica Rial (Rerun)
John Swasey (hasn't done ANY meaningful roles since 1999)
Powerglove (staple band)
Ru (DJ)

That's right, the DJs are fucking guests now. This tells you how low they're scraping the barrel.

>> No.6695997

I once asked the club president if we could try to get folks like That Guy with the Glasses to be a guest. He just told me he has nothing to do with anime. Even though he has done several anime cons and made several videos with Uncle Yoh. It's not much but he's still more relevant that Homestuck or ponies even though those fandoms get huge panels.

I know the current president has his shit together, but I know nothing about the rest of the board.

>> No.6696000

Yeah to be really honest I'm not impressed with it either. I do like Powerglove though, and I'm only going to see John Swasey for the novelty of meeting John Swasey. Everyone else I'm not interested in. And I think it's stupid they're putting DJs on the guest list now.

>> No.6696010

This is the general thing I keep hearing about RIT's Anime Club - everyone demands attention and jack shit gets done because everyone refuses to compromise. I've heard it from two friends who tried getting into the club as freshmen/sophmores and basically spent their time being shunted down by louder people with some pretty dumb ideas.

I ran the anime club at Brighton High School for two years and I know it can be wonky at times dealing with a constant running dialogue with members, but a President has to be both open to ideas and willing to put his foot down. I can't imagine how Homestuck and MLP got their own panels, but there's some serious restructuring that needs to go on with this convention - I'm very worried about it's longevity in the future, and I think it's safe to say that none of us want Tora-Con to go away. We just want it to grow and get better.

>> No.6696450

who exactly IS John Swaysey? has he done anything important, or just small parts?

>> No.6696839

Gendo in Evangelion. That's it.

>> No.6697811
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>> No.6698630
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>> No.6698941

Really disappointed Uncle Yo isn't back this year. I talked to him about during NYCC, and he said he was in talks for Roc-Con, to which I begged him to reconsider.
I hope he comes back next year, he was one of the only good things about the 18+ panel last year

>> No.6698948

He's confirmed for Roc-Con now apparently.

Might be the only thing that saves that convention. We need to get him back for Tora-Con 2014.

>> No.6698951

Gendo in EVA, Hohenheim in FMA: Brotherhood, Lord Death in Soul Eater, and Nobunaga in Sengoku Basara

>> No.6698960

See you all there!
Been going since 2006, missed last year.
It isn't much, but it's my home con.

>> No.6699232


Same dumb high school chicks? Really? In all honesty I believe that judging has greatly improved in the cosplay contest. The judges seem to be taking a way more professional approach to the contest, like that of a higher up convention. From what I can see is that the craftsmanship is out weighing the skits and the skits have been tanking tremendously. This show is about the skill,creativity, and presentation.

>> No.6699295

I'd say the opposite. One of my friends was Madame Red and entered the day of for fun. She told them she didn't make her hat, it was just a feather fascinator from Icing, and that her dress was just modified from an existing red dress. They proceeded to give her second place and tell the audience how much they loved the hat and dress she made from scratch.

I feel like other years have actually made more sense for craftsmanship and skit wins. However other years there have been more clear winners.

>> No.6699299

Oh not to mention one of the cosplayed Rose Bride Utena and made her crown out of felt. Fucking felt.

>> No.6699455


You're dredging up painful memories anon.

>that one in 2012 with the Brock song
>the teen titans one that had no direction and had Raven skipping around
>Uncle Yo's reactions while he tries to be polite and really has no face
>that one girl who sang a song that had nothing to do with anime

Though that last one was really well done and the crowd loved her.

>> No.6699529

The skits have gone downhill exceptionally to the point where it's just painful to watch. There is no thought put in at all and it is somewhat like watching an animal slowly die.
Honestly I don't blame anyone for just accepting people in when the skits are that bad. I would too in the hopes that something better would come.

>> No.6699542

Quite simply, they need to have better filters for these skits. If a skit is going to be bad to the point of being god-awful, yank it off the show.

The best way to do this is to have the skit-doers show off their skits to judges before the stage show, and then the stage show is for the audience's benefit. The reactions of the audience to each skit can play into the scoring, because believe me, we are going to clap and scream LOUD for good skits.

>> No.6699583

It's hard when there are literally NO good skits

>> No.6699637

Are you referring to the judge who wore the rose bride utena cosplay a few years ago? i talked to her and her crown was not made out of felt at all, she mentioned it being some sort of crafting material.

>> No.6699758

Oh my God, the Brock skit! That was a painful five minutes to watch. So much secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.6699805

supposedly that one was thrown together at the last minute. I only have side comments from friends of the participants, but it seems like the Brock roped the other two into it and there was basically no practice time, so it didn't go well

I felt the most bad for the one guy in normal clothes, I'd talked with him a bit walking around the convention beforehand; he's partly blind and it was his first time going so he was basically stuck with whatever his friends did

>> No.6700471


>> No.6700482
File: 674 KB, 480x272, 1361968423024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the weather isn't fucking rancid. I'll be pissed if I have to drive in the fucking snow and then have to greet the shitty weather once I get there.

>> No.6700501

Supposedly it's supposed to be 43 and Mostly Sunny.

>> No.6700767

That would be the best weather in years.

>> No.6700823

so what panels have we deemed are worth going to?

>> No.6700871
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 3475091778_e9c8043f91_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final schedule just went up:


Hetalia - always good.
Vocaloid Concert.
Cosplay Dating Game (18+)
Voice Actors Uncensored (18+) - always good.
Toonami - Faithful Podcast.
Cosplay Contest

Chainmail Workshop (Sat too)
Intro to Creative Writing (AKA how to not write bad fanfiction, this was good last year)
In The Name Of Live: A History of Magical Girls
Cosplay Chess (Sat too)

Don't know about rest because descriptions of panels aren't up yet. I am worried because none of the guests seem to have panels, just autograph segments. Other than this stuff, look at the anime viewings and see if anything interests you.

Personally this seems like a very watered down year, but the fans usually make up for any con deficiencies.

>> No.6700913 [DELETED] 

AMV Throwdown is fun if you acutally know anime. Sad he got a shit time this year.

If it's the guy I'm thinking of Anime Trivia and Name that Tune should be amazing. He puts a lot of heart into his panels.

>> No.6700921
File: 92 KB, 720x540, allmywhys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10 for making me look this up. I see now that it is something weird plastic thing. I could go and list everything else wrong with this costume, but I'm in not that bitchy a mood. I'll just say lol broadcloth.

>> No.6700931

AMV Throwdown is fun if you acutally know anime. Sad he got a shit time this year.

If it's the guy I'm thinking of Anime Trivia and Name that Image should be amazing. He puts a lot of heart into his panels.

>> No.6702069
File: 275 KB, 160x88, Banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any FF cosplayers going this year? Last year's mini-Lightning was cute as all hell.

>> No.6702191

Main schedule is up and panel descriptions are up. Got my day schedule all drawn up.

They scheduled the autograph sessions in weird spots. The ones for one group overlap the other group's panels, and the later autograph sessions are DURING the Cosplay Contest. Going to be some strange rushing around.

>> No.6702210


What are you going to, anon?

>> No.6702329

Copy-pasta'd from textfile:


Final Fantasy: Cloudy with a Chance of Lightning - 10AM - SAU Room 1010

Women in Anime - 11AM - Building 8 Room 1250

Show and Tell with Todd - 12:30 PM - Building 8 Room 1250

BREAK TIME 1:30 - 3:30

Cosplay Contest - 4PM - Bamboo Room OR Webb Auditorium

Monica and Cherami Autographs - 5:30PM - SAU Reading Room

Vocaloid - 6PM - SAU Ingle Auditorium

Anime Amazons - 8PM - Bamboo Room

Thin Red Line (18+) - 9PM - Bamboo Room


VA's Uncensored - 11PM - Bamboo Room




Intro to Creative Writing - 9AM - Building 8 Room 1250

ADR 101 - 11AM - Building 8 Room 1250


Todd Autograph - 1:30PM - SAU Reading Room

BREAK TIME - 1:45PM-2:30PM

Japan Travel 101 - 3PM - Building 6 Room A205

Bonus Panel: The Bonus Panel - 4PM - SAU Ingle Auditorium

Closing Ceremonies - 5PM - SAU Ingle Auditorium

>> No.6702908
File: 62 KB, 960x540, 208666_492880614082185_838961335_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702944

That cube looks CG

>> No.6702948


It's on the chess page where they're posting what looks like screencaps from the intro video. It's probably cg for the intro.

>> No.6702966
File: 563 KB, 960x566, 64230_493657290671184_227704208_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.6703072

>Cosplay Contest - 4PM - Bamboo Room OR Webb Auditorium

>> No.6703158

Bamboo Room is the Simulcast, Webb is where the contest is held.

>> No.6703195


>> No.6703445


>> No.6703639

Who's rushing their cosplay prep at the last minute?

Hoping it's not just me.

>> No.6703934
File: 9 KB, 196x147, 1307681332935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime Amazons
>Gone are the days of the damsel in distress! Anime and games are finally portraying strong, leading women who take charge and lead, rather than leaving their defense in the hands of their - not always so capable - male companions.


>> No.6703937
File: 830 KB, 792x792, 1343630728747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for a few outfit pieces to arrive in the mail.

>> No.6704159
File: 60 KB, 400x399, $(KGrHqZHJDgE-VFvJF3yBPu0t)I,Ug~~60_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. My wig was supposed to arrive today at the absolute latest (March 11 - March 18). Beginning to panick.

>> No.6704271

Still gotta finish my lolita headdress. I had one finished but now I'm not sure I like it so I'm working frantically on a second one. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with last minute issues.

>> No.6704301
File: 39 KB, 498x321, 1333940931881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you get your wig in time! I'm a little nervous because I ordered mine super late (read literally two days ago) but it's shipping from the US so hopefully at most it'll only take about three more days. In any case I do have a backup wig, I just wanted a new one.../sigh

>> No.6704773

>whole slew of other things they do besides run the convention. They can't also support a whole group of 30+ cosplayers. The e-board has enough on their plate as it is.

RIT Cosplay Troupe handles the performance. Not Anime Club.
Look us up.

>> No.6704778

I wish Anime Club would make the Cosplay Chess a main event, rather then burying it in Panels. Seriously only reason most people come to Toracon anymore is to see that show.

>> No.6704787

Idk I think cosplay chess gets a bit boring after awhile.
But then again I go to Toracon to see the guests, do a few meetups, and buy some weeb merch.

>> No.6704816

Last year I thought the Cosplay Chess was a bit too long. Don't get me wrong, it's a great event, but after awhile I was losing interest. I didn't want to get up and leave since I thought that'd be a bit rude considering how much effort they put into the production.

>> No.6704840

They work on the thing for such a long time and it's such a time investment for everyone that I think they give people too much time to do their fight/bit/skit. Each fight should be contained to 2 minutes for 2 person fights and adjust for the amount of people who are involved or that die in that fight.

>> No.6705074

>only reason

LOLno. I've been going to Toracon for four years now and never went to see Cosplay Chess even once. It's a shit performance every single year. I go for the guests, the other panels that do well, the vendor shenanigans, and the general hoopla of being around other anime fans.

Could not care less about Cosplay Chess.

>> No.6705739


>> No.6706227


>> No.6706496

Does anyone know anything about what kinds of places to eat there are around campus dinner-wise?

>> No.6706610

It didn't come today either.


>> No.6706739

On campus there are a few places down near the dorms, but nothing much open during the con. If you go down the main road that the college is on, there are taco bells and shit farther down.

>> No.6706824
File: 42 KB, 391x260, 3663285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There will be a pre-reg party at RIT at 8PM this Friday, March 22nd, in the Fireside Lounge. You can go in early and pick up your convention badges so you can completely skip the lines during the actual con, and there's usually also mini-events during the party such as raffles and trivia games. You don't need to wear your cosplay to it, but you're perfectly allowed to as well. It generally runs for a couple of hours, not too late since people want sleep for Saturday.

>> No.6707162

There's a good breakfast place on campus, but I'm not saying where.

It's the only quiet place in the morning and I want it to myself.

>> No.6707260

So I've got a question and I know it's usually not set in stone, but humor me: Like around what time does Toracon usually cap attendance? I keep thinking it's around noon from previous years but I could be wrong. I have some friends traveling out of state and they didn't pre-reg, so I'm trying to offer them a bit more perspective other than "get there as early as possible."

>> No.6707307

They cap at 2500 people I think. Tell your friends to get there FUCKING early, they're only selling 1000 spots on the day-of, 1500 are already pre-regged.

>> No.6707508


>implying there's a better breakfast place than artesanos
>implying artesanos wont be packed

>> No.6707581

Is that the place by the convenience stores? They have some good stuff.

The last few years, I got my lunch from the convenience store, they have Stouffers and a microwave.

>> No.6707582

Is it even worth it to buy food on campus? Or would you say it's better to just take a break and look for something off-campus if you have a car?

>> No.6707600

It depends. There is good food to be found on campus, but it'll be in high demand depending on location.

Off campus there's stuff to be found, but you may not have the time.

>> No.6707791
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It's just badge pickup, bro. I'm kinda sad that there are no events going on that day.

>> No.6707795

Damn, what the fuck Tora-Con.

>> No.6707834
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Yeah, hopefully Saturday and Sunday end up being okay, this is the only con I can afford going to.

>> No.6707881

Saturday always works out. Sunday, well, we'll see.

>> No.6708035
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Well, this is my third Tora-Con and I know from the past ones that Sunday is usually boring.

>> No.6708088

This will be my fourth, so I know what you mean.

>> No.6708602
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Does anyone in the local area for Tora-Con know of reputable wig sales persons? Please?

>> No.6708606

Ouch. Saw that anon, sorry your ebay seller sucks. I don't know how they could forget to ship a wig...

>> No.6708906


Arlene's Costumes?

>> No.6708936


>> No.6708951

I'd have a choice between Pompadour and Elvira Mistress of the Dark.

Freaking American costume shops. You'd think nobody ever used bob-cut wigs anymore.

>> No.6708983

There's a wig store in village gate that might have wigs closer to typical cosplay stuff for a decent price.

>> No.6709015

Do you know what they're called? I've been searching the Village Gate directory but it's hard to tell.

>> No.6709078

I think it's Wosa's fine wigs. I haven't been to Rochester in a year but I'm pretty sure they were still there after the renovation.

>> No.6709607


>> No.6710341
File: 248 KB, 800x500, fantasy world of warcraft sylvanas windrunner 1920x1200 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never see any good Sylvanas cosplayers at Toracon. Is it just too much of a niche spot now to go as Warcraft characters?

>> No.6710351

I can't imagine anyone from around here doing anything too stellar. Especially if it requires body paint.
A lot of young teens at this con to boot, so they have yet to require the skills to make a cosplay like that look good.

>> No.6710399

I be more mad but about those posts unless the two points she made about "no smoking" around doors or the selective dress code is not a real thing.

That seems criminal.

>> No.6710435
File: 40 KB, 707x226, Screen Shot 2013-03-20 at 11.30.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really digging GLW right now. Placed the order on the 17th and it looks like it'll be here at my door tomorrow morning. I think it's faster than from when I ordered from them two years ago.

>> No.6710942


>> No.6711030

Hnghh. Must put together outfit...

I actually lucked out pretty hard. I'm one of the commuting anons that didn't pre-register but a friend is letting me stay at their place in Rochester Friday night so I won't have to wake up super early and rush to the convention.
Pretty nice of them considering a hotel last minute could cost upwards of $100.

>> No.6711218

You'll still have to get there early. Registration opens at 8AM and only 1000 will sell (and they'll ALL go). The first panels begin at 9AM.

>> No.6711470
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Anyone know a good way to add cup size? Trying to find stuff last minute.

>> No.6711560

Yuh, but it's me waking up at 7am as opposed to 4am. You can see why I might be happy. I know I still have to be there at 8.

>> No.6711611

...no, you don't get it.

You need to get there long before 8.

I'm leaving home at seven and I live 15 minutes away.

>> No.6711668
File: 385 KB, 1292x488, Toracon lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arriving at 8

Have fun being in line at 11AM when they announce they can't take any more people.

>> No.6711960

No need to be catty.

>> No.6712075

no need to be this mad

>> No.6712105

Let's not get nutty two days out gents. All gotta coexist with each other after all.

>> No.6712108

I have pictures of the same situation (of course I can't seem to find them), although I'm not sure if it was the same year as yours. In 2009 and 2010 I remember people waiting forever to get in.

However, last year I got there around 9:30, I think, and just walked right in basically.

>> No.6712138

That's because 2009 and 2010 were good years with nice guests and relatively nice weather to boot.
I remember going to get my badge last year at around 10 or 11 in the morning Saturday and there was nobody waiting in line to register, in fact that room was completely empty.
I forget when they announced that they capped but I remember it being late in the day. Certainly not by 11.

>> No.6713349



>> No.6713495
File: 129 KB, 679x567, Screen Shot 2013-03-22 at 3.19.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pack warm coats, folks, we're all going to fucking freeze.

>> No.6713828


>> No.6713911

Freaking Kevin Williams said earlier in the week it was gonna be 43 and 'mostly sunny'.

I wonder if they won't reach maximum capacity on account of the weather. Not looking forward to standing outside in a paper thin chiffon blouse, but I don't want to be carrying a coat around all day either.

>> No.6713921

is that what you consider freezing? lol that's so cute...yesterday was 20 degrees fahrenheit and i considered that a nice day.

>> No.6714510

Forgot to pre-register and I have work until 2:30 tomorrow, but I've always been able to get in just fine. Did they change the attendance cap this year?

>> No.6714983
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Due to the massive number of pre-regs, they had to lower the cap for day-off buys. So it's less than 1000 now. No one is sure how low it is though.

>> No.6714995

Not to be a jackass to anyone that hasn't pre-regged but I think this is getting overhyped just a tad.
PAX is on the same weekend as Toracon this year, the weather sucks, and there's no notable guests.
I really don't think attendance with cap as fast as staff would like to have you believe. Especially if it's anything like last year.

>> No.6715065

It's that time! See you all at the convention tomorrow!

>> No.6715097

I love that picture

>> No.6715233

Someone needs to tell that Brittany Bors chick to stfu on Toracons's FB page about how the staff fucked up her pre reg. No they didn't fuck it up the idiot just didn't read the rules about sending in a check or money order and that NO CASH is accepted. It clearly states that on the PDF and I'm so tired of brats like her blaming everyone else for her fuck ups. What balls she has. If I were staff I'd ban her. If she hates the way the con is run so much then she can stay home.

>> No.6715927


Oh god this is exactly what I needed to hear on the morning of. Suddenly I feel much happier.

>> No.6715988

Isn't she like.. consistently stupid and dramatic? I remember hearing about here on here for other stupidity about her yoko cosplay or something?

>> No.6717147


>> No.6717547

So the "real" day of Toracon is over. How is everyone?

>> No.6717667
File: 137 KB, 553x929, cheesygoodness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great! Have a pic from today.

>> No.6717669

I'm gonna go do some squats now, thanks.

>> No.6717682
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And another...

>> No.6717703
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>> No.6717706
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>> No.6717707
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>> No.6717715

I used to respect her so much....

>> No.6717737
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>> No.6717763

>and never went to see Cosplay Chess even once. It's a shit performance every single year.

>never saw it
>"lol it's shit every time"

Hi, /v/.

>> No.6717768

I've been to one.

It's boring as fuck. It's only remotely fun if you're taking part, but even then it's just standing in place waiting for your movements.

Whoopdy fucking do.

>> No.6717793

Its amusing if everybody is in-character and doing it well.

>> No.6717804

When was the convention supposed to be good?

>> No.6717810


I don't like the ones where they grab random congoers on like Friday and 'perform' on like sunday or something and the fights are all like 15 seconds

>> No.6718014

Who the fuck wrote the schedule for Saturday?

>> No.6718387

fucking bimbo shrieking judges

that is all

>> No.6718817

Care to explain this? I was only.there on Saturday for the afternoon. I am intrigued though.

>> No.6718884

So what did people think of Cosplay Chess? as an actor in it I am deeply curious ahaha

>> No.6719194

Well all I can say is that this a hell of a lot better then what some people produce at the convention but then again thats my two cents.

>> No.6719237

So you seem pretty confident that you know cosplay. Care to share your creations if you have any?

>> No.6719316


Hey, I was one of the people volunteering there for the event and I thought it was a lot better than the last one.

I understand that most of the people in the RIT Cosplay Troupe probably have never had any acting experience before (or just a little). The acting wasn't bad, but it could use a little more refinement for next year. All of the actors were pretty good at staying in character, but I felt some of the people didn't really "embrace," the character to its fullest extent. Still pretty good though.

The Freakazoid & Deadpool paring was the fucking best thing in my opinion. Those two really embraced their character. And too whoever came up with the idea of parodying the "Yorick Skull," scene from Hamlet was a fucking genius; it was the funniest part.

Great jobs this year, can't wait for the next one.

>> No.6719514
File: 160 KB, 419x398, Kirara_(transformed).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just wouldn't shut up. The contest started almost 15 minutes late due not to delays or technical issues, but due to the four girls talking in what was the most stereotypical "bimbo" voices possible, including calling out 4chan about "making us feel like lesser people".

I sincerely hope they were putting on an act.

Moreover, I don't know WHAT they were smoking on craftsmanship. The award got given to a girl who sewed something together on the last day before the convention, and that poor girl with the INCREDIBLE homemade Kirara costume got nothing at all.

>> No.6719554


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