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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 520x388, stewie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6680631 No.6680631 [Reply] [Original]

Compliment Sandwich time!
Post your latest cosplay /cgl/. You know the rules, start with something nice, something that can be changed and end with something nice.

>> No.6680721

Yes please! I love these threads.
I'm tired of always going first, though. Someone else start it off?

>> No.6680794
File: 59 KB, 500x750, IMG_5486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not. I'm still waiting on pics of the most recent so this will have to do..

>> No.6680806

haha what the fuck is that

>> No.6680853
File: 79 KB, 640x960, gothel_joanneD_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray, someone else went first! Posting a different photo that I really liked, I hope Shannon doesn't mind me posting her with me. I'm on the right.

-Love the eyes, what material did you use for the white?
-Did you start with a red bodysuit and paint it black? It looks pretty streaky- could be smoother.
-The lines on the mask look nice and smooth.

>> No.6680864
File: 64 KB, 638x960, 11150_10151474173434670_1053074999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some Dark Flame Master to get things going

>> No.6680870

-Good and accurate cosplay
-Stop taking pictures at bad angles.

>> No.6680926

I have to say, one of the things about Miles and Peter in the Ultimate Universe are the huge eyes on the mask and I like that you went for that.

The painting looks pretty messy (rushed?)

You actually look like a small 13 year old boy. Not sure if male or female though.

Great expression. Give the picture a good mood.
Also wishing the picture was a bit more to the right and showing more of your outfit.
Love the background. Going for the floating lighted lanterns effect was a good move.

I don't know how to great this one. It's a bit boring and there isn't much to critique.

>> No.6681001
File: 737 KB, 578x1000, DSC_0678edit copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna...take the chance and post Clover. See what I can improve on ahah.

- The location seems pretty perfect for your costume.
- Somethinga bout the main suit looks a bit off, maybe how it was painted?
- The pose is really interesting!

- Your expressions are legit the best for her.
- I wish there would have been more of you in the photo, but I can't really blame you for that.
- REally just amazing costume. Did you use a wig?

- The pose seems really dynamic
- I can't tell whats in your mouth there.
- Just a nice photo, I don't know the series but it looks good all together!

>> No.6681046

Posting most recent~
ALA was fun times. We only wore this Thursday night though just because Shannon was our Kim. Also should've tested our makeup BEFORE the shoot derrrp

>> No.6681055
File: 150 KB, 739x960, disney__i_don__t_think_this_is_a_good_idea____by_mini_mivi-d5rlygp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha ate my pic. Sage for double post

Suuuper cute. Everything looks really polished and no loose threads.
Hmm have you ever though of wearing falsies just to accentuate your eyes some more?
Your wig is also really nicely kept! No tangles in photo~

Your expressions oh my god.
I wish you guys had taken MORE Photos together hrrrrng
Uhm amazing makeup. You were truly glorious.

>> No.6681059
File: 87 KB, 519x742, 2071243-yotsuba_pop03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a great body for the costume
Your wig needs serious help. It's supposed to be a dark pink with light pink highlights and way more body.
I like the fabric you used on the vest.

>> No.6681064
File: 821 KB, 669x1000, DSC_0245edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post Franziska since I need to fix her up a bit. I'm thinking of taking in the vest since it's very large on me.

You have really pretty eyes! I haven't seen you in ages, but they look like your natural eye color?
Maybe try circle lenses?
I love your wig!

>> No.6681079

ahhh I was supposed to, but I can't really put them on myself. No excuse really, I should just practice so I don't make anyone else do it. But thanks!

Yeah, I probably should have dyed the wig to match better. I was pretty nervous about wearing the costume initially haha. And the fabric is basically a stretch lycra, I lucked out finding something that fit really well for the pattern.

It is my natural color, I was really pretty lame and didn't get a pair for her.
And thank you, its not technically the right color but I appreciate that!

>> No.6681101

Thanks. The suit was actually pretty rushed and I'd never worked with latex before. The eyes are silver wife craft mesh and craft foam.
Gonna assume you're the Shego.
Love the suit, really clean looking from what I can see.
I wish you had used some face paint.
Great pose. It really projects her attitude.

>> No.6681137

omg yes ily

>> No.6681228
File: 42 KB, 640x480, my fix it felix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the low quality

>> No.6681253

Oh geez, this is the same guy. I forgot to put nice things in, sorry.
Your mask and red lines look really good. However, the pants look a little bit....odd.
Your cosplay is still nice though.
Very accurate looking cosplay, but I can't see those eyes of Rapunzel's
Wow, really pretty eyes and nice wig! >>6681064
Your clothing looks really nice and you have nice eyes too! Good cosplay, overall

>> No.6681334

Your top looks really well made/ great fabric choice.
Mostly I think you really need to take a good look at adding in the right details, it's a nice costume but without the hair streaks, correct hair ties and the right belt it doesn't work right.
You have a really cute face and great body for Clover.

>> No.6681381
File: 388 KB, 602x900, Malonedit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving the mask it's well done, the body suit on the other hand looks a bit rushed but overall nice work!
From what I can see, your costumes look lovely! The picture could have been angled a bit better but in saying that, I do love the feel of the picture you guys are doing a nice job portraying the characters!
This makes me smile so so much considering I just finished Chuunibyou. I guess the only think I can say is I hope you got more interesting photos of this costume because this picture is a little bit uninteresting but overall A+
You look adorable. I'm not familiar with the character but next time you wear the costume maybe color your eyebrows? I love the pose!
Your costume look so clean and crisp! I'm not familiar with the series but it seems there is some weird shadowing on your face. Love the picture, I'm assuming these are villians by the posture and angle?
I feel so bad, I don't know half of these series but, I love that wig color and cut. It's really pretty. Maybe tailor the vest to fit your figure so you don't look so boxy (I know you said that in your post) and I love the wip/prop!
I love that you manged to get a gold hammer. Maybe get a sandy blonde wig to complete the look? Your outfit is perfect.

>> No.6681811

why is there so much samefag sugarcoating themselves in here? are you this desperate for attention? these cosplays are low to average quality, and the photographs are bad quality as well. then cgl insults the best cosplayers with the best photos, costumes, looks and fame.
jelly and frustrated much? you guys don't deserve the compliments of a pro and have to content yourselves with empty words, it's so pitiful and shameful. it doesn't matter how many times you try to tear down and apart the best cosplayers and put yourselves in the spotlight. you are a fail.

>> No.6681821

you missed the entire point of the thread.
go sit in the corner and think about what you did.

>> No.6681824

This is a compliment sandwich thread. It's one of the nicest threads on this board, don't shit all over.

>> No.6682806


>> No.6682972
File: 2.36 MB, 2000x3000, IMG_6664-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posted this a couple times already. Rushed it and not a lot of pics were taken at the con so I wanted to get it out there for opinions again.
Feet and teeth are what I've heard to improve on.

>> No.6683070

Pose is nice. You seem too skinny for it, though.

>> No.6684526
File: 101 KB, 560x372, cosplay pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pic I could find at the moment, even though it doesn't show the whole costume. I'm the Rancis cosplayer.

I am gonna get a bigger and more accurate peanut butter cup hat, this one was just a temporary 1lb large Reese's cup wrapper. I should have my more accurate hat by Wondercon.

>> No.6684529

ton of fat bitches lol

>> No.6684532

I could probs fuk all ov u lol

>> No.6684575

It looks really well done in general. I love Banjo Kazooie.

It's creepy as FUCK though and kinda looks too realistic. I'd shit my pants if I walked into this at night. It's weird that the head is so realistic but the wand looks so cartoony. Either make the teeth a realistic skull too or make the teeth more cartoony.

Overall you nailed Mumbo's look though, and it's awesome to see someone cosplaying as a Banjo Kazooie character. :D

>> No.6684579

*Either make the wand a realistic skull too

>> No.6684880
File: 634 KB, 1536x2048, Ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm in love, your costume is definatly spot on. I dont know if that is you natural hair color but you may want to try a lighter red/orange, the costume fits you well and all the colors look taken right out of LoZ.

>> No.6684898
File: 67 KB, 716x960, MAKOASAMIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Asami in this picture. I didn't get any good photos with the cosplay yet cause I wore this for at the saturday of a small con.

captcha: his Hoplanda

>> No.6684907

Dat mother.

Your cosplay is really cute! I wanna touch your wig and you're really pretty. :)

Your cosplay is super good, it looks really cartoony with the pieces that you used. You did that character very well.

You're so cute omg. You look just like him. I'll let you fix my asshole ok ok.

Gorgeous! The details look excellent, and this photo is stunning. You pull off this look awesomely! :)

Who the fuck are you, its awesome. I love the mask, its so clean and...I don't even. It doesn't look rushed to me, but then again I don't know who you are but ITSAWESOME.

>> No.6684925
File: 177 KB, 644x1148, marceline1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rushed this for the con today, but I think it still turned out ok

>> No.6684940


Now as for some sandwiches...

Very nicely done! Looks very accurate to the cartoon.

The only thing I'm able to nitpick is the symbol on the hat. Could be a little thicker.

But overall, I really like the pose too. Reminds me of the character of Red, being "oh-so-mysterious"

Looks adorable! You've got everything down. Maybe you could tailor the shirt more to fit your body? But you pull off a great Felix already!

>> No.6684955

Your make up is wonderful! Although the red lips are inaccurate, it's a nice touch.
Your pose is kind of awkward. It could be the camera angle, but your torso looks abnormally large/long compared to your legs.
Axe guitar is pretty nice for a rushed job!

>> No.6684968
File: 1.13 MB, 1229x1843, DSC_1688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the colors you chose! Asami is really difficult to color match, and bright works well for you. While I wish you had styled in that runaway hair she has, it looks like you did a good job with the makeup.

None of my recent cosplays are terribly recognizable, oops.

>> No.6685030


I think Im in love with you(if thats you in the pic) I would defeat Ganondorf, just to be with that zelda.

>> No.6685034

I think Im in love with you(if that is you in the picture).

I would defeat Ganondorf, and re-take hyrule, just to be by the side of that zelda.

>> No.6685044

Creepy. Also, that's not even Zelda.

>> No.6685052

Fucking moron. Act like you know shit about LoZ and you confuse Malon with Zelda.

Trolling I hope to god.

>> No.6685070

what an embarrassment

>> No.6685080
File: 152 KB, 637x960, 541408_10151551138191532_1646774075_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685085

aw come on

>> No.6685086
File: 584 KB, 1064x851, 1308626987673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6685173
File: 55 KB, 523x757, Romani_cremia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I actually had a hard time picking hair color for Malon. (It's a Epic COsplay wig btw, in copper red) I ended up going darker based off of this picture. (I know the file says Romani/Creamia but it's essentially the same design) I've thought about going all out and getting a lace front from Arda but I'm unsure which red/orange/auburn to go for.

Thank you!


Haha I hope you're joking/trolling. But uhhh...Thanks for the compliment?

>> No.6685178

haha yeah i was, but still non-the less a stunning malon cosplay!

>> No.6685229

Gatdayum you're thick in all the right places

>> No.6685519

GUURL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. I have your tumblr but you don't seem to update very often. Also omg this pic is glorious.

>> No.6685972
File: 124 KB, 539x942, 737916_4692359919104_1268733046_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Good make up
-the string on the bass look way too well, stringy, maybe get some guitar string instead, they're quite cheap
-Great hair

Paper play mask yo

>> No.6685993
File: 207 KB, 794x800, Mad Max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Major kudos for originality, loved that Finn look!
-Looks like you are wearing baggy pants+jacket rather than one-piece underwear, looks weird.
-Your paper plate looks perfectly cut, and I can even see the forks!

>> No.6686062

- Badge,gun, etc. look really good
- You may want to try the look of wearing a deep/black v-neck under the jacket.
- Whole outfit suits your body type very well.

>> No.6686063

could i ask what con were you at?

>> No.6686727
File: 331 KB, 2048x1366, 477066_3879502913083_640274522_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job on the scarring, it looks really natural, and I like that you took the time for that, since it's a big part of the character.
The fut on your jacket looks a little baggy, I feel like certain areas could be altered slightly, like the waist and upper arms, though that could be just how its sitting in this picture.
Over all, everything blends together very nicely, I like the wig you chose a lot.

>> No.6686738

Toronto Comic Con this past weekend

>> No.6686787

>-Major kudos for originality, loved that Finn look!
Thanks. I got a good response to it at the con, I'm probably gonna take it to AX too
>-Looks like you are wearing baggy pants+jacket rather than one-piece underwear, looks weird.
It's the way I'm leaning, it's actually feetie pajamas.
>-Your paper plate looks perfectly cut, and I can even see the forks!
That's good to hear, I pretty much did it free hand. I'm proud of the forks, I spend a couple hours using safety pins and fish line to get them to hold up without anything showing.

>> No.6686818

Dark Flame Master here, thanks for the critiques. I knew the photo was on the simple side but I wanted to use something I haven't posted before. I got stuff more dynamic but I didn't want to upload my friends here without their permission.

Love the print on the top and the headpiece. Love the attention to detail.

I'm a huge sucker for shots on location.

>> No.6686933
File: 83 KB, 598x528, sakura_comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to leave for work soon, so I'll do as many as I can in the meantime! My Sakura costume is far from my favorite, and I'm going to be remaking it in a palette swap, so any constructive criticism is welcome. I already know I need to remake the craptastic gloves because they're not well-patterned and I ran out of time...heh.
I love this costume of yours, the material for the dress was beautiful. I would have added in just a couple dark grey wefts and curled them into the wig to give it more dimension. The tailoring on your dress is phenomenal!
I love the fabric for that top! You should use more make-up, though; it might feel like too much IRL, but in photos it makes a world of difference. Maybe some moderately long fake lashes? That fur trim is lovely.
That must have been tough to pattern! But you can tone down the dimples at the corner-shaped pieces by not sewing so far into the corner and letting the seam sort of taper off. Your wig for that costume is pretty much perfect.
Your custom buttons look really neat! I'd work with contouring make-up to give yourself a more mature sort of face; Franziska isn't necessarily old, but she has a harsh attitude that isn't conveyed as well with your cute little doll cheeks. The jacket looks like you really knew what to do with bias tape, which is kind of rare in the cosplay world.
I love that you have the details down, like the gold hammer and the nametag. Like other folks said, could use a wig. Your pose is good, too; I've seen some awkward Felixes since the movie came out, but you've got good posture.
I think I commented on this one before? I love the broach on your handkerchief/scarf, it's pretty much perfect. I'd get a new wig or sew in some more wefts for the bangs, then use soft curlers to give them that volume and height. The details you painted on are stunning, as always.
>comment too long

>> No.6686952

I love this costume, especially since you made sure to keep all the little details. The top could be more fitted, but the skull is just amazing.
That's a nice swoop on the bangs you got, but the bottom of the hair should be less of a blunt cut and closer to a bob. Did you make the jacket? Because it looks professionally-made, so you should be really proud if you did.
I love your eye make-up for this, but it looks like you should use some lip liner in the future, to keep your lipstick from wandering into your body paint or vice-versa.
That fabric is just beautiful, and it photographs really well. I'd get a scar or some sort of professional make-up palette, so the scars could have more dimension. You did a great job with the make-up on your face, though.
That costume is very beautiful! Try practicing different faces and angles in the mirror so that you don't end up looking bored or sleepy in photos. Your wig is just the right color for Chii!

>> No.6686958

costume is nice, but not well fitting. your face is far too mature for chii. the setting is nice

>> No.6687012
File: 855 KB, 1000x1500, akihiko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the location
your ears could be bigger, they get lost in the wig
i like the little crown
the short hair really suits you
i have nothing negative to say so i will say WOW I FEEL DUMB i knew it was you but wasnt 100% so i didnt want to be like HI ARE YOU FROM 4CHAN????
i like that you actually did the puff sleeves, most people just settle for the tshirt style ones

>> No.6687039

mega dyke

>> No.6687040

Wig and scars are very well done, but you neeeeeed to really get into those seams on your jacket especially and iron them. Use one of those ironing things (forget the name) that will allow you to get into your clothing and press the shit out of those seams. The jacket won't look good until it is crisp, especially the lapels.

>> No.6687047
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 1359570655822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha look at your crotch. It's practically touching the floor.

R U a tranny?

>> No.6687060

Man I have such a hard time judging that. I always feel like it be too much and it look awkward. But I can see yours (and a few others) point with the photos at least. I just need to get over that gut reaction towards it. But thank you!

>> No.6687067

do you even know what the word 'dyke' means?
because it doesn't mean 'cute girl'

>> No.6687071

Wow. The design and idea is really super cute, and pretty well-executed. I knew exactly who it was before looking at the file name. The scars could have been done a lot better and more convincing. It could just be the pose or the way it hangs, but the cape doesn't look full enough. It's really a centerpiece in Akihiko's design in P4A. My eyes glanced over the cape at first when I first looked at your costume. I really adore how you did the bandages though. They really stand out compared to how most people tend to do chest bandages like that. I love the texture the fabric gives.

>> No.6687204

Thank you! I have that problem often, I practice faces and then get flustered when it comes time to take pictures and I don't end up doing anything.

The costume is honestly too large on me, I've considered remaking it, but you're right, I just don't have the right look for Chii, so I don't think I will.

>> No.6687213

what body paint did you use!? It looks fabulous. I'm going to cosplay Marceline soon and I'm not sure what to use...

>> No.6687222

I think that if you did one of freya's costumes it would suit you very well. Chii and freya are the opposite sides of the same coin(really though I loved your costume and wig so I think it's worth trying again, you see too many chobits cosplays with cheap satin).

>> No.6687267

Great overall job on the fit and look of the costume
The scars look overly fake, I'm not sure how you did them, but try to make them so they aren't all strait and the same length next time, it'll look more natural.
Love the simple styling if the wig, it looks very natural on you

Thank you so much! I might look back into some of Freya's designs then, I mean I've already got the wig, so why not. And I know what you mean, I hate the look of cheap satin, and that's what almost all of the chobits cosplayers tend to use.

>> No.6687301

She's a bulldyke trying to be a cute girl.

>> No.6687308
File: 73 KB, 650x366, BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM (whitey ver.).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting my waifu

>> No.6687314

Katsumiyo is muslim?

>> No.6687344

Your hair could use more oomph
But goddamn it,HNNNNNGH. You're so goddamn cute and dose legs, girl dem legs.

>> No.6687356

Malon here again

Thanks! That actually my backyard, well, now my parent's backyard. Grant it, it's soybeans, but the colors worked really wonderful for the shots since it was the week before everything was plowed.
You did! But I think it was on deviantart. And thank you so, so much! Are you talking about the sleeves when you say painted? Because the apron is all applique and satin stitch. And a friend showed me arda's matilda in dark copper red. I think I'm going to go with that wig since a lace front is probably going to be my best option for completing the look on this cosplay.

>> No.6687760

>It's the way I'm leaning, it's actually feetie pajamas.
Oh, well, carry on then! Couldn't see the feet and wrinkles must have made it look like separate pieces to me.

>> No.6687854
File: 69 KB, 285x311, 40percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megadyke? I'm 40% megadyke!
I try to always do make-up tests before the con. It helps to see what looks good, what might make you look more like the character, and what shows or doesn't show in photos.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand...oomph? Sakura's hair lays pretty flat, so I was thinking of using hot water on that wig instead...what should I change on it?
I said painted but I meant the applique stuff. Sorry, was writing too many comments at once!
It's cool. When your Yukiko introduced us, I thought you looked painfully familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I didn't even know you were from NorCal!

Aaand thanks for all the compliments, guys! I'll keep posting some concrit for the rest of the thread tomorrow.

>> No.6688814
File: 70 KB, 720x960, mugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally made this the night before for a cosplay dinner at a restaurant I like. Still in progress. What needs to be changed besides the fact that I don't have gold buttons yet.

>> No.6688830

some minor things really
>wear make-up and contacts
>I can see your shirt peeking from under your sleeves, it's not that noticeable but tuck it in to make it look more tidy
>the skirt seems a bit too gray but maybe it's the lighting
>are you wearing flats?

Aside from these small things it's not bad for being a quick cosplay, I like the wig.

>> No.6688849

She's not wearing flats.

>> No.6689387
File: 10 KB, 307x164, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone forgot about me ! Tell me what you think !


>> No.6689391

Meant to put this......


>> No.6689467

where did you get that wig?

>> No.6689473
File: 757 KB, 564x742, Pascal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the process of fixing this up for Sakura Con, but I'd love your opinions on what I can fix! Also my staff was literally made last minute so I know it's bad.

✔ Great pose and photo!!
✘ Suit looks a little streaky from the painting. Could be beneficial to go over it again if you want to re-wear it.
✔ Eyes turned out great! Really like how they look.
✔ Great poses! Love the facial expressions!
✘ I'm not to fond of the angle of the photo itself but other than that its great!
✔ The detailing on your costume is beautiful.
✔ DARKFLAMUMASTA. You are just straight up awesome for doing this.
✘ I think that pose is a little unflattering. Would love to see you do his signature pose!
✔ Although it's a simple cosplay you pulled it off really nicely!
✔ Costume looks really well put together! Love the top and watch!
✘ I agree with the false lashes. They really add that umph to your costume.
✔ Fits your body shape really well!
✔ First of all this is so awesome! I'm glad to see more Kim Possible cosplays! You both look super awesome in the photo!
✘ Yeah the only thing I could say would be the makeup. More green for the Shego and not so much dark shadowing on Draken.
✔ Both costumes look really crisp and very accurate!
✔ Super cute! Love all of your accessories.
✘ Yes taking in the vest would help accentuate your curves and not look so blocky.
✔ Costume itself looks really neat and is super well put together.
✔ Costume is very accurate looks really great!
✘ I'd consider getting a wig since his hair is lighter than yours.
✔ Love how you have the golden hammer and the circular end on the gloves!

>> No.6689474

✔✘whatwizardry is this

>> No.6689498



>> No.6689501


Also I'm so sorry everyone who I didn't post for I was writing up more and then my tab closed. I'll make sure to come back and finish everyone else!

>> No.6689506

I think you can just type that in. Let me try.


>> No.6689608 [DELETED] 

Here's one to support interracial love!

>> No.6689643
File: 300 KB, 1280x720, pascal in game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely adorable as Pascal. I think you should improve your pouches, see below. I love that you have an appropriately messy wig and didn't just use a bob without styling it.

The pouches: They look very flat, maybe stuff them with batting? Your side-pouch gems are too big. This is the best ref I could find on short notice, but they should be smaller than the belt gem.

>> No.6689648

...whoever designed the outfit for the girl with purple hair should be shot...jesus

>> No.6689662

It grows on you.

>> No.6690559

I actually bought it on Amazon just because I had a gift card.
Just search tsumugi cosplay wig, and it just be the first result.

>> No.6691005
File: 2.10 MB, 1889x2834, IMG_1837e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I love your Gothel! Your facial expressions are A+ and show off the lovely sleeve interior fabric really well.
Your photos could be framed a lot better and taken with much better lighting (unless the gloomy evening feel is what you were going for)
BUT I think this is lovely!

Ok posting my Rapunzel now... here goes!

>> No.6691121

Screw it I'll post this up.
>>6686933 I actually have one of these favorited on DA.
:) I love your costume for Sakura, you pull it off rather well.
:( Sakura is well know for being a very non stoic character, yet every photo I see you seem to straight face it. Have fun, it's supposed to be a fun character.
:) Seriously good job, I have it on faved on DA for a reason

:) Love adventure time and I think you did a good job on this, esp love the skin color you went with
:( Same time, drop the shadow from around the eyes. With the black hair covering it, it starts to look like one big dark area.
:) Love the bass, your one of the few that I've seen that have frets and thick ass bass string.
:) Love Mad Max and great costume
:( Please cut your hair, especially if your going as Max, actually, just cut your hair in general
:) Love the shotgun though, and overall, your costume is kick ass.

>> No.6691288

You are really adorable and chose a good costume for your body. I would like to see the costume more fitted to your frame, it looks a little baggy in the picture, also your hair (or wig?) could use more volume (tease that sucker!) Don't be afraid to go BIG for cosplay! Um and you look good.

>> No.6694086

hmm I searched on amazon but the first result was a straight long wig... the only vaguely nice looking one is the one from kasou

>> No.6694111

Tundra shining armor inspired me.

>> No.6696977

Wow I haven't been on in a while.

Thank you very much! I will definitely use white face paint next time to amp up the look~
+Your mask is great! The eye shape is exactly what it needs to be. Too often I've seen wonky eyed spideys but this isn't one of them.
= The paint on the torso seems a bit streaky or maybe it's just posing.
+ Your pose is fun! You seem really into the character. And your costume looks well made/comfy enough to pose like the character.
I'm unsure if you mean me on the left or the Drakken but yeah we were working in a really dark environment so some weird shadows might've popped up! Thank you for the comment!
Sandwich time!
+ Your costume looks really neat! Everything is pressed and nothing is out of place. Really well made!
= Malon seems to have a little bit more volume in the bangs? I totally understand if you took it down a notch to look more natural though.
+ Scenery is gooorgeous. It makes or breaks a shot sometimes I believe and this definitely makes it that much better. The lighting makes you look heavenly~

I definitely agree with you on that. I've never made anything like this before so I'll make sure next time there's no weird puckering. Thank you!
As for compliment sandwich:
+Your poses are amaazing. I love action shots.
=The wig looks a teeny bit flattened on the top? I just checked a few references and she seems to have a bit more volume on the crown.
+Your legs look awesome and your body really suits the character~

Thank you thank you Choco. I agree. I'll for sure work on makeup next time to work out the kinks.
+ Great costume! I especially like the cute little pouches. Those must've been a bit of a pain haha.
= Pascal's gradient hair looks a bit more subtle when it comes to fading. I would've maybe done a bit of razoring of the white ends to blend them in more.
+ Your prop looks good!

I'll be back with some more after work.

>> No.6697961
File: 2.25 MB, 1200x1530, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what the hell. This is pretty much my first cosplay I made myself since I took my old cosplay dress and transformed it into this by adding the sleeves, shoulder pads, etc. Plus this is my first attempt on full drag king makeup (thanks to my friend who did this) There are ALOT of things that needed to be done such as me having to wear the monocle which I lost after being in a room with 11 people and readjusting the hair pieces since they are a little low. My friend and I are planning to do another photoshoot later this spring with the carnival setting and all that so please let me know what I need to fix before that happens. (FYI, I'm a female)

Awww that pic is so cute! And I really do love the wig. However I think the shot is kinda off since it looks like your wig is about to fall off. But other than that it looks good.

>> No.6697966

And to add this, I also did style the beard, mustache, and hair pieces

>> No.6698011

That cosplay is full of win and brings me back to nostalgia goodness!

>> No.6698415


>> No.6698610

Did you really paint your body or is this Photoshop?

>> No.6698625


I'd say something along the lines of "All of my money!" but we all know how much of a bastard that final boss and quarters he took

>> No.6698636

Nah, I know what you mean, her hair does lay pretty flat. It's just not so flattering in your photo. It looks limp. It's not even a BIG deal, I just needed something to critique and the hair was the only part that didn't wow me. If you like it, I wouldn't fuss about changing it, if it detracts from the costume at all, it's probably just me personally and it honestly doesn't detract much.

>> No.6698653

Sweet! Someone who actually knows where I'm from! Lol. I thought it was time for this to happen since we got a bigger fan base than you think.

>> No.6698658

You serious? It was a memorable game growing up but nothing else happened. It's no Time Crisis with multiple installments or Revolution X which was notoriously bad.

Something new happening that I don't know of?

>> No.6698666

So far nothing is happening since midway is sold to Warner bros. And the game's fate is unknown. I would to love to see a remake though.

>> No.6700181

Bump for more people

>> No.6700919
File: 169 KB, 480x490, concrit please and thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newb here
be gentle

>> No.6700957

(Idk the character)
Boots look very nice
Wig could be better and everything could do with a good ironing
I'm impressed that you managed to get a plush that top-heavy to stay up
Great choice of convention

>> No.6700978
File: 157 KB, 720x960, 733754_10200741537889209_963326676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just antiqued this last night so I need a new picture of it, this is my dwarf paladin I have been working on for the past few weeks, its my first armor cosplay.

Wow how did you get that plush to stand up like that is beyond me.
your wig could be better, style, color shine wise.
and those boots or gorgeous.

>> No.6701033
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1350372110655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a fair bit of room for improvement here; unfortunately some of that may involve remaking things.

- Cape should go to your knees; though the length can vary in the anime, I don't believe it was ever that long.
- Tighten up the cuffs on your gloves; they look a bit oversized. Try using interfacing on the inside of the cuffs to make them more crisp.
- Try to form the white blouse section to your body a bit better; it's kind of frumpy on you right now.
- Skirt needs to be a fair bit shorter, with crisper pleats. The white trim should be narrower.
- One of your thigh-high belts is missing, and the other is falling down. Consider adding elastic strips or using sock tape to keep them up.
- One of your armbands is missing.
- As mentioned previously, the wig could be improved; try a more subtle blue, or a grey/blue blend.

In spite of my criticism, you were pretty brave to go for this much of a challenge as a beginner, so props for that. Every costume is a learning experience.

>> No.6701279
File: 210 KB, 960x1424, Harrier Mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first cosplay /cgl/ please be gentle.
(Who am i kidding, pick me to pieces, so i can improve).

Already know that my poses are terrible, i need to play through The World Ends With You, to get the poses sorted.

Looks fantastic overall, instantly recognizable.
Top/Skirt gap looks a little too large from the first pic, she's a schoolgirl.
Hair looks spot on, that seems to be difficult from what I've seen in others.

>> No.6701432

I guess I better be commenting on the characters I know, otherwise I can't help/compliment you properly

-Great pose, even somebody who doesn't know the characters can see that you're villains and the basic characteristics of each of you!
-The make-up was already mentioned.
-Aside from that the outfits look very good and properly sewn.

-I love your boots and bass and you have a really great Marceline-y body shape.
-The make-up looks maybe a little mature, especially with the dark eyes area, but if you went for that then you did a good job.
-Overall you looks a little dark, Marceline is of course a dark character, but the pants could have been a tad lighter maybe. But you look great anyways.

-I love the lcoation you chose! Fits the character very well
-You look a little too bored, Malon always seemed like a friendly and always-smiling character to me. It's okay for this picture because it's rather calm, but for other ones maybe make a happier face.
-Costume overall looks ver well made and the character fits you

-Very cute picture, you two look like an actual couple (I don't know if you are tho) and the atmosphere really reminds me of a fairy tale couple.
-I believe you could have chosen a better fabric for Rapunzel's dress, it looks a little more shiny in the movie (but maybe more shiny would look more awkward in real life, so I have no actual idea what kind of fabric would've been the best in the end)
-Have you used parts of your actual hair, like, braided some of it into the wig? However, the wig looks great and much like the original Rapunzel.

<- I don't wear my Getas in these pics, but they do exist

>> No.6701438
File: 602 KB, 656x500, amaimon yukata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand I forgot to attach the picture

>> No.6701442

Honestly, I'm not sure about my last cosplay but here's my favourite. It's asmodeus from umineko.
Now imma compliment heaps of y'all in another post shortly!

>> No.6701444
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Siigh dropped my image;

>> No.6701456
File: 464 KB, 397x556, asunaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on my craftsmanship. Gradually getting better...

>> No.6701463

Last poster here, loving the fabric for clover's top and it looks very well made.
My crit would be the wig. Get those streaks in there, gurl.
Lastly. I'm jealous of your body, its good for this type of cosplay. You're a good clover.

>> No.6701622
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For my hands/arms I'm simply wearing arm socks (highly recommend, saves a lot of body paint, no worries about smudging or sealing and looks very good) and for my face/neck I'm using Mehron's cream stick. Though most Marceline cosplayers recommend Ben Nye, which is also supposed to be a great product.

>> No.6705576


>> No.6705698

I'm sorry but you have some mad butterface, and I don't think that angle is helping you one bit. The costume is well sewn though, and your choice of wig is nice too.

>> No.6705712

I am struggling to find anything good here, the wig is probably the worst part next to the cheap nasty lace. The boots look decent BUT you can't really tell because of the photo quality.

The skirt and cape also look sad and just... guh. Not to mention you are missing a lot of pieces.

>> No.6709786

You rule for doing a Chuu2Koi cosplay.
Maybe get his sword if you don't have it?
Great wig!

>> No.6710162
File: 467 KB, 900x596, batsssssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not super familiar with the character but the overall dress looks very nice
The top part seems a bit uneven triangle wise
But the wig looks gorgeous on you!

also about to do some revamping on this so this thread is perfect