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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 305 KB, 1991x1024, sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6678968 No.6678968 [Reply] [Original]

GLW confirmed for fucking idiots again. Is anyone else bothered by shiverling's refusal to understand basic logic. The girl spend $90 and was thrown a $55 product. Fuck, if anything I feel like GLW thinks their entire customer base is bloomers on head retarded at this point.

>> No.6678977

I'm bothered but not surprised. Shiverling is, and always has been, a dumbass.

>> No.6678983

This, basically.

Tbh I'm shocked her comment to the post wasn't as venomous as she typically is. I can never figure out her deal.

>> No.6678982

And it's doubly hilarious considering that post she made about how she was pissy because she got a taobao item that was slightly too big.

Slightly too big dress from cheap Chinese seller = RAGE.

Completely different, cheaper wig from a company that is refusing to at least refund the difference or make it known that they are sorry for their mistake = hdu

>> No.6678996

Wait, are the Cosplay Wigs USA and GLW the same entities, or aren't they run by different people....? I'm very confused.

Also OP you could be little less abrasive and stop calling the customer base retarded just because they haven't had a bad experience yet.

>> No.6678997

She started off using the account to be an edgy bitch on getoffegl, then decided she wanted to use the account to sell and then integrated herself into regular EGL.

>> No.6679004

If you could read, I said that GLW must think their customer base is retarded, in reference to them sending a completely different and cheap wig to someone almost assuming they wouldn't know. And yes they're the same company.

>> No.6679009

>they're the same company
That doesn't completely answer my question. Is the cosplay site run by different people?
And can you prove it if they're not?

Before you act like it's not important I'd say there seems to be a huge difference in the way the GLW website conducts business from the CosplayUSA website. Why does one website notoriously have bad reviews while the other seems to not rip their customers off in such manners?

>> No.6679014

Different anon. But I have no other evidence than that I met a guy at their booth at AX who claimed to be the owner of GLW, CosplayWigUSA and RockstarWig (or whatever that other site is)

Maybe they have a different PR on either site, but I'm pretty sure they ship from the same location.

>> No.6679013

>Cosplay Wigs USA is here to bring you high-quality wigs with soft, luxurious fibers that will add the final touch to your cosplay!

We cater internationally and are all hand designed by Ravi, a very popular stylist who has worked in the hair and make-up industry for 25 years. He has worked with celebrities like Snoop Dogg, MIA, Christina Milian, Uncle Kracker and his body of work has been featured in magazines like Harpers Bazaar, FHM, Teen People, Skinnie, Stuff, Donna Karan Campagin, Prophecy and Stuff magazin.

After starting up Cosplay Wigs USA in 2009, Gothic Lolita Wigs and RockStar Wigs lines soon came after. Now, Ravi continues with Cosplay Wigs USA and is proud to be launching a brand under his own name: Tokyo Crush Wigs.

From their facebook page.

>> No.6679017

>bloomers on head retarded
I love you, OP.

>> No.6679020

Well that explains who started the websites, but obviously this Ravi person isn't solely in charge of shipping out hundreds of wigs weekly and maintaining four different websites at once.

I think it's reasonable to assume that he's hired different people to manage each website, and if that's the case it would be optimally effective for the person writing the bad review in the OP to contact this Ravi and write a detailed complaint about the mismanagement of the CosplayUSA website.

>> No.6679024

shiverling is that you?

>> No.6679029

Don't even start. What I said is a legitimate solution that might just get OP's money back and the situation sorted out.

>> No.6679032

Just so you know that wasn't >>6679013 and yes, I think that's a good solution. I know that both CWU and GLW operate differently because of a difference in customer base. It's really not alright, but even things like quality are sacrificed for the cosplay wigs, but then I think that GLW should have more bad reviews but there's many more naive girls buying from them who are just oh so happy to have a cotton candy poodle hat that they don't really notice the shit they pull.

>> No.6679041

>but then I think that GLW should have more bad reviews but there's many more naive girls buying from them who are just oh so happy to have a cotton candy poodle hat that they don't really notice the shit they pull

It just depends what kind of shit you're referring to.
If you're talking about their quality control issues then yes I've seen a handful of negative and neutral reviews, and it's true that beginners don't always realize what the quality of a decent wig should look like and when they're getting ripped off. However this seems to depend on the batches that GLW orders from, some batches have been exceptional while others have been atrocious (not excusing them for this btw).

One thing I've noticed though is that their refunds policies have never been difficult to obtain if one thoroughly explained their situation and why the company was liable for the mistake.
Unfortunately, I find the CosplayUSA website kind of shady in this respect and I've heard horror stories about their shipping and refunds policies. It's very unfortunate that the girl in OP's pic was unsuccessful with her Paypal dispute.

>> No.6679055

Yeah I am talking about their quality control. Mostly the fact that they act like problems they have don't actually exist at all.

>> No.6679058

Yeah I get what you're saying completely.

>> No.6679078

I remember a customer getting completely the wrong color wig, and GLW pretty much refusing to give a refund/return because they said "oh well the color looks good on you anyway ^_^"

>> No.6679086

Yeah, and they tend to delete all the negative comments about things like that(not to mention everything negative entirely) so no one can see it. I honestly only put them a few bars above milanoo.

>> No.6679087

Oh sounds juicy, caps? And did they at least give the girl a refund? I find it hard to believe that a customer would let that response fly and not push for the refund.

>> No.6679091

A lot of companies do that though. Not to say I agree with how GLW handles everything but it's a very common internet practice.

>> No.6679096

It was at least a year ago, probably more, so no. I don't save caps of stuff.

>> No.6679102

Nvm, found it

>> No.6679113

>"we think it suits your skin tone very nicely. What would you like us to do?"

Well why didn't she respond and give them the ultimatum of either giving her the correct wig or refunding her money? I don't see a problem with that statement.

>> No.6679124

Wait I just saw the part about the 20% discount. See this is the part where she should've threatened a claim if she paid with Paypal, or called her card company if that was the best response they gave her.

>> No.6679139 [DELETED] 

Was that also the one where they sent a completely different one on purpose because it 'suits your skintone better'?

>> No.6679168

Shit, whoever is arguing with silverling is pretty fierce. Too bad she's too much of a retard to actually listen to reason.

>> No.6679227

>Wig received is vastly different from the photos
>It looks nice on you and you can have 20% off.

No, GLW should have offered a refund or exchange for another wig in the first place.

>> No.6679230

why the fuck are there little || around the reply numbers?

>> No.6679233


Oh fuck there's more now.

>> No.6679232


That's a good question.

>> No.6679236
File: 13 KB, 400x270, yotsubacry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. They just started appearing.

>> No.6679237

>there's no greentext either

>> No.6679239
File: 102 KB, 1000x667, nooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no greentext
How are we suppose to share our con stories in short sentence structure now?

>> No.6679244

Most of the other boards are shitting themselves over the || deal.

>> No.6679241

It's L, yo! He's back!

>> No.6679249

I am! Where's my greentext!

>> No.6679256

M-maybe we have spoilers now?

>> No.6679257
File: 35 KB, 635x538, ahnold48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll have to use real sentences

>> No.6679260
File: 335 KB, 1280x838, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real sentences? Maybe even proper paragraphs?

>> No.6679262

this is a tragedy to befall our times.i don't like these unfamiliar things on my 4chan, it should go back because new things are different and different things are scary!

>> No.6679263

re: negative/neutral reviews on glw, I have something from a friend? it's on tumblr, though.
she actually has more comparison pictures that she didn't post on there.

>> No.6679266

>greentext is back

>> No.6679269

>No, GLW should have offered a refund or exchange for another wig in the first place.

They asked her what she wanted. And somewhere in between that and the 20% discount offer thereafter that communication was not there.
If she did not indicate what she wanted to do with the wig, and was merely remarking that they sent her the wrong color, that is not a request or instruction of what the company should do to help remedy the situation for her. A company is not going to go out of their way to give her a refund or exchange unless she asked. That's the point here, and that's how it works for all high traffic businesses.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

>> No.6679271
File: 16 KB, 300x225, ahnold41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank fucking god

>> No.6679272

Uuh, yeah actually it is an indication. Anyone can look at that and say oh, maybe they should get the ACTUAL COLOR THEY ORDERED. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.6679275

How is remarking on the wrong color sent an indication of what the customer wants?
Does the customer want an exchange?
Does the customer want a refund?
Does the customer expect a discount?

If you get the wrong order you contact the company, tell them what's wrong, and TELL them what you want to happen OR you will escalate the transaction via violation of policy.
I'm sorry that life can't all be sunshine and rainbows, and that businesses can't read your minds. But this is how things work and get fixed. If you aren't assertive and direct about what you want you will be pushed aside.

"Stupid" my feet.

>> No.6679274


>> No.6679276

Countdown to "toxic" in 5...4...3..

>> No.6679277

If it were shoes that were say, the wrong size, you'd assume that they don't want it unless they said so, right? It's the business's job to ask the customer what THEY want when they're in the wrong. The business is the ones with the reputation, the customer is always right, but it's not the customers' job to make it easy for the business, that's not how businesses work.

>> No.6679280

Actually, does GLW have any return policies listed on their website?

>> No.6679282

And I'm sorry you're so hard up for cash that you have to such GLW's dick for money. If I give you $5 will you go away?

>> No.6679283

>you assume
NO. You don't "assume" shit. And this is a wig color we're talking about and not something as definitive like a shoe size.

If the customer sends an email and says "Gee these shoes don't fit, you sent the wrong order," the response the seller will say is "How can we help you?"
Sending the wrong size doesn't answer the question of whether the customer wants an exchange for the proper order, OR send back the shoes with a refund.


>> No.6679286

Did I say they didn't or something...?

>> No.6679290

You've never worked in retail before. The wig wasn't the right color, you can still assume that there is some kind of problem with that, otherwise why would the customer inform you of such a thing? The point is GLW responded with this color looks nice on you, keep it. So they not only admitted that they did infact send the wrong one, but they assumed that she didn't like it, which is why they reinforced that she should keep it.

>> No.6679294

GLW really fucked me over once and when I told them as much, they said I was lying. I was so mad I forgot to file a dispute.

>> No.6679299
File: 217 KB, 400x497, 1360333963870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have worked in retail before. And you know what people who've worked in it say to the phrase "The customer is always right"? That, heh, actually the customer is sometimes shit wrong!

I'm not saying there isn't a problem with sending the wrong color to the customer. Obviously that is the problem. Durr. And not they did not say "The color looks nice on you, keep it."
The phrase "keep it" does not appear anywhere on that LJ entry. At all.

They complimented the customer on the color anyway and said "HOW CAN WE HELP YOU?"
In response, the customer should should have said "I would like an exhchange/refund, and if I don't get it then I will have to escalate the situation and file a Paypal claim."
And she should have escalated it if she DID request just that but they still only offered a discount because THAT would be bullshit.

>> No.6679300 [DELETED] 

Working for another wig vendor, the company tends to stick to this attitude. When a customer gets a wig that's too off, or the item is out of stock, we immediately offer to either exchange it for something else(upgrade them to something else or refund the difference for a cheaper item) or usually offer a refund if we can't find an alternative. I notice wig color discrepancies are a common issue since website photos tend to be off a lot with different vendors.

>> No.6679302

Hey guys, doesn't GLW come on here sometimes? I think they're ITT

>> No.6679303

Just because someone disagrees on you with your logic doesn't make them the entity that you don't like.

>> No.6679311

this is uh...really curious wording...to say the least.

>> No.6679312

Uh okay, but do you agree or disagree with my point (>>6679299), or are you going to continue to deny that I don't have a point at all and imply that I somehow suck the virtual tentacle dicks of GLW for brownie points?

>> No.6679313

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.6679316

First off, that wasn't me, but that's not important. Anyways, you don't seem to have read the post very well considering that she did tell them and the did offer her only a 20% discount. It's not even a matter of her not being clear with them, it's a matter of them trying to refuse a refund. It's not my assumption either, because they do things like that all the fucking time.

>> No.6679317

>"Well I'm not going to admit you have a point and just continue to pick on you over some worthless sentence that you worded awkwardly and no one can stop me!" :P

Lol, well you have fun with that.
And don't forget, I'm GLW~~~~~

>> No.6679320

>it's funny because i'm the only one ITT who thinks I'm right but everyone else is samefag

>> No.6679321

And the girl can return the damn wig and get $90 back or the girl can return the damn wig, get store credit and order the wig she wants.


From where I see it, it's your refusal to understand basic logic.

This motherfucking story changes all the time - the dress I got was nothing like the stock photos, had a fucked up unfinished zipper and the lace was unravelling. When I ask a shopping service to obtain a product for me, I expect them to shop. You know, as in make sure it's the product I asked for and have quality control. Especially considering Qutieland's commission which was $70 for an $80 dress.

>> No.6679322
File: 12 KB, 385x335, joke_over_your_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wasn't the person you were replying to, but okay.

>> No.6679323

Well sorry but whichever poster kept focusing on the "GLW SAID TO JUST KEEP THE WIG!" was incorrect, that's who I'm mainly addressing.

Second of all
>well it's a matter of them refusing a refund
Still doesn't violate my logic since I said IF they would refuse that then she should escalate a claim. Which is what anyone would do facing this situation if what the company offers contradicts their returns/refunds policies, which they did. So I don't get why you're arguing with me. We're not saying anything different here.

>> No.6679324

this thread got really fucking stupid really fast.

>> No.6679325

but she can't get a refund, she can only get credit.

>> No.6679331

If she filed a claim and one of the comments was "GLW's refund policy not established for the wrong wig sent. Requesting refund." 9 times out of 10 I bet you anything she'd of won.

Because quite frankly if you read GLW's policies they say "We will not accept returns if a customer decides a color does not suit them after receiving the wig," they do not have a specific policy regarding the wrong wig color sent.
You could also argue that the wig was "defective" because it did not attain customer expectation.

>> No.6679333

This thread was really stupid to begin with your samefagging, if anything, I'm bringing intelligence to it.
She said "I explained that I only wanted the Marie Antoinette wig and, because of their error, should compensate me for return shipping on the Lady Vuitton wig"

So she wanted a replacement and to be compensated for the shipping cost that she hadn't incurred at that stage. Then GLW said "we can only refund you the shipping cost after we receive the wig" - i.e. after she incurs it.

Then she sat on the wig.

>> No.6679337

that happened to someone else though >>6679263
they got completely ignored.

>> No.6679342


Cosplay Wigs USA is here to bring you high-quality wigs with soft, luxurious fibers that will add the final touch to your cosplay!

We cater internationally and are all hand designed by Ravi, a very popular stylist who has worked in the hair and make-up industry for 25 years. He has worked with celebrities like Snoop Dogg, MIA, Christina Milian, Uncle Kracker and his body of work has been featured in magazines like Harpers Bazaar, FHM, Teen People, Skinnie, Stuff, Donna Karan Campagin, Prophecy and Stuff magazin.

After starting up Cosplay Wigs USA in 2009, Gothic Lolita Wigs and RockStar Wigs lines soon came after. Now, Ravi continues with Cosplay Wigs USA and is proud to be launching a brand under his own name: Tokyo Crush Wigs.

>> No.6679340

I am so fucking confused.

The whole image is about CosplayWigsUSA, but you people keep saying Gothic Lolita Wigs.

They don't have anything to do with eachother, I thought. The only company related to GLW is Rockstar Wigs.

Not Coswigsusa, not tokyo crush, etc.

The fuck are you smoking?

>> No.6679343

They're the same company, just two different names and showcases 2 different wig styles.

>> No.6679344


It says nothing about her filing a claim.
When a business fails to communicate with you or ignores you, you file a claim either with your third party or with your cardholder. You open a dispute with the seller.

>> No.6679346


NO you idiot. She only wanted the Marie Antoinette wig, but because they sent the wrong wig she wants to return it for a complete refund, but she also be compensated for the shipping of returning the Lady Vuitton wig.

>> No.6679349

I think it's completely reasonable that she get shipping compensation for the wig, because as it stands they stole money from her. She paid extra for the wrong product and they need to refund her that amount of money if they fucking do anything because it's not theirs.

>> No.6679352

She initially asked for a full refund. They said they can only give in store credit. Then she said, in her words:
"I explained that I only wanted the Marie Antoinette wig"

You know what that sounds like to me, or anyone who reads it? A request for an exchange.

>but she also be compensated for the shipping of returning the Lady Vuitton wig.
But she never sent back the fucking wig. How the fuck can she be compensated for something she hadn't incurred yet?

>> No.6679354

Adding to this. And then they can fucking talk about her shipping the other wig back to them because fuck, they honestly owe her money right now.

>> No.6679355


I complete agree. Not only did they send her the wrong wig, but they knew they were sending her the wrong wig because she bought a wig they didn't even have have in stock . Then they sent her a wig that was 25 dollars less than her original purchase!

>> No.6679356

Most sellers would give you a refund for shipping but you must first return the product.
It makes no sense for them to transfer you money when there's no evidence that you've paid for its return.
That is a reasonable expectation.
Works like that with most ebay and etsy policies as a matter of fact.

>> No.6679357


Are you dumb? They don't have the Marie Antoinette wig in stock. How is she supposed to get the Lady Vuitton wig exchanged for the Marie Antoinette wig if they don't have the Marie Antoinette wig in stock?

Sure, she could wait for a restock, but when the fuck will that happen? What if she needed the wig for a certain date?

>> No.6679360


Sure, but she didn't even get refunded for the cost of the wig. I'm sure she was waiting for the refund before she was going to ship the wig off.

>> No.6679358


>she bought a $90 wig
>they sent her a $55 wig
>they actually owe her $30 bucks

I think they need to address the fact that they're stealing her money atm before anything else.

>> No.6679362

Well obviously they did have that wig in stock if they announced the release date "two months later" and other people received their orders of Antoinette wigs. For whatever reason this buyer got stuck with a different wig.
We don't know for a fact if it was intentional or if it was just a mistake. There's no way you can prove that.

>What if she needed the wig for a certain date?
Mistakes happen. If the company disappointed her then she has every right to return the wigs for a refund and never buy from them again.
I just don't know what else you can reasonably expect the company to do.

>> No.6679365

Can you prove that the intent was to steal from the customer, or can you prove it was a mistake?

Second of all she should FILE A CLAIM since if the "store credit" would only be $55 if she paid $90, that is not right. This all leads back to her taking the responsibility to file a claim for herself when there is a wrong here.

>> No.6679372

I never said that they did it on purpose or not, but they're not addressing the fact that it indeed happened. And like I said before, anyone who believes that someone who is simply trying to buy something should have all this knowledge that the business clearly should is stupid. You seem to think that the consumer needs to be responsible for their purchases even if it's the company's mistake, she does need to do something, but did it ever occur to you that she might be ignorant, because most people don't actively assume they'll need to learn this sort of thing?

>> No.6679375

Let me patiently explain this to you:
Regardless of whether she wants a full refund in cash, store credit, exchange, a different order or whatever, she has to send that wig back. For all GLW knows or cares, she really has the white marie antoinette one. And no, she can't pre-emptively ask to be compensated for a return shipping charge she hasn't incurred yet.

See, the fun part about getting store credit and then creating a new order for a wig she patently knows is not in stock is, after she sits on her arse for 2 weeks or whatever, it essentially renews the claim, it becomes a "I ordered this wig and you haven't shipped it to me I want a refund" claim as opposed to her "I ordered this and got this wig I don't like instead months ago can't you look into this again" claim.

>What if she needed the wig for a certain date?
As far as I can tell, that date has already passed and she's still refusing to send back the wig, so clearly she wasn't in any hurry back then and isn't in any hurry now.

>> No.6679376


Ummm, even if it was a "mistake", they really have stolen money from her. When it was pointed out that they sent her a wig that was worth less than the one she purchased they didn't even offer a refund for the $35 that she didn't spend on the wig she received. They gave her "store credit" which now she can only spend at their shop.

>> No.6679382

>You seem to think that the consumer needs to be responsible for their purchases even if it's the company's mistake, she does need to do something, but did it ever occur to you that she might be ignorant, because most people don't actively assume they'll need to learn this sort of thing?

Aheh, well one -should- be concerned and responsible for their transactions no matter whose mistake it is. You should always be alert to the fact that if a company can let a few things "slip," and you won't stick up for yourself that they'll take advantage of it.

I mean it just makes sense that if you know a company is doing you wrong, that there should be a higher power that you can turn to (either through Paypal or your bank) that will help you make a case to say "Woah, what you're doing to me is wrong!" I mean, wouldn't this person investigate if they could do something like that?

I had an issue with some indie asshole tumblrfag seller a few months ago with them going wayyyy over their shipping deadline. This was despite numerous communications assuring me that the "item had shipped" (which it hadn't). I opened a claim because I was so sure that bastard wasn't going to send me my item. It didn't matter if it was, in fact, their mistake. It had to be that I took responsibility for the transaction so that I wouldn't get ripped off. And in the end I got my item securely, but I had to twist arms to get what I wanted.

>> No.6679381

Is it wrong to want a refund for an item you purchased before you send your item back? Or are you supposed to send it back first to get a refund?

>> No.6679384

Every webshop policy I ever seen says that you need to return the item and then they will refund you item cost. Or if it's an exchange you want and refunded shipping, you send in the wig and they'll refund you shipment.

>> No.6679385

Then she needs to file a claim because that's wrong. See the second part of my post, it repeats exactly what you stated.

>> No.6679391

So you are projecting your opinion. Fair enough. I see your point, only because now I'm aware that you had personal reasoning behind it.

>> No.6679390

>I tried to contact Cosplay Wigs USA via their website and their Facebook site about posting the wig back, and have not received a response at all.

Well it sounds like they're avoiding her for now since they aren't replying to her communication attempts. Unless their reply person is being lazy/taking the day off.

>> No.6679393


From her post it says that her claim is "inactive." So I'm guessing that's out the window for the time being.

>> No.6679398

But it's not a "projection," it is a FACTUAL course of action you take when a company or business violates their terms and is wronging you in a transaction.
I don't understand how there can be a common means to get your money back and people choose inaction.

Well of course it would be. You can't really reopen a Paypal dispute after a certain amount of time has elapsed with no escalation.

>> No.6679399

she said she only wanted that wig and she wanted it for an event. Therefore a replacement (by the time they send it out) or store credit is useless.

Also, how is it an exchange if it's the thing she ordered and paid for originally?

It would be okay if they were like 'ship it back and email proof of sending and we'll refund you fully' but it's still a bit much to distrust a customer they stole $40 from. A lot of companies that sell low cost items with high markups like GLW just tell you to keep it and mail out a replacement

>> No.6679407

It's not wrong per se, but it is also not wrong for the sellers to take reasonable steps to not be defrauded by people angling for extras either.

The only times I have seen a pre-emptive refund/replacement deal happen were for items that were worth less than the return shipping charges.

>> No.6679424

chanarchive dawt org slash 4chan slash cgl slash 13700 slash gothic-lolita-wigs

Hopefully this passes the spam filter this time, jesus

>> No.6679433

> she said she only wanted that wig and she wanted it for an event. Therefore a replacement (by the time they send it out) or store credit is useless.
Then she can send it back and bitch that she does not want store credit, she wants cash refund. As it happens, the wig that she wants is fortuitously out of stock so she can reorder that damn wig and demand a refund for an out of stock item.

>Also, how is it an exchange if it's the thing she ordered and paid for originally?
It is an exchange because it is a change of product to product: she is sending one wig (the one she got) and receiving the other (the one she ought to have got).

> it's still a bit much to distrust a customer they stole $40 from.
She asserts this, but they don't know this.
Regardles of what it is, for GLW to be able to make the assessment "yup she's been sent the wrong wig" they have to have the wig in hand, don't they?

>A lot of companies that sell low cost items with high markups like GLW just tell you to keep it and mail out a replacement
[citation needed]

I don't know how low cost GLW's wigs are, but I bet they still cost more than domestic return shipping.

>> No.6679443

So a company sends a customer the wrong product and its up to the customer to send it back (at cost to her), accept unwanted store credit (for their mistake), re order the right wig again, wait for it not to arrive (or be possibly sent the wrong thing again) and then ask again for the refund she wanted in the first place (for their mistake)? This is not how business works.

An exchange is if you say order a pair of jeans and they don't fit well and you want a different size or style. You shouldn't have to exchange what a badly run company sent you for what you actually ordered

>She asserts this, but they don't know this.
Regardles of what it is, for GLW to be able to make the assessment "yup she's been sent the wrong wig" they have to have the wig in hand, don't they?

They can easily see from photos. Different colour different style. Even if you insist that 'oh it could be the lighting' they must have some sort of packaging right? with a name or a product code on?

>[citation needed]
This is not wikipedia

>I don't know how low cost GLW's wigs are, but I bet they still cost more than domestic return shipping.

I doubt it. They buy bulk wholesale from China. I can easily get a good quality wig for $10-$15 from Taobao. I'm sure they can get a poor quality fibre wig at wholesale for less. What's the price of tracked shipping in the US?

>> No.6679458

at the end of the day, she's a bit of a dumbass and GLW are taking advantage of that

>> No.6679462

So a company sends a customer the wrong product and its up to the customer to send it back (at cost to her), accept unwanted store credit (for their mistake), re order the right wig again, wait for it not to arrive (or be possibly sent the wrong thing again) and then ask again for the refund she wanted in the first place (for their mistake)?
Depends on what policies the business has listed at the storefront, website or depending on state laws even what's written on the front/back of the invoice and/or receipt, but at least this seems to be the case for GLW from what their terms state.

>You shouldn't have to
Unfortunately we don't live in a world made of unicorn farts and she has to. Deal with it.

>This is not how business works.
Actually, it's how all businesses work, show me a business that doesn't do this. Even brick-and-mortar stores don't pay you the fuel money for you driving the faulty article back.

>They can easily see from photos. Different colour different style.
I can't, because she's so far uploaded no photos.

>they must have some sort of packaging right? with a name or a product code on?
As far as I know from other unboxing/review threads, the wigs just come in a plastic bag and one of those fragile one-use wig nets. There is no product code written on it.

>I doubt it. They buy bulk wholesale from China. I can easily get a good quality wig for $10-$15 from Taobao. I'm sure they can get a poor quality fibre wig at wholesale for less.

They also have to pay taxes, customs, import dury, and whatever other fees to various governing bodies for running that business. Of course, if they aren't running a legit registered business, anyone can always report them for running an illegal unregistered business...

>What's the price of tracked shipping in the US?
About $13.

>> No.6679482

BUT she technically already fucking paid to ship that wig when she spent an extra $20 on something that doesn't fucking exist.

>> No.6679487

Whether she is entitled to a refund on the shipping price of the wrong wig sent to her is something she hasn't even fucking raised, and again, shouldn't GLW satisfy themselves that the wrong wig was sent before refunding just the wig or wig plus shipping or whatever the fuck?

>> No.6679491

>Unfortunately we don't live in a world made of unicorn farts and she has to. Deal with it.
Not being expected to do something absolutely crazy like re-order what should have been sent to you is hardly living in a world of unicorn farts, especially when refunds for incorrect items are on their flipping refund policy: http://cosplaywigsusa.com/pages/Shipping-%26-Returns.html

I.. just. Do you not shop online? Or do all websites in Australia have this bad customer service?

>Actually, it's how all businesses work, show me a business that doesn't do this.
Uhh Asos.com - free returns with free shipping, Amazon, all those catalogue companies from the 90's. I've never seen a shop that won't refund for their mistake. Even BABY with their awful customer service will pay for return shipping if they make a mistake.

>I can't, because she's so far uploaded no photos.
But has she sent them to GLW? And if not, why haven't they asked for them? I got sent the wrong thing from a company once and they just asked for a photo and offered me a refund or a replacement. Have you taken any business courses at all? Obviously GLW haven't. Return custom is the most important thing to achieve and it's incredibly difficult in an online market.

>As far as I know from other unboxing/review threads, the wigs just come in a plastic bag and one of those fragile one-use wig nets. There is no product code

Well that would be why they have hundreds of packing errors then. How can you take this 'company' seriously?

>anyone can always report them for running an illegal unregistered business...
Might be a good idea. I was under the impression though that even companies in the US rarely have to pay custom fees

>About $13.
Yeah they probably buy them for less than that. Even with shipping.

Not quite sure why you're so eager to lick every last bit of shit from their butthole, especially when you go all rage virus on everything on egl. Are you wanting to become a model desu chan?

>> No.6679494

>You may return new, unopened, unworn items within 4 days of delivery for a full refund if item was receiced was incorrect or defective.
So has it been 4 days of delivery?




>Asos.com, Amazon, catalogue companies
Actually, shipping for the return is not free for international customers, and it depends on the catalogue companies.

>Even BABY with their awful customer service will pay for return shipping
NOBODY preemptively makes the payment.

> How can you take this 'company' seriously?
I don't. I also don't buy from them.

>Not quite sure why you're so eager to lick every last bit of shit from their butthole
Not quite sure why you believe what OP did is a smart and reasonable course of action, but because I am saying the wig has to be returned first, I am licking their butthole? What kind of entitled world do you live in? Are you sure you're even old enough to browse this website?
>especially when you go all rage virus on everything on egl.
I don't go all rage virus on everything on egl, but you clearly do.
>Are you wanting to become a model desu chan?
Looking at the unnecessary amount of butthurt over it, clearly you must've been and they rejected you for it.

>> No.6679496

Both of you are being annoying faggots. Stop.

>> No.6679499

Just throwing in: Yes, some sites preemptively make payment. I've used them before. They give you a shipping label, you plaster it on the box, you give it to UPS/whatever, they take it, no money exchanged on your end.

Not the one you're arguing with, but I'm not sure why you're so narrow minded on that.

>> No.6679502

>some sites preemptively make payment
No, that's a shipping label that USPS charges the companies on a credit account, and no money is charged to the company's account until the package has been scanned at the postal office that collects the article. The customer is not preemptively paid/reimbursed for anything.

Asking to be pre-emptively reimbursed for a return is different from asking "where is my return shipping label" - and any rate, GLW site policies clearly state that they refund shipping after they receive the return and deem it their fault.

>> No.6679508

did you know that you're an asshole?

>> No.6679510

Did you stay up past your bedtime just to call me that?

>> No.6679514


>So has it been 4 days of delivery?
Irrelevant. She got the wrong wig, emailed them and they were like oh we can only give you store credit, soz.

I refer you to my earlier post:
>It would be okay if they were like 'ship it back and email proof of sending and we'll refund you fully'
READING IS HARD! I'm not sticking up for the girl not sending it back and complaining but I'd be a bit pissed if I got sent the complete wrong thing, and upon contacting the company they just lied about their shipping methods. If you took the time to google, or look at the archive an anon posted above there's countless stories of GLW ignoring customers and refusing to offer the slightest amount of customer service. I'd be worried that I'd send it back and never hear anything again. At least by keeping the wig she might be able to make a small amount of her money back.

>Actually, shipping for the return is not free for international customers
Where does it say she's international?

>Even BABY with their awful customer service will pay for return shipping
>NOBODY preemptively makes the payment.
Again, see above.

>I don't. I also don't buy from them.
Then why are you insisting that we should treat them seriously and trust them to refund if this girl leapt through all the hoops you're suggesting?

>Looking at the unnecessary amount of butthurt over it, clearly you must've been and they rejected you for it.
Bitch, please. I'm just pissed about people like you that whiteknight them to death in the hope that they might offer you some unpaid modelling of party wigs.

>> No.6679517


*refund policy. No idea why I wrote shipping methods

>> No.6679524

They said they only give cash refunds for a return within 4 days, which I think is a very harsh and depending on where you live, impossible timeframe. Past that, she was getting store credit.

>It would be okay
If you think this isn't okay, go be a legislator and change the business practice laws of your state or country or whatever. However, as it stands, companies can make whatever exchange and return policy they please. If she didn't like the company's polices on exchanges and returns, perhaps she shouldn't have shopped at that company in the first place.

It seems reading is really really really difficult for you to the point where you keep twisting words to what you want to read instead of what is there.

>Where does it say she's international?
The point is that no store actually preemptively pays a customer for return shipping. The shipping label is only paid for, and not to the customer, when scanned at the post office. Stop moving the goalposts.

>Then why are you insisting that we should treat them seriously and trust them to refund if this girl leapt through all the hoops you're suggesting?
So... you think the right course of action here is to hold hostage a wig she doesn't want and probably isn't worth the $55 the site claims to sell it at, that they don't care about having returned? How is returning a wig with tracked shipping so you can prove you sent it to them by a certain date "jumping through hoops"? Why are you all so angry at having to return the wig first? Why is this so troublesome?

>that whiteknight them to death
What, telling her to return a damn wig is whiteknighting?

>> No.6679534

You're all kinds of crazy! Now I realise why people don't try and bother arguing with you.

She contacted the company and said she had a problem. They didn't say 'sorry, you're too late for us to refund you' they said they would only offer her store credit. Despite this contradicting what's written on their website. Not sure how this is hard to understand?

You are not a lawyer. Neither am I. I am not trying to change any law. We're all talking about our personal feelings on the matter. However, since obviously English is hard I try to make sure I include the implied 'I feel' for your benefit in future.

> Stop moving the goalposts.
Lol, what? You brought up something completely irrelevant and are now crying derailing? I never once said that GLW has to (or even should) refund shipping before the wrong item is returned. All I did was counteract your claim that free return shipping and replacements without returning the original are not as unheard of as you are trying to make out.

I never said anything about holding a wig hostage. That would be stupid as they've already got more money out of her than they sell the product for. I only said that she might feel it's better to keep the useless wifg and try and sell it then possibly (they could ignore her messages like they've done to so many other complaining customers in the past) get store credit when she never wants to buy from them again.

>"jumping through hoops"?
sending the wig back, hoping the shipping will be refunded, re-ordering the right wig which they've already said isn't in stock, waiting until they don't send it or send something else and then going through all this again. You seem to think that's reasonable.

>telling her to return a damn wig is whiteknighting?
No farting your way down the thread about how everything they're doing is perfectly reasonable and legit is whiteknighting. I've seen your pictures Shiv, they're just going to reject you again. Sorry.

>> No.6679548

>She contacted the company and said she had a problem.
Terms say returning the product within 4 days. Not emailing them, not telephoning them, but returning the item. It's a dick term, but that's what it says.

>Despite this contradicting what's written on their website.
Again, 4 days return.

>Not sure how this is hard to understand?
What part of return your unwanted wig in unworn condition within 4 days is so hard to understand?

>We're all talking about our personal feelings on the matter.
It's one thing to state that their returns policy is dickish and possibly impossible to fulfill. It's another thing to wholesale say "they should have this returns policy I imagined for them in my head instead".

>I only said that she might feel it's better to keep the useless wig and try and sell it then possibly
That's up to her to do, don't bitch at me for it.

>sending the wig back, hoping the shipping will be refunded, re-ordering the right wig which they've already said isn't in stock, waiting until they don't send it or send something else and then going through all this again.
I am currently returning a modcloth order that was sent wrongly. You know what I am doing? I am shipping it back to modcloth out of my own pocket, hoping that modcloth receives it and refunds the purchase in good conscience (and they get to choose whether I get a cash refund or store credit!), and I'm going to sit here and wait to re-order again, in which case it might be sold out.
>You seem to think that's reasonable.
I tend to find that this is par for the course in the US.

>No farting your way down the thread about how everything they're doing is perfectly reasonable and legit is whiteknighting.
If it's not reasonable and legit, then go report them. However, I think you will find that it is, unfortunately, pretty reasonable and legit.

>I've seen your pictures Shiv, they're just going to reject you again. Sorry.
No you haven't.

>> No.6679553

>free return shipping
Also that's not what you said, you wanted her to be "reimbursed shipping" prior to her shipping it. Stop moving the damn goalposts.

>and replacements without returning the original
None of the companies you cited do this, and what has these unnamed other companies giving replacements to do with whether GLW is giving replacements? Nothing. You're just projecting what your ideal way of dealing with a company should be to GLW.

>> No.6679581


>you wanted her to be "reimbursed shipping" prior to her shipping it

Point out where I said this? Ever? Because I didn't.

>what has these unnamed other companies giving replacements to do with whether GLW is giving replacements? Nothing

I'm just giving answers to your own mouth farts. Don't come crying just because I've shown you don't know your shit.

>No you haven't.
Yes I have. remember when you were called out for fat hate having been a previous landwhale yourself? Pictures were posted. Just because it was years ago doesn't mean I don't remember the mess that was your face. It wasn't pleasant.

>> No.6679595

>Point out where I said this? Ever? Because I didn't.
>she also be compensated for the shipping of returning the Lady Vuitton wig
And she never did return the lady vuitton wig. Therefore this is pre-emptive compensation.
>I'm just giving answers
You still haven't named any company, and your fantasies of interactions with imagined companies aren't answers, they're fanfiction.
> remember when you were called out for fat hate having been a previous landwhale yourself?
I was "called out" for anorexia hate, get it right. If anything I troll hard on the behalf of the obese.
>Pictures were posted.
They weren't me, because there was no thread calling me out for fat hate to begin with.
>Just because it was years ago doesn't mean I don't remember the mess that was your face. It wasn't pleasant.
all of my wat

>> No.6679637

Lol that wasn't even my post, All anons are not the same person you retard

My first post was >>6679399

>your fantasies of interactions with imagined companies aren't answers, they're fanfiction.

You're hilarious. You could spend a second googling reviews and customer service experiences for both small and big websites or you could choose to believe that IT NEVER HAPPENS EVER! ALL FANTASY! LALALA! Your first argument was that a company would never let a customer keep a wrongly sent items unless it cost less than postage. When I pointed out that it probably did cost less than postage you're now saying that this never happens? Derailing at any rate, I never said that GLW should let her keep it, only that some companies do

Also it was a long time ago, I'm a bit of an old fag. Probably 2008 or 2009? Can't be bothered to go looking to see if it's still there but it was the one and only time you apologised. Good times!

>> No.6679655

GLW has an extra $35 from her. They can bite the return shipping cost this time because of that.

>> No.6679771


They already have some money from her and it was their mistake. So she shouldn't have to pay for shipping of the wig.

>> No.6680037

Why do people argue with shiverling?

This is the retard that said eating disorders were not mental disorders because she has zero understanding of how the DSM-IV works

>> No.6680209


Does she have aspergers or autism? She is so resistant to reasoning when people point out she's incorrect.

>> No.6680390

I have no idea.

>She is so resistant to reasoning when people point out she's incorrect.

Yeeeeeep. If she believed apples were vegetables and you produced 10 studies proving otherwise, she would still insist they were vegetables.

>> No.6680397

I don't get why you keep bumping this thread every hour. Nobody, not ever shiverling, is interested in arguing with you any more. At least sage your posts.

>> No.6680425

I was replying to someone's reply to me. U mad? Too bad.

>> No.6680433
File: 170 KB, 468x558, bo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, sure. "Someone else." Right.

>> No.6680441

It was. Why are you obsessed with the idea that it wasn't? Forget your trip, shiverling?

>> No.6680452

Calm down bitch.

>> No.6680490

You seem upset. Is everything okay at home?

>> No.6680499

the fuck is even going on in here

>> No.6680608

GLW's "GIVE US A REVIEW" that they send via email after a purchase is the worst.
Because if you submit anything under 4 stars, it doesn't get approved.

As a buisness that's not only shady as fuck it's also a sign that they have poor reception to anything negative about them. A new customer should be warned to the fact that the wig they are about to buy may or may not be at the level of quality they desire.

>> No.6681016

Is this a real person?
Are there pictures of her?
She reminds me of a creationist, seriously.

>> No.6681022

Well considering that they sent their army of fangirls to harass a customer that posted a negative review about them on egl, I'm not surprised they don't let anything negative show on their page.

>> No.6681023

Always been curious about this too, do those supposed photos still exist?