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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 198 KB, 500x447, tumblr_lxecvkE8gJ1qfcw9yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6675346 No.6675346 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6675370

the girl with the white hair is really cute. Are they Russian lolitas by any chance?

>> No.6675379

aren't those the old oregon lolita group that used to be super popular but none of them even wear lolita now?

p. sure the one on the right is swdpunk

>> No.6675388

Are there lolita groups in Oregon? i mean, what the crap is there to do in that state?

>> No.6675399
File: 36 KB, 383x508, 1123_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Nose is way too tiny.

>> No.6675598

Lol, they're Brisbane lolitas. That's not Swdpunk, that's Faith Chan (the one on the far left's bestie). I thought everyone knew Faith, what with everyone being obsessed with the whole stripper thing.

>> No.6675611

Okay, I've been way out of the loop. Backstory please?

>> No.6675648

This was around 3/4 years ago. Faith was rather popular and had an enviable wardrobe and posted a lot, same with her blonde friend but she wasn't as popular. People posted Faith's scantily clad raver pictures on here and called her a slut and she eventually left lolita to become a stripper. I think that's it.

>> No.6675738

The oregon group used to post the most and set a lot of trends but most of them moved on and stopped wearing the fashion.

>> No.6675749
File: 887 KB, 499x644, peachie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Princess-Peachie. She's sweet. Also, gotta love that Scottish accent.

>> No.6675768

She's adorable, but I really hate how she feels to need to turn everything into a gif. it just screams attentionwhoring

when someone else does it, its looked down upon, but when peachie does it, its ok? no.. I really don't like it, no matter who you are.

that being said, I think Peachie is really the only popular lolita I know that wears mostly bodyline.

>> No.6675770

lovelylor, hilarious as fuck

>> No.6675772

her face always looked bloated and shiny... and the way she plucks her eyebrows does her no favors. That being said, I think she's tolerable in her videos, much more so than I was expected heh.

>> No.6675779

love princess-peachie, lovelylor, and minyandapple
peachie can get on my nerves sometimes though
I like lor cause even though she's not conventionally pretty, she works what she's got plus she's hilarious
I've met mintandapple several times and I have to say she is one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. She's pretty much the reason I've become a lolita myself.

>> No.6675798 [DELETED] 

does anyone like nyandy? Looks new but cute.

>> No.6675823

I want to like her but she has this Anti-USA attitude that's totally unnecessary. I get it. Canada is superior but the US isn't Mexico. Don't treat it as one.

>> No.6675826

how does peachie get on your nerves?

>> No.6675832

Mintandapple I remember from a few years back. She was insanely controlling and a total bitch. I was glad she got into lolita though because she now had a reason to be a bitch.
I had to laugh when she she bitch out that girl for wearing bodyline.

>> No.6675839

Not the person you're responding to, and not even a lolita, but Peachie aggravates me, and I'm not even sure why. I used to really like her and follow her despite not being into sweet lolita (I do follow some gothic lolitas) but her gifs started to bug me.

>> No.6675846
File: 905 KB, 250x345, tumblr_min9vvz4dq1qb9ia7o2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god I'm not the only one!
every time I say "I find Peachie's gifs annoying"
people generally just call me a jellyfag or something. no. its fucking annoying.

first time, whatever. but after the hundredth gif you are ready to punch a baby

>> No.6675851

she IS actually a girl right? I remember watching some video of her answering questions and someone brought up she called herself a Bronie or something and she just kind of smiled and never answered if she was a girl. of course i'm not an mlp person so maybe bronie just means pony fan or something, i thought it meant dude pony fan

>> No.6675850

I don't follow her, but that one you just posted looks like she's trying really, really hard to be all cutesy in that "I'm so awkward, I'm not sure of myself!" way that Japanese girls do. And. It doesn't work. Her smile is too forced and the eye rolling just adds to that.

>> No.6675859

brony? bronie? whatever

>> No.6675860

Yeah! Like I don't follow any lolita blogs anymore on tumblr, but I still get people reblogging her occasionally. I used to enjoy watching her youtube videos, but she seems like she is trying incredibly hard now. I still don't mind seeing pictures of her, but the gifs... ugh.

This one I last saw was her reading a book (probably a manga) and some caption on about senpai noticing her. This fucking senpai trend on tumblr right now

>> No.6675870

>This fucking senpai trend on tumblr right now

tumblr sure fucking knows how to run a joke into the ground fast.

>> No.6675868

she tries much too hard, and her gifs are annoying.
also, maybe it is just because i prefer subdued colours, but her wigs and many of her coords are garish.

>> No.6675869

>This one I last saw was her reading a book (probably a manga) and some caption on about senpai noticing her.

thats been on my dash at least once or twice every other day and I'm sick of seeing it.

>> No.6675876

jesus christ and the second I type this another one pops up on my dash

>> No.6676006
File: 138 KB, 500x679, tumblr_mdo1proS3Y1r1f3mqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying lolitas are bitches?
also she wears bodyline fabulously and has no problem with it from what I know,I agree with >>6675779 shes insanely sweet and really cute. so vendetta?

shes one of my favorite lolitas,along with cadney and lor. pic related.

>> No.6676022

I really love her too. She seems incredibly sweet. And her and her boyfriend are adorable together.

>> No.6676023
File: 222 KB, 1200x633, 1362180774517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's odd, normally that happens before they leave 4chan

>> No.6676027

hey wasn't this girl at Katsu in the AA?

>> No.6676028
File: 47 KB, 472x472, 133374618922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs get lel

>> No.6676039

>bloated and shiny
she has some kind of condition

>> No.6676038

cgl doesn't seem to want to admit this but a fair enough amount of its users are on tumblr that the jokes a) being passed on and b) being ruined quicker by the nature of the site is becoming more frequent. Just my observation.

>> No.6676044


I think she likes to make videos and gifs because she has a chronic illness and generally doesn't leave the house or go to lolita meetups, so it's her way to have fun with her clothes.

>> No.6676057

>no its okay because ____

doesn't keep it from being annoying though.

>> No.6676066


That's fair, I guess personally I just can't imagine being so offended by scrolling past something multiple times on my dashboard. Seems like a pretttty minor inconvenience.

Captcha: Edinburgh eeterc
coz shes scottish idk

>> No.6676082
File: 113 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mih8ccFrTT1r1f3mqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of them were.

>> No.6676126

Girl on the left is fat and needs to toss those fat gaudy looking glasses.
I'd like to see more of the one on the right though.

>> No.6676143

I can't imagine any situation in which mintandapple would be a bitch.

>> No.6676146
File: 226 KB, 300x400, 1299133525321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was making a joke.

All memes have an expiration date, senpai; doesn't matter if they get burnt out on tumblr, 9fag, basedbook, readit or right here at home.

>> No.6676154

Yes, but enough people have said it in seriousness that the point stood to be said.

>> No.6676156
File: 66 KB, 500x667, 1359522999911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like them,and shes well dressed for her size.
seconding this though,more of girl on the right does she have a tumblr?

>> No.6676244

Typically girls call themselves pegasisters..

>> No.6676266

gtfo your vendetta is obvious.

>> No.6676269

most don't, since they feel the term is irrelevant. I find both terms stupid as fuck, but brony is less pretentious than pegasister

Wouldn't want to be either one.

>> No.6676271

That cord is gorgeous!!

>> No.6676276

uh, no. a brony is not necessarily male. i find the word pegasister pretty undignifying and would never call myself that.

>> No.6676550


I love Peachie, she's one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. She's one of those people who are just generally really nice in every way.

>> No.6676932
File: 398 KB, 630x944, ap-wasch1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6676935
File: 631 KB, 549x837, IMG_0238ouuoii-mini2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fahrlight is my fave loli on tumblr!

>> No.6676942

She just has a really unfortunate masculine face, right?

>> No.6676945

I think she looks fine!

>> No.6676950
File: 628 KB, 667x1000, ap-wasch1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masculine? where?!

>> No.6676952

>all dis Peachie hate

She's a good person who dresses well and has a plucky demeanor. But I guess everyone has their own opinions on what they consider 'attention whoring'. I personally love her videos and pictures. These new gifs are just something new to look at. Whats so annoying about seeing her animated? She's a cute woman.

>> No.6676953

>mistaking strong, elegant features for masculine

>only shapeless asain faces are feminine and youthful apparently

>> No.6676955
File: 842 KB, 382x212, tumblr_mdv4ndFSaE1qctwkso1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, yeah

>> No.6676957
File: 11 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... I always thought she was a brolita... sorry? Though I haven't said she looked ugly.

>> No.6676958
File: 794 KB, 1080x720, eatcake-03-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me...what's the problem. she is super nice and always helps everyone.

>> No.6676959
File: 437 KB, 576x864, IMojj89kkkh-gmini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait isn't she a MAN!?

>> No.6676960
File: 69 KB, 432x649, 1-berry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this is the same person right? She looks more feminine when she's cosplaying Loki apparently (that's the same girl too right?), maybe bangs make her look weird to me.

>> No.6676961

She is lovely, but I have to agree with anons above that she's got a very strong face. After seeing her cosplaying as men, you can see her face does lend itself to a more masculine look. That being said, she does her make up really well and dresses amazingly to help balance out her strong features when she dresses girly.

>> No.6676966

Why do i thought bane is holding that for you heart shape thingy

>> No.6676964
File: 21 KB, 403x403, 382327_10151082120703078_1894666913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said there was a problem or that she wasn't nice or helpful? Never even said she was ugly. Just said she had a masculine face.

>> No.6676983
File: 443 KB, 614x679, lokiini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care if she looks good in lolita or good AND manly, or bad, or if she is NICE OR SHIT, but can we please all take a second to look at THIS AND LOVE IT?!

the SAME person...please!

>> No.6676984

I think I like the one better of her as Loki and Her as someone else on the same bed.

This is also pretty cool.

>> No.6676986

wait what!?

Who is in who's bed?

>> No.6676989

Wow. I had no idea. I take everything back. she DOES look manly, but it totall works in her fave.

this is fucking amazing!

>> No.6676987

she has a really cool shot of her as Loki and her as ... some... girl? (I don't know the character if it is one) shooped together on the same bed (it's not like... sexy or anything) and it looks really cool

>> No.6676991
File: 90 KB, 500x342, tumblr_mekjt9uNAW1qctwkso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go, this is one of the shots, I think she did several?

>> No.6676992

OMG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6676994

O_O! Spirit animal found!

>> No.6676996

Well I mean I shouldn't have said 'unfortunate' at first, that was the wrong word, so I started that thing off negatively which I didn't really think about. So that's my bad

>> No.6676997


After seeing that chick as Loki I would say FORTUNATE MASCULINE FACE!

>> No.6676998

truth haha :)

>> No.6677000
File: 80 KB, 399x600, 185165_10101393291998742_193625892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This once was about Lolitas.

Cadny is best!

>> No.6677001

Her face is shooped so much that she looks manly (drag queen-ish). >>6676960 is much better

>> No.6677003
File: 899 KB, 706x960, loki__i_hate_shawarma_by_fahrchan-d59xcja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck? I googled around, that girl really does look like this lokiguy

>> No.6677006

that's not shooped, it's from a video she maid, so UNshooped.

>> No.6677007

DAMN IT! I want to be able to switch from guy to gurl!

>> No.6677009

speak english, mate!

>> No.6677010
File: 129 KB, 800x600, tumblr_m5l3qgwqXj1qj8sn4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute!

>> No.6677011


>> No.6677012


o_o how about NO?

>> No.6677014
File: 99 KB, 500x750, 16672_10151370212440948_736422329_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677015

You can edit video. See Kotakoti

>> No.6677017


everybody knows that. but you can see it when it's edited.

>> No.6677019

word. looked normal to me.

>> No.6677026

weird, i have never really cared about cadney... and i don't get her girl boner for lunie? she posts her photos alll the time. she seems kind of oddly... high on her horse about newbies coming to her with questions, i dunno. i do like how she sticks with the black hair n ow though, i like that a ot

>> No.6677031

No they are Australian, and holy balls that is an old photo!!!!! :O

>> No.6677032

but she is so so nice!

>> No.6677035

i guess she seems nice on the internet, i can't really say, never met her.

>> No.6677033
File: 537 KB, 568x908, Bummeln 2012 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6677034

Lol you dont know your directions the girl on the rights is buttons, faith is on the left!!!

>> No.6677037

I met her. she is one of my best friends and really lovely. she is that way, not just a fake act.

same for Luni and Fahr.

>> No.6677038

Who's that?

>> No.6677040

fahrlight, the loki cosplayer

>> No.6677041

if only she would stop with that marvelshit!

>> No.6677045


Oh, cool. No idea whatsa loki is tho.

>> No.6677042

that's kind of a weird way to say that? 'I met her' and yet 'one of my best friends'? Like do you live close to her and hang out with her on a regular basis?

>> No.6677047

same girl as here

>> No.6677046

yeah, on meet ups.
I meant I am one who met her, like in person.

>> No.6677048



>> No.6677049

oh ok, so you only see her at meetups? seems a little impersonal for 'best friends'?

>> No.6677050
File: 75 KB, 500x667, tumblr_llfol5Hbyz1qk4t72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG! yes more nilla in this thread!!

>> No.6677053
File: 296 KB, 1200x1600, DSC06145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karine - all my love! co-ords are amazing!!!

>> No.6677054

I think she's so adorable. And her "pudgy" face, as some of you call it, just makes her even cuter.

>> No.6677063

I have only a few friends.

>> No.6677064

Is that a GUY?

>> No.6677066
File: 1.26 MB, 644x955, Eat Cake Freilicht-Museum 2012 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH YES! Farhlight! She hosts the best meet ups in SH!

>> No.6677067
File: 155 KB, 500x740, tumblr_mid501Z7Ek1qmwgx6o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karin Hoshikawa is my all time FAVORITE tumblr lolita.

>> No.6677070

Is that in france?

>> No.6677069


>> No.6677072


wait a sec, that is the same person?! NO! just NO!

>> No.6677073

She definitely looks like a woman...

>> No.6677075

as much as that farhperson, yeah lool!

>> No.6677077

TROLLfaggting ahead!

>> No.6677078
File: 510 KB, 667x1000, ap-wasch1 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O_O shut up, she is the cutest!

>> No.6677080


>> No.6677083

Oh, now THAT cool! who made the photos?!

>> No.6677085

What's her tumblr? Or other blogs, etc?

>> No.6677086

tumblr-lolis are ALL full of themselves!

>> No.6677089

Really pretty. I tried googling her but nothing came up, help?

>> No.6677093


>> No.6677095
File: 155 KB, 499x583, pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general-iconic is the prettiest thing.

>> No.6677119

an angel!

>> No.6677142

I know she is god damn pathetic

>> No.6677207


>> No.6677215

Fahr looks like an overshopped clown in almost every photo and must have one of the worst tumblrpersonalities I've ever seen.

Ain't even jelly.

Also all the samefag hyperactive tumblr fangirling up there is a) really sad and b) probably selfposting fahr.

>> No.6677248

This picture is why I fell in love with lolita. I'm so glad to know she has a tumblr!

>> No.6677265

me too! she helped me get my first dress!

>> No.6677268

yeah, yeah I am farh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!

I bet you are fat and old ang ugly!

>> No.6677269

I love her on tumblr, a lot people give tan girls a lot of hate due to some colors looking weird but she rocks every outfit like nothing.

>> No.6677270

you are just jelly caus you are no personality at all! she helped me a lot with lolita and getting wigs!

>> No.6677272

fahr your samefag is really pathetic, c'mon now :(

>> No.6677276

Pretty sure the word you meant was `black` not tan.

>> No.6677283

is this a self-post?

>> No.6677284

LOL omg you are so stupid! like she even knows or cares that you don't like her!

>> No.6677289

Would you go back to tumblr already? Your hysteric 14-year-old typing all through the thread is embarrassing.

And yes, it's very obviously samefag.

>> No.6677292
File: 801 KB, 589x869, Du0oo502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only see a cute lady, nothing more.

>> No.6677293

it's a tumblr thread STUPID!

>> No.6677296

can't see any clown!

>> No.6677297

Yeah. For cgl browsers.

Of which you, tweeny, are very obviously not.

>> No.6677305
File: 182 KB, 500x590, tumblr_mj8ja2mQfB1qmd8two1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677308
File: 283 KB, 800x1422, tumblr_mj9c6rmeyV1rzi5eso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677314
File: 194 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mcspv6FAKB1qcmjsdo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677326


>> No.6677336

i can't stand the shit stuck under the eyes. makes everything look so cheap to me.

>> No.6677339

This. Clownish.

>> No.6677355

what is this chicks name? I thought it was like vanillabitz or something but google doesn't come up with anything

>> No.6677357

you just don't get OTT!

>> No.6677358

looooooooooooooooooool, you never seen a clown before!!!!!LOL!

>> No.6677368


>> No.6677371

it's called decora lolita, if you not know.

>> No.6677383

Uh, no it isn't. Decora is a style in its own right, that involves heavy use of accessories and layers. Sticking a few sparkles under your eyes does not make an outfit decora.

>> No.6677390


>> No.6677392
File: 34 KB, 300x400, 69814_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mean this?!

>> No.6677396
File: 126 KB, 500x671, tumblr_m1004cVh6v1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shelby is the best lolita on tumblr! so giving!

>> No.6677399


>> No.6677407

this thread is an abortion, wtf happened

>> No.6677416

people started to picking at one girl and forgot to post pics...

>> No.6677431

Am I the only one that keeps seeing the same anon with OMG so CUTE!! in every sentence?

>> No.6677434

More like fahr's tumblrfaggot fangirls came and ruined it.

Nope, it's an obvious samefag. Possibly troll, can't decide.

>> No.6677440

Find her too sticky sweet to watch for a whole video. Accent is cute ill give but her videos are kinda dull.

>> No.6677455

Is it just me or does every lolita on tumblr have a "chronic disease" or depression or anorexia or something? I can barely find anyone who doesn't have something wrong with them.

>> No.6677456


What the actual fuck. This is embarrassing.

>> No.6677464

Seemed kinda pushy at nagging when reading her posts... maybe she isn't and maybe she is super nice in person

>> No.6677465

The environment is such that being public (overly so) about your whatever disorders/diseases is encouraged, so I think it's just more visible that *any* do... if that makes sense.

>> No.6677467

Love her! Good to see some non sweet posted too

>> No.6677474

yes. But irl there seems to be tones of lolita who claim the same thing.

>> No.6677499
File: 247 KB, 665x1000, tumblr_mihlg6o2j61qjq0qyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

164 posts and no herajika?

>> No.6677510


Please.... somebody?

>> No.6677517


>> No.6677525

thank you

>> No.6677533

>same with her blonde friend but she wasn't as popular
Which is a real shame, I liked her a lot better.

>> No.6677662

I don't think so. Karine doesn't post much in English, mostly Brazilian Portuguese. Her primary blog is a blogspot, mysubarashiilolidays.
I actually really like her coordinates. She does some killer stuff with Bodyline.

>> No.6677670

She doesn't come to /cgl/, like most brazilian lolitas, so probably not; the filename should come from the pics uploaded to her blog.

>> No.6677677

I'm having more and more trouble telling Herajika and Pixie Late apart as the days go by. I wonder why.

>> No.6677684

Agreed, she's really well put together.

Have to admit I do too, sometimes..

>> No.6677942 [DELETED] 

The girl that owns Holley Tea Time, what's her full name?

>> No.6677984

Pegasister just sounds dumb.
I'm female and I go by brony, or just a My Little Pony fan.

>> No.6680984

Any more gothic or classic lolitas worth following on tumblr?

>> No.6681077
File: 134 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lx9csusbin1qk4t72o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vysanthe ? i think that's how it's spelt?

>> No.6681096

Anyone know where I can shoes like hers? Completely flat/white/straps. I looked on lovely shoes already and anything that would work was sold out. :(

>> No.6681190

She's really short! (So is the girl in that picture with the bear head bag with the big star on it.) she's wearing a miniskirt in this photo, but when she was wearing a dress we both have, which is a bit above my knee, it was well below hers and I'm only 5'4". Anyways, she has a cutesy rounder face, but she's not really that heavy. Because she's so short, the clothes all look more bulky on her, which makes her look like she weighs more that I'd guess she actually does. She certainly fits in typical brand.

>> No.6681442

what dress/skirt is she wearing?

>> No.6681504
File: 157 KB, 500x747, 1359523111124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah mint is really tiny,she only weighs 125-130 pounds and yet she gets reblogged to "plus-size" lolita blogs a lot becouse she looks so chubby in photos.
theres a pic out there of her with cadney and their height difference is adorable.

Im extremely jealous of her wardrobe but her coordinates arent that unique.

choke is my favorite but she apparently "left lolita" so does she even count?

>> No.6681558


I met her in person, she is not fat, not even slightly chubby. In photos she may look it because of her round face and layered coords.. But really, she's very tiny and petite and also a sweetheart.

>> No.6681609
File: 3 KB, 110x126, funnymisty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says herajika's coordinates aren't unique
>says chokelate is her favorite

>> No.6681616


>> No.6681619

Versaille Rose by Innocent World, pink colourway, short version

>> No.6681688

??? what!

>> No.6681690

Whoops, I was meant to reply to this anon >>6681442

>> No.6681708
File: 86 KB, 250x375, tumblr_m82on6zmLw1qgxqs9o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis chick! Xalea or something?

>> No.6681712


>> No.6681714

lol! you just all over these threads being helpful and shit! :p

>> No.6681717 [DELETED] 

lol! you just all over these threads, being helpful and shit! :p

>> No.6681723
File: 424 KB, 400x480, tumblr_lotz5zoqgb1qk4t72o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6681725
File: 163 KB, 500x690, tumblr_lyae2ukHmz1qk4t72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6681726
File: 140 KB, 407x750, tumblr_lyixdzzpTh1r2qlnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6681729
File: 312 KB, 347x700, tumblr_ma2vpwMz6T1qex9cro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6681730

would you happen to know who some of these girls are to? I'm really bad when it comes to remembering names.

>> No.6681738

This one is Corfina on LJ- >>6681725

>> No.6681741


>> No.6681746

I only know two of them
Corfina on Livejournal. I don't know her tumblr though.

Yours truly

As for >>6681726
You might be able to find them if you search the pirate tag on daily_lolita.

And >>6681723
All I can recall is that this pic was posted to daily_lolita a few years ago so you might not have as much luck finding the source.

>> No.6681744

haha thank you! I hope I can find it...

>> No.6681749

awesome! thanks. Love your style btw! :) that picture is one of my favourite co-ords.

>> No.6681753

Thank you, kindly Panda Pants! I'll have to bust out that hat again some time.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help!

>> No.6681751

Since when is 125-130 lbs. "really tiny"?

>> No.6681758


Do!!!!!! love me some feather hat!!! XD

>> No.6681831

My first thought was Pixyteri looks cute in this photo. Takes a closer look and realize that it's someone else. I'm disappointed.

>> No.6681847
File: 207 KB, 451x700, 02-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corfina is "corfina" on Tumblr as well.

>> No.6682476

how is this real

>> No.6682646

Tfw this thread is beyond saving because of one retard.

>> No.6686221


>> No.6686231

Never seen this print corrdinated with mint before. Looks very cute.

>> No.6686235

Please go away, tumblr-chan.

>> No.6686283

I commend her for looking good as both a man and woman in these, but they're pretty much shooped to hell and back

>> No.6686317

I use tumblr every few minutes and follow 1600 blogs.
Some unfollowed have come close, but never have I seen anyone of this atrocious caliber who wasn't laughed/anoned off immediately. No, we're dealing with something entirely different, here. Gaia or dA, possibly.

>> No.6686379

let the kids play, they'll grow up too.

>> No.6686382

mhh... some of them don't look too shooped. I think like in every media people have a right to shoop to a degree. I think it's nice to look at, and I don't really care what she edited. she told herself that she shoops and does not lie. that's a big plus for me.

>> No.6686398

I wish I could shoop like that.

>> No.6686758

do you even tumblr

I agree with >>6686317, if they're not trolls then they're from Gaia. Or from 2006. Quite likely both.

>> No.6686970


I think the lipstick is just making her look a bit drag queen-like. It probably looks better if she was smiling, though. You'd be surprised how much a little smile can make most pictures look better.

>> No.6686974
File: 219 KB, 466x1562, allofmyhate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw going through all of those

>> No.6686978

yeah, strong lipstick does not work well with sweet lolita!

>> No.6686982


What I think happens is girls get talked about and people go "Why is she like this?" and ask a lot of questions, and then that person has to talk about why they do the things they do, like in the example of Peachie and making a bunch of gifs and not going to meets.

>> No.6686989

Somethings going on with her eyes....
Something I don't like.

>> No.6687674

Fahr admits to all the shoop she uses. Someone once asked her how she had such beautiful perfect skin and she outright said Photoshop and posted a before and after. I don't like how much shoop she uses but I like that she has nothing to hide and admits it readily.

>> No.6687694

I used to think they were the same person. Now, i can clearly tell the difference, though.

>> No.6687702


You're right about the quality of a smile, but in this picture I love that she's not smiling because it would definitely ruin the illusion of ~*~nobody understands my lifestyle~*~.

>> No.6688279


or maybe that chick was angry because all the peasants in the back stared...lol!

>> No.6688285

So classy! I adore this co-ord.

>> No.6688290

Oh, well that's something else then. I am ok with that!

>> No.6688291

her eyebrows UGHGGH bother me so much.
Other than that, this is an awesome co-ord!

>> No.6688293

I don't get the Peachie hate either. Can't please everyone, I suppose? She always came off to me as an incredible sweet and real down to earth lolita, which is a breath of fresh air in the lolita circle.

>> No.6688299


have you ever had a little sister that tries too hard?

That's how I feel about Peachie

>> No.6688335

some for cadney and farhlight. they are, all three, very nice and just not stuck up. I don't get it.

>> No.6688336

I love that dress!

>> No.6688436

Pretty much. She's adorable in still photos but all her movements seem forced and copied from an anime, which just doesn't translate over to real life.

>> No.6688444

Is it so hard to believe that this thread is filled with jealous people? They are miserable and are bothered by any women they are threatened by.... Peachie, cadney and farhlight are generally well liked. These girls are just jealous.

>> No.6688488


>> No.6688636


AGREED! only because they are pretty and know their shit (ps, I-fame)

>> No.6689627

she's really fucking into herself, probably because the faggots on tumblr suck her dick all the time

>> No.6689630

black people are not tan, please stop using "tan" because for some reason "brown" offends you so much
we're brown
deal with it

>> No.6689632


wow is there a lot of samefagging in this thread or what

>> No.6689653

she's 2.5D

>> No.6689751

Can we please talk about Fahr's anti-shota manga? Has anyone ever read it and is it really as creepy, secretly shota-glamorizing as it seems?

>> No.6690498
File: 344 KB, 702x1052, _MG_5907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6690519

this, my goddess. The other day she likes one of my pics and I almost pee myself XD.
Love love love her style.

>> No.6691007

No, wrong. it was even honored by the german gouvernement.

>> No.6691060

stop trying to bring up your manga here, FARH!

>> No.6691587

dat hat

>> No.6694342

Bump for more tumblr lolitas.

>> No.6695601

Why would you even let anyone know you watch it
How embarrassing