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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6663346
File: 43 KB, 500x500, Dotoly_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best taobao shops to buy fashion bijouterie ?

>> No.6663364

Like costume jewelry and popular trinkets? If so, there's a lot of cheap shops that have gold crowns.


>> No.6663417

Working on updated FAQ.

Probably will add about various shipping methods later similarly to the SS spreadsheet "which SS to pick" thing.

>> No.6663449


Thanks for doing that.

>> No.6663451


Thanks anon!

>> No.6663468

Thank you! One of the cosplay results is the costume I wanted anyway.

>> No.6663490

Anyone know how to say pom pom in chinese? I'm using google translate and apparently POM is some material that you make shit out of, and Pom Bear is a kids brand of clothes. I just want to find some cute pom poms to clip on my clothes, like the bigger more rustic yarny ones like they would have at Anthropologie or something.

>> No.6663500


毛線球 (yarn ball) gave me results

>> No.6663602
File: 329 KB, 500x812, IMG_4899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know how to seach this kind of socks?(I don't even know the name on english...It's not my native language)

>> No.6663607

If you're still around could I have the link to the black and gold bag? Thanks!

I have unworn taobao clothes that are almost 3 years old and now I don't even like some of them. I was previously skinny so I know they will fit my body shape -eventually- but it's not a great idea unless it has limited stock and you are willing to get it tailored in the event that you are unable to fit it. I'd only buy skirts though tbh

You have excellent taste, Terra isn't crazy popular so it may be easier, although more expensive, to have a costume commissioned?

Can you please add something about Secret Shop shoes? It's mentioned at least twice every thread and is driving me crazy

>> No.6663616

You're welcome.

Sure thing later on today.
Should I focus on these posts in particular?:
Or is there other stuff I should include as well?

>> No.6663650


Original anon who wrote the FAQ here

Thanks for trying to add stuff

Though I am a little sad that the snark has been removed haha

>> No.6663704

Thanks! I think it was the thread before last that had the most information but the general summary is:
>Secret Shop only sell their shoes to VIP SS and agents: Dollypoddle, celestial_delinquent and clobbaonline. (There's probably other services but idk which ones)
>Some shoes are exclusive to clobba though - like the VM boots
>Secret Shop made the shoe part of their store private because they became over run with orders a while back and this was the easiest way to manage the situation
>The difference between ordering from clobba and a SS is only a few dollars so unless you are doing a big taobao order you may as well order from clobba directly.

>> No.6663735

So it seems like people who bought liz lisa items and had it shipped EMS got some of their items taken away? I just placed a taobao order and they are currently buying my stuff and I told them I wanted it shipped EMS. Should I change shipping methods or just ask them to pack all the liz lisa stuff on the bottom of the package?

>> No.6663739

hey hey it's actually green and gold http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18253783618 but I love this shop for bags. You can probably find this bag for cheaper in other shops, but I like my bags from i-sos for construction and quality so I usually don't risk it on other shops.

>> No.6663749

Old anon asking about the blue/brown split wig:

Shop isn't a store focusing on wigs, but I liked the wig enough to give it a try.

>> No.6663862

oh my god green x gold is even better and it's russian related, this keeps getting better + better
Thanks so much!

>> No.6663914
File: 41 KB, 540x812, HairpinLegs_062311_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the term for hairpin legs?

>> No.6663937


>> No.6663974
File: 42 KB, 480x360, 1361491992040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bento accesories?

Pic related

>> No.6664030

has anyone ordered socks, who has bigger feet than chinese 40? i really want some cute ankle socks, but im afraid they will be too small. My feet are chinese 43 and most of the socks i have seen are for sizes 35-39.

>> No.6664064

I think you're shit out of luck anon. Mine are 40 and finding any tights, socks, and shoes are a nightmare for me.

>> No.6664073

I'd love to order from taobao. The only problem is I'm a poorfag. How much do you ladies tend to typically spend on your order including shipping?

>> No.6664104

My first order was 300, and shipping is probably going to bump it up to 350-370.
I've seen people spend less than 100, and sometimes 1000.

If you order from taobao just don't buy a ton of items from different sellers. The domestic shipping will destroy you.

>> No.6664111

I'm 41 and literally own too much tights from taobao and they all fit great, 5'2 though so could be a height thing.
Got some lacey ankle socks from bobon21 and they fit fine, don't usually order socks however.

>> No.6664112

I find domestic shipping amazingly cheap compared to international. That's a given, but for someone that's new to this and a poorfag I'd suggest they keep their eye out for weight rather than domestic shipping. Don't order shoes, etc.

>> No.6664119

Browse for a LONG time, only light things.
Calculate and re-calculate things like weight and shipping, do a lot of research on what SS you're going to use.

>> No.6664121

Let's say you're looking for cute hairclips. Oh, this is cheap! It's only 4 USD!
>domestic shipping is 15 RMB
>you have five other items similar to this

So instead of buying the same hairclips for 4 USD and paying 15 RMB once, you are now buying 5 hairclips at 4 USD, with the 15RMB shipping fee.

You're spending an extra $2.50 each, which adds up to 12.50 USD in just shipping fees. And that's before everything else, shipping, and service fees.

>> No.6664137

haha I tried to sum the FAQ up more by removing it but I can re-add it (or add you as a collaborator and you can since I'm not good at being snarky without sounding stupid)

Thanks for making the first FAQ.

Okay cool thanks! I'll include this stuff in it as well when I get around to it.

Yes some people got it taken away shipped via EMS. I would ask to put it on the bottom of the package. I would also ask to remove tags from the clothing personally.

I usually spend $200 in total. Sometimes it'll be a hundred less and sometimes a hundred more depending on what I'm ordering. Make sure to pay attention to what you want if you are a poorfag because shipping heavier items like shoes/winter coats will kill you're internationally shipping even if it was cheap domestically.

And the tip the other anon said about buying from the same place is good too.

>> No.6664154
File: 50 KB, 750x750, 201302062027420157_750x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if they're exactly the same but these shoes are pretty similar and go up to size 43 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22716860652

I saw them posted on http://plussizetaobao.tumblr.com/ and I'd recommend following/bookmarking them because they do also post some great large-size shoes

>> No.6664173


42 feet, 5'6" and a fatty-chan and many stockings and socks from this store fit excellently http://sweetmini.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w17426633288.1.n3AJ1Z

Their sock range isn't so great but their stockings are pretty good. A lot of the 'tutuanna' ones I buy from taobao seem to fit my feet fine, the only problem socks I've bought were some transparent socks because they just had shit all give in them

>> No.6664177

would you happen to have any pics of a typical $200 order?

>> No.6664181

True, but I don't think many people are buying just one item each from a host of different stores, especially something as small as hairclips. I find when we warn people about buying from different stores, they often go to the extreme and buy from just one store, when it's feasible to buy from three at least.

>> No.6664187

>haha I tried to sum the FAQ up more by removing it but I can re-add it (or add you as a collaborator and you can since I'm not good at being snarky without sounding stupid)

Sure, you can email me if you like! It's in the field.

And np!

>> No.6664225
File: 738 KB, 1280x720, tbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't have a compilation pic of any of them but I have one for my 90ish USD one (items+domestic shipping+SS fees).
Shipping internationally probably will be at most $35 but that's pushing it I think. I can post about it when my wig gets there sometime soon.

Sent ya an email with redroses in the email address.

>> No.6664241

Those blue ribbon shoes are just darling.
bet they don't go to size 41 however?
Also is that a cookie cushion?
Fucking link please!

>> No.6664246

The shoes do actually! Just checked.

Cookie cushion:

>> No.6664312
File: 592 KB, 588x577, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a shop to get these shoes but in red? Or at least that style.

>> No.6664321
File: 126 KB, 666x471, T2LTyfXnRbXXXXXXXX_!!326063766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super dinky order, but there's not much i've been wanting.

>> No.6664340

With 3 pairs of shoes, I'm not sure shipping's going to be $35...

>> No.6664347

wait, is it 15 rmb per store or 15 rmb per item? i thought it was the latter.

>> No.6664352

wow i'm retarded, typoed
>i thought it was the former

>> No.6664351

Oh wow, size 41 shoes that are cute AND cheap, it's a miracle!
Seriously though, thanks for the links.

>> No.6664360

I was browsing taobaoring's shipping info stuff. They talked a little bit about how some packages get checked by customs via EMS.
link here:
>Repeated shows "Despatch from Sorting Center" means your parcel is returned by security check. But why? my parcel only include normal items like pants or T-shirts. The answer is simple: your parcel is filled into a big parcel(mixed with others parcels) to checked, if one the them are not pass the security check, all them will be returned to original post office.

That's just an inflated estimate when I do my budgeting on spreadsheets.

>> No.6664385

I know this isn't what people normally search for, but does anyone know of any good stores for children's toys and stuffed animals? Not a fan of Hello Kitty, but other cute shit would be awesome.

I'm looking ahead to Christmas presents and stuff.

>> No.6664412

I think that anon was saying if you buy one hairclip from each store? Obviously not sure, but yeah that's how I interpreted it.

>> No.6664416

Of course there's more but this is just one I know.

>> No.6664431

Man, I keep finding cute stuffed animal shops but I never bookmark them. Sorry. There are tons of good shops, though.
If you search "Night Fury" you'll find a kinda derpy Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. But way better than the small one they made for the US. (Not nearly as good as the $80 one, though.)

>> No.6664437

Hey, has anyone used Charmbuy?

>> No.6664447

Would you mind linking me to the store with the cute ankle socks? specifically, the white ones with flowers and lace?

>> No.6664462

This post reminds me--

A few weeks back maybe, some anon asked me to check the sizing on some ruffled anklets I'd seen in Macy's- anon, they turn out to be labeled 'One Size' (yeah right) and they looked to be around what I'd guess to be 8 at default size? But there didn't seem to be any indication what sizerange they're meant to fit.

So anon, if you're still here somewhere, that's what I found- sorry for not reporting back sooner!

>> No.6664465

Oooh, thanks so much!! I'm looking around there right now!
I had the same problem. I found a bunch while I was looking for Rilakkuma swag and I didn't save any of them. But I've already found the LEGO store, so it gives me hope!

>> No.6664486

Yikes. Thank you for the suggestions. I actually just wanted to buy some Rilakkuma stuff, some sunglasses and other small things. I hope it doesn't cost nearly that much.

>> No.6664495

I'm after some cute lolita shoes that aren't teaparties in mint and size 41/ uk 7.
Are antaina my best bet?

>> No.6664499

no, use the search terms in the dictionary... and don't try and use 'mint' really... try 'pastel' and see how far you get.

>> No.6664520

white one with flowers and lace:
The rest are from these two stores:
http://luoyuxiaopu.taobao.com/ (where above link is from)

I'm that anon heh. Thanks for posting about it! I'll probably take a look sometime since I haven't been to a mall in a while.

Just be smart about it. If you haven't tried taobao before, you can try using the taobao budgeting template in the first post of items you like to get a rough estimate of how much an order will cost without SS fees and international shipping.
Or if you don't want to go through the trouble, make a bhiner account and add all the crap you want. It'll be a rougher estimate though.

>> No.6664581
File: 606 KB, 500x750, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had taobaoring send me pics of my purchase today. Pretty psyched since I've been waiting since before CNY plus it's my first order from taobao. Everything was how I expected price wise though I did get a bit zinged by domestic shipping. Int. Shipping was $40 via SAL, which wasn't really a big deal. I've already started building my next order, which I plan to get after my birthday next week.

>> No.6664585

What dress is that? Just wondering.

>> No.6664601
File: 394 KB, 485x798, T2PCCqXhhbXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Infanta's Dolly House

>> No.6664793

You'll be fine! Just take it slow.

>> No.6664829

Infanta's got your stuff ready? Damn.
I've been waiting for two OPs from them for about 2 weeks, and I placed my order right after CNY.

>> No.6665175

what's it mean when an item is marked as [spot]?

>> No.6665427
File: 144 KB, 403x603, T2caLqXkBaXXXXXXXX_!!50894782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheval de Bois released their new print... I wish I liked it, everything is perfect... except for the print, it just looks blah to me with the colors and the butterflies. Oh well. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w8597600998.13.nDd0dB&id=22931348661& JSK reserve there.

>> No.6665439
File: 253 KB, 400x600, T2msWTXc8bXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this infanta print, but it look so busy with the patterned collar and waist

>> No.6665452


Is the belt removable though?
That would definitely improve it.
It's cute but the belt makes to top part too busy.

>> No.6665501

It doesn't say, it might be. I just wish they'd used plain fabric for the collar and belt part

>> No.6665526
File: 121 KB, 870x1110, need.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a place on taobao that I could buy the VW anglomania wing ii shoes? Doesn't matter if they're knock off or not

>> No.6665716

good luck, mine were seized and destroyed by customs

>> No.6665728

Wtf, are you in the US?

>> No.6665734

As long as they didn't have a VW label then it's legal. You can't copyright a shoe design, only the logos.

>> No.6665764

I like the belt part, but not the collar, it's too much. Lovely though, reminds me a bit of Chocolate Rosette w/ a circus theme.

>> No.6665772

Yeah, but every knockoff pair I've found on taobao has the label... does anyone know of a shop that carries them without the logo?

>> No.6665892

>Oh God, purse of my dreams
>shipping is $40

>> No.6665945
File: 238 KB, 796x631, 1353892784405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anybody recommend a good taobao shop for fabric?

>> No.6666055

What kind of fabric?

Most of the fabric stores I've ran into were for smaller sewing projects.

>> No.6666075

What do I search for those star 2-way clips?

>> No.6666104
File: 23 KB, 158x201, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone knows of this top on Taobao, please let me know (was posted last thread as part of an order, anon didn't respond to request)

>> No.6666102

Rococo Soul sells them.

>> No.6666125

Simple cotton to sew dresses.

>> No.6666223

re quoting the question. I guess this are leg warmers. but I'm not getting good results when I translate that.

>> No.6666227

Link to the heart purse?

>> No.6666247
File: 109 KB, 738x558, ss (2013-03-03 at 04.22.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have missed it, but a couple months ago someone mentioned they bought these tights. Are they good quality and would you recommend them?

>> No.6666252

If I remember right, there were some complaints about them not fitting on taller/larger girls? But also that it might have depended on the shop you were buying from.

>> No.6666258

Thanks. I actually had seen those the other day and wanted to see if there were any shops selling surprising colors or anything, but the words Rococo Soul uses for them aren't the words any other shops use for them. Which is weird.
Thanks! I'll probably just get these.

>> No.6666265

Where did you get those black sunglasses?

>> No.6666272

How did you get all of that so cheap! I used their calculator to see that two purses alone was $38 SAL. Damn gurl.

>> No.6666277

Thank you! I guess I'm going to be avoiding them then.

>> No.6666283


Taobao newbie here, can anyone tell me what the difference between the 30 yuan and 78 yuan option is? Comic ver pendant VS hair clasp doesn't really tell me anything when the product is a hairpin...

Also I've seen somewhere that said cosroom doesn't offer international shipping yet and overseas option for shipping is offered. What's up with that?

Thanks in advance for the answers!

>> No.6666286 [DELETED] 


that store has tons of bras in bigger sizes. i haven't been browsing the taobao thread in a while, so i'm sure you guys have already mentioned it, but i'm pretty excited!

has anyone gotten anything from them?

>> No.6666305
File: 151 KB, 500x327, 50Z5z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see cute dress
>oh, better check the measurements
>length: 74 cm
>pic related

i know asian people are generally more petite, but COME ON - i'm 5'4 and something like that would barely cover my ass

>> No.6666315

Are there any Taobao shops that sell Emily Temple Cute style dresses with quirky prints. The Otome shops listed are more like Gyaru.

>> No.6666324

There's a lot listed here:

>> No.6666339

I completely forgot this list. Thank you!

>> No.6666386

Does TBR usually just half-accept an order than forget about it? This is really getting frustrating.

>> No.6666390

I have never had that problem. They accept the order in a day or two, I pay, they buy stuff.

>> No.6666433

Yeah, but have you looked at the pictures? The dresses do barely cover their asses. Even on the plus size shops. (I kind of find that a little bit hilarious.)

>> No.6666563

I've been waiting for Taobaoring since FOREVER.
Apparently they don't work during weekends I bet all my shit will take another month

>> No.6666568

Yeah happened to me, I QQ'd them and they finished it right away

>> No.6666601

when are they online? it always says offline.

>> No.6666682

for those anons who shipped via SAL, have any packages ever gotten lost?

>> No.6666715

Heart purse is from Loris (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8870742861).). I have heard they don't hold up well? But I don't carry much besides ID, Cell, and some money anyway.

Sunglasses http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15549259820

haha maybe their calculator is off or something? I mean I did get like $5 off cause I was overcharged for an item but that hardly makes a difference after considering all the other items (including the heavy shoes) and the paypal fee on that.

>> No.6666731

What is the cheapest SS for small orders? I only want to buy two dresses from the same store.

>> No.6666778

Mine had a label and got through to me fine, but my order also had a body pillow and they were at the bottom of the box.

>> No.6666801

Well as someone who is 5'0 and Asian, 74cm is perfect for me because it hits mid-thigh. Thank god for taobao or I'd have to buy dresses at the mall that are past my knees!

>> No.6666809


Please look at all the docs before asking questions.

>> No.6666825

Does anyone know how to find sewing patterns on taobao? Keywords, ect? Google translate isn't giving me anything usable.

It'd be great to know if it's available.

>> No.6666977

I got some, have to find the link but mine are actually too big on me.
5'2 and I have big thighs. there's so much give in them the black bit came all the way up to my cooch so I had to readjust them so they were all wrinkly in the foot area.

sorry if none of this makes sense, literally just got up.
just spent the last 5 minutes trying to log into pruany with the username 'Pruany' to find the link to those tights


These heart ones were the same aswell.


>> No.6667008

I emailed them to talk about how I changed some items cause I didn't know I had to list the discount prices and they haven't checked or emailed back in about 4 days. I know they don't work sundays though. I just hope they finish soon.

>> No.6667062

Has any one bought from ershou before?
Can you tell me my experience?

>> No.6667099

YOUR* experience

>> No.6667168

Sauce on the boots, possibly? Love them!

>> No.6667276

just look up "axes"

>> No.6667314

as I said, QQ them, it's the instant messenger. If they're online they'll resolve it in 5 minutes max

>> No.6667354

honestly look up the wikipedia article then change the language to chinese.

>> No.6667371

Wondering what people's favourite lolita and/or general cute clothing stores are?

>> No.6667401

Never have. Done only 5 times though.

>> No.6667478

How big are your thighs? I've wanted a pair but I dunno if it'll fit me.

>> No.6667496

Does anyone here know how to order curtains?

>> No.6667501

dear celine
chess story <3
cheap accessories: http://mikololita.taobao.com/

>> No.6667507

Apparently you can open a chinese bank account with ICBC. However you need to physically be at one of their over seas branches. :/


>> No.6667551

Speaking of LEGOS, would they get confiscated if I bought them from TaoBao? Also, any links to LEGO stores?

>> No.6667597

I was wondering if Bhiner was responding to anyone. I havent been on these threads in a while so I have no clue what is up with them.

>> No.6667603

How do reservations typically work on Taobao? I love this http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.115.MYnv1l&id=17660487321& but it says it's 20mil RMB

>> No.6667606

They've been responding to me just fine. They finally got into contact with a shop I've been at for months.

>> No.6667614

Ah, thank you! I heard from a someone that all the S.S are backed up with orders and arent responding, except for TBS....so I was worried that might be the case.

>> No.6667616

Well I know they're responding a bit more slowly than usual, but I don't think they've abandoned you. I didn't get any response for a few days.

>> No.6667627

Alright! Thats cool! Thank you so much!

>> No.6667647

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w252005536.70.F5jAhc&id=12495581879& is this for all the pages of sickers or just one page sent randomly or do i specify which page in notes?

>> No.6667695

The widest part is 48 cm.
Jesus i've never measured my thighs before but that's over half my waist.

>> No.6667795

I feel your pain. I'm the same height but my thighs are 50cm at the widest point and I'm quite pear shaped, my thighs are over 3/4 the size of my waist. Thanks for measuring though, I might actually consider getting those tights now - I could always shorten them from the foot...

>> No.6667799

I don't know the Chinese word, but they're called 'stirrup socks' in English.

>> No.6667806

ershou isn't a store, it's individual sellers selling second hand items

>> No.6667832

thank you so much! i have a new favorite brand :)

>> No.6667893

Is there any SS that charges the shown domestic shipping fee, anymore? TaobaoSpree changed all my items with free shipping to 10 rmb... Anyone ask them about this before? (I'm about to, just wondering about others' experiences.)

>> No.6667903

I'm looking for gothic/classic tights and blouses, does anyone have any recommendations? I offer this gorgeous gothic jewellery store as tribute: http://godwish.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w2343445278.1.Yq3SFu

>> No.6667968

Found a seifuku shop while searching for petticoats, of all things: http://duxiaola.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w62500859.1.L5iNcl

>> No.6667998

Unless my eyes are playing a trick on me, there is no page in chinese for "Pattern (Sewing)"

Any chinese anons here who could help out?

>> No.6668002

Try 纸样

>> No.6668009
File: 133 KB, 357x777, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where I can get this?

>> No.6668016

Why are there so many anons lately asking where to get x. Unless you've attempted searching for it already, then don't ask. Sometimes I feel like people use this thread as their personal item search engine.

1. Google translate "luggage"
2. Copy.
3. Paste into Taobao
4. Add "tralala"

Wow look how hard that was.

>> No.6668025

Is it QQ international? Ive never heard of that kind of IM.

>> No.6668029

I'm the anon who asked for >>6666104 and as an example, I didn't know what brand that was, and I had already tried reverse image searching. With the Tralala luggage your concern is sound because you can see the name on the product, but in most other cases, I feel like it's fine to ask such questions in this thread.

>> No.6668035
File: 7 KB, 144x46, Screen Shot 2013-03-04 at 11.27.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is international, comes in English and can operate on Mac and Windows.
However, if you happen to have a taobao account, you may just as well find the icon like this (right now it's offline, but when it's online the box glows orange while the bulb glows blue), click on it and talk to the reps directly.

>> No.6668073

Thanks anon!

I can tell you which don't based off my experiences recently: taobaoring and bhiner.
Dunno about the rest.

Because what else is there to talk about in taobao threads now? There's all those resources in the first post. Minus order posts, it's item asking usually.. Other anon pretty much got it spot on: >>6668029

>> No.6668089

Does anyone know how I'd search "beanie"?

I used google translate, but to no avail.

>> No.6668103

Here's a link to one with ears that might have the characters for it:

>> No.6668106

Not sure if there's an actual word for beanie... try 毛线针织帽子

>> No.6668108

Yeah, same here. They're a little slower than usual, but only a little.

>> No.6668109

anybody knows how to calculate the prize of each item after buying from taobao? I made a mini group order with friends and I don't know how to divide the shipping cost on each item.

>> No.6668113

When you guys do group orders with friends, do you front the shipping until everything gets to you and you weigh it? I did order the most heavy stuff, but what about if everyone kind of orders the same amount?
I'm in a position where it's not really a big deal, but it seems like it would be a big pain for a lot of people.

>> No.6668121

I divide shipping cost by weight.

I usually front the shipping if I trust the person/people (or alternatively keep the package until people pay their part of shipping).

You could also split it evenly then ask some people to give a bit more and refund others depending on weight.

>> No.6668184


>> No.6668221
File: 59 KB, 1366x648, taobao FAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with most stuff on the updated FAQ.

I like this link better since it's a published version instead of the one I posted earlier:


>> No.6668225

spreadsheet anon, YOU ARE GOD! (now people know that they can't keep asking questions for common items)

>> No.6668274
File: 199 KB, 750x1100, T2VQ41XmRdXXXXXXXX_!!651522566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone said they would post a picture of their wig a while back, still waiting for it!
Thank you~! C:

>> No.6668352

For those that get taxed in your home country, can you tell me which country you're in, what shipping method you used, what was in your package, and what's your rough tax percentage?

After enough gathering of info, I'll add it to this.

>> No.6668665

You can get a kitchen scale really cheaply (digital is superior and only a couple dollars more,) and weigh each item ppl have and add up their total, then divide up the whole thing. That's what I do.
Probably if you're not in the US or you cook a lot you already have a kitchen scale.

>> No.6668706

Okay, I've tried searching different terms, but can anyone help me with what to search to find clip in bangs?

>> No.6668988

Anyone else having trouble contacting TBR? I know they're probably backed up still but I've sent them two emails last week and they haven't gotten back to me? I finally got them on QQ though but then they stopped responding after a few messages...

>> No.6669056

Does anyone remember the store that sells the leather heart garters like Chreepyeha? I lost my link.

>> No.6669081

http://thepinksavior.taobao.com/ but they are shit that rips after few wears near the studs because the material being thin as fuck, not worth the money.

>> No.6669113

give up and try another ss

>> No.6669124

Well, it's not as if Yeha's are exactly fairly priced either. May as well just buy the materials and make one yourself.

>> No.6669138

This anon. I sat before CNY trying to make an order with them, and I wound up going to another SS instead. Within a few hours items were bought and most have arrived sans a few late ones.

It seemed like a few threads ago here some anon said that TBR seems to be responding quickly to smaller orders than the large ones even if they were made after CNY. I'm not sure, but that might be a reason for the delays too.

>> No.6669146

Yeha's don't rip at last.

I ordered tons of the taobao ones (10+) a while ago for girls from my country, all ripped after like two wears, some even when just being tried on, the girls are pissed like hell at me now.

>> No.6669161


Well then anyone know where she got the heart rings? I found the studs and got some nice leather material but can find the heart rings.

>> No.6669208

Ouch, can't say I blame them but it's not exactly your fault they were crappy.

No idea anon, sorry. I'm fairly certain they'll be available on taobao though, If I remember correctly she lives in China, so someone somewhere is making them. No idea what the search term for them would be though, might be a good idea to look for leather working shops.

>> No.6669214

Spoke too soon, found them on ebay searching "Heart shaped jump ring."

>> No.6669230

They are about a 4th of the size. But its a start

>> No.6669235

What are you asking? I asked simple and straight to the point questions and got fast responses. When I asked about another potential item for a not-yet-made-order (measurements and stuff), I haven't gotten a response back yet. This was a few days ago.

I had a fairly small order after CNY and my order went by quickly: >>6664225
I had an order before CNY but it took too long and most of the items I wanted went out of stock in that time period so I just deleted it and made a smaller order.

>> No.6669293


Well Choice sizes to look for is 38mm or 40mm

>> No.6669364

I keep trying to add money to my yoybuy account with a visa credit card and I get this error: "This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to merchant's website and try again later."
I tried a day later and I still get it, and then I tried a different card and I STILL get it.
Has anyone got this before? It's my first time using yoybuy btw, so I may very well just be doing something stupid.

>> No.6669377

When is TBR usually on QQ at their time? Cause I have yet for them to accept my "friend request" and am still waiting on an order I placed before CNY

>> No.6669390

Fuck. I would but I've already paid for my order...WELP.

I've emailed with just simple questions about my order... Nothing about an item or something like that. I think I'll just keep trying at this point...

>> No.6669395


bra strap adjusters.

>> No.6669393

I just QQ'd them through the website. It should say there when they're online. I don't think they accept friend requests

>> No.6669402

post leather link plz

>> No.6669403

Mine are perfectly fine, by the way!

>> No.6669415

I guess you got black ones, right?

>> No.6669417


Why, is the problem with the other colours?

>> No.6669421

Not on Taobao. Got my uncle in Mexico sending me some of his stock.

>> No.6669431

HOw do you do that? Because when I click on it through their website, it turns into a page with chinese saying "If you can not open a chat window, click "launched web chat
To continue the session and 2483552253."

>> No.6669432

The black ones are a thicker material than the other colors, no clue why thought.

>> No.6669441
File: 55 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mizbncQjaV1qc4i3ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I have been working on today~ a prototype for Pastel Galaxy Uniforms Sorry for the terrible lighting - I really wanted to show you ^^

I guess it was only a matter of time..

>> No.6669446


First get an account on QQ, then use the number to sign into the launch window? I keep getting Sydney's offline though even when she's online, so I may be wrong.

>> No.6669448


Sweets galour made out of resin ideal for nails and deco.

>> No.6669467


>> No.6669476

Fucking taobaoring. I'm warning you all now, just forget about this SS. You have to wait a week for them to just CONFIRM your items. If only I didn't have items already at their warehouse. jfc.

>> No.6669480

Lol. Who's this?

>> No.6669484

ebay is cheap

>> No.6669485

Ahh then you're out of luck with them I guess. When was the last time you wrote them an email?

>> No.6669488

Some Tumblr girl, it happened to pop up on my dash. Surprised it took this long for someone to copy the Taobao galaxy seifuku.

>> No.6669490

Well is she copying it, or just reselling them and claiming it as her work?

>> No.6669492

I did and it said I had to add her. But I will try to put in the number a little later and see if she answers. Thanks!

>> No.6669496

They never made pink that I know of (only blue and purple?), so I'm going to assume that she sewed her own based on theirs.

>> No.6669501

that pic is hilarious

>> No.6669502

She's copying the concept and just making it pastel while the Taobao original was just straight up galaxy print.

>> No.6669505

Is that Melty Dream's Pastel Galaxy print?

>> No.6669512
File: 438 KB, 800x577, tumblr_mhrd9g87xr1r4i28mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem to be. The one in >>6669441 is terrible quality but the pastel gunks seem to be different.

>> No.6669518


Closest I've found for the hearts that Creepyeha uses

>> No.6669515

I see... I think if she made her own fabric (questionably? curious about that...) and it's a colorway that wasn't available, then there's no problem imo.

>> No.6669551

No one said there was a problem with it though. Just that we all know they're copying a Taobao original product because it got popular.

>> No.6669608

This looks like that holly tea time shit

>> No.6669658

All pastel shit looks alike.

>> No.6669753

idk kinda closer...

>> No.6669770

What is the difference between these two petticoats from Classical Puppets?


>> No.6669780

Second one looks fuller/more layers than the first one.

>> No.6669790

That looks like she tried to tie dye then bleach those cheap pink seifukus

>> No.6669849


>> No.6669863

Off topic, but maybe a few months ago anons were talking about some good BDSM shops.
I remember a set that was pink and a lot of people were raving about it.
Anyways, good shops for BDSM equipment? Thanks

>> No.6669962

Thursday was the time I sent them the second email I believe? I just sent them a third email about an hour ago, hopefully I'll get a reply.
If not I'll try and QQ them again.

>> No.6670027

Good luck. I sent them an Email on 2/27 and still havent gotten a reply. Ive been also checking QQ for hours.

>> No.6670124

I just got an email back from Yoybuy and they said they do honor the shipping prices shown on the page. First service I've seen that does so far. SS anon, please add that and this information:
TaobaoSpree marks any shipping under 10 rmb to 10 rmb.
Can someone post Bhiner's method of changing domestic shipping prices?

>> No.6670145

bhiners $3.32 per shop, and $4.98 for heavier orders I think

>> No.6670232

Oh lord thank you

>> No.6670240 [DELETED] 

I got some wigs (5 or 6) from a shop through Bhiner and the shipping was $15.

>> No.6670261

I'll add a column to the SS spreadsheet later (hopefully sometime today). Thanks anon~

Bhiner's shipping is minimum 3.32 USD and goes up when combining other domestic shipping for all items from the same shop (no max limit to my knowledge).

Does taobaospree have a max limit? I assume just a minimum but it could be different since I don't know.

From what I understand, taobaoring is just a flat 15 yuan according to their new policy when ordering from one shop (and how my own order went but it wasn't huge so maybe there are exceptions)

>> No.6670269

what does this listing mean, and why are there no pictures of the blouse other than in the thumbnail?


>> No.6670290

Just wanted to say that TaobaoNow's conversion rate is closer to 0.1749RMB to 1USD. Not sure what the other SS use, but I made my own spreadsheet and 0.1749 is the rate I use and it's the closest to their rate that I can get.

>> No.6670331


In my last order with Bhiner I got free shipping from one of the stores. Not sure if they always do this, though.

>> No.6670335

In big, red letters, highlighted in yellow:
'Duration: shipments after April 7'

>> No.6670341

I made my 10-item Taobaoring order on February 19 and the status is still "Await confirmation", every item is pending. They were always so fast before the holiday.

I'm getting kind of anxious because I really want some of those, so far only one item has sold out.

Do you think they'll get shit done soon or should I find a new SS? Which SS do you recommend?

>> No.6670412

I'm getting fed up now. I'm going to wait until the end of the week for a response, as I e-mailed them on Saturday, and then I'm going to go to a new SS, maybe TBS or Bhiner, if they don't reply. My items have all been on Pending since the end of CNY. I'm not sure why they 'confirmed' the order but didn't bother confirming the items.

>> No.6670545


I remember when I almost purchased 4 pairs of socks and the domestic shipping was $4.98, and the other products like a hoodie was $3.32

>> No.6670558

Well shit, I made an order on 20th and it's the same. I even updated it twice to see if they notice it, but no.
Honestly, I'm gonna look for another SS.
If tbr is still backed up so hard, they should at least acknowledge it and present a resonable timespan in which they plan to get their shit done (or stop accepting new orders for a while).

7-10 days my ass.

>> No.6670614

has anyone bought this before?
im trying to figure out how much it weighs so i can calculate shipping

>> No.6670879

I'm looking for shop like this one; ones that sell genuine vintage clothing. There was one with lots of jumpers, but I can't find it anywhere. Searching the term 'vintage' doesn't seem to work either, help?

>> No.6671292

I just looked at my last TaobaoSpree spreadsheet, and they changed some shipping prices over 10:
- Two pairs of socks from same item page were 10 shipping. They changed shipping to 12 rmb.
- 3 rabbit sex toys from same item page were free shipping. They changed shipping to 12 rmb.

It doesn't seem like they have a set system for changing the prices...

>> No.6671403

If possible, can you check which store got you free shipping? Sometimes stores do promos where if you buy a certain amount from them, you get free shipping or a free item or something else. If there isn't any, then I'll probably just write a note about free shipping in the spreadsheet later.

Either delete the order and do it again (what I did) or don't bother with tbr if they continue to not contact you about stuff.
Depending on your method of payment and what kind of international shipping (mainly) will depend on what alternative SS you'd use if you go that route so I can't give a recommendation minus go look at the SS sheet or give me what you want for in a SS.

So I'm going to go with the assumption that the minimum for tbs is 10 RMB regardless of whether or not it is free and if you order more than one item from the store, they will combine shipping costs.

Never bought that personally but I have a camera case sort of similar at home I can weigh (maybe...if my scale will show me stuff that's less than 1 lb). It looks to be a very light item and unless you're ordering a lot of it, it will not significantly affect your international shipping cost.

>> No.6671476


It seems like you get free shipping if you buy for over 199 yuan from that store, but the item I bought didn't cost that much...

I mentioned it in my first post because it seems like Bhiner won't charge you if it says free shipping, and it seems like other ss do?

>> No.6671849

Added domestic shipping costs as a column on the SS spreadsheet. Don't know the majority of SS but hopefully people can fill me in on the missing ones.

Yeah that's what I'm seeing too.

>> No.6671994

Hmm, Yoybuy doesn't charges what is on item's page. It always charges 10 yuan for domestic shipping. Also consider that the first price you see in the item page is not for every place on china, it varies depending on where the store is located and where the ss is located...I've always being charged for 10 yuan by yoybuy for domestic shipping even if it cost more or less.

>> No.6672102

It doesn't increase if you buy several items from one place?

>> No.6672402

I checked the Spreadsheet but still wasnt sure. Does Pruany do discount prices? And if so do I need to tell them in the comments?

>> No.6672419
File: 382 KB, 709x444, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect to see this on the Taobao tag.

>> No.6672454

She posts in the taobao tag a lot...

>> No.6672571

What the fuck.

I'm really pissed off at taobaoring right now. I paid 2 days ago and messaged them about urgently buying a blouse. They havent responded to any of my emails, and now, the blouse is sold out. They are driving me crazy. They have such terrible service. I want to blame CNY, but its already march.

2 questions:
>How are the other SS right now? Are they impacted by CNY?
>What other SS offer SAL?

I swear if taobaonow offered SAL, i'd just ask for a refund from taobaoring and go back to them. TBR is killing me. I really wanted the blouses, it was pretty much the reason for my order in the first place.

>> No.6672587

Can any one clarify the direct order process for An*tai*na for me please?

From my understanding you email them using the contact email from their page, link the shoes you want and specify the colour and size.
Is there any particular format they like you to do it with though?

I tried searching but nothing really came up. Any help would be appreciated

>> No.6672610


wow, Is a third bad feedback for taobaoring I reading

Bhiner (the one I use this time) have Air Mail (Small Packet)

In this spreadsheet you have the SS


>> No.6672611

There isn't any particular format and they will ask you for your feet's measurements anyways.

>> No.6672625
File: 229 KB, 869x996, eec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they charge more domestic shipping when the items you order from one store covers two or more pages of your cart. Because I've ordered like 1 kilogram of things of one store(were just 2 type of items but I ordered 4 of each) and they still charged me 10 yuan.

Did you check if they bought it for you? Most of SS update slowly your item status on their page, Taobaoring and Bhiner specially. In Bhiner case, I got some items sold out before they updated that they had already bought them for me. You can check on the blouse item page and another item you ordered from other store. If they had a common vip transaction, it might be taobaoring agent. I did a picture as an example.

>> No.6672635
File: 1.38 MB, 1064x698, smallshittyorderetc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't planning on making an order any time soon, but I got dumped by my boyfriend, so I made a small order that I can actually afford because retail therapy.

>> No.6672648
File: 979 KB, 900x634, tborder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small order is small I knowwww that. I had some extra spending money.
If you're looking for a new SS, I use tbtrends.com
Ordered from them 12 times within the last 2 years, never had one problem. They usually check the item within 24 hours and tell you whether or not it's available.
Check their website out if ya want.

>> No.6672651
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1323036313727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please ;_;

>> No.6672657

it's ok anon, you're gonna look hot as fuck

>> No.6672661

Same. I read some feedback on TBR's page and someone that said they were in the process of relocating their office? Also some people are having communication problems with them as well.

Pruany was the other SS I was going to go with. They have a 7% service fee and they offer SAL.

>> No.6672669

8%** not 7%

>> No.6672672

I'm assuming you mean the top right? It's a pair of shorts! I'll give you the link, but I'm not sure it's the cheapest -- the store just had a few other things I liked (the 3 dresses/shirts). You can find it by searching "black lace shorts" but here's the link to the specific one I'm buying

Thank you, anon!

>> No.6672680
File: 202 KB, 352x374, 1318193967763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much

>> No.6672686

The rest of the SS seem to be in normal communications based off this thread and last thread minus tbr. Hopefully what other anon said is right and they bought it just never updated the page.

Ahh okay thanks so much!

As other anon said, you're gonna look hot so he'll be all kinds of jealous, etc.

This is going to sound really dumb (maybe because I'm tired as hell) but is the bottom left a tanktop or a funky swimsuit? I'm gonna go with the former but it could sorta look like swim wear.

>> No.6672695
File: 225 KB, 1280x1110, 1347565037741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, it's a tank top. It's just.. idk how to say this.. rounded on the ends? Or the hip area?
They have two different tank tops. One that was straight across, and then that rounded one.

>> No.6672758

I understand haha. My brain is just fried I guess.

>> No.6672845

link to the pleather leggings?

link to the spiked shoes?

>> No.6672867


>> No.6672892


>> No.6672895

good stores for cute underwears?

>> No.6672954

Bra's & underwear

>> No.6673027

Wow, those sets are all beautiful.. have you bought from them before? If so, how was the quality/sizing?
Shame i'm like a C/D in UK sizes, most of the ones in the shop only reach a B. ;_;

>> No.6673100

just ew... tacky stuff... with that shitty cheap hooker taste no wonder you were dumped... what the fuck is that shit... oh a zipper on the ass. i bet that will rock on your business though. good luck!

>> No.6673131

I actually dress otome or just in jeans and a t-shirt. Maybe that was why I was dumped?

>> No.6673134

well enjoy getting laid a lot now i guess

>> No.6673143

ok grandma thanks

>> No.6673198

I've bought from them about 3 times~ Mini review time!

They're bra's last about a year, depending on how you handle them. Most of them are padded, some more than others. I'm a bout a 36A/32B (In US), so I pick 80B usually. I'd use a bra size converter just to be sure though. Some of the bra's might not have your size, I'd look around. Example: A 70C in EU/JP is a 32C in UK. If you buy a bra, you get a matching pair of underwear with it. I don't believe you get to pick the size, but if you are looking for just underwear you can pick the size.

>> No.6673340

For anyone buying new bras don't forget proper bra care to make them last longer.
I wish I could buy the cute bras everyone else gets on taobao, but even in China they don't seem to have gotten the saller and sizes memo :/

>> No.6673486
File: 195 KB, 486x648, work039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad, I can't stop spending.
All these things are so cheap on taobao... then this SS stuff poops on me with their dumb fees, and shipping is always so expensive... I wonder why chinese selling on ebay give us free shipping and all SS always charge one liver to ship. I read somewhere they have huge discounts and contracts with postal services because they always ship so much. Do they shove this money???? I'm always looking for cheap things but then shipping them to me makes everything so expensive, I don't even know why I buy, in the end everything I get always cost 2 times more because of shipping, and if I decide to shop a couple of things here and there on a bunch of stores I get ripped off by ~domestic shipping fees~. I'm so depressed I want to cry. I want all of these beautiful cheap things, but I hate the shipping.

On my last purchase, I bought 3 long wigs... they costed about $10 each :) Then I was expecting SAL to be cheap... it was not. It was an extra $35 with tracking... plus $5 for the SS, and $2.5 for domestic shipping. I ended up paying around $25 for each wig... and for $20 or less I can get one wig from ebay with free shipping.

>> No.6673487

Just my luck that shops dont carry 90c size bras.

>> No.6673532
File: 37 KB, 494x250, int shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the calculators for international shipping and guesstimate weight. It is never worth buying only a few wigs on taobao and that's it. That's why bigger orders tend to be "better" since you save more on shipping and such.

Also: >dumb fees
That's how they make money. It's a BUSINESS after all.

As for domestic shipping, that's dependent on where the SS and shops are located. Shops aren't usually high volumes of post like eBay sellers so their domestic shipping is relevant. That's like asking someone in your home country to send shit for free when they live far away even if it is national shipping. If they don't have a contract with the post, it's important.

Yeah I know you're ranting but I felt like it too.

>> No.6673588

i'm working up to my first taobao order and shipping is making me so nervous.. i guess seeing which one fits the weight i come out with is the best strategy but there are so many ...

>> No.6673589
File: 34 KB, 691x409, 718416581_1477228732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows where I can find these but in silver?

>> No.6673715

Therms for letterman jacket, shimapans and bats? (I could only find baggy sweaters and baseball bats)

>> No.6673719

I have a 20 item order, the total was $132/$140 before dom ship and service fee
$200 after that. I'm hoping international won't be more than $50

>> No.6673731

trying to read negative feedback and seller responses -

>is the real chats! Fabricated and out! Door! Be! Car! Hit! Die! The blatant Want direct money! Socks anyone wear so many bad teacher can think of falsely is a falsely less than wearing no loss, I have no money to give you!

>Buy ten most expensive but also the worst hair loss there is a grain of black balls

>Fade very powerful.

>[Treasurer explained] a pit you ~ Lord to
you only know cotton seen corn snack from rice, not to see you be called a shock, I C rice TMD yellow! TM so large grain! Was pit was the pits! Show lower limit, enjoy the show ~ ~ the way emotion about this avatar really sick to me

>This northeast people do not buy or wash underwear when very cold hands, can only be washed with cold water, but slightly faded, a white little fade ah! Made can not wear!

>[Treasurer explained] Do not acid grumble okay screenshot dare all screenshots, the light cut I say, you say disgusting how not screenshot it? Do not say anything else, light enough acid evaluation okay behind you do the whole this out when you have Poor another buyer show and share added another before the time to buy, but also hard to listen, to engage in everywhere, and you think they were so great, ah, all night feels eat flies.

good fucking lord

>> No.6673733

how many stores / how big are your things?

>> No.6673747

enjoy being raepd by shipping
it really comes as a surprise buttseks

I'm surprised that if something weights 2.0kgs, you pay a certain price.. and if it's 2.1kgs, you pay the same as 3.0kgs!
3.1kgs will be the same price as 4kgs, and so on... such a small difference on weight but the price end up consting so much more >.<

>> No.6673752

all different stores aside from the thigh highs
1 wig
3 tights, 2 thigh highs
1 cardigan
1 skirt
1 seifuku
2 tops 1 sweater
1 hat
1 headband
1 choker
plastic horns
those spike garterbelt things
1 fake collar+ 2 ties/bows
1 hoodie+fake fur shorts(package deal)

I think that's all

>> No.6673758

okay, thank you vmuch, i am kindof seeing how it is. i hope you have good luck with shipping and things. where is the collar from by the way?

>> No.6673761

A shop called xpox, I'll maybe buy more of them next time, though they're decently pricey(for taobao) about 25-48 yuan

>> No.6673768

thanks again c;

>> No.6673788

could you post a link to the cardigan/skirt please?

>> No.6673800

I bought those too, I am 5' 3" and have 58cm thunder thighs and a 70cm waist. They fit ok, but the black went up too high for me too, making it really just look like black tights unless I wore a skirt that just barely covers my ass.

>> No.6673828

i'm 5'5" with 64cm thighs (fuckin a!) and a 80cm waist....any chance those fake thigh high tights might work on me? i wrote them off as being way too small originally.

>> No.6673833

hey, I was wondering if you guys could help me find a shop/dress - I got there from a previous taobao thread but I guess I didn't bookmark it or even save a picture?
the shop had a lot of cute/ kindof shapeless dresses and the one i'm looking for had a cat on it I think.

>> No.6673834

Those dresses in the bottom is from H&M...

>> No.6673843


If you urgently need something I learned Toaboaring and Bhiner are not the ones you want to choose.
Best bet is using yoybuy or a one man/woman ss like loli loli paradise (but she jacks up the prices which sucks ass) or clobba who is usually very helpful.
I'm sure there are more one person ss people available though if you don't want to use either, they are usually not swamped with orders like these large companies can can place orders much quicker.

>> No.6673846

wow. apparently the picture was right where it should be.
i'm still having a hard time finding it except on some thai website, logo is in chinese so help would be appreciated. sorry for derp.

>> No.6673848
File: 539 KB, 582x670, imstupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image fml

>> No.6673900

Link to that sexy dress on the top and the badass jacket on the bottom?

>> No.6673905
File: 53 KB, 675x610, 394593_628041760544348_345360878_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know where this wig is from originally? Or any shop that sells a similar wig. I've tried image reverse search and not found anything.

>> No.6673920


Probably some Korean wig shop.

>> No.6674236
File: 254 KB, 1024x768, 1968219f-26cc-4ead-9e36-194b11655032wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last order. I also ordered a bunch of stuff for friends but this is mine :)

>> No.6674242

HARRRRGGGHHH all the stuff I decided not to buy because no money, is in your order

>dat magic astre
>dat surface spell floral print
>dat infanta snow white

sage for too much excess jelly....i hope everything goes well with your order, please enjoy the clothes that i missed out on this season!

>> No.6674254

Google didn't help me on this one, sorry if it's been asked a lot or whatever (I'm new to Taobao).

My head is 23". Will Asian wigs fit me or will they be too small?

>> No.6674265

I just wished I also got the blue version of the Snow White....can't wait for all the summer stuff to arrive in the stores. I'm hoping for lots of classy floral pieces and unique prints.

>> No.6674271
File: 415 KB, 1055x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one thing I want on taobao, but I want it so much. Trying to work out if its worth doing a shitty small order because I honestly don't want anything else.

I did look towards just getting fabric so that I could make my own, but I can't find any. Argh, taobao, y u so addictive?

>> No.6674279

link to the harlequin socks? I've been looking for red lace otks but they've been surprisingly tricky to find ._.;; i keep getting wine and burgundy.

>> No.6674283


here you go anon:

looks like they are sold out tho :(

>> No.6674284

I got it right before Christmas, but the shop I bought it from is sold out of it. Just checked. Sorry.
But I don't think it would be a dress except on very few people. I'm 5'0" and although I'm not nearly as thin as the model, I'm not busty or anything. It does cover my ass, but it looks really weird when it does because the corners are gathered in a way to make it look cuter and baggier or something. So unless your ass is completely flat, you'll want to kind of pull it on top or something.
That said, it's extremely cute.

>> No.6674296

Thanks! looking at the stock pics though, I wonder how wide the elastic can stretch, it looks so tiny ;;;;

>tfw when small calves but chunky thighs ;;;;

>> No.6674326

Uhm.. alright. well.
I don't live near an H&M.

>> No.6674364

> >.<

get the fuck out

>> No.6674373

Is the Magic Astre a pre-order? I am so confused by google translate's mangled version of the page.

>> No.6674392
File: 64 KB, 716x600, Vitamin Pens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a rant than anything, but are all the sellers back from CNY at this point..?
I placed an order with TBS on Feb. 19, and a huge chunk of my items haven't come in yet, specifically Classical Puppets and a lot of stuff from Fantasysheep. Does anyone know if they're back?

Also requesting cute pens and stationary. I ordered these and a few pencil bags.

>> No.6674396


Yeah it's a pre-order. I believe you could get it custom made but till a certain time? After that just pre-made sizes.

>> No.6674397

Okay, thank you! Do you know how much it will cost all together? I'm quite lucky in that the M size fits my measurements pretty well, so custom sizing won't be an issue.

>> No.6674427

I payed $98.54 and bought it through yoybuy :)

>> No.6674533

is only in golden

>> No.6674623

Oh shit. Thanks though!

>> No.6674702

Any more specific than that? Does anyone recognise the model of >>6673905 or anything like that?

>> No.6675133

...oh, were we in autosage??

>> No.6675139

new thread in case OP doesn't.. >>6675098

>> No.6675175

I want that so badly too.
But what the fuck would I coord it with?
It's just so beautiful.

>> No.6675181

They're all back, but I've heard CP can take a long time. Like 2 months.

>> No.6675378

no u

>> No.6675393

oh, thanks! i'm glad it's cute irl.
could you link to store?
yeah I have kindof no ass but i'm about 5'8", I assume i'm gonna have to wear something with things usually haha.

>> No.6676047

I will ask again because maybe no one saw my post: Terms for letterman jacket, shimapans and bats? (I could only find baggy sweaters and baseball bats)

>> No.6677209

Okay so I am pretty pissed with taobaoring

They just decided to pay for shipping for my package when I didn't give them permission to ship

Some things were out of stock, and I have been trying to email them to tell them what I wanted to change my items to, and they haven't responded except for just now, to tell me that they are refunding me and using the refund to pay for shipping

What's the best way to contact them? They don't use MSN. I tried to download QQ but I couldnt figure out how to use it/add them