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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 400x600, liefsgardenberriesskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6664706 No.6664706 [Reply] [Original]

Been wanting to wear this but would love some help on coordinating. Note the color is much more of a yellow as seen here http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/spirithime/IMG_0863.jpg I would be happy with any spin or style on it.

>> No.6664725

Matching the pinks with a flowy but opaque blouse might look nice? Along with brown shoes/maybe a hat?

>> No.6664729

I'd bring the pink down into the tights and go with a white blouse, white tights, brown shoes, and a straw hat with a pink ribbon.

>> No.6664731

I was thinking of matching the green in the trim part of the print. I haven't seen a collage thread in a while, I wonder where collage anon went :(

Or maybe Dark brown would look pretty? I don't own a lot of pink, but I can always try if someone puts something together that is really lovely.

>> No.6664734

I think bringing the green in would be lovely. Especially matched with brown.

And good question...

>> No.6664744

Am I correct that there appears to be some lavender in the flowers of the print? Sprinkling a few accessories to call attention to that may be interesting.

>> No.6664753

There is a wide range of pinks from salmon to light pink, ivory and creams, green and a smattering of a darker purple, I wouldn't call it lavender, but I could do some purple florals, I may even have a grape hair piece (the purple parts are the colors of grapes in the print) that would work, Good eye! :)

Any one else have coords they want suggestions for?

>> No.6664756

Oh grapes, that would be gorgeous as a hairpiece! Make it a little 'Harvest Goddess'-like?

>> No.6665901

hhhhnnngg what dress is that ?
I love me some prints with more realistic bunnies and a more toned down sweet look to it.

>> No.6665916
File: 556 KB, 644x504, p33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more otome than lolita, but how would you coord a simple mint dress like pic related?

lief's gardenberries jsk


>> No.6665928

I think that would look really beautiful with a cropped white lace bolero/blazer, white sheer dotted or lace tights and a small shoe, and toned-down mint accessories.

>> No.6665930

Lief's Gardenberries.

>> No.6665940

Maybe consider pairing it with lavender, if you want to go a bit sweeter?

I also think it would look cute with a straw sunhat, maybe styled like above, or for a bolder look maybe try a bright teal/aqua blue with it.

>> No.6666722
File: 88 KB, 598x327, Baby JSK and Silver Shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a challenge: This pink baby dress and these silver shoes. What do I do with them?

>> No.6666928

Silver jewelry, of course- maybe some silver bow hairpins/clips, if you can find them? I feel like I saw F21 or H&M selling something like that, at some point.

Then pick another accent color for blouse and legwear- black may help the contrast of the silver stand out more.

May I ask why you need to wear the silver shoes with that dress?

>> No.6667244
File: 548 KB, 957x499, Silver Hairbows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to buy the shoes for a cosplay, but if I can't coord them with anything I've got (which is mostly pink), then I'd rather modify shoes I already have.

Are silver hairbows a no go? I was running through etsy and I found these (provided their etsy names, just in case anyone was interested). I could do something more subtle like the Twisp and TangledHair ones, or go full out with the SugarpopClothings. Is it too much?

>> No.6667248

Excuse me, I didn't mean to make it sound like I ignored your post. You said silver bow hairpins/clips, so I assumed you meant small bows. I'm asking if a bigger bow is okay.

>> No.6667253

Ahh I see. In that case, I think a bigger bow is fine, yeah- sometimes they can be a little overpowering in an outfit that isn't super OTT though, I would be careful of that, which is why I suggested smaller ones at first.

>> No.6667274

Twisp looks alright, possibly; the others are hideous.

>> No.6667321
File: 348 KB, 808x544, pinksilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can find some socks or tights with silver in them, that will be a big help in tying the shoes in to the rest of the outfit. As the other anon said, silver jewelry is a must! I was also looking for silver hair accessories, but couldn't find any that I liked - you seem to have found some nice ones, though. Pastels will lend the outfit an overall sweeter, softer look, while adding black will give it more visual impact. Good luck!

>I wonder where collage anon went
I lurk around here occasionally, but I usually don't start collage threads myself. It's nice to know someone missed me, though!

>> No.6667339

Thank you! I love that purse especially.
Will the silver of the heart necklace be enough to tie it in? If I saw this coord without the shoes, I'd be tempted to put in blue or pink shoes. I just don't want them to seem out of place.
Yeah, the twisp was my favorite. I had a terrible time finding silver bows, much less well constructed ones. I should search for more beaded ones, I suppose.

>> No.6667346

The heart necklace itself is kind of a placeholder, you could use almost any silver necklace you want - and it would probably help to make it more elaborate. A layered necklace, maybe? And of course you can add bracelets and rings to help as well.

>> No.6667423 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, 20130217_123014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't lolita, but I want to make a coord with this dress. I just don't know where to start.

>> No.6667433
File: 59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mids65HSZp1reibl4o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't lolita, but I want to make a coord with this dress. I just don't know where to start.

>> No.6667436

I am really confused by what's going on in the bottom left- is that a sleeve..?

>> No.6667444 [DELETED] 

it's a pocket

>> No.6667452

It is a pocket. There is one on the other side too, but the picture doesn't show it.

>> No.6667466

OP thats a beautiful dress

>> No.6667971
File: 82 KB, 500x729, df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing? I don't even know how it's supposed to be worn. I've seen coords with it worn like a regular dress but it's just way too short and awkward looking.

>> No.6667978

god youre so new

>> No.6667981

nope, just I've only seen n00bs wearing it wrongly with their asses showing, so I have no coord inspo

>> No.6667989

so new

>> No.6668041
File: 592 KB, 1023x695, gardenberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first instinct was to go straight for the rich brown accents and emphasize those - and that's a perfectly nice way to coord this dress, but... this is a lot more fun, isn't it? I pulled out the salmon-pink colors with accessories, but I didn't want to overwhelm the outfit with pink, so I chose a neutral blouse that picks up the lightest parts of the print.

>> No.6668050

Wear it with a longer, solid colored skirt underneath. Or you can go fairy-kei with it (which is the intent of the garment, anyways, not everything from AP is 100% meant to be worn as lolita they do fairykei too) and wear it over tight pastel pants, or with mid thigh length bloomers and cute socks/leggings. IMO it would be cute if you wore it over purple bloomers, with some candy printed tights and pastel flats/sneakers with a plain white blouse with maybe a couple of AP-style plastic necklaces.

>> No.6668071

Is there a stock picture available? I like the idea of wearing it over pastel skinny jeans, but I'd like to see how the brand intended it to be worn before I try a collage.

>> No.6668078

Sauce on the shoes?

>> No.6668117


>> No.6668721

perfect coord. love it.

>> No.6668719

>I like the idea of wearing it over pastel skinny jeans

>> No.6668728
File: 77 KB, 360x480, 723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do something like pic related. also, look at toy parade salopette coords

>> No.6668769
File: 32 KB, 300x400, mary_op_saintclaire2008_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought this, at a loss for shoes and hair accessories, thinking about white lace tights?

>> No.6668814

A nice black hat, classy small high black heels... You can make this very simple or dress it up a lot, keep it b+w or add color.. I mean it's one of the most basic dresses to work with.

>> No.6668822

dang it, i wish I owned more pink collage anon... any ideas of green or purple? I'll see if I can dig up some pink stuff... I'm so bad with pink haha.

>> No.6668834

I would go for a light sage green blouse and maybe some plum tights- I really liked the idea an above anon mentioned of a grape-themed headdress, going with a berry/fruit theme for the print, but if you're not super diy that might not be the greatest route for you unless you can commission it.

>> No.6668987


it's navy though, the photo doesn't show it well

>> No.6668997

Oh, is it? Yeah, the photo's a bit dark.

Same styling applies though, although you have a more clear color association you can make- consider some sax accents maybe?

>> No.6669033
File: 44 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I recently bought this dress. it's lovely, but my problem? unlike the stock photo, it's more of a dark burgundy, even under direct light--I almost mistook it for a red-brown color at first. all my accessories and such are in wine. are there any dark burgundy pieces you guys recommend coordinating with this, or maybe just coord ideas in general? I'm at square one atm since I have nothing that goes with it.

>> No.6669037
File: 796 KB, 861x704, tea party in the sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! I'm already planning on wearing this in a very straightforward coord like the model picture (blue x white only), but I also want to make some really cute, creative and colorful coords with this at some point. I'm just wondering where I should add different colors and which colors specifically do you think would look the best (rainbow coord?!) I love pretty much every color of the rainbow with blue! Thanks!

>> No.6669041

Brown would of course work very well with it, as well as matching the cream(?) of the dots. I would maybe try navy as well?

That's a cute shade of blue, I think gold would work interestingly. If you want to try a louder, more colorful color combo, perhaps hot pink?

>> No.6669045

Also I think this dress could look great with a western theme as it reminds me of a calico dress- brown knee boots, a short denim jacket?

>> No.6669079

I bought a pair of shoes on TaoBao that match this JSK perfectly. They were good quality for the price, too. Let me see if I can find you the link in my old orders.

>> No.6669168

Oh the grapes anon is actually me, i am the owner of the dress and i have a hand made grape hair piece i made a while ago so i am going to try some green and purple i think! Thanks!

>> No.6669186

Oh, in that case yes! I would love to see the coord you end up with, it sounds like a really lovely idea!

>> No.6669300

Co ord with cream or antique white?

>> No.6669317
File: 257 KB, 600x800, its_here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying I love this dress and I love you for having it.

If anyone has suggestions for this coord I'd love to hear them. Pictured is what I have without accessories, I had just gotten it so excuse the wrinkles. I'm getting the Victorian Maiden boots from secret shop, but would that be too much cream? I feel the shoes are too simple. Having trouble finding something for my head.

>> No.6669336

That coord is very cute so far! I like the shoes. Since you've brought the pink in there, try bringing the blue in somewhere? A hair accessory, or some jewelry in those robin's egg blue tones would be pretty.

>> No.6669354

Thank you! I definitely agree with the robin blue accessories, I'm just having trouble finding some. I haven't looked much online, but I've been to the malls a few times.

>> No.6669383

Yeah, I think once stores start getting more spring stock in, you'll have an easier time of it. It's a bit early.

>> No.6669414
File: 49 KB, 232x313, baby_jsk_ribbonscallop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how to coordinate this dress; whenever I do, it ends up looking sort of boring. Does anyone have any suggestions for making an outfit with this dress that's a little more on the elaboration side?

>> No.6669420

Bring in a third color. Depends on what you have in your wardrobe; if you have an interesting pair of coordinating socks with a third color, go with that.

>> No.6669451 [DELETED] 

Oh, that's a good suggestion; I actually hadn't thought of that. I'll look through my wardrobe and see what I can put together. Thanks, anon!

>> No.6669453

Oh, that's a good suggestion; I actually hadn't thought of that. I'll look through my wardrobe and see what I can put together. Thanks, anon!

>> No.6669456
File: 189 KB, 494x750, tumblr_mi19rnFGku1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can coordinate this with literally any color. don't be afraid to go wild! Emerald green, dusty mocha, pale yellow, deep blue, magenta, violet... anything!

>> No.6669521
File: 331 KB, 846x660, pinkmintotome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring in a second color with a sweet cardigan, and add interest with printed tights.

>> No.6669562
File: 336 KB, 782x576, Subtle Country Sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get the source of the cardigan, please?

Throwing out one inspirational grown-up sweet coord.

>> No.6669573

hnng i love this - thanks collageanon! ; v ;

where could i find those shoes/cardigan/tights?

>> No.6669586

oops i had to step out for a bit. thank you for the feedback, everyone!

i hadn't thought of navy! it seemed like it would compete too much with the color of the skirt, but maybe i'll look out for something less saturated.

not entirely sure how i feel about denim, but i do like the idea. i have a fondness for knee boots, i will admit.

if you could, i would be forever in your debt, anon! i'm curious to see what you have, too.

i do have some tights in the mail that might work. the trouble is finding tights that aren't too plain-looking that aren't pure white. i'll keep it in mind, though!

>> No.6669642

The cardigan and shoes are from Modcloth, and the tights are by Grimoire. Glad you like them!

>> No.6669693
File: 49 KB, 600x578, moonlight3saturn-img600x578-1358681628mnsnzk572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone own this have a pic of it co-ordinated? I might get it, idk

>> No.6670596
File: 17 KB, 263x374, classical_puppets_romanticism_long_jsk_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with Classical Puppets. I want to wear this to a ballet, preferably styled very regency OTT. Most worn coords I've seen were more on the casual side... Worn pics and collages greatly appreciated!

>> No.6670638
File: 102 KB, 280x373, apsugfairy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this one before but couldn't get back before the other thread 404'd
Some help with this one, again

>> No.6670770
File: 549 KB, 963x729, regency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I did in the last thread. If you want to go more OTT, you could try a more elaborate headdress. Turbans fastened with brooches were hugely popular in the late Regency.

>> No.6670776
File: 1.06 MB, 2571x1979, regency_fashion_1809_1828_png_by_ekduncan_by_eveyd-d4ggqth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for further inspiration, here's a massive collection of Regency fashion illustrations.

>> No.6670802
File: 427 KB, 1223x900, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a bit of advice. I'm wanting to make a nice, classy black/white/grey coord with this, but this is all I've got at the moment. I'm not sure about tights, I've got ombre ones which go from grey to black?

Also, apologies but I couldn't find stock photos for either of these specific items, they seem to be unusual versions. The skirt is Chocola Chan in black by AP, and the cardigan is Winding Rose Ribbon by AATP, in a sleeveless variation.

>> No.6670858

Oooh, thanks! I'll have to look around for a pair of tights like that.

>> No.6670874
File: 391 KB, 885x592, cowgirllolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western theme
oh sweet fuck yes

I had to! For this look I stuck to rich brown leather accents and added a lighter hat to pick up on the dots. If you had a more traditional look in mind, I'd go for a classic bolero or cardigan in cream (or are the dots white?), lace-up boots, and dusty pink accessories.

>> No.6670884

That particular pair came from SockDreams, if you're interested.

>> No.6670988
File: 617 KB, 1000x780, rococooutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks really pretty! Personally I like the shoes you have - they pick up on both the dark and light pinks in the print. You've got a lot going on at the neckline already, so I'd skip a necklace on this one, but pick out some flashy rings and bracelets to give your hands some adornment. A floral hair accessory seems in order here as well. Here's a collage I made with the dress a little while ago.

>> No.6671005 [DELETED] 

Here's a coord I'm planning. Anyone know if these socks from meta and this blouse from bodyline are remotely similar in color? I have some bodyline blouses that are sopposed to be offwhite, but are really more white. I have a pair of Meta socks that are more ivory in color. I'm not sure if I should get the beige/cream blouse instead of the offwhite one.

>> No.6671011
File: 553 KB, 1086x800, wonderpartycoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a coord I'm planning. Anyone know if these socks from meta and this blouse from bodyline are remotely similar in color? I have some bodyline blouses that are sopposed to be offwhite, but are really more white. I have a pair of Meta socks that are more ivory in color. I'm not sure if I should get the beige/cream blouse instead of the offwhite one.

>> No.6671016
File: 248 KB, 929x700, CSJ0005-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a couple I need help with

I like to mix unusual colors and bring in pops of colors that may not be in the print or are very minimally there, like a brown skirt with a lavender blouse for example.

>> No.6671088

Yeeessss (as the person who suggested it)
Collage Anon you are genius

>> No.6671102

Orange! Oh man, bring in some burnt orange on the SS dress, pulling from the backgrounds. Mucha used a lot of bright rich yellowy orange tones in his illustrations, so if you can find a blouse/tights in that color it'd be perfect- I think the color would compliment the pink well, too.

>> No.6671187
File: 498 KB, 658x606, Screen shot 2013-03-05 at 1.33.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give you some ideas, did a quick look through polyvore. I think the bottom left-middle ones are a bit too bright, but just to give you a look.

>> No.6671254

Thank you! I like the silky one on the bottom a lot, do you have a link to it by any chance?

>> No.6671306

Polyvore gives me this link for it: http://www.farfetch.com/shopping/women/tory-burch-grandad-shirt-item-10121259.aspx

>> No.6671314
File: 157 KB, 304x400, camee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress was an impulse buy and I'm not sure how to coord it. I just realized that I usually don't wear these colors... so any coord suggestion for a classic coord that doesn't involve pink or blue? otome or morie inspired would also be fine.

>> No.6671309

i want this dress so hard

>> No.6671338

> $230.29(50% off)

>> No.6671343
File: 387 KB, 800x800, grayblouses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lighter gray blouse would be really lovely with this, like the light gray of the lace print.

Yeah :(

>> No.6671383

That's a nice apporach thank's!
The bottom VM blouse would be perfect but it I didn't find it online, so I assume it's not being sold anymore. Which brand are top left and bottom left one? I quite like these two.

>> No.6671412

Top left is Alice Temperley for Target (they were sold a couple years ago, you can find them on ebay occasionally though) , top middle is AATP and the rest are all VM!

VM's blouses can be a bit hard to find but you see them secondhand with decent regularity, plus they usually have a blouse in that color (Fern) each season.

>> No.6671416

Oh I should mention, the bottom left is from their old Beth line, that's why the stock looks a bit different.

>> No.6671441
File: 1.14 MB, 1058x794, blergh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this coord planned, but I'm totally lost on the legwear. Opinions? Also, I would love to hear suggestions on accessories, I suck at that.
thank you

>> No.6671455

I'm partial to either the white version of the OTK's or the lace tights- I'd say it depends on whether you prefer to go a bit sweeter or a bit more mature.

For accessories, I would see if you can find any (weirdly specific I know) white enameled jewelry, cat jewelry, and bows as motifs. Also, match the pearls on the hat and shoes with a string of pearls along with any other necklaces you add (and maybe a pearl bracelet too).

>> No.6671464
File: 29 KB, 400x400, pZALE1-10118979t400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related about the jewelry (except not actually a ridiculous expensive diamond pendant, but you get the idea).

>> No.6671475

That's good to know, I guess I have to stalk the auctions now!
I think the most difficult part would be to find a matching bag now and some grey-ish loliable shoes.
I'm also thinking of adding red or purple or brown but IDK... it's really hard to find something that goes well with the colors of the dress.

>> No.6671488

I think violet, like that purpley-blue of the flowers in the print would be really pretty and match with the gray well. Maybe look for some violet hairflowers and accents in some classy jewelry?

>> No.6671690

Thank you for your suggestions collageanon! I had a necklace but I agree, it was too busy. I'll know what to look for now.

>> No.6671761

Does anyone have any pictures of Mary in the Sky with Candies coordinated? Particularly the JSK version? I'm unsure about what to do with the collar...

>> No.6671885
File: 41 KB, 400x600, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a dress with a low success rate, tbh. What color do you have?

>> No.6671887
File: 149 KB, 530x800, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671888

oh jeez, thank you, anon! I love it.

could I ask where you snagged the hat and blouse from? especially the blouse; I've been trying to find a short-sleeved stand-up collar blouse for weeks with no avail.

also, I double checked, the dots are white, but a little off-white/cream--I compared it to some other pieces in my closet and it was a tad closer to my ivory pieces than my pure white ones.

>> No.6671891
File: 219 KB, 400x700, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671890
File: 123 KB, 400x700, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671893
File: 314 KB, 1024x683, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671894

That's a VM blouse, pretty sure

>> No.6671896
File: 124 KB, 373x800, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671895
File: 51 KB, 624x832, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671897
File: 148 KB, 732x965, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671900
File: 97 KB, 450x755, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl actually looks great.

>> No.6671902
File: 28 KB, 221x353, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671906

thanks! that probably means I won't be getting it anytime soon, though. i guess I'll have to keep hunting (though I think I could probably get away with going blouseless/blouseless with a bolero in the summer, but still)

>> No.6671903
File: 19 KB, 380x285, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671909

I have this F+F one in black and it's one of the most decent blouses I own: http://www.fanplusfriend.com/servlet/the-825/Gothic-Lolita-Short-Sleeves/Detail

You can see if they can do it in a custom ivory/offwhite color instead of white.

>> No.6671911
File: 75 KB, 400x533, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671916

Also that shiny ladder lace isn't like that at all on mine, mine just has plain cluny lace on it.

>> No.6671932

oh thanks a ton, anon. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the ladder lace, but it doesn't look bad at all otherwise. I'll save the link!

>> No.6671940

Why did this get turned into an ita thread.

>> No.6671943

anon you better be pairing that with mint and yellow. Oh dear. That would look fab.

>> No.6671946

coord with dark blue and pink accents!

>> No.6671951

i love the tights + pink ankle socks + heels. so cute and fresh

>> No.6671948

Because someone decided to spam Mary in the sky coords when no one else gives a shit

>> No.6671952

>so any coord suggestion for a classic coord that doesn't involve pink or blue?
I hope you're a troll.

>> No.6671957
File: 489 KB, 500x692, df_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help on this?

I want to coordinate it with the deep blue it has on the bottom border of the dress.

I'm thinking sax + that blue + pale yellow or pink.

Help!! ;___; I'm at a total loss for that darkish bluer portion

>> No.6671963

Accessories (headbows, wristcuffs etc) in the darker blue would be nice?

For example those lace wristcuffs with 2-colors I see recently, you could have a pair that's one layer sax and one layer in the dark blue.

>> No.6671964
File: 643 KB, 1488x1984, ashamed_penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I'm sorry anon, I was totally just skimming through posts and making quick replies.

pic related, i am ashamed

>> No.6672259
File: 27 KB, 187x271, ap_jsk_dreamydollhouseswitching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any suggestions for this dress?

Thinking about a purple blouse or a BTSSB bunny eared cutsew underneath.

>> No.6672286

Light blue blouse.

Light pink and medium pink accessories; try to match the darker pink colour I can see on the bows and print there.

Can't tell as your pic is so small but if that background shade on the skirt is a cream colour, cream tights/socks with pink bows.

>> No.6672340
File: 352 KB, 977x1899, haenuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this JSk in the post office right now, and I'm super eager to dress in it.
However I don't want to wear a black blouse with it because a lot of my wardrobe is lighter, since I like classic style more. Is it considered ita if I wear a white blouse with it and tights? I don't know other accessories that would go with it besides rings.

>> No.6672352

Nope, its all pink.

But thanks, anon.

>> No.6672417

Just check the Haenuli Facebook page, she posted a customer appreciation photo that has a classy coord with a white blouse.

>> No.6672508
File: 507 KB, 865x695, ssgothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A white blouse would give it a nice old school vibe. Here's a collage I made with a similar Surface Spell dress, it might give you a few ideas.

>> No.6673001

Oh, that's gorgeous.

>> No.6673073
File: 166 KB, 400x600, 600_208306112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting one of my own co-ords:
Any advice beyond "Don't have the posture of an over-burdened donkey?"

>> No.6673081

first thing I notice is that... strap? chain? holding the front of the bolero/shrug together being super tight. I would not use that and just let your shoulders keep it in place.

>> No.6673099

Nix the socks (which I suspect to be OTK's but you look a bit tall?) and either find ones long enough to be actually OTK on you or wear tights.

Hat is cute. Color coordination is nice.

Not sure about the boots. Also that wig... Your face looks a bit long(?) so you may benefit better from a wig which has sidepieces cut in that curl under your chin (I'm the same way).

>> No.6673105

Cute hat. Angle your face better (more tilted up would be more flattering, I think). Resolve the socks: OTKs or kneesocks, but not halfway up your knee. Also the dress looks a little tight, might just be the angle tough.

>> No.6673299
File: 100 KB, 307x608, 20130306_005817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok tossed something together using suggestions from everyone! Sorry for the shitty lighting. The hat has greens and browns, I have my grape hairpiece sitting on top of the hat. Found some salmony eyelash lace tights (pretty happy how well they match the salmon pink in the print irl) and paired up my liz lisa boots and trunk purse. Also have a little orange on the top with my birds nest brooch I made. Might switch out the brown blouse with something creamy instead as the collar is a little wrong with the green cardi on top and the brown isn't really doing anything up top now that I look at it.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

>> No.6673324

Looks nice! I really like that brooch on the bolero.

>> No.6673803
File: 86 KB, 500x500, 1353062422427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CollageAnon, I'm still here if you're still doing coords :)

>> No.6673820

Hadn't thought of yellow yet, you have my thanks dear anon!

>> No.6674105

dat trunk purse

>> No.6677090
File: 1.39 MB, 1131x681, babbysfirstcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help i don't know what i'm doing
oh god

>> No.6677222
File: 392 KB, 1001x597, chocolachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a great start! I'm leaning toward the top left blouse; the top right is gorgeous, but there's so much volume to it I don't think it's going to lay correctly under the bodice. The last one could be nice too, if the jabot is removable; if not, you'll have way too much going on at the neckline.
As for legwear, if you want a more streamlined look, go for the plain tights and offwhite shoes; it'll make your legs look a mile long. If you go with the printed socks, match your shoes to the print (black or navy?). Top this off with a hairpiece that picks up on the hot pink or bright cyan colors in the dress.

Sounds like a great look! The pinstripes in the skirt lend a lot of visual interest, so I'd stick to relatively simple legwear; ombre tights sound like just the thing, assuming they match the gray tones. I'd forgo a blouse or cardigan and opt for dainty black or white gloves. Pull it all together with gold jewelry.

>> No.6677245

Personally, I don't like the look of blouses stuffed under puff-sleeve OP's, so I would nix blouse entirely.

If this is your first coord though, the option is nice, and I'd go with same as CollageAnon for the same reason. However you can get a less body-voluminous version of that (with the sleeves) at F+F, if you'd like:
Ignore the awful neck corset thing, the look you'll be going for is the 1st picture on the 3rd row (won't let me link for some reason).

>> No.6677278
File: 508 KB, 921x800, mmclassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favorite dresses in the world, and it's just begging to hang out in a simple, striking classic outfit. White lace tights are great, especially crochet. Retro saddle-style shoes will give it a scholastic vibe (these came from Modcloth), and adding in pale blue details will jazz it up.

>> No.6678564
File: 2.64 MB, 1660x1278, Spacey_loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fallen in love with this dress, and wanted to figure out a coord with it. Thoughts? Changes and/or additions?

>> No.6678568

LOVE the wig pairing. I'd go for a less busy shirt and pale tights/socks (light pink or white/cream); otherwise I think it looks good!

>> No.6678572


wow thanks! buying those shoes right now!

>> No.6678584
File: 16 KB, 360x300, Hosiery_light-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much! I am REALLY glad that wig showed up when it did, haha. I'll keep looking on blouses, I just think I want something with a collar to go over the neckline of the dress. Does that sound fine? How does this colour look as far as tights goes?

>> No.6678598

Looks good to me; hard to match it against the wig off a computer screen though. It's up to you how big you want to collar to be; the neckline isn't that high up, so if you want it totally covered you're looking at a very wide collar (probably even more than the one you chose).

>> No.6678642

Oh gosh, i LOVE that dress! The wig is a great match with it too. I think you might be going overboard with the spacey accessories, though; that much galaxy print is a bit much. I would try it with solid metal jewelry with space-related themes; a starry charm bracelet and a telescope pendant, maybe?

>> No.6678649

> http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.217.d9J0Yu&id=7023303191
> http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.304.d9J0Yu&id=16604211671
Hmmm either of these in black, maybe? I don't HAVE to have a collar, I'd just like to dress up the neckline a bit. I suppose a nice enough blouse would pull that off regardless.

Yea? I'll look around and see what I can find. I love space/stars/planets, so I jumped on this print. Haha. I'm sure I can find something. Any ideas?

>> No.6678653
File: 59 KB, 350x506, chantilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone could kindly help me figure out a hair accessory or a head piece that I could make or buy to coordinate with this dress? I have a deadline of ~2 weeks and a budget of about ~$50

I've tried browsing etsy or ebay for something to match but nothing is really popping out to me. You'd have my gratitude.
>pls respond ;____;

>> No.6678664

where the fuck can you get this dress and not hemorrhage from the wallet? seriously, the site sells them for like 300$ a pop its insane!

>> No.6678669

Perhaps you could try seeing if anyone is selling it secondhand? I don't have any advice to offer unfortunately. I bought this at AP San Fran and my wallet was very much hurt. Heh. I just loved it so much I couldn't resist.

>> No.6678671

how much was it in San Fran? do they have a store there?(yes i live under a fucking rock)

>> No.6678685

I wish I kept the receipt but I do have the original tag. The tag says with tax it's 27,300 yen which translates to about $291. But I remember paying a bit over $300 for it. It's a little hazy for me, but I highly recommend going in there with at least $350 if you do. Just in case.

Their store is located at 15 Kearny Street in San Fran.
This is their online webshop:

>> No.6678689

Harajuku Hearts in SF
or Chantilly ships overseas http://chantilly.shop-pro.jp/

>> No.6678692

You gave the wrong website! It's actually:

>> No.6678700

Oh derps. My bad.

>> No.6678702


>looks at prices for dress
>realize I paid more like $370 for that dress

Aheh...scratch that. Bring $400 with you (>>6678671) anon ^^;

>> No.6678706

you own my dream dress
hurts so much to not be able to buy it

>> No.6678712

Ah, it has been a favorite of mine for a while! It is really beautiful, but the cut... well let's just say I personally will not be able to wear it without some kind of layering on top... the cut is pretty unflattering for anything over an A cup, it is extremely, extremely empire waisted.

>> No.6678720

yea being a C-cup most dresses look funny on me. Always have to bind.

>> No.6678724

yeah I always have to wear a minimizer of some sort in my non custom pieces, but this one haha, just going to have to cover up that terrible fit with a cardi everytime haha.

I really wanted the JSK in black, but it seems it's ever rarer than the other colorways... I guess I could even say the creme/yellow is the least popular of them all since I've seen it crop up on second hand sales a lot more than pink or black. I'd love the black one too, probably a pipe dream though.

>> No.6678725

I'm the same anon from >>6678653
but I just thought of removing the extra two bows and using those for hair accessories instead.
That's reasonable, right?

>> No.6678731

I was thinking of something from Royal rabbit (she's on Store Envy and Facebook, 4chan won't let me post a link)... her headpieces are so elegant, I want to commission one for my AP Gloria jsk... it would look so much better than the official headbow imo.

>> No.6678744

Ah, I looked up her store envy account. Seems like she makes cute headbows. I'll ask her how long her custom commissions take to process/ship. I'm really kicking myself for not realizing how soon I need this by, ergh.

Thanks anon.

>> No.6678747

Yeah she has a wide range of 'cute' to really Elgant (which is what I picture with that op)

>> No.6678750

Definitely not a fan of the one with the lace-up back. The other one's alright.

>> No.6678752
File: 354 KB, 1017x518, apfrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothic/Classic Lolita here.

I recently got the French Polkadot JSK because it's adorable but it's my first sweet piece. I've made do with what I had in my wardrobe (Pic related) but it'd be awesome if any of you had any alternative co-ords or ideas for it.

>> No.6678758

Agreed. This'll be really helpful.

>> No.6678759

drop the tights with something very subtle (maybe eyelash lace in black) or just a solid. Stacking the two patterns on top of each other is meh.

This really looks more... uh, swingy/rockabilly to me over lolita. Also not digging the purse selection, there's not any other brown or biscuit themed items or colors... I would go with one of those big shiny red vinyl purses to match the texture on the shoes and the sunglasses.

>> No.6678762

oh and the purse would be heart shaped, big red heart shaped vinyl yessssssss

>> No.6678765

The dress has a biscuit themed brooch on it

>> No.6678769

Oh she didn't mention getting the brooch, just the JSK. Also I don't think that's enough to justify the purse selection, but that's just me.

>> No.6678770

>dem sunglasses
Please don't, maximum "no, the other lolita."

>> No.6678772


That's my fucking dream dress, I've not seen it for sale, like every.

>> No.6678782

Yeah anon is right, I have the brooch and the headbow. I'm not trying to go with rockabilly; this is why I'm asking for other ideas to make it more sweet considering I don't have much experience with it.

Not my intention, I just have them and they're red.

>> No.6678778

Or do and don't give a fuck? Seriously I don't get skirting away from that... why does it matter, no one is going to look at her walking down the street with those sunglasses and think 'OH THAT LOLITA' because they aren't even going to know wtf is going on or what it's called in the first place.

>> No.6678788

I picked it up from Harajuku closetchild - NWT for under $100 with the headbow and brooch.

I pretty much pooped my pants.

>> No.6678793

If you're not trying to do rockabilly honestly the whole coord doesn't work.

Unless you're fat, I'd do socks instead of tights, and tone down the black/red to bring out the brown.

>> No.6678809

I'd agree with switching the tights for a sweeter white and red accent socks, but other than that I like this fine. I don't think it's too rockabilly at all.

>> No.6678883
File: 72 KB, 300x400, 214-0101_01_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to wear this to a summer con! I'm having a bit of trouble making it seem cheery enough, though. I was thinking of going with cream and tan to keep it light, but I'm a little stuck. Thoughts?

>> No.6678891


I think this would be adorable with maybe a floral cardigan or bolero to add to a summery theme? The shade looks like it'd pair really nicely with sort of dusky pink and cream or tan like you said. I'd go with some cute heels, florals, a light chiffon blouse and maybe a cute straw boater hat with some flowers and a ribbon on the brim?

>> No.6678899

You could go with a light pink, a CAREFULLY chosen creamy green, or a ruddy/reddish pink.

>> No.6678903

Piggybacking off of the other anon's request but I've been looking for a dusty pink chiffon blouse forever to go with a classic skirt I bought a while ago. It's not a common color in Lolita but regular pinks don't fare well with my coloring. Any ideas as to where I could find such a blouse?

Polite sage.

>> No.6679634

Check Forever 21. I have a few dusty pink colored chiffon blouses from there. You can also check thrift stores. I have some in my wardrobe that are that color and chiffon.

>> No.6681979
File: 461 KB, 869x676, chantillycircus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with a request from the last thread. Harlequin socks get some flack for being a bit overused, but I think in a circus-themed outfit they're very appropriate.

>> No.6681985

Not sure if it's okay to post here..
But what do you all think of lolita with fairly large busts? Not giant, but around the D cup range.

I'd like to get into lolita, but I don't want to look silly or realize that my bust makes dresses ride up.

>> No.6682016

Buy dresses that fit you, that are cut in a way to accommodate breasts. Some brands (like IW) are notorious for making bodices that are basically tubes and don't take any significant difference between your bust and underbust into account, so even if they fit they can be very unflattering. You can also wear skirts with blouses, and take the blouses in at the waist.
I wouldn't recommend empire waist dresses because they'll make you look much bigger than you are.

Honestly though, D-cups aren't that big so I don't think you'll have any problems unless you try fitting into the aforementioned tube-bodices. Some of my friends are in the F-H cup range and they make it work for them. It helps to be able to sew.

>> No.6682027

A few coord threads back someone put up some actually good ero colages, sadly I forgot to save them. Did anyone keep them?

>> No.6682030

Oh that was me. Haha this is cute, thanks. I like those heels.

>> No.6682037
File: 200 KB, 800x1000, bodylineblackdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping someone can help me out here...
I just got this dress in black (sans the bow in front, it was missing when I bought it), and I'm kind of at a loss to coord it.

I'm thinking of:
red cardigan/bolero with white accents (will likely be handmade)
black socks? or tights.
red shoes??


red+white cardigan
red socks/tights? or white??
black rhs

And I still have no idea what to get for the headband/headbow and purse.

Sorry, I'm more used to coording classic and sweet kind of confuses me.

>> No.6682126

Both ideas sound fine to me.

Depends what you're thinking of making cardi-wise, but I think a small red headbow would be nice, or else add in some pink accents in your accessories- a pink headbow, maybe a more elaborate piece with some flowers or dripping lace/beads...

>> No.6682656
File: 108 KB, 570x522, CPS0005-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'9" tall and thinking of getting a white Classical Puppets underskirt for sweet coords, would that look okay protruding from pink JSKs or other pastels? It would be matching a white blouse, JSKs like bodyline carousel.

T2L carousel is sold out atm which made me think of this, but wondering whether it could be used for even shorter dresses that I wouldn't buy otherwise like 94cm or 92cm long.

>> No.6683249


>> No.6683256

Honestly, probably not unless you are planning to always coord those dresses with white and they have some white trim on the dress already.

>> No.6683311
File: 182 KB, 881x1024, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, i finally have (some) money and the courage to wear whatever i like, so i've decided to delve into the world of lolita. i want to make sure i'll actually wear pieces, though, so i'm going to do a test run of sorts by buying one relatively inexpensive coord at first. then, if i feel comfortable and know i'll wear them, i want to save for brand pieces.

i'm partial to sweet and ott sweet, and i love squirrels, so i think i want to buy bodyline's squirrel birthday party jsk. i thought i'd also pair it with their L373 (bow collar removed).

i have a pair of white stockings with pink bows, and i'm looking into shoes. i also have a long, curly pink wig and a long mint colored wig.

do you think this is a good idea for a coord? or should i go with something less loud?

>> No.6683321

I personally don't think you need either wig... at all. I really like OTT coords with natural colored hair (note, this goes for natural colored wigs too, the key point being natural colored) because it adds some balance... If those shoes are the same ones you're wearing, they match well.. I'm tired of seeing pink shoes that are the wrong shade for the dress. This looks cute so far. I would personally go with OTKs or knee socks with a little design over just white tights however.

>> No.6683326
File: 141 KB, 598x1144, photo (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen this dress worn with anything other than a stark white blouse, but I always though that mixing white with cream/light yellow in this way was a big no-no. Am I wrong?
I guess I'm just looking for an otome coord that I might be able to wear out in normal-people public without getting too many weird looks, haha.

>> No.6683328

fuck Iove squirrels birthday party. That has to be my fave bodyline print.

>> No.6683330

Can someone tell me what the name of this fucking print is? I've seen everything from "Chocolate and Deer" to "Biscuits and Pretzel", and a lot of sellers mislabel it as "Biscuits and Chocolate" which drives me insane.

>> No.6683332

I think cream/light beige would be gorgeous with this. You can also use black to tone it down/tie in the belt?

>> No.6683337


Oh! I forgot to mention, the belt is actually dark brown, but because it's made of velvet the color doesn't photograph well. I wanted to include black in the coord too but it looks pretty strange without any black in the actual print. :C

>> No.6683338

my only problem with not wearing a wig with a coord like this would be that my hair is a reddish blonde, and i think the colors would clash.

>> No.6683341

It's ETC, right? ETC doesn't release official names for any of it's items, just descriptive names. Because of this, most of the prints have multiple names that are basically made up by buyers, or were used as descriptors on the blogs.

>> No.6683350


Yeah, it's ETC. I thought some of their more popular prints (like the Biscuits and Chocolate) had official names though! In that case, I wonder what they released it as.

>> No.6683362

Thank you, I'll make sure to look for dresses with white trim and then consider

>> No.6683363

Well here's what I'll say to that... When did Matching your fucking hair to the outfit become a thing? I think that's pretty silly... unless you obviously have unnatural colored hair. I never have looked at a coord with natural colored hair and said 'wow I really wish she had matched her highlights to the print'. The only criticism about hair I usually have is if it's a weird style or if it's a color that does not flatter the skin tone.

>> No.6683373

i wasn't saying it had to, i was just explaining that i thought it would clash. also, i'm not going out of my way to buy the wigs; i already have them lying around, so i thought i'd finally put them to good use.

>> No.6683375

Ahhh, I see... is the belt removable at all? If so I think you could even try just using a black belt instead.

Dark brown of course would be gorgeous as well.


>> No.6683377

that wasn't a criticism against you per say. Obviously just saying 'I think it will clash' means you think it's not going to match the outfit which led to my little rant in the first place. I don't care that you have wigs, it's just a little pet peeve when I see newer lolitas get a little worried about wigs and what not. You can obviously do whatever you like haha

>> No.6683407


Yes, the belt is removable. :) And that was the plan, though I hadn't though of a black belt that might just work. Would it be weird to mix black accessories with a dress that has no black in the print though? I'm still afraid of that.

>> No.6683417

I think that, considering I mistook the belt for being black in the first place and didn't find it off that it'd look fine, haha. A thin black belt would look great, with a black long or 3/4 sleeve blouse and tights, and tan oxfords?

>> No.6683511


Ohh, I didn't think about oxfords! Those are the only things you suggested that I don't already have. Thanks, anon!

>> No.6683718

hnnnggg 400$? is the quality worth it at least? can it be dry cleaned? I know some prints will melt/warp/decay if cleaned certain ways. is it actually worth ~$400? >.<

>> No.6683724

You can't dry clean that kind of screen-print, it will melt. Handwashing or gentle cycle (in a garment bag) in cold water is fine though, and hang dry.
Buying direct from Chantilly will give you a better exchange rate than HH.

>> No.6683747
File: 118 KB, 209x277, easter96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like my coord guys? It's my very first, and my mom may have helped me a little. I haven't bought a petti yet but I'm working on it!

>> No.6683756

bitch that purse totes doesn't match...

>> No.6683757

It just depends which dresses that other anon wants.
It is wiser to buy directly from Chantilly if you can, but most of their dresses in the most desirable colorways are sold out at the moment.
At least the dress that the anon posted earlier is.

>> No.6683795

I asked mommy to get me a green one but she didn't listen... It has a stripe in same color of pinkish red that the roses on my dress are, though.

>> No.6685010
File: 295 KB, 705x611, notmoitie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump with a random collage

>> No.6685012
File: 466 KB, 199x229, 1296552924967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing a wig
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6685054

You're an ita. You look greasy as fuck. It wouldn't hurt to lose a little weight, either.

>> No.6685868

Momma got me a wig but I was allergic to something it was made of. I broke out in a bad rash.

Momma said she thought it was cute that I've got a little baby fat..

>> No.6685877

Thanks again anon for the RR recommendation. We've sorted out my commission and I'll have it for my event in time. Can't thank you enough!

She was even nice enough to pick out certain charms to match my dress.

>> No.6685893
File: 670 KB, 1234x866, Co-ord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some feedback on this co-ord, please? I wore it out today (I took the ribbon off the blouse, lolibrary.org/sites/default/files/EdibleRoseBlouse-ivory-wotie.jpg is how it looks without it in a different colourway) and I think it looked pretty good, but I can't help but feel it might be a little bit plain? Do you think I need more accessories or am I alright?
Sorry everything's bunched up at the top, I can't use Paint, apparently.

>> No.6685895

For daily wear it looks fine. If you want to add color you could match a blouse and tights/socks.

>> No.6685915

Thank you! Yeah, I was thinking some colour might be a good idea, but I wasn't really sure what to go for. Burgundy or something, maybe?

>> No.6685943
File: 219 KB, 471x361, 1333352092878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this
>think it was some weird ageplay bullshit
>see original image

>> No.6685975
File: 183 KB, 1464x620, etoile twins jsk lavender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sampling of some stuff I coord with my Etoile Twins jsk. Plain white blouse with a peter pan collar for both the pink and lavender dominant coordinates.

If it wasn't clear, the pink flower is a hair clip. :)

>> No.6687025
File: 45 KB, 190x234, bbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I coordinate these brown bodyline boots with a pink jsk/coord?

>> No.6687062

Wear a brown bolero or blouse, mix of brown and pink accessories

>> No.6688551
File: 723 KB, 1000x607, shittyquestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these shoe styles look okay for the OP/JSK I picked out?

>> No.6688571

Ignoring colour, I think the shoes would clash with the style of the IW JSK but I don't like tea party style shoes anyway.

>> No.6689599
File: 829 KB, 799x534, AP OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl in my comm is trying to sell this dress. I really like it, but since my wardrobe is still kinda small (this would be my 6th main piece) I don't think it's a good idea to get a non versatile piece yet. How do you guys coordinate white dresses outside shiro loli? I tend towards a more goth/classic style, not really into pastels and sweet.

>> No.6689615

Honestly you can do whatever you like? Find a legwear/headwear combo you like and go nuts.

>> No.6689618

Accessorize. Add colors with tights, socks, head accessories, jewelries. Pin things to your dress, decorate with flowers.

You don't have to do shiro with white.

>> No.6691014
File: 168 KB, 660x990, V00010_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not even a loli and I can tell you that you can accccesorize it with a collar, flowers, a taffeta sash, underskirt, gloves, tights, overcoat, ect.

If you're a goth/classic try a nice jacket over it.
Something with a nice shape...

>> No.6691027

How is this not versatile?

>> No.6691517

Hi, it's >>6689599

Sorry I couldn't make myself clear last night, I was sorta sleepy. I was hoping to see if anyone had pictures of coords using white main pieces, in order to see how do they look once they're put together. My wardrobe fillers are almost 100% black or white atm, so I can't do that myself yet.

>> No.6694141

that would look cute as maid-ish outfit but I can't imagine this being worn seriously..