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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6663231 No.6663231 [Reply] [Original]

I left my lolita community a while ago (year+) because I was dealing with some pretty terrible depression. Now that I've had a bit of intensive therapy, I'm am way more stable and I would like to return to joining regularly at meets.

The problem is that apparently when I left, though I didn't announce it in any way, the girls in the community talked about it and from what I understand from a friend, many people think I left because of a feud with a prominent community member.

I doubt anyone would bring it up, but I wouldn't like some sort of leftover awkwardness where community members think I left over non-existent fight. On the flip-side, I don't want to necessarily bring up what actually happened and have people think I'm even more crazy.

tl;dr: How do I join my community again?

>> No.6663234 [DELETED] 

Where's your community?

>> No.6663240

If you're open to talking about your issue a little, then if someone ever brings that issue up, you can explain how you felt and it is a misunderstanding between a member and you.

>> No.6663248 [DELETED] 

US, west coast, but that's all I feel comfortable saying.

I guess that's what I'm nervous about, that someone will bring it up and I won't know how to explain. I haven't really spoken to anyone about it outside my close family and friends.

>> No.6663246

Hmm. If you had something like bipolar or schizoid-affective, my answer would be a bit different, but I think people nowadays are pretty comfortable with "depression," especially because of the idea that it can be gotten over. I don't think you have much to worry about if you're (conservatively) honest. I think saying, "I left because I was dealing with depression, but I'm feeling a lot better now and I'd love to get back into lolita, and I miss you guys" should be fine.

>> No.6663251

Also, this is a blue board.

>> No.6663256

..why would you use that image as your OP? This is a SFW board.

Also just suck it up and re-join.

>> No.6663257

Well, if you go to a meet-up and there's a decent amount of newer members or people you think might not remember you, why not re-introduce yourself? Just be like "Hi, my name is ______, I was involved in this community for a while but left for personal health reasons."

>> No.6663258

Tell them it's none of their damn business.

>> No.6663267

I guess I am just nervous about talking about it, since I haven't with anyone who wasn't close family or friend.

People are more friendly towards depression now, which is great. I guess I was really worried about my panic attacks that caused a couple meltdowns that were not pretty, but there's no way they would know about that. Thank you for the advice.

I hadn't even considered that the community has likely grown and many people might not even know me at all. Thank you for the advice, a fresh start is really what I'm looking for.

About being unwell, I probably would, about the supposed fight, I think it might be better to try to explain how it didn't happen?

Sorry about the image, I like ero lolita and I didn't think about how this is a blue board. Whoops. I'll delete it?

>> No.6663282

Just click "delete post --> file only."

>> No.6663295

Sorry about that again, I forget that the rules are more closely enforced now. That's not a bad thing, I just mean to say that it was just a mistake.

>> No.6663301

Not a rules thing so much as a politesse thing. It's fine though, you deleted it, no need to apologize.

Would you know ahead of time who's coming to a meet? It would be pretty different if it was a lot of old people vs a lot of new people.

>> No.6663324

There is a meet this month that I was looking to go to. The event post has both people I know and people I don't. The member I "fought" with has RSVP'd.

I suppose just go and pretend nothing happened, then try to explain discreetly if anything gets brought up?

>> No.6663362

Panic attacks and melt downs? You sound like a mess and I doubt your story that you didn't instigate something with this girl.

>> No.6663363

Please ignore the troll.

>> No.6663392

Sorry, I'm not a troll. I've just known a lot of girls with emotional issues and it is NEVER their fault and they are ALWAYS the victim.

>> No.6663576

"emotional issues" =/= depression & anxiety. You've known a bunch of girls with a victim complex. Some of them may or may not have also had depression/anxiety, but not everyone with depression/anxiety has a victim complex.

A fair number of them have quite the opposite and obsess over their mistakes and think they mess up everything. Considering how the OP has explained that there was a rumor of a fight that didn't happen and her reluctance to talk about her depression with anyone in her local group, I HIGHLY doubt she has that sort of victim complex.

>> No.6663611
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Manic Depressive here.
I have found that
1) People have short memories for drama and communities like this move quickly on to the new thing
2) Most people who talk about things like this without the person in the room will not confront the person about it, because they think it's okay to talk about it behind the person's back but rude to bring it up.

Here's what you do
>Start showing up at events
>If asked why you left, say "I was going through some personal issues and didn't have time/energy for lolita for awhile."
>Watch as no one brings up possible feud.
>If asked about it by people who are not prominent community member or her close friends, reply "That was like (x) years ago, and it's really not your business."
>If asked by her, say "That was a long time ago, and to be honest I was going through some mental health issues and it was nothing to do with you. We don't get along but... (honest compliment if possible.) "

Don't bring it up or make a big deal about it and no one else will. They have lives and a lot has happened since then. That person might not even be in the comm anymore. A lot of things can change in a year.

>> No.6663742

Wtf i know who OP is and you're being a crazy troll again. sadly no one considered you a part of the community.

Also, rule #1 don't come to events uninvited. It's fucking and you're ruining a good time for everyone. Ugh snowflakes..

>> No.6663800

DEETS for the love of god deets!

>> No.6663835

>>Ok going to keep specific names out of it but one crazyyass Lolita came uninvited to our meet. Everyone knew who she is since she's infamous for starting trouble so tbh everyone felt uncomfortable there. She kept following us around, not contributing to conversations.. Sitting in the corner. Alone. Crying...

She also kept starting trouble with the host and asking her why no one likes her. host said stop being awkward. You can stay and try to mingle or go home. She kept whining about how she didn't fit in, bitching to everyone how alone she is and how she could never fit in. Wow dude, we're Not you're psychiatrist or your support group ok?? she pretty much ruined the event Thank God she left. We had a great time afterwards

>> No.6663935

That sounds really annoying.

>> No.6663943

Can we steal this thread for a general lolita gripes/confessions thread, the other one was deleted.

>> No.6663953

+1 I'm with you anon

Lolita confessions: I'm constantly thinking of leaving lolita. I'm sick of people gawking and judging. I also hate putting on petticoats. But i love the prints and keep coming back for more

>> No.6663952

What the hell, that is not me, I would never behave that way, even when I was doing poorly. What community are you referring to?

For the record, I've never had any sort of problems like that at any meet I've ever attended. I've never attended a meet I was not invited to. I have literally never told any lolitas in my community about my problems with depression and anxiety. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with her, but she's not me. What community are you from?

>> No.6663961

>wtf I hate putting in petticoats
>Lolita problems

>> No.6663973

Ntm creepy as fuck. ever seen the movie Carrie? Better watch out anon, don't get any blood on her burando m'kay?

>> No.6663983

I've also been wearing lolita a lot less just because I can't be assed with all those layers.

>> No.6663987

Haha bitch got called out on her shitty behavior and is backpedaling.

>> No.6664005

Or maybe they're just two different people? Honestly what
described doesn't sound much like what OP wrote at all.

>> No.6664013
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Lolita gripes you say?

> brolitaJenny
> btssb shoes
> pastel wigs
> fried chicken

>> No.6664018

Seems like OP cleaned up her version for sympathy...which goes back to what I was saying about these kinds of girls always playing the victim.

>> No.6664028

We're talking about rosaire right?

>> No.6664038

OP was talking about people she had a relationship with, they were talking about a girl who showed up uninvited to one meet...

I don't see it. I'm sure there is more than one girl in lolita with psychiatric issues.

>> No.6664037


> terrible depression
> Intensive therapy
> more stable now
> now that I'm okay I wanna attend meets regularly
> asking /cgl/ for help and sympathy
> I'm more stable now....

Omg gtfo. You already sound like a mess.

oturuct LORD

>> No.6664048

Uhhh the uninvited girl thought she had a relationship with us too. She was saying how she was part of us and how people thought she may have offended one of us. It was convoluted and pretty creepy

>> No.6664050

vendetta-chaaaaaaan, you're still here! kawaii desu ne

>> No.6664051

This. Pretty much.

>> No.6664057

Oh, maybe it is then. Hard to know with everyone being dodgy about their comm, though.

>> No.6664066

Can we have an anti-creeper etiquette thread? What to do and what not to do for Lolitas because obvs a lot of people need a lesson......

>> No.6664080


>clinically depressed
> intense medication
> help me join Lolita guise
> what?? I would never behave in such a way
> what comm are you in so I can know which lolita i spoke to at the meet
> like ero Lolita


>> No.6664088

Just gonna leave this here

>Fried chicken Lolita

Sage for best irrelevant contribution ever! xDDD

>> No.6664094
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What part of this is creepy? If she actually was the person posted about yes, but if she wasn't I don't see how her behavior is creepy at all.

>> No.6664097

Lolita Confession: I can't wear lacey undies because of Lolita and our cheap-lace hating ways.

>> No.6664099

I am so embarrassed. Sorry, I'll try to respond to everything.

This is good advice, thank you.

I do believe I've been confused for someone else.

I am not rosaire, I'm not really sure who that is.

Honestly, I have no problem admitting I was a mess. I really was. However, I left my community before there was ever really a problem, so there is no way they should know about it. Yes, I've been in a really shitty place, but my family has been supportive and I really am in such a better place now. I wouldn't go to another meet if I didn't feel comfortable and ready. I hate people seeing me in a bad place.

>I'm sure there is more than one girl in lolita with psychiatric issues.
BtB makes me think every lolita has issues, lol.

What community? Initials for the name? Anything? This doesn't sound anything like me at all. Literally, no one in my lolita community knows about this, which is the only reason I felt I could post about it here. The only people who know were two friends I lived with and my close family. My extended family doesn't know.

>> No.6664101

Reverse lolita confession: I have a skirt with lace from before I knew shit about lace. It is the tackiest, cheapest shit, but I still love that skirt and give no fucks.

>> No.6664106

Ok whoever you are not gona lie you sound normal. Good luck with re-joining your comm. Just don't make a scene like that uninvited girl and you'll be fine

>> No.6664116

Haha good for you anon. Lolita pretty much ruined cheap lace for me. I'll never look at itchy lace the same again

>> No.6664117

Thank you, I appreciate that. And no scenes for me, I am past that now, thank god.

Thanks everyone who gave me constructive advice. You all can have this thread for confessions and gripes now, I'm going to go make some dinner.