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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6645008 No.6645008 [Reply] [Original]

>Cosplay Page posts picture of a cosplayer in her Assassin's Creed pinafore
>People comment saying "you couldn't be an assassin in that", "I hate silly genderbends", etc etc etc
>Cosplayer in the photo shares a link to the pic on her FB, rallying her personal fan army and calling it "bullying"
>One hour later, creates a page "Cosplayers against bullying"
>Posts a novel defending herself, followed by her fan army bullying the -one- person who "bullied" her

What do you think of this, Seagulls?

In my opinion if you're asking for fame and putting yourself on display for everyone, people are going to criticize you whether you like it or not. A FB page isn't going to do anything, aside from put a huge target on your head for future "bullying" by showing everyone you're willing to let trivial comments from strangers get to you.

If you're going to be in the limelight, you need to have a thick skin and be able to shrug off nonconstructive criticism.

Moreso, if you're going to try and rally against bullying, don't whinge to your fans knowing all they're going to do is spam the shit out of the picture and turn it into a shitslinging party.

>> No.6645029
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You mean a nerd took something too seriously?

You mean a cosplayer had delicate self esteem?

You mean attentionwhores yelled at people for paying attention to them?

>> No.6645040

Link please.

>> No.6647244

>that costume design isn't practical

>i'd fuck that
a. ew, sexual harassment
b. dats nice kid

>kill yourself

i've often wondered why verbal harassment is suddenly okay online.

>> No.6647256
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>> No.6647263

I am so sick of this "bullying" bullshit. Being made fun of is not being bullied. Everyone gets made fun of, because kids and teens are shitheads, generally mimicking their shithead parents. Some kids, hey, they get made fun of more than others, because they're a little less good at being average. Kids LOVE bell curves.

Being bullied is when you go to school and get beat up every single day, when you're late to school three times a week because you have to hide in the bathroom to avoid a certain group of kids who will smash your face in if you walk past them, so you'd rather get detention. Being bullied isn't being called a "fag", it's getting "fag" spray painted on your locker, and having things like that happen all the time. Being teased, even often, even in a really mean way, isn't bullying.

What the fuck was taught to this generation of teenagers. They have zero social skills.

>> No.6647269

>implying bullying only happens when violence is involved

>> No.6647275

I agree with you, but I also agree with this anon, >>6647269

Young girls are pretty fucking cruel man, and they don't have to lay a finger on you to do damage

Either way I do think this whole "omg you're bullying meee" thing has gone too far, especially in the lolita community. Everyone is so hypersensitive, it's unbelievable

>> No.6647283

I think the whole "bullying" thing these days is hilarious. They've created an arbitrary label, once applied, makes it acceptable for THEM to be bullies.

And they're all too retarded to catch the irony. Only scary part is the politicians are latching on to it too. Just what we need, more THINK OF THE CHILDREN bullshit.

>> No.6647285

Not to mention how people can do really subtle stuff and it adds up after weeks or months.
>getting "accidentally" pushed while holding a stack of paper or a tray
>getting homework "accidentally" torn or stepped on
>getting "accidentally" hit with balls in gym

You really don't have to be literally beaten up to be considered bullied, honestly. Usually I would agree that most teenagers lately lack self-preservation skills, but stuff like this is just as bad.

>> No.6647289

It's called a comments section, not a compliments section.

>> No.6647290

That wasn't what I was implying at all, idiot.

>> No.6647291

Don't call them an idiot you bully!


>> No.6647292

>Being bullied is when you go to school and get beat up every single day
>smash your face in if you walk past them
>"fag" spray painted on your locker

That's what you wrote.

>> No.6647295



>> No.6647302

You said I was "implying" that it was only violence, and while I used some more violent violent examples, I wasn't necessarily implying that there was only violent bullying. Which I thought was pretty clear, but apparently not.

The point I was making was that being made fun of a lot is a part of child/teen life, but that constant crippling harassment wasn't, and that for some reason people can't tell the difference any more.

>> No.6647303


>> No.6647308

Dumbest shit I've ever seen. You're cosplaying so comments are going to come whether you like it or not. Also - she got hazed because she made an Assassin's Creed outfit that looked like it belonged in a Maid Cafe. Like, I'm all for gender bending - but it's awesome when they keep some part of it accurate to the original design.

Assassin Creed fem!outfit does not equal a frilly dress. Sorry not sorry. It's a cute dress and it's well made, just not for the right character in the right game series.

>> No.6647310

That I agree with, it's just that your initial examples were all pretty extreme cases, hence my wut? reaction.

>> No.6647324

See, you both act like assholes, then you get over it, and now you're agreeing and talking civilly.

That there is an example of how shit like this is supposed to go down.

>> No.6647335
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As someone who was tormented daily in grade school so badly that I genuinely wished I was dead, the idea of someone calling it "bullying" when some people don't like her costumes makes me pretty fucking mad.

>> No.6647338 [DELETED] 

So if there's no physical contact, it's not really bullying?

You do realize that every kid alive knows this and that's why they generally don't attack physically? They know adults won't take name-calling and shit seriously. It's easy to get away with when no one can prove you said anything.

Don't you dare tell me verbal bullying is not bullying.

>> No.6647343

You're getting pretty vague. At what point is it not "making fun" and it starts being bullying? If one person calls you a fag one time, it's not a pattern on their end, but if person B then calls you fag and person C calls you fag and person D, E and F and so on, now one person is being constantly called a nasty, hateful name. It doesn't matter if it didn't all come from one source.

>> No.6647450

It's not bullying when you deserved it.

>> No.6647476

That's because very slight rudeness, especially taken in the context of anonymous comments on the internet, is an extremely minor detail and not at all something that a person should become emotional about. If they do, there is genuinely something wrong with them.

I totes can get along with someone after I argue with them on the internet, just fine. Hugs all around.

Glad I could clarify. I don't want to say that people who spend every day verbally harassed or socially ostracized are somehow less bullied that people who received physical types of bullying.

Hmm, see, the person I was talking to, we came to an agreement, but it seems you're still butthurt.

I disagree that I'm being vague, but there IS some grey-area, yeah, because life isn't black-and-white. I think that being "un-cool" and not part of the "popular" crowd, and therefore occasionally insulted or harassed, that's not "bullying". It's not acceptable behavior, either, and teachers/parents should stop it because kids need to learn how to act, sure. But it's not bullying.

Bullying is usually caused by one sadistic and fucked up individual decides someone is his/her target, and continues to target them over a period of time, and often there will be others who join in for various psycho-social reasons.

Also, I don't really think it's "bullying" for a one-time event of a person who does something that calls massive embarrassing attention to themselves (especially online) who is then harassed for it afterwards. (Not saying the behavior is acceptable either.)

My point being, bullying is a type of specifically-targeted and systematic abuse. I got called names every other day in Junior High, and it wasn't "bullying", because nobody was specifically trying to harass me - if you didn't like someone, you called them a fag or what have you.

>> No.6647619 [DELETED] 

Pretty much why I'm not a huge fan of DeviantArt. People on that site only put pictures up to get their asses kissed, but the second you post a comment that contains anything but praise, you get shot down by either the cosplayer or their fans.
Not every cosplayer on DA is like that, but the whole website just feels very fake to me, like everyone is just blowing smoke up each others asses and no one wants to here any real feed back.

>> No.6647624

Pretty much why I'm not a huge fan of DeviantArt. People on that site only put pictures up to get their asses kissed, but the second you post a comment that contains anything but praise, you get shot down by either the cosplayer or their fans.
Not every cosplayer on DA is like that, but the whole website just feels very fake to me, like everyone is just blowing smoke up each others asses and no one wants to hear any real feed back.

>> No.6647638
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Non cosplay related english verbose man strikes again.

>> No.6647642

I was never bullied but my parents were, since they were poor as shit, it went as far as people literally throwing rocks at them and ganging up to beat them at parties

THAT, for me, is bullying
Bullying someone online I don't think it is even possible
Like, just walk away from the computer yeah
Close the fucking window
Block the fucking person
What the fuck man

>> No.6647662

How cute, Autist McNot-a-cosplayer is learning.

>doesn't mention Athens anymore (because I said he's obnoxious)
>is posting in a thread that, for once, wasn't made by him (because I said he only posts in his own misogyny threads, e.g. >>6645470 )

If you like /cgl/ so much (I know you don't, you cancerous shit) why don't you make a trip so we can all... acknowledge you... for your heroic deeds, hmmm, yes.

Note that I haven't even read what this thread is about, I came here just so that I could point out what trash you are.

>> No.6647677

When I was in high school I was severely bullied. Physically threatened, had my stuff destroyed, and all this shit followed me home too.

And it makes me mad when people bastardize what "bullying" is just because they can't handle some criticism. No, someone saying your cosplay sucks isn't "bullying."
People don't know what bullying is anymore.

>> No.6647687

Bullying is such a stupid word. It's like it's meant not to be taken seriously.

The reason it pops up in the cosplay community so often is that 80% of cosplayers are emotionally stunted (wo)man-children. Rather than sucking something up or actually turning it around on the person, ("I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I like it, but you're entitled to your opinion") they'd rather throw a tantrum and have their fans baby them until the pain subsides. I remember saying "Don't be a bitch" to a really pissy cosplayer once and she sent 4 separate inboxes to me on Facebook saying that I was a misogynist (?? I'm a woman) and that people like me ruin the cosplaying experience. Okay, sure.

>> No.6647709

>she sent 4 separate inboxes to me on Facebook saying that I was a misogynist

Sorry but LOL. Wow. People really don't know what some words mean.

>> No.6648604

Well, I'm sure the people who harassed Anita Sarkeesian would agree with you that what they did was just ~for funsies~ and not at all bullying.

>mfw people assume bullying = literally beating people up

>> No.6648955

-12 out of 10 troll. I don't want to believe there's actually morons who believe everything they're told on the Internet.

>> No.6648966

No, there is such thing as verbal harassment.
But criticizing a cosplay is not bullying or harassment.
She's just hurt and looking for a way to make herself to be the victim in this situation instead of being responsible for her own feelings.
It's immature.

>> No.6649003

Sounds to me like someone was bored and a little attention needy

>> No.6649009

Except Sarkeesian deserved it because she's a liar and a thief, so bad example.

>> No.6649010

I wish you were a girl so we could procreate.

>> No.6650064

this reminds me, whatever happened to that retarded underage bait who used to trip on /cgl/ who "hated bullies" so much, where bully=everyone who didn't agree with her or like her?

/cgl/ really did get massively better when the majority of 2012 trips gtfo'd

>> No.6651183

>What do you think of this, Seagulls?
I think, therefore, I am.

>> No.6651188

>What do you think of this, Seagulls?
they got what they deserved. those were insults, not opinions. i wish every person in the world got what they deserved in the same way for every other things they have said/did in an insulting way.

>> No.6651190

who was that?

>> No.6651201

>think you can't be misogynist because you are a woman.
>call someone a bitch.
>bitch is not a misogynistic word.

that is a misogynistic insult, whatever the context is and the reason you have to say it. call her annoying or pissy cosplayer if you want to, but "bitch" is totally out of place if you just want to avoid that person or tell her to STFU. it's an insult to tear other women down and appart.

>> No.6651203

insults aren't constructive criticism, they are not criticism at all. they mean you have no arguments to despise other's people work. you can tell someone their cosplays are bad if you just point out what are the bad things on their cosplay. it's very simple. once you have actual arguments, you stop insulting.

>> No.6651207

you have an awesome option on DA when you submit any of your art that allows constructive criticism. and I said constructive, destructive insulting shit is actually not allowed by the site. it's an art site, not cgl. it doesn't cease to amaze me the ignorance and mental issues people have on this site.

>> No.6651211
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I think that people should try to be kinder to each other on principle because we're all stock on a huge rock together with no option out aside from space and death, which go hand in hand.

I also think that people should try to grow a tougher skin, because not everyone is nice on this huge rock, and that is how it will always be. It would be great if everyone was nice and never insulted each other or killed each other or whatever, but it doesn't work out that way.

How someone who can't take a petty insult manages to live their day-to-day lives, I will never know. Do these types of people think that if everyone went on a crusade against the things they don't like, we'd ever get shit done? She'll be better off if she realizes that there are other things she could worry about. That's what I think.

>> No.6651219

No it's not, you SJW trash. Bitch has nothing to do with misogyny and I don't care what reasons lead you to believe that. You have no right to dictate the natural development of English language, you wannabe dictator piece of shit.

>> No.6651227


ilu anon and your awesome comment.

>> No.6651232

So then why do people call guys bitches too? And what about dick?

>> No.6651235

Speaking of bullies, anyone remember the anon who kept trying to bitch out racheal and swore up and down that she wasn't handicapped? She commented and harrassed the shit out of her.
Then when a video came out she went quiet.
I guess she either got defriended or deleted all her comments.

>> No.6651403

I swear if I see one more Stop Bullying PSA, I'm gonna snap and start bullying people.

>> No.6651440

Quick! Someone post jkids video!

>> No.6651473

There's a huge difference between getting pissy with someone's opinion and actual bullying. I can see getting offend if the said bully kept on following you around the Internet and making rude comments at any chance they could, at least that shit is annoying. But bullying outside the Internet is more personal. One being that you actually see the person who is bullying you and the feeling of helplessness when you can see their lust for dominance over you in their eyes.

>> No.6651477
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I feel like it's un popular opinion time. But the anti bullying sentiment has lead to some kids that contrary to what it's trying to do, leaves them with little self esteem.

I mean people being dicks sucks, people shouldnt be dicks, but it's not new, and it's not going any where any time soon. If they dont deal with it as kids they are going to deal with it when their older like this girl apparently is.

I also get a big pissed when folks just claim being called names is major bullying when I put it with a different meaning. Names can still hurt you yeah especially if it's related to a very painful situation and the kids are relentless, but it's something your going to have to learn to deal with. Some folks clearly didnt and it's running the word 'bully' into the ground and making a mockery of it, and people are slowly going to take that word less and less seriously. Again case in point.

Also I hate the 'I'm the only one that got bullied in my school, it was all of them against me' mentality. I mean exceptions to every rule but does no one take anything away from those things where they ask you to raise your hand if youve ever been bullied and almost every god damn person raises their hand? You are not unique, every one goes through this to some degree. Like yeah it's harsh that every ones had that thrust upon them but every one also learns to deal with it and not let child hood names dictate their life's.

Sorry rant over, I've been spending too much time on tumblr and seeing a lot of the bullying PSA's on there has been grating my nerves after the 50th one.

>> No.6651495

>kids are relentless

This was my biggest problem in elementary school. They would give the people a slap on the wrist and they would go right back to beating the shit out of me with more vigor since I snitched.

>> No.6651499

at pretty much all of my schools (elementary, middle, high) there was one or two kids everyone picked on more than the others, and people knew who they were. I don't think it's unlikely that some of these weeaboos could have been those kids at their schools.

>> No.6651507

See that is a problem. And your going to find kids that do that and those kids should be properly punished if they are actually physically abusing another kid. And that also really piss's me off when no one is willing to properly chastise a kid for that stuff. It's a double edged sword of the word bully being used at a drop of a hat and not being taken seriously, and some people seeing every thing as bullying.

Good point. But I feel that tends to fall under a type of bullying that goes beyond just basic name calling and like I said to the other poster in those cases it really shouldnt be tolerated. I'm also willing to bet a lot of weeaboos went through more bullying than a lot of other kids just based on the occasional lack of social skills that some could argue came from lack of friends at a younger stage. But it's case by case and no one can really make blanket statements (which is slightly ironic since that's what I did in my first post, sorry I should have narrowed down that I was mostly talking about those "I got called a few names and I'm the only one that did" people)

>> No.6651685

Franz Kafukachan

>> No.6652931

she hangs out on /mu/ these days doesn't she?

>> No.6653655

I find that highly unlikely.

There are no girls on /mu/, since the board is one huge sausage fest for white losers for whom all music is shit unless it's some tryhard metal / shouting.

>> No.6653676

Heard some shit about her. Nothing but an underaged drama whore. Apparently she was going to go to a con I attend, but backed out last minute. Glad she left /cgl/.

>> No.6653683

i sense a highjacking....

>> No.6653805

All i ever see is whiney teenagers/hipsters who listen to shit just as dull and whiney as they are.

>> No.6654254

I hate how the lolita comm is with "bullying"

Like everything you type has to be cupcakes and rainbows, otherwise it's bullying

>> No.6656177

you guys are like the guys who bullied jillan jensen in school, shame on you!!

>> No.6656196

I'll preface this by apologizing: I'm religious, and it shows in this post. Hope I don't sound preachy.

I was bullied for years. In the past year alone I have had my blankets covered in dog hair in hopes of an allergic reaction, I have been sent hate mail calling me crazy and saying nobody could love me because I defriended a girl, and just the other day I woke up to an email telling me that so many lives would be better if I just kill myself. You know how I handle it?

I suck it up because I HAVE to. Because when it comes down to it, I really am a nobody in the sense that the people don't care about what they say to me. There's no maliciousness behind their words; it's a fleeting desire to say something ugly. Once they say it, they go on with their lives and are probably nice people n every way. When you see a bug, you swat it and go on with your life. You're not going to hell for it. Just like you don't go to Hell for calling someone a fat piece of shit once in your life.

You know who WILL go to Hell? Me, if I let others' words bother me. If I use my inner hurt to become bitter and cruel towards people I perceive as above me, I am a consistently bad person. If I kill myself, then I go to hell. Nobody who ever called me crazy, or fat, or told me to kill myself will be punished in the least. I doubt they even remember what they said a year from now. And that's ok. If a person said one insult in their whole life, and it just happened to push me to suicide, I wouldn't want them to go to Hell because I chose how to react to that insult.

tldr; The majority of individual persons who bullies you, especially online, will go to heaven because it was a singular lapse of judgement on their part. If you take the combined insults of 100 people and it creates a bitter fuck out of you, you will go to Hell. So really, suck it up. My life sucks, but at least I can make sure my afterlife doesn't.

>> No.6656199

My religion says the opposite and happens to be the absolute truth. Enjoy hell.

>> No.6656208



Enjoy having your entire life dictated by fairy tales and the fear of being tortured for all eternity

>> No.6656211


I'm you're a troll, but it did remind me to say I totally can be wrong. These are just MY beliefs. I just feel like rolling with the punches is more moral than becoming a bully yourself for the sake of exposing "real" bullies.

>> No.6656272

>Nobody who ever called me crazy, or fat, or told me to kill myself will be punished in the least.
"Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear."
Unless you're Jewish or something.

>> No.6656297

>mfw i regularly tell people to kill themselves online
>mfw im generally a cunt online

It's not bullying. Bullying is personal. Bullys hate you for you, and will harass you repeatedly.

If you post some retarded shit somewhere I read, i'll call you a dumb cunt. That's not bullying, it's offensive, immature and deconstructive, but it's not bullying. Because I likely haven't even read the name of your account, I don't know you or give a shit about who you are.

That is the difference between bullying and just being a dick. People need to understand that line.

>> No.6656322

Dude, stop telling people to kill themselves. Call out idiots for their behavior but don't go that extra mile to go from right but still a dick to just being a complete and utter douche. You may not mean it but saying that to someone really does affect them.

>> No.6656407

>tl;dr trying to justify my shitty attitude and acts towards others

>> No.6660835
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I'll just leave this here...

>> No.6661214

I feel like you're probably hideous, miserable, and have no friends. Just sayin'.

>> No.6661222

Maybe it's just my perspective, but making someone for being fat is one thing; telling them to kill themselves is crossing a line. Just a really grave, hurtful insult.

>> No.6663759
File: 94 KB, 306x243, 1344301093925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this whole anti-bullying front because most of the people who complain about bullying in the cosplay/con scene are just dicks who are getting what's coming to them. Every time I see someone loudly complain about bullies they're always the kind that act like selfish assholes themselves and think they're entitled to it because they have the worst case of victim complex/snowflake syndrome. Wahhh, I was bullied in middle school so I have the right to take it out on everyone for the rest of my life! Everyone who gives me shit for being a rude dick is a bully and should be called out for it! I just went and excessively harassed people until they lost their shit but they're all just bullies, feel sorry for meee!

>> No.6663948
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Some crossover/Dissidia here. looks like Zidane is totally hitting on Terra XD

>> No.6663970
File: 17 KB, 498x320, whhhhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that is some of the dumbest shit i have ever heard.

fucking christians, I swear

>> No.6664008

>does no one take anything away from those things where they ask you to raise your hand if youve ever been bullied and almost every god damn person raises their hand?

They did that at my school. All the kids that I know were never bullied but went out of their way to make my life hell put their hands up just to get sympathy.
I didn't put my hand up.

>> No.6664015

Ouch. I did always think like half the people who raise their hand lied about those.

>> No.6664020

Or, it could go to show you that you don't know everything about them. I bullied the fuck out of other kids at school. No one ever bothered me there, but I did go home and get the shit kicked out of me by my family.

You never know the whole story.

>> No.6664031
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This I understand. There is a difference between bullying and just being rude.
If someone says something offensive about me, the first thing I do is look at myself to see if what they say is true.
I only have one person causing shit in my life, I haven't spoken to them in two years but they have a proven track record of vendettas and unable to get over things. I know this isn't bullying (compared to what I went through in school - this is a cake walk) it's just people passing judgement, flawed or otherwise.

However there are people in this community who claim being bullied and I look at their issues and think "Nooooo" or "You lie, cheated and abused people what did you think was going to happen?"
They are worse because they call their "buddies" in to start drama or flame wars or really exceptionally bad white knighting. Or they think they are good at manipulation or actually believe their own lies.

Yes they totally deserve what is coming at them.

>> No.6664035

If you bullied other kids the way these kids bullied me then you deserved to have the shit kicked out of you by an adult.
Honestly, people like that don't deserve to live.

>> No.6664067

Some people get the shit kicked out of them, get angry and decide to be the aggressor. Some kids get bullied, shut down and get bullied even more. That's life, kiddo.

Cycles of abuse happen, and you're retarded if you think passive aspies are the only ones deserving of a little sympathy.

>> No.6664698

So, in summary, this thread offers

*A bunch of crybabies who got "Assholes" and "Bullies" mixed up

*Too many soft crybabies

*Internet tough guys who claim to be bullies


>> No.6665538

I agree with you - bullying is a good part of life as long as it's boys being bullied.

>> No.6666987

as an adult, I think less of what people think and more about what kind of effects do people have. Like, when all your life, people mock you and tell you to "deal with it", how long you think someone is going to snap? and i'm not saying throwing a shitfit, but the real deal shit like what happened in Columbine. Like, how long till these alpha male attitudes, the over-exposure of the culture and this clique mentality breaks someone and we have somesort of massacre at a con?

>> No.6667000

That kind of bullying is SO FAR from mainstream con culture. In general nerds are tolerant to the point of accepting endless bullshit and abuse. Most nerd-on-nerd "bullying" is more like what

>> No.6667016

but it still is a very real thing and a very scary thing too. I mean, yeah, it's all in good fun and different people have different ways to have fun, but alot of what I see, especially here, everyone is just rude and being like "IDGAF" and don't apologize or anything.

And before people say "Anonymous never forgives", yeah, but whats stopping all the namefags and shit being idiots at a con and you don't like and you've had to tolerate that kind of attitude for so long before you just want to end it once and for all?

>> No.6667028

Okay, so there's a much longer post I could write, but instead I'll go with: The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

i.e. don't take internet tough guys so seriously, none of them pull this shit in real life.

>> No.6667070

Didn't your parents ever tell you, sticks and stones?

>> No.6669030 [DELETED] 

So I skimmed the thread and didn't see anything about this yet, and I haven't seen a thread about it either. What the fuck is up with this Honey hate page? I don't know who the person even is, I'd never heard of her before.

I know this kind of shitposting exists but I guess I'm pretty sheltered as far as online bullying goes. I'm not a fan of all cosplayers by any means, and I even think some of them are shitty, but I really cannot fathom who has the energy to even do this or hate someone that much.

>> No.6669165

No, they told me bullies don't exist. They are actually friendships waiting to happen.

Thanks a fucking lot, lousy traumatic childhood.