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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6663273 No.6663273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's a con next weekend and it looks like my period will be landing on Friday.
Normally I wouldn't care as much because this kinda happens all the time for me, but this time I'm wearing a white bathing suit with my cosplay.
As gross as they are, I normally wear pads because tampons tend to her for me (I have them in right and all. I dunno).
Do you guys have any good advice on what I should do? I was thinking of just wearing a tampon and a thin pantyliner, but if there are any suggestions on how to get around that, they'd be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6663279

Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. I'd shelve the bikini for another con.

>> No.6663287

Go with a heavier tampon then normal, it should prevent leaking, especially if you leak normally. And yes, a pantyliner / thin pad. Just clean up entirely before putting the costume on and it should be alright.

>> No.6663289

yup. sorry bro, mother nature fucked you over this weekend.

>> No.6663293

Oh god this sounds like a con horror story just waiting to happen.

tampon and light pantiliner are probably your only option.
Make sure youre checking for leaks and checking often and you SHOULD be fine.

Not sure what to tell you about tampons hurting, they really shouldn't hurt if you're putting them in correctly. Are you pushing them in as far as you should? If I don't have it pushed all the way up it causes discomfort and starts to hurt, like i'm aware of the tampon the whole time and it sucks.

>> No.6663309

Okay, so I'm just going to say I think the pros and cons here are a bit severe. If you do it, the best thing that could happen is you get to wear your cosplay and you look stunning etc. The worst thing that could happen is you have a period-stained picture show up on the internet and become absolutely infamous.

If you don't do it, you'll have to wait until the next con, which sucks, but there is 0% chance of you being known as "the girl who perioded in her costume."

>> No.6663318
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Also check for this not to happen.

>> No.6663325

;_; what a sad story

>> No.6663327

Is there any item you could bring with you to cover up in case of an emergency that would fit with the cosplay? Like, a pair of shorts in a bag in case an accident does happen?

And honestly, OP, especially with a white bikini, I would be thinking if, not when, an accident happens.

>> No.6663330

Get those small tampons, I think o.b. makes some, and change it every three or four hours. Is your hymen intact, by any chance? I had difficulty inserting and removing tampons until mine broke.

>> No.6663338

Get a heavier tampon than normal and some pantyliners. Be prepared to be going to the bathroom every 2~3 hours to check/and our change.

If your tampon hurts when it's going in you're inserting it incorrectly and it's probably sitting it at the entrance of your vagina (which is not where it's supposed to be). I'd practice a little more, but try inserting the tampon with it pointed towards your belly button. It's supposed to sit deep within the vagina.

>> No.6663344

What are you cosplaying as? Is there any alterations you could do, such as wearing shorts or a sarong to cover up your lower half a bit more?

>> No.6663340

All of the above, change tampons often and use panty liners. Also try for a nude thong or something underneath that would help keep things in place and hidden. Maybe incorporate a wrap over the costume as well, something canon that you can use to shield yourself in case of accidents, like a pool donut or towel. Have someone around to keep an eye on things and if you reallllyy can't cancel (in a group etc.) try to move it to a lighter flow day or something.

>> No.6663342

I agree about O.B. Apparently if you insert one properly, it will never leak. My mother and sister swear by them.

>I had difficulty inserting and removing tampons until mine broke.
Probably tmi, but I've always had problems with tampons, even after my hymen broke. But I have a small vagina, which probably isn't your problem, OP.

>> No.6663345 [DELETED] 

Ok so as far as tampons go, I recommend Playtex Pport tampons they are great.
Im a dancer, and when I have to dance in costume they never let me down, but I would wear a pantyliner too just in case. also they are pretty small, so they are easy to get in, and comfortable to wear

another thing you might want to consider is Parsley Tea, if your period is ever late, or you want it to come a few days early it will make it come, its worked for me tons of times and its natural and safe, only downside is that it makes your period really heavy, so in your situation, id say you probably shouldn't go the Parsley Tea route, but its a good thing to know about incase you want to bump your period back a few days every month so it wond be on your wedding day or some other important date
you wont be able to get it to come a whole week early, the earliest ive ever gotten it to come is 3 days.

>> No.6663351

Ok so as far as tampons go, I recommend Playtex Sport tampons they are great.
Im a dancer, and when I have to dance in costume they never let me down, but I would wear a pantyliner too just in case. also they are pretty small, so they are easy to get in, and comfortable to wear

another thing you might want to consider is Parsley Tea, if your period is ever late, or you want it to come a few days early it will make it come, its worked for me tons of times and its natural and safe, only downside is that it makes your period really heavy, so in your situation, id say you probably shouldn't go the Parsley Tea route, but its a good thing to know about in case you want to bump your period back a few days every month so it wont be on your wedding day or some other important date.
You wont be able to get it to come a whole week early, the earliest ive ever gotten it to come is 3 days.

>> No.6663368

Girls, the hymen doesn't really exist like you are describing. Sorry to be off topic.


>> No.6663371

>Parsley Tea
I thought people used that to force miscarriages. I wouldn't have thought to use it to induce a period otherwise. It seems...unpleasant.

>> No.6663374

I'm fully aware of that, but thanks for the videos. I hope they are useful for others!

>> No.6663472


I hear people try to use it to cause miscarriages too, but form the research I did it dosnt work and ends up just hurting your baby, so instead of a miscarriage you just end up with a mongoloid baby

Parsley Tea is good for lots of stuff, its supposed to help women during menopause too

>> No.6663476 [DELETED] 
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I'm aware of this but if OP has a hymen like mine, it would cause problems. I had to "break" mine by taking scissors and cutting through the middle strand, which was not a thin, elastic membrane. See the example on the left.

>> No.6663477


Get pregnant. No period.

>> No.6663483
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>I had to "break" mine by taking scissors and cutting through the middle strand, which was not a thin, elastic membrane.

>> No.6663506

Also, OP in regards to tampons being uncomfortable, in my personal experience plastic tampon applicators are useless, I just push the tampon up with my finger, then when it touches a wall I stop. For it to be comfortable you have to make sure its all the way up there

also its possibility you could have a Tilted Uterus
so you might need to angle the tampon a cretin way, like to the side, or more to the back or front.

>> No.6663512

Definitely could be this. I didn't know why tampons hurt me, then I went in for a pap and the lady told me my uterus is tilted. Just have to angle mine and now it doesn't hurt at all.

>> No.6663514
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>I had to "break" mine by taking scissors and cutting through the middle strand, which was not a thin, elastic membrane.

>> No.6663519

Please stop, or our autistic janitor is going to delete the entire thread.

And yes, you are fucking retarded, you should have gone to see a gyno and they would have fixed it without you shoving disgusting scissors in your cooch.

>> No.6663525

Vaginas are scary, huh?

I did. They were going to charge me $500 dollars to do the same thing. What is basic sanitation and aftercare?

Since you're all pussies, I'll save your innocent eyes and delete my scary post.

>> No.6663526

Ooooh, now you're trying to play the tough bitch after being called out on your stupidity.

>> No.6663528

OB are my absolute favorite. I have endometriosis and so I bleed profusely for the first 2 days but OB's work like magic. Plus they're tiny and comfortable.

>> No.6663530

>What is basic sanitation and aftercare?
Yeah, I'm sure a bitch that's too cheap to have a gyno deal with her hymen had an autoclave lying around to sanitize those scissors.

>> No.6663531

They described what would be done and I did the same thing, minus the local anesthesia. I was young and my parents didn't want me to have it done, so I took matters in to my own hands. Why don't we both fuck off and let the OP have their thread back instead of arguing like a bunch of PMSing cunts in high school?

>> No.6663533

No one is even arguing. We're just calling you stupid.

>> No.6663535

And gross! She's stupid AND gross.

>> No.6663536
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I was 14 so maybe it was a stupid idea but I'm not the only person to have done it. Better to use new hair shears boiled in water and wiped down with alcohol that nail clippers like other people suggested. Carry on if it makes you feel better.

>> No.6663540
File: 16 KB, 320x240, bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are all stupid.
You seriously think breaking a part of a hymen with scissors is more disgusting and dangerous than having it broken by some guys dick?

I'm pretty sure PENISES are more dirty than hair shears that have been boiled and wiped down with alcohol.

>> No.6663542

That is the most disgusting thing I've ever read on the internet. Please use a trip so I can protect my mental safety be filtering those kind of posts.

>> No.6663553

Nice samefagging. You're still stupid.

>> No.6663555

I really wish Masa were here so he could flood the board with nasty /b/ shit like he did when people were saying /cgl/ was /b/ for girls. If that's the most disgusting thing, you must have just discovered the internet.

>PENISES are more dirty

While this is true, sage if you're gonna join the fray.

>> No.6663562

>not using a condom
you are already gross

also there's a difference between hymens that need surgery and hymens that don't, in terms of the wound created; that chick didn't have a normal hymen which was why she needed to do this in the first place

>> No.6663564
File: 39 KB, 520x524, 1361604186767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this board has some nasty shit, but I'm glad we /fit/izens are on the top and better than anyone

>> No.6663569
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You were saying?

>> No.6663577
File: 729 KB, 150x150, 1355699480576248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what that is, but I sure know that you are well familiar with sticking scissors into your old hag.
Now excuse me being athletic as fuck, pure and clean.

>> No.6663581

>claims to be from /fit/
>doesn't know about brotein farts

>> No.6663586

>don't know what protein farts are
>im ripped tho lol
/dyel/ pls go

>> No.6663587

He's probably just shy around all these girls.

>> No.6663590

Poor little guy.

>> No.6663591

(Ignoring the self-surgery posts)

OP, I know what you mean about tampons hurting. It used to be painful for me to get them in, and when I finally did I could feel them in me for several hours. I just figured I had a small vagina or tilted uterus or something. But then I tried one of those menstrual cups, and even though they are bigger, they didn't hurt one bit. Once I got it in I couldn't even feel it any more.
You might want to try one out. But they do have a little bit of a learning curve with regard to getting them at such an angle that they don't leak.

>> No.6663597
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>> No.6663630

Good idea for the future, but she probably doesn't want anything with a learning curve for a white swimsuit at a con.

>> No.6663662 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6663687 [DELETED] 


>> No.6663691

You know OP, you're probably going to be paranoid as fuck during the whole day, plus if it does bleed through, it doesn't always come out completely.

You'd be better just dodging the risk and wearing something else.

>> No.6663698
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>reporting your reports

>> No.6663722

>reporting my report of my reports

>> No.6663986

OP, GET A DIVA CUP. I'm not shitting you, that thing is a million times better than any tampon and as long as you're changing it a bit more often during your heaviest flow points, you will NOT leak.

>> No.6664004

i skipped through all of the scissor vagina posts so sorry if i'm being redundant

Honestly if it were me, I'd just shelve the cosplay and not risk it. If you've got a moderate flow, go with the tampon, but also maybe use a thin liner and trim off the bits that extend outside?

>> No.6664157

Not OP but seriously considering getting one of those. Anyone else have thoughts/experiences with them?

>> No.6664245

....get off 4chan asking this or I am coming to your house and burning all your akb48 merchandise

>> No.6664262

Don't wear a pad or tampon and bring us back a horror story.

>> No.6664269

how big is the diva cup?

>> No.6664303

Wearing underwear under the swimsuit is a good idea actually. Tampon + liner + thin underwear + change every 2-3 hours you should be okay. Try eating healthier and exercising before your period comes. Could help lighten it a bit.

>> No.6664446

The divacup is fucking great. It only leaks sometimes but not enough to really care at all. They're so clean and you can carry them anywhere because they're about an inch wide and circular but they'll compact if you need them to.(silicone). As long as you learn how to put it in right, you'll be perfect. Some people are even convinced that they lower the pain of cramps.
They offer them in two sizes, pre and pos pregnancy.

>> No.6664452

Do I still use the pre one if I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina?

>> No.6665059
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>> No.6665121

No....its a genuine thread.

>> No.6665224

It WAS a genuine thread. Now it seems to have devolved into women relating tales about shoving rusty gardening shears up their kooz.

>> No.6665226

I think that wrapped up a while ago, although admittedly OP hasn't responded (possibly at all?) so it's hard to know what more to say that would be helpful

>> No.6665239

OP, I'd say don't risk it. A lot of people here are saying yes and to just change it often, but let's face it, will you be ABLE to go to the bathroom often? You're probably going to have a lot of people stopping you and asking for photos and you're going to get distracted. Not to mention you'll be stressed the entire day wondering if you're leaking.

>> No.6665279

Get a Mirena. No more disgusting periods, no money wasted on tampons. Winning.

>> No.6665334

Try Playtex sport. They hold up well to leaks as long as they're changed frequently, and they're about as comfortable as tampons can get. They're the only ones that don't cause me pain.

And yes, I inserted all the other ones properly.

>> No.6665388
File: 123 KB, 550x550, 1361409654569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a small vagina, which probably isn't your problem, OP.

not OP but fuck that made me lol

captcha: thou awfulty

>> No.6665417

For next time get on birth control pills so you can control when you get your period.

>> No.6665438

You're wearing a bikini cosplay in the middle of winter?

Oh, wait hold on. Its March isnt it. Ignore us freezing British people.

>> No.6665451

No, East coast USA here
It's freezing with small drifts of snow here
maybe OP thinks it will get warmer in a moth or so?

>> No.6665471

Well I hope for their sake it gets warmer quick or they live in hotter climes, because while im all for a little extra skin on show, I'd rather not have a cosplayer get hypothermia just for my viewing pleasure!

>> No.6665478

> more disgusting periods.

Lucky. Mine has made my periods worse. First one I had after it was fitted lasted 2 months, and now they last about two - three weeks.

>> No.6665479

> *no more disgusting periods

>> No.6665484

How about those things one can take and BAM no more period that month. I took them when I had a holiday and wanted to swim. I have no idea how they are called, but you can eitehr inject or its a small amount of liquid, like half a teaspoon. Those you can inject work faster and are more efficient, I did at about 10 pm and on 8 am no more period desu desu. And i dunno of any side effects. Apparently a lot of peeople dont know about these magic thingies.

>> No.6665532

That does not always work. Tried that, still had my period during con.

>> No.6665720

the only thing I can think of that you might be talking about is the Depo-Provera birth control shot,
And those have horrible side effects
pretty much you get one and then you are horribly fat and bloated for like a year until your period comes back
can cause loss of fertility, Brest cancer, bone loss, depression

>> No.6665773

I would suggest not doing that. It was great for the first three months. Then I gained ten pounds in the next three and had horrible depression which I have never had a problem with in my entire life. Not to mention I had spotting the entire time. Yeah not going back for another shot.

>> No.6665965

nope. me and 3 friends got it only once, like ONCE and no side effect on neither of us 3 years after. Idk if those are the ones, i dont recall then being birth control.

>> No.6666026

Seconding the menstrual cup. I forget that I have periods now that I use one. If you take a day or two before the con and try it out, you should be fine for the weekend. It's better than pads or tampons because you only have to empty it once a day. If you get on a schedule you won't have to mess with it at all in public bathrooms.

>> No.6666963

I wear a cup, and on heavy days I have to empty it like 4 to 5 times a day.

>> No.6666989

That sounds fucking awful sis.

>> No.6667812

Have you tried the larger size? I know it's recommended for heavier flows but I suppose it might be too big.

>> No.6667845

Jesus that sounds horrible. I've had one of these for almost a year, and not had any bleeding whatsoever in that time. Assuming I don't want children in the future and hit menopause around 40 based on genetics, I will have saved approximately $4000 dollars that would be wasted on sanitary products over a lifetime. So I'd say it's worth at least giving it a try.

>> No.6668074

$500 for a broken hymen? SHIT I got lucky. My gyno broke it for me for free during a pap, lol

>> No.6668080

My friend got a Pap smear and it didn't break her hymen, did your doctor purposely do it?

>> No.6670095

I don't have a Diva Cup, but I have two size 1 Lunette cups and I love them! I only use a liner occasionally to catch any residual blood that might be left outside of the cup from emptying. I haven't had to buy tampons in like three years! Totally worth the price.

>> No.6670108
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>> No.6671986

fail, pap smears don't need to be done unless you've had sex


>> No.6672007

You are so stupid it is incredible you are allowed access to a computer. Everyone 21 and over is recommended to get a Pap smear REGUARDLESS of their sexual activity level.
You can get ovarian/cervical cancer while being a virgin, and there are smaller sized speculums for Virgins that won't tear your hymen.

>> No.6672011


>> No.6672025

It depends on the country. In the UK it's 25 or when you start having sex, whichever comes first.

>> No.6672091

Unless you bleed VERY heavily on your first couple days, a normal sized or a super tampon should work just fine. I have to go with pads because it's always as if someone stabbed the bejeezus out of me. If you're really that worried, wait until the second day of your period to do this cosplay. Also, baby wipes. Lots of them. Check your inner thighs and your behind a lot just in case.

>> No.6672103

Also, OP if you're still here, if you want your period to come a little early, I heard that drinking parsley tea works really well. I tried it before (as gross as it was because it was so concentrated) but it worked (also assuming you're not pregnant lol). Basically visit any grocery store and buy fresh parsley in the produce section, take a handful of it and place it in a cup or mug and just pour boiling water over it. Let it steep for awhile then drink away. I had about 3 cups a day for a few days.

>> No.6672111

YES YES YES! They are a lifesaver, and way more comfortable than tampons, plus you can leave them in for up to 12 hours with no risk. I have pretty heavy days in the middle of my cycle and the cup is perfect. No leaks, comfortable, hygienic, and environmentally friendly.

>> No.6672122

Thank you. People keep referring to it in this thread, and it is making me cringe. The hymen as you have been told is a myth! Please do some reading and stop perpetuating an outdated and potentially harmful view of female genitalia.

>> No.6672138

I've been curious about the cup for a while- is it difficult to put in/take out? I have a hard time putting tampons in (only a certain kind will not allow me to feel them).

>> No.6672146

25 in England, 20 in Wales, so no not all of the UK.