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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 202x199, afro loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6662322 No.6662322 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an African American lolita and wear my hair naturally (no perm) outside of loli. I thought that wearing it naturally while in loli was tacky and that due to the texture of my hair, a wig was required. But then I saw this. I think that this is ridiculously cute and that it really works with lolita. It's nice and neat and looks clean. Is it just me? What do you girls think?

Also unorthodox lolita general, I guess.

>> No.6662326

i think it looks cute in the thumbnail, but i think i'd like to see a picture of the whole coord before i made my decision.

played correctly, though, natural hair can look great on any lolita. honestly i think it's just a bunch of stuck up assholes who want to make everything more difficult for everyone when they emphasize wigs as a nessecity.

>> No.6662328

I think big natural 'fros look gorgeous with big hair accessories. If you look in the GLBs there's a number of hairstyles with afro pigtails and fairly big hair, which I also think are really cute.

>> No.6662330

fucking cute

>> No.6662332

I've tried to find pics of her entire coord. Unfortunately, I can only find the headshot. I'll keep looking, though.

Hmm, I've never seen those. Most of the coords I see are with long, flowing hair. Thanks, anon. I'll have to see if I can find some.

>> No.6662334

Sounds like a great reason to incorporate 60's and 70's styles into lolita fashion.

>> No.6662336

basically this, i'm pretty sure i've seen brands' models have afro-esque wigs on
poofy hair balances out a poofy skirt

>> No.6662337

When I was a girl I was crazy jealous of black girls with poofy fro buns. I'd love to see coords and loli hairstyles with the natural.

>> No.6662338
File: 25 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7tr8dLGne1qiik3qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another picture I found.

>> No.6662352

I don't think a full fro works with sweet, especially with a bow/anything in it.

Big poofy hair ball/bun things is a whole other story.

I feel afro's would look nice with classic

>> No.6662356

Well, we have that "housewife" lolita stuff

This is true.

I've found her blog here: http://kawaii-afro-fluff.tumblr.com/
Creeping through it to see if she posts anything other than headshots.

>> No.6662357

I mean, it's like any other hairstyle. If it's well-maintained and you know how to coord it with proper hair accessories, go for it.

Personally I think it's fucking kawaii.

Lawd yes. No idea how this would work but it sounds fabulous.

>> No.6662361

>Well, we have that "housewife" lolita stuff
I think they meant more like blaxploitation/discofabulous?

>> No.6662364

Huh. I can't really picture that. I'll have to search for coords.

I think I'm gonna go for it. There are some days like in the summer where a wig just isn't going to happen.

>> No.6662368

The afro with classic
or whatever people call the afro buns that black girls can achieve(I've seen those big 'cotton candy like' wigs, kind of like those)

>> No.6662369

Here's another afro.
I'd appreciate it if she put on some shoes, but other than that, the coord is ok.

>> No.6662373
File: 23 KB, 500x667, afro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp, forgot the picture

>> No.6662412

the bow is so distracting
I think her fro is a bit too big for her

>> No.6662415
File: 491 KB, 500x289, 1360288226722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inside a house
>you want her to wear shoes

>> No.6662416

Now THAT looks like shit. The other chick posted in this thread looks fantastic, though.

>> No.6662422

If you're taking a photo to show your coord, you should show the whole coord.

>> No.6662423

I like it and she looks great. If your fro looks anything like this then do it.

>> No.6662439

Its adorbs as fuck man!
But I really like it when black girls know how to rock natural hair, so take that as you will.

>> No.6662456

Why do you think it looks like shit, exactly?
It just feels really weird if you're going to go through the trouble to get all dolled up, and then you don't do something as simple as put shoes on...

I wear my hair naturally, but I haven't got a fro. I do Bantu knots at night, then take them out for a springy/curly look. I've been trying to do an afro, though.

>> No.6662457

Yeah, I agree.

>> No.6662459
File: 179 KB, 500x500, 1356804046790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's to say it's not her friend taking an impromptu photo in her house?
do you guys really wear shoes inside your homes? that's so weird.

>> No.6662462

No one said anything about wearing shoes in their homes, stop trying to make this that thread.

>who's to say it's not her friend taking an impromptu photo in her house?
Nigga please

>> No.6662467
File: 194 KB, 531x394, 1357827656228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are complaining that she's not wearing shoes
to which i say, of course, she's inside a house, why would she have shoes on?

i dont get it, but let's agree to drop it so everyone can talk about afros

>> No.6662504

I adore afros, they're definitely the cutest hair style for black girls IMO. You can always look into how black victorian women did their hair for inspiration.

>> No.6662509
File: 147 KB, 360x491, 51a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, for example.

>> No.6662520

I love her hair.

>> No.6662567

Huh. More Rococo looking than loli, but she still looks awesome.

>> No.6662580

lol that's because it is

>> No.6662583


I don't think that means what you think it does.

>> No.6662586

If you're a black lolita just wear whatever you want because you'll always look fucking stupid since you're wearing a fashion style that doesn't suit you.

>> No.6662825

Wow. This thread has surprisingly little dumb "hurr all black gurls are ugly and bad at lolita" shit and no /pol/-tier arguments at all. I'm proud of you, seagulls.

>> No.6662836

Well, there is >>6662586 but I'm hoping everyone will ignore it.

>> No.6662843
File: 69 KB, 480x640, tumblr_l4qmlczBil1qa20ryo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afros were popular a little while ago.

>> No.6662851

I want to wear an afro wig with lolita but I think it would look silly on me as I'm asian. I think 'fros look so cute though!

>> No.6662878

It's basically like any other hair: if it's nice, thick and well maintained you can rock it.

>> No.6662883

hi hello yes this so hard

>> No.6662884

Honestly afros look soooo much better on black Lolita's that Gothic lolita wigs. It just looks like a costume :(

>> No.6662887

I think bigger longer afros look better with lolita. The shorter tighter afros just look weird to me.

>> No.6663179

brotip: gothic lolita wigs look like a costume on any race

>> No.6664012

well its a photo from the victorian era sooo....

>> No.6664123
File: 27 KB, 485x392, asian-afro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that asians can look god with well-maintained afros. For example, she looks pretty cute.

>> No.6664133

I love afros. The girl in the OP image has one that's a good size, too. >>6662373 is way too big. Smaller afros are very cute.

>> No.6664138

Are we still pretending black people don't look retarded in lolita?

>> No.6664143
File: 137 KB, 586x592, ALFEE_-_Toori_Ame_EP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a lot of asians have naturally curly/afro-qualifiable hair? I feel like it's something that doesn't occur very often, or at least I haven't seen much.

>> No.6664159

>black girls
>natural hair texture with lolita
You're doing the lords work OP
>tfw you have dreadlocks and the only lolita hair inspiration is that AWFUL ITA from the black lolita facebook
Fuck everything

>> No.6664168

>dat military-esq jacket

>> No.6664170
File: 22 KB, 500x346, tumblr_inline_mib06lvnaj1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you
black loli here

>> No.6664179

>responding to trolls with homeshit from tumblr
Nigga I hope this is a joke

>> No.6664191

Does anyone have the picture of the black girl who made her natural hair into a bouffant? That was so cute.

>> No.6664203

>Complain about niggers.
>Brings all them to the thread.

>> No.6664204
File: 119 KB, 500x628, 1360043065271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664224

Honestly afros really don't go all that well with lolita. There are a few local lolis that wear their hair naturally and it just looks like a giant trainwreck.
From the neck up they look pretty cute but, as a whole it looks weird.
Maybe if you styled the whole outfit to be more 1950's it might look cute though.
However I think most black lolitas looks cuter with straight/wavy hair.

>> No.6664234


I don't know where you guys live but typically here in this part of the US you don't take your shoes off in another person's home. If it's your own home it's okay, but in someone else's home you keep them on unless you're staying there for an extended period of time.
I don't know why we do it we just do it.

>> No.6664242

>*don't* take shoes off when you come into someones house
what part of the us do you live in? In the midwest that word is law

>> No.6664257


Deep south. Specifically redneck Georgia.
I think the reason why we don't take them off is because a pretty large chunk of the southern population lives in trailer homes. And if you have ever been in a trailer home you don't want to take of your shoes. Those racthet ass carpets will dirty up your socks in minutes.

>> No.6664266

Nope, I'm a rich New Englander and we don't take off our shoes either.

>> No.6664267

Removing shoes in houses is pretty common in parts of Socal, too. Might just be where I live since we have a pretty large mixed-bag Asian population.

>> No.6664277


I think thats just due to stigma. I visited the home of a rich friend of mine and her and her family keep theres on. I asked them why they do that since they have pristine white floors and her dad told me it's because he lived in a trailer for most of his life till he made it big.
Since its such a common thing for commoners to do the rich must have caught on.

Or maybe its just an east coast thing. I'm not sure really. Someone needs to do a research paper on this shit.

>> No.6664278

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems more common among people who can trace their heritage in hot environments. I especially see this sort of thing among bi/multi-racial people of black and South, Southeast-Asian or Pacific Islander decent; my younger cousins have a Laotian mother and a dad who is half black and Caucasian, so their hair tends to be thick, curly, and has a tendency to get brittle over time (I saw the same thing for a lady I knew who was half German and half Thai). I imagine if the youngest had his hair grown out, it would be a full on fro. My mom and her sisters, and my brother have naturally wavy hair and I think occurs from the Vietnamese side of the family. Unfortunately, I have my dad's straight hair (and pale skin), and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I can trace my roots to the Northern Asian countries from my dad's side.

>> No.6664294

im pacific islander and my grandparents wore shoes in the house. i think its mostly common for anyone who just don't want to dirty their floors with outdoor shoes, and some people just don't notice how many germs and bacteria are on the ground.

>> No.6664299
File: 75 KB, 400x315, 1298274253554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... no. It's really not about trailers. No one (or at least not many people) I know has ever lived in a trailer.

I don't know, to me it seems an asinine cultural novelty like saying "pop" or "soda." I really don't understand why people get so worked up over it.

>> No.6664311
File: 33 KB, 120x120, T270xGXataXXXXXXXX_!!770417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in the midwest as well and everyone removes their shoes in a household
i understand me doing it because my mother's japanese, but that wouldn't explain why white people do it too

i've lived in florida, new york, and washington and everyone i knew also removed their shoes. i'm weirded out that this isnt a common thing now.

>> No.6664313

I live in New England and take my shoes off while in the house. If it's during a cold season I'll wear socks and slippers.

>> No.6664317

I live in New York and I have literally never met anyone that did this, other than one weeaboo who thought it was kawaii and Japanese.

>> No.6664326

I live in Illinois and EVERYONE does this, I've never met a person who doesn't take their shoes off around here. But I remember going to my mom's best friend's beachhouse somewhere on the East Coast, and it was really weird to me because I remember we were supposed to keep our shoes on.
What do you do when you go to bed? Put them next to it? I don't understand...

>> No.6664328

I'm from the south (born in TN, moved to AL a few years ago), and, really, it varies. My house, we'll wear our shoes into our rooms, and then take them off, and put on slippers, while my aunt, who still lives in TN, has her family take hers off as soon as they enter the door. Then I have one friend from Texas that now lives in Georgia, and her family will keep their shoes on all day in the house. I've not met many people that keep theirs on once they enter their house, though; it just seems uncomfortable to walk in shoes all day in the comfort of your own home.

>> No.6664330

I laughed at this because I literally have three pairs of shoes next to my bed right now (I'm a slob, don't take me for all New Yorkers).

I usually put them in a shoe rack when I'm settled in and home for the night.

>> No.6664354
File: 941 KB, 576x324, 1355710223576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i admit at the dorms there were kids who didn't care, but at actual households/apartments people took off their shoes...
>that feel when i turned afro thread into "do you take off your shoes in the house" thread

>> No.6664365

probably for the best, the black loli/black hair threads tend to attract trolls anyway

>> No.6664370

I know that /pol/ack feel now

>No one said anything about wearing shoes in their homes, stop trying to make this that thread.
I tried to stop it

Seriously fuck you, these threads are shit

>> No.6664374

I'm not talking about dorms, at no "actual household" have I seen someone demand people take off their shoes other than one weeaboo. Even in the Hamptons some twats will make you do that, but 1. everyone considers it douchey, and 2. they call it "Japanese style," because it's weird.

>> No.6664379

>osamu tezuka
It happens in 2% of japanese people. It's a recessive allele, like red hair, so afroed people get the ginger treatment there. Its also a common alternative 'punk' hair style there.

>> No.6664403
File: 55 KB, 704x396, 1356214863998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you just live around poor people who don't care if their dilapidated houses gets dirty

>> No.6664405

>poor people

>> No.6664411

Dude, taking off your shoes at the entrance seems to be common courtesy. Like for example, coming into the house with boots after it snowed outside. Would you take them off? Common thought, but it's drilled more into any Asian household.

That girl should have taken a pic with her shoes though to complete her coord.

>> No.6664414

I live in the midwest and we always take our shoes off unless it's like just coming in for a moment and talking and then leaving again.
I dunno, that just seems to make sense- why have my shoes and track dirt and whatever onto the floors/carpet? It's ok on linoleum and such when I'm getting ready to get out but coming back inside or someone else's house, we take them off.

>> No.6664434

If there's snow, mud, or rain, that's different, and you'd be expected to take them off. On a normal day, no, it's not common courtesy everywhere, manners vary.

>> No.6664442

That's why you have a doormat. If you're visibly tracking shit in, you take them off. If not, why is is it such a big deal?
You didn't change your socks ten feet away from the door or when you went into the bathroom, so you're still tracking germs around.

>> No.6664614

i have an Asian guy friend who has a real natural Fro. very tight curly fro like African Americans. It's a rare occurrence and probably genetic miracle but it does happen.

>> No.6664627
File: 100 KB, 708x480, 1360656575985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hideaki Anno looks like he could have fro potential if he grew it out.

>> No.6664640

Yeah a little. Is it permed? Though judging by his beard it looks like the guy has natural curly hair

>> No.6664654

>Is it permed?
Haha, I strongly doubt it.

>> No.6664828
File: 70 KB, 500x370, news_large_a_MissMonday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, while we are on the subject of asians and afros, I must post a picture of the lovely Ms. Monday. I just love her afro so much.

>> No.6665586

UK here, and it's considered pretty rude not to remove your shoes, coat and hat when you're inside. Leaving them on is a sign that you don't want to be there.

>> No.6665592

shut up ukfag go drink your god damn tea.

>> No.6665594

But I hate tea.

>> No.6665596

She should pull it back into two poofy pigtails, right now it's kind of consuming her head.

>> No.6665616
File: 81 KB, 670x504, kawaiine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my style per se, but i won't hate on it just because i don't personally like it. it's not bad though.

>> No.6665618

I think the main issue is the shape of the fro. Like if it were more round it would be cuter. Idk I have an afro on most days And before I got it properly shaped it looked silly and my hair was only like 4-6 inches at that time.

>> No.6665629


Lol, no it's not.

>> No.6665631

Well, it is where I live, and where all my friends live. Even public buildings ask you to remove at least your hat.

>> No.6665640

how does one even 'get a fro' if that is by no means your normal hair texture? especially white girls. because asian and african hair texture could definitely support the fro. but white girl hair? nuh uh, boo...

>> No.6665648

You can get a perm, and your hair will basically look like

>> No.6665653
File: 50 KB, 480x640, afrobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see more afro lolis :3

>> No.6665712

That looks fucking ugly and stupid.
Black people don't usually look good in lolita, so at least make an effort

>> No.6665718

I like this more than OP. It looks nicer when it's a bit longer.

>> No.6665735

I have long curly hair, when it was short, I could fro it into a soft, poofy afro. Now that it's long, it's just very big.

I like the idea of wearing it wild and loose with mori girl style but I always figured it would have to go into neat little ringlets for loli but this is so cute, I'm inspired!

Could this work with longer, natural hair?

>> No.6665746

It looks silly, I don't know how else to describe it.

>> No.6665763

I think the OP has cute hair, but I don't like the weird gingham/cherry coord she's wearing. If she'd picked something less tacky she'd look way better IMO.

>> No.6665770

Usually I'm bitchy about black lolitas (when they refer to themselves as such, as opposed to just lolitas), but I find this afro shit adorable. It's not kawaii uguu or Asian-looking, but it's cute and well put together. I can't complain.

>> No.6666004 [DELETED] 

Piss off, nigger scum.

>> No.6666019 [DELETED] 

>>6666004 again.

Before I get banned again because the mods are two faced shits, allow me to present this argument:

Dear cgl. We slag off chicks that are fat or ugly, even saying they should fucking die. You let disgusting misogyny run rampant, and it's okay to treat a chick like shit because she's a 'slut'.

Do the same for a nig, and that's suddenly unacceptable? Seriously, why the special treatment?

>> No.6666025 [DELETED] 


Oh, and by doing the same for a nig, I mean teling the fucking truth.

That they're ugly, sub human, and are inferior in physical appearance and mental/emotional abilities.

I mean, look at Haiti and Zimbabwe and South Africa after the whites moved out. From bread baskets to shit stains of the earth. Failing that, just pop over to London. They're managed to destroy communities and turn this place into a shit hole. Nigs I mean, and sand negros too of course.

>> No.6666061

I doubt you go out much/actually know any black people.

>> No.6666073

>(when they refer to themselves as such, as opposed to just lolitas)
I have to say, that bothers me too.

>> No.6666092
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, amazo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my gosh im gonna put on own spin on things

>> No.6667199
File: 186 KB, 600x800, smileysquid 102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could look cute.

>> No.6667230

Wow, you must live somewhere so totally Japanese!

>> No.6667267

I don't wear shoes in my house either, I don't know anyone who does and I live in the southern US.

>> No.6667270

yes, let's totally start this boring discussion again

>some people wear shoes at home
>some don't
mind fucking blown

>> No.6667282

Plus I fucking love that girl's hair it is so cute, especially with the bow.

>> No.6667332

I'm Canadian and it's rude as fuck where I live to wear shoes indoors.

Also, afros are the cutest.

>> No.6667974

This girl at my workplace has natural super kinky hair.

She says it's a pain to work with but she does some super cute styles. She mostly rocks a little afro or some 'fro buns. (The little balls on each side of the head.)

She does a lot of cool up dos where she twists it up and makes funky buns and things. It fun to work with her hair, you can just mold it. Anyhow, natural hair can totally work for lolita... if your willing to style it. She told me to do the afro takes a good hour to fix.

>> No.6667985 [DELETED] 

>black people doing lolita

Please stop

>> No.6667986 [DELETED] 

>White people doing lolita

Please stop.

>> No.6667991 [DELETED] 


Please stop.

>> No.6668004

Omg, I'd love to see cute dreadlocks with lolita. Can you post pics of how you usually style of hair?

>> No.6668003 [DELETED] 

white people doing lolita wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for all the uglies and fatsos that insist on doing it.

The list of beautiful caucasians into lolita are probably less than 20 altogether.

>> No.6668007

This shit is so freaking adorbs!
All black lolis should wear it like this!!!

>> No.6668008

Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.6668010

Agreed. No need for capslock riffle, though.

>> No.6668013

but isn't that the case with wearing any kind of natural hair with lolita?

I have pin-straight hair, and if I wanted to style it in curls or anything else besides flat schoolgirl twintails, it takes me about an hour to do so...