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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6661783 No.6661783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So this girl I know, she says shes a serious cosplayer and she thinks she's so great at it and everything. She makes me rage. I have never seen someone cosplay so badly. I hate being the type of person to criticize others but holy hell she is TERRIBLE! Like this here is supposed to be Misa Amane. Whhhhyyy?

>> No.6661787
File: 71 KB, 489x720, 532692_3264714549311_560912805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her trying to be Princess Serenity.

>> No.6661791

inb4 404

disguise your vendetta next time

>> No.6661797
File: 74 KB, 720x405, 225574_1713550811187_1415513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She says this is supposed to be Yugi. I have no idea how.

>> No.6661809

>I have never seen someone cosplay so badly.

You must not have seen many cosplays at all then.

>> No.6661832
File: 56 KB, 300x300, 1360868094084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the monster cards are upside down
does this bitch even yugioh? I don't even care if its a shitty cosplay a few of those cards are damn expensive now

>> No.6661835


land whale status is enough to make me mad.

>> No.6661845

No one should ever shove something higher than a rare in a duel disk. Those things fuck the shit out of cards and that looks to be a super Mirror Force in there which is just painful to looks at. The DM and SMG are fucking annoying too but the fact that MF is still a fucking staple and she's going to and doing that while I've only ot commons pisses me the fuck off.

>> No.6661856

She would have been better off putting fake cards in there.

>> No.6661859

Can we turn this into a That Friend thread? That one friend I think a lot of us have who thinks she's a hot shit cosplayer when she's actually terrible?

>> No.6661864
File: 48 KB, 382x960, 374094_3749000936168_57528675_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like fun. Oh and I have more of this girl.
I guess this is supposed to be River Song?

>> No.6661872
File: 296 KB, 201x228, tumblr_lvcixso9qH1qhltil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, a girl I talk to and am going to Zenkai with at the end of the month.
Just went on about how she was going to hand-sew prince gumball without any patterns and didn't even have fabric yet.
When I inquired about the patterns she said she was going to use t-shirts and stuff to size what she was making.
Even though that wouldn't account for seam allowances or anything.
what do.
She also thinks she's an amazing cosplayer.
Like she's nice enough, but fuck.

>> No.6661874

I misread that as cake tarts..

>> No.6661880
File: 334 KB, 952x2190, PG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whyyyyyy... those sleeves alone need their own patterning. I can imagine an experience cosplayer/seamstress doing the rest pretty soundly, but I know that they would create or mod a pattern for the poofy sleeves.

>> No.6661895
File: 35 KB, 200x117, tumblr_lycxgzcaES1r39iso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you suggested buying a wig?
Also just curious, how old is she?

>> No.6662107

I knew someone like that. She was pretty well known for starting a shitload of drama too among the local con scene, and she's been posted here a few times.

She started out like a normal fan in cosplay, but she turned into one of those big know-it-alls with shitty made cosplays and no determination for improvement. She just assumed her shit was legit and called out a lot of big name cosplayers comparing their work to hers with very disastrous results.

She also took on several complex commissions for ridiculous prices and churned out some of the most awful looking cosplays ever. Said person spent nearly 400 dollars on something that didn't even fit them and was made of shitty cheap fabric.

She's moved to another community where she keeps mongering for more commissions to get more money, when she never finished the ones she had before she left. She also keeps posting pictures of her nearly empty refrigerator saying that's why she needs people to buy from her.

>> No.6662155

just be sure to post pics, its all you can do

>> No.6662162

Not that friend but...
>that girl who thinks that just because she's thin that she can slap on a storebought costume, half-assed makeup, and a ratty wig and be praised for it and so help you lord if you say anything against it you jelly hambeast uggo you!

>> No.6662165
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>dem uggo fatty feet
girl should NOT be showing those off

>> No.6662168

I had one friend who was really skinny and did this all the time. She never styled any of her wigs and I won't even go into the atrocious sewing jobs she did, but "I'm different from all those gross fat cosplayers!"

>> No.6662196

Sounds like my roommate. :/ She did a Jessica Rabbit Cosplay for Halloween, attempted to dye a pair of white satin gloves using purple fabric dye. They looked like shit, but she's hawt so what does it matter? All the girls scoffing at her are just "jealous of her expressing her sexuality."
>That SJW friend

>> No.6662208

/r/ing refrigerator pics plz

>> No.6662250

>That friend of a friend who "made" his costume and acts like hot shit because of it, even though she just bought a body suit and had her friend do all the sewing, made shitty paper mache accessories, and left the wig unstyled.

She has the hugest bitchy ego about it because he got a lot of attention for the costume, but holy shit was it poorly made. The only reason he got attention is because he's cute. And parts of it kept falling off when he debuted, and then whole thing fell to pieces when he tried wearing it a 3rd time.

Hate that cunt.

>> No.6662309

I should also mention...

>That one cousin of a friend who wears only slutty costumes because she's thin, but has the most disgusting, flabby body on the planet.
>That one friend who cosplays fem versions of male characters even though she has the perfect man face.
>That one friend who snatched all your best makeup products while you were rooming with them.
>That one friend who throws a tantrum and runs back to her hotel room crying at every fucking con she's been to.
>That one slutty, extremely girly female aquaintence who wants to be transgendered now
>that one friend who takes full credit for the costume and props his parents did most of the work on
>That one borderline underweight friend who won't cosplay because she's "too fat"
>That one fanboy friend who quizzes every female Nintendo cosplayer he meets

I could go on.

>> No.6662321

pls kill your fanboy friend, we don't need any more of those in this world.

>> No.6662343

>That one friend who snatched all your best makeup products while you were rooming with them.
My fuckin girlfriend used to pull this shit. My blush is expensive, that shit ain't cute.

>> No.6662341

As of right now I kind of want to.

>> No.6662365

She took all my $30+ makeup and my liquid latex. At least she left me the covergirl stuff, I guess?

>> No.6662408

>That one fanboy friend who quizzes every female Nintendo cosplayer he meets
I had some sweaty aspie jackass try to do this to me at a convention once when I was taking a break and trying to eat some dinner. My friends were in line elsewhere for a panel I didn't have any interest in, so I was alone. I had removed certain parts of my costume, which part were his first question and introduction. No hello, just "why aren't you wearing ___. She wears ____ in the game." Kept up with him beat for beat AS HE FUCKING RECORDED ME ON HIS PHONE and refused to make eye contact. Asked him to turn off the camera, he kept asking questions.So I made up an excuse to go elsewhere and he tried to follow me, still asking questions at my back. Half of them didn't even pertain to the fandom I was cosplaying from, but to another game in the same format. Still makes me rage.

>> No.6662468

>that friend who insists you have shit taste because you don't like the same shows they do
>that friend who doesn't bind for crossplaying
>that girl who believes she is above wearing make up because it takes too long to put on and she's too kawaii desu for it
>that guy who thinks complimenting someone's costume means "I want you in my pants"
>that guy who insists you cannot be the Warden because Willy Wonka is CEARLY the only media monger who wears a purple suit
>that girl who's only in the fandom for the yaoi
>that guy who loudly and happily corrects you when you casually call the L4D Hunter a zombie when explaining the costume to an onlooker
>that girl who whines when her AU/casual cosplay gets no recognition
>that guy who takes it personally when you don't worship Goku as the Messiah

>> No.6662471
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>that girl who's only in the fandom for the yaoi
Feels good man.

>> No.6662485

Holy shit, I'm glad I don't room with girls I have like $300 worth of makeup everything is $30+ each.

>> No.6662486

>that girl who whines when her AU/casual cosplay gets no recognition
Literally everyone who cosplays casual APH under the age of 18.

I've got one.
>the one girl who always insists you kiss/hug/actoutafanficsheprobablywrote with your 'lover'
>bonus points if yaoi

>> No.6662512
File: 27 KB, 454x641, bravo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you really hit the nail on the head.
That's her fandom and that's her age.
Want to take a guess at which character she was?
Here's a hint: she was a loud blonde.
Bonus points if you can nail which AU she was cosplaying from.

>> No.6662523

I do admit that I've called quite a bit people "Willy Wonka" when they quietly then told me they were the warden. feels bad man, but Willy Wonka is more recogizable especially with those glasses

>> No.6662526

Getting mistaken for Wonka is expected. I had a lot of people call me Wonka and I didn't mind at all.

This guy actually argued with me, saying that I HAD to be Willy Wonka because he's never seen Superjail, therefore it doesn't exist.

>> No.6662540

France or America, hard choice but leaning toward America. He's slightly louder.

I don't follow AUs, but I'll take a WIIILD guess and say either one where he's in highschool or one where hes a kawaii-neko-boy.

>> No.6662546

Photos got taken down not too long ago, and I suspect that either no one commented about it or it caused drama. She's put up screenshots of people bashing her here on /cgl/ before and took them off too.

>> No.6662559
File: 35 KB, 851x640, fishcake lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My word, anon, you're right again!

She was cosplaying America from high school, a costume that consisted of a white button up, no binding, blue shorts, a yellow pipe cleaner stuck into an unstyled blonde wig, and sneakers.

When she wasn't getting flocked with pictures, she changed her costume, claiming the wig was too tight and her natural hair was good enough. So she dropped the wig and changed into her chibi!America cosplay, which consisted of a white potato sack style dress, no binding, sneakers and a Mickey Mouse doll.

Well done, anon. +1

>> No.6662579

The fans are so predictable it hurts. I know too many people like this and it's not pretty when they get into fights, or decide who's becoming one with Russia-chan. Once, I got too close during a bishie-duel and a hambeast crushed my foot. None of them even know I like the show, and I'm glad my friend hasn't mentioned it because they said I'd make the best chibi Italy.

The show is too silly to stop watching though...

>> No.6662615
File: 68 KB, 960x720, 735038_10200327944700676_224742692_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of hetalia, check out this girl i know who thinks she's a great 2p England

frankly, she used to be attractive, but lost a shit ton of weight and just looks like a crack whore now... (She also thinks she's the best Izaya around)

>> No.6662630


I afraid of her.

>> No.6662633



>> No.6662635
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 386899_4456283044627_832691770_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's her izaya.. i dont understand that choice in wig. (unless it is her real hair? she uses her real hair a lot for cosplay)

>> No.6662639

people touching my make up is a fucking no-no. Thankfully i've roomed with girls know better. My girlfriend and i share primer, but aside from that, we use our own foundations, eyeliners, shadows, etc. Foundation isn't fucking cheap.

>> No.6662640

doesn't look too bad

>> No.6662642

>>That one slutty, extremely girly female aquaintence who wants to be transgendered now

I swear every fucking trans in the cosplayworld is fake. I see so many trans girls who want to be guys so they can do boys love and yaoi and be bishonen. It makes me want to puke.
And yes, i am a girl and a lesbian, so it really ticks me off to see all this fake trans shit in the cosplay world.

>> No.6662643

would look much better with some kind of makeup and contouring for her face so she looked more masculine.

>> No.6662650

I thought I was the only one.

I seriously can only focus on that.

>> No.6662660
File: 43 KB, 720x960, 197862_10200170277239088_1504411005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she's contoured before? not sure what this counts as

>> No.6662674

>That one fanboy friend who quizzes every female Nintendo cosplayer he meets
Look, I wouldn't have to do this if stupid gamer girl bitches didn't say "oh, I just like Samus" when I ask them what their favorite Metroid game is.

>> No.6662695

it looks like she kist tried to make her face look sunken in

if i didnt already know she was a woman i would be heavily gender confused now

>> No.6662718

wow, maybe you just met the wrong girls who claim to be gamers? its trendy for some reason right now.. I grew up on Super metroid and the legend of zelda series.

>> No.6662833
File: 12 KB, 157x176, DrEvil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve a frickin medal.