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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 500x347, tumblr_m8k6bgCciW1qm6f8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6637036 No.6637036 [Reply] [Original]

How come we rarely see male rule 63 cosplay?

>> No.6637051

Because it usually turns out shit

>> No.6637059

As opposed to the stultified designs we get for female genderbents?

>> No.6637070

More girls cosplay than boys. There are tons of awesome male characters for guys to cosplay. Boys are less "special snowflake" than girls and don't need to do something super special and edgy.

>> No.6637129

As a male cosplayer: no.

Probably half, if not more, of male designs in anime are suits, plain clothes, and incredibly uninspired takes on the male school uniform. Girls have plenty of costumes that are fun and interesting that still involve entry level sewing. Most of the same for guys are even more readily available as closet cosplay.

When you do get to the great designs, a lot of them involve detailing or prop making that are pretty beyond the levels of a beginner, especially beginners who might feel self conscious learning to sew. A lot of guys out there don't even approach stuff like this because the idea of learning to sew is so much of a hurdle. Their mom didn't sit them down and teach them how to stitch a line, or they don't have any seamstress friends, or they suck at art and never picked up any drafting/sculpture skills. I know 4 or 5 girls with sewing machines, most of them got them as gifts/hand me downs. Parents don't think to just throw a sewing machine at their son.

Then ontop of that, a lot of communities don't really generate male genderbents. PSG and Madoka are the only ones with big followings I can even think of that do recently.

>> No.6637147
File: 95 KB, 332x500, rule 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6637195

>Probably half, if not more, of male designs in anime are suits, plain clothes, and incredibly uninspired takes on the male school uniform.

However when adopting a female design to male one you now have the chance to wear a really flashy looking outfit that doesn't involve armor or props

>> No.6637216

I know and agree, but entry level aren't going to automatically go for that.

You've got to remember most people have confidence issues over just throwing themselves out there in a costume to be photographed to begin with. Most guys are going to want to start out cosplaying actual guys. Plus there's the disappointment in people not getting what they are. It's incredibly difficult to be recognizable and iconic.

>> No.6637254

I recently did a male genderbend, and this is one of the reasons I really enjoyed it. Thinking of doing another one in the near future actually.

>> No.6637278


>> No.6637286

This. The only part I have issues with is that there are an equal number of awesome female characters to cosplay, but they're mostly outside of mainstream stuff and anime that appeal mainly to female tastes. So your typical female anime fan that only knows about Naruto, Black Butler, Fruits Basket, etc. is only exposed to male characters.

>> No.6637430

You sure this is true when we have so many female only SOL series that are being released

>> No.6637482

coz none of them look like dey have a peen m8

>> No.6637503

Girls are not the demographic for those shows, despite their content. Plus, I don't think my assumption is too far off when you had Lucky Star and Gurren Lagann airing at about the same time (2007, I believe), and you still see about a million Yokos per con versus maybe one or two LS cosplayers total.

>> No.6637509

>awesome female characters
>SOL series

Pick one.

>> No.6637532

because will male 63 u cannot show boobs nor ass not tight clothes

>> No.6637569

They can still show off their abs

>> No.6637577
File: 103 KB, 500x666, tumblr_mgdtx87xlS1qlota9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but im the best mor there is.

>> No.6637611

Because female cosplayers would see it as an incursion on their 'territory' and make a drama out of it because they are catty bitches.

It's just easier this way.

>> No.6637614

>Why can't we have nice things?

That about sums it up.

>> No.6637619

Its interesting to see how in a series that has mostly a main cast that girls will gender bend a character (See Avengers or any other big series out there)

Meanwhile if the series is full of girls, men would simply not cosplay or go as a side character. An example of this would be how men chose to cosplay a Morning Rescue for Madoka rather than do Rule 63 outfits

>> No.6637635

It's cute when girls do it.

It's gay when guy's do it.

>> No.6637642

do you even toubros/kigurumis

>> No.6637698

As another male cosplayer: Yes to most of what you just said. Kind of no to the part about sewing machines..

Most everyone I know avoids doing r63 of female characters because most times, it's amounts to a lousy wig and some plain-clothes and a lot of people asking who you're supposed to be.

While male character designs can still be interesting and distinct as fuck, female designs are rather uniqe in the fact that they are dresses and skirts and contoured in a way that accentuates and flatters the figure.

You take out all of that and try to turn it into some pants, and it just doesn't work. The aesthetic is ruined and once more, you're left with closet cosplay that nearly no one recognizes.

>> No.6637702
File: 557 KB, 2500x1275, 566426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rule 63 madoka cosplays

Guys, get on this.

>> No.6637705

>all dem stubby arms

>> No.6637709

If you know what you're doing, you can take a female character and design it for a guy. It's not all too hard, IMO. Iconic parts of costumes should always stay iconic when you transfer them to the opposite gender and as far as making a costume that contours and flatters your figure, do that too. It can work both ways IMO

This art is killing me inside...

>> No.6637742

This is why. They look like shit.

>> No.6637751
File: 96 KB, 400x313, i see.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They... they still look like girls

>> No.6637853

samefag prolly

anon's don't cosplay, they come here to hit on girls on the 'girl board'

>> No.6637861

This. Fuck 'equality' girls are simply naturally better at cosplaying.

>> No.6637867
File: 435 KB, 750x564, might be an idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls are simply naturally better at cosplaying.

>> No.6637876

girls are more fun to look at.

guys, generally, aren't.

>> No.6637907


>> No.6637942
File: 104 KB, 650x979, a_rising_sea__korra_genderbend_cosplay_by_detailed_illusion-d5s6s0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637944
File: 96 KB, 650x979, father__s_debt__asami_genderbend_cosplay_by_detailed_illusion-d5s6s6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637946
File: 524 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mgy5osIWaP1qfzd6wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637960

Most guys aren't really interested in going above and beyond (ie. designing your own rule-63, making the clothes, etc.).

There's plenty of designs that people would recognize (Madoka Magica, PSG, Black Rock Shooter-verse, K-On, etc.) but guys just simply don't want to do it.
It's either big great awesome super-skilled props and armour.... or closet cosplay. Or nothing at all.

>> No.6637969
File: 100 KB, 720x480, our_destiny____by_dakun93-d58jwgd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you have it.

>> No.6637986
File: 107 KB, 708x628, boa.hancock.(male).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im planning on doing a rule63 on Boa Hancock for sure. Its only a matter if i do it before this AX. Shes one of my favorite characters in general. There's always little artwork for rules 63 on female characters and i could barely find a couple for boa hancock. I really like this design though and might go for something like this. I might just end up drawing something up on my own and going from there.

>> No.6637990

are these supposed to be supposedly good?

>> No.6637991


>> No.6638104

=they're bad

>> No.6638120

dat mami

>> No.6638122

Brief and Socks?

>> No.6638124

micheal jaskson is that you?

>> No.6638127

I usually don't say shit like this, but that rule 63 Luffy is REALLY fucking cute.

>> No.6638191

they are perfect

>> No.6638193
File: 188 KB, 467x700, tumblr_ltycmdgpTa1qcx66do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped picture

>> No.6638205

>It's either big great awesome super-skilled props and armour.... or closet cosplay. Or nothing at all.

You know that's bullshit as there are a shit ton of recognizable male designs that don't boil down to simple closet cosplay or armor.

Take the fighting game genre for example

>> No.6638217

What? Expand on this, please. Because, wearing a torn gi, a headband, then BAM Ryu! sounds like closet cosplay to me.

>> No.6638284

Look past Capcom man

Tekken (Raven, Miguel, Lee, Steve, King)
Guility Gear (Entire cast)
Blazblue (See Guilty Gear)
King of Fighters

If we still want to look at Street Fighter there are really iconic Bison, Yun, Yang, Gen, Cody Dudley, T Hawk, E Honda, Zangief just to name a few

>> No.6638296

Guys just want to wear closet cosplay that shows off their abs to get female attention. They don't care about the shows, they're just looking to get laid at a con.

>> No.6638342

So much shop it's not even funny anymore.

I think you may just have found out you're a pedo.

>> No.6638348

So they're the same as female cosplayers?

>> No.6638362

>Wannabe funny reverse troll.


75% of male cosplayers are ugly / fat and cosplay because they like the show. 24.999% are good looking and cosplay just to get laid / attention / closet cosplayers. The rest overlaps with a little of both.

34.999% of female cosplayers are ugly / fat and cosplay because they like the show. 65% are good looking and cosplay just to get laid / attention / closet cosplayers. The rest overlaps with a little of both.

>> No.6638370

what if you like the series but it's closet cosplay?

>> No.6638372

What's the general opinion on rule 63 cosplaying anyway? Is it pretty much okay and acceptable it looks good? Any negative opinions, even about all of them females doing it?

I've not thought much about rule 63 cosplaying before but thinks it might entail fun.

>> No.6638373
File: 373 KB, 1280x853, gender_bent_justice_league_by_miss_kitty_j-d3e96va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6638376
File: 193 KB, 1237x671, dont_worry_mam_were_from_the_internet_cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6638378
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>> No.6638384

'Closet cosplayers' in there (in context) refers to cosplayers who do easy cosplays just to go to raves / get laid. 'Closet cosplays' that are closet due to shitty character design (e.g. Homestuck) are not necessarily always in the aforementioned category, since certainly many of the cosplayers are deeply in love with the shitty show, and many of them are ugly.

>> No.6638387
File: 94 KB, 1024x685, 1322604022707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>34.999% of female cosplayers are ugly / fat
>65% are good looking
What conventions are you going to, and can I join?

>> No.6638390
File: 238 KB, 600x800, ebk4472445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6638391

this looks like if drake and josh from 7 years ago combined

>> No.6638416

Rule 63 is great as long as the outfits are well designed and honor the character. People have issue where people think that slapping on a bikini top or skirt automatically counts as gender bend cosplay

>> No.6638431
File: 566 KB, 2048x1536, black yuyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6638436
File: 288 KB, 512x256, black yuyoko 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6638481

omg yes.

>> No.6638478

I used the term 'good looking' as in 'having guys trying to fuck her'. Obviously, a girl doesn't need to be objectively attractive to be 'good looking' for con goers.

>> No.6638511

These just sound like a list of excuses. Women are not naturally better at cosplaying and need to be taught how to sew, do makeup/wigs like anyone else.

>> No.6638527

Yes we are. Deal with it loser.

>> No.6638593

>Parents don't think to just throw a sewing machine at their son.
Doesn't mean you can't ask. I did.

But that involves a fair amount of design work that seems to be outside of even the capacity of the people who do the really flashy outfits for female characters. All cool dresses translate to the same suit, all skimpy outfits translate to no shirt, even the slightest hint of armor translates to full regalia.

And if a person does try to make the design interesting, they've got a huge fucking hurdle ahead of them considering there's very little in the way of inspiration they can take, and they probably have little if any experience at character design. So fuck it, I'm just gonna make the dresses.

Sometimes they do. (Well okay I usually post with a tripcode but still.)

>> No.6638601

>not closet cosplay with patches sewn on
>not fetish closet cosplay with a unicorn embroidered on
>it's fucking King
>not 80% closet cosplay

I'll give you Miguel and GG/BB, though.

>> No.6638616
File: 293 KB, 604x1002, Duolon-kofXIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closet cosplay usually means no sewing required. You admit yourself that the stuff needs to be emboridered meanwhile the base clothes for Lee and Steve I highly doubt you can have easy access to in your closet.

Also if you think that 80% of the designs are closet cosplay I think you haven't taken a good look at the roster

>> No.6638621

You can hardly call it a non-closet cosplay if you have to do one thing for one article of the clothing.

>> No.6638625

Define closet cosplay

>> No.6638632
File: 13 KB, 250x337, 250px-Kof12-kyo-kusanagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting and unique character design

>> No.6638636

It doesn't have to boil down to it's simpliest elements. Look at the male stocking in the OPs picture. There is more to the design than just "put stocking in a suit." First there's the hair style which was boyish along with adjusting the patterns on the pink highlights. Even the suit got snazzed up with pinstripes than basic black.

What I'm saying is that creativity still exists, if the dress has a crazy pattern then you can apply said pattern on the suit and make it run into the pants. Clothing can be layered a certain way or fitted to be baggy or form fitting. Look at male fashion, even though its usually jeans and button ups, look at all the variety of outfits that have stemed from it.

Also if you're gonna bitch about male character design then I'll say Jojo laughs in your face

>> No.6638640

jojo is the solution to all cosplaying stagnation

>> No.6638639
File: 80 KB, 500x1100, kofmi2-kyo-kusanagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two can play this game

>> No.6638648

Until you have a sewing stash consisting entirely of vinyl and spandex, more makeup than a drag queen, and suddenly everything feels the same.

>> No.6638651
File: 2.51 MB, 300x169, Fuck_this_thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this thread.

Fuck you guys.

I'm just going to cosplay from Jojo from now on.

>> No.6638650


Here's more

>> No.6638656

Right because Part 1/2 characters look the same as 4 or 8. All the protags are different and the side characters are crazy as fuck too.

>> No.6638664
File: 243 KB, 497x740, 1360501949496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not that bad, some things could be modified but I've seen much worse,
the Kyobro and Manmi in the second pic are my favourites, Madoka is probably the most difficult to genderbend as he'll always look too feminine

>> No.6638689

This has been bothering me for a while. How would Boxer/Jockstrap/Banana Hammock/whatever get his underwear off for the transformation sequence. Could you really do the sensual stripping thing while zoolandering your undies out of your fly?

>> No.6638690


>> No.6638707

I love most of this group, but wtf is going on with Batwoman's (or I guess it'd be.. femBatman since there is a Batwoman) head to body proportion.

>> No.6638718
File: 74 KB, 250x375, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duo lon and Shion are kinda impossible for most non-asian males to pull off though, they're too androgynous (another common hurdle for male cosplayers- too many androgynous/pretty men they can't pull off).

And I say this as a female.

Then on the other side of the hurdle for fighting game cosplays, for a lot of them you need to be /fit/ or you look terrible. Pic related, so many pasty whiteboy Sol's.

>> No.6638769


>> No.6638821
File: 146 KB, 900x1002, rarity_twilight_sparkle_pinkie_pie_business_style_by_krawalli-d5olkmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most guys in anime are androgynous, so a girl can rule 63 pretty easily.
On the other hand, in almost all cases, a rule 63 girl-to-guy will also be really androgynous, meaning that a girl is still better off cosplaying a genderbent version of a male character than a guy would.

Even a lot of athletic guys in anime with washboard 6-pack abs have really feminine, or prettyboy faces.
And even then, usually those guys are wearing school uniforms or something, meaning a girl can crossplay them without having to worry about what their body actually looks like.

>> No.6638831
File: 64 KB, 800x900, faust-rel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting games have great diversity and its true many of them do require abs to cosplay there are still some that you can get away with not being super /fit/ or Asian

>> No.6638840

anyone know who this madoka is???

>> No.6638844

True enough, as I've seen many good Fausts done by the kind of typical skinnyfat lanky guys you see at cons. But that's exactly why Faust gets a lot of cosplay, proportionally good cosplay, compared to others.

>> No.6638849
File: 280 KB, 931x1400, root1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6638862

Tohou is such an interesting case is that the majority of guys do crossplay over doing rule 63

>> No.6638871

To be fair that's because in Touhou it's basically a case of male fans cosplaying for other male fans and not doing the costumes as a serious representation of the characters.

>> No.6638878
File: 169 KB, 960x672, Skullgirls-EVO2013-skullgirls-33334836-960-672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think that Skullgirls has a lot of Rule 63 potential

>> No.6638942
File: 44 KB, 400x520, 07_darkstalkersartwork04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are tons of male characters that have great designs and are also flattering and filled with flair. People just need to stop being ignorant to their existences where it becomes borderline foolish.

Let me introduce you to Donovan

There are some that exist and I want more! Especially Rule 63 Filia with a pompadour. I want some Skullguys to hang with...

>> No.6638954

>male fans cosplaying for other male fans
What exactly do you mean by that? I cosplay Touhou for myself to have fun, not for anyone else, especially not anyone else in particular.

>> No.6638965
File: 24 KB, 550x277, MPW-72515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rule 63 Filia with a pompadour
Oh god Bancho Filia sounds amazing.

Others I can think of

>Classy doctor Valentine
>Gentlemen fencer Parasol or you can go with a British Secret Agent route
>Wei Yan Pinweel.

>> No.6638967

I knew Skullgirls was a dead game before it was even released.

It's not even the fact that all the characters are female, but it's just the completely wtf / unrelatable drawing style.

>> No.6638970

I'm a girl and does anyone else see all the bitching coming from the females in here
saying that they are better

half of the girls who cosplay are complete whales and are ugly as fuck

Half the guys who cosplay are ugly as fuck and are neck beards

Also girls your not better at cosplaying
cool you have tits
I like seeing guys cosplay more
I think its adorable and if you hate guys who cosplay

>> No.6638971

Since when does a game have to be relateable to be successful? I can't really relate to a being of evil and hunger spawned from the malevolent energies of a demonic sword, but that doesn't mean Soul Calibur isn't awesome.

>> No.6638973

I struggled with how to word that, I don't think I was being very clear. I mean that they're playing to an in-joke, of sorts- rather than the point of their cosplay being portraying the design itself, and being faithful to portraying the character, they're dressing up to dress up and identify themselves as touhou fans. The guy in a dress touhou cosplays I can get because they're more or less a joke amongst fans, they're not trying to aim for the actual character, and that's fine.

(If however you're trying to tell me that your man in a dress tier cosplay with no effort whatsoever put into passing for female is serious in trying to portray the character, I'm going to have to break some news to you...)

>> No.6638976

That's because it's a fetish game and nothing else. The only people that take it seriously as a game are the circlejerkers in Mike Z's clique..

>> No.6638977

Yet it's being picked up for Evo and other large tournamnets

>> No.6638974
File: 710 KB, 900x855, tumblr_m3c3ephWHs1r1d21ro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some awesome arts. And I'd love to draw rule 63 Filia. Just call him Filbert haha.

>Unrelatable drawing style.
So you don't like it... because it's different? Anon, you crazy.

>> No.6638979

But SC has a very relateable art style actually (by being over the top cool etc).

Skullgirls just feels like they started drawing randomly, and didn't even know where to go with it, and when there was really no more BS to add to the character they called it a day. It's just a huge incoherent mess.

>> No.6638983

That and every single character in the game is a complete ripoff of another character from various other fighting games. There's no originality to it.

>> No.6638984

>(If however you're trying to tell me that your man in a dress tier cosplay with no effort whatsoever put into passing for female is serious in trying to portray the character, I'm going to have to break some news to you...)
Hey, don't jump to conclusions. I've gotten mistaken for a girl many times in my Touhou cosplays, and it's not like I don't put any effort into it.

Admittedly, much less often from the front, but that's because I have no idea how to do makeup, and no clue where to start with that. But other than that I think I do fairly well.

>> No.6638985

No, it's not about a different style, different can be very good - but just because they're doing something different doesn't mean it's automatically good.

They tried and failed. It has to happen sometimes.

>> No.6638989

That's not relatable.. that's a serious of adjectives. It's an art style that's from an original stand point.

Because fighting games don't do that? Ryo from art of fighting is a sheer clone of Ryu. Then Ryo got cloned into Dan Hibiki. Japanese style media and industry is about inspiration and homage to other sources. Plus lots of the skullgirls cast have moves that are pretty fucking unique.

>> No.6638994

>Admittedly, much less often from the front, but that's because I have no idea how to do makeup, and no clue where to start with that.
The front is what matters...
That's what cgl is for. There are regular crossdressing threads- read them, seriously, they DO help.

>But other than that I think I do fairly well.
Wouldn't know without a pic unless that selfpost above is you (my tips would be start making your eyes look bigger with false lashes and well-placed liner, and thin out your brows), but if you have to say 'I think', then.....

>> No.6638997

Because men aren't attention whores like women are.

>> No.6639000

Rule 63 is making a male equivalent of a female character's design.

Crossplay is people wearing costumes of characters who are the opposite gender.

Brohous are more crossplay than rule 63.

>> No.6639001

I'm.. pretty sure that's what they meant?

>> No.6639002

The main problem is that no matter how you want to call it, Skullgirls' characters have no chance on surviving more than a few years tops (within a cult following). There's just nothing memorable about any of them. The only one that stood out to me was Double and her design is a complete rip off.

A fighting game simply needs some outstanding characters (Scorpion, Faust, Dan Hibiki, Yoshimitsu... etc) to 'carry' it or it's doomed to be forgotten.

>> No.6639004
File: 174 KB, 823x1200, Konpaku.Youmu.full.1227690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my face doesn't look very feminine at all, so if the face is the only thing that matters, then I don't do fairly well, no. But I have the body type for it, and it's not like I just do it for laughs.

What if it's arguably both? picrelated

>> No.6639005

You saying a Looney Toon inspired fighting game character is common place in fighting games?

>> No.6639009

Well it's not the only thing- for example one of my pet peeves is when male crossplayers don't shave their exposed legs and their 5 o clock shadows. Please, please shave if you're trying to legitimately pass. (Obviously from your pic, can't tell if you did heh).

>> No.6639010
File: 32 KB, 300x225, 300px-Yukari_66c(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters that can pull various weird shit out of hammerspace isn't uncommon, no.

>> No.6639012


Really, make this harder at least.

>> No.6639020

Faust isn't Looney Toon inspired. He has weird moves but he doesn't have Mickey mouse gloves, oversized revolvers, exploading cigars and other cartoon props

>> No.6639026

>he doesn't have ALL THESE SPECIFIC THINGS so it's totally different!

nice try

>> No.6639027

Uncommon not only. Faust and Peacock are two examples in how many fighting game characters made?

>> No.6639033
File: 53 KB, 300x323, decostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead game

>> No.6639036

Fasut is a cartoonish character however Peacock is a full cartoon. I'll give you how faust has some cartoony elements like his wirlwind or dynamite plunger. But he was not designed to envoke the same Rodger Rabbit style imagry that Peacock has

>> No.6639037

Also a decent amount of Darkstalkers' style (Bulleta, reaction sprites such as from Victors' attacks, etc)

Honestly the entire game is basically Darkstalkers if Midnight Bliss was taken to maximum point with a tiny cast and a shit art style with specific character design elements and playstyles scooped from other games (notably ArcSys, since dustloop influence).

>> No.6639081

If that's the case then why do they cosplay?

>> No.6639087 [DELETED] 
File: 2.51 MB, 400x225, 1337057077264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blazblue as a whole is a near clone of Guilty Gear in designs and styles. Don't talk about game characters not being rip offs or standing out on their own.

Welcome to art. Everything is inspired by something. But it can still be original.

Also, swag wagon.

>> No.6639093
File: 556 KB, 900x850, 1336926048592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blazblue as a whole is a near clone of Guilty Gear in designs and styles. Don't talk about game characters not being rip offs or standing out on their own.

Welcome to art. Everything is inspired by something. But it can still be original.

Also, swag wagon.

>> No.6639096

Blazblue as a whole is a near clone of Guilty Gear in designs and styles. Don't talk about game characters not being rip offs or standing out on their own.

Welcome to art. Everything is inspired by something. But it can still be original.

Also, swag wagon.

>> No.6639102

Is Blazblue as a whole a near clone of Guilty Gear in designs and styles?

>> No.6639110

...so Skullgirls is art because it's inspired by other games. But BlazBlue is shit cause it rips off GuiltyGear (>ripping off your own work). Mmkay.

The sad fact is that BlazBlue's character are still miles ahead in memorability compared to Skullgirls. Sorry, but a catgirl with a detachable head has not quite the same effect on the audience as Makoto's underboob. And Arakune may be the best character of his (stereo)type so far (+points for excellent voice acting on his part). The main characters of the series do come of as bland cookie-cutter angsty-teens/moeblobs but the 'main characters' (whoever that may be) of Skullgirls are so forgettable it's not even funny.

>> No.6639112
File: 82 KB, 640x379, ouranhighschool-hostclub_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it to meet new people, and to hang out / share a hobby with some friends.
I admit the attention is pretty nice, but it isn't the main reason I cosplay.

Though I do have to say, that there's a wider variety of characters to suit different types of girl's bodies.
In any one anime, there may be a couple different types of guys, but a plethora of girls ranging from loli to busty MILF, square body, or curvy, skin and bones, or a bit chubby.
For guys, it's usually:
A) Small body, thin, feminine face.
B) Average body, probably on the lean side, androgynous or feminine face.
C) Greek God bodybuilder status with muscles on muscles.

>> No.6639113

what are you doing m8

>> No.6639118

I'd say it's more of a improvement/decline depending on the character being replaced. Which is exactly what the creators intended to do (like, the producer said so, it's not a secret).

My guess is they created BB to start again with a clean sheet after GG became an increasingly incoherent mess. Just like BB is becoming an increasingly incoherent mess now, so I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with a 'new' IP again.

>> No.6639120

If the BB cast is generic then how do they come across as more memorable than the SG cast which does have a lot of uncommon character designs and traits (detachable head zombie catgirl, pro wrestling headpiece grappler etc)

>> No.6639122
File: 112 KB, 523x444, oioi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw implying Blazblue isn't a pile of crap too compared to GuiltyGodtier

>> No.6639125
File: 297 KB, 335x320, 1334357441442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird.

Where have you been?

The point of the argument is that, just because a game is inspired by something doesn't mean it's bad. Blazblue is a huge homage to Guilty Gear in character designs and fight styles but people love it. So the point is, why can't a game be built that way and be enjoyed at the same time.

Now on the other end, of characters being memorable. I'd say a character who can detach her body parts as and use them in her attacks is pretty fucking cool. The instant I saw Ms. Fortune, I was maining her the instant the game came out. Same went for peacock. They have great aspects about them that are quite fun and entertaining. Skullgirls may not be as successful as Blazblue, but for those who know if, they won't be forgetting it anytime soon. At least IMO.

I have no idea what happened. I posted the wrong image and went back to post the right one. *shrug*

>> No.6639130

>every character is a flat, fan-pandering rip of a character in guilty or a moe archetype

>> No.6639137
File: 16 KB, 347x187, guile_stroheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every fighting game character in existance is an rip off another character or archetype.

>> No.6639140

because "memorable" is subjective.
i fucking cant remember most of the BB cast because they are guilty gear expys and i prefer the originals.

>> No.6639139

I said, the main cast is generic (those that get all the screen time in promo material / shit outside of the game).

Most of the cast actually stand out (Arakune, Tager, Rachel, Tao, Makoto, Carl, Relius, that butler guy I can't spell properly...).

Depends how you mean it. It may be crap in the mechanics department / devs being huge Jews with it or whatnot, but it certainly is a memorable series on its own.

Fighting games don't have to be original / extraordinarily good to stand out. There's not much originality you can throw in the genre. Pretty sure that gamers are perfectly fine with the same repetitive gameplay over and over again. What they need is good characters - characters that are able to win the customers' sympathies.

I'm fairly certain that's the most decisive point when it comes to choosing a fighting game for the majority of the player base.

Why else would we have trash like Smash Brothers Brawl/whatever it's called?

>> No.6639146

I think we're drifting away from the OP's question

>> No.6639148

Well it was answered already anyway.

>> No.6639144


Someone please cosplay this.

>> No.6639155

Many questions are left hanging in the air though to counter the original points.

Though I agree that more Jojo can fix anything

>> No.6639161

I'm sure someone will cosplay stroheim now that the new JoJo is out and the episode he's in just aired.

>> No.6639172

There is a significant difference between being an homeage to a character from a different genre physically (Guile, Rose) and being wholesale lifted in concept from another character (Ragna, Valentine (she's Fanny, let's be real), Tager, Hazama... the list goes on in BB's case.)

>> No.6639200


Their fucking ARMS

>> No.6639210
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1361029200081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they look exactly the same except taller.

>> No.6639356
File: 119 KB, 1500x791, 1315527563285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo, THIS is some rule 63.

>> No.6639583
File: 123 KB, 495x700, tumblr_lxfst1v3zA1r6z7i7o10_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As weird as it would seem.. I kind of want guys with pigtails to catch on as a thing..

Twinky emo-boys in skinny jeans were a thing, why not pigtails and bows?


>> No.6639605

I like the design on >>6637702 a lot better. These just look like random males with hair and poses that only sliiiiiightly resemble the original characters, while the other though the characters still look bishi, the clothing design is good.

>> No.6639702

>unable to spot and ignore trolls

>> No.6640566

You have your statistics wrong, see >>6638362

>> No.6640915

If anything the outfits would be something a guy would wear but are still iconic

>> No.6640941

I'd like to see this happen.

>> No.6641003

>this doesn't happen in /v/

>> No.6641019

when ever I see a male Panty (Brief??) I think "gross". Also how does he go about getting his weapon while wearing pants.

>> No.6641037
File: 37 KB, 259x266, zoolander[1].jpg_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever seen Zoolander?

>> No.6641110
File: 12 KB, 468x425, 1279538512532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6641139

this is what i think every time...it just doesn't work if panty's a guy

>> No.6641142


>> No.6641145

Well, sometimes it can. I have a picture to that effect, but can't show that on a christian board.

>> No.6641171


>> No.6641174

It's too lewd.

>> No.6641186

Stop being a baby.

>> No.6641303

You could place female characters into those three catagories as well. I don't think men are screwed with characters. If anime doesn't work then there are plenty of comic and game characters

>> No.6641976

Dude, the guy is referring to the fact that this is a blue board. Christ, for all the time you've spent here.

>> No.6642390

Because anyone here follows the rules :/

>> No.6642492
File: 441 KB, 2800x2100, 1359655685987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6643309
File: 192 KB, 960x731, 0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm not quite a clear shot of the guys though

>> No.6643657
File: 229 KB, 600x900, morrigan_male_version_by_kiefer_ramius-d5rbpac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6643792

Oh wow, I actually really almost-like this. I think the idea of taking the makeup a feminine route ruins the idea (it ought to exude a more masculine feeling of sexuality, if it's an inverse of female Morrigan's feminine sexuality, right?) but the cosplay itself I quite like.

>> No.6643818

Huh. this is pretty awesome. I do agree that maybe a bit less make-up would be good. Pretty,but not overly fem. Otherwise wow,great idea and execution.

>> No.6643837

You mean you wouldn't fuck him in an instant in that makeup? Does nobody like pretty goth boys anymore?

>> No.6643839

...I kind of want to fuck that, and I'm a dude.

Stupid sexy Morrigan.

>> No.6643841

Me. I would.

>> No.6643843

Well he's an incubus so actually he fucks you.

>> No.6643846

Technically he could still be a succubus, so long as he still lies beneath.

>> No.6643847


Ditto. If I saw him at a con I'd be exuding pheromones like there was no tomorrow.

>> No.6643855

Preferably without the makeup. I prefer boyishly cute without being overtly feminine. Would still tap, though.

>> No.6643857


>time for delicious deviantart slickbank stalking

>> No.6643863
File: 90 KB, 600x800, panty_boy_police_by_kiefer_ramius-d5cx7fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6643872
File: 66 KB, 600x800, tamaki_ouran_host_club_by_kiefer_ramius-d5jyubq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seagulls, I think I'm in love

>> No.6643881

His gallery actually has a few male Rule 63 cosplays so sharing:
>That King

>> No.6643889

Dude,pretty goth boys are my thing but that make-up style is more straight beauty make-up than what I generally see goth guys wearing. I prefer a bit more dark color around the eyes and the lips(if said guy can pull it off well).
Damn.Id pretty goth boys allowed to be a thread on cgl because...I think we need this?

(PS I would totally hit that.I need to do that Morrigan finally and find this babe at a con.)

>> No.6643897

>South American
That can't be possible!

>> No.6643926

Yeah, yeah. There's shitloads of hot male South American cosplayers. FG cosplay is especially big down there, which is why I love 'em.

>> No.6643956

Why do guys look so fucking awkward in cosplay, I will never understand.

>> No.6643960

shoop shoop shoop.

>> No.6643968

They don't spend as much time on appearances in general and thus don't naturally learn how to look good/pose/etc until they get into something that requires it (acting, for example).

>> No.6644016

As that other Anon mentioned, a lot of women have a sewing machine or access to a sewing machine fairly easily. Go into a fashion design class. Oh look, mostly girls.

Girls do makeup and hair a lot. Wigs aren't that far off from hair, aside from heat treatments.

Yes they do need to be taught to use these things, but it's much more common to find a girl who can do makeup, style hair, and sew than a guy who can do all these things.

>> No.6644028

>plethora of girls
All the girls in anime are thin and cute/pretty. Skin tones are usually light.

Guys are the ones with a massive range.

>> No.6644032

You sound like one of those girls who are into men wearing women's panties and stockings...

>> No.6644039
File: 56 KB, 402x599, Haruhi jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I went as R63 Haruhi? My hair's almost as long as her's in this picture. I'd probably just change her skirt to long blue pants.

>> No.6644062
File: 633 KB, 980x580, haruki-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be part of that fandom, and they have an entire genderbent AU thing going. Pic related.

There's no set design on his headwear, so have fun.

>> No.6644063
File: 172 KB, 600x394, haruhi10xf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


....are you serious? Go google "The Genderbending of Haruhi Suzumiya" and leave /cgl/ while you're at it.

Come back when you've educated yourself.

>> No.6644114

Male coplayers in the regular costumes aren't rule 63... are they??

>> No.6644117

If it's intended to be a male version- I don't see any boobs there- it's still Rule 63..
I do think there's something to be said for costumes that are unisex in appearance and thus require little changing when swapped.

>> No.6644186
File: 1.79 MB, 350x156, Htq9p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Skullgirls didn't raise $70k to try and get into EVO
>implying it didn't get into several tournaments despite losing to Melee in popularity
>implying it isn't #1 in Japan's PSN sales right now
>implying it isn't about to be ported to pc
>implying enjoying boobs is unrelatable

If anyone is interested, there should be a Skullboys group at Akon by the way.

>> No.6644423
File: 1.38 MB, 1100x1650, 63_Ragna_Hazama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6644429

>rule 63 hazama
>more masculine than male hazama

>> No.6644436

>on PS3
>new release for a dead console is selling
wow really, how is that possible

>> No.6644462

Skullgirls is multiplat

>> No.6644474

I'm referring to the Japanese sales he was boasting about. They're only on PS3.

>> No.6644489

I don't really think there is anyone I could cosplay as...maybe 63 Panty, but I'm really not that type of person as far as personality goes.

>> No.6644576

And tons of people use PS3 in Japan.

>> No.6644600

Not for fighting games, they don't.

>> No.6646353

Boxer and sock with a hole in it

>> No.6646440

My boyfriend is doing genderbent Madoka and I'm wondering since he is taller and has a manlier face if that will counter some of that?

>> No.6646447

pantys whole entire shtick is that she has easy access to her underoos due to wearing a dress/skirt. a guy just won't have that kind of accessibility. the only thing that could work if he like wore panties with ties on the sides so he could remove them without taking his pants off...it just seems like a lot of work to take pants/underwear off and then put them back on. I guess he could just keep them off? ...I am thinking too hard about something that doesn't even matter.

>> No.6646452

I imagine it to be far more comical if male panty whips out his undies from his jeans without taking them off grandpa simpson style

>> No.6648866

>dat mandoka

>> No.6648881

he keeps girls panties in his pocket?

i thought that was the general consensus. like as a trophy after he bangs a chick.

>> No.6648910

What if he had tearaway pants as his weapon instead? Not quite the same, but...

>> No.6648935

SOL... shit out of luck?

>> No.6648960

No it means "slice of life". It's a Japanese saying refering to "here is a show about underage sexualized girls doing highly sexualized things while also being puuu~re / sh~yyyy virgins".

Japan is just a mysogynistic country like that.

>> No.6648961



>> No.6648965

Slice of Life = SoL. Learn to capitalize, tards.

>> No.6648969

Oh duh. Well, I feel foolish, now.

>> No.6648976


There's no difference. I have seen it in Japan written as SOL.

>> No.6649000

Cool. Are you typing in Japan? Is this a Japanese site? A Japanese audience? Japanese words?

Didn't think so.

>> No.6649011

Yes to [A]ll.

>> No.6651979

Because good looking feminine men don't need to cosplay to get laid.

>> No.6652003

I love Panty and Stocking even more.

>> No.6652028

>As if getting laid is the only reason men cosplay.

>> No.6652039

Male stocking looks stylish as fuck. I wouldn't mind Rule 63 if it was well designed like these.

>> No.6652051
File: 105 KB, 960x720, daisuke mega cool swordfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the ones who could get laid by cosplaying do.

If they're really ultra tier ugly, they probably don't. Like this guy.

>> No.6652065

No. That's not what I meant. Has nothing to do with looks and everything to do with motivation. Everyone's motivation is different.

>> No.6653657

But cosplay for males is only about two things - attention and getting laid. There is nothing more to it. Any other reason is either make believe bullshit or an extension of the aforementioned (cosplay sure is fun when you're getting attention or getting laid...).

People need to stop pretending this is some higly moral hobby that has complex and individual motivations behind it.

It's always just people lacking attention, wanting to get some easy attention from easily impressible parts of society (e.g. nerds / social outcasts) or the outcasts themselves using it as a way of socializing.

>> No.6653736

>But cosplay for males is only about two things - attention and getting laid.

Why specify males. This is why the hobby exists in the first place.

>> No.6653741

Cosplay is about attention? Stop the fucking presses.

>> No.6653757

I make art to get attention to get clients to pay me so I can live.

Everything in fucking life is about attention if you boil it all down.

>> No.6653758

you're fucking dumb if you genuinely think there is NO ONE out there who cosplays for reasons other than attention. just because you can't understand or comprehend an idea doesn't mean people like that don't exist.

>> No.6653799

>But cosplay for males is only about two things - attention and getting laid.

Did you mean to type females, maybe?

>> No.6653810

No, that's a false dichotomy.

It's not you who needs the attention, it's the product (your 'art', whatever that may be) that needs attention to be sold.

>> No.6653836

What are their reasons then? Just try coming up with something that isn't a byproduct of what I said.

>> No.6653842

However to really make the good bucks and have a sustained income the artist needs to generate a reputation to the point where people buy their work and pay him in promotions simply because of name reconginition. It's like how authors go "From the writer of...."

>> No.6653856

I either do it because I really like a character (so when I cosplay it's fairly rare), I think making their costume would be an interesting challenge (depends on the character), or as part of a group since my friends often have a fandom we're all part of. I'm in a pretty stable relationship so it isn't about getting laid OR attention, because I literally get no benefit in someone giving me attention. If you want to get technical, sure, wanting to meet people like some people cosplay for can be seen as trying to get attention, but that's in no way bad. some people genuinely just like characters so that cosplay them, that's all.

>> No.6654746

>male!Panty keeping girls panties in his pockets

that would be funny

>> No.6654769

That doesn't mean you're "naturally better", that means it's a feminine skill so mainly feminine people will pick it up, but a man can pick it up just as easily. You used a terrible example.

>> No.6654949

I hate those, too, but honestly 9 times out of 10 they look far, far better than their male counterparts.

>> No.6655724

No, that's just an ad hoc explanation for you to tell yourself that women aren't naturally better (by calling it "feminine").

>> No.6655728
File: 74 KB, 240x240, 1291613545570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually arguing that women are for some reason naturally better at this shit? Are you gonna pull out some evolutionary argument for the ability to operate a flat iron and serger?

>> No.6655742

So... why is it that only men made clothing until, what, the 17th century? I'm not too sure about the time period, but women weren't allowed to make clothing for a good amount of time.

>> No.6655778

Where are you talking about? I'm pretty sure women have been making clothing for as long as people have been wearing clothing.

>> No.6655785
File: 260 KB, 470x509, n4fa5fdf2c3d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better question is why is female 63 cosplay so common. The answer, of course, is that it's just an excuse to throw together a revealing costume and just call it RULE 63 ______ and BAM everyone will overlook your attention whoring.

Obviously dressing a gril doesn't have those benefits for men.

>> No.6655792

That really doesn't make sense. You're getting cause and effect backwards. Firstly, there are plenty of skimpy outfits in anime and games for women to wear as it is. PLENTY. They don't have to invent more just to have something skimpy to wear. If someone tries to create a gijinka/genderswap/whatever alternative version of something, if they're naturally drawn to skimpy outfits for whatever reason, that's likely what they'll design. Or, maybe they aren't creative enough to feminize something without showing tits and ass. Either way, they didn't genderswap BECAUSE they want to go slutty. They chose to genderswap and the sluttiness naturally followed.

Also, plenty of people genderswap without being revealing, but of course you'd never bother to notice those people. You'd rather bitch and moan about whores like you're used to doing. I can't speak for anyone else, but I have genderswapped before simply because I loved a male character so much I just had to cosplay them, but I knew I couldn't do them justice because I can't pull off a good crossplay.

>> No.6655800

Women have been making clothes since ancient times- it's on ancient Greek vases and Egyptian wall pictures. There has also been mostly seamstresses in factories and workshops to make clothes ever since, although shoe making and some millinery was mostly done by males iirc.

However that said, women are not necessarily naturally superior at clothes making. It's just that they are more -likely- to be in situations where they pick up sewing skills or pay attention to garment construction.

>> No.6655803

No, the reason clothing for women and men looked so similar in the 16th century was because everything was made by tailors. At this time, everything was still like, guilds and shit, so no one wanted women to be making clothes, but eventually they gained the right to make clothing, but only for women, which is the point where men's and women's clothing start to look different. The one thing men still tailored for women customers were riding habits, which is why they look masculine. Eventually it became the norm for women to make clothing, though I'm fairly sure men still did the tailoring. Even in the nineteenth century, men were making riding habits and eventually tailor-mades for women, which is basically a suit for women. It wasn't until the late 19th century, when Worth popularized the term 'haute couture', that men took over designing clothes for women again. However, at this point, it had become so common for women to make clothes for women that it was a novelty. But it's not as if the entire time men hadn't been making clothes, like I said, there have always been tailors.

Again, don't quote me on dates because my memory's a but foggy regarding those, but that's the basic gist of it.

>> No.6655805
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, it's raping time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the things I'd do...

>> No.6655809

I don't doubt that men have been making clothes throughout history too, but again you didn't specify where, and I know for a fact that what you're saying hasn't been true worldwide. Women have always been making clothes, just maybe not in certain specific times and regions. If you're not going to cite some reliable sources I'm going to remain skeptical.

>> No.6655811

You're also talking about making clothing professionally though... poor people have always made & mended their own clothes, and I would be incredibly surprised if that wasn't women's work

>> No.6655812
File: 129 KB, 800x608, 1297852374758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god those thighs

>> No.6655814

Yeah, you're right. I guess I was more responding to the allegations of the above anon that sewing is traditionally feminine, and historically, that's not necessarily true.

>> No.6655816

Tear-away stripper pants

>> No.6655818

I was referring to Europe. I don't doubt that women have been involved in making clothes at different periods and in different places, I'm just trying to say that it's not as if men haven't had a history of making clothing. Sorry for not citing sources, I'm mostly regurgitating what I've learned in class.

>> No.6655862

Oh god. I visited this thread to see what >>6655812 was talking about and wow. My panties will never be the same again.

>> No.6655979
File: 52 KB, 640x960, zoey hall 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post selfing my Man Zoey to contribute.

>> No.6656051

I don't understand what you see in that, he doesn't even lift and has an awkward ass and wears makeup like a faggot.

>> No.6656053

go listen more to what men think girls want

he is hot as fuck

>> No.6656056


>> No.6656077



>> No.6656082
File: 466 KB, 360x203, nosebleed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656151

I think you're just trolling. I can tell when a dude is attractive because I can kind of tell that I would fuck him if I were not straight / a woman. Like that's what's a general rule for guys who are attractive.

I can tell 100% that if you're serious you just want him because of the bad make up / silly costume combination. He would definitely not be attractive without those unnatural things added.

>> No.6656153

>He would definitely not be attractive without those unnatural things added.
That's true of most cosplayers in general though.

>> No.6656154

Dude, you're looking the male version of a jealous fatty right now. You're not even attracted to men, so why do you think you know what women find attractive?

>> No.6656156

I am not fat, I am just bulking right now.

I agree. You don't see guys like Bear or Isley cosplaying since they don't need it.

>> No.6656161

I don't know who they are, but they would probably look better in cosplay too.

>> No.6656168

Nah, they look best nude.

>> No.6658726

Because the one's saying how they would "totes do him" ITT are 7/10s at best who can never get prime meat (well some of em are hambeasts so they actually can, L.O.L.!).

>> No.6659339
File: 449 KB, 638x359, 13523487893114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.6659342

It's not so much her head as it is the mask.

>> No.6659343

>Hi I'm insecure. In fact I'm a parody of a gym rat.

>> No.6659355


>> No.6659811

Yeah sure. The good old rule of /cgl/ - if she were hot, she'd trip still counts.

Post pic or gtfo hambeast.

>> No.6659876
File: 55 KB, 504x466, 1334076687114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not fat, I am just bulking right now.

>> No.6659886
File: 36 KB, 640x480, me bulking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what bulking means?

>> No.6659887

You mean /a/?

>> No.6659894

>people telling other people what they should find attractive

I want /fit/ to leave

and then to kill themselves.
Jesus christ even /sp/ would be better than this plague.

>> No.6659896

No one asked you to selfpost, you insecure, insufferable cunt.
Fuck off back to >>>/fit/ unless you've cosplayed as a genderbent version of a female character and care to share some pics of that.

>> No.6659892

>A lot of guys out there don't even approach stuff like this...
>Their mom didn't sit them down and teach them how to stitch a line

I'm a girl and neither did mine. Where the fuck are you, somewhere in the 50's?

>> No.6659903

>you still see about a million Yokos per con versus maybe one or two LS cosplayers total.
Yeah, that has absolutely nothing to do with girls picking sluttier costumes, making Yokos common but any other female from TTGL as rare as Lucky Star cosplayers.

>> No.6659906
File: 34 KB, 526x214, 1346583016428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hilarious troll

>> No.6659910
File: 115 KB, 480x640, {5AFEC592-6F99-436B-A914-9939405F2E2D}.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really? then how much sex am I out of 10?

hint:it's 10/10

just went shopping clothes with my gf the other day

>> No.6659911

When did a bikini with shorts become slutware?

>> No.6659923

Oh my gosh, you look like the exact representation of the Prophet Mohammed.

>> No.6659926

Hmm, I wouldn't rank you any higher than 8. Attractive, yes, but not a 10 even in your wildest dreams.

>> No.6659931
File: 21 KB, 399x300, laughing dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659932

Don't get mad at them, laugh at them for thinking girls actually find roided out monsters better looking than athletic, pretty guys.

>> No.6659936

No offense but your post is incredibly stupid. I'm not even /fit/ and I don't like them either (being a DYEL male myself) but /fit/ isn't all "roided up" and most of your "athletic good looking men" are actually likely that way because they go through similar routines /fit/ does.

Men are the more attractive the more testosterone they have (naturally "pretty men" - those who are handsome even without lifting get that testosterone before they are born).

>> No.6659946

I don't think you've actually spent time on /fit/. Plenty of them do roids. Also it was a joke response to a /fit/guy's declaration that we couldn't possibly find a pretty dude upthread attractive because he was less than hulked out.

>> No.6660489

What anime is this gif from??

>> No.6660676

>I don't think you've actually spent time on /fit/.
> I'm not even /fit/ and I don't like them either
> Plenty of them = enough for generalizing

>> No.6660702

>Men are the more attractive the more testosterone they have
>(naturally "pretty men" - those who are handsome even without lifting get that testosterone before they are born).

Ok, I don't specialize in human physiology by any means, but as a biologist, I feel confident in saying that pretty much everything you typed was 100% bullshit. Testosterone basically does jack shit during gestation. All that really goes with androgens at this point in development is that they start making your manly bits. And for the most part it's not even testosterone doing most of the work, it's another androgen called DHT that started out as testosterone but was reduced into a stronger androgen by some enzyme that I forget the name of because idgaf about vertebrates. But basically testosterone doesn't start to do anything to your skin/skeletal structure/etc. until puberty.

Also, most of "attractiveness" really comes down to facial symmetry and personal preference, which testosterone has no effect on at all. In fact, having too much testosterone can give you a pretty severe case of acne, which is why sometimes androgen blockers like spironolactone, which is commonly used by mtfs to help them transition, are prescribed to girls who suffer from acne.

>> No.6660710

> I feel confident in saying that pretty much everything you typed was 100% bullshit
Well you should not feel confident then.
Maybe you shouldn't call yourself a biologist when you studied grade school Biology?

>> No.6660717


Are you seriously trying to use a wikipedia article on digit ratios to justify the argument that prenatal testosterone exposure determines physical attractiveness as an adult? Because the link between digit ratios and testosterone still aren't understood. I am also failing to see what the relative lengths of the ring finger and the index finger have to do with physical attractiveness.
Maybe don't act haughty when your entire understanding of biology comes from /sci/?

>> No.6660741

Yes, they are, you ignorant piece of shit. Just because you're learning trash outdated by 20 years doesn't mean science will wait for your ignoramus ass.

>> No.6660746

Why are you so butthurt? You said some stupid fake science straight out of Maxim Magazine, I corrected you (gently, by 4chan standards) and then you tried to use a wikipedia article about digit ratios to prove your point. Now I'm pointing out that what you're saying doesn't make sense and you still haven't backed up any of your claims. Like, if you can link me to a peer-reviewed study that shows a statistical correlation between high testosterone and things like facial symmetry, clear complexion, etc. then fine, I was wrong and you were right. But I've never seen anything to suggest any of that.
Sage because this is off-topic as hell.

>> No.6660804

Because it's not fake science you dumb piece of shit. Get in with the times or fuck off and be an unemployed larvae like you are already.

People like you are meant to be cashiers, not do mentally demanding work.

>> No.6662251

its called a kilt