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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6652845
File: 1.49 MB, 1580x728, rings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So excited! Group order friend just got these pictures from Bhiner. Can't wait to get them!

>> No.6652850

Links for those?

>> No.6652866


>> No.6653013

review for the onepiece from lolitas?

>> No.6653104

Anon beware of possible confiscations, several items in this shop are Betsey Johnson replicas. Just to warn you.

>> No.6653109

The items in their picture, however, are not.

>> No.6653122

I have no idea who that is but thanks for the warning. I thought they mainly went after easy to identify brands like Chanel, Gucci, etc.

>> No.6653253

yeah, I highly doubt customs would recognize this type of jewellery, especially if it comes without tags

>> No.6653484

Any nice cabochon stores?

>> No.6653501
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x1000, shittysmallorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally bought some stuff I wanted! I only hope the order i small enough to pass through my countrys shitty customs without me having to pay extra fees :(

>> No.6653507
File: 58 KB, 360x420, 110310010019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you think I could find a jacket that is in this style? Not necessarily meta or that color, but this cut? Does it have a name?

>> No.6653512

I haven't steamed out the wrinkles yet since I received it yesterday and it came super wrinkled from the packing, sorry about that.

It's... thin. Ridiculously see through thin. It wouldn't be so bad since it's supposed to be a summer dress, but even the SKIRT is unlined, so I can't even wear a petticoat under it without all the lumps showing. :/ I'll have to make a separate lining just for it.

I bought the S size because it says 85 cm bust and below and I'm 84, but it's a bit tight. It's shirred in the back, but the shirring itself doesn't have a lot of give, maybe 2 inches or so.

For the construction, the front paneling isn't perfectly even (it's not too obvious, but the right lace panel skews to the left and covers the pleat in the middle sometimes, though it doesn't really show much when worn), and there's a bit of uneven hemming in the waist area. There are also a few loose threads about. Otherwise though the embroidery is quite pretty!

Overall I'm just really disappointed on how thin it is and I wish they at least lined the skirt area, though I do like the design of the dress itself.

>> No.6653515
File: 155 KB, 450x600, lolitasdress1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand i dropped my picture, lol.

>> No.6653517

Sorry, didn't see this earlier!
Navy dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w28.5.io0N3i&id=15712365694
Black dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w3.16.qo0Jc2&id=17226163229&

>> No.6653544

shit ass tacky taste...

>> No.6653547

What a fabulous large order, you should be proud

>> No.6653550

I forgot to mention, there's something like a lining, but it's more of a really thin halfslip made of chiffon, although it's not really much use under brighter lights because your legs will still show, and it's not really helpful for keeping a pannier look nice and even.

>> No.6653554

I agree! I am proud of this order! It shows beautifully refined taste!

>> No.6653565

Damn, I like everything in this order. Can I get a link to the skull sweater?

>> No.6653566

>>6653515 >>6653550
thank you for the detailed review so much. i've been contemplating if I should order this op (in a darker colourway though) but i have never heard of anyone buy from this shop ever.

>> No.6653577

So I just placed my first order with yoybuy, and I had a wig there that they told me would take 18 days before it's delivered. Everything else went pretty smoothly. Will my entire delivery be delayed until then?

And, one item was out of stock, and I found another item instead. Since I cannot change my order, do I simply start a new order? Will this be merged with the other order for the delivery process?

>> No.6653588

I've never owned a kigurumi before so I don't really know what to look for in one. Does anyone happen to know stores selling good quality kigurumis?

>> No.6653637

if you want to wait for the wig and ship it at the same time as everything else, then yes it will delay your whole order. And yeah you can make a new order and then combine shipping.

i ordered pikachu kigurumi from here http://dinile.taobao.com
but havent received it yet. Almost all shops use the same stock pics...

>> No.6653641

is there a correct term for 'oxford' type of shoe? I don't see it on the dictionary sheet, so I'm curious if anyone knows off the top of their head?

>> No.6653673

Do most ss pass on the discounts from the taobao shops?

>> No.6653677

Lolitas and Boguta are some of the lower-tier lolita shops on taobao (which is honestly too bad, since they have some really cute designs), but they're also cheaper. Most of their dresses (except their autumn/winter ones) are unlined, though I saw some reviews on egl that said their coats were good quality and quite warm. Their winter stuff is probably better than their summer stuff, Ive bought a summer dress from them before and it was also unlined, lol.
If you're planning to buy the dress, I'd like to point out that the cut of the op tends to emphasize your boobs, and would look kind of awkward if your bust is significantly bigger than your waist area.

>> No.6653680
File: 28 KB, 650x580, japanese-school-bag-sports01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking about buying one of those Japanese school bags highschoolers use, like this.
I've seen it on taobao a bit cheaper than on Rakuten.
Which is betetr in the long run, TaoBao or Rakuten

>> No.6653722

If VIP, usually not. If discounts (like CNY, clearance, etc) then yes

>> No.6653762

Just get a dress form off of Amazon. I can't imagine the shipping from Taobao nor if they'd even purchase it because the dimensions are longer than an umbrella.

>> No.6653763

Yeah, I would also love a link to a cabachon store. Esp. one that sells bags of random ones. I just want to deco random shit. I don't really care what I put on it.

>> No.6653767

I'm sorry, I don't sew, but I am a lolita - what does lined/unlined mean? Does that mean whether or not it has a petticoat underneath? Like how Bodyline doesn't ever have a petti/slip (even a shitty one) underneath, but AP puts them?

>> No.6653768


>> No.6653770

>TaoBao or Rakuten
cheap or quality

>> No.6653773

Link to shop? is this the same place with that pink jsk/skirt that has a horrible bodice but a gothic-like print?

>> No.6653774

Thanks for titling this a shitty small order, because it genuinely is. 8 items? I can only imagine how lttle this must weigh. Your taste isn't as horrible as some girls on here, but it's definitely worse than mine, because I have the best taste in the world.

>> No.6653775

牛津 is what the shoes I've been looking at have been saying. They also say 英伦 (England or British) I don't know if that part is necessary.

>> No.6653779

Not a petti but a slip, yes. Lining is essentially a built-in slip.

>> No.6653782

Boguta has cute designs, but I bought a dress from them last year and it looks so fucking stupid. I have no idea why it looks that bad. I took measurements and all. I'm not huge, I'm like 2cm over their large size in either the bust or waist. But it's the derpiest fucking dress I've ever seen. It's one of the cute plaid sailor school ones you see on their page, if they're still there.
I did buy one of their plain ruffled skirts and it's pretty great. So you guys should buy those. Just not the dresses.

>> No.6653786
File: 45 KB, 480x640, T2GAmUXldaXXXXXXXX_!!20342669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like stores can fake brand marks now or otherwise I wouldn't know how a store can sell the Milky-Chan coat over 36 times for cheap while it looks 1:1 like the original.


>> No.6653789

>Seems like stores can fake brand marks now

In other news, the sky is blue.

>> No.6653791



>> No.6653790

first time trying bhiner and I was just wondering how do the prices work? since the ones in the cart don't match the tb or do they change that during the quote?

>> No.6653793
File: 424 KB, 639x906, bogutass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.6653794

I am talking about lolita brand marks and considering it looks 1:1 like the original, you can easy sell them as originals now for lots of $$$ since they are only $80.

>> No.6653798

Not original anon but, aw, really. I was thinking about getting that one as well as the suspender skirt. Any worn pictures?

>> No.6653803

The prices match for me. That's just the exchange rate they use. They message the shop to find out what shipping is, like if you buy multiple items from one shop the shipping isn't the domestic shipping listed on each item all added together. It can be combined depending on the items.
Is that what you mean?

>> No.6653809

I can take one later. I'm about to go to a friend's house and she can take one.
The suspender skirt would probably be a safer bet since it doesn't need much shaping. The fabric is pretty thin.

>> No.6653811


Really nice cabochon stores:


This one is really just notable for the random bags of deco stuff.


I use this search term:

树脂 宝石 (resin cameo via google translate)

>> No.6653820

the price is 34 yuan on tb as the store is having general sale but on bhiner it's still the original price, so I'm not sure which one is the one bhiner will use.

>> No.6653830

Agreed... just look through a lot of their listings and you'll start to see that their stuff is pretty low tier imo... I've never found really one item I felt comfortable buying from them.

>> No.6653834 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 500x672, ljkp25Knhf1qgv8cpo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653855

Yes, we know. They've been imitating brand tags for a while. You can still usually tell fakes though from things like lack of custom lace, slightly off construction, etc. Like remember during the whole Dreamy Sky pre-release fake debacle?

>> No.6653859

In this case, they even have the custom laces besides saying they get their supplies from somebody working in AP's chinese factory that isn't allowed to be named.

>> No.6653944

Putting together an order that I will make when I get back from vacation in march.
Kinda feel bad about buying cosplay, but hopefully I will just use this as a back up and will finish her magical girl version before anime boston.
Or I will keep doing 12 hour shifts and work and have no free time that I am not a zombie or asleep.
Trying to condense it as much as I can, but fuck taobao I want everything.

>> No.6653947
File: 491 KB, 1541x856, taobao3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture would help.

>> No.6653950

How soon will you need your bag? I have one being shipped to me from TaoBao store: http://cs-bags.taobao.com and I could review it for you when it gets her in about 20-25 days. If you're needing it real soon I'd just do Rakuten myself, especially if it's the only item you're getting. TaoBao will be expensive for just the one item in shipping alone, plus add in fees from the ss.

>> No.6653956

All righty thank you very much for your input! yeah, it kinda is the only item im ordering, I've never used either Rakuten or TaoBao and was sorta considering it as a test item I suppose.

>> No.6653957

Link for the brown wig at the top right, please?

>> No.6653964

The satchel is adorable!
Could you link me to it?

>> No.6653963


>> No.6653971

Kinda worried about getting it through customs, but I think i will just ask my SS to put it in the middle wrapped in something,.

>> No.6653981

Oh, i see what you mean, i didn't realise it was an imitation of anything... hopefully customs will be the same? (Usually they only pick up on the big brands like Chanel or Vivienne Westwood)

>> No.6653989

When it arrives,could you review homuras bow?

>> No.6654077

What do you guys think about fake Doc Martins? Think those would get seized?

>> No.6654085

Not unless it had the tag. If it's just knockoff they'll be fine, lots and lots of companies make knockoff docs.

>> No.6654097

Link to Homuras bow?
Also if you could review the bow and school uniform when you get them, it'd be much appreciated!

>> No.6654107

link to homura's soul gem?

>> No.6654255

i've been looking around on a few different blogs i found via google, but i was wondering if any of you guys had favorite taobao shops for plus size lolitas?

i'm looking through the store spreadsheets provided in the op, but in the meantime i'd like to know the ones you guys think are the best or most reliable? thanks!

>> No.6654261

Thank you for the information anon! Saved my stress big time.

>> No.6654267
File: 222 KB, 450x600, T29mGbXa4XXXXXXXXX_!!112550994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..Do you think I would get that through chinese and german customs?


>> No.6654285

There aren't really plus-size lolita stores existing, most taobao lolits brands offer custom-sizes anyways.

>> No.6654327

Is it real metal?

>> No.6654334

It should be fine getting through both customs, however there's always a chance it might be seized. Pretty sure Germany doesn't prohibit the importing of swords and you don't have to register them with the authorities (obviously you can't wear them out in public areas unless it's at a registered event like a re-inactment)

>> No.6654352

Not sure about German customs, but I know in the UK sword canes are banned. You might want to check with German custom authorities first.

>> No.6654384

So yeah I just got my order confirmed with TB and like I noticed that the tally was off and they were trying to charge me an extra 5 yuan on one of my items. I pointed it out to them and yeah

>> No.6654396

So apparently the ban on brand knock off extends to Anna Sui items even though they had no problems with them before or they are being lazy and marking them unavailable when they really are???

Wth taobaoring????


One of the items in question. According to this there are still 200 of the pink versions.

>> No.6654407

Yes,I think so.

Your right,normal swords aren't a problem,I would only have to pay 1,7% duty.

I just did and it's the same with germany.
Thrustings are allowed,sword canes aren't.
Oh well..

Thank you guys anyway.

>> No.6654418

It is because of the many complains currently of brand things getting destroyed.

>> No.6654424


I was the original anon from this post.>>6652328

Oh that wasn't what I meant for dress form. I wanted to know the actual term to see if they had items with dress from motifs or something similar.

I really wanted to see if they had dress form themed furniture and would get it if the furniture anon ended up with a happy ending.

>> No.6654428

Fun fact from a re-enactor: Actually, you are technically allowed to wear sheathed, peace-bound, non-concealed blunt swords out and about in the UK, since they're classified as props rather than weapons. But in most places it's kind of a bad idea.

>> No.6654433


But that's the thing it doesn't have anna sui marked on it at all even the boxes they are placed in aren't actually marked with her logo or names. And before CNY I had placed several orders with that exact same item and it got through without a hitch. I just resell them when I got them or gave them as gifts to family.

>> No.6654438

I meant TaobaoRing.

Am I an ass to double check their calculations?

>> No.6654440

I bet it's just TBR being lazy again, try requoting? Unless they specifically said no because of the brand issue.

>> No.6654446

Really? That's pretty interesting. I guess technically it's allowed, and at events it would be fine, but I wonder how quickly you'll get stopped by police/security if you started wandering round a shopping centre with one. Just not worth the hassle.

>> No.6654471

You should always double check any SS calculations because you never know. I always do with all SS.

>> No.6654474

link to tights and Rilakkuma burger thing? Please.

>> No.6654486

Well they just marked it as unavailable without any reason behind it. Do I just send them an email about it?

>> No.6654487

Link to madoka uniform plz

>> No.6654498

Link to the red glasses?

>> No.6654499

Link to Chitanda wig!

>> No.6654504
File: 199 KB, 750x1100, T2VQ41XmRdXXXXXXXX_!!651522566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone ordered this wig not to long ago. (the light brown one)
I was wondering if you could post more pictures of it if you still have it! like on a wig head so i could see what it looks like from front and back with out your arms and shoulders getting in the way? that would be awesome! Thank you in advance!

>> No.6654522

where can I find one of those wing backpacks?

>> No.6654524

I actually have one of these from cs-bags. I don't suggest carrying massive hardcover books inside, but it survived a year with a couple soft-cover books, a sketchbook, and all the crap I carry to school. It also has a pocket inside to hold a water bottle. I hope it helps!

>> No.6654526

I don' think I'm the one you're talking about, but I did order this wig and received it about a month ago. I'll take some pictures.

>> No.6654564

Not op but http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16983250037&spm=2014.12317209.0.0http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16983250037&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

>> No.6654572

About to place babbys first Taobao order, taobaonow reliable?

>> No.6654581

Link to Uniform and glasses please.

>> No.6654582


>> No.6654591

They're reliable just a bit expensive since no cheap shipping method. Plenty of reviews in the SS spreadsheet.

>> No.6654596

I wouldn't recommend this store, I tried to order from them and they never got back to the SS.

I haven't ordered from them but another anon gave a good review of this one, they also have two crowns: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.2.uffBxY&id=20226184266

>> No.6654654

that would be awesome! I'd really appreciate that!
also what did you think of the wig? was it thin? did it come pre cut? how is the color and fibers? sorry for all the questions!

>> No.6654693
File: 40 KB, 370x554, T2l.O2XcxaXXXXXXXX_!!699298700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of keeping this in my cart and being sad that they dont have it anymore, I'll have to delete it, but does anyone know of any stores or what to look up that carries shirts in this style?

>> No.6654762

They are usually listed as 'Navy Shirt' 海军衫

>> No.6654797

Link to the white and brown lace dress?

>> No.6654801

Thank you!

>> No.6654807

I'm using TBR and I manually added up the items since some were different then what it shows up. Will they take that off before making me pay? I added up 1072.73 ¥ and they have 1321.28 ¥.

>> No.6654814

Did you put a note about sale prices? Sometimes they have to do it manually.

>> No.6654852

I can add it to the bottom note, but I wasnt sure since this is my first time using them. I'll do that then!

>> No.6655010

How do I make TBR confirm my order? Do I write them? It's been a while and it's still unconfirmed...

>> No.6655015

wow, where have you been the last week? lol

basically most people who made orders before cny or during cny still are unconfirmed while people making orders at the end of this week have first payment confirmation.

So yeah... I would just do the order over and see if that gets you somewhere... or try another SS.

>> No.6655031


I think it depends on how big your order is.

My friend's (small shitty) order just got confirmed, and my large (but still shitty taste) order is waiting.

I will be so mad if my dress goes out of stock. It'll be like the fifth item that went out of stock on me this order now.

>> No.6655036


Just want to add that we made the order at the same time before CNY, and her order got confirmed on Monday and I'm still waiting.

>> No.6655040

Oh, I did my order after cny actually, Just read about other anon re-doing their cart so I did but no answer yet.

Mine is a shitty small order too, Just two sweaters, two shirts and some small stationary...3 stores in total

>> No.6655048

What's up with this shop? I'm into this coat.
Is it a replica(obvs)?

>> No.6655061

Yes and no, the clothes that have the brand name in the product name are originals, the ones who don't (like the coat) are replicas made with materials from AP's production factory and also get sold in the official AP store that is located in Shanghai.

>> No.6655070

...Wait. What? They sell AP replicas in the AP Shanghai store?? Or am I just reading this completely wrong.

>> No.6655079

Exactly, it is even written at the description of some products, somebody seems to sell ~bad~ original AP productions under the table for cheap.

>> No.6655081

Sorry late reply, I got called into work.
This right?
My precious:
Will do,

>> No.6655086

That's awfully strange, to say the least. And AP knows that their Shanghai store is selling replicas of their own items? I just don't see how they'd allow this.

>> No.6655095

I thought that I might as well ask, but does anyone like dressing other people up? I love some stores on Taobao, I'm really horrible with fashion, and putting pieces together usually turns out badly for me. I hate wasting money when I don't wear clothing that I buy because it doesn't match anything. A-A-Anyone wanna help?

>> No.6655099

Doesn't seem so but then again, the store got no online presence and AP hardly inspects their shops and when they do, they announce it anyways.

>> No.6655162

Thing is, you'll look stupid if you're just being a mannequin. Do you have any particular ideas of how you would like to look, so we know what kind of style you have?

>> No.6655165

>>6655070 >>6655079
You stirring drama or what?
3rd line: We are trying to complete this batch of manufacturing quickly, and some other gibberish about settling the purchases with taobao's payment system that I don't understand.
4th line: It is normal for you as a customer to have doubts about the quality we will deliver. You will witness the quality of our products for yourself when you receive your purchases, otherwise, you can choose to patronise other shops. (my english translation makes them sound rude but they are very gracious about it.)
5th line/red text: If you don't feel comfortable buying from us (implied: buying a replica), feel free to step away from purchasing from our shop. AP's official shop in shanghai opens on Oct 2012 at Guangyi Dept Store. (instructions on getting to the AP store) Everybody is welcome to buy from the Official AP shop.

If you had half a brain to think, AP obviously opened a store in Shanghai because of a high demand of authentic AP there.

You're not in China. If AP has a webshop for the people in China, they'd announce it in Chinese and accept Chinese payment methods like alipay, therefore unaffecting you, we all don't know if they have a Chinese webstore.

>> No.6655167

link to the black/gold dress?

>> No.6655179

Ahh, I see. This makes a lot more sense, I thought it sounded really weird that AP would allow replicas to be sold in their store (wtf).

>> No.6655201

There are a few people on lookbook that have a style I love. The things I like are simple enough, I just don't know how to make a good outfit.

>> No.6655204


>> No.6655212

Man, Chinese seems to sound rude in general when translated to English in general.

>> No.6655224
File: 116 KB, 640x480, T1UtUCXaFXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I plan to buy some cheap football jerseys and I'm not sure if they're knock offs or not (they're about $16 each) so I was just wondering if these would realistically make it through customs without any trouble?

>> No.6655228

in english you can say "you don't have to patronise us" - but in mandarin there are many different ways to express the same thing yet each expression can carry a different nuance, from being very gracious, to somewhat gracious, to sarcastic, to being rude. i generally find it a chore to translate mandarin to english, because sometimes 2-4 words in mandarin can only be explained with a full sentence in english. but having camping out on cgl for a year and translating things for people has helped my mandarin really improve.

>> No.6655233

Nobody is stirring drama, they even write that it is from APs factory on the Usakyume product description and they won't say who gets them the stuff since it would be suicidal for the factory.

>> No.6655234

Does anyone know of a service that is willing to send props? I have a sword prop (it's either wood or foam) that I tried to purchase thru taobaoring and they said they wouldn't do it.

>> No.6655236


>> No.6655242 [DELETED] 

They do have a store in china, see

Angelic Pretty Shanghai
Shanghai Changning Road 999, the light of a Department Store 1F JYUJYU MALL

>> No.6655252

I'm speaking from my boyfriend, though he speaks canto, not mandarin.

I'm thinking of taking some course to learn it since his parents english ranges from heavy engrish to a couple words. They speak both canto and mandarin, but it would probably be 'easier' to learn whatever he knows.

fucking tones.

>> No.6655257

I had two orders... one was small... one was big. I got no confirmation (1 order made durinbg the holiday, the second made on the 18th)... I then removed two items from the small order (it only had 5 items total) that happened to be the only two items I fucking really wanted, and BOOM confirmation... So I reordered the two items in the middle of last week and still no confirmation...

I've gone ahead and made my entire order with taobaospree and got my confirmaiton within 2 of their business days (made order on Friday received confirmation Monday morning.)

>> No.6655254

They even say on other products everything is from AP's factory and that they also can buy them directly at their chinese store if they have doubts in the quality WHEN BUYING ONLINE and not seeing the product directly.

>> No.6655273

>>6655236 >>6655257
but it does not say anywhere that the official AP shop is selling replicas. that is so far-fetched.

i'm actually saying we don't know if their shanghai shop also sells through a webshop, my bad.

>> No.6655276

Actually it does, they say on many products that they should visit APs shanghai shop if people are in doubt of the quality.

>> No.6655282

What I am saying is, that shirleydeer is telling you to buy from the official AP counter if you are uncomfortable with buying knockoffs, but it is ridiculous to say that the official AP in Shanghai is selling REPLICAS.....do you understand?

>> No.6655281

anyone know the terms for paper clay for decoden?

>> No.6655291

I can read chinese myself with being born in Hong Kong and like said before, they are selling products directly from AP's factory, that isn't counted as replicas when it is the same as the official product with little manufacturing errors.

>> No.6655294

Even the people on the reviews say that the AP store does so...

>> No.6655304

i group factory rejects under knockoffs, but that's just me, ok, i stand corrected - i meant factory rejects

adfdoghd. which one? show me!

>> No.6655305 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x600, img_0393s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen this pop up before, but just in case you guys ever considered a cosplay.com wig....... here you go http://shop.cosplay.com/wigs.html

>> No.6655311
File: 46 KB, 600x600, img_0393s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(now with correct taobao link)
If you guys ever considered buying a wig from cosplay.com before, here you go http://moficat.taobao.com/p/COSPLAY.htm?spm=a1z10.1.5003-205226696.1.Vf1yLp

>> No.6655316

You seem to forget that we talk about china after all, just remember how FLW claimed that their wigs were exclusive made for them by the contract with their chinese factories and then suddenly all their wigs appeared on taobao.

>> No.6655317

how would factory rejects be knockoffs? Knockoffs are made by Different factories with Different materials than the original...

IW fills their oddment LPs with Factory Rejects you know...?

>> No.6655318

They're using the brand item as the stock photo, so I doubt the replica will look "excatly" like the photos.

>> No.6655326

I'm not a glw fan but seeing a split twin tail wig in the same colors as theirs does not mean it is from the same factory or supplier... And their most popular wigs (gradient pastel fades for Rhapsody) are still not available via taobao... you'd think you'd see them everywhere if their supplier sold on taobao too.

sage for the same old arguement

>> No.6655328

Actually they do look exactlky like the stock photos, somebody even posted photos of the coat at the reviews.

>> No.6655336

the whole debate is that it's not a replica but from the AP factory in china with a slight defect.

>> No.6655350

i classified "things that are not sold through the brand shop" together in one group, but i already said i stand corrected.

the factory rejects sold in lucky packs are not all the same as factory rejects sold through backdoor means like shirley deer. in the former, the brand acknowledges these items have flaws but sells them at discount - so the original brand still has a cut of the profit they deserve from coming up with the design. in the latter, the brand doesn't get anything...and the profits go straight to the manufacturer. Or am i wrong about this?

i'm trying to say the ap shop *won't* sell replicas as opposed to >>6655070 ...?

>> No.6655353

I think they meant factory knockoffs?

It's still a knockoff if it isn't sanctioned to be sold by a different store by the original store, isn't it?

>> No.6655363
File: 473 KB, 539x400, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks quite legit to me according to the reviews.

>> No.6655365

I don't know, but it seems really weird that AP wouldn't notice the flawed items simply disappearing... I think (according to the translation above?) that they are aware and are fine with it? As for them getting profits from it, really no way to tell.

>> No.6655379

in the usakumya bag listing, they mentioned that they can't put the logos, what i understand is that they used to put the logos and the manufacturer was caught, therefore they had to discontinue the black usakumya.
for a brand that is constantly plagued by counterfeits (knockoff/replica/factory knockoff), i don't think they'll be fine with it...

>> No.6655388

It's not too uncommon for Chinese factories to sell bad items for some extra income instead of disposing of them as the company requests.

>> No.6655412

JSYK, there are suppliers on taobao who can make pretty much any wig you want them to, if you order enough of them, just because they're not available for sale on their shop doesn't mean they dont exist.

>> No.6655423

Any idea which store sells katanas with a wooden blade? I just want to play with the sheathing and drawing shit and my country prohibits metal weapons

>> No.6655434

You mean a bokken? Term is 木剑.

>> No.6655447

a katana but with a wooden blade instead of a sharp metal one

>> No.6655454

Of course... but the argument always is : 'Their suppliers sell on taobao' which isn't true.

Yes you can get the same wigs made via other shops, but it doesn't mean they are GLW's suppliers.

>> No.6655466


Look up the chinese symbols for polymer clay. I kept finding decoden items when I kept trying to find good polymer clay.

>> No.6655478


>> No.6655479

...but this is exactly what a bokken is.

>> No.6655486

Yeah but in this case of the GLW drama some years ago it WAS an actual supplier from GLW, they even had wigs from GLW online before they even were sold on their site.

>> No.6655488

A bokken doesn't have a sheath, I think OP wants a sword that looks like a normal katana but is made of wood.

>> No.6655499

Not aware of anything that happened over 2 and 1/2 years ago... sauce?

>> No.6655523

Yep, I want it with the sheath and all so I can play with it

>> No.6655525

Just search for 'chanarchive gothic lolita wigs' at goggle, 4chan doesn't let me post the link but it is lots of text.

>> No.6655537

Don't learn Canto. Mandarin's easier for non-Chinese to speak. There are tones in Cantonese that will be super hard for people to learn if they haven't grown up speaking it.

>> No.6655542

Is the supplier for their twintail wigs btw.

>> No.6655637

>My friend's (small shitty) order just got confirmed, and my large (but still shitty taste) order is waiting.
Thank you for your emphasis.
I really appreciate it, you saved me some work.

>> No.6655650

Shirleydeer is NOT legit. They are replicas with no tags. I've ordered several items from them, and in my last order I had both Celestial and Taobaoring ask them about their store. They don't hide that they are replicas, and the photos of the milky fawn coat are not their own.

>> No.6655707

does anyone know where to buy secret shop tea parties? every time i go to the taobao store the only thing i see are socks

>> No.6655709

AFAIK only certain sellers like Clobba are able to buy them, you can't buy them through a normal SS.

>> No.6655712



>> No.6655714

sooo has anybody managed to get SS shoes from celestial delinquent?

>> No.6655727
File: 40 KB, 233x310, view_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where I can get a replica of AP's chiffon dress? other than shirley deer

>> No.6655760

any one have links for angelic pretty's strawberry parlour that isn't 2000yuan+?

>> No.6655765
File: 19 KB, 310x208, flowergauze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some cute net fabric with tiny daisies in it on accident while looking for something completely different. I'm not sure what I'd use it for, but I thought I'd pass it on.

>> No.6655839

what do you mean exactly?

>> No.6655855

Ok, so here is the info on SS shoes: Some shopping services (like Dollypoddle) can contact the owner of secret shop and order shoes. There are a couple of bad points though:

Shoes such as the Star Engineer Boots, Victorian Maiden Short Boots, and a few others are exclusive to Clobba. The Secret Shop factory only makes these for Clobba and Qutieland (seems to really be the boots I think and I've never seen Qutieland with the boots available, but that's what Dolly said the seller said)

You CAN have Dolly order you TPs (I asked for Lav and she said yes, so I assume most colors) as well as other styles (like the ETC tps)

Here is the bad stuff:

You have to wait just as long as Clobba does to receive new stock (so if Clobba's preorder ends in... September for a shoe, then you have to wait until then too) and for things not on pre-order, it's still the same stock cycle as Clobba. I was told it wouldn't be until May for the TPs and ETC shoes to be ready

The amount you pay turns out to be almost exactly the price you pay Clobba... For example, the TPs default price is 198Y, the ETC shoes are 298Y... after adding fees and shipping, the price is basically the same as Clobba, maybe give or take a couple bucks.

So yes, that is all the info I've been able to gather about SS shoes. I hope this helps!

>> No.6655860

To add to what you've said:

The reason Secret Shop uses this system has to do with their shop having been overrun a few years ago. In combination with a lot of other issues (their lead prototyper/supervisor caught his hand in a machine, hardware arrived facing the "wrong" direction for a set of straps, and a few other things), they were overwhelmed by the number of people ordering in large amounts. They then cut it back to "VIP" orders only, which means that only certain trusted buyers are allowed to buy from them at all.

The custom designs that they do for Clobba are something that Martin negotiated. Previously, they did requested styles if they reached a certain number of pre-orders through the large shopping services. A couple (Mashimaro Girl, Junie, and QCute at the time; Clobba was still only working with ODIP) would buy stock on top of customer pre-orders to fill out the numbers and have the shoes on hand. They still do this, just in a much more closed circuit.

>> No.6655864

Nice, I am really glad to compile all this info... because I hear questions about SS ALL THE TIME. Do you mind if I take the information you have shared and paraphrase it for a short 'beginner's taobao' session I am planning in a couple of months? The Secret Shop debate is going on my 'most asked questions' part haha.

>> No.6655866

also, since you have such great background info, are the rumors that they literally work out of the AP shoe factory legit? This isn't really info I was going to add to my presentation, just something I've always wanted to know was true or not... though I guess there's no REAL way to prove it?

>> No.6655868

I'm not >>6655864 but can I cross-post your info to my tumblr?

>> No.6655873

I am >>6655855 and I don't know if you need the info I gathered from Dollypoddle, but if you do it's not a problem. I don't share it too often because i figured she would get overrun with orders (though I am sure she's not the only SS who knows how to get in touch with Secret shop) but I also figure putting in the 'bad' news would help with that.

Also can I have your tumblr? I try to follow most taobao tumblrs i can find haha

>> No.6655875

my tumblr is yetanotherjfashionblog. if you want me to credit you for the info you can drop me a PM on tumblr.

>> No.6655877

oh... I'm onysablet hahahahahaha

>> No.6655881

no need to credit me since it's not really info I own haha. I bother you enough on your tumblr anyway hahahaha (onysablet - the sablet, sorry forgot it was a slightly different name for the tumblr itself) :)

>> No.6655885

>>6655881 >>6655877
no, i recognise you...haha.
i will just post the info without mentioning your name, but let me know anytime you change your mind.

>> No.6655889

oh i was meaning to ask... finally had my SS confirm my Dark Box galaxy JSK order... and they said no custom, did I translate that page wrong, or was there a cut off date for custom I missed? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w8413192141.7.iwgGg2&id=22516840616

>> No.6655891

even has the custom order fee page/listing http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013. oh well I don't mind, I just finally wanted to see some Krad Lanrete custom work (well if they even use the same factory I guess)

>> No.6655895

We accept custom sizing (extra 100RMB fee)
You need to "buy" the custom sizing "item" on that link.

There is no mention of cutoff date for custom sizing. Krad Lanrete's usual practice is to allow custom sizing, but only within the first few days of opening a new reservation. It's possible that they've stopped taking custom orders. However, 28Feb is the last day you can join the reservation. That's tomorrow. Maybe your SS feels they may not be able to process your order quickly enough for it?

I am going to copy and paste your posts. I'm lazy.

>> No.6655920

Trying to look for a pair of navy heels and google translate's giving me some not-so-great results. Can anyone share some links (specifically ones that can go to size 40/41)?

>> No.6655966

Does anyone else shop with Taobaoring?
I placed an order on the 26th january, and they still haven't even begun to process it.
I know they've been on a break because of the holidays but ffs

Would I be better off just placing a new order or going somewhere else?

>> No.6655971

I ditched them... placed two orders...one small one (5 items) right before CNY and one large one right after (18th, when they returned) and never heard from them... and yet people in the taobao threads were placing orders at the end of the week they returned and having them confirmed the same night... so I just went to another SS and waited two business days and got my payment amount and now my items are being bought... all the while TBR still is sitting on the same order without confirming.

I went with Taobaospree fyi.

>> No.6655975

Could someone help me translate this?

沒有預定的親請不要拍,詳情請查看正價頁面: <some url>

This is where it's from: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22357040661

>> No.6655977

I think it means the other link is the actual price and to not buy from the listing you posted.

>> No.6655981

I think this is the final payment page for pre-orders and the link is the full price listing for everyone else? I could be wrong though.

>> No.6656038

"if you did not participate in the reservation do not buy this item, more details of the item can be found here, this is the listing for non-reservation pricing: link"

>google translate says: pre-pro-please

>> No.6656045


I don't know how their quality is nowadays, but I've been looking at a style I can't find in the right colour anywhere else. So thank you!

>> No.6656158

I'm so confused. There are two AirMails on Bhiner but they only list the cost of one of them. I've always used AirMail but I can't figure out which to use. Does anyone know what the cheapest shipping method on Bhiner is?

>> No.6656165

Also what in the world is "Duty Free Limit"? They never had that on TaobaoRing but it says I'm going to be charged $35 dollars for it?

>> No.6656167

china airmail? hk airmail is always a little bit expensive for me.

>> No.6656170

What's the cost difference? I can't find on their site the difference between the two in cost at all.

>> No.6656203
File: 155 KB, 917x876, 150614_521704624538868_1004301840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know info about this has been posted earlier but I lost the link :( Can someone be so friendly to tell me what store this dress came from?

>> No.6656204

Just check the archives? Do a search for the question you asked

>> No.6656210


Of course! What the hell was I thinking? I'm sorry...tired after a horrible day at work...

>> No.6656219


>> No.6656228

Can anyone recommend good fashion wig shops (not cosplay) that cost below 100 yuan?? I'm looking for a shoulder-length wig, and I've searched for wigs on taobao, but all I keep getting are dodgy looking gabalnara replicas.

>> No.6656232

I'm completely bummed out that three items I really wanted have now sold out with my order with TBR. I don't feel like I have the energy to start up a new order. All I've done is change my notes to ask if the store will restock.

>> No.6656238

*their own

>> No.6656235

Lucaille ? They've got a pretty decent selection of fashion wigs and use their on pictures

>> No.6656239

They are not replicas, they are directly from APs factory, hence, look at the reviews, special the ones including photos, the photo of the coat is their own.

>> No.6656245

Something is Duty Free when you don't have to pay customs so basicly you are over the limit where things are free of customs in china.

>> No.6656249

Thanks! Any other places? Also do you know if the wigs with blunt bangs come like that or do they come uncut?

>> No.6656257
File: 2.28 MB, 1988x2896, IMG_4666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, yesterday I was talking about the Boguta plaid schoolgirl sailor dress and how it was really weird. Someone asked for a worn picture. Here it is. I couldn't find my friend's petticoat and she was in a hurry. But a petti won't fit it.
It's cut so weird. The waistline is right below the widest point of my bust, but I gave them detailed measurements. This makes it make me look extremely wide and stupid. It's kind of like a toddler dress just sized up. I'm pretty sure they made it shorter than I asked, because I measured a dress I liked the length and it's a good 2-3" shorter than all of the lolita dresses I have hanging up now.
The huge pearly rose buttons aren't suitable for a fabric this thin, which could be extremely easily fixed, but I thought that was kind of notable.
So, maybe this would be okay if you got it in one of the set sizes. It's also pretty cheap, but like $40 cheap, not $5 cheap.

>> No.6656263

It's annoying how the waist isn't at the waist, if you know what i mean. i think it'd be salvageable if it weren't for that. Shame really, it's a cute idea for a dress...

>> No.6656266

It looks like an empire on you...

>> No.6656267

And while we're at it: can anyone explain to me why these wigs are so cheap?

>> No.6656269

Probably cheap halloween wigs since they use stolen stock photos from Gabalmania, etc.

>> No.6656274

They look alright in the few customer photos I found. Not amazing, but not totally shit.

>> No.6656275

Should add I'm not the same anon who posted the store.

>> No.6656282

anon who posted the link here, I wish there were better pictures of the wigs worn, shitty webcam pics don't really help much. But so far they don't look horrible.

>> No.6656287

all of the main pieces i wanted went out of stock waiting 2+ weeks for them to confirm, so i ragecanceled the other ones awaiting first payment u__u

>> No.6656289 [DELETED] 

That's what I was thinking. Maybe I'll just cut the top off and turn it into a skirt.

>> No.6656292

That's what I was thinking. Maybe I'll just cut the top off and turn it into a skirt.
It does, kind of. It looks like an empire waist on the model, too, but it sits at a much more flattering spot, like below her bust.

>> No.6656372

Can anyone rec me any stores that do nice (cheapish?) short sleeved blouses?

>> No.6656380

Taobaospree is the master race of shopping services.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.6656387

agreed! I really don't know why I ever pick anyone else... I guess people don't like the excel sheet? And would rather have the automated cart system

>> No.6656388

Term for crossdressing goods: 变装

>> No.6656390

how are their yuan to USD conversion rates, and DHL shipping fees for 4kg+ packages?

>> No.6656395

Agree, haha. Funny that I had been planning to switch from them to TBR after the CNY after all the good news about them on here, but now I'm right back with them.

>> No.6656411

What are some good shops or terms to search to find edgy yet fashionable clothing? Sorry I honestly know nothing about fashion.

>> No.6656438

you'd have to be more specific - stuff like pastel goth, visual kei, punk, or?

>> No.6656442

If 'fasionable' i assume more mainstream?

>> No.6656466

Yeah something that would pass for stylish in public but still had a bit of an edge to it. Maybe something similar to what stores like urban outfitters sells?

>> No.6656468

Their fashion wigs come with the bangs pre-cut

There's this place, they have pictures of girls/customers wearing them in the descriptions


They're more expensive than you want, though, but they look good:

>> No.6656471

Yeah, that's what i thought you meant.

I sort of browsed a few websites (UO, yesstyle etc.) got an idea for specific items i wanted, then found the chinese character for it. The 'British style' symbol comes up with a lot of nice stuff in that fashion.

>> No.6656476

Visual Kei
Need visual kei stores badly
and not the same price as the ones on eBay
I'm not paying 100+ yuan for a shirt or 100+ yuan for a skirt. Good grief

>> No.6656479

Hey guys, I found this taobao SS that has an interface pretty similar to Bhiner's, their fee is 6%, they offer SAL, and they have various instant messaging systems and ways to contact them

I think I'm gonna test them out with a shitty small bad taste order, I'll report back


>> No.6656485

Frrriick! Do you know what that limit is so I can just split my order up?

>> No.6656524

And I cut down the order to like 5 dollars and I'm still being charged $35. Huh.

>> No.6656614
File: 806 KB, 864x477, prom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone I'm new to 4chan but not Taobao.
I was wondering what forum in here (serious question) can I ask a Calculus problem to? I'm really stuck on this definite integral physics/calc problem.

Anyways, my contribution to this thread: image is my order I just made with Taobaoring, they already had everything confirmed and I just sent payment. I made the order two nights ago. I am a reseller. All of these prom/dance dresses were $15 or less - and I got a good deal from the shop for buying 10 of each dress, so I only had to pay $5-$10 depending on the dress's original price. I resell each dress for $100 - $200, but never less than $100. I sell locally on Craigslist, and sometimes girls' recommend me to their little high school friends and other idiots, and I just sell them. Last year I made a few thousands in profit from doing this. I am a full time student so I don't have time for a job of my own - but it doesn't take morethan a few minutes to advertise these dresses on Craigslist!

>> No.6656617

Can you explain what this means in other words?

>> No.6656620


>> No.6656624

Does anyone know what shop carries the zombie unicorn dress? I had the link but I've seem to lost it.

>> No.6656634

You have to pay customs for shipping within china.

>> No.6656643

...there are so many, it is a Rowky (korean harajuku fashion brand) replica.

>> No.6656650


Serious answer: your professor or a friend.

But awesome that you can make a profit off of that.

>> No.6656652

'm thinking of doing something similar. Such an easy was to make money from the non-internet-savvy.

>> No.6656666

Why does EMS seem to be so cheaper on TaobaoRing than Bhiner because I just used the shipping calculator on both and Taobaoring came out waaaaay lower. Like 500g on EMS on Toaboaring they're saying is like 20 bucks while on Bhiner it's saying that it's like 100. What's up with that?

>> No.6656676

Pay customs in CHINA? What if you don't live in China? I've never heard of such a thing.

>> No.6656678

Chinese EMS =/= EMS

>> No.6656679

Different conversation rates I guess?

>> No.6656684

This is a great idea. How is the quality of the dresses?

What's the shop link? Need to start saving to study abroad...

>> No.6656689

I entered my country as USA and Taobaoring only offers one EMS and it just says EMS, I fail to see why one sites would be different especially considering they claim the same amount of shipping time.

>> No.6656690

It's an online course is the issue, and I have no friends in real life ._. I've been trying Yahoo! answers, but I keep getting banned for violating their rules. It's not even a homework problem, it's a practice problem and I just can't figure it out!

Making a new thread in /sci/ just to ask a question - does that seem appropriate? And thank you!

Agreed - it's definitely helped me get money for college, however I still had to take out loans. It's hard to resell until you actually get noticed, I'm thinking about making a website.

>> No.6656693

There's two types of shipping for EMS: Chinese EMS and regular EMS. Maybe Taobaoring doesn't have regular EMS.

>> No.6656701

I'm so confused...

>> No.6656708

It's okey, I do it on an almost weekly basis.

>> No.6656836

So those of you who are switching to from Ring to Spree, what are you going to use in place of SAL? DHL? What are the differences between these two? (I don't want to pay the high price for EMS because I don't mind waiting.)

>> No.6656848

I usually use Air from them.

>> No.6656859

Here's a huge copypaste of mens clothing stores and info:


And two stores, this one sells underwear, pajamas, bath robes and so
and this one sells casual clothes
Lots of gangsta stuff

Cool and fashionable clothes, some pieces could work well with Ouji /Kodona

Casual clothes, may be korean brand ripoffs


TODD TIER (or at least the models are)


Added to the dictionary, thank you!

I love this type of fabric, thanks for the link

>> No.6656861

They have Sal now

>> No.6656884

Any hope for pants that would possibly fit a man over 6 foot tall...?

>> No.6656890

That is fucking disgusting. I want to kill every person who dresses like, regardless of if they're black or not. I just can't stand seeing people dress like shit, nor the way they speak with their rap garbage "English".

>> No.6656893

Any cheap VK/goth/punk stuff that's not the same shit on eBay (aka wai, nonopunk, those people)

>> No.6656897

well that's completely sane and rational. grow up.

>> No.6656911

Asia probably isn't your best bet for that, sorry...

>> No.6656912

Really?? Have you used it/how much did it cost in comparison?

>> No.6656929

> China Post: Air parcel, SAL parcel

Nope, I had a decently large order confirmed this week and I asked for a SAL quote once the items arrive... so give it a month or so and I'll let you know.

>> No.6656934

Thanks, please do!

>> No.6656932

No idea sorry! Like >>6656911 said, asia isn't your best bet there, perhaps try some plus size male stores on taobao?

I think you need a lie down anon

The only VK stores I have got on taobao are the same as the ebay ones. It's been discussed previously and there are p much no VK stores on taobao that haven't already been posted - sorry!

>> No.6656964

just for note... taobaospree has been in the SS game for a looong time and love them. they are like that old car that never dies but you have to wiggle the key around a lot to get it started... so lots of people go with a newer model that isn't such a hassle.

Never had a bad experience from them in the past three years or so and i love the personal feel from direct emails about products... instead of logging into tbr's site and seeing I have 7 messages (but no email to alert me of said messages...) and having to wait an extra 24 hours while they look at my replies.

Also taobaospree confirmed my order in about two days (about 40 items) while that order is STILL sitting unconfirmed since before CNY (it was split into three orders fyi for some friends to track their price) on the tbr site...

>> No.6657007 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 694x391, 404999_411399865540908_305275302820032_1795149_1940810742_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, everyone hates niggers.

>> No.6657008

>plus size
What about a stick thin overweight man who's over 6 foot and everything looks baggy as fuck even if it is a size S...

>> No.6657042

You said you're internet savvy, and there are sooooo many places dedicated to helping students with various courses.
Yahoo!answers won't help you but a million other places will.

>> No.6657064

Plus size doesn't necessarily mean fat in taobao terms (or indeed many other places) it merely refers to sizes that do not fall within the standard sizing ranges, perhaps I should have said outsized?
Most plus size/outsize/irregular size stores, both domestic and online, cater for very tall men because the point of their business is to provide a product for a market who are unable to shop in 'regular' stores.

>> No.6657085

Can't wait for your results anon. Good luck!

Probably different conversion rates. I've used both and noticed Bhiner's is shittier than tbr.

>> No.6657098
File: 23 KB, 580x580, dream_bikini_3ngqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the term for the color mint or whatever color is on pic related? I didn't see mint in the dictionary and I'm looking for a swimsuit that's like this but cheaper.

>> No.6657140

Does anyone known if Elpress will do custom sizing? I just fell in love with a dress from them but it's only left in XS, so wondering if asking is worth a shot.

Dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17976524696

>> No.6657144

Ah, and I just noticed the listing seem to be implying they just have a Mint XS? And it mentions something about a deposit? Can't quite tell if it's just extra stock or if that means they might do another run...

>> No.6657154

Like where? Please tell me. I've went on other math forums, but I got banned from all of them for showing no work of my own. I really have no idea where to even start with this problem. I really need help.

>> No.6657191
File: 248 KB, 600x1705, T2EBBTXjBXXXXXXXXX_!!105139177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the term but:

>> No.6657201

This is a thread for Taobao. Not math homework.

>> No.6657284

go over to /sci/ and ask them.....they have a sticky on the 1st page with resources and i've seen help threads on there before...

saged because wtf stop shitting up my taobao thread

>> No.6657285

shit, dropped my sage

>> No.6657306
File: 1.07 MB, 683x603, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

软陶= Polymer Clay

When you search it on taobao you get sculpey and the likes however go from cheapest to most expensive in the search setting and you find loads of DIY supplies from googly eyes, rings, beads, backs for cameos, charms, etc. and pic related.

>> No.6657326


Full of jewlry and jewelry supplies and cloth and ribbons all pretty reasonable.

>> No.6657390

Do you know the sizing measurements? I see options to buy but I must be blind and can't find what each size means in cm.

>> No.6657416

Thanks for that!

>> No.6657627

Wow. Found away around TaobaoRing's backlog. I just made a new order with all the same stuff as the order I was waiting to get confirmed. Made the order today (like an hour ago) and it's already 72% confirmed. The one I made before CNY is still just sitting there.

>> No.6657639

yeah... welcome to last week?

>> No.6657670

Does anyone know what i'd search to find black milk sort of stuff? (Or if they even do any kind of knock-offs like that?)
Specifically those suspender leggings, but i'm not sure what they'd call 'suspenders' as none of the characters i've tried are coming up with anything...

If anyone could help it's be much much appreciated.

>> No.6657692

While waiting to confirm your taobaoring cart, I chose chinese ems, will they let me choose again for sal when they send the package to me?

>> No.6657713

As long as you email them. Otherwise they'll assume EMS.

>> No.6657727

Posted a review of three wigs, if anyone is interested:
Also, Alpaca's long rainbow wig is back in stock. Dunno if it's old news or not.

>> No.6657759

Wow that gradient wig looks nicer than the stock images show or maybe it's the mannequin...

>> No.6657842

Can anyone rec any good SS that ship SAL? Trying to find one that will SAL to NZ...

>> No.6657849

I don't know specifically for NZ but you can find out which SS ship via SAL from the SS spreadsheet.

>> No.6657854

Cyan? Turquoise?

>> No.6657860

Nah those are more on the blue spectrum, that's closer to a much lighter teal or peacock green imo.

>> No.6657857

Thanks! I was looking at that last night but I must've been tired/blind woops.

>> No.6657858

Are you retarded? Everyone already knows this.

>> No.6657864

It says there are no restrictions because of the straps.

>> No.6657960

Turquoise I end up getting varying blue swimsuits and cyan I end up getting navy or varying green shades. Thanks though.

Teal didn't work (at least google translate's characters for teal) and I would have no idea how to translate peacock green haha. Thanks anywho.

Ahh excellent. I may stick with this one then. Thanks anon!

>> No.6658032

New thread:

>> No.6658741

Same here
I found a new SS<3

>> No.6659526

Out of curiosity how much is "a few thousands"?