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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 293 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mip8brWI8Y1r4x5xjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6648498 No.6648498 [Reply] [Original]

Can we make a new rule? If you're REPLYING to a post, you need to post a picture yourself. These threads get so derailed with replies and no cosplay.

Discussion Wise:
I really want to like dreamer cosplays but they always just look weird to me. It's like something is really off and I can never figure out what.

Other than that, does anybody have a "Fandom Favorite"? Other than damaramegido.

>> No.6648505
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>> No.6648514
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Show me your props or props you like in general. What are some good props you've seen done in the past or something you want to try and do in the future?

>> No.6648522

Alright, I have a question. I am cosplaying Feferi soon and I have a tight budget. Are lacefront wigs a /must/? Or can I get away with a normal wig with the bangs pushed back using blowdryer & ice pack method? Also, post photos of good cosplayers using normal wigs and that method maybe? And links to appropriate Feferi lacefronts would be awesome, too. The longer the better.

>> No.6648527

Seconding hard, I fucking love props

>> No.6648531
File: 159 KB, 900x600, ccf621ad526dc3ed8931ae5c8da5a175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think there is a cosplay of her that i dont love

>> No.6648534
File: 181 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mdcq1hPzUk1r1vy4do1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody ever tried to cosplay HSG

>> No.6648538
File: 43 KB, 450x600, 1fv6XOIs7LsO1mNVJ6WEnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love lambency's planets specially cause they light up

>> No.6648567
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I just really love this Male Kanayas Chainsaw

>> No.6648574
File: 96 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mipg66rtbb1r4wkvoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting chalk in mouth
>are you serious

not to mention hes pretty hot too

>> No.6648581
File: 48 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mih9nvmATT1qbliizo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alyssaties is awesome in general

>> No.6648583
File: 309 KB, 500x750, 1348364686934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love this Ms. Paint cosplay.

>> No.6648586


Gotta say, I love how Ceriene's fancy Vriska turned out.

>> No.6648589
File: 151 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mcle378AFv1rje0wyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and squishyblob is my favorite handmaid

>> No.6648603

Those freaking gloves ruin it for me

>> No.6648600

There's a way to make edible chalk. Maybe that's what it is.

>> No.6648618

She's such a sweetie OOC too!

>> No.6648627
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>> No.6648629

I don't have a picture on hand, but if you push the bangs back and bobby pin that fucker in place, you should be god to go. You look slightly more 50's than canon but if you take that in stride, go for it

>> No.6648653
File: 518 KB, 1224x1224, IMG_20130223_232939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Gamzee clubs are nearly 2 years old now but I'm still rather fond of them.

>> No.6648661

I don't even like HS, but this is gorgeous make up work! And those contacts... wow... I love everything about this photo/cosplay.

>> No.6648664


>Can we make a new rule? If you're REPLYING to a post, you need to post a picture yourself. These threads get so derailed with replies and no cosplay.

Not a homestuck but Jesus Christ. You're on cgl, getting derailed over drama is going to happen. It's in this board's blood. Seriously go somewhere else. Being anonymous and bitchy and gross is apart of 4chan culture. I'm not saying it's right, but that's how it works. You're also a super popular fandom, you're going to get shit and drama just because you're so big. Just ignore the shitty people or move to another board.

>> No.6648677

OP wasn't saying not to post drama. They just said to post a picture in a reply at the very least.

You aren't even a Homestuck then why do you care about our general? Jesus gtfo.

>> No.6648731
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>Derailed by replies

So is the perfect HSG one with absolutely no discussion and just pictures? Why not say "we get derailed by dramu bullshit" instead of "we get derailed by no pictures!!!" Yes, we're on an imageboard, but it's also relevant to discuss cosplay related topics, bruh. There's really no substance to the thread when the only posts are pictures of cosplayers.

>> No.6648755
File: 55 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mcvbg77u7z1r519d9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


be all end all best Jack award goes to Shooshstab

>> No.6648772

Oh my goodness her horns are my most favorite things in the world. They're absolutely gorgeous.

What, oh wow thanks so much, Norge! I really wish I could send out some to everyone who wanted one .

I finally got my Roxy planet to glow the way I wanted it to and I was tinkering with the lights and tried finding brighter lights so I think I got them how I wanted finally. I really hope to get to use them again someday.

Sage for self post. Roxy and Jane's planet. I gave Jane a really soft white glow.

Annnd apparently it says the file's too big so here's just a link. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/326/d/9/roxyjane_by_lambentworld-d5lrxes.gif

>> No.6648790
File: 27 KB, 300x300, elemental calcium carbonate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting chalk in mouth
>putting calcium carbonate in mouth
>putting calcium supplements in mouth
>putting antacids in mouth
>are you serious
>are you sirius
>are you dog star

>> No.6648795
File: 401 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mipq4q7R441rxf9ywo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay. So HS general, who's your favorite/lest favorite bnf?

>> No.6648805

I laughed so hard at this, 10/10 anon

>> No.6648818


As did I. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6648824

Favorite BNF is dersedreamer. Least favorite is PJ, if we could even call him a BNF.

>> No.6648834

jesus christ anon what the fuck is up with that girl

>> No.6648845


Her spectacles are askew which makes her eyes look weird. Its tragic.

>> No.6648880
File: 27 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw she is my most favourite bnf
>Tfw she is my least favourite bnf
>Tfw she is the only person in homestuck fandom
>Tfw the whole time she was the comic itself

>> No.6648952
File: 92 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mipocvgFE41qivz5io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6648968

who's the vampire bro?

>> No.6649016

Well I don't even like YOU, buddy.

>> No.6649021

does anyone still have those images of how the different characters' hair is supposed to go? i'd really like to get ahold of Jane's again.

>> No.6649033
File: 113 KB, 700x500, 0jane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6649038

you're a blessing. thanks so much.

>> No.6649092
File: 120 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mckfemGj4m1rqh67f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649096

Do you happen to have the source for these?

>> No.6649101

i need pictures

pictures of amporas

>> No.6649126

nope sorry I saved them from cgl ages ago and op never gave source

>> No.6649154
File: 108 KB, 500x632, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP learn to link to previous threads.

There aren't many BNFs I dislike in the fandom, but here's my problem. Tumblrs only really been a big thing for roughly the past three years.While it's nice to have a supportive environment it's ridiculous that these cosplayers expect to be showed with nothing with praise and as soon as something negative comes out they or their followers loose their shit.

It's also obnoxious that said BNFs hang out on these boards, and while it was said and agreed in seererofsarcasms post to not come whine and make excuses for yourself when you are posted, it's when these same BNFs come on as anons and get an attitude for people saying anything about their costumes or personality.

We already know that Rel, Vantasticmess, damaramegido, and the-violet-prince, have all openly posted on these threads. And I think it's pretty obvious that a lot more lurk and never identify themselves (Zippy,boxed-hobo, Vintage-Areith); it's clear from even looking at their blogs where you see they mention being posted on /cgl/ and it's extremely amusing when an anon calls out one of them (Violet) for passive aggressively bitching about /cgl/ on their blog and then they go back and delete the post afterwards to try and deny it. The BNFs are repetitive and annoying.

If I had to choose between least favorites it would be the-violet-prince and boxed-hobo. Both because their cosplays are mediocre and they have attitude problems.

>> No.6649159 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 250x201, tumblr_lwmrjtgqRe1r6rc35o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. This deviantart has all the characters and how their hair goes!

>> No.6649160 [DELETED] 

Woops sorry, >>6649159 was meant for you.

>> No.6649163

Deleted those fails but. Here you go. This deviantart has all the characters and how their hair goes!

>> No.6649166

vampire bro is nantarakantara on tumblr

>> No.6649172
File: 362 KB, 443x700, tumblr_minaldd5D51rmf578o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I see what you're saying, and you are of course entitled to your opinions! And to a certain extent I agree with you; it's ridiculous for someone to expect to be coddled or to expect everyone should like them.

The thing that I take issue with is that you think it's obnoxious that people who are posted or discussed here also lurk and/or post on /cgl/. I mean, it's not like this is some sort of secret clubhouse- it's a public board that anyone with an internet connection can see.

I agree in that, if someone is just going to come on here and post attitude, or post excuses when they receive negative feedback, then maybe they're better off staying off of /cgl/, but at the end of the day you can't really ban someone just because they're "popular".

>> No.6649187

don't dish it if you can't take it. if what you want is a safe space to bitch about popular cosplayers, talk to your friends or whisper in corners, cause man, gossip and drama is fun, but 95% of cgl has attitude problems, and you don't have more leeway than BNFs just because you're unknown.

>> No.6649189

All bnfs in this fandom piss me off. No matter how friendly they may seem in person, it's apparent that most of them see themselves as being in some kind of exclusive club. I'm "friendly" with a lot of them and have been for months. First name basis, and if we see each other at a con we'll probably at least stop to say hi and chat for a couple minutes, or spend a considerable amount of time hanging out. But once the con's over and it's back to tumblr, no follow-back. If a picture of my cosplay gets a lot of notes, I'll get a like and no reblog, so they clearly know who I am but don't want to give me any promotion. Meanwhile I've seen the same people go from snubbing some of my friends to fawning over them once their follower count hits 1000. I'm not really interested in being popular on the internet, I just want to cosplay and meet cool people. So I'm completely nonplussed by this "I'll start treating you like an actual friend when you're famous" attitude they all seem to have. I don't expect people to want to be friends with me, but if they're going to pretend to like me and my costumes and then ignore me once the con's over, they better not expect any continued friendliness on my part.

>> No.6649206

This is way too true, sadly, especially for a certain select set of cosplayers. And in a lot of cases if you stop cosplaying from the same fandoms as them after they deign to follow then they have a high tendency to drop off the face of the earth and not acknowledge you.

tbh there really isn't any truly "safe" place to bitch about the popular crowd, since people seem to love running along to tell the party in question about the bitching for brownie points and attention. What is this, an elementary-school playground?

>> No.6649204

Okay, THIS pisses me off. Does it ever occur to you that they don't follow because maybe they don't 100% enjoy what's on your blog? One of my best friends doesn't follow mine because she's allergic to Captors, and I post a ton of them. Or, maybe they like to curate who they follow. Some people I know try to keep the number of blogs they follow at a certain level so their dash isn't flooded.

>don't want to give me any promotion
>I'm not really interested in being popular on the internet

Then why do you care? If you just want to meet and hang out with cool people, then that's what was accomplished. Cons are also a giant clusterfuck of meeting and hanging out with tons of people you only see at the con itself. Of course they'll remain close to people in their area. And if they have a lot of followers/people, then it means they have a million people who think they know them because they follow their blog, coming up to them and being unhappy when they aren't a perfect Tumblr-sempai and they don't become besties and take off into the wind.

I am all about frying someone who is utterly rude for no reason, but people, even BNFs, are under no obligation to be your close friend just because you're friendly to them at a con.

>> No.6649214

I blog about pretty much the same exact shit that all my other friends do. Anyway, just because I don't care about the result of someone doing something doesn't mean I can't still be bothered that they didn't have the decency to do it. It's just a sign of acknowledgement. I'm not asking them to be my best friend, but don't treat me differently online than you do all of our mutual friends just because I'm not as popular.

>> No.6649222

I am by no means saying that BNFs aren't allowed on the boards, or should be chased away. I personally like hearing from both you and damaramegido. What bothers me is when they don't present as themselves, but instead come on anon and try to defend themselves or slam down the anon who gave the crit in the first place. It's pretty apparent that boxed-hobo did this when being posted a few blogs back. I just don't like ass covering.

>> No.6649232

Are you SURE it's because you're not popular? If they didn't want to acknowledge you they wouldn't have paid attention to you. Following you isn't a requirement. "Didn't have the decency to do it" means you do care about it.

They recognize you when you come back to cons, they remember you, and you're pissed because they don't click the follow button out of politeness? Maybe they did and did a clean-out of their follow list to just friends.

I follow 416 blogs and I still don't follow everyone I meet at a con. Even if we hung out for a long time! It has nothing to do with fucking decency. It has to do with "hey do I want this feed on my dashboard."

It sounds like you're putting treats out for cats and then getting unhappy when they don't purr on your lap.

>> No.6649236

I agree completely with you. I'm not a BNF, but even IF I did follow every friendly face I met at conventions, I'd be swamped with blogs on my dash. I have a lot of close friends I don't follow, and it's not because they aren't popular, it's solely because I don't have space or their blogs don't interest me. And you'd be surprised, if you ship one thing the other person hates, that may actually be the reason they don't follow. It's probably not because you're a bad person, but the amount of bitching anon is putting into this makes me think otherwise.

>> No.6649240

So at what point do "BNF"s have to relinquish their right to be anonymous? Is it a certain follower count or?

It IS obnoxious when someone is clearly pretending NOOO that's not MEEE, but if they are as "popular" as people say, then it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility it was just a bunch of their fankids bounding all over it.

>> No.6649245
File: 34 KB, 500x373, metastuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Metastuck group at NYCC '11. They had an HSG, Tumblr, MSPAF, and First Guardian Hussie, but no DA.

>> No.6649247

This! Even if I tumblrsavior the shit out of something, or if someone else does for my blog, an occasional shipping picture might slide through untagged. Or, for example, if you answer any ask that comes in ever so you flood the dash with answers, that might be it, too.

There are a zillion reasons someone might not follow you, and none of them are because they actively dislike you.

>> No.6649248

Has anyone actually had any experience with BNFs blowing them off or being rude to them at cons? I'm a younger, hardly known cosplayer and at Katsu I talked to a lot of BNFs and they were all super nice to me.

>> No.6649250

Uh, yes, I do care whether they follow me back or not. How else am I supposed to keep in contact? Stop trying to equate unrelated things.

I don't expect anyone to follow everyone they meet at a con. But if you've hung out with someone on loads of occasions over the coarse of a year or more, expressed interest in them, and acted like a friend to them, I think it's just common courtesy in this community to follow back. And if you don't, then it's totally reasonable to feel like you're being snubbed. It's not like I go around trying to be friends with famous people.

>> No.6649258

Jesus you sound like such a brat.

>> No.6649261

I think you're just a little buttmad and confusing tumblr with facebook kid.

>> No.6649263

Why? Because I don't like fake friends?

>> No.6649264

Tumblr can be a really shit way to keep in contact. Asks get eaten, reblogs get missed, etc. If you're super friendly with them and want to stay in contact, ask for Skype, or an AIM!

This sounds like a bizarre case of Nice Guy syndrome with cosplayers?

I will say that one of the biggest turnoffs to me is when people come up to me demanding I follow them, or make a post saying, "MAN I'D LOVE IT IF _____ FOLLOWED ME." Then it feels like some awkward obligation?

>> No.6649266

If someone's not a 'friend' unless they follow you on a blogging site to see your shit text post and random ass reblogging in you book, well you sound shallow as fuck anon.

>> No.6649270

Holy shit what is wrong with you? Did you miss the part where a lot of people won't follow even some of their best friends because their blogs don't interest them? It doesn't have to do with snubbing or not liking you, it has to do with you can only follow so many blogs before you go insane.

To use some BNF blogs as an example, you wouldn't follow Mostflogged if you can't handle nsfw content, Hanyaan if you can't stand JoJos, or Damaramegido if you don't care for Megido trolls. Even if you like them as people. Why is this so hard to understand that nobody is obligated to follow your blog ever?

>> No.6649271

Kind of. And really sorry OP that we're doing what you really didn't want to have happen. Discussions without pictures but this is still a discussion board so, sorry I don't have a picture.

But yeah, I guess I have once. They're insanely popular on tumblr and the only time they ever replied to me was when I was complimenting them. When they would post about movies they liked I would try to reply back and strike up a conversation since I had similar taste but it seemed every time I tried, it would go unanswered and ignored for people who would rather kiss her ass and call her the greatest thing ever.

I thought it was just in my mind so I ignored it for a little while. After some time, they mentioned again, a movie that I particularly liked, asking about it and when I tried to tell them about it, once more I got ignored for people praising her for her amazing skills. I'm not sure if I came off too excited or what.

I saw her at a convention once and it just looked like she had groupies following her around. Kind of like the popular girl at school who had people always walking behind her, never in front of beside her.

I tried to introduce myself but was met with eye rolling and then kind of pushed aside by a horde that came to her table. It could of been me, it could of been her, bad timing, whatever, so many factors. But, it's left a sour taste in my mouth and I just rather ignore her now despite everyone praising her.

>> No.6649275

The-Violet-prince won't care unless you have some sort of tumblr fame where at least my-life-is-strange, and ceriene will be nice and not care if they can get something from you :V Talked to them at multiple cons, same experience every time. Also, I just want to say it's not okay to try and be cutesey to random people you want to like you and then turn around only to snap at your friends or roomates.

>> No.6649276

different anon here

the more you try to explain yourself the more it feels like you had one bad incident and are generalising to all "bnfs" afterward
other anon is right at no point is someone obligated to follow you, it is not a "courtesy". as much as /cgl/ likes to bash on tumblr for most people its a safe space where they get to dictate exactly what they want to see/who they want to see (and yeah that does ultimately mean its sheltered)
if someone is your con friend they arent obligated to follow you
have you ever talked to them outside of a con? like given them your number/skype? have YOU tried to make the friendship or did you just hit the follow button, sit back, and then bitch when they didnt return the favor?
like, i understand what you're saying bc it does suck when you consider someone a friend and they dont seem to return the same level of interest, but "being a BNF" doesnt automatically make someone like that (and if im being completely honest, being a BNF probably means you have to be even more careful w social media networking since you guys basically treat them like celebrities, its kind of obnoxious)

tl;dr i understand why youre bitching but it's bitching nonetheless, put on your big boy pants and get over it

>> No.6649280


I would probably be considered a BNF and I don't identify myself. Not because I want to defend myself but because I want to express opinions without everyone deciding I'm jelly or getting involved in drama.

>> No.6649279

At this point it just sounds like you're befriending them just so you can get omg bnf followers!! on tumblr.

Sorry kid, it doesn't work that way.

>> No.6649281

You're blowing it wayyy out of proportion. I'm not DEMANDING that people follow me. I'm just annoyed that they act as if we're all friends at a convention, and then ignore me online while acting friendly with all our mutual friends who are as popular as them. What am I supposed to think? If I were some obnoxious kid I'd understand, but if that were the case, why hang out with me at all?

>> No.6649285

You're essentially saying that they're two-faced bitches who don't value your friendship because they won't follow you. I.e., you are demanding people follow you if they want to be friends with you.

You're supposed to think, "Maybe they liked me, but my tumblr is not of particular interest to them."

Then friend them on facebook or text them.

>> No.6649296

Nah, I've had lots of incidents like this with people from all different circles of the fandom. I've hung out with some people outside cons, talked on skype and all that. One person asked for my phone number at a convention and then never contacted me? But from what I've seen discussed on here the guy's sort of a weirdo anyway. I do make an honest effort to treat people well but not be overbearing about it. Also I don't see anything particularly wrong with me bitching other than that it's clogging the thread (would post cosplays, but there's nothing in the tag right now). I'm over it, I just felt like sharing and then defending myself.

>> No.6649299
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mii97sMhRC1ru6ow2o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is becoming a clusterfuck
we're a cosplay board not an advice column

(captcha: his ownaged)

>> No.6649306

I don't know many BNF that go to Texas cons so i don't know if they're considered a "BNF" but I really like Dirktier. She runs of lot of meetups in Texas, Promstucks and con photoshoots and she's actually one of the nicest people I've ever met. She gave out stickers at Afest and i don't even think she's friends with many bnf except maybe kingtomcat. Sorry I think I've posted her a few times but I just really admire her as a person. I did meet kingtomcat at Ikkicon and she was also really sweet, so maybe you guys are just picking the wrong bnf to hang out with.

>> No.6649313
File: 165 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m74q5oibnC1qlc3lgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm particularly fond of Devlett's props. Her hammer is by far one of my favorites.

>> No.6649318

Woah, love that photograph and the helmet with horn holes. Is that the same Mituna as the one with the Latula at Katsu where the pair got posted here a lot?

>> No.6649325

Homestuck, I require your assistance. I'm looking for a body paint for a non-HS related costume and figure you guys would be the experts!

I'm looking for something that's safe for the face that won't sweat off in a hot summer convention. I won't have a hotel room so I don't want to be constantly worried about it smudging or running or melting off and having to touch it up every five minutes.

If you guys can recommend a brand or technique, I'd be appreciative! Thanks!

>> No.6649331


Cream-based would work better than water-based if you're worried about sweating off. Try Ben Nye.

>> No.6649336
File: 43 B, 1x1, Really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally love my-life-is-strange KDoran.She's a gorgeous Condesce and a really nice person. I wish she got more credit for her cosplays.

>> No.6649342

Seconding this. Also, it goes primer, barrier spray, cream makeup, powder like a mofo, dust off extra powder, barrier spray. If you don't mind end of day scrubbing, a lot of HS cosplayers like to use PAX on their bodies and Ben Nye on the face. PAX will not smudge off whatsoever so it's a really good choice for your body/arms/etc, but it can be uncomfortable on your face. I'm on a phone so I can't grab the links, but look up the Homestuck Ben Nye tutorial (how to mix up shades if you can't find quite the right one, contouring, and general application), Hanyaan's Gamzee tutorial video (showing how to powder properly), and any of the PAX overview tutorials out there.

>> No.6649388


She's too busy pretending to be depressed and sad about being fat to give herself credit. she wants other people to fawn over her so she can take compliments poorly.

>> No.6649409

How does one "pretend" to be depressed?

>> No.6649415

Depression does not mean someone is calling out for attention. Way to be a dick anon. As one of her followers I feel bad whenever she has bad body image. A lot of cosplayers do struggle with that. And I wish it wouldn't interfere with her realizing that she's pretty.

>> No.6649417
File: 677 KB, 1280x893, tumblr_mipsjaDftJ1r4mm38o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People fake mental illness all the time on the net dude, not sure if this chick is one of them, but it's not all that uncommon.

Side note I liked how clean these hoods were.

>> No.6649425
File: 287 KB, 746x502, tumblr_mindjvch0X1qil7u3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha Megidos represent, yo!

But no actually I think it's sort of funny that you compliment me and slam my best bro in the same post- I am pretty sure that the only time that boxed-hobo's posted on here was wayyyy back when people were talking about local meetups, and one that he had organized was brought up? The rest can generally be attributed to white-knighting, I think- I usually tell him to stay off of /cgl/ because he is a little bit of a ~delicate flower~.

>> No.6649422

ouch dude, way to be incorrect and a dick.

true, but i dont really think anyone is in a position to decide if someone is "faking" or not

>> No.6649434

Homestuck general has a way of getting off topic like a fuck'n train wreck.

>> No.6649438

I hate people like you.

>> No.6649466
File: 818 KB, 800x536, homestuck__therapeutic_irony_by_pandarosi-d3l3jlh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649470
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>> No.6649476
File: 338 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mip1idndIM1r8t2ryo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nudestuck AR. I had a nice chuckle about it.

>> No.6649484

Thanks thanks thanks! I've been looking at PAX because of the color range I need but I wasn't sure if it was safe to use on my face. I'm going to watch the tutorial vid right now.

>> No.6649494
File: 148 KB, 500x677, tumblr_lpaloc9YJP1qb7jevo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649497
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>> No.6649505
File: 328 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mh0qrczcCk1rcsvsgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when I feel like I'm forced to follow someone. I have many friends who follow me, but I don't follow back, just because I don't like what they post/I'm at my limit for following right now because my dashboard is already a mess.
Why should I follow somebody that I don't reblog anything from and just clutter up my dashboard?

>> No.6649509
File: 1.02 MB, 1058x720, 1349306726464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649529
File: 253 KB, 327x393, 9494444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question! Is the Snazaroo light grey the right color?

>> No.6649530
File: 31 KB, 250x375, having learned nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, that fancy tier Kanaya is posting more photos of her Jade wip

>> No.6649532
File: 211 KB, 500x332, tumblr_md37b5Bnk71rnc2g8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karkat Horns help
What kind of shape would be suitable?
How big should they be?
Model magic tips?

>> No.6649538
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>> No.6649539
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>> No.6649534
File: 27 KB, 250x375, she makes yet another fancy tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that color, in some pictures I looked a little blue grey.
So I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.6649541
File: 494 KB, 1280x1920, im suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The construction looks okay enough, but that fabric choice is just unfortunate.

>> No.6649549

If you're still here. Just wanted to say good job on the panel. I was the photographer who had stopped by a few threads back asking about panels. Yours ended up being the only one I could attend and I had some friends let me get in line with them. It was pretty funny. Would have liked to see Hussie do a better job moding but it was enjoyable.

>> No.6649551
File: 204 KB, 500x750, 1361056948588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh alright, should I just get Ben Nye then? How's Ghoul Grey?

>> No.6649553

i kind of like satin for the dreamers

>> No.6649552
File: 35 KB, 438x480, rant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally her rant about her Kanaya cosplay.

>> No.6649587
File: 101 KB, 500x705, tumblr_m2dja8l85k1qksaozo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649590


good lord

>> No.6649595

Cute John in there

>> No.6649597

I really want to cosplay Alternate Future Dave's white tux, but my sewing experience is minimal enough that I don't think I'd be able to make it and line it myself. All white suit coats I've seen online have been upwards of $140, is there any place where I could find it cheaper? A men's coat would be too big so I have to stick to the boy's offerings.

>> No.6649628
File: 138 KB, 500x750, tumblr_miniigm4yl1rj3vcso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd also recommend checking out your local thrift stores.

>> No.6649640

oh I love this Eridan, who is that? also any more pics of them?

>> No.6649641
File: 48 KB, 415x553, tumblr_m3ue68UaxV1qfviqgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649660


i would like this if they werent both staring soulessly into the camera at a myspace angle

>> No.6649670
File: 67 KB, 392x479, duckface-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6649673
File: 524 KB, 729x738, one_big_happy_family_by_saramonel-d47q5nm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saramonel on dA (same eridan in this pic)

>> No.6649678

I hate that blush oh my god what is thjat, metallic eye shadow? If trolls blushed like that how the fuck would karkat still be alive?

>> No.6649698
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>> No.6649704
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>> No.6649705


They do, though. Vriska blushed blue in one panel I'm way too lazy to go back and find. Karkat never left his hive.

>> No.6649708
File: 13 KB, 289x320, =33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There it is. Thanks fellow anon.

>> No.6649717
File: 21 KB, 650x650, 02003_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides, I'm sure his blushing revealing his blood color is the least of his worries

>> No.6649715

she is temporarily flushing on the tops of her cheeks. that's not what the two Leijons seem to be going for as they opted for coloring half their faces plus judging by their expressions it's not a reaction to anything.

>> No.6649721
File: 47 KB, 133x168, 663543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumpin my question with another question. How's Kryolen Aquacolor? Good? Bad?

>> No.6649723
File: 787 KB, 320x240, 1360942079138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point taken

>> No.6649730
File: 86 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their faces just look metallic. I think we now know why she only ever cosplays as Roxy.

>> No.6649739

yeah the shininess was the other thing that bothered me, I mean if it's meant to be blush as in make-up then I get it except it's totally ooc for nepeta. I could see Feferi wearing blood colour blusher but not Nepeta

>> No.6649737
File: 190 KB, 1280x464, wriggling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649742

In my experience, absolutely excellent. I use it with Ben Nye Liquiset in most cases and it does not smudge. Bit darker than the welovecolors tights, though, so that's something to keep in mind if you're using those.

>> No.6649752

Hmmm okay, thank you so much!

>> No.6649751
File: 240 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_miosyjnKd31s6c15oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep accidentally posting as a new thread :l

>> No.6649760
File: 582 KB, 1280x1088, terezi reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favorite: damaramegido
least: heaven?? if she counts as one

>> No.6649762

I'm still laughing over the fact that Heaven has to make a plugsuit.
I'd love to see how that's going to turn out.

>> No.6649779


It's stated that Karkat is surrounded by Sufferer supporters. So he'd be chill as fuck to do what he wanted because from what I can tell Trolls don't really interact outside of blood caste (or in person) so no one's going to come to what appears to be a rust blood filled area without most likely supporting the Sufferer as well

>> No.6649803
File: 108 KB, 795x530, tumblr_mazk4mRWQI1qfviqgo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing she highlights with shimmery eyeshadow or something?

>> No.6649817

dat terrible photoshop

>> No.6649819
File: 624 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mien1fk9md1rr28kbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your guys opinion on using Kryolan? I've had a few friends recommend it to me instead of Ben Nye

>> No.6649821
File: 717 KB, 669x1000, 46845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this really bothers me. Can't pin it though.

>> No.6649827

I think they both look really cute, tbh...

>> No.6649829

I use Kryolan. More matte grey than Snaz's blueish tint but trickier to apply. Stays on well and doesn't smudge. Up close, the color might not blend with the welovecolors tights, but in pictures, you can't tell a difference.

>> No.6649834

her legs? they are lighter than the rest

>> No.6649840

>looks okay
Are we looking at the same thing here?

>> No.6649856

I was replying to the derse dreamer outfit

>> No.6649858
File: 335 KB, 1280x870, cuties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be able to find a jacket + pants at a cheaper clothing store like Kohl's, TJ Maxx, etc.

>> No.6649857

The shirt is so short and the skirt sits so far up it's making her torso look REALLY short.

>> No.6649868

Not true. This is fanon. The canon actually specifies the Sufferer supporters set everything up for him long, long ago (including breeding him a candyblood lusus), but the Sufferer himself is long forgotten even by his old cult.

>> No.6649869

It just fits really badly.

>> No.6649886

Those Aranea's ears really bother me. And her other horn looks far too thin, but that could just be perspective at play.

>> No.6649892

None of the modern trolls are old enough to even know what a sufferer is, and if they do know about him they dont have the attention span or personal motive to follow his teachings. Its pretty damn obvious that none of them do. Youre right that karkat doesnt leave his hive tho and that trolls not interacting in person. Its unclear to me how many trolls have actually seen each other in real life. It would be easy to simply lie and say youre one color or any other for that matter. Caste upkeeping trolls must really not pay attention to the living quarters of lowbloods, or Karkats got a lotta balls putting those drapes up.

>> No.6649901


It's really badly proportioned and unflattering for her body. The way she's lazily extending a leg and curling her torso in the pose also adds to how unflattering it all looks. It's also pretty badly made- that shirt is horribly baggy.

>> No.6649904
File: 374 KB, 787x1182, 1359857873780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are these two? I really have a thing for good Aranea/Meenah duos uwu

>> No.6649905

i just gotta say this kankri's expression is fucking hilarious

>> No.6649908

I wish this worthless fad would disappear already. The cosplay is shitty, just normal cloths with grey face paint and horns.

>> No.6649914

I keep sitting here whispering "The idea is so cute I just wish the construction was cleaner/not done with hot glue because I think I saw her with hot glue before".

>> No.6649919

>good Aranea/Meenah duos
>aranea on pic related has her horns on backwards, a terribly hemmed dress, weird wig bangs, and some kind of double buckled belt around her middle

>> No.6649920
File: 71 KB, 279x216, 1353372145341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a shitton more to it than that you know. ~If only you knew~

>> No.6649922

There are like 5+ comments like this per thread.

>> No.6649924

so this leads me to wonder-- how do you hem curves so that it doesnt wrinkle like that?

>> No.6649929

Dude, lay off. It's more difficult than it looks, and even the grey paint can be a pain.

>> No.6649938
File: 66 KB, 1000x666, 859651_10200187978994905_723308439_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dlsike them for doing this.
most of them having openly mocked the fandom
joke or not it just rubbed me the wrong way and im really annoyed with it

>> No.6649952

Facings, my dear anonymous, facings. Trying to just turn curves under and stitch is going to look like shit. By sewing on a facing (or lining the part that isn't the sleeves), you can get seemingly invisible hems.

Alternative: Make the dress out of something that doesn't fray and is made of polyester so you can "hem" it with a lighter.

>> No.6649953


There's at least one post like this in every thread, but even worse than that people RESPOND to the post in each thread. Can /cgl/ not just ignore these idiots? Who fucking cares what their opinions on Homestuck are, we don't have to prove anything to them, just ignore them and get on with posting cosplay and drama shit. That's what we're here for.

>> No.6649955

>biting their lips

>> No.6649968

Seconding this request

>> No.6649977
File: 74 KB, 500x333, 1349316425336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Nina's cosplays, but when I saw her doing that spastuck thing, I got upset

>> No.6649990

What's going on here?

>> No.6649993


me too; it just made me really...uncomfortably angry. made them all seem like prats.

>> No.6650019


Maybe you're just not a very good or interesting cosplayer.

And liking something IS a sign of acknowledgement.

>> No.6650047


I really like Sirene, so whatever, they're having fun. But as HS cosplay on its own merits...ugh.

>> No.6650049

Honestly anon maybe youre just a real fucking creep and they dont follow you because they don't want to encourage you and they only talk to you at cons to be polite.

>> No.6650055

I seriously want to punch everyone who does that lip biting thing in the face.

>mfw when I was teased all through primary and secondary school for having an overbite

>> No.6650080


I can't stand any of them, and take great joy in the fact that they all look like absolute garbage as the characters. Especially Sirene as Jade- how completely laughable.

>> No.6650083


Why don't you like them? (Apart from their HS cosplay).

>> No.6650089


i know
problem i have is that they openly mocked homestuck and then they do this joke as a way to try and backpeddle from that like "oh even if we said that, look at us cosplaying from it so yall cant touch us"

idk if its attentionwhoring or just stupid fun i dont know at all.

>> No.6650093

I know there is this one girl in the east coast scene. Her url is sangirl101 or something, but she seriously social latter climbs so bad. A lot of my friends try and be nice to her but she just about guilts everyone to involve her things.

>> No.6650107
File: 904 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mijmz22xgR1qluqhho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I know this is late but there's something you just don't get here. I'm not a BNF in the Homestuck fandom but I was really well known in my area back when Hetalia was at it's peak.

Being a BNF is sort of like being a celebrity in that there's about ten times more people fighting for your attention and wanting to be your friend then if you were unknown. And most of the time, they're people who don't actually want to be your friend. There are a lot of people who just want to ride the BNF tail or get in pictures with you so they can get notes on tumblr or be popular too.

The only way to really become friends with someone who's a BNF or who's popular enough that there's a lot of people competing for their attention is to have mutual friends who they trust introduce you. Because these people don't know you, they don't know who you are, and there's no reason for them to pursue a friendship with you when they can't be sure you don't want to use them because they're well known.

Which, frankly, you sound like you do, so I don't blame anyone for not being your friend. You're also a huge brat.

Contributing with some new stuff from the Katsustuck tag.

>> No.6650113
File: 364 KB, 400x533, tumblr_mgyg18rXiZ1qe8uxoo3_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big fan of non-canon outfits but that's really cute!!

>> No.6650132

Can we please just not talk about Jenny? That girl is just...off

>> No.6650137

Isn't she on cancerously and seerofsarcasm's photoshoot "team" now?

>> No.6650151 [DELETED] 

what's her actual url? sangirl101 doesn't exist

>> No.6650153


When/how did they openly mock Homestuck? I'm not doubting you, I just don't remember it.

>> No.6650168

I worked with her recently, and she annoys a lot of people. She's a bit of a con mom, (doesn't drink, doesn't encourage... fun???), and she often guilts people into things. She'll play the 'I'm so sorry, it's fine, you don't have to' card a bunch. A lot of cosplays require a LOT of help from friends, (and I'm not saying mine don't, just like... It's a bit ridiculous). Also she doesn't know when to take a joke? As in, if we're joking around about a 'bad cosplay' she'll be like 'Hey, it's not cool to talk about other people like that'. She takes things very literally. A but off and a bit power hungry, but she is honestly a sweet girl. I mean, I think? She might be trying to guilt me into something...

>> No.6650179
File: 111 KB, 500x750, please stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650180

what a mess.

>> No.6650181
File: 706 KB, 853x1280, light_and_space_by_jayuna-d5ulr14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on these two?

>> No.6650184

Looks pretty cool to me.
Although I have no idea what the original design looked like.

>> No.6650185
File: 535 KB, 528x534, 1360552064679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel pain from looking at this

Its okay. I could point out a few things but the construction is pretty clean.

>> No.6650200

holy shit shes gorgeous

>> No.6650201

Jesus. I glanced at the picture scrolling by thinking it was a nice color /shape and then opened. Horrific.

>> No.6650205
File: 916 KB, 669x1000, tumblr_miph78eLnz1qh868xo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650211

they did it so she'd shut up about bugging them in trying to run stuff. I've spoken to them, she drives them crazy.

All of my experience with them has just been her driving me fucking crazy because she keeps trying to be friends with BNFs so she can be one.

>> No.6650215

Why is it the dog ears always seem to have the 'fur' everywhere :(

>> No.6650221
File: 162 KB, 363x321, hotdogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever done a good ARquiusprite cosplay?

>> No.6650223

While I'm sure this is the case for some, I would have to disagree that this is a set rule for befriending people with a lot of followers. Yes, it's hard to strike up a long conversation with every single person you meet at con because there's just so many, but the best way to befriend a "BNF" is the same way you'd befriend anyone - share some interests, hit things off, and maybe talk to them outside of a "oh hey I love your costume" in the hallway setting.

And don't throw a fit on CGL when they don't instant-follow you back on Tumblr.

>Cool story bro: I have a few thousand followers but only follow less than a hundred people because I can't deal with huge amounts of content on my dash.

>> No.6650233

Whoa I missed like 2 1/2 threads.

Yeah, this is what happens when I try to experiment with different types of clay. I'll go back to clays more recommended.
Eh, I'll try better blending, and get better sand paper.

Thanks for the advice, back to the drawing board.

Also just wondering, if someone were to pull off a fantroll without being a retard, should they go for it just because?

>> No.6650237


There were some well done fantrolls at Katsu. Maybe because they were with Rumminov or because they were simply put together and not obnoxious, they seemed well recieved.

>> No.6650246


I'm strongly considering writing her a long message explaining in detail how to do everything she's attempting to. Good idea or waste of my time?

>> No.6650256

rose's dress doesn't look like a real dress, it's like a bastardization of a mermaid dress.
I'd love to see her try and walk in it.
The way the seam between the yellow and the orange at her waist just pulls and puckers makes me irrationally annoyed, it's not that hard to do and just looks lazy.
I don't think the dress was made on a dummy her size since the side seam is crooked like mad and the bust part is just stretched instead of tailored for her boobs.
The lining is uneven and the yellow of the hem doens't match any other yellow

Kanaya's dress looks ok but her wig is wrong, I can't see any contouring and her lipstick is Nepeta's green.

She does have beautiful tits though.

>> No.6650266


Good construction wasted on absolutely hideous designs.

>> No.6650279

Can we get a list of who exactly constitutes as BNFs in our fandom?

>> No.6650281

Karkat does not blush. Simple as that.

>> No.6650284
File: 216 KB, 900x1340, homestuckecheladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNFs sorted by tiers

>> No.6650285

this happened a few threads ago and i don't really feel like going over it again anytime soon.
does anybody have the chart?

>> No.6650286


a few weeks ago hsg put together a follow list of ranked bnfs, does anyone have it?

>> No.6650297


--> >>6650284

>> No.6650299

Waste of time.

>> No.6650303

I don't even know who some of these people are.

>> No.6650301

I honestly don't understand why cancerously is in the middle list? None of her cosplays are spectacular. They're honestly just standard and underwhelming.

>> No.6650304


thanks anon


too bad. the idea isn't that bad under all her shitty construction

>> No.6650307


the argument ended up being her contributions to the fandom by running every meetup on the east coast and half the panels bumped her up

>> No.6650308

>Hokaidoplanet really?

A few threads back we were talking about how much she shoops her fat and cosplays.

>> No.6650312

it's less of a bnf list and more just cosplayers that are noteworthy i guess? i don't agree with a lot of the placement but yeah i think calling it a list of bnfs is a stretch.

>> No.6650316

courtney is sweet and she makes a cute jade, but her cosplay page only has about five pictures on it and she's never cosplayed anybody else from homestuck. why is she up there?

>> No.6650318

plus her costumes aren't necessarily bad, they're pretty polished and she's done more complicated stuff than just standard outfits.

>> No.6650325

I would like to see some of her 'more complicated' stuff

>> No.6650328
File: 60 KB, 356x494, tumblr_m018aca7uc1qiplauo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I mean, I suppose at its root, the idea of constructing a chart makes sense, because it seems that people keep asking, but I can't help but sit here and laugh a little. I mean, how exactly is BNF being quantified? Follower count? Number of "successful" photoshoots/costumes? Someone whose name you can bring up with a third party and have them know whom you're talking about? At the end of the day, I can't help but roll my eyes a little at this list...

That said, I do think the idea of having a couple of charts stickied for each new thread is a good idea. The fabric guide that someone made a while back, the explanation on how to start a cosplay if you've never cosplayed before, the explanation of What Is Homestuck to people who've not read it, Hanyaan's greying tutorial... these are things I think might actually be useful.

>> No.6650332

Should be placed somewhere:
And plenty others. Whoever made this made one shit poor list.

>> No.6650334
File: 353 KB, 536x800, porrimbutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no commentary, but here have my Porrim.

>> No.6650336


also I still cannot see how on earth is MF mid tier. I mean seriously, what has she ever done that wasn't shitty or drama

>> No.6650338
File: 140 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mir2izNTZH1rmelc2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol anon i just laugh really hard since i dont even know how to shoop at all and i havent been mentioned in here in forever

also yeah that list was just people to follow not necessarily BNFs

>> No.6650339

agreed, though it seems most of them would go in mid-tier, though I could see mohawkdandy being God Tier. he's nothing but sweet and I love his costumes.

>> No.6650340

Saw you at the con, nice to see an attractive Porrim for one.

>> No.6650344

is there a pic that would show your horns? right know it looks like they're pointing to the sides instead of up. Your wig looks nice and your dress looks neat and suits your body shape really well.

But my god I hate those shoes and they're not Maryam green

>> No.6650347
File: 168 KB, 1092x728, tumblr_minkz8NQPE1qdwjd1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but just feel kind of grossed out whenever I look at the AR in the bodysuit. It's so unflattering on her- did it HAVE to be skin-tight?

>> No.6650351

god tier really? sweet maybe but his costume construction isnt that great

>> No.6650355

Then make your own "better" list. The to-follow sheet was a group effort here over a few days because everyone was getting sick of the "who is a BNF / who should I follow" questions every few days. It's open for editing.

>> No.6650359

holy shit eww

>> No.6650364

It was up like two months ago, also what happened with your ancestor group? People complain about seeing the same one over and over, but it seems like no one aside from Ceriene has been able to get off their asses and make one happen.

>> No.6650366
File: 271 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_miqzwmvoth1r3upkbo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on the list; I asked to be taken off because I don't feel that I belong on it.

I mean, you can follow me if you like? But if you're following for the cosplay then I recommend you go ahead and blacklist 'awkwanaut' and then white list 'awkcosplay'.

>> No.6650370


hsg shot out suggestions for three days. you're welcome to edit it. it's a community reference not anybody's personal bible.

>> No.6650373

I mainly like that his blog is not that homestuck. It has cosplay and crafting tips, but it's also a lot of educational material and just generally interesting stuff. Him as his S.O post about each other a decent amount, but it's not unbearable.

>> No.6650378


I don't think it's unflattering or gross, but it does detract from the costume. She's just...very very female.

But god, she isn't "eww" in it.

>> No.6650379

That's...really not that bad. I feel like you're overreacting.

>> No.6650382
File: 321 KB, 968x1296, lifjsdoigiaewg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god the ancestor group... it literally kept falling apart as we went to the con, people kept texting me saying they couldnt finish their stuff
in the end with my car dying and then the car crash i didnt get to katsu till like 8pm, i told the people that were left that they could have a shoot without me but since there were only like 4 or 5 left we just called it of completely

maybe one day ill try to get one together again, pic of my finished Dualscar btw
I definitly need a new wig and fix the collar on my cape
i have armsock, just wasnt wearing them friday...

>> No.6650386

I really like his horn method a lot and used his tutorial for my own horns. Though it is a little irritating when he wears a last minute closet cosplay to Katsucon because of change, and gets more praise and photos than people who put a lot of effort into their cosplay.

>> No.6650387


Zippy has a very, very dumpy body-type, the kind that really shouldn't be wearing a skintight bodysuit for crossplay.

>> No.6650383

i dont think they look that awful? not stick figure thin but i wouldnt call it vomit-inducing. starting to smell a vendetta against this chick, this was brought up last thread.

>> No.6650389
File: 100 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mh1mouy2FO1qduoh3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw thanks! I wish I could have worn it longer, but oh well.
AHA I love my shoes. And they're closer colour in person, but whatevs. And apparently I don't have any straight on pictures from the con, but I do know that my one horn is kind of falling. I have this? Idk.

>> No.6650393

I'm at least glad they took the effort and wore a corset or whatever that you can see the boning of under the suit. But it really is just not that great for someone who doesn't have a more fit body.

>> No.6650397
File: 653 KB, 1082x1920, tumblr_mir0lc3H9P1rour2yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650400

im getting vendetta-samefag vibes, theyre honestly not that bad
not all that great for AR, seeing as they have a very feminine body, but not "eww gross im gonna vomit" tier

>> No.6650399

They don't look awful it's just a matter of not cosplaying for your body type. As pointed out int he last thread the Dirk they posed with was near the same size and body shape and looked great. I've also seen this cosplayer do other good costumes. Just not this one.

>> No.6650404

The Jade looks like Eleanor from 8 Crazy Nights

>> No.6650410

Vendetta anon, why don't you go ahead and state your problem with the actual cosplayer if you have one?

This is just me, but I rather people just go ahead and shit talk then try and find excuses to tear mediocre costumes apart in order to have 'on topic' dramu.

>> No.6650407

oh my god they look like their body is shaped like a fucking rectangle
honey where are your hips

>> No.6650408


the proportions on this are SO unflattering, wow

>> No.6650412


I agree that cosplayers should be cognizant of what works on them, but "dumpy" is just you being a cunt. She's pear-shaped, it's pretty damn common.

HSG has been really especially bitchy about body types the last few days.

>> No.6650419

I hear what you're saying. But I think for him and his S.O people like them more for their personalities and what not rather than their cosplays. Outside of cons they're almost completely off the radar.

>> No.6650429

A good personality does not a good cosplayer make. There are a lot of nice people who make shitty costumes, I don't see your point.

>> No.6650435

I was explaining to the anon why more people probably went up and talked to him in a closet cosplay than people with better costumes. I haven't seen many of his cosplays, but the ones I have seen are pretty good.

>> No.6650441

What the hell does BNF stand for?

>> No.6650447

I'm the one who said eww. I hadn't seen that costume before and that bodysuit looks hideous to me. I don't think her body is particularly ugly, but that suit is. I'm one of those who honestly think that you should cosplay according to your body type or at least try and pad your body to make it more fitting and a skin tight body suit on a pear shaped body with bound boobs and absolutely no cut to enhance the shoulders or straighten the waist/hipline just looks really bad.

There. Not vendetta, i don't know her. Just my opinion, only more wordy this time.

>> No.6650449

Big Name Fan.

>> No.6650452


Fat thighs, hips, upper arms, and calves is the very definiton of 'dumpy', dude. Which are all things this cosplayer has.

>> No.6650455

Bitchin' N Fuckin'

>> No.6650454

Good advice.
I have wider hips and will keep that in mind when I work on my AR cosplay.

>> No.6650458


Better yet, don't use the shitty fucking bodysuit headcanon. It looks terrible and makes no sense. AR does not have to look like a Tron character just because he's a robot.

>> No.6650461

it's actually fairly simple, just go for v-shaped accents or seams on the torso and curving verticals on the hipsn and thighs to avoid that vertical stripes-saddle bag effect. I would pad my waist as well, and go for stiff uniform shoulders instead of shoulder pads, they tend to feminize and can make lifting your arms look silly.

Also wear hidden heeled boots, they slim your hips. And practice posing with your toes pointing out without it being too noticeable, that makes your hips narrower.

good luck!

>> No.6650464

the tinfoil pants are even worse though. he might not be a tron character but he isn't a fucking glam rocker either

>> No.6650471

God bless, Rel

>> No.6650479

God bless, Rel

>> No.6650480

Oh boy, update with new cosplay ideas.

>> No.6650484

I'm largely excited to see someone try to wear two eyepatches to a con and hit a wall.

>> No.6650489

omfg yes please

>> No.6650496

Norge is going to do it

>> No.6650500
File: 156 KB, 500x750, tumblr_miijtulgt21qj8sx1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will take a picture of me running into a wall just for you anon lol

>> No.6650503

>not cosplaying a pair of glasses in it's true form, a pair of glasses
go hard or go home

>> No.6650508

>Not being a pair of glasses.
You fucking serious?

>> No.6650535
File: 10 KB, 650x450, 05759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i mistook potato rose as lalonding at a con because they both look like frogs to me. Looking back at it though lalonding is an Asian frog.

>> No.6650539

I can smell the butthurt, jesus.

>> No.6650540


They might both look like frogs but idk man, they're both cuter than most Homestuck cosplayers. And personally I hate lalonding and think she's a huge attention-whoring faker (putting herself in the hospital because of a couple of mild /cgl/ comments, what the fuck), but it's dumb to discredit either of them based on their looks.

>> No.6650549

Who is potato Rose again?

>> No.6650554

Question, I'm looking to get this wig but I wanted to know if it would be usable for any Homestuck characters? My first thought was possibly Areana but that's too fan-version I think.


>> No.6650592

This is kind of related to the discussion that was going on earlier, but who are the BNF's that don't deserve to be BNF's? I think we've talked about this before and included people like gemiblu and Heaven and heyitspj. Any more?

>> No.6650596



>> No.6650605


>> No.6650621

Whats this?

>> No.6650623
File: 365 KB, 960x1920, tumblr_mir5svMtXG1qzpefjo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this and this set but i can't help but shudder to think who will try and cosplay this.

>> No.6650633


>> No.6650659
File: 953 KB, 600x907, tumblr_mfqxdo1bpG1r0b3lno4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the previous thread but I didn't get any replies, so I'm gonna try one more time. I'm looking at wigs for a Karkat cosplay, and I've narrowed it down to these three:




>> No.6650662

first one

>> No.6650676

I like the 2nd one based on the picture of the model wearing it, but if it's gonna look more like the wig head in the stock photo worn, I'd go with the 1st link.

>> No.6650682

I'm sort of new to a lot of these people, but can I ask why gemiblu is considered shit tier?

>> No.6650686

Because his cosplays are mediocre at best and his personality blows.

>> No.6650688

I... really? When I met him at Katsucon he was really sweet and we chatted for a good amount of time. Then again that was a first time meet, so I guess I don't really know him too well.

>> No.6650692

That looks creepy as fuck. Why does it seem like all homestuck BNFs besides DM are ugly
And why do these two insist of doing something similar to duckfacing in every photo

>> No.6650697

I think those are just how their lips are...

>> No.6650698

The first wig will be natural and not true black, I've bought from that store before.

>> No.6650700
File: 586 KB, 800x1195, tumblr_mirfpt6UQR1qe3hsio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650703

because enough people know about her jade and rave about it?

>> No.6650708

i've seen tatum in real life and she looks different from in photos. she does do really stupid faces that she think looks good, haha. ah well. to each their own.

>> No.6650710
File: 106 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See: stereotypical Tumblr girl selfie pose.

>> No.6650716

Isn't this Eridan from "Tsunagi-con" or "Tsuniko-con" or "Tsukino-con" or whatever? I think I saw the dude there, and he looked really good.

That skirt seems far too short... Really.
>inb4 damara would totally shorten it lolz!

>> No.6650722

What would that mean in terms of how it would look in photos and real life?

Thank you very much!

>> No.6650720


I think they look cute and pretty normally posed...

>> No.6650724


Yeah, the short skirt just looks... dumb and like a cheap excuse to look sexier. In the ministrife it was obvious it was past her knees at normal Witch length.

>> No.6650727
File: 64 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mirgaff5mq1ql37vlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah there Damara, I think you forgot a few yards on the bottom of your skirt.

>> No.6650728
File: 331 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mirf08XQTU1qe3hsio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a better picture of them. She's a professional costumer, and all of her work is really nice, I went and looked at her website and she's really talented.

>> No.6650731


She's a complete and utter cunt irl, though. I don't have enough fingers to count the amount of people she's been an awful bitch to over the years in the Washington area.

>> No.6650738

Aw man, the paint looks so uneven, not to mention the line placement is unflattering. I seriously hate 'me first' cosplay so much.

>> No.6650743

But she's not from that area as far as I know?

>> No.6650746


She goes down there for cons a lot.

>> No.6650752

Explains why she'd be Eridan

>> No.6650755

Can we not

>> No.6650760

Except...Eridan is canonically a cunt? This isn't the place to defend your precious little baby, anon.

>> No.6650771


Link to the site? That is one hell of an Eridan.

>> No.6650791

who is this

>> No.6650804
File: 65 KB, 480x640, 574842_229596670478131_943182150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

searchin tumblr and my old folders for some sprite cosplay

any new/good ones out there?

>> No.6650805
File: 35 KB, 500x279, 549270_229596727144792_1513822789_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650814
File: 124 KB, 960x639, 65920_10200379570479258_2138055837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was the street tier group at katsu.

>> No.6650855
File: 168 KB, 478x721, tumblr_mig2q1T83N1qdvaiko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


katsu had some sprites

>> No.6650860
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>> No.6650867
File: 111 KB, 734x734, tumblr_milajxBVEW1qeevolo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mookie tho

>> No.6650873

I think maybe that anon was meaning that you should debate Eridan's personality somewhere else because we don't care. Go back to /co/.

>> No.6650884
File: 75 KB, 550x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a quip automatically means we're discussing the character.

>> No.6650894
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mihn0aHKRA1rrzg4ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650923

scott talks shit about everyone he calls a friend.

seriously, even if you're one of the people he loves and cosplays with all the time, he's tearing down your costumes and your personal appearance to his inner circle. soooo drama-free doesn't really apply. i'm not sure why that's even a category, considering how good most cosplayers are at being two-faced.

>> No.6650931
File: 12 KB, 100x100, tumblr_ly509jJ9T21qe2mreo1_100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that whole circle strikes me as elitist like none other so....that doesnt surprise me, if its true

>> No.6650933


Everything else aside, that Tavris has a great expression. Source?

>> No.6650936

you hit the nail on the head. they really, really are.

>> No.6650945

Do go on.

>> No.6650947

Whoa, details? Based on their blogs I would have thought that group was really nice.

>> No.6650957


y'know, I did too, for the longest time.

But then I thought

they almost seem "too nice" if thats even a good way to describe it.

Maybe "Elite" to the point where to me, they seem like they enjoy taking pictures together and are friends and all that fun shit, but at the same time, they are only friends with one another. Like the popular kids at the lunch table, they soak up all the attention, act all humble like "O THANKS GUYS WE LUV U" but in the end dont really give a shit and just keep posting more shit for notes and fame and i dont know im really fuckin drunk

and y'kno their craftsmanship on costumes is always really good; they are by no means bad at it i dont know where im goin with this anymore i never heard any drama from them so maybe thats a good thing in itself

>> No.6650959

most of them are. scott is the odd one out. he's super elitist and shitty. if your cosplay isn't 100% professional quality he'll make fun of you. also, cosplay is his entire life and all he ever talks about.

>> No.6650967


>> No.6650978

he also has a habit of cheating friends of out money and dumping them on their asses if theyre not popular enough

>> No.6650980

can back this up

>> No.6650993

Do tell.

>> No.6650995



>> No.6651017

not sure what to say. he's one of those cosplayers that got so many notes he thinks he can do no wrong.

>> No.6651022
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>> No.6651041


ikr i hate that attitude the most.

>> No.6651053

gonna spill some more? I've never even seen her before.

>> No.6651054

was excited to finally meet him at katsucon, got the "you're not popular therefore not worth my time" treatment when trying to introduce self

>> No.6651111

Who's the nep?

>> No.6651127

Wow, I'm sorry anon.
That must have really sucked.
This is why I'm kind of afraid of talking to any well known cosplayers outside of damaramegido and hanyaan

>> No.6651162

LOL there's this thing called a joke, sometimes people make it when they want to be satirical. Oh my gosh you are taking yourself way too seriously.

>> No.6651167

Her younger sister.

>> No.6651198

Okay. I'm trying to google for those denture thingamajigs for a troll costume.
What should I be googling for? Nothing I've typed in is working.

>> No.6651204

Dental distortions?

>> No.6651215

That did indeed surface something. Thanks!

>> No.6651217

Im not even gonna open the link. Just a friendly remindher that the wig doesnt really matter as long as its long enough for you to properly style it.
Which you should be doing in the first place.

>> No.6651231

uhm, it does matter. it has to be long and full enough, if you want to layer it then waves have to be loose enough so you can cut it right so ut doesn't fluff, you have to be careful about the color and shine...

which brings me to
you're gonna have to probably straigten and recurl that for aranea depending on how stiff the curls are when teased open. Also that looks like natural black to me so make sure you get it in proper black or it's gonna look brown with troll make up. Also make sure there's enough hair for the fringe, sometimes swept fronts like that are too thin and if you have to bring hair forward for it it's gonna look really stupid with your horns.

>> No.6651234

Ah thanks. I just thought it was a super pretty wig and wanted to use it for something. Maybe I'll try it for Areana in her God Tier.

Thank you though for your reply!

>> No.6651238
File: 285 KB, 810x540, tumblr_mirkvi7I4u1rwle0mo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as first cosplay goes this isn't terrible

>> No.6651240

We autosaging?

>> No.6651241


this shit is super juicy but more details please otherwise you look like vendettafag

>> No.6651249

New thread: >>6651244

>> No.6651257

Please tell me you realized that >>6650508 was a play on that joke,

Please tell me you are not retarded and realized that that was a play on >>6650503.

>> No.6651266

Yes, I realized. Early morning haze, I quoted the wrong post.

>> No.6651292

The Meenah is Felixize

>> No.6652705


>> No.6653623

I meant the Meenah here, >>6649858