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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6644972 No.6644972 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >> 6641244

more headcanon trolls / ancestors?

>> No.6645003
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>> No.6645030
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>> No.6645032


are there any more of this shoot?

>> No.6645049

the rose is attractive, literally everything else about this image is underwhelming or shitty

>> No.6645053

dun goofed the link back thread

>> No.6645064

You all will die alone.

>> No.6645071


like damn:

>real hair on dave and john
>cheapass props from what i can tell
>jade's wig is shittycheap
>vriska's horns are shitty, hood doesn't go over horns or seem to have an actual shape
>john's shirt is too big
>rose's fabrics don't drape right at all, sleeves are wrong
>heels and no ribbons
>rose are you taking a shit

dave and jade's construction is fine, everything else is ugh

at least the rose has a decent wig and makeup, who is she

>> No.6645109
File: 48 KB, 725x704, 1271894035656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Sagittarius trolls are fairly unpopular

>> No.6645120
File: 9 KB, 650x450, baw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Sagittarius trolls are my on my top faves but I'm too tiny and wimpy to cosplay them

>> No.6645125
File: 205 KB, 427x640, tumblr_milv7z4Di21r4py2zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing at her fucking horns.

>> No.6645135


>> No.6645151
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>> No.6645153
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>> No.6645155
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>> No.6645158
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>> No.6645160
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>> No.6645162
File: 26 KB, 188x180, 1327461845958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got my Equius tank top done today
>not too tiny and wimpy

>> No.6645163
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>> No.6645164
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>> No.6645167
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>> No.6645169
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>> No.6645191


bit old for john

>> No.6645214

yeah a bit old...but the couple is so cute

>> No.6645231

i think his new url is ngc5139, but it seems to be an art only blog now.

>> No.6645251

She's actually a pretty good Jade but those angles in that entire set are horribly unflattering.

>> No.6645262

Wait, what the fuck?! These kinds of people exist in Sydney? Omfg....

>> No.6645264

Can you guys stop posting this shit. fucking sucks balls

>> No.6645265

Ugh, I hate Vriskas in skinny jeans. It looks so shitty.

>> No.6645283
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>> No.6645284
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>> No.6645290
File: 681 KB, 841x1232, 1361349572283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have there ever been any good bard quest cosplays, and are there any tutorials out there for that kind of hat or, more importantly, that magnificent codpiece?

>> No.6645320

Great Rose, who is she? I love the wig.

>> No.6645330

I had high hopes looking at the thumbnail. I was really dissapointed.

>> No.6645338

is that eyebrow sharpie?

>> No.6645344

Possibly. The makeup not being applied properly with her hairline extremely visible bugs me more though

>> No.6645350

I don't really have many strong headcanon cosplayers for the ancestors like I do for the trolls and kids, since the outfits are more complex I mainly choose favorites by who has made the costume well but also looks good.

That said, here's a few- GHB: the one at Katsu, great hair volume and horns (anyone got their url?). Disciple: I don't mind most of them, but I prefer any with tidy olive detailing and non-retarded horns- cowbuttcrunchies and DM have the most solid costumes all round imo. Psiionic: murtunacaptor I guess. Handmaid: like the disciple I don't mind most of them, but favorites are sidsel and squishyblob for having curly, well proportioned horns. Condesce: Isamiaella, but I wish her horns were a bit bigger? i haven't seen any Condesces that remind me of canon really well, although she appears the most times so maybe that has just made me picky. Dolorosa: Yaexrae (her mantle is p e r f e c t) but also Vintage-Aerith because colors. Mindfang: agreed with anon from last thread that ceriene is like young Mindfang and yaexrae is her in later life/injured? There was one girl that had the gap between her breastplates open with cleavage, and a stiff corset, which I thought suited mindfang, but they also had really tacky tights :/.

There are too many sufferers and not enough redglares, dualscars and darkleers for me to choose one. /r/ing good more good ancestors?

>> No.6645384


I'll /r/ the same, but particularly good Dualscars. I don't think I've ever seen a Dualscar I've liked - either that, or I just can't remember seeing one.

>> No.6645401

terminallyxsadistic for ghb

since we're on good ancestors, while i understand the ambiguity of the silhouettes allows ancestor cosplays more freedom because there are details we just can't see, what happened to psiioniic? his outfit is probably one of the most, if not the most, lucid right up there with dolorosa & redglare, but cosplayers have deviated him the furthest from the any other ancestors' "norm".

not to jerk him some more, but if we're talking katsu, tastysuey was a nice canon psii underneath his skirt rig (i can't even recall anyone else recently). i feel on principle, that lends itself to headcanon. opinions? its been a bother to me despite how put-together mur's design is.

>> No.6645443

honestly mur's psiioniic has always looked like a baggy nacho-cheese mess to me, which sucks because i adore captors and wish more good people would cosplay them. the new guy's rig color sets off my sperg alarms something fierce but i'm a fan of the tight clean top, i'll have to look up some non-rig pictures.

most of what bugs me about psii cosplays is that they tend to be the wrong shade of yellow--neon, canary, nachos, never mustard. i havent started work on mituna yet but i found a nice desaturated yellow-green spandex pretty easily so i don't know what the deal is? ancestor groups tends to look off to me because you have so much black/dark green/brownish-gray and then a #2 pencil in the middle of it all.

>> No.6645478

I think its because its just photographs better in that color. talking about Psiioniic is there any other that are not murtubacaptor or friendleaderp? we see those all the time

>> No.6645519
File: 11 KB, 388x323, Screen shot 2013-01-23 at 10.52.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just because it's an ugly-ass color. I prefer more yellow Psiioniics/Mitunas, not gonna lie. Not obnoxiously yellow or anything, but a few shades brighter wouldn't hurt.

Also remember that Mituna's bodysuit is much brighter than the Psiioniic's in the first place. pic related.

>> No.6645524

slightly brighter/yellower than canon is definitely appropriate! but the bright yellow most people pick doesn't fit with the ancestors aesthetic at all, and strikes me as a lot more tacky and ugly than something more muted would. mitunas with bright yellow can look decent, but i don't think it works at all on psiioniic. i think i'd rather see a metallic dark gold psiioniic than another kraft yellow cotton one, if only for variety.

>> No.6645525

Mustard yellow can easily look green or brown in the wrong lighting for photographs.

>> No.6645552

I'm just laughing really hard at this image oh my god can you imagine

>> No.6645562


post progress

>> No.6645567


a skin-tight bodysuit is going to be really unflattering on 90% of cosplayers, either because they're girls or they're too chubby to wear it. I did like the Katsu-Rig's suit, but I'd rather see people go off canon than look like a hot mess

>> No.6645571
File: 37 KB, 427x640, tumblr_mii2q5E0lM1qcb6xfo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there were a number of redglares at katsu, though most of them were pretty similar

>> No.6645572
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>> No.6645573
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>> No.6645574

good homestuck cosplay? good homestuck cosplay?


>> No.6645607

Redglare's design is probably the most defined of all the ancestors. There's not much variation to be had besides whether or not you do it well. >>6645572 looks really good!

>> No.6645707

the shape of her head just looks all sorts of wrong and out of place compared to her hair and body...

>> No.6645709
File: 5 KB, 252x233, 1322461938475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if its DAT FILTER or not, but I'm diggin' Dirk's boots.

>> No.6645781
File: 117 KB, 427x640, a20abd8e28e43b56e33e635dd0d46665-d5eljfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a big fan of the costume itself, but that cane has to be one of my favorites

ps anyone have any headcanon terezi cosplayers that aren't cancerously? hers is nice and all, but it would be great to see some new faces...

>> No.6645791

Really? I think the whole costume as a whole looks great.

>> No.6645794

I like them too but I'm not sure if that's just because the boots are the only thing about the pic that doesn't suck

>hate hate hate that filter, hurts my eyes
>don't like anything about that Roxy, she needs to learn to wear make up that suits her face shape and pose in a way that suits her body type. and why the fuck is she wearing two pairs of socks. also where's her curl
>dirks wig looks like a fur hat
> the glasses sit way too high and need to be fitted to his face come on on dude it's really not that
>seriously that filter come one I can barely tell where dirks hat I mean hair ends and the wall begins

>> No.6645798

Woah there friend

>> No.6645810

You said everything I wanted to say, anon.

>> No.6645832

shrug. sorry for having higher standards. i honestly don't like that pic at all


>> No.6645835
File: 97 KB, 533x800, b6540c89a588d361262a37189891a35d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks great except for the green on the top, what's going on there?? I love the cane though, I agree.

vocalcannibal is my headcanon terezi though. I don't think she's very popular yet but she's got my headcanon body type and everything.

>> No.6645837

Man I hate when people use gogo boots for cosplay.

>> No.6645846

they suit redglares design ok imo. but I hate it when people wear them for latula. she's a skateboarder ffs. also they're a def no no for any male character except march eridan, i surprised people just don't seem to get it. i veen a million Psiionics and Kurloz's in those hideous things.

>> No.6645848

*i'm surprised
*i've seen

stupid touch pad

>> No.6645902
File: 141 KB, 500x328, tumblr_milmtqzazN1qa1ofqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just saw this design on my dash, I am already anticipating mediocre cosplays of this, but at the same time I kind of like how insect-like Terezi looks in it? I don't know, I thought it'd be interesting to talk about. Personally as much as I love all the bright colors I dont see how this could look good on anyone at all...
Then again though its not like 2d artists make pictures/designs thinking that someone will cosplay them, you know?

>> No.6645914

the first thing I thought is that fabric would be a pain in the ass to dye, oh my goddd

>> No.6645912

I had really been looking forward to cosplaying GHB, but after seeing the one at Katsu I'm tempted to not even try. Does anyone even know where they bought their wig?

>> No.6645963
File: 272 KB, 428x285, Screen Shot 2013-02-22 at 1.56.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nailed it

>> No.6645986

If we're talking about terminallyxsadistic's GHB, their wig is actually five different wigs iirc.

>> No.6646014

why do so many people cosplay fandom stuff... ? i mean, to each their own, but some of these things just make no sense to me. jizzybro's infamous trickster designs are cool but not canon. "dynastystuck" is just a troll in a huge dress which also isn't canon. "militarystuck" is... japanese visukei fashion kids and trolls? when did homestuck become about anime?

i just don't see the appeal. i'd rather see a REALLY good canon design, or lesser-cosplayed characters than all these weird random designs nobody outside the fandom would recognize as being homestuck at all.

>> No.6646025

i agree with everything you said, but sadly people there will always be lazy people who like attention and who want to be noticed by bnfs like mookie and try to achieve this by cosplaying their horrid designs.

I'm still waiting to see an actually good tavros ( buww got close but she ruined it all by going over the top moe), dirk, mom, karkat, feferi, eridan, dualscar, condesce, porrim, rufioh, any zahhak really, or any of the ministrife extras.

>> No.6646027
File: 72 KB, 256x338, gamzee pantiesq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplaying homestuck in a nut shell,
>No that cosplays to simple! What a lazy piece of shit.
>Thats a fucking AU I dont care if you wanted to do something more complex stay canon! Fucking attention whores.

>> No.6646032

people have different opinions. I've never complained about anyone's cosplay being too simple.

I've seriously never seen any !stuck designs that I liked.

>> No.6646036
File: 746 KB, 320x240, damn fish lips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646041

love her teeth and eye make up holy shit

i wish she had more contouring on the gray but yeah diggin this

>> No.6646054
File: 6 KB, 173x185, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest pet peeve with Meenah cosplayers is when they have glasses that look like they just painted over white cat eye ones and don't even bother putting the curl/spike on her glasses.

>> No.6646066

with that make up she kinda looks like ceriene haha

>> No.6646078
File: 58 KB, 500x667, pantspantspaaaants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went to the Katsustuck tag to look for this GHB people are mentioning and got mired in...badness.And i brought some of it back here to see if it really is that bad or I'm just crazy.

>> No.6646080
File: 181 KB, 454x750, iwasalmostexcited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was seriously almost excited because I love Mindfang.But just,the way the horns are,that trim..stuff...

>> No.6646083
File: 105 KB, 250x187, butwhymindfang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another disappointing one. The panels of her I've looked at are all a long coat. And why do all theses people dick up the easy part of the design?

>> No.6646086
File: 109 KB, 500x335, nobadstophs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus.I saved a few of these idiots.They look horrible in every picture and need to quit with the yaoi shit.

>> No.6646091
File: 84 KB, 500x335, whybad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously.This wig.

>> No.6646088
File: 103 KB, 250x168, stridercesthowaboutfuckno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again.What the fuck is wrong with the wigs man?

>> No.6646092
File: 38 KB, 250x334, thatdirklooksevenworsewithoutdumbangles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to save this one just because with every other photo and the angles they use I was not expecting the dirk to be so stubby short.

>> No.6646093
File: 268 KB, 500x667, mywhatgirlyassyouhavehal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just killed me. Trying to crossplay in spandex is a bad idea.

>> No.6646096
File: 59 KB, 250x334, actuallyamusing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's dumb but I was just amused someone did this.

>> No.6646095
File: 46 KB, 250x334, holydicksyourhorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now things that were pretty sweet to cleanse the palate.
Damn son.Those horns.

>> No.6646097
File: 270 KB, 246x511, lastgangnampleasebecausejack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last gagnam style thing to ever make me chuckle.

>> No.6646101

Please stop.

>> No.6646140

such a nice wig on the ar but wot u gonna do wit all that junk? all that junk inside that trunk?

>> No.6646199
File: 651 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mgklg0KeB01ra8l89o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it bad that I am considering putting this on my "to-do" list? Man this design is so nice. I would wear the shit outta it.

>> No.6646203

There was another AR that did photos with sandrock. I like this AR's wig better, just how the person LOOKS in the outfit doesn't work as well. It's not flattering at all.

>> No.6646209
File: 475 KB, 1280x960, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that I liked the costume concept better, best photo I could find. It looked really cool irl.

>> No.6646219
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>> No.6646225

So many of the Katsucon cosplay were lovely. Aside from the BYOB things it was so nice to have so little drama and a lot of quality cosplay.

>> No.6646255

That's the Dirk from Katsu some people were creaming themselves over, but the wig and the pit hair and overdone emo eyes are such huge turnoffs.

>> No.6646310

I had never heard anything about that Dirk until recent threads. What's the deal?

>> No.6646317

I have shitty stores in my area, so I'm gonna have to either go to a walgreens/rite-aid to get makeup. So I have a question with which black lipstick brand is the best that I can get there? (I mean I have a hot topic the next town over but I don't think their make up is top quality...)

>> No.6646322

I've never seen black lipstick at Walgreen's. The one by me is pretty small though.

>> No.6646329
File: 349 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_m4puh0GrNZ1roccsbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say caerulas (who I believe is also that Redglare) is definitely my headcanon Terezi, but that's partially because I met her at a con once and she was basically the nicest person ever.

>> No.6646334

I'm pretty sure Walgreens doesn't carry black lipstick. The only quality black lipstick I've ever found was the black lipstick that portland black lipstick company carries.

>> No.6646336

The wet n' wild Fantasy Makers line is fairly decent, for cosplay purposes at least.

>> No.6646354


Are you not able to shop online, or...?

>> No.6646358

if you did it well it would be super cute! But I can see so much place for failure there...

>> No.6646365

Weren't there some good Porrims and Karkats in an earlier thread? Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6646369

the one i found at walgreens was fantasy makers by wet n' wild, it was around halloween though, so i doubt they still have it

>> No.6646420

They look like torpedoes mounted on her head.

>> No.6646423
File: 75 KB, 640x426, meenah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better glasses.

>> No.6646434

Those look like asswhole.

Not the hole in the ass, but the whole ass.

>> No.6646442

better only in shape, the way they sit on her face looks painfully stupid

>> No.6646446
File: 789 KB, 653x986, tumblr_minb1eQjGK1qi1xubo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646448
File: 148 KB, 1133x751, tgotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it' more like 9 or something heinous like that. I talked to her at the Saturday shoot before we moved outside and she was explaining the horns and wig to me. I couldn't get over how tall she was in that costume! I'm about 5'7 and she was towering over me

>> No.6646459


zippy's body is pig disgusting, ew

>> No.6646462


It's certainly disproportionate. And I really wouldn't have used heels.

>> No.6646461
File: 116 KB, 960x720, 396105_3921411791776_929670431_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got mine at hot topic and there was honestly nothing wrong with it

>> No.6646466

The Dirk in the middle seems just as big, but chose to do normal Dirk and not a bodysuit. What you wear matters a lot, people. Pick what fits.

>> No.6646468

are you 13?

>> No.6646474

Let's not get rude here.

>> No.6646476

Zippy's never been a 'thin' cosplayer, but I feel like they have packed on more weight in the hips area. They've looked good in other costumes they've done. This one was just not a good choice.

>> No.6646478

This exactly.

>> No.6646482
File: 219 KB, 1280x850, oh god hoe horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646499

they're both pretty ugly but those shirts are hilarious

>> No.6646504

well shoot

I can but I just figured I'd buy it with the rest of the makeup and polish I was getting there.

well if that's the case I'll just get it there!

>> No.6646507

This thread is making me actually consider doing Cod-Tier Gamzee for my next con.

>> No.6646516


I just found and bought a relatively cheap black lip liner that works pretty well from Ulta! Anywhere that carries NYX might have the lip liner however.

>> No.6646521

anyone have pics of the ghb people keep talking about but not posting?

>> No.6646538
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x956, tumblr_mie4bp8Hcg1qjbvjwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6646545

...I can't see the horns.

>> No.6646541

decent at best?

>> No.6646554

why are people creaming themselves over this

>> No.6646555

this is what everyones creaming over? im underwhelmed

>> No.6646557
File: 341 KB, 370x562, VA099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6646564
File: 173 KB, 665x768, 1304449136583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a very (Very) simple bard quest cosplay for an event I'm going to. I'm really short on time, so I was just going to make the hat/lute(No time to make a fancy codpiece, sadly) and buy the rest of the clothing, because he doesn't really have any defining features on it at all. What would be most appropriate for his character? Also, what's the name of that kind of hat? I want to get a better reference for it.

>> No.6646565

ok so the horns are nice, but do you have a closer up of their face? it just looks like a mass of hair with a decent outfit and nice horns.

>> No.6646563


low expectations

>> No.6646567
File: 120 KB, 900x675, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for other anons, but as a Gamzee I thought she was awesome because she was handing out 'faygo seeds' and seemed pretty intimidating. The horns and wig are pretty intense in person.

>> No.6646569

they have serious baby face going on. like they took the frumpy lumpy body of an oversized mannequin on stilts, a baby's head and shoved messy wigs on it and the only good part was the horns.

doesnt suit GHB at all.

>> No.6646571
File: 33 KB, 650x450, Highblood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wig just looks like a hot mess of hair. are their hands not even painted?

>> No.6646572

but that's not the cosplayer in question. you posted a picture of a different, unrelated Gamzee

also her kindness is not in question, her cosplay is.

>> No.6646575

yeah its really flat. if they made it messier so it stuck up it might have looked better

>> No.6646577

are you intimidated by all baby-faced girls in bad body paint

>> No.6646579

I've always thought of GHB as having enormous dreads. Like Gamzee had big unwashed curly for hair, Kurloz has even bigger mangled hair, by the time they grow up all that not washing hair has turned into gigantic dreads everywhere

>> No.6646578
File: 132 KB, 333x500, GHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing GHB with good wigs?

>> No.6646587

Just goggled through and it seems like everyone is lazy as fuck with his horns and armor.

>> No.6646598

There are none, I think our mass of L'Oreal hair Grand Highblood is as good as it's gotten with anywhere near the volume he's shown to have in the comic.

>> No.6646605

that's the Highblood wig that Hanyaan did, isn't it?

I remember hearing about her trying to fix a Highblood wig which she made for a friend earlier at last year's Katsucon, while she was pretty drunk, with a really improbable list of things used to fix it.

>> No.6646612
File: 420 KB, 1000x558, Really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised it took so long Katsucon.

>> No.6646615
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>> No.6646616
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>> No.6646621
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>> No.6646630
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>> No.6646629
File: 496 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mijizjyFZq1rr28kbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646631
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>> No.6646638

Are you fucking kidding me? I had no idea. that's so sad seeing as how pretty fucking amazing Hanyaan is at just about everything. I can't imagine the sort of shape it must have been in to begin with.

>> No.6646648

Yeah, I was responsible for that wig, both at Otakon and at last year's Katsu. The GHB in the pic is something of a friend of mine and I did the Otakon version as a SUPER rush job when other wig plans fell through, no time to get extensions or anything, just dreadlock the motherfuck out of it and rush ship it to the hotel in Baltimore.

Last year at Katsu it was having issues with dreadlocks starting to show weft bottoms and not fitting quite right (I did it as a rush job with a wig I had lying around and he really needs/needed something a LOT bigger in the cap) and the horns kept falling over. I ended up fixing it while kind of drunk off my ass with hot glue, shoelaces, paint, and extra dreadlocks made from dollar store extensions.

Not my absolute best work and I'll admit it. I'd like to do another GHB wig without the rush job and the last minute and the shit budget. Maybe for him, maybe for someone else. I just like making gigantic Makara wigs.

>> No.6646652
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>> No.6646656
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>> No.6646655
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>> No.6646666
File: 12 KB, 455x400, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone? I'd really appreciate some help and I don't really have anything to base it off of, because I've never seen anyone cosplay that character before.

>> No.6646670

Can I request some good nepetas?

>> No.6646674
File: 168 KB, 1024x1536, _33_by_higurashikahsan-d5txprk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6646681
File: 200 KB, 900x1200, teapot_by_megelo-d48gs56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646684

The Nepeta's face always seems off in just about every cosplay she does.

>> No.6646688

I actually like the wig. Spikes or dreads or something would add a lot, but it's not bad by any means.

>> No.6646693

I really enjoy Nepeta's with furry feet.

>> No.6646691
File: 664 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mhefvyrDja1ru6ow2o1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646694
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x667, tumblr_maojnxAO9s1r149j7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646696
File: 349 KB, 900x1200, nepeta__steal_jade__s_gun__by_qpupcosplay-d4b71yz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646700

i want to love this mindfang so badly but the little blue skirt just ruins it, it looks like an apron hastily tied on just to cover her junk and completely throws off the whole look. if it was darker, or white, or hell, if she had black leggings and the train was some kind of goofy bustle or long jacket, i would love it, but this is awkward.

her face, the corset, and the boots are fantastic though.

>> No.6646698
File: 412 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mil4jbfvOH1ru6ow2o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646702
File: 89 KB, 900x600, nepeta_lejion_by_ooobuta_kunooo-d4ug4y3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646703
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>> No.6646704
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>> No.6646705


tfw you arent thin or tall enough to look reasonable in a body suit

>> No.6646715
File: 533 KB, 600x900, tumblr_md80g4x73v1r27lcvo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646747
File: 2.31 MB, 1024x1536, 1357263998446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone wastucks going to chibi chibi con tomorrow? (pic unrelated)

>> No.6646785

uh, have you ever seen either of these cosplayers before? i'm 90% sure its the angle of the photo making the suits look weird because they're both scrawny as fuck irl

>> No.6646787

i think theyre referring to themselves my friend

>> No.6646788

yo im genuinely concerned if you look at that picture and go "not thin enough"
tall maybe since they are short irl but
really dude

>> No.6646790


That. 5'9 and 165 is too much to not look like shit in one of those.

>> No.6646791

uhh, im pretty sure anon is talking about themselves? not the cosplayer?

>> No.6646795

Does anybody know any good ways to make the red miles for a dead Roxy cosplay?

>> No.6646798

oh damn nevermind then, i thought that was a weird thing to comment on
sorry for the confusion

>> No.6646801

the body suit is really loose on them since they're so short
but if they were any skinnier then they would look worse

>> No.6646806

the last they referring to the morph suit

>> No.6646820

that lil cal is going to haunt my dreams

>> No.6646848

>photo realistic roxy and jane

>> No.6646854

my favorite disciple tbh, like it's understandable for someone to not like it i guess but to me it's badass

>> No.6646862
File: 72 KB, 500x333, that sure looks like brownface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6646868

you're always so quick to post when someone whines about you, do you just lurk these all day? christ

>> No.6646877


her horns are good I'll say that

>> No.6646885

or maybe they're just black and weren't wearing troll makeup

>> No.6646888

this is by far by favorite nepeta, i just love the blue fabric she chose.

>> No.6646911

because the canon designs are so increbily over cosplayed out and not very challenging
though i speak as someone who does not like stuff like militarystuck, but actual military designs look great and there are some great redesigns

>> No.6646922

I'm still waiting for an Inverted Sprite-Flipped Genderbent Grimdark Trickster Troll John.

>> No.6646924
File: 181 KB, 837x954, 1331003550247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you guys recommend a straight wig or a wavy wig for jade? Her hair seems straighter from the sprite, but I see most people using curly wigs.

>> No.6646926

Don't tempt me.

>> No.6646927

UGH that makeup would look SO MUCH BETTER if they had done the lips. FUCK.

>> No.6646939

If I knew any other variables, I'd add them.
Felt? Carapace? Cherub?

>> No.6646940

Straight, PLEASE. A layered one with some volume on top would be best.

>> No.6646945

I like the skirt just fine? IDK I guess I just don't see the whole thing the same way you do, it comes together nicely for me when I look at it.

>> No.6646946

How about all of them.

>> No.6646957
File: 142 KB, 467x700, 1355795934733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at wigs for a Karkat cosplay, I've narrowed it down to three. Which do you think is best?


>> No.6646965

Of course.
I'm just trying to figure out variables. At the moment, it's Inverted Sprite-Flipped Gender-bent Grimdark Trickster Felt Carapace Troll Cherub John.

>> No.6646966

that terezi is pretty good

>> No.6646967

Are you talking about the Kurloz?
They had the stitches, I think this photo was from later in the night when they took them off.
>>6638755 they were posted in one of the old threads.

>> No.6646976

shouldn't even bother responding to this but nope, it's not lurking all day, it's having an internet-enabled phone and getting "yo you're on hsg maybe you might wanna explain that" texts.

>> No.6646979

Inverted Sprite-Flipped Gender-Bent Grimdark Trickster Felt Carapace Troll Cherub Rainbow-Drinker Sober Exiled God-Tier John.

>> No.6647000

You know having been on /cgl/ for a decent number of years, you'd think I'd be sick of seeing younger kids and tumblr users flood into the HSG board, but really when I come on and see shit like this I have to say it's nice to have more respectful encouraging people on /cgl/. People who are rude for the lulz and because they think it makes them more superior is getting old.

>> No.6647007

You are the cancer

>> No.6647003

yeah that looks a bit better. Were his lips black as well though? I cant quite remember...

>> No.6647014


Agreed, as someone who's been here for years.

Being a fuckwit does make you a better/tougher/superior person. It makes you a pitiful fuckwit.

>> No.6647020


You realize that the third one was talking about themselves, right?

>> No.6647046

I'm also sick of people attacking 'friends' on here. Or even posting them to begin with. My cosplay group fell apart because one of our members posted a Jane on here and were saying mean things. Anonymity is a great thing, but people need to cool it.

>> No.6647057
File: 3 KB, 204x287, KurlozTalksprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647058

Good, good.
But we can't stop there just yet. Don't forget Kernelsprites!

>> No.6647067

ah alright then

>> No.6647072

Inverted Sprite-Flipped Gender-Bent Grimdark Trickster Felt Carapace Troll Cherub Rainbow-Drinker Sober Exiled God-Tier Nana-Spliced Jasper-Spliced Dave-Spliced Dog-Tier-Spliced Sprite-Spliced SBHJ Crocker-Tier-Spliced John?

>> No.6647080

Well, I meant "Kernelsprites" as in "Johnsprite".

Inverted Sprite-Flipped Gender-Bent Grimdark Trickster Sober Felt Carapace Troll Cherub SBaHJ Rainbow-Drinker Exiled God-Tier Dog-Tier Crocker-Tier Johnsprite.

Or something like that.

>> No.6647084

Looks like I found out what my next cosplay is.

Unless we could go...

>> No.6647101

There has to be more. Alpha/Beta versions?

>> No.6647104

Guardian-swapped, perhaps? Or color-swapped, or uncomfortable-stuck. Or all three.

>> No.6647118


Jesus christ am I reading a cosplay idea or am I reading a tumblr RP account

>> No.6647120

Ah, yes, the bloodswap. I forgot about that.

Inverted Sprite-Flipped Blood-Swapped Guardian-Swapped Gender-Bent Grimdark Trickster Sober Felt Carapace Troll Cherub SBaHJ Rainbow-Drinker Exiled God-Tier Dog-Tier Crocker-Tier Johnsprite.

If this ever makes it outside of /cgl/, it'll be both.

>> No.6647125


Oh my god
this is making me think

I can't think of much, all I can think of is grabbing all those things and smashing them onto another kid
But making them look differently with all these things.
Is adding AUs a bad thing to add.

>> No.6647132

Go for it- so far as I can tell the more qualifiers the better. That is the entire point of Homestuck cosplay correct?

>> No.6647130

I'm trying to stick to canon with this, or as close to canon as possible. Adding AUs would just shift everything tenfold.

Seriously, just think of how many AUs you've seen in the past and tell me that putting them all together into one cosplay is a good idea.

>> No.6647136

Add FatStuck in there, because apparently every character is actually fat/chubby as part of some in-joke that no one actually knows.

>> No.6647145
File: 238 KB, 428x344, gog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess nobody cares/these were stupid questions
oh well

>> No.6647143


I guess canon-based and Canon/AU-based could be two different things.
But yeah, adding AUs is gonna create a goddamn shit cosplay.

So, Imma try Canon-based first, just so I don't have to run around buying fake blood and Ke$ha costumes.

>> No.6647149

is that cronus holding cheez its?

>> No.6647168

I'm sorry anon, but sometimes cgl/HSG is not a reliable forum for cosplay advice!

That said, I would stick to all-white clothing. Since both the coloring and the clothing itself are quite plain, it's really going to be the details which sell the cosplay- I'm thinking some sort of medieval bardly tights and some sort of poet's/renaissance shirt? Basically try to sell the bardliness of it, while remaining true to what details Hussie does show (long sleeves, rounded shoes, either long pants OR shoes-that-become-pants OR no pants at all; it's really fucking hard to tell).

As to what that sort of hat is properly called, I'm sorry friend, but I cannot help you there. Please seek millinery advice elsewhere.

>> No.6647171

Because hes trans human and humans fucking LOVE cheez its. its like you people dont even ready the fucking comic.

>> No.6647319

because of the different contributions in canon and also hussie's recent art, it looks like both straight and curly pass off as canon. so it doesn't really matter which

>> No.6647350

Every time someone has tried to tell me what Homestuck is, I get linked to this shitty little almost-web comic and I can't make it past the first few pages.

Is there a better way to get into it? I don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.6647355

That is homestuck you lazy piece of shit. If you cant get past John in his room you cant ever even hope to get past anything else in this clusterfuck.

Try again. Dont give up.

>> No.6647356

It's got nothing to do with being lazy. I've caught up on several entire web serieseses overnight on many occasions, but this is just eh. I guess it just doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.6647359

Cool story. Nobody cares.

>> No.6647370

Don't be angry.

>> No.6647372
File: 137 KB, 500x750, 1345231247272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're misinterpreting my exasperation with non-Homestucks thinking all Homestucks care when someone doesn't like the comic.

>> No.6647376
File: 140 KB, 500x480, tumblr_m4doa67hmb1qbmg5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ones angry. Youre asking fans of a series to help you cheat your way through that series which actually takes a considerable shit load of time to get through properly. And we all know what happens when you skip through homestuck.
Go read the wikipedia you fucking pleb. Either that or read the comic like everyone else did. Your level of mental retardation is actually making me quite upset.

>> No.6647381
File: 15 KB, 431x263, tumblr_minwotMYwl1s5a8tqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about people cosplaying alternate outfits of the characters that are in no way associated with canon? Stuff like this.

>> No.6647384

If you're trying to "get into it" just to keep up with the hype, don't. THe amount of time you have to spend to understand the bullshit you see at cons and stuff simply isn't going to be worth it if that's all you want to know. It can be sincerely enjoyable, but you have to go into it taking the entire story for what it is, not just a stepladder to get to "the good parts" because they're not going to be good unless you legitimately enjoy the rest of the story including the stupid shit with the guy stuck in his room.

Or you could just start with Act 5 and kind of vaguely follow along until you think you understand why it's funny, but then we're just going to lump you in with the fatty hambeasts making out over piles of buckets and secreting grey paint everywhere because those are the kind of people who start with Act 5. Enjoy being the filth of society.

>> No.6647385

In all honestly I think its just a bunch of peacocking. It could also be attributed to hussies painfully simple character designs. But those specifically dont really have anything to do with anything, and look like try hard doesnt actually look good irl wanna-be gangster odd future bullshit.

>> No.6647399

tbh, you're not gonna read the entire thing in a evening. there;s 7852 pages at current, or some such retarded ass number. and a lot of those have entire sections of chatlog on them.

>> No.6647400

an evening*

i don't even have an excuse for this.

>> No.6647409

the first bits are honestly awful and everyone has a hard time getting into them
you just don't care about it until you're 5000 pages in and they're making jokes about it

but if you want to give it an honest go, try to tough through it up to Act 2 or 3and see how you feel around then

>> No.6647417

Moral decency question here. I'm getting together a boxers Terezi thing for con raves since I already had everything sans boxers. I bought a pair without realizing that they have an open flap in the front, I guess for male convenience. I was originally set on sewing it up, but then thought it would be really cute to stick Gamzee's codpiece out of it. Again, this would only be for raves and the codpiece would be detachable - but is it still just too creepy for someone to wear something like that in public? If so, sticking to just simply sewing up the hole would be no issue.

>> No.6647445

Yes, it would be creepy. Why would you even...

>> No.6647448
File: 149 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mhxi1ftPRI1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have y'all seen this post going around? I dread somebody's going to cosplay it soon

>> No.6647482

what do you guys think of the nudestuck tag on the tumbles?

>> No.6647515

It'd be better if they actually WORE COSPLAYS AT SOME POINT.

>> No.6647528
File: 259 KB, 1280x806, tumblr_mb6zlmT3r61qj3lfao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's hardly any cosplay in this thread.

Can I request some Meenahs?

>> No.6647543

I guess I should be grateful you're at least asking beforehand.

Yes, it's creepy. Sew the dickhole shut.

>> No.6647551

Cheat my way into it? Keeping up with the hype? I have no interest in being a part of the fandom or dressing up like anyone, I just wanted to read it.

I was just told by several people that I would enjoy it. I obviously didn't and I was wondering if there was something that I was missing, but if this is how the "real" fans of the series behaves, then fuck this. Worse than fucking Narutards and Bleach babies.

>> No.6647552

dude, every fandom has its ups and downs. someone a few posts back gave an amiable post of encouragement but you only replied to the exasperated people who just want to see cosplay because, y'know, this is /cgl/ and not /co/. if you're interested in reading it, be prepared to put a lot of time into it and be aware that a lot of the fandom is really gross and obsessive and creepy. if not, don't. nobody will be angry or bothered. it's completely up to you, friend

>> No.6647560

Yeeeah, I'm not seeing any of these ups you're speaking of, as it seems this entire fandom has the downs.

Peace, mein niggers.

>inb4 someone's butt gets hurt

>> No.6647577


>> No.6647607


Gotcha. Will do.

>> No.6647647

Uh, what does HSGcgl think of this?

Sorry I couldn't directly link the OP's link, it said not found so I just took the link off my dashboard

>> No.6647672

I find it astounding that these kids are in such a rush to do things as cheaply as possible that they actually end up spending just as much as they would have picking up some $6 snazaroo and powder. I've done eyeshadow over lipstick for photoshoots, but I wouldn't trust eyeshadow and cheap foundation to stay on my arms all day at a con.

>> No.6647674

it looks to dark anyway

>> No.6647698

for ironic purposes?

>> No.6647711
File: 364 KB, 650x433, 1350274380671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647730

>But I’m really cheap with these things, so instead of buying expensive ben nye products and the like, I decided to be a cheap-ass kinda person, and found a replacement.

you are the cancer

>> No.6647748
File: 78 KB, 500x750, fancy tier jade from our favorite fancy tier kanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our favorite shitty fancy tier Kanaya is now making a fancy tier Jade

Are you ready for round 2 HSG?
"IT BEGINS. I did the base of Jade’s skirt in like 15 minutes now i have to sew it in place and make the top and hood then detail it i am 3000% done with myself"

>> No.6647762
File: 22 KB, 250x244, 1361593500926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: I'm thinking of making PM's sword, but I'm rather baffled at what material I should use. Maybe painted papier-mâché with glossy Modge Podge? That could turn out really bumpy and crap looking though.

Oh noooo

>> No.6647764

this physically pains me to look at

>> No.6647769


and here I was really hoping she'd have learned something from all the drama.

>> No.6647779

Try MDF. Cuts easy, sands awesomely.

Holy fuck on a cracker. I guess she got enough asspats from tumblr to not learn a single thing from that last monstrosity.

>> No.6647780


I use polystyrene, but you have to be careful while cutting it.

>> No.6647781

All she learned is that anyone can be popular on tumblr, regardless of quality or performance.

I'm actually rather sad, I can't believe I expected her to take advice to heart instead of hot glueing shit together again.

>> No.6647786

Are there any biological male Sufferer/Signless cosplayers?
I don't think I've ever seen a Sufferer cosplay that wasn't by some thin girl

>> No.6647802


I've seen a couple but they weren't good. bad makeup skills and lower average sewing skills. they were all skinny dudes, anyway.

>> No.6647804
File: 186 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mii540gPQO1qj8sx1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw this guy at Katsu

>> No.6647813

There was a meetup at Marble Arch in London with a fuckton of Homestuck cosplayers. Was anyone there?

>> No.6647825 [DELETED] 

Cape suffers from the classic 2 yard Sufferer syndrome, but I liked him and his ancestor group a lot. Their Dolorosa was well-done too.

Why is it so hard for everyone to make that cloak? It's a fucking rectangle. /r/ing decent ancestors again.

>> No.6647828

Cape suffers from the classic 2 yard Sufferer broadcloth syndrome, but I liked him and his ancestor group a lot. Their Dolorosa was well-done too.

Why is it so hard for everyone to make that cloak? It's a fucking rectangle. /r/ing decent ancestors again.

>> No.6647842

I-It looked sort of promising from the thumbnail...

>> No.6647848


has anyone besides cowbuttcrunchies done that cloak well?

>> No.6647851

i'm working on summoner, is there anyway i can make a lance? i've searched for a tutorial but i can't seem to find anything.

>> No.6647849


I like his interpretation of the bodysuit!

>> No.6647855
File: 532 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m61qsywgAG1qfoaa2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647858


putting absurd amounts of non-canon embroidery on it doesn't make it better, it just makes it detailed.

>> No.6647863

no but making a flawless version out of the right kind of fabric does

>> No.6647869
File: 640 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m8ik28derU1rxv1sio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647874

>Dem hems
>Dem wristbands
>Dat makeup

>> No.6647880

you forgot dem sweatpants

>> No.6647883

It's Ancestor anon from a thread to two back

Probably gonna go with Dualscar, so do you guys prefer armor or more pirate-y DS? I'm having trouble deciding

And /r/ing armor tutorials if that's what you're voting for. I wanna get this shit right

>> No.6647887

pirate, for great fucking justice

>> No.6647898
File: 86 KB, 717x960, 487931_10200408508042679_1672033499_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caliborn latex facial prosthetic is complete! Ahhh I'm so happy with how it turned out!

Looks good so far to me


>> No.6647915


There aren't any good ones.

>> No.6647917


armor or pirate depends on your ability to pull off the armor. well done pirate > crappy armor any day. ime your first set of armor is always going to look like shit, so keep that in mind

>> No.6647918

if they actually blend it in with their face right that could be awesome. tumblr?

>> No.6647924


Agreed. I'm looking forward to this


>> No.6647969

Late to the party but did anyone attend the Katsucon "academic lecture" panel? How was it?

>> No.6647992

I don't really like this girls cosplay, but i hope that this comes out well

>> No.6647997
File: 64 KB, 522x780, jade__smile__by_cloudyxdreams-d5cor1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo /cgl/, what kind of glasses do you like for jade?
ex. those humongous ones from http://www.gogglesandglasses.com/AB033CLBLK_128.html or smaller ones?

>> No.6648066

Late to the game here but I like both of these cosplay. Neither are blow your mind or jizz your panties worthy, but they're nice for the characters.

I did. Girl knew her stuff, some interesting conversation. I didn't stay for the entire thing as I got pretty bored, but it wasn't a train wreck.

Ngl the lack of the Q and A didn't throw too much hindrance in the schedule. Seemed like just enough HS.

>> No.6648075

I thought I would be bummed out with no Q and A, but I didn't mind. I think they've sort of ran their course.

>> No.6648085
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>Sneakers that aren't even blue
>Giant Shirt instead of jacket
> Mediocre at best makeup job
>Chubby thighs

Why do people like her Nepeta? That being said I do love this Disciple.

>> No.6648089


>doing the :3 face using black lipstick

>> No.6648117

Sorry to ask such a newbie question. I've wanted to try my hand at cosplaying Feferi since she's my patron troll and I really do like her character.

I was looking around for face paint and trying to weigh in on which would be better? Ben Nye or Snazaroo? I'm currently looking at a Snazaroo 18ml light grey.

For Feferi would it also be easier to just go with tights/leggings for her arms and legs since she has so much skin showing? Does anyone have a "perfect" Feferi cosplayer that's not cancerously? I like hers but I wanted just a bit more variety. Thanks HSG/cgl/.

>> No.6648119
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>> No.6648121
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Yea, I think it's just her face. Even without troll makeup she looks kinda weird.

>> No.6648135

oh god just imagining what foundation all over just grosses me out. why do this when snaxaroo is like $5-9?

>> No.6648144

I use Snazaroo and I've never had a problem with it. Paint on two or three coats using Ben Nye Liquiset to activate it and then seal it with Kryolan Fixing Spray or Ben Nye's Final Seal. If you order the Light Grey tights from welovecolors, you can wear a pair on your legs and then make the second pair into armsocks so you don't have to worry about Pax-ing your body.

>> No.6648150

Awesome, thank you. I'll write those all down for when I get my next paycheck.

I have some skin problems too, like serious eczema that I'm getting treated but, makeup like the troll makeup shouldn't do too much damage/if any? Sorry for all the questions.

>> No.6648156

Depending on your sewing skills, you might want to go with PAX for your arms, but tights are definitely your best bet for legs. It's honestly better to do a little scrubbing for PAX than look like a hot mess with potential lumpy seams and odd fitting armsocks.
Also, use Snazaroo. Ben Nye has fairly good staying power on most parts of your face (if you seal it really well), but it feels so odd on your skin ime, and it's a lot easier to get the canon paler grey with Snaz.

>> No.6648162

Me too, anon! Okay, here is what you'll want to do then. Spend the extra money to buy Mehron's Barrier Spray and spritz it all over your face and let it dry before you apply your paint. Basically, what this does is create a film that the makeup sits on top of, so it doesn't sit on top of your skin directly. You can use it as a sealant too, so I usually give my face a few sprays when I'm done with paint application and then follow up with Final Seal, and I've never had my skin act up at all. Kryolan's sealant product is better by far, your makeup won't budge, but it'll make your skin feel kind of sticky, so see how Final Seal works for you before investing in that. In terms of saving money, I actually have a website where you can buy Final Seal for cheap cheap cheap compared to market retail value. Let me dig that up for you.

>> No.6648167

Here it is! http://www.makeupmania.com/products/Ben-Nye-%252d-Final-Seal-.html#gsc.tab=0

>> No.6648192
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I agree. Unflattering hall photos don't really help either.

>> No.6648196
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>> No.6648214

What were everyone's favorite Katsu cosplays?

>> No.6648219
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dat sprite group

>> No.6648223

she is a bnf, people love what she does cause of that

is she retarded?

>> No.6648235

See the thing is I hardly consider her a BNF. I feel like Ceriene is the best cosplayer in the group and KDoran does pretty good cosplay and great photography. And then there is their friend who does mediocre cosplay. I think Ceriene is the only BNF in that group.

>> No.6648236

Fucking love this group.

>> No.6648256

riding that bnf tail

>> No.6648261
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This popped up on my dash, wondering what HSG thinks? I feel like this should be on the top of every damn thread. So tired of seeing the butthurt everywhere.

>> No.6648262

Who is this?

>> No.6648267

It's thevioletprince messaging seererofsarcasm. Violet's been on here covering her butthurt and making excuses for herself in past threads, it's nothing new.

>> No.6648271


solid advice, especially with warning people away from whiteknighting.

>> No.6648273

seems like damn good advice to me.

>> No.6648275


Except it's also beautifully made and long enough/has the right drape and weight

>> No.6648276

Oh my goodness, thanks you guys so much. And here I was afraid to even ask the question. But really thanks! I've book marked and written down everything so I can hopefully try and begin. I'm looking forward to making the trident since I've just done Homestuck props in the past.

Thanks again guys, you're amazing.

>> No.6648289

I don't even think violet knows her though? I doubt it's her. Probably some floridastuck.

>> No.6648293

I've got something to add to this. If you get an anonymous (or non-anon) message after being posted here and they're just trying to get a rise out of you or trying to stir up drama, just delete the message. Don't even post it or respond at all. That is also asking for people to white-knight you and 9/10 times makes you sound very whiny if you don't deal with it maturely.

>> No.6648304

She does. And it fits too well it her just happening to get it as Violet's shitty nep is posted, and Violet had made a bitch post about cgl on her blog with her face being awkward. It seems like most BNFs can't handle any sort of criticism.

>> No.6648309

I'm not sure, the asks says for the first time and Violet is on here a lot.

>> No.6648310

I don't get where you're saying her Nep is shitty. She's got a bit of a rotten attitude with the way she treats the people she's comfortable with, but her costumes arn't shit-teir.

>> No.6648320


What's wrong with her makeup? I mean, I get it if you don't like people doing the :3 face with the lipstick but besides that it looks perfect to me.

And her thighs are fine, stop being a bitch for the sake of it.

>> No.6648325
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To break away from bnf (")drama("), I have a question. I make HS jewelry, like I've made myself Light and Time earrings and I'm making a friend Mind bracelets, with all the symbols made out of Sculpey clay and only my time earrings glossed with Mod Podge, and thus far the only way I've been able to attach the symbol to the chain was with hot glue. Is there any advice for any better glue I can use? I wanna use something that's less obvious, but I have no idea what else to use.
Pic related, they're my time earrings; sage for no real contribution.

>> No.6648327

thats a pretty big assumption to make
it doesnt even sound like her and as another anon pointed out violets gotten crit on cgl before and she doesnt type like that so i doubt it

>> No.6648334

Super glue is really good. Gorilla glue might help but I usually use super glue for everything I make and you can sand and hide it well with paint. If you go to walmart and get their super glue make sure it's LIQUID not the "gel" or their new one, whatever it is. Just find the liquid kind and it holds really well.

>> No.6648335

stick a eyepin in the top when you bake the clay. it won't stay after it's baked, so you'll want to use some e-6000 to glue it in. it'll pretty much stay there forever. attach chain to end of eyepin.

>> No.6648358

FYI, thread is well past 300 posts

>> No.6648422


best mindfang ever

>> No.6648423

where the fuck is the new thread

>> No.6648501

new thread

try to actually contribute to this one, guys.

>> No.6650306

Except it's not meinem either? Nominative plural.