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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 438x204, feminist cosplayers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6642855 No.6642855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Feminist Cosplayers, fuck em all for having cucumber sized brains


>> No.6642865
File: 1.99 MB, 470x264, fuck you dante.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No women speaking is sexist
Well maybe if one of the CEOs for Sony was a female or one of the invited game developers was a female then there would be women.

God people can't be this retarded

>> No.6642873
File: 17 KB, 443x206, blackandwhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how she would cosplay Black Cat and have such black and white logic

>> No.6642877

>Microsoft doesn't exist
>Buying either EA or Activision
We got a girl gamer over here

>> No.6642908
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, wtf26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It would be retarded if they paid some random girl to be a spokesperson just because there are no women in Sony's higher management. Yeah, girls have a long way to come in terms of how they're represented in the industry, but it's stupid to demand affirmative action. As for potentially female game developers, I highly doubt Sony sent out a memo asking the studios not to send women because they'd just bleed all over the stage. And buying a competitor's item because you dislike how their competition represented themselves is stupid; just don't buy the product, you don't need to spend money elsewhere to prove your point.
But then, maybe I feel that way about that last part because this was my face when I read the WiiU launch lineup.

>> No.6642912

Everyone complaining about no blacks or women at the conference yet when Ubisoft had a black woman at their conference everyone hated her

>> No.6642916

Is there such a thing as a black game developer? I mean director no producer shit or desk job guy that stares at code all day

>> No.6642917



>> No.6642928

lol the first thing I thought of was the fact that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii-U exclusive. And we all know how positively that game's gonna represent women.

>> No.6642946

First one did that fine if you understand camp.

Which apparently some feminists do not.
Especially ones who stick to a ridiculously rigid definition of "negative portrayal"
Determining that simply by IF TROPE X THEN MISOGYNIST is dumb.

>> No.6642947


One of the Devs from Tribes Ascend is black.

>> No.6642957

Bayonetta is a negative portrayal of how limbs work

>> No.6642963

I for one hope at E3 Sony sends the most retarded non-technical woman out on stage and has her struggle with turning the controller on.

Just to induce rage.

>> No.6642967

Not contemporary, but this guy was pretty big in video game's early days.

>> No.6642972

cucumbers are long and thin i don't understand what you mean..

>> No.6642982


She actually is. She was bitching about the lack of female protagonists "back in the day" and when called out on it back pedaled with "Well, my parents wouldn't let me play Tomb Raider!"

How the fuck does your parents not letting you play a game when you're ten, the industry having a lack of female protagonists? Because lemme tell you there was more than Laura Fucking Croft as a female protagonist "back in the day".

I can name six other than Laura right off the top of my head and that's NOT including fighting games. Girl is just freaking clueless on games and yet is paid to write reviews on them, I'm baffled.

>> No.6642988

>lack of female protagonists "back in the day"
Samus? Chun Li? I mean come on

>> No.6642991

Are you trying to suggest that one person's personal experiences aren't perfectly representative of an entire industry?


>> No.6642995

So where does PC gaming fit into that statement

>> No.6643020

Personally, I can only really think of Lara Croft and Chun Li back in the day...can't think of a female protagonist who isn't big breasted with the hour-glass figure, long legged thing...Even these days I'm hard pressed to find a game with a female protagonist that isn't perfect in every big boobed, sexy short pants kind of way. But then again, if she were a normal girl with maybe a bit of chub and modest clothing, wouldn't make for much of an exciting game I guess...

>> No.6643021

Did you somehow forget about Chell?

>> No.6643023

There's a lot more variety in female body shapes in Japanese games IMO. In games like Ghost Trick, Phoenix Wright, and Virtue's Last Reward pretty much every girl is a different shape.

>> No.6643029

Chell is one character, one that I do like, however we never really do get to hear her speak or a backstory, anything to give her some character. I do feel a little bad that I didn't think of her, but I was more into gaming as a kid back in the days before Crash Bandicoot was raped with multiple shit games and when Driver and trying to run over the people was the closest thing to GTA you could get....These days I'm afraid I don't get much time to play games, though I have seen all of the Lara Croft posters hanging in EB windows...she looks as tough as I remember and I'm feeling hopeful she hasn't been ruined in the new game.

>> No.6643035
File: 80 KB, 490x449, giant-cucumber-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some pretty gargantuan cucumbers, bro

>> No.6643037

> Mad at Sony because of their lack of a female speaker
> Not mad at Sony for presenting a shit console

>> No.6643058

>implying they showed a console

>> No.6643073
File: 37 KB, 500x375, beyond-good-&-evil-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try looking at games that weren't massive titles. You may have noticed, high-budget big-studio games stick to proven formulas. If giant tits worked the first time, they're gonna invest in giant tits every time after.

>> No.6643078

Ironically, that WAS a pretty big title and critically acclaimed.. and waiting on a sequel 10 years later while lukewarm stuff gets 3-4 sequels in that same period.

>> No.6643082

>with a female protagonist that isn't perfect in every big boobed, sexy short pants kind of way

Ever play those nipnong games with amazonian women, those aren't ideal at all

>> No.6643087

You know what the fuck I meant.

>> No.6643136
File: 1.26 MB, 763x1078, ME3_Cover_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we could be fair here, most blockbuster games feature handsome guys with either the "ideal" or even ridiculous body proportions. Most of them go for the manly, scruffy look--Nathan Drake of Uncharted, Altair and Ezio of Assassin's Creed (and even Connor, if you go for that exotic, long-hair-blowing in the wind, tomahawk-through-your-face look), John Marston of Red Dead Redemption has that western gentleman thing going on, Isaac Clark of Dead Space is (surprisingly) good-looking, even Max Payne was passable if you're into older guys. People criticized ME3 for their attractive redhead on 50% of the covers, but most guys I've seen don't look like the male Commander Shepherd. And let's not even go into Gears of War and those ridiculously broad shoulders. It's true that there should be a more diverse crowd in terms of protagonists, but a quick glance at the industry proves that female protagonists aren't the only ones that get that kind of treatment. If people want diversity, they can't just say "fat chicks, please," and ignore everything else.
Pic related. Broad shoulders and chest, narrow hips, somewhat generous-looking codpiece, strong chin and masculine jaw, and that scar that, for some, gives him a "bad boy"/dangerous allure. And this is what more than half the video game protagonists look like nowdays, give or take some facial hair.
And thus ends the wall of text. I recognize that this isn't well-thought out and is pretty ranty, but this thread isn't valid anyways so who cares.

>> No.6643158

Nintendo competitor for Sony. All of my lol. Nintendo is no threat at all for Sony. There direct competitor is Microsoft with the Xbox. Nintendo just makes fun platforms people have on the side.

>> No.6643161

The problem is for me not that the women are skinny ideals. Cause the males in those games are ideals too. I just don't like that they are sexualized. While male wear actually convenient battle-gear. Woman wear skimpy chain-mail bikini's, just so we can see a hint of boobs, ass and belly

>> No.6643164

I am tried of basement dwellers crying that they wish characters looked like them. No thank you we saw how that turned out by the abomination that Femshep turned into. I want my video game characters to remain attractive and fit.

>> No.6643170

Some more to support my point. Good female: Alyx Vance. She is thin and pretty, but has an actual personality and is not parading in a tiny winy string bikini. The same goes for Jade from Beyond good and evil. Now a bad female: Ivy from Soul Calibur, massive tits and ass. No personality except ''mistress'', that is it. Everything from DoA too, almost no personality and especially since Doa Xtreme they are nothing more then a lustobject for males. Which really saddens me.

>> No.6643172

Maybe it's because girls don't care as much if the guys are in skimpy clothing or not? Let's face it, men aren't dressed skimpily because girls in general don't ask for them to be skimpy. It appeals more if they're not skimpy.

They go with what works for them. The only problem is that guys tend to be more visual with those sorts of things than girls are. They don't need to be in nothing but boxers for a woman to go, "DAMN he is FINE."

>> No.6643173

> I just don't like that they are sexualized. Woman wear skimpy chain-mail bikini's, just so we can see a hint of boobs, ass and belly

I agree with you to an extend but I find that the alternative to this always ends up to make the female characters butch and mannish. I would like stronger but still feminine characters.

>> No.6643177

Well i think some diversity can't hurt. It worked for WoW when everyone was sick of seeing all the females as stick thin or in the case of the orcs muscled fit girls. They made the Pandaren which are actually chubby, and the crowd loved it to finally have some fat girl option too.

>> No.6643187

No it wont hurt but I dont think these characters should be main characters. Its hard to believe that a fat/chubby character is running around saving the world or whatever when physically it would require them to be in shape to accomplish these things. These diverse characters would just become tokens in the background and is that any better?

>> No.6643188

It's not even about ideals. Most of the characters perform physically demanding movements that fat people no matter how healthy they say they are would have difficulty performing. Then there is the issue of having them fit through small spaces, Dragon's Dogma made it so that only short characters can fit in small tunnels, and weight affects how much you can carry. Fine for an RPG but not good for any other kind of game, especially action and adventure games.

>> No.6643199

Using sage because this thread is not really /cgl/ related.
I do tend to agree, but there's one problem with your statement--you'd have to change not what men that enjoy videogames find attractive, but what heterosexual men as a whole find attractive. While women mainly judge a man's attractiveness by his face, men spend significantly less time looking at a girl's face and more looking at her body. (I don't have the study on hand, but I can dig it up for you if you like; seems like the kind of thing you might be interested in.) So men are going to be attracted to a female character who shows her curves, whereas a man's getup tends to matter less as long as women can see his face.
I actually thought redhead, freckley Femshep was adorable. It was a really nice change from generic blonde/brunette with no defining facial features. I, for one, would love to see an obese Spartan running around in Halo 5, wheezing and sputtering while a massive attachment to his suit functioned as both an iron lung and a massive set of paddles prepared for respiratory or cardiac arrest. That could be good times.