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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 88 KB, 1000x1230, Comic-Con_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6628407 No.6628407 [Reply] [Original]

Badges go on sale in less than 2 days. Who's going to be trying to get /something/?

>> No.6628412
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1354665516945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'd be guaranteed a badge if I wouldn't be on deployment
Stupid work.

>> No.6628417

Was going to go but then I got the opportunity to do a semester abroad in Prague at the same time, so I chose Prague.

Gonna try and get my friends to buy me shit though, it's more the merch and awesome things you get than I'll regret missing

>> No.6628470

already got my badge

>> No.6628486


>> No.6628495
File: 34 KB, 500x269, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you never have to worry about badges and shit and can get as many as you want for however many people as you want
Feels goooood

>> No.6628496

rude fatty.

>> No.6628502

You wish.

>> No.6628512
File: 19 KB, 267x274, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because I don't have to wish.

>> No.6628536

Does anyone know if you can buy a pass for someone who didn't register their member ID before the 12th? I know they can't buy a badge themselves, but can I buy one for them?

>> No.6628535
File: 1.40 MB, 720x480, 1269343547980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got my badge but I am going to try to get badges for my friends. It is going to be hard, there are four of them...

It's OK Valle, I am going to have ALL THE FUN. There wouldn't even be any left for you anyway.

>> No.6628537

because to buy them a badge you would need their member ID.

>> No.6628543


>> No.6630373

I am already good to go but I said I'd help my friends get badges because I'm not sure how good they are at jumping into virtual lines.

you should "acquire" a couple of those voucher things (the comp ones that let you do open registration no matter what) and sell them on ebay. Assuming, of course, that they are still using the vouchers.

>> No.6630760
File: 8 KB, 251x188, 1357268460926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-minus 5 hours

>> No.6630791
File: 133 KB, 500x500, sdcc-badges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6630824

4 browsers at the ready on both my laptop and desktop, as well as my phone, iPad, and Nook. I'm so fucking prepped for this shit.

>> No.6630910

45 minutes left...

>> No.6630919
File: 160 KB, 600x300, 1358490442025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I gonna need to log in to this site? I forget what the hell info I entered/made months ago.

>> No.6630923

Your last name and member ID. Just request your login info from the ID page.

>> No.6630926
File: 26 KB, 500x384, 1359332243822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn. I live not to far from San Diego. Should I spend money on the 4 day pass? Or will I be able to see a majority of the Con in just one day?

I'm just afraid of missing a bad-ass panel.

>> No.6630938
File: 43 KB, 596x627, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am blowing the time by looking up appropriate music for the situation.


I personally couldn't go just one day. There is too much stuff, and there is no way to see it all in one day. But I have different priorities. If you only want to go one day at least try for a Friday or Saturday badge.

>> No.6630940

Sunday is the shittiest day (usually aimed at a younger audience) and you don't need to be there for thursday, none of the best shit is ever on that day. Just go for friday or saturday. It's hard to know which will have the better guests or panels but honestly the rest isn't worth the cost if you'll be going by yourself. Two days I think is the best CC experience but that's only because 30-50% of your time will be spent in line waiting for the panels you want.

>> No.6630945

>he thinks he can get in without a badge
Nigga what do you think this is, some tiny local con?

>> No.6630950

muthafuckin kungfu and shit on thursday
for me, thursday is the best day

to avoid losing a lot of time in line you gotta pick and choose correctly. or just sacrifice panels. like, if you see a big ass line, time to go somewhere else.

man fuck i don't want to be awake at 8:45 on a saturday

>> No.6630954

also the sched thing is good for gauging potential interest on things you want to see. not the most accurate since a lot of people don't even know it exists but you can get a ballpark figure for it. for best results you know what the rough capacity of the panel room an event is attached to and then figure out if that's going to be a line generator or not.

i think my lack of sleep is making me slightly delirious

>> No.6630955

Think your life is bad, I'm awake at 3:45am on a Sunday. Different timezones, man. They'll kill you.

>> No.6630958


>> No.6630962

My friends and I always have a Skype call to make sure whoever has the highest waiting room number gets in. Unfortunately this year three of them had already planned on being out of town, (with shitty hotel Internet) so this is going to be interesting!

>> No.6630963

hah yeah i'm just glad i'm not in hawaii right now
be 6am over there

i went to sleep at umm 3am because i'm a night owl. i could probably go til 6-7am if i had to without too ill an effect.

>> No.6630965
File: 69 KB, 1007x717, Screenshot from 2013-02-16 08:56:54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, the "cheat sheet" how-to page is down.

Not a heartening sign.

>> No.6630969


>> No.6630970
File: 663 KB, 709x521, 1354986472145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else's not loading, at all?

>> No.6630971

ERGH my browser is timing out.

Shit sucks man.

>> No.6630975
File: 69 KB, 1080x1028, 1352692732449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are sorry, but the EPIC online waiting room has reached capacity and it is unlikely that badges are still available. Please click here to return to the Comic-Con website.

>> No.6630972

Same. I'm so fucking pissed right now. now the waiting room is at max cap.

>> No.6630973

I got 2 browsers that are at the spinning circle but do say 'waiting room" on them
the other two are like nah i'm just gonna do nothing

>> No.6630974


No go on my end :(

>> No.6630976

okay one browser is at #4600 and counting down, FEELS GOOD MAN

>> No.6630977

Same. Opera finally showed the max capacity screen. I am beyond angry.

>> No.6630978

ARE YOU SERIOUS. I don't believe it. Screenshot.

>> No.6630979

How long did it take to load? I'm at a blank loading screen right now.

>> No.6630981


Really? I'm getting "The service is unavailable" page

>> No.6630982



>> No.6630983

I have one browser stuck on a default page. I don't even know what that means but I'm not touching it.

>> No.6630986
File: 63 KB, 1366x337, sdcccap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but here. :'(

Same. Firefox and IE are still loading, but Opera and Chrome gave me pic related.

>> No.6630984

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay sorry I'm just really really really fucking amazed right now

guess I'm not #4600 anymore

>> No.6630985
File: 77 KB, 1552x335, ss (2013-02-16 at 09.06.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6630988

This system is shit. I wonder how many calls they're getting right about now.

>> No.6630989

Guys I'm in o_O


>> No.6630990

wow... just wow.

They need to figure something out. This is bullshit

>> No.6630992
File: 575 KB, 1680x1050, sdcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6630993

My chrome is still loading the page, the other pc's chrome timed out and gave service unavailable.

>> No.6630994

How long did that take? I'm getting so anxious. Were you at a loading screen before that?

>> No.6630996

So if my page is still a blank loading screen, I should just give up on this year right?

>> No.6630998

I hovered over the tab, and it says "Waiting Room" but the page is just not loading at all.

>> No.6630999


Honestly? It took as long as you guys, I just...refreshed it and viola, I was in. I'm REALLY surprised o_o

>> No.6631001

You refreshed? all of my FB is like DONT REFRESH.

I'm so confused and scared.

>> No.6631003

I've got the same thing here. I'll just keep it open until it's officially stated that all badges are sold out.

>> No.6631004

your number kind of high so gl bro
i gotta buy for 3 people so i cant really help anyone

>> No.6631006

I have two browsers loading, not sure if i should sacrifice one...

>> No.6631008

If you refresh it now you'll definitely be locked out, so don't do it.

>> No.6631010


Yea no kidding, it's hard to explain. Luck of the draw and all, just keep trying and copy/pasting the links in fresh tabs.

Keep in mind I'm at like #42013 so the likelihood of getting a pass is a bit slim :(

>> No.6631017

579 awwwww shit son

>> No.6631020

I'd fucking kill to even get a # in line. But no, 2 years and nothing buy a blank loading screen.

>> No.6631021


>> No.6631023

Apparently someone was waiting for 17 minutes and just got past the blank screen. They're at 8000 now, so I guess I'll wait it out...

>> No.6631025
File: 10 KB, 474x102, 1361035275505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game over folks

>> No.6631029


That tweet isn't on their actual page.

>> No.6631032

That's clearly a facebook status. And yes, it's legit.

>> No.6631035

All badges are still available according to people who have just left the waiting room...

>> No.6631036

its also bullshit because i just bought a badge for a friend
and my sister

>> No.6631038


>> No.6631037

It says the page last refreshed at 10:01, am I out?

>> No.6631040

;_; Is anyone else still stuck at the loading screen? People on twitter are, but I don't know what to do.

>> No.6631048

I'm still stuck there on the default page still. It's going on 30 minutes. This shit is nuts, it's almost as bad as lolita releases.

>> No.6631049

I have been stuck at the loading page for 34 minutes now :( I clicked exactly at 9 this is bull

>> No.6631051

Same thing with mine! My page isn't even reloading. Like it says this page will reautomatically refresh every 120 seconds and It hasn't even reloaded since. My page is just stuck on that screen

>> No.6631055
File: 47 KB, 806x502, cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been stuck like this for minutes.

>> No.6631057


>> No.6631059

I refreshed IE because people said that would work. ;_; Don't do itttt - I'm down to one browser now and it's still at a blank screen. I clicked exactly at 9 too, ugh.

>> No.6631064

Yeah same, is it even loading? Or is the page dead/ static?

>> No.6631065

All of my jelly.

>> No.6631067

At least you got past the loading screen.

>> No.6631071

All badges are still available, which is good, but they really need to get their shit together.

>> No.6631072

So i'm at white screen should I refresh or not? it's 50/50 people are saying yes and no

what did you guys do who where at white load screen?

>> No.6631073

this is >>6630992 btw

as of now everything is still in stock

>> No.6631075

No don't. Me and my friends had that, don't do it just wait. It should take you in when you get in.

>> No.6631076

I had two browsers at the white screen, just refreshed one and it went to the max cap screen. Don't do it.

>> No.6631077

Just wait it out. It took about 18 minutes for me.

>> No.6631078 [DELETED] 


>> No.6631080

I have been at the white screen for 45 minutes now though :(

>> No.6631081

See >>6631076

Seriously don't do it. There are a bunch of tweets about being taken from the white screen just now, and ending up being like 8000 in line. Just wait it out.

>> No.6631084

Don't do it FFS, just wait for it to load. Because I opened two tabs and I got something similar to >>6631055
when I went to the waiting room. Just wait it out, it's loading

>> No.6631086

so 40 minutes is normal then? because other anon got 18min and I clicked right at 9 wtf

>> No.6631087

Okay, so apparently people are being sent from the white screen to the waiting room right now and they're like 20,000 in line. It's better than nothing I guess.

>> No.6631091

I did too. The people who clicked at 9:01 and 9:02 got in first. Not fair at all.

>> No.6631092


>> No.6631093

4-day with pv are sold out. :'(

>> No.6631094


>> No.6631099

4chan thinks it's spam, but it's on their twitter. :(

>> No.6631100

And now 4-days are sold out. Fucking fuck.

>> No.6631102

Okay anyone else been waiting on the white screen for an hour? I'm still waiting and it's driving me nuts

>> No.6631108

Yep and it's bullshit.

>> No.6631109

I did the same thing, clicking at 9:01 and 9:02, and I'm still looking at a loading page.
It's going on an hour now since I've had it.
A friend managed to get in and I think she got me four days. I'm just worried because I needed to get one for my girl. Not sure how that's going to work out now.

>> No.6631110

I have. Don't refresh though, it'll take you to the max cap screen and you won't have a shot at all. tbh I don't think we'll be able to get anything waiting this long anyway, but I'm waiting until they're all sold out. It sucks because I clicked at 9 exactly.

>> No.6631113
File: 166 KB, 856x560, sdcc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6631115

Shit. This really sucks.

>> No.6631119


I just got my Friday and Saturday and I can confirm that the 4 day pass with and without preview night is sold out.

>> No.6631120
File: 304 KB, 250x188, 1360793618818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know if the waiting room page refreshes? The page says it reloads automatically every 120s but so far it has not reloaded.

>> No.6631122

Yeah I hit it at 9:00 and never got even to the white screen.

Effin' BS.

>> No.6631123


>> No.6631127

your browser is fucked and you're probably screwed

UPDATE: Th, F, Su still available

i'm just chillin and refreshin now

>> No.6631128

1 hour later and still a white screen

>> No.6631129

okay I'm thinking about just going ahead and re freshing because well fuck I have been waiting for an hour

>> No.6631130

Fuck. Better luck next year I guess.

>> No.6631131

FUCCCCKKK ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Wowwwww, because I tried calling customer support about this issue but the likes are all used.

>> No.6631133


I wouldn't do it if I were you...

>> No.6631139

did you get in?

>> No.6631142

he's been waiting for an hour, all the good days are sold out

it might be worth a shot

>> No.6631146



>> No.6631147


Apparently other people have the same problem. Not sure what to think about this.

>> No.6631154

hey, at least it's better than the white screen...

>> No.6631159
File: 6 KB, 462x101, sdcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people are saying they're getting into the room from the white screen now. I'm getting so anxious.

>> No.6631166

Friday sold out now. fuckkkk

>> No.6631177

on my side Fri still available but maybe it's not refreshing properly

>> No.6631178

>tfw my only chance at getting in is buying a badge for $1000 from a scalper and hoping I don't get ID'd

>> No.6631180

oh okay it updated now when i refreshed it again. I refreshed it like 5 times earlier and it didn't say anything

T and Su available

>> No.6631183

People who got their tickets...what browser were you using? Some are saying Firefox was doomed from the start.

>> No.6631184

I'm still on the white screen T_____T whyyyyyy

>> No.6631187

It sounds like bad advice but I don't think you should blow that all right now.
What I did last year when tickets sold out was wait until a few days before CC, checked Stubhub for tickets, and I got in. They weren't at market price but the mark-up wasn't that much higher, about 15% more.

>> No.6631188

I'm using firefox and still "loading" fuck my life

>> No.6631190


I was using firefox

>> No.6631191

Same. :'( It's not even worth going from NY for Thursday and Sunday, not that I'll even get past this goddamn loading screen...

>> No.6631194

one chrome window worked
one hanged (spinning, got nowhere)
one firefox hanged (spinning, got nowhere)
one firefox white screened but showed the proper thing when i refreshed manually and then said the room was full. apparently it was in line and i didn't even know it.

>> No.6631198

seriously? Stubhub worked? How did it work? Did you have to go into a back alley with a shiv and $300 hoping to not get mugged for you effort?

>> No.6631199

Of course, the only browser I didn't open is the one that worked for most people.

>> No.6631205

People are saying all days are sold out?

>> No.6631204

there's going to be a bunch of dudes ebaying and craigslisting in the four weeks before the con
historically i want to say a 4day is worth $300-400

>> No.6631206

Agh, I'd hate to expect that and reserve a hotel room only to find out no one's going to be selling one. :/

>> No.6631208

there's ALWAYS some guys scalping on ebay
it's just a question of "how much do you want to pay?"
but yeah, they've gone for $300-400 for a 4day in the past years

>> No.6631212

If I was to buy from ebay would I get caught at con? like how do they check that stuff?

>> No.6631213

There'll definitely be sellers, if you're that worried you could try to find more local SD scalpers as well. I know some friends of mine sold their "free" tickets they got from work to scalpers to resell them.

>> No.6631220

ID check but only if they do one. i've never had one nor seen one. i've heard that they cursory name check you and if you have a girl name and you're a guy they'll check id but otherwise nothing.

>> No.6631222

They're all sold out and I never made it past the blank screen. Awesome.

>> No.6631225

For the people who got passes, when do the confirm emails come in?

>> No.6631228
File: 179 KB, 855x561, sdcc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can confirm this

you get order confirmation immediately
the barcode anywhere between now and 72 hours depending on when you got it. later today if you got it early.

>> No.6631230


Ah, yea I'm getting mildly concerned because I'm not getting the email right away :(

Thanks though!

>> No.6631231

in other news, my other firefox window is still spinning

>> No.6631232

For people who have been in the past, how likely is it that I'll get a returned ticket during the resale?

>> No.6631233

Mine was but I closed it since they're all gone. ;_;

>> No.6631234

same sort of thing as it was today just you'll be fighting less people but also for less badges

it'll be a smaller, faster war

>> No.6631235

Do you know when the resale usually is?

>> No.6631240

So apparently those of us who clicked the link exactly at 9 where the ones stuck in the white page doom

the people clicking from 9:02-9:15 got in

as for refreshing the time to have done was in that 15min time frame that's why those who waited longer than 15 - 20 min to refresh got booted out

>> No.6631241

People are saying the first batch of people got stuck at the white screen or never advanced in the waiting room. How is it fair that those who clicked first got nothing?

>> No.6631242

it was after the refund deadline last year (the refund deadline was middle of may) and they had a pretty limited number of badges. 5000 total single days. heh. they apparently had really few four days so they split them all into singles and threw them into the pile with the other single days.

if you want a guarantee it's going to be scalper prices at that $300-400 price

>> No.6631245

it's not and it's pretty fucked up
i was in the first batch, got in line at a good position, server crashed, refreshed at just the right time, got in line again at an even better position

>> No.6631249

Why not just counterfeit the badge?

>> No.6631256

Is that even possible...?

>> No.6631259

the hard part is getting the badge holder which is that plastic/vinyl sort of deal that they change colors every year
in another thread someone mentioned being creative and using paint to get a rough color similarity for the current year's color
if you can do it, do it.

>> No.6631261

Doesn't sound too hard. Just get some acetate from an art store and print out the border, or make a stencil and paint the underside.

>> No.6631263

yup. if you can do it, do it. as long as you go in when a crowd is (so they won't do more than a quick check to see if your color matches everyone else's) you should be good to go

>> No.6631268

I might try if I'm desperate enough. Wouldn't I need to scan a real one though?

>> No.6631272

i was about to say i'd scan mine and just shoop out my name and stuff but i realized i won't have a scanner when i'm down there

>> No.6631279

Apparently someone started some shit about if you are in line and you got stuck you're supposed to take a screenshot of your browser with your number in line and send it to registration@epic.com. If it's white screen you're probably screwed. Actually, you're still probably screwed because I doubt they're going to print a bunch of new tickets for people who got stuck in line.

>> No.6631281

Fucking fuck. I closed out. Time to search for a screencap to steal...

>> No.6631284

this one looks good...

>> No.6631287

my bad it's at @epicreg.com

lol that's my screenshot
i'd laugh if they got a bunch of emails with that screenshot in it
crop some of it out, would ya? not with the firefox window on the side. it's still stuck loading actually. heh.

>> No.6631292

Yep, cropped everything but the number and url. Thanks anon!

>> No.6631294

good luck
i have no idea what they're going to do if anything
wouldn't be surprised if they're just getting them for "bug report purposes"
you might want to change the clock at the bottom right so it says something besides 9:09 since you're supposed to be stuck in line but you can easily copy and paste from your own computer's clock. maybe rearrange the numbers of the place in line too.

>> No.6631299

looks like my white screen is just never going to load

not that it matters now

>> No.6631303

the key was to refresh the screen during the first 10min of badge sales any one who got there on time at 9m got screwed

>> No.6631338

so tickets are sold out then?

>> No.6631340
File: 125 KB, 596x582, QdzzPof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6631341

I just got stuck on loading the page, but my friend got an "error" message at 9:03, and when she refreshed the page at 9:05 she alredy got the "waiting room is packed" message.

>> No.6631364 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 683x768, screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea.

Does this shoop look legit, guys? I messed up the compression but whatever.

>> No.6631385

I got all of the above. Got in line, error, time out, blank screen, spinning in place, and success, among a bunch of browsers and two computers. This went a lot less smoothly compared to the rebuy in August

>> No.6631398

They really need to change the system they're using because it fucking sucks.

>> No.6631405

lol @ them closing the customer service line

>> No.6631419

Does anyone know if you can reserve the hotels in the downtown block if you don't have any badges? Don't you have to use the same member ID for the hotel "lottery?"

>> No.6631484

bump for this

>> No.6631506

They've tried a bunch of things but apparently none of them can withstand the force of a few hundred thousand people trying to smash it to death like a DDoS. It worked perfect for the rebuy but the rebuy "only" had to deal with a little over 100k people.

Their biggest mistake was removing on-site pre-registration for next year. The thing in 2011 was the first fuck up because they only had like 20k on sale total split evenly into four days. Even if they were to announce that they were going back to the old open system where you waltz up and bought your badge for next year it'd be fucked because everyone has the "it's going to sell out" mindset so they're all going to head there first. They should have just did something like 50k registrations on site, no limit per day, just til they are out, for 2011. That would still leave a potential 70k for "new" people which is what they were trying to do in the first place.

Some people have suggested Ticketmaster but fuck that, they'll just go and charge you like $30 a ticket in fees. And you're still going to have people bitching about it.

>> No.6631520

BlizzCon has a similar issue each year and their system works just fine. Probably because they're a corporation more sensitive to customer service than comic-con.

>> No.6631546

blizzcon also has less than a fifth the attendees that sdcc

>> No.6631617

2011 was the year of ticketleap right

now that was a fiasco

>> No.6631638

Actually attendees is irrelevant. BlizzCon sells out faster than comic-con with tens of thousands of people in queue lines to buy tickets.

>> No.6631639

yeah, ticketleap. who knows what group is running the system now? it's just going under the "epic registration" umbrella now which they've been using for years..

>> No.6631986
File: 309 KB, 800x805, sdcc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For entertainment purposes here's another screenshot. You remember that Firefox window I had up in >>6630992? Apparently it was in line, just stuck. It never updated the page past the button. When I closed out Firefox and resumed session to see what I'd get that's what I ended up with.

>> No.6632094

if i see that fucking frog one more time

>> No.6632131
File: 417 KB, 1648x725, sdcc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how right before the end of my screen it's the failfrog image

>> No.6632337

Oh god, that's hilarious and so sad at the same time.

>> No.6632470


Be sure to double check the blacklight stamp. (yes there is a stamp that is seen under a black light)

>> No.6632491

if you're getting uv checked you've already fucked up anyway. screw the uv, they'll see your paint.

>> No.6632672

Never heard of security checking anything like that. All they really look for is the colored border (to indicate what type of badge it is) and the year print watermark (to indicate it's valid).

>> No.6632705

it's a random check. i've had it happen to me once in about a decades worth of going and countless in and out. i wouldn't worry about it

>> No.6633857

Montrealer here. First time going to con.

Heck it was a hell of a mess yesterday. Got in line in only two of the 10 browsers opened in 5 computers in 2 different places. I don't understand what happened really but in the end I got my three days and my friend too.

>> No.6633861

>Coming all the way from Montreal
>Only going for 3 days


>> No.6633883

Pro badge master race here, got mine a few weeks ago.

>> No.6633886

I can't go on thursday. Three days of SDCC is way enough for me since I have 2 summer jobs and only a week and a half that I can take off. Going to San Francisco right after the con on sunday night.

>> No.6633894

I'm from Australia and would honestly have been happy with ANY sort of pass.

The whole system is fucked.

>> No.6633906

Yeah! I feel super privileged to have my three days right now since I thought for half an hour that I would get nothing or only sunday.

>> No.6634152

Already brought two badges, going to buy around 10 or so to scalp. Should I bother?

>> No.6634285

If you can somehow manage to get that many badges, go for it. Last year's resale had 5000 single day tickets when it happened. Hell, even getting one might be a stretch considering there's going to be a ton of people all gunning for those. There were zero four day badges available for the resale because they got so few of them refunded so they split them up instead.

Meh, we're nothing special up here but maybe I say that since I live up here. I would have just gone the whole con.

Yeah, got mine and a free guest. I could have gotten two more four days (one paid guest, one using my normal member ID) but decided to pass. I helped out friends and family get their badges yesterday.

>> No.6634292

oh and ironically one of my other friends asks me if I have any they can buy (their sessions crashed out). Too bad they waited til 10am to ask that. I could have gotten them four days if they had asked me earlier to begin with.

>> No.6634402

some people made a "comic con protest" page on facebook

the thing that makes me laugh the most are when people say I'VE BEEN TRYING SINCE (anything before 2011) because it was easy as fuck to get in for all years 2010 and earlier.

>> No.6635033


>>6632705 is right, it's a random check. I wouldn't have known about it if it didn't happen to me.

>> No.6635037

yeah. I had no idea they had a UV symbol to begin with til the check. I've also only heard of random ID checks because it's like an urban legend.

>> No.6635166

Quick question did anone not get emailed a link? I didn't but I already bought my badges during pre-sale. However a few friends of mine, who had no problems last year, weren't emailed the link this year. Was this a common thing or just them? They bought a Thursday/Sunday pass on pre sale.

>> No.6635297

Does anyone know where scalped tickets usually show up? Obviously, I will try for resales but I have a friend who lives in Sweden who wants to come and needs tickets asap so she can book flights and she is willing to pay a higher price.

>> No.6635339

craigslist and local sellers only. ebay doesn't allow them.

>> No.6636000

If your thinking about getting tickets scalped be prepared to shell out some serious cash, saturday tickets were being scalpe between 300-500 dollars last year and that thats just saturday tickets. 4day were 800-900 dollars an other days were in the hundreds