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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 19 KB, 480x325, tumblr_mhtabscg3r1rdqnrko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6630729 No.6630729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ here, just curious,

/cgl/, do you believe and revel in the "fat is healthy" propaganda/media pandering?

>> No.6630734

/cgl/ consists entirely of fat girls and people who hate fat girls. Sometimes these two categories overlap.

Now go away, /fa/.

>> No.6630735

I get it, because they're fat

>> No.6630739
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>> No.6630740
File: 44 KB, 690x509, 1269358023590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just lose weight then?

>> No.6630743

Oh good lord we've been over this so many times and it shits up threads, fuck off

>> No.6630746

I hope you're not using that picture to imply the "anorexia is the best way to lose weight, you're a fatty if your thighs touch" propaganda is any better.

>> No.6630748

Not really unless you think that anorexia is eating at a calorie deficit to reduce body fat while doing cardio/working out which is perfectly normal

>> No.6630750

>implying that picture implies any of that and it isn't just a very typical picture to find on a pro-ana Tumblr blog
lol ok

>> No.6630751

Thigh gap is purely genetic or underweight, which has been normal on runways for ages now.
It is desired because it is rarely seen, if insecure commoner girls starve themselves to the point of an eating disorder, it's their fucking fault

>> No.6630761

lol im underweight and also my hips are wide but somehow my thigh gap is really small , damn.

>> No.6630763

also a funfact: I have a tigh gap although most of you would probably call me a fatty.

>> No.6630765

>Want dat gap so bad ;_;

>> No.6630768

Dat gap is a very unattractive physical trait. Thighs with no meat are disgusting.

>> No.6630773
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that's just like your opinion, bro

>> No.6630774

Having 12 toes or webbed hands is rarely seen but that doesn't make it desirable.

>> No.6630775

I agree. I like shapely legs. Not fat, mind you, but muscular. Plus, being muscular is a smart measure of one's fitness, the size of their great trochanter is not.

Sage for pro-ana thread.

>> No.6630776

Yeah, but it's an opinion shared by the majority of men.

And yes, I have interviewed almost every man alive to come to that conclusion.

>> No.6630788

No, we are pro-ana general.

>> No.6630789

>but it's an opinion shared by the majority of men.


>> No.6630790
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There are thin girls on here as well

I keep an unhealthy weight to be kawaii. Gotta maintain that loli-figure. Looking like a twelve year old works for me.

>> No.6630794

I'm pretty sure the majority of men likes skinny girls

>> No.6630795

Yes, that's why in mainstream porn women tend to have huge tits and hips.

>> No.6630796
File: 50 KB, 300x338, 943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: The majority of both men and women like sharks.


I accidently click on /cgl/ and the first thing I see is a shitty troll thread. There go enjoy that pastebin instead of arguing over retarded shit.

>> No.6630797

Yes, huge tits and a nice ass on a skinny frame. You think men like big tits on whales?

>> No.6630799

>on a skinny frame
Nope, they're usually average sized frames. Stay delusional
>You think men like big tits on whales?
They say big tits are the best thing about fat chicks, so..

>> No.6630802

Not that anon, but
>They say big tits are the best thing about fat chicks, so..
>best thing about fat chicks
...that really isn't saying much. Tits on fat chicks don't count.

>> No.6630809

Ya, I'm pretty sure most guys don't like fat chicks.

>> No.6630811

Even if they've got an 'average sized frame', that's still not a 'fat frame'.

>> No.6630816

Yeah, but it's not skinny either. There's a pretty thick line between obese, fat, normal and skinny.

Never said they did, bruh.

>> No.6630817

As someone who DOESN'T live in the US, UK or Australia (which are coincidentally among the fattest nations on earth), no. I don't believe it.
For some reason Englishmen have found it in them to think obesity is good for them and that they should be protected against harassment for it.
Please, very few other nations have the same obesity problems that these nations do, so it cannot be a "biological" thing, or a sickness. You're doing this to yourself, you embarrassments.

>> No.6630818

I don't think fat is healthy, but I also don't think our general concept of skinny is, either. IMO everyone has their own naturally 'healthy' weight based on genetics and body chemistry, but the only truly healthy body is a fit body.

>> No.6630819


>> No.6630821

Depends on who you're talking to. And there's not a "thick line" between normal and skinny, they're overlapping categories.

Bottom line is that both skinny and normal are still not fat by any means, and you're arguing semantics.

>> No.6630825
File: 121 KB, 500x803, 1358882755714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, actually. "Normal" is not pic related, for example. Most people would say she's unusually thin. That's skinny.
"Normal" is having a moderate amount of fat on your body without it being excess.
I'm not arguing semantics at all.

>> No.6630828

That's a fantastically extreme example. Of course people are going to call someone with hips and ribs sticking out unusually thin or skinny.

Now if you were to post a slightly thicker girl, just slightly thicker, maybe 5-10 pounds difference, give or take accounting for height and bf%, there's be arguments as to whether she was 'skinny' or just 'normal'.

The reason for that being that you're not accounting for the fact that people hold their own personal definitions as to what skinny/normal/chubby/fat/obese looks like based on their own standards of beauty.

>> No.6630832

It's not "extreme", it's actually what people are talking about when they mention "skinny", because that's what skinny means. Less than average amount of body fat.
>there's be arguments as to whether she was 'skinny' or just 'normal'.
That's because fatties call everyone average-sized "skinny".
You're trying to argue definitions here and it's silly. The fact of the matter is that some men like skinny girls, but others still prefer women with "meat on their bones" (aka no bones poking out).
Yes, there is a difference, and denying so just because you think "skinny" simply means "not fat" makes you look retarded.

>> No.6630836
File: 17 KB, 545x528, 1356663793323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that looks like me and I'm a recovering anorexic

That's well under what is considered skinny though, anon.