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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 720x357, rippled-australian-flag-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6617287 No.6617287 [Reply] [Original]

since the last one was so much fun.

Aus-fags report in.

>> No.6617290

Working on my cosplays for Adelaide ComicCon/PAX/whatever else.
Well, working on a prop for a friend anyway.

>> No.6617292

I heard about PAX, League of Legends cosplay?

>> No.6617335

gdi, I keep hearing that everyone is doing LoL to PAX. I chose to cosplay a LoL character which is overdone as it is and I just know there's going to be a million better than me.

>> No.6617420

Anyone going to @con next weekend?

>> No.6617448
File: 54 KB, 628x555, 1343977317594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you Australia

Yours Faithfully

New Zealand

>> No.6617451
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>> No.6617494

Go screw a sheep m8

>> No.6617518


Hahahahahahaha fuck no.

>> No.6617535

If nz is so fucking wonderful, why are you all here?

Go Whakatane yourself.

>> No.6617549
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1360402315320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6617552

>not saying "Go Whakapapa" instead.

>> No.6617560

Who is that? Is she relevant?

>> No.6617563

I live in Adelaide, what's the cosplay scene like here/any stories?

>> No.6617568

...she never left

>> No.6617566

Flan is back?!

>> No.6617579

Whelp, shows what I know. I thought she was chased out for never being a cosplayer

>> No.6617580

Nah, posts under trip and off it. Rumours go round but nothing solid really lol just h8rs h8in

>> No.6617660



>> No.6617665
File: 23 KB, 267x317, 1339855818469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for pax

>> No.6617672

adelaide fag here

dont know any other cosplayers

>> No.6617673

Hey Adelaide friends.
: 3
I don't know much about the scene, I just started.

It actually is, yeah.
I'm doing Kat for a friend, she's his fav.

>> No.6617675

Check out "Adelaide Cosplay & EGL Club" on Facebook if you have it :)

>> No.6617677

Can't wait to see all the LoL cosplay at PAX. Was thinking about it, but I'm going to stick with Lady Sylvanas.

>> No.6618716

she's really pretty

>> No.6619212
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>> No.6620447 [DELETED] 

She certainly looks like she enjoys bacin

>> No.6622219


Did Lily stir up any drama at Waicon?

>> No.6622270

wow.. thats an unfortunate image

>> No.6622276

I know that feeling.

It's like living in an airport. Everyone is coming or going, treats you with suspicion and you pat double digits for a pack of chewing gum.

>> No.6622299

Fresh off the press, beethy is a faggot.

>> No.6622300

Animania Brisbane got cancelled.

Half the con community rejoiced. Taking bets on how long before they go bust.

>> No.6622303

I heard Nicole stole something from the dealers room but it could just be a rumour. Either way fucking lol all Nicoles hard earned money goes on food to feed the whale.

>> No.6622305


>> No.6622309

Did anyone else see moonfox's new shoot? I can't even comprehend.

>> No.6622311

People got engaged on stage at Waicon!!!

So much jelly..

>> No.6622312

I know right!
There is nothing more I love about cosplay than seeing my favourite characters come to life.
I've only been to like 2 cons so the new novelty of it all is still very much there for me.

>> No.6622313
File: 58 KB, 403x403, 403500_337151846360410_1287772831_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US master race reporting in, this thread needs more of the jessica rabbit with the big ass boobies. Pic related.

>> No.6622315

This will be the last year hopefully.

>> No.6622319

Did black cat and krisez sleep together or am I missing something here..?

>> No.6622321

What did shitfox...I mean moon fox do this time round?

>> No.6622324


>> No.6622329
File: 80 KB, 612x612, 2bd5361e734411e2a2fe22000a1f8ce3_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress? All I see is fat... Work out harder, bitch.

>> No.6622354

What's the deal with this girl? She's really pretty but I'm so sick of seeing Australian female cosplayers become 'big' by just getting their asses and boobs out. It's not news that sex sells, but it's making me lose faith in the whole hobby

>> No.6622357
File: 1020 KB, 372x278, fail-fat-cat-cant-fit-thru-door.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could other states stop sending your tards to Sydney, we have to deal with enough already.

We have Lily to deal already

>> No.6622388

Got her boobs out and then complained about people looking at her boobs. Again.

Fucking retard. If someone wants to get their bits out as far as I'm concerned that's their prerogative. But to flop their bits all over the internet and then complain that no one talks about anything else? No. Kill yourself.

>> No.6622418

Thread's lame, needs more drama

>> No.6622442

Why is the brisbane cosplay community so fucking bad? Can anybody answer me? Why so much drama?

It's just people doing some fancy dress up, how is it possible for there to be this much bullshit. Are all the cosplay communities like this or?

>> No.6622447

The same reason every community in Brisbane is fucking bad

>> No.6622567

anybody else up at this time in aus?

>> No.6622588

Yes, mind you I'm in Brisbane.

at 12 I told myself I'd watch some Code Geass then go to bed

Here I am an hour and a half later

>> No.6623062

Bec/Ardella doesn't have nearly enough drama surrounding her to make her interesting.

>> No.6623262
File: 27 KB, 480x640, 1342476243392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although if this >>6622319 sort of shut gets started that could all change in a rush.

>> No.6623335

I don't know if Kris is actually sleeping with Gabbie, but I know for a fact he slept with Kiara. I wouldn't be surprised if he's put his dick in every chick he's taken photos of though.

>> No.6623439

Hahahaha, fail troll. If you checked facebook, you'd know Kiara and Kris are suddenly best friends again, even though everyone knows she was a major player in the dumb attempts to slander Kris a few years ago. All that says is that Kris is a complete idiot when it comes to picking friends

I've shot with Kris myself, as have many of my (female) friends, and I've never once felt uncomfortable of that he was "making a move" on me. Even when we were alone in his garage. If he ever DID make a move on a cosplayer (obviously apart from his girlfriend who we all know about), there's no doubt that it was mutual.

>> No.6623462

And you never stopped to think about why they fell out in the first place? Put two and two together as why they're such good friends again now.

>> No.6623507

When I used to be friends with the circle jerk their was talk that he knocked her up.

>> No.6623508
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>> No.6623541

wow you guys are really a bunch of faggots.

this is why the aussie cosplay scene is so bad lol

this made my day. thanks!

>> No.6623554

No, the reason they fell out is that just like every other female cosplayer in Sydney Kiara is a massive drama whore and decided to help Beethy create an ED page for KrisEz. Why did you think there was no mention of Kiara on that page at all?

>> No.6623567
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>> No.6623570 [DELETED] 

Says the person posting on cgl. In a dramu thread.

>> No.6623579

No rustled jimmies there that I can see. Your just worried they're telling the truth.

>> No.6623588

Everyone knows that's the truth, but jimmies are still rustled.

>> No.6623597

Are you still in the country sucking up taxpayers money to fund your pointless existence?

>> No.6623642
File: 107 KB, 1011x773, beethy quits cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean bro. You'll make him upset some more.

>> No.6623657

I fucking lol'd

>> No.6623663

I used to be pretty bro with Kenny 10 years ago, did he let cosplay get to his head or something? Once again, I fucking lol'd.

>> No.6623672
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>> No.6623715



>> No.6624235
File: 91 KB, 600x900, Ardella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's fat

>> No.6624244

what the hell is that creature

>> No.6624247

oh gawd those stretchmarked titties :< they are so sad!

>> No.6624267

Anyone have the crazy photoshopped version?

>> No.6624332


wow that is really rude. yes being fat is terrible but way to make everyone who has stretchmarks for any reason other than being fat (like, idk, growing too fast and getting them on their back) feel terrible. can we make fun of people for being ugly by their own design and not because sometimes bodies just suck?

>> No.6624342


go away

>> No.6624402
File: 52 KB, 926x494, beethy planning to kill himself on redtits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be nasty, he's just desperate for some help.

>> No.6624466
File: 245 KB, 500x342, tumblr_mgxmnoai6W1qzcv7no1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to feel anything for someone who won't seek help, treat medication accordingly and abuses "anxiety" and "depression" as a crutch for all his problems.


Personally knowing people with mental health issues (real anxiety, real depression sufferers and worst) affects my judgement here. So when I read about Beethy all I see is an attention seeker.

Wish he would piss off back to the Netherlands.

>> No.6624557

I'm going as Madoka Kaname to Supanova in April!! This will be my first con so I'm very excited.

>> No.6624608

I'm... thinking about doing the Demon Queen from Maoyuu Maou Yuusha at Supanova later this year. I normally do very plain cosplays because I'm usually helping people out, but just once I think I'd like to do something a bit out of my comfort zone.

>> No.6624612


Is this photoshopped? The whites of her eyes are really muddy and unhealthy.

>> No.6624630
File: 135 KB, 600x900, YJHme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624633

I would love to motorboat dem titties. Just saiyan.

>> No.6624652
File: 55 KB, 600x401, 1305485468146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even see the original?

>> No.6624679

I was told that someone photoshopped her bigger. I don't really know, but in the bigger version the shadow on her ear looks a bit odd.

>> No.6624680

I've seen them in person.

>> No.6624681

the fat version is the shooped one, just look at the whipped cream

>> No.6624684 [DELETED] 

Heard that too. The fringe isn't coloured in properly and polkadots on the neck thing are stretched.

>> No.6624695

I like cosplay, what's everyone cosplaying this year for their Nova?

>> No.6624719
File: 66 KB, 960x960, 602745_427523527323241_981563226_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what she ACTUALLY looks like. And yes, the fat version is the photoshopped version. The other one is not shopped.

>> No.6624727
File: 273 KB, 1064x1184, BLACK CAT COSPLAY PLANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Black Cat, I made some cosplay plans for you!

>> No.6624729
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>> No.6624733
File: 58 KB, 1219x401, 3460715315782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624735
File: 26 KB, 897x291, beethyasmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you take medication when you could just watch YouTube videos?

>> No.6624740

Because fuck logic.

>> No.6624742

this shit is really old man, shut the fuck up

>> No.6624746


>> No.6624801

What are you, a Mayfly? That's only 2 months old.

>> No.6624806


>> No.6624969 [DELETED] 

ITT creepy stalkers. :D

>> No.6625369

This is the cosplay community. No one forgives and no one ever forgets.

Beethy is not a special, unique individual and certainly doesn't deserve an exception to that rule. He's not even doing anything for the community any more.

>> No.6625494


wish I could T_T


I am doing Frosted Ezreal at PAX Melbourne :D

I am just curious why are so many cosplayers here overweight, I also find the ones that are the most sane are the ones who appear fit...

I know this is a big generalisation but it seems to be the case most of the time :|

>> No.6625545 [DELETED] 

yep defs friends again he was the light assistant of Fat-thriels late shoot with kiara

>> No.6625549
File: 41 KB, 851x315, 521953_563448583667616_1147618091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep defs friends again he was the light assistant of Fat-thriels late shoot with kiara

>> No.6625574

I hope people don't mistake you for Steampunk Jack Frost.

>> No.6625609

As far as I know, he stepped in last minute to help out after people pulled out an hour beforehand. Sure that would have been a little awkward.

>> No.6625680

Am I the only one who thought Kiara looked like a fucking mess for this shoot? That wig did nothing good for her at all.

They've also been spending a lot of time together according to facebook.

>> No.6625718

>according to facebook
Don't you mean FourSquare?

>> No.6625829

Who the fuck used foursquare?

>> No.6625894

No. The reason they had their falling out was because Kiara had a pregnancy scare and Kris fucked off.

They'd been fucking each other since before Kiara had even moved to Sydney.

>> No.6625943

How does someone fuck someone who isn't even in the same city as they are? I call bullshit.

>> No.6625966

Well fuck, I never realized we were still in the 1500's where planes, cars, buses and trains didn't exist. My bad.

>> No.6625976

You do realize that Kiara spent more time in Sydney then she really did her home town right?

>> No.6625984

I don't want to come across as a newfag but who are these people and why do their lives deserve my attention?

>> No.6626000

They don't deserve your attention, it's just a few vendettafags kicking up dirt about things that happened years ago. Amusing to watch, but not worth getting involved in.

>> No.6626030

I feel you brahs

Where's this bitch live?
I want to insert my penis into her in the missionary position

>> No.6626061

She's KrisEz's girlfriend so at least you know she already has low standards

>> No.6626068

Implying any of the cosplay community is better.

>> No.6626072

Ugh. Kiara looks like a mess. What's happened to her? She used to look pretty decent.

>> No.6626084
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 534873_519362464781029_1489356337_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get the hate for this costume. Heres another one from facebook and it looks fine to me? The other pic is just incredibly derpy.

>> No.6626101
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 6713_564093830269758_224258168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kidding. ALL the photos are incredibly derpy. Her makeup is atrocious, she looks like a malnourished fish.

>> No.6626127
File: 537 KB, 1009x620, 1360647023652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difference is huge. Did something bad happen to her?

>> No.6626148

This is supposed to be Kuranosuke from Kuragehime, right? The dress is so poorly done, and the entire thing is a mess.

>> No.6626169

All the photos look derpy because she is wearing giant circle eye lenses - which make anyone look dearpy.

Photo shooped. Fithriel doesn't shoop as must as other photographers, mainly light adjustment and no much else.

>> No.6626226

Beethy is the only photographer I know of in Sydney who shoops beyond recognition

>> No.6626538

Who is Kiara fucking now? Is she available?

>> No.6626706

I think it's the wig that's really throwing it all off as well. It seems dishevelled.

>> No.6626748
File: 816 KB, 640x956, 201205-nmoon-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Brisfag cosplayer, don't really want to join the community because they're a bunch of weebs but I wanna have a go for the April Nova. I'm going as Celestia from mlp with an art nouveau theme. pic related, it's my inspiration. Think I'll get hated on?

>> No.6626803
File: 51 KB, 379x707, 1359050804650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunch of weebs
>Cosplays MLP
>Thinks people care about MLP cosplay
>Implying you matter

>> No.6626851

Wow nice going, a new cosplayer who is obviously nervous about their first cosplay and you decide to laugh at them for it. Hopefully you're not one of the people in the community they're talking about.

Anon don't believe everything you read on 4chan/the internet. Yeah the brony community can come off crazy but as long as you don't act like a glomping retard and your costume doesn't look like ass you'll be fine. So what if a few people take the 'omigawd why are you cosplayingpnycrap,it's for kids' stance? Quit worrying what everyone else thinks and have fun instead. Also, have you met your local community? You sound like you haven't given them a chance, why don't you meet them before passing them off as 'weebs', you just come off as shallow and uniformed.

>> No.6626852

Nick you aren't funny.

>> No.6626870

I know who you are!!!!!
Why would you ask the ausfags of cgl?? it never ends well.
go ahead and do it! i am sure it will look great! :)

>> No.6627935

I had a photoshoot with him once and he didnt even edit the photos. It took him months to send them to me. I feel ripped off.

>> No.6627994

While we are all talking about creepy white male photographers, how do we feel about Neil Creek?

>> No.6628057

Who is this? Explain yourself.

>> No.6628102

I heard Neil Creek was a paedo who preyed on chicks and then it all came to light when he targeted a fatty who was like 'NO I DON'T WANT YOU TO USE MY BODY' but she was a slut anyway. Confirm?

>> No.6628134

I've shot with a tonne of Sydney photographers and I have to say Beethy is the absolute worst at giving photos back. Often you get just one or two from a whole shoot and have to wait months for them.

>> No.6628168

>no neko nation

>> No.6628188

You're one of the lucky ones I never got any photos from him at all and I paid him too

>> No.6628201

thats pretty much what i got. i got 3 photos. that was it.

>> No.6628205

how much did you pay?

>> No.6628238
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20130215_151238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much Australian drama lately.
>pic related

>> No.6628310
File: 234 KB, 999x798, beethy before and after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes everything magical!

>> No.6628439

does nyone have experience with Fithriel? she seems like a good photographer

>> No.6628481

doesn't beethy trip on /p/?

>> No.6628561

Yes. I will gladly say she is worth every cent. She processed and got the pics back to us within a week, this was back when she was doing her photography treks to the big smoke. NO DRAMA!

Due to my fear of Shoop she showed me a comparision between the raws and edited. Mainly it was was very little amd mainly light adjustment.

Wish she would come down more but I think she is tired of certain Sydney cosplayers trying to involve her with their drama so she does one Con a year now - well away from Sydney.

>> No.6628581
File: 150 KB, 1095x730, that photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how good she is?
She took this photo - the only one I have ever seen Lily look halfway decent with shooping the shit out of it.

>> No.6628589

stupid auto correct

>> No.6628614

Now I want to know who you are! I ask because there's only been 2 neautral reactions to the idea and the rest have been 'oh...you're a brony? *sideways glance* well that's....nice' and I'd rather not do a costume if the overall reaction is going to be 'shitty mlp fan'. I'm already worried the whole thing will turn out bad...

>> No.6628638

Don't worry about the weebs, they're actually a smaller percentage. They're just very loud and seem to have constant meet ups going on.
There are heaps of lovely Brisbane based cosplayers, I have made some great friends at SN over the years.
For MLP cosplay, as long as you're not like the fat guy that went on stage as pinky pie and made an ass of himself, no one with care. I couldn't even tell that your pic was Luna anyway, it just looks like a fantasy design.

>> No.6628644

She's a wonderful photographer, I've really enjoyed working with her. What I like is that she's good at directing people. She might put you a bit out of your comfort zone, but it's all for the sake of a good photo so you can't regret it. Though, I can't say that I've ever truly felt "uncomfortable" when she's directed me to do something I haven't before.

It's fun watching her work as well with setting up lighting as such. She always has really cooperative assistants with her and they're usually pretty easy to talk to if you're the shy type or get overwhelmed easily. She's definitely one of the best photographers I've had the pleasure to meet.

I always hate saying this sort of stuff, but those "certain" cosplayers... well, they've definitely ruined it for a lot of people with scaring away good, decent photographers. You just know the only thing they want out of her is free photoshoots as well.

>> No.6628650

Who is she avoiding?

>> No.6628663

I'm presuming those more well-known ones that enter the big comps all the time.

>> No.6628665

Why though, did something happen?

>> No.6628669

Do you have a link to Pinkie Pie man? I've had a shit day at work and nothing cheers me up like awkward cosplay.

>> No.6628672

Neil Creek is a great photographer, very professional, friendly and kind, even if he just met you. Its a pity those unfounded rumours got spread around. He would go to events to take photos and post them so people and cosplayers alike could have them for free and would only ask cosplayers credit him. Any unflattering photos he posts are taken down as soon as you ask him with no issues. Sad to know a spiteful untruth could snowball into something as ugly as it did.

>> No.6628681

No, nothing happened - that we should care about at least. It's all drama and two-faced petty squabbling in the Sydney community. What they end up doing is dragging other people into their messes trying to make themselves look better than the next person in order to try and secure an exclusive photographer or whoever else can supply them with something.

>> No.6628683

I hope this lightens up your day.

>> No.6628725
File: 68 KB, 1000x711, 175591_10151145419391379_309384559_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you guys are so right. Beethy is soooooo bad at photoshop

>> No.6628736

he only does a good edit job on "famous" cosplayers

anyone else he does a shit job or doesnt edit them at all

>> No.6628744

Just wondering - was it him that did that superhero women in bondage thing that got everyone mad?

>> No.6628773

..Anon, that's average. Not fat.

>> No.6628774

Stop being so Australian.

>> No.6628780

I love this popcorn so goddamn much.
It's probably really bad for me, though ;_;

>> No.6628782

B..but... I'm English...

>> No.6628791

I was just looking at the nutritional informationl it's quite good for a delicious snack. And recommended for lunchboxes, that's pretty solid.

Same difference in this instance.

>> No.6629427

Happens before every Con:

>> No.6630443

Ha, glad she just straight out said nope like that. And she's right about the holiday part.

Though I bet even if she went for a holiday and maybe one photoshoot with Lily she'd end up spending the whole time sucking up to her and bugging her to do more photoshoots.

>> No.6630450

Meanwhile on the Waicon 13 thread.
....Lily Dramu!

>> No.6630798


>> No.6630864


>> No.6632420

Thank you so much my beloved seagull <3

>> No.6632786

No problemo <3

>> No.6632907

Last Animania this year?

>> No.6632927 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 2048x1366, waiconshame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6632937
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x795, waiconshame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6632970

Where did she post the edited pic? There's no way this can be for real.

>> No.6633239
File: 30 KB, 414x355, fbshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah - it be real alright.
This waicon shit will feed us seagulls for a while, but I can't help but wonder what shit storm she is going to present at Animania Mini in about a month.

>> No.6634794

I know it's really tiny considering it's in Tasmania, but anyone here going to AICon in March?

>> No.6634820

Holy shit that was so adorable I almost cried.

>> No.6635120

melbfag here
are there any other cons in the area besides manifest? new to the area and wanted to do some research

>> No.6635128


too bad those ppl were only 17y/o idk seems bit suss. all their family were there watching it too

>> No.6635140

neil creek is awesome and so are most of melbournes cosplay photographers. melbourne in general have a great cosplay community.

>> No.6635145

Supanova and PAX

>> No.6635149

They were not 17. She was recently 18.

>> No.6635236

Neil Creek's great at taking technically-excellent, but badly-composed photos. He really has a way with getting your bad side, or getting you at the wrong moment. Melbourne does have a lot of great photogs though; Samantha and Elias in particular come to mind.

>> No.6635363

Neil's photos are fuckin shit
Just like nearly every other photographer that does cosplay photoshoots in Australia. Save a few. Like Fiathrel, Andy and somebody I won't name for obvious reasons.

>> No.6637210
File: 110 KB, 640x960, mangelacatherine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His photos from MCP13 were pretty cringe-worthy, and the ones that weren't were more due to the people in it not being fugly in the first place.

Mangela as Catherine was especially terrifying.

>> No.6637334

Isn't Kris giving Rosie photography lessons?
>As if being a doll collector, annoying bitch and pixel artist wasn't ennough.

>> No.6637349

Ohh god here we go again, Rosie "Desu" Morrison investing a shit load of money into something that she is going to give up on in 3 months time.

>> No.6637359

I think she is going to set up an artist stall at a con this year and mass produce these things.
Didn't those pixel bead things die out years ago ?

>> No.6637393

She would become a laughing stock.
Oh god make it go away!

>> No.6637507

Is Kris Slipping the dick to her too?

>> No.6637547

She seems okay from my experiences. At least she is doing something.

>> No.6637598
File: 101 KB, 546x399, 531493_4213281091934_566386096_n-resizecrop--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the photographer for being butt ugly. *Thumbs up*

>> No.6637606

You seem to have a vendetta. Care to share?

>> No.6637629

does anyone remember when she said that she is fed up with the cosplay drama so she "Quit cosplaying" only to start again less than a year later.

>> No.6637631

I don't understand why people pick on her.
Let the girl do what she wants. If she enjoys it then who are you to say anything?
She has a job that pays and she uses that money on things she wants whilst still paying her rent and still going by.
I think some people are just jelly

>> No.6637634

SHHHH guys she is posting about us on FB now.

>> No.6637661

Yeah, that was kinda immature of me. Not that there's a lot I can do about it now.

>> No.6637697
File: 102 KB, 1188x559, orly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of my face is missing
yeah it's called photoshop bitch

>> No.6637710

That Taff girl is no prize either

>> No.6637714

>Let's start hating on people who try to avoid drama

>> No.6637764

Taff is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. She's one of those cosplayers who are just equally kind to everyone unless she has personal reasons not to be. There aren't many of those, let's please not start hating on them.

>inb4 whiteknighting
>inb4 OMG u must luv Lily to!!11!0

>> No.6637813

>hates people because they don't look good
At least Taff doesn't cheat or lie

>> No.6637844

from what i heard she is super stuck up

>> No.6637848

apparently she is in cahoots with Gen-tou and such.
>Superiority complexes everywhere

>> No.6637850

>Doesn't win any awards at the only con they go to
>Give up and go separate ways
>Still have superiority complexes

but hey at least they aren't will or tsubaki!

>> No.6637857

i thought one's moving to japan, one got deported back to wherever she came from and cassi was doing her masters at uni

>> No.6637862

Superiority? Proof/examples?

>> No.6637872
File: 21 KB, 276x461, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me laugh so hard...

Is Will and Tsubaki still entering Madman again this year?

>> No.6637873

I deliberately avoid the Brisbane Lolita community because of a few select weaboos who talk in memes.

I don't think I'm missing anything though.

>> No.6637877

Hope not
I don't even know how they got to WCS with the horribly made and innacurate evangelion plugsuits

>> No.6637884

Prefer them over Lily and Nicole

>> No.6637886

Oh my god who I wanna know

>> No.6637897

I know Will is, I think he's going solo though.

>> No.6637906

Still have no idea why WCS is at a shit con that gets cancelled

SMASH or Supanova should bethe holders of WCS

>> No.6637912

I don't think anything has been announced regarding WCS, so it's a possibility that it will get moved. At the same time WCS is all Animania has going for itself at the moment.

>> No.6637910

Does will still have that crush on Roxas?

>> No.6637915

Bahahaha. I have no idea.

>> No.6637923

Wait what?
There is a story behind this?
Do tell

>> No.6637933

Story time

>> No.6637941 [DELETED] 

Will had a crush on Roxas. The end. That's basically all I know, but I've heard something about Will sleeping on the end of Roxas's bed?

>> No.6637961

If you don't know any of what happened a few years back you're a newfag and you don't need to know. That shit is old news and people have grown up.

>> No.6637962


Who are you?? I was going to attend but sadly can't. ):

>> No.6637970
File: 354 KB, 1200x800, pokemon_white___hilda___touko_by_beethy-d5v8rzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the shit did this pic get so many hits? Did he hack or something? Made me so angry

>> No.6638032

A lot of people. I can't handle the noobs who come into the comm thinking that they're walking on eggshells because they read some blog from 4 years ago. Mostly it's the people who came from the cosplay scene and moved into Lolita that are the worst. The Facebook group is just full of itas shaming itas, it's a clusterfuck of immature people that I wouldn't choose to befriend; so why would I hang out with them just because they decide to wear something I do.

>> No.6638074


Will is a young independent black woman that don't need no man.

I can confirm that Will is entering all the cosplay comps and has no time silly boys.

>> No.6638080

Are you who I think you are?
Cause I feel the same way. If I see one more post from a fatty-chan. I will explode

>> No.6638098
File: 183 KB, 600x398, moneysponge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the subject of her awful shoops, let's give a round of applause to her and her beyond-awful attempt at her moneysponge, and the mystery of the disappearing jowls!

>> No.6638105

I don't think it matters if they don't win top prize, they're still good cosplayers. It's just unfortunate that they got into cosplaying so late before they had to move on to getting careers.

>> No.6638576

I swear they only did this costume because Aly did (and better).
Oh Anon keep these up I need the laughs

>> No.6639274

As much as I can't stand them. Nicole has a nice face (That pulls off crossplay well) why do they feel the need to make her jaw so small?!

Someone should note that they're removing the watermarks too (Or asking for the originals and editing them which I'm sure the Wai-Con photographers didn't agree with)

>> No.6639281


Wai-Con cosplay comp

1:30-ish for two jerks

>> No.6639352

You probably don't know me.

I don't mind about people who are overweight, but the cosplay hybrids seem to have special snowflake syndrome and it's very grating.

>> No.6639370

What community are you talking about? Brisbane rufflebutts has a lot of members but hardly any of them ever actually y'know...dress up or actually attend meets. I only know a few bir lolis but they only bring up memes in a jokey kind of way. Are you talking about the idiots who buy 1 bodyline dress with cat ears for neko nation/supanova and call themselves lolita? because that group is like walking into a cringefest.

>> No.6639381

They're in the rufflebutts group, but yeah I think it's the neko nation group. I've met a couple of them and they claim to be full on lolita with a couple of bodyline dresses and terrible makeup but think they're Mana's gift to Lolita.

>> No.6639431

They scare and disgust me. I know how elitist it comes off but I put a lot of effort into my lolita wardrobe and still don't feel like I properly fit the 'lolita' term but they buy 1 dress and they're like 'Oh I'm a lolita now, teaparty shoes? jsk? what's that?' *headesk*

The brisbane ones who actually show up to lolita meets are usually pretty nice, if a bit crude. I think there's going to be a bit of a dynamic change now vysanthe and techno and their makeup chick (idk her name) have left. So We'll see how the easter meet goes.

>> No.6639443


gentou superiority complexes? are you fucking serious lame they do not

>> No.6639451

I didn't realize there was an easter meet coming up. I thought nobody was organizing meets anymore.

Although that Antique meet from a couple of weeks ago made me laugh pretty hard.

>> No.6639461
File: 154 KB, 912x856, waiwaiwaicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree - Nicole has looks and can make props but needs Lily to make her clothes and style the wigs according to Lily who is still sprouting that she never lied

Feel sorry for Tahlenna chick - cosplay a positive experience? With those two around?

>> No.6640426

that photoshop on her face

>> No.6640461

Animania has just uploaded their new website for 2013. There's no link to WCS down the bottom of the page (at this stage anyway) but they still have the logo.

>> No.6640490

WCS should go to Smash.
Though considering the uproar about the finals winner last year it's hard to take WCS seriously

>> No.6640532

Was it Will and Tsubaki? Their cosplays looked like shit.

>> No.6640537

K and Aly? What uproar? I watched the other skits and theirs was definitely the best in my opinion.

>> No.6640547

It was them or Lily and Nicole. FAP had my vote
No not K and Aly - they were brillant
I was making mention to the winners of the Finals in Japan not the Aus Prelim round.

>> No.6640627

I'm really not liking the direction the group is going in, I'm a relatively unknown member, I post every now and then but I really want to grow and hang out with other Lolis.

I just can't bare the many itas in the group who have special snowflake syndrome. (And who repetitively use XD)

Is there some kind of secret group or something?

>> No.6640638

Anyone from Perth? I'm looking to get into some cosplay but not sure where to start.

>> No.6640666

I just checked it out and haha, oh god... dat Naruto character on the front is horrifying.

I'm not going this year, I'm just tired of it and it's not like I buy anything anyway - there's always bootleg stuff lurking around everywhere there. No wonder Madman got fed up and left.

>> No.6640672

No, we all have our own loli friendgroups.

>> No.6640715

People from the Brisbane group always post on cgl and secrets blaming people for making them look bad, but by doing so put Brisbanes name out there as an ita and bitch community.
Just making yourself sound bad to the rest of the world.

>> No.6640813

Perth here. I do mostly Lolita or Steampunk now, haven't cosplayed since that shitty Supanova a few years back where EVERYONE was Naruto.

Have you looked up Cosplayers WA Perth on Facebook? That might be a place to start - for you to at least find like minded people that could help you out.

>> No.6640836

Hey, I'm looking into getting into cosplay too. Let's be friends anon.

>> No.6640854

How do we into cosplay? Are you going to ozcomicon next month?

>> No.6640857

Thanks anon! I'll have a look.

>I didn't even know those things weren't counted as cosplay. I have shamed my ancestors.

>> No.6640858

I was going out with a Sydney loli. Jumped on /cgl/ for the first time tonight on a whim. Now i'm going through her facebook matching up names from this thread to her friends. I'm learning so much.

>> No.6640868

The waicon thread made me iffy about it but I might look into it. I have nothing better to do anyway.

>> No.6640872

I missed the thread. What's the deal?

>> No.6641403

Sydney loli here!
How amazing is being able to match up names to faces?! So much dramuuuuu. When I'm on here I can also tell who a lot of people are from aus by their style of writing.

>> No.6642976
File: 27 KB, 412x409, lilole madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify the game from the image?
I need to prepare myself for the horror Lily is planning for Madman

>> No.6643374


You probably don't know me though, since I'm not a loli. But i've probably seen you in one of these many many high tea / loli outing photos that keep popping up.

>> No.6643375

I concur fellow Anon. I don't understand how she can imagine this character would suit her. It's just plain delusion.

>> No.6643396

Does anyone know why quoted posts aren't appearing?

>> No.6643397

It's been reported on /q/ and to the mods. 4chan will probably go into read-only mode in a few hours while it's being fixed.

>> No.6643398

It's from Infinite Undiscovery

>> No.6645834

Why is this thread so brokennnnn

>> No.6646189

Probably a red herring like the Bayonetta scare she did

Seems fixed now

>> No.6646689

I am! First social event I'm going to since I moved here. Tasmania has to be one of the most boring places to live.

>> No.6646930

Anyone going to ozcomicon next month?

>> No.6647456

did you miss the wai-con thread? Oooh lordy.

She entered a bought dress into the advanced cosplay comp, arguing that she would have been put up from "beginner" because of her experience, clearly not understanding that Wai doesn't have a 'beginner' division, we only have standard and advanced.

Advanced is for costumes that are fully made by the group. She didn't make her dress, instead buying it off another cosplayer and altering it for her "height" (girth) and proceeded to lie to judges about having made it herself. Her dA is full of denials and glorious, glorious butthurt.

>> No.6647460

I actually love this photo of Lily... and that's being friends with some of the people she's been awful to. I can't help it - she looks great here.

She really shouldn't shoop as much as she does.

>> No.6647929

It's the ONLY good photo I have ever seen of her. No wonder she whores it out to every competition she can

>Only good photo of Lily must be far away

>> No.6648842

Oh I did in fact miss the waicon thread. Is there still an archived version floating around? I'd love to read it.

I've seen her complaints on DA but I didn't know the full details. Ha.

>> No.6648869

don't forget:
>shows her from a side angle
>big ass voluminous dress
>flowing fabric to help obscure her true form

>> No.6648964

Archived here with all her drama:

>> No.6650065


Wow they left? I thought the entire meets were just becoming 'meet vysanthe' groups. I'm surprised she would leave.

>> No.6650078

Are you two dating?

>> No.6650103

Sorry, just got out of bed and didn't see the was. (>>6650078) Still wondering if I know who you two are, ooooooooooo.

>> No.6650578

Thank you anon! And here I was thinking that the Tumblr had died.

>> No.6650845

No, not dating lolololololol.

Hmmmmm, I'm going to say you most definitely have seen me in photos.
You weren't dating a girl with a japanese kinda name were you? If yes, then I know who you are and I have you on Facebook. If not, that was just my gut instinct stab in the dark hahaha!

>> No.6650875
File: 178 KB, 1280x1024, 1361775663542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan is the queen of Australia.


>> No.6650885

I know they had a break...right up to the Madman Nationals 2012.
Doubt it will ever die unless Lily and Nicole quit cosplay which is unlikely.

Reading through the last couple of weeks where Lily seems determined to believe a badly written piece of fiction that blames everybody but herself has been a realisation that she is never going to change.

Who is Flan? Doubt she is as much of a drama llama as Lily

>> No.6650898

Tripfag from Melbourne. Founder of getoffegl.

>> No.6650901
File: 95 KB, 612x612, 541794_414334988642095_175702328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously someone who is not as attractive as that chick with the boobs.

>> No.6650985

Any WA cons really worth going to or are they too small to be really worth the effort?

>> No.6650998


Looks like a trap to me.

>> No.6651005
File: 175 KB, 960x710, 14046_608704675810810_1879366736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest shoot from Katyuska.
Bikinis done in a modest fashion, it's about time.

>> No.6651015

Wow, really? Pretty bad if you ask me. The weather is awful and they obviously bad craftsmanship on some people's part.

Self post more, Anon-chan.

>> No.6651023

Wai-con is average with all the other cons, Supanova is basically the same as all the other interstate ones except with shittier guests sometimes, and OZ CC is a joke

>> No.6651025
File: 25 KB, 337x325, 1345773888570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By modest I assume you mean they look too ugly to be considered slutty.

>> No.6651029

That's not modesty, that's covering fat rolls with her arm.

>> No.6651030
File: 338 KB, 848x480, 45367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, thanks bro

>> No.6651031

>covering stomach with arms
o u

>> No.6651036

What's wrong with oz cc?

Not trolling, I was thinking of going and I'm wondering what you mean by this.

>> No.6651044

Vysanthe is lovely, as is Techno, I think they're awesome anyways. I know a few lolitas in brisbane have said they only show up to see them but they do have good cords and usually organise the meets - the well organised ones anyways. It doesn't help that the duo are decent with a camera, they make any lolita look amazing! I didn't know they were leaving (can anyone confirm and why?) but they will be mised

I think you should then! There's an easter meet apparently in the workd (idk how good it will be or w/e and the people so far showing interest appear to be kinda ita) but a few decent ones might show up? I agree it'd be nice to have a stricter policy towards who can dress what but the community is small enough as it is without trying to ostracise people. I think >>6640672
is wrong to just say 'no, we make our own cliques' because we don't get any new blood that way and then YES we do all come off as snobs. I think the fb group just needs to ask people to research into the fashion some more before accpeting anyone with a bodyline dress.

Unfortunately very very true, but then again what community doesn't have dramu right?

>> No.6651045

They've already left. Moved to Sydney about a week, two weeks ago?

>> No.6651047

I assume they mean it isn't an ass/tits shot with them trying to look like hot/sexy/kawaii anime desu lesbians right before an orgy or porno shoot you idiot.The shot is in good taste regardless how little clothing their wearing and also regardless of the unattractivness of the subjects. =p

>> No.6651048

aww really? Sadface, I only met them like...once

>> No.6651067

How old is that Lingyin?

>> No.6651084

>Vysanthe is lovely, as is Techno

I don't agree with this. Everyone has different experiences, but their egos far outweigh their actual accomplishments. I have seen them snub people and walk away from people trying to talk to them if said people are not dressed to their standards.

And I have no idea who finds Techno attractive (except himself). He looks like your typical film nerd.

>> No.6651085

Or maybe they were just, you know, too busy to talk to people.

>> No.6651110

but it should be making them look like kawaii lesbian orgy. wtf else are they in bikinis for

>> No.6651148

Sometimes I think this is true, other times I've seen them 'snub others' just because they literally have somewhere to be or haven't seen person X for ages and want to talk to them instead. Maybe they're just two faced? I can't tell anymore. Who cares, they're happy and they haven't 'ruined the fashion' for anyone I know of so let them do their thing, if it is just an inflated ego reality will put them in check.


>> No.6651164

Needs beach ball

>> No.6651212

Usually they've got people to see and shit to do and they both used to live in buttfuck nowhere burbs so they cram a lot into the time they do have.

>> No.6651220

The first drama is with their name, they are not at all related to the international CC but are using the name to suck in uninformed people. The organiser is all "but we've totally not said we're related to the real comic-con", but then their ads are like "Adelaide has been chosen to host the Down Under debut of Oz Comic-Con in 2012", which is implying it.

Secondly, they originally planned to be at the Claremont Showgrounds, but then managed a move into PCEC through lying about their ties with Wai-con (potentially fucking Wai-con over if OzCC wrecks the place)

Thirdly, at their previous run in Melb, they oversold tickets and many people who pre-purchased (and thus should have priority to on the day sales) were left to wait outside the venue because they were overcapacity.

I supposed they could have learned from their mistakes, but the organiser of OzCC doesn't exactly have a name in the con industry for being a good organise, they've been doing shady business for a while.

>> No.6651233

lol cosplay is for ugly faggots and smelly crazy virgin bitches

>> No.6651245

This video explains everything.


>> No.6651952
File: 144 KB, 856x901, nomyfault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily can't lie straight

>Everybody else's fault but mine
> Should read the forms because I didn't read the rules
> Asking a question - causing drama

>> No.6652024


Really? I've gone to a dress sale and everyone else who came through the door at least greeted each other before looking through whats available. Those two showed up and I quite loudly said "Hi Guys!" and they rushed right past me and a few others without even acknowledging us, and started looking through accessories.

Not even time for a "sorry guys we are in a real rush today"? Okay then.

>> No.6652029


Think their makeup girl is also moving Sydney, forgot her name now, ack. You think they planned to go down there together? I dunno.

>> No.6653472
File: 495 KB, 868x547, bcxsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these guys going out yet or am I missing something?

>> No.6653542

nobody gives a shit about gaptooth or spiderman

>> No.6653691

Brisbane group was bitch free for a few years after faith left and now all these people seem to have come out of nowhere and BAM... all this dramu again. :/

>> No.6655246

who is the organiser?

>> No.6655748

Says it's run by a team.
>extensive experience over the past 12 years in organising and operating every aspect of intimate and expo style events.


>> No.6655790

Obviously. Gabby always has been the sort of girl to dick around on her boyfriends before switching over.

>> No.6655798


>> No.6655863

Sorry, it's autosaging. Make a new one!