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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6625514 No.6625514 [Reply] [Original]

Toronto / the GTA has a lot of cosplayers titling themselves as "Toronto _______". For example Toronto Batman, Toronto Joker, Toronto Deadpool etc, and it's expanding to other cities as well with "Bellville ______" and "Mississauga ______". Aside from having the title they also use that as their cosplay name and often have facebook pages under that alias.

Anyway /cgl/ I was wondering if other cities / countries have people using the city as their title. And what you guys think of this overall.

>> No.6625551

It's fucking stupid, especially since most of these costumes are horrendous, halloween store costumes, and they are only making names for themselves as self centered assholes.

>> No.6625632

woah woah how about we calm the fuck down; toronto batman is known not because of the cosplay itself, rather as an incredible improv actor. He goes around town in-character as batman getting into odd situations and reacting in character. To entertain people. His focus is and will never be on the costume itself; it's just a prop to help show who he's portraying in a way. He does this to entertain people.

It's like a batman sitcom. that's right.


>> No.6625644

>He goes around town in-character as batman

Batman does not go around yelling "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEEAAAD" at people. He is not a great improve actor. He is obnoxious, and his entire Batman persona is doing the worst Bale impression ever, and reciting memes.

>> No.6625672

It's not just Toronto Batman though, there are a ton of people who are going by the city costume titles now. I doubt all of them are "improv actors"

>> No.6625703
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Is that a Marvel vs DC street hockey game?

>> No.6625730
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>>implying half of the toronto costumes are bad.

A bag of baby dicks. Start munching.

>> No.6625771

You are making your argument with a picture of a mediocre Iron Man and a fat Wolverine? And even if those two were amazing costumes, that still doesn't mean that MOST of the others aren't crap.
Like TO Batman, TO Spider-Man, TO Joker, TO Flash, TO Gambit and TO Deadpool.

>> No.6625793

I'm really sick of Jackman-Wolverines. It's so fucking lazy.

>> No.6625851

Agreed. It's almost as bad as Black Sabbath shirt Tony Stark

>> No.6625897

Melbourne, Australia has the Melbourne Link, who's planning on creating his own Zelda spinoff series next year. He seems to be a pretty cool guy from what I can tell.

>> No.6626073

Wolverine's comic book costume looks ridiculous though. Doesn't translate well to real life.

In modern comics Wolverine spends a lot of time out of costume too since artists know it looks retarded.

>> No.6626089

this whole this in pathetic, batman is a disgusting bastard who does nothing but ruin photoshoots and conventions by being an obnoxious misogynistic/racist/homophobic asshole, joker is a drunkard slob, and its just a big popularity contest that needs to end now.

>> No.6626172

Every comic book costume looks ridiculous. And Wolverine has like, 5 different costumes to choose from.
The only reason people choose to do Jackman-Wolverine is because they either don't read comics and just watch movies, or they're too fat/lazy to do his other outfits.

>> No.6626206

So many people in the Toronto community hate them, myself included. Having the city included in the name of the one shitty costume you wear is tacky and stupid. I can't fathom why there are so many lemmings that talk them up and kiss their collective ass.

Hi Toronto batdouche

>> No.6626224

I see a lot of this in Arizona, too. "Arizona ______" or "AZ _______". It's annoying, makes it seem like they're marketing themselves as TEH BEST in their state of whoever they're cosplaying, when they're usually just mediocre attention whores

>> No.6626237
File: 1.53 MB, 821x1232, Wolverine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can translate pretty well into real life, I think.

>> No.6626315

Sure, if you want to modify the costume to your liking like that guy.

>> No.6626336
File: 299 KB, 1024x819, 8b0c2215667045f50c95fd450ec50777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only modification I see is to make his boots more classic looking. And Wolverine takes his mask off all the time, so don't bother with that argument. He is maskless more often than not these days.

>> No.6626350 [DELETED] 

>No mask
>partially exposed chest
>flared pauldrons
>loose fitting

>"Oh, he didn't alter it THAT much! Only the things that didn't look good."

And yes, the mask is a part of Wolverine's costume, A big part. If you're going to argue it's okay to not wear parts of the costume because "these days" he takes it off a lot then you're just proving what the above poster said to be true.

>> No.6626352

>No mask
>partially exposed chest
>flared pauldrons
>loose fitting

>"Oh, he didn't alter it THAT much! Only the things that didn't look good."

And yes, the mask is a part of Wolverine's costume, A big part. If you're going to argue it's okay to not wear parts of the costume because "these days" he takes it off a lot then you're just proving what >>6626073 said to be true.

>> No.6626368

There would have to be a zipper somewhere to get the fucking thing on, and there is a fucking zipper in this pic >>6626336 Right there! Center fucking seem is a zipper

>partially exposed chest
He could zip it up. It was probably just unzipped at the moment cause he was warm.

>flared pauldrons
...yes? That is how they are in the comics?

>loose fitting
Not skin tight, but it certainly isn't baggy by any means. And no matter how tight your costume is, hunching over like that will cause folds. Hell, your stomach will have folds when you bend over.

And no, the mask is NOT a big part of Wolverine's costume. At least not the modern version from Whedon's run that this guy is doing.
And yes, if there was a version of Wolverine where he didn't wear pants, and that was the one he was cosplaying, then that too would be okay.
The point is, these costumes can, and have, been done well in real life, and you don't need to resort to the laziest common denominator.

>> No.6626371

Nigger, what are you even talking about. Wolverine's costume has a zipper and pauldrons. It's probably unzipped a bit because wearing that for long makes you hot as fuck.
The only thing missing is the mask and he takes that off all the time.

>> No.6626387

Thanks for exposing yourself as being a self-posting samefag. As if it wasn't obvious.

Make any excuses you want. The design is modified.

>> No.6626395
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>> No.6626399
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>there's more than one person that thinks I'm wrong? must be a samefag
The butthurt coming from your general vicinity is glorious. Are you the fat wolverine in >>6625730 ?

Sure, the boots are slightly modified. That's pretty much it. There was still a shit ton more effort put into it than any Jackman-Wolverine.

>> No.6626407
File: 498 KB, 400x192, tumblr_m13qc3NNcM1rrxnsuo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tired of all of these douchebags. ESPECIALLY the toronto ones. They're all so desperate for attention.

>> No.6626536

You just described yourself.

>> No.6626533


Says the guy who keeps crying because someone said his design wasn't the same. Keep up the sock puppet routine though. It's really convincing.

>> No.6627621

That's not even me, and you're objectively wrong.

>> No.6627634

Getting real sick of all these Torontonians giving the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.6627636

but tenleid doesn't live in toronto...

>> No.6627642
File: 64 KB, 960x640, A special kind of stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you, the worst of them all: "Atomic Catwoman". Her "costume" is absolute shit and after one conversation with her I am pretty positive she's never actually read a comic book in her life. Shit like this video makes me cringe so hard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T7uNsAw2AA

It's actually infuriating how many people want to copy the Toronto Batman and steal his thing for a little bit of fame. Every single Toronto X sucks, I've yet to see a good costume besides the original Toronto Batman. What's worse is she constantly invited me to like her page on facebook until I deleted her.

>> No.6627647
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Holy shit, kill it with fire.

>> No.6627649

That's annoying, the top half of my rant got cut off. I present to you, the worst of them all: Atomic Catwoman. Pictured is her finished Catwoman "costume", and after one conversation with her, I'm fairly certain she's never touched a comic book in her life. She posts videos like this and it makes me cringe so hard.

>> No.6627650

no, it's there.

>> No.6627660

>I've yet to see a good costume besides the original Toronto Batman
Are you suggesting that his costume was good? Because it is awful. If you want a good Batman costume, check out that 8ft tall Batman that was at FanEx last year

>> No.6627665
File: 1.02 MB, 879x723, could b worse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in comparison to the other Toronto "superheroes/villans" it's not half bad

>> No.6627965


What am I looking at?

>> No.6627996
File: 317 KB, 380x518, Screen Shot 2013-02-14 at 6.12.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any costume can be good when you've have a couple thousand dollars to blow

>> No.6628254

oh god yes, that same 8ft batman came to anime north too. the wingspan on him alone made it impressive as all hell

>> No.6630665

Most of the other Toronto people are nice, they're just using the Toronto ____ name because of Tbats and his fame. Most of them are working to improve their costumes all the time too. Toronto Batman isn't famous for cosplaying, he's famous for being a comedian. The rest of them don't have comedic personalities, and are more about dressing up and having fun than anything else. And isn't that what cosplay's really about in the first place? They just want a slice of the fame pie. I do agree that the increasing number of Toronto superheroes is getting kind of ridiculous though. Especially the ones who's costumes are less than half-assed