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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6621681 No.6621681 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met someone famous to the cosplay/convention/anime community at a convention or meetup? Whether it was a good encounter or a bad one, I'd love to hear them all. Have any of you ever met Pixyteri or Yaya-Han or JNig or someone else infamous to /cgl/? How about a voice actor? (not just Miceggnog)

Let's try not to derail this into a dramu thread. I'm just curious about what these people are like in real life.

>> No.6621683

I met J Michael Tatum and he was fucking hilarious.
not to mention a super sweet guy
and just...yeah he definitely made my con and went up a few rungs on my "fav VA" list.

>> No.6621691

>Guest Escort for J.Bosh
>Generally grumpy, but Eyeshine was really nice.
>Daughter amazingly cute.
>His room got looted during con.

>Met and briefly hung out with Todd Haberkorn.
>Fell inlove with his eyebrows.
>Really friendly and generally polite. (Told con director during last staff dinner of con I was kinda sad I didn't get a chance to get his autograph, director told him, and he signed my badge while eating and chatting with me)

>> No.6621705

I saw Crispin Freeman at a panel once. I wonder what ever happened to him...

>> No.6621713

Met JNig in the era of her Dratini costume and she was nice and sweet.

Always been friendly when talking with me and has given me no reason to hate her.

Will /cgl/ believe me? No, they're going to be like HI JNIG unless I put my trip back on.

>> No.6621717
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met flawless Anza Ohyama at MTAC Omega last year. she was the first Sailor Moon in the musicals, has done a few anime openings/endings, does musicals in Japan plus has her own band

I missed her Sailor Moon panel but made it for her band's panel & the concert. She & the band were pretty awesome, especially considering the translator was kind of flaky. Idk not much to say--they answered everyone's questions, took pics with everyone, signed lots of stuff, and even took a "song request" for their concert later on

>> No.6621720

met Jnig at the mall and talked to her at a few conventions.
she is nice and said nothing but good stuff about /cgl/

>> No.6621724

Nice try Jnig.
When I met you you were a stuck up whore as always, rude and a bitch. Hanging out with your little runt of the litter boyfriend, making him carry your shit around. You kept pushing past people and not even trying to lower your voice when you said how much they stink and you wished they'd just die. Nice try bitch, nice try.

>> No.6621728

same fagging it up hard I see jnigger

>> No.6621734

I went to see John Rhys-Davies with a friend for a photo op. When he saw us, he exclaimed "TWO VICTIMS!" and put his massive arms around us for the photo. The first one turned out a bit shoddy so he started tickling our sides for the second one to get us to smile more. I'm not very ticklish so it was more like digging at my waist, but my friend is insanely ticklish so she was flailing around on the other side. Afterwards he told us, "One of these days, I'm going to get slapped for this!" I waved it off because I wasn't bothered. The photo was unflattering as hell because we're all grinning stupidly but it was a fun experience.

I've had really good experiences with John Barrowman and Alan Tudyk too. The nicest actor I've ever met was Alexis Denisof but that was outside of a con.

>> No.6621733

I met vic, was a nice guy until a 14 to 17 year old girl was near him for too long. Then he'd suddenly become all hands.

>> No.6621736

Oh look everything I said would happen.

Talked to her at every SDCC since the first time I met her and she was always nice.
Vendetta harder.

>> No.6621737

Greg Ayres has an annoying voice in person not just anime. He also thinks he's a dj and is generally autistic.

>> No.6621739

I think they were jokin Valle by doing what you said theyd do.

>> No.6621744

Then you are obviously new here if you think this place doesn't sport such a hate boner for her.

>> No.6621745

I've met JNig several times, and she's been extremely friendly. She remembers me and my name and we always have a nice conversation.

I also met PikminLink at a lolita event. She was extremely nice and polite too! Also super adorable.

>> No.6621746

Nice try Jnig, nice try. Putting on a trip only makes it clearer that you are a massive bitch. Your shelf life is up.

>> No.6621748


>> No.6621750

Cut the fucking drama you idiots. I don't want my thread getting deleted.

>> No.6621761

I hope it gets deleted, stop Jnig trolling a whole thread yet again with the same bullshit line of, "She is super nice" and the same magical follow up of, "She always remember me!"

Sure she does, sure. She remembers everyone that has every been inside an anime con ever, her magical raccon vision is secretly a database of faces and names.

>> No.6621757

No (I swear, calling newfag is like a trigger word now ) , I'm just assuming they were being sarcastic for the sake of doing so.

>> No.6621762

>asking if anyone's met the big three people that /cgl/ hates
>thinking it would be drama free
Are you on drugs?

You literally could not be any more wrong.
Go through the archives and look for anyone mentioning Jnig. I'll wait.

>> No.6621771

Are you perturbed Jessica?

>> No.6621772

I can't tell if theres a stick up your bum or you cant infer that people ate just joking. Cane and point >>6621746
Jesus dude, chill out. No one is new here. Pull the stick out of your ass mang.

>> No.6621777

I live in Arizona and we have some mutual friends. I see her quite often, actually. What I said was truth and you can stop shitting up OPs thread any time now.

>> No.6621781

are you perturbed Jessica?

>> No.6621783


Anyway, back on topic. I've never met a VA. Going to change that soon enough. Anyone met Chris Ayres?

>> No.6621790

I live down the street from her, she and her family are always out on the lawn drinking and throwing parties with random strangers until 5am. Cops are always called on them, Jessica is one of the first to storm out on the lawn and try to fight the cops.

>> No.6621798

I have actually heard that before from someone else who lives near her. Like I said, we only have a few mutual friends so I'm not super close with her or anything and I can't really validate any information I've heard.

>> No.6621803

>he thinks people like jnigger

>> No.6621804

same. First met her outside of a con at Fashion Square

>> No.6621812


Anyone met :
Steve Blum
Ayres brothers
Rikki Simons


>> No.6621811

I've met Jessica. It was the worst experience I've ever had. Never again.

>> No.6621817


>> No.6621824

[mootgiveusspoilers] I don't care about voice actors [/pls]
I met Roseric then got out of dodge before the Gir fandom showed up.

The only guest I've met at a con that I was excited over and losing my shit about was LeVar Burton.

>> No.6621840
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I had some encounters with Vic since he seems to frequent a lot of cons I go to.

One con I was waiting forever to get on an elevator to get back to my room because my heels were on fire. Next one pops up and there was enough room for me to squeeze in (I'm a tiny girl) but then Vic pops his head out and full on yells at me to not get on, blocking my way. wtf I don't want to get on just because you're on there.

next con I see him I'm in one of my most popular costumes I always get good reactions from. I get stopped in front of his signing booth by some people to take pictures, he offers to join in. mfw I had to stay there for a good 5 min

>> No.6621845

I met the Ayres brothers since they're at my local con every single year. I've said this before, but Chris is definitely the cool one.

>> No.6621855

I've met J. Bosh at MTAC during the early years with his band. It was fun because he usually charges for autographs like last year but I caught him with his band and they were fooling around and were like, whaaaat who's he? He brushed them off and signed a little drawing I made~

I also met Doug Smith, who's also super cool (english VA of Kentaro Oe from Golden Boy) and he is so funny, I always try to ask him what c base is. I hope he goes to AWA and meets the Japanese voice actor for him~

>> No.6621862

Met Steve Blum at a con about two years ago. If I remember correctly, he's not really into anime or the other kinds of stuff he voices for, but he was really great in my opinion. He was very willing to pose for pictures, recite lines for his different characters, and even sing songs in his character voices for anyone who asked. Overall, he just seemed like a pretty cool dude.

>> No.6621869

I met J. Michael Tatum once.

>Cosplaying Isaac and Miria with current boyfriend
>He goes into the bathroom to fix his costume
>Suddenly hear excited screaming from inside bathroom
>He ended up washing his hands next to Tatum and quoted something at him and they both flipped their shits
>Boyfriend drags Tatum outside to meet me
>He gives me this huge bearhug and picks me up off the ground (dude's tall!) and compliments our cosplays
>He says he has to run off to a panel but hopes he sees us later in the day

>Later, in line for autographs from him with a friend of ours
>Line cuts off just a few people ahead of us
>Our friend is super disappoint
>We spot him through the door and wave, he gestures us over
>We ask him if he'd mind one more autograph, he says not at all and signs our friend's poster
>She's super hype

>Friend calls us on Sunday to say he recounted the whole story at the voice actor Q&A

Overall, 10/10, awesome guy.

>> No.6621900


Ayres brothers are total bros (for lack of a more applicable term, slight pun intended). They're loyal to cons that are good to them and love to hang out and chat with fans outside the autograph lines. Seeing them at a convention is a sign to me that it's a good one.

>> No.6621907

Actually, I'm friends with Caitlyn Glass, Chris Ayres and Brina Palencia on Facebook. :)

>> No.6621920

>Have any of you ever met Pixyteri or Yaya-Han or JNig

all three of them. I don't understand why anyone would want to go out of their way to meet any of them, they're just people. Yaya is very professional, PT is delusional and Jnig is pretty average as con girls go.

Bonus: Miyu sniffs glue on the con floor.

>> No.6621922
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> Friends with the VAs who accept every friend request

>> No.6621930
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Ooh are you friends with Quinton Flynn, Vic Mangina and other's as well? How impressive! You must tell me your secrets!

>> No.6621945


I don't know who Quinton Flynn is, but Vic actually knows me by name at cons, yes.

>> No.6621947


>> No.6621948

Nice try, but I keep my badges in my bag.

>> No.6621952

Nice try, guests are in an area where you need badges to see them.

>> No.6621953

Not that anon but....
>Show badge to get in
>Put badge back in bag or wherever
Jesus man it's like fucking magic.

>> No.6621954

>see Quinton Flynn in 2009
>he's gained weight and isn't as popular with the barely legal girls anymore
>meet him after his panel in the autograph line
>wearing Katara cosplay
>he stares blatantly at my chest while I'm talking to him
>and I mean my breasts are really unimpressive, /cgl/, they're not super close together and are saggy
>Quinton Flynn was desperate enough to stare my saggy far away tits

and that is my story

>> No.6621959

>implying security doesnt get buttmad when badgeless person is wandering around

>> No.6621961

Quinton is fucking adorbs

>> No.6621963

The fuck cons you been going to with THAT tight of security? I've never been to one where they asked that I keep my badge out and in front at all times. At the very least it needs to be visible some how so I usually put it around my side.

>> No.6621968


Haha, what? I never keep my badge on when I'm cosplaying. I flash it to get into places and then either put it away or hang it off my belt/boot where it won't be distracting in photos.

What cons are you going to? They sound intense.

>> No.6621974

I forgot which, but there was a smaller cali con that was like that too

>> No.6621977

I went to SDCC 2011 and they weren't NEARLY that strict when I was wondering around.

>> No.6621982

Met Yaya, she was very friendly.
Meet Jnigs a lot, she lives here so.. -shrug-

>> No.6621988
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He's voicing Kirei in the upcoming Fate/Zero dub.
Plus he's still voicing Alucard

>> No.6621995
File: 205 KB, 650x433, 100_2381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt

Such a nice couple and just fun to talk to. Hell, Yuri has sense of humor to boot. Pic related.

>> No.6622003

What weapon was she referring to? I'm assuming your prop.

>> No.6622004

here's a wopper

See back to back Grant Imahara ( asian guy from myth busters) and Steven Yuen (asain guy from Walking dead) walking down the hall at Dragon*con, awesome tiny chats.

I was walking with my friend from college and they tell me that "so and so " is right behind us. Me, being on the celebrity hype right now go "oh! is that a famous person??"

I freak out because we're both in really weird scantily clad cosplays, and I just book it like there's no tomorrow.


>> No.6622009

>Wear scantily clad cosplays
>Freak out because someone you know was at convention
This surprises you because.......?

>> No.6622022

I'm not a raver, so I rarely see Greg, but when I see Chris at a con he's alwys surrounded by fans and just talking about anything. I can't speak for a ton of guests, but he's probably the most down to earth I've seen.

>> No.6622037
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>that feel when Tiffany Grant hasn't visited a West Coast con in ages

>> No.6622053
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Yep, my weapon prop. Being SDCC, people just kept walking into them. Me and Yuri talked about about that and we had good laugn.

>> No.6622060


>> No.6622062

My only signature from Yuri was on some Sasuke poster I received as a gift years ago. I was barely into Naruto at the time so I've never actually put it on my walls, unfortunately.

I thought he'd written "BE MINE" on it and went "aww!" until I unrolled it and it said "VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE." okay.jpg

>> No.6622068

Haha oooh, I can see why. Awesome stuff. I like it when you get a more personalized autograph by the person. It makes it more memorable that way.

>> No.6622082

crispin freeman is a great fella. very kind to his fans.

>> No.6622085

oh Absolutely. That's one huge positive with many of stateside VAs is that a lot of them can get personal with your autograph. Same con as Yuri autograph, but me and my gf met Charles Martinet (voice of Mario, Luigi and...practically half of Nintendo characters and more). Not only was he a graciously awesome person, but he also personalized my gf's autograph after she did a little bit of Princess Peach voicework. One of the best experience we had that comic-con, bar none.

>> No.6622089

I met David Hayter, he was doing signatures when he had to leave for another panel. I waited in line for hours and was depressed when he had to leave. But before he left the area, he went through the line super fast and tried to sign everything and even took a few pics with me. I was so happy ;_;

>> No.6622133

I've met Ellen McLain and John Patrick Lowrie at their autograph booth once. Super nice and funny couple. I also saw PT at my boyfriend's panel but didn't know who she was until somebody pointed her out to me after the con. At the time I thought she was just a female who really wanted to get spanked by another female.

>> No.6622139

>Seeing them at a convention is a sign to me that it's a good one.

Clearly you have not been to Oni-Con which they attend every year. Greg tries to make it a good con but it has been total shit year-after-year

>> No.6622153

He mailed my mom an autographed DVD sleeve when she told him we had trouble making it to his autograph session. She mailed him a box of cookies.

JYB got some of those cookies the next AX after that and I got a hug. It was almost too much for the teenage me to handle. I think that was also the same year my mom traded some of her cookies to Man Faye because one of her coworkers wanted one of the buttons he was selling. He saw her again later and asked her if she had any more.

>> No.6622154
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I met J.Bosh at ALA this year when he and his band were loading up their instruments in a cart. He had been in the hotel gift shop the previous day, but I didn't want to bother him while he was with his family since that just seemed rude. Said my part, fangirled a little, and thanked him for being such an awesome part of my childhood. He was very pleasant about everything.

>> No.6622159

Patrick Seitz is forever and always my favorite. Always going to remember that one panel at PMX years ago where only 10 or so of us showed up, we ended up sitting around chatting for an hour and listening to the poor tech guy tell us his previous-night horror story of how his roomie for the con brought in a stranger that got blue puke all over the bathroom. The next panel never showed up so we just kinda... kept at it?

Still kicking myself for passing by Grant Imahara at ALA 2012 and second guessing myself, because IT ACTUALLY WAS HIM, I made eye contact and didn't even say anything because I couldn't figure out what the fuck he'd be doing at a smaller anime convention. And then I missed him again at AX that year, friends talked to him and I am just going to sit in the corner and sob

>> No.6622164


That's adorable. How often does he go to cons?

>> No.6622168

His girlfriend is friends with some of the people in the SoCal cosplay scene. He came down for AX for a bit last year since he was attending Labyrinth of Jareth. Ran into him while he was hanging around the lobby and got him to autograph some art I picked up in the artist alley for my husband as a gift.

>> No.6622176
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And in that year, he Jojo'd

>> No.6622181

Yep. I was talking to him, apparently he was in the cast because he injured his wrist during the taping for Shark week.

>> No.6622212

I don't even know what I'd do if I actually did meet him... tell him I think it's really really cool that he mentored for FIRST... make awkward faces... :(

>> No.6622223

I've met Veronica Taylor, Colleen Clinkenbeard, and Wendy Lee. All extremely nice, was an absolute pleasure meeting each of them.
I've also met a western VA's. Chris Sanderson, Billy West, both nice, and had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting Christian Potenza (but we just won't talk about that one).
As far as famous cosplayers go, only met the most well-known ones in my community. Nobody exceptionally well-known really.

>> No.6622462

Met Vic and Jennifer Hale at a con.

Vic's queue for his signing was filled with crazy, underage fangirls and Hale was amazing.
I always admired her and her work and I thought meeting her would destroy it for me but she was fantastic. Really interesting and entertaining.

>> No.6622481
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>mfw Vic was b& from my local con for throwing shit at someone walking out of his panel.

>> No.6622505

I met Spike Spencer in a hotel lobby a couple of years back. We only talked for 5-10 minutes before I had to meet some people, but he was really friendly and laid-back. After we shot the shit about Eva, BlazBlue, voice acting, and David Attenborough for a bit, he gave me an autograph as I left, and even doodled a little Arakune next to it. Overall, he reminds me of that awesome uncle you always wanted but never had.

>> No.6622662

I got a couple stories of vic being annoying.

>working staff. I volunteer public safety/ costumer service
>see vic taking pictures with underage girls and blocking traffic
>no biggie, he's not doing anything weird, but he's getting in the way
>walk over and ask him politely to move over so people can walk by
>he's also blocking escalators.
>he gets defensive
>dude, I only asked him to give people space to walk, I didn't tell him to leave.
>he starts getting excited and offended
>"vic, I know you love your fans and I respect that but you could move over a little, please?"
>"I'm just taking a photo, can I just take a photo?!"
>Puts his hand on my arm
>wut, why is he touching me
>back away
>Other congoers annoyed at the congregation of fangirls surrounding vic, blocking escalator more.
>all I can do is stand and apologize to congoers.

>> No.6622663
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>go to angelic teaparty at con
>vic emerges from shadows of hotel service door backdoor
>what is he doing?
>lolita fangirls errywhere
>taking moar pictures
>he's getting touchy feely

>> No.6622694

I've actually met alot of famous cosplayers.

PikminLink: was friendly but soft spoken and seemed shy. Her costumes are immaculate in person and she's alot more feminine looking than I thought. I think I like her the most out of the well known people I've met.
Yaya: very professional. I don't really think I got a good feel for how she is since I met her when she was at her booth in the dealer's room. She's actually really tiny irl and her boobs look way more proportionate in person.
JNig: you can tell she makes a huge effort to be super friendly but she ends up coming off as kinda loud and obnoxious. There's a pretty big difference between how average she looks irl compared to her pics and she's much taller than I expected.
Miyu: only saw her in passing years ago and didn't get a chance to talk to her. In person she is absolutely gorgeous but she seemed tired and didn't look like she was happy to be there. I don't think I saw her smile even once.
Adella: This is literally the only cosplayer I've met that was actually rather rude to me when I asked for a photo. She's very pretty and also taller than I expected. Unfortunately not the nicest person from my experience but I like to think that maybe I caught her at a bad time.

>> No.6622705

I was looking at wigs at Metrocon 2012 and all of a sudden I hear some squealing right behind me. These three weeaboos come in and hog up the booth, naming all the character wigs they see and talking about how they need this or that for a future cosplay. It was fucking Ashley in her Latvia cosplay and her little cohorts. I just kind of stand there staring in disbelief and eventually walk off. The poor guy at the booth just kept giving them a smile like "Yeah you can buy something or leave."

>> No.6622710

I've met a few people, I'll just list them.

>>> Hiroyuki Yamaga, Super cool. He introduced me to his bitches.

>>> Reuben Langdon, again cool dude. We Street Fighter, later kicked my ass at said game.

>>> Yaya Han, typical attention whore. But a nice, easy to talk to attention whore.

I am sure this one barely qualifies...
>>> Fred Gallagher, yea. Shy geek. I can relate to him a bit. But this was back at the beginning of the popularity of the webcomic.

>> No.6622723


Go away Pikminlink

>> No.6622988

>>6622037 met Tiffany Grant about 15 years ago at Project A-kon. Actually, more like run her over Ranma 1/2 style. She's so tiny next to me.

>> No.6623022
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My first convention experience, I met Duelin' Denny. He was wearing his Kenshin cosplay and was in full neckbeard mode.

He stalked me for months afterward on Yahoo and Facebook.

Probably the most horrifying experience of my life, he kept making passes at me and stuff but I was basically going this con alone and needed a conbuddy so I ended up hanging out with him out of desperation and felt horrifically dirty afterward.

pic related, mfw finding his website years later. it's gone now because according to his facebook he has a real job and it looks like he took care to wipe his embarrassing history off the internet because not even Google turns up any of his old cosplays.

>> No.6623033

is there any real "proof" that vic mangina is as creepy as everyone says he is?

>> No.6623036

I met PikminLink once. She was friendly and really sweet. Is she just like the nicest cosplayer ever or what? Not to mention adorable.

Also met Eurobeatking too. He's really aloof and barely said anything to me, but probably because I wasn't a girl. Creep.

>> No.6623038

Well considering every girl ever has a story about him creeping on her, I'd say so.

>> No.6623047

what I've noticed about vic mceggnogg, is that tons of girls like making up stories on /cgl/ for laughs. Its hard to find whats true and whats not. I've met him in person, and he's a completely conceited dick that thinks the world revolves around him, so I'd like to believe these stories are true. but I'm just not sure.

>> No.6623049

I have literally never heard a "nice" story about him. Then again, this IS the internet, but still.

>> No.6623066

same anon. the only "nice" stories I've heard were from total weebs that said; "well vic DOES have the right to brag! He's just totes super awesome and he knows it!!111!! ^-^ "

"Creepy!? vic isn't creepy! you shut ur dirty mouth!11!! he's just being nice to his fans!11!!"

>> No.6623067

I was lucky enough to meet Christopher Randolph (Otacon's VA) at a MGS4 signing. He was great; super friendly and talkative. Best part is, he wasn't even paid to be there! The signing was for Kojima and the model for Raging Raven, but he was in the area and just showed up for the fans.
Kojima was great too, of course. He's tiny and adorable and didn't stop smiling once.

Oh my god. The things I've forgotten.

>> No.6623069

I'm not exactly in the "loop" of who's who in the cosplay/con community. Who is "Duelin' Denny"?

>> No.6623074

a few years ago Todd Haberkorn did his Firo voice for me mmm
I hate that guy, him and mangina ruined any hope the Ouran dub ever had of being good. man, funimation either is spot on or just terrible with their casting

>> No.6623084

you know what ruined the english dub for me?

I mean, first of all, it was already ass.

but seriously, one of the twins sounding exactly like pajama sam killed it for me.

>> No.6623094
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I met Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner at a Star Trek convention in Vancouver BC. I went with my mom and my big sister, it was a pretty cool experience. We got a picture with them, and we won a bid on this giant poster of Spock and got Nimoy and Shatner to sign it. My mom had a huge crush on Spock when she was a kid, and my sister and I inherited it apparently, haha

>> No.6623110

When I see Vic, or Spike Spencer, Eric Vale at cons, they spend half of the convention making out with their girlfriend/wife/horsedick, and that annoys me more than guests being creepers. A lot of girls really want to feel special to a guest, and when they bring in an outsider, it steals from the paid experience of a badge holder.

>> No.6623132


Ummm...guests are NOT brought to conventions to fufill weeb wet dreams. They're there to talk about the industry.

>> No.6623192

Ellen McLain is one of the sweetest people I've met period and seems to really enjoy being at conventions.

>> No.6623198

Ellen McClain is genuinely the nicest guest i've ever met. She was kind to everyone, and seemed to really be enjoying herself!
Meeting her is one of my favourite con experiences of all time

>> No.6623203

My apologies

>> No.6623238

The one that goes to karaoke and makes dirty jokes but is otherwise a pretty cool dude

>> No.6623244

Met Kyle Hebert at Katsucon last year. Best. Experience. Ever. Been waiting to meet the guy for YEARS, and I was stupidly happy to get the chance. We'd been chatting thanks to his Stickam channel before it got the kibosh, and when I got to Katsucon he'd insisted I show up to his DBZ Evolution Abridged Panel. I was pretty stoked for it NGL, but I didn't remember I needed the 18+ bracelet! So after running around, nearly losing my phone, I didn't end up getting the bracelet, but instead he convinced his security we were his personal guests. Me and the girl I was with basically got in VIP. So many angry eyes, not that I blame them. They'd been waiting just as long as we had been. But it was super cool, we hung out after the panel for a bit! Kyle's a teddy bear lol Loves the ladies, especially if he thinks they're pretty. He's really funny too.

>> No.6623246

Met them back in my Narutard phase and they really are so sweet. Tara said she loved my name and Yuri gave me a hug.

>> No.6623249

Nah, girl. maybe he was back in 2007 but I saw him again at tu-con 2011 and he was fat and obv didnt want to be there and was jetlagged/with a beer constantly


yeah he is pervy, great voice but ehhh. I'm pretty sure he dropped out of the scenes bc he was creeping on underagers too much

Animefest 2012 was like that

>> No.6623255

I hate vic and he's a diva but I call bullshit, w hat was the con and what year?

like imma need to see some serious receipts on that to believe it

>> No.6623269

That is motherfuckin adorable

>> No.6623266

Anything about Maile Flanagan? I've heard she's rude, but when I met her she was pretty nice.

>> No.6623320

I saw him in 2012 I think, he was adorable then. People have their days/years...still my favorite VA.

>> No.6623350

Met J Michael Tatum once ; v; one of the best days ever.
>first time wearing lolita in public
>Super nervous, but dad got me a place in the front of the line for J Michael Tatum
>super excited
>Walk into the room, I'm behind a fat weaboo chick with cat ears
>Tatum seems kinda put off, but is still super nice to her and even pats her head when she asked him to pet her.
>Weirdness over, I walk up
>He starts smiling and doing this adorable manly squeal thing I cannot properly describe
>Tells me that I'm the cutest thing he's ever seen, and that he loves my dress
> I am dead
>We talk for a little bit, and he goes to sign my poster, and he says, "Mmmhmm, I'm gonna sign on his sexy neck. Oh baby."
>I'm dead again.
>Says he'll sign my book, too
>We say goodbye and he's just adorable, omfg

Moral of the story is, I love J Michael Tatum.

>> No.6623487
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My favorite meeting of someone big (I don't say famous because video game peeps aren't always famous,) at Comic Con in 2011. I was attending The World of Capcom panel and had sat through the prior panel to have a good seat for the show. Two Japanese gentlemen walk up and ask if they could pass me to have a couple of the seats opposite of me. I let them by, they sit down. After doing a double take, I make a guess that one of these men is Hiroshi Matsuyama, CEO of Cyberconnect 2. So after a few minutes of trying to look at his badge, I just lean over and ask him straight, "Are you Hiroshi Matsuyama, CEO of Cyberconnect 2?". He smiles and nods then says to me "Yes, I am Hiroshi Matsuyama, and Creator of Asura's Wrath!" (A game that was being discussed at this panel.) So I geeked out, we took a silly picture together, and we enjoyed the panel. Got to talk to him for a bit afterwards, mostly for discussing the future of the .hack franchise, and he promised that more was on the way~

>> No.6623510
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>> No.6623514

Mignora? Mignote? The hell kinda pronunciation is the sign suggesting? I thought his name was pronounced Manyana, or something.

>> No.6623549



nigga you high or what

>> No.6623552


You're close, it's 'minyana'

>> No.6623610
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I've met Yoshitaka Amano and got a picture with him while dressed as sephiroth at a local Amano-dedicated gallery we once had here in my town; He was really modest and funny, and he gave me a doodle that I now have framed.

>> No.6623615

Please be troll.

I feel fucking sorry for VA significant others. Tryin' to love on your man, only to find that the heavy breathing behind you isn't him, it's the angry hambeast watching.

>> No.6623621

First ever con was Toracon when J. Bosh was there. Went to his Q & A panel and he was real nice and funny, even when people came in late and repeated questions. Did some of his old Power Ranger stuff for us and at the end allowed us to record him saying silly lines. He seems a bit serious but otherwise quite nice.

>> No.6623669

I met Sean Astin once. He is the guy who plays Sam in the lord of the rings.
My dad loves lord of the rings and actually named me after the daughter of Sam.
When I told Sean Astin this and that it was my dad's birthday soon he recorded a message with Sam's voice for my dad.
I don't have it with me right now but it said something like:
"Hello Mr <dad's name>, Happy Birthday! I'm glad we share Elanor, she's a beautiful girl".
He was extremely nice and sweet

>> No.6623678

She doesn't do cosplay too much anymore but I met M. Alice Legrow at a couple of cons. At the first one she was so nice, she even recognized me from my posts on the Bizenghast boards, I don't think I've ever felt such a great compliment. I'm such a huge fan of her that I nearly died but she was so kind to me. it made me really happy to know that someone whose artwork I really loved for a long time had turned out to be such a kind person. She even signed a Bizenghast print for me. It was my first time meeting a 'celebrity' and it was so cool. I feel so lucky as a fan.

>> No.6623711
File: 57 KB, 640x360, e589d7480750da55d4966c63411a7b1a1312499599_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another Vic Manginalalna story from last year.
>Be waiting in line with group of people for Maid Cafe, have down time between panels, so why not?
>Get in line pretty early to pass time
>A MASSIVE line starts forming soon after, and is wrapping around the entire floor
>Guess the Maid Cafe is gonna be pretty good this year
>Suddenly, Vic Mignongngna emerges from the door to the Maid Cafe, screaming fangirls everywhere
>He looks at me expectantly, and he grabs my arms to pull me up
>I don't have a camera or anything, and aren't really into any of the stuff he VA's for
>"Uh...I just want to get into the Maid Cafe, I'm hungry."
>Don't want to be rude, and ask him to sign my badge
>He gets into my personal space and grabs onto my shoulders
>"Wow, you must be my biggest fan!"
>Asks gigantic hambeasts in back of me for her camera
>Grabs it out of her hand, and proceeds to take like 3 pictures of him and I together
>Gives the camera back, then gets called to another panel he forgot about
>Literally hundreds of people waited hours to see him pander to someone who wasn't even a fan, and then leave

>mfw hambeasts somewhere have pictures of me on their camera

>> No.6623727

O my fucking god my husband missed him in Anizona 2005 (I wasn't into the con scene yet, too busy being a fetus) and we just really fucking wish we could have met him, you're so lucky!

>> No.6623732
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He also plays Hercules in the first Kingdom Hearts

>lest we ever forget

>> No.6623744


You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.6623879
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That's so beautiful.

>> No.6623898
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Maguma I love you, but look at this dude in your picture.

>> No.6624045

So just saw this on tumblr, thought you guys might be interested


>> No.6624085


goddamnit I had my speakers turned up all the way. I nearly shat myself.

>> No.6624320

No, it really is great. I need to make a point to sit in on one of his 18+ panels sometime, it's been a few years since I last attended a solo panel of his and I couldn't do the 18+ ones at the time.

>> No.6624507

Oh yeah, that was by far one of the funnier parts of that photo. Just that guy sittin' in the back, haha~ How about the handler in the back also Asura mode-ing out with us? :3

>> No.6625738

Confirmed for bitch. The cops are just doing their jobs.

>> No.6626215

Vic shook my hand at AX 2012 at the Opening Ceremony. Not a big fan, but eh...

>> No.6626217


Can you please record it next time it happens and upload to Youtube just for the lols?

>> No.6626670

I'm friends with someone who works at Titmouse and one of them did promo art for some games. That count?

Met Lowenthall and Straussman at a SMT panel and had them sign my Nocturne artbook. Both were jelly and wanted to know where I got it.

>> No.6626689

I think they meant Duelin' Dan who was known to act like he's the best Roy (FMA) cosplayer ever. I believe there was a video of him being trolled with the "worst cosplay ever" award and spit on it. Nothing too major. Bonus: he was also into kigurumi.

>> No.6626703

I met Tiffany Grant at this past Ohayocon. I was cosplaying as Asuka, and figured it'd be nice to get a picture. I never realized how tiny she is, holy cow. She's smaller than my friend at 5'5 and I'm like a head bigger than her... so when I took a picture with her I was feeling incredibly tall, but she was really nice.

>> No.6627329

Yes. He's a wonderfully nice person and converses with any fans he can. The first time I met him there was a really short line for autographs for him so he let the guy in front of me (I was the last person) record an answering machine message of a voice voice of his. Back then he wasn't that popular but I think Frieza might have changed that, not sure though, but the next time I saw him he was still a really cool dude.

>> No.6627368

Can she really afford to be rude though? She's won an Emmy, sure, but she's only been Naruto and a pig, so...

>> No.6628260

Saw Mai Aizawa in concert and Toshio Furukawa at SA in January
Aizawa's singing is a'ight and Furukawa wept during a live demo

>> No.6629074
File: 250 KB, 1314x658, yayathread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met Yaya Han once...


>> No.6629171

Monica rialz came to the volunteer room. I got little kuribohs signature and a picture. I also met Ben heck, and had him autograph my ram.

>> No.6629219

Sonny Strait invited me and a couple of my friends to his dinner sit-in-thing a couple years ago. This dinner was set up up him fanclub or something to that effect, if I remember correctly. He was hilarious and a really nice dude. We talked about a ton of different shit beyond just anime. He's pretty chill.

>> No.6629223

*The dinner was set up for him by his fanclub

Sorry; I must have had a stroke there.

>> No.6629263
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We had dinner with Todd Habberkorn last year in Lansing, MI.
It was fun, and we learned a lot about the voice acting business and about Todd himself. He was the only one who didn't order fish and chips.

>> No.6629275

Girl on the right is cute.

>> No.6629280

she's Rachel Roseanne