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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 743 KB, 410x308, tumblr_mi1lmkC9os1qfv7oko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6620460 No.6620460 [Reply] [Original]

I couldn't come up with something witty for the thread title, forgive me.

old thread: >>6619091

>> No.6620462
File: 14 KB, 348x418, tumblr_mcycjukMma1r037wdo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meenah with a croptop became canon, so I don't really think it's "out of character" for her, anymore.

God Tier outfit, yes, but it was implied she chose to alter it so.

But we all have our preferences.

>> No.6620463

how long until homestuck ends?

>> No.6620465

Probably a couple months, tops.

But the fandom will still linger, so you guys will have to deal with this a little longer, sorry.

>> No.6620564

I'd say at least a couple months. Everyone keeps flipping their balls about a 4/13/13 end date but it seems impossible to wrap everything up that quickly.

>> No.6620578

>implying it could ever wrap everything up
Bet you the last panel is Hussie getting bored and going off to swim in his pool full of money

>> No.6620623

I'm expecting a shaggy dog ending or worse, a BUY THE VIDEO GAME end

>> No.6620630
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 536846_10151151287122012_89825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty self post time, this is from about 5 months ago, and I figured since we were on the topic of crop tops I could safely post it.

First time doing a troll other then Vriska, advice would be appreciated, I already know I need to fix my paint and my horns, but what else?

>> No.6620639

that trident is kind of awful... I think even if you painted a halloween one it would look better? Also aside from the cropped vs uncropped argument, that shirt is a really odd shape and the symbol looks sloppy.
Shoes should match symbol and everything else. Not too fond of the chains on the pants. And wig could be a little more styled.
Also please ditch the necklaces- I know Meenah likes bling but they're too girly for her style.

>> No.6620642

I'm gonna sound like a total bitch but someone else said it first in the previous thread so yeah, i don't think you have the abs to pull that off sorry. The uneven paint on your tummy kind of looks like stretchmarks.
Also make the bra straps disappear please.

The pink things attached to your pockets don't match the scruffier, worn looking jeans, even if the jeans were clean. I'd ditch them too.

>> No.6620664

I like the pink things, but you really need to pimp out the 2x3dent and clean up the symbol. You also need to style your wig - Meenah's hair has a lot of different possible interpretations but a limp bob isn't one of them.

>> No.6620667

The really obviously pvc pipe trident really detracts from the overall costume, either start over or ditch it.

I would change or redo the shirt also. If you like crop that's fine but I would size the shirt down, redo the graphic (try a stencil), and do a cleaner crop.

Other than things the above anons have also said, great effort, I think you got the color perfect on the makeup and I think the freckles are cute :3

>> No.6620734


Ok! Thank you everyone, the trident was really just an effort to do anything other then paint over a halloween-store-bought one, does anyone have any good tutorials for a trident prop?

On a different note though, I'm completely ditching normal Meenah and my next project is one of her god tiers, tbd.

I really need to get baggier pants for her god tier and I definitely need to re-do my whole wig/horns. I think the off the shoulder top would look weird without some sort of strap underneath, perhaps a bathing suit?

Someone also mentioned the bling was too girly, so what kind of jewelry would I be able to work with then?

I need to really work on making sure all my colors match.

Regardless of how you think it would look on me, what are your opinions on tighter fitting crop tops, like a sports-bra-with-sleeves kind of thing?

>> No.6620795

I actually like the clean-looking lines on your horns, though it'd help you sharpened the tips a bit and spaced them a little farther apart on your head.

Wig should be flippier and messier. You know how Feferi's hair curls at the end? Meenah's hair curls at the end, too, but it's more apparent because of how short it is.

Your wrist bling looks great and really clean, but you should ditch the necklaces - those are more Feferi's thing. Anything chunky, obnoxious, and ostentatious = Meenah. Anything layerable or thin = Feferi. Think what you would wear with a spring dress (Feferi) versus what belongs at a metal concert (Meenah).

I wouldn't support tighter-fitting crop tops on Meenah. If she was wearing a crop top, it seems like it's be something that she sawed up herself to show a few inches of midriff, not all of her stomach and most of her ribcage.

>> No.6620812
File: 85 KB, 554x460, color impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember in the last thread someone asked me to cover tricksters in the fabric guide, but I had already posted it. Anon, is there any specific trickster (either canon or non canon) you would like me to go over, or do you want me to cover all of the canon ones?

Also, I think someone was talking about lashes in the last thread. If you have a basic beauty supply store, or even in some cases a drug store that carries false lashes, look for Ardell Color Impact. I found some yesterday when I was looking for thinning shears.
It comes in blue, wine, brown, and green.

>> No.6620818


I think I'll need to shorten the horns and shave the tops down some more so they're pointer, then repaint them completely, and set them differently on my head.

Thank you very much for the jewelry tips and wig tips as well.

>> No.6620900
File: 77 KB, 960x637, tumblr_mi2jolcEER1rq4exwo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6620903
File: 191 KB, 1024x1536, homestuck__kanaya_and_rose_by_serenadoll-d5quin8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6620909
File: 437 KB, 383x517, tumblr_mheoylS3Vh1rwbpl3o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When bad cosplayers can't take critique

>> No.6620917

Pic related, or...?

What's irksome isn't so much bad cosplayers that can't take critique, but people who selfpost asking for critique and then bawww when they get it. It seems like hsgcgl has had a trend of smart, prepared selfposters lately though? I'm pleased.

>> No.6620964

I was gonna say that I didn't mind that Kanaya until I noticed that the fucking symbol is white. Did they even try?

>> No.6620973

I'm kind of digging their horns.

>> No.6620976


If you improperly use a dark fabric iron-on transfer, the transfer can come off white instead of the desired color. I had a friend who did that once, and I assume that's what happened to this Kanaya? Likely a last-minute thing going on.

>> No.6620980
File: 505 KB, 1171x1303, knanyany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I was the anon who was asking for help on the ballgown Kanaya. I made some adjustments to the old design and I tried to put some green in, but I feel like it looks kind of weird there, but I don't know where else I could possibly put it. Also, I was thinking about having a head piece, but I don't know what type of head piece would look good with it. If I could ask for critique as well? What should I add/remove or change?
Pic related.(pardon the drawing, it's not my forte)

Old design >http://25.media.tumblr.com/2d3f978a38029dfd694f8137ab93bb/tumblr_m7aqc2x41qcltrio2_1280.jpg

>> No.6621005

Green on the shawl or the gloves or something? It looks kind of out of place, with just that stripe across the front

>> No.6621021
File: 159 KB, 500x750, miarichan sollux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621022

Green piping in between the Ted and black on the dress, green symbol, green earrings, and a shorter additional necklace in green. Maybe a bracelet over your gloves in green as well?

>> No.6621023

I meant red. Dammit autocorrect.

>> No.6621026
File: 62 KB, 635x960, miwa aradiasprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621027

Can we have more good sollux's?

>> No.6621030
File: 456 KB, 1280x1715, smuppet dave strider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on it anon. But in the meantime, feel free to question life with this picture.

>> No.6621035
File: 675 KB, 900x571, sollux_captor__done__by_dizzydota-d3kde8r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621037
File: 87 KB, 900x600, sollux_gamzee_by_utsumitanaka-d4s8xru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621038
File: 361 KB, 600x435, wip___sollux_cosplay_by_hebidoku-d5ot6vc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621039

awesome dress, but the green piping makes that section of the dress look like a watermelon

>> No.6621041
File: 1.12 MB, 600x800, homestuck___sollux_captor__hey_there_aa_by_transparentparadox-d5l2tc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621044
File: 740 KB, 900x635, sollux_captor___all_alone_by_ozzyflop-d5imeri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621046
File: 91 KB, 500x414, add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621048
File: 582 KB, 500x750, desucon sollux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind that Sollux wasn't quite as good as I remembered.
It could be the angle though.

>> No.6621055
File: 170 KB, 500x500, im not sure how to feel about this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621067
File: 97 KB, 720x960, tumblr_m52oj8B49r1r2hji0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Sollux picture.

>> No.6621071

scrawny little girls need to stop cosplaying dirk.

>> No.6621085

I agree. Bro was muscular so Dirk should be too.

>> No.6621086

Agreed. I'd really love to cosplay him just to gain experience in wig styling but I am 5'3" and stick thin. if I ever try it out I'll definitely be doing femDirk. same goes for jake.

>> No.6621098
File: 323 KB, 500x670, 1360297981379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take for Arda wigs to restock? I'm going to a con the first weekend in March and the wig I was going to buy for rose (the Lulu) is out of stock in nearly every blond color. I'm honestly really worried because this is my first cosplay ever and I don't want to fuck it up. What should I do?

>> No.6621103
File: 37 KB, 250x375, dead shuffle jade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621105

Dirk's a teenager. I can see him being pretty lean, like a runner, but buff/ripped is kind of weird for that age group.

Not saying that I disagree though. I think most can get away with a regular t-shirt, but girls love cosplaying him in the wifebeater for some reason.

>> No.6621111

Usually I'd redirect you to their restock page
But it looks like they only have the most recent listed on there, to which I'd say shoot them a message on FB or via email. For the most part, they seem to come monthly (large) or bimonthly (smaller). If they're out of stock on most of the blondes, then my bet is that it's due for a restock either in the next shipment or the one after, but they employees will be able to answer that best.

>> No.6621120

I just checked and they're planning on restocking "late january to mid february." I'll ask them on facebook, though! If all else fails, is there any other wig you recommend looking at?

>> No.6621123
File: 733 KB, 1220x945, dknflksrngs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's me! Haha

Yea, I think I'll just add some green jewelry and maybe attach like a green bow on the gloves. The tubing(?) actually does kind of make it look like a watermelon! Should I remove it? I really don't know where else I can place it. Would it be a good idea to put the green around the waist instead?

Pic related, my WIP for the base. I still have to make a petticoat/skirt to go under because the boning in the hoop skirt is still kind of visible.

>> No.6621129

Looks like kingtomcat is making heyitspj a proper John wig.
About time.

>> No.6621132
File: 63 KB, 500x500, kingtomcat pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621138

nah, their glasses are pretty bad, and their horns need more curve.

>> No.6621139

For 16? I knew a ton of athletic build type guys at that age. Plus with how trained with a sword he is then he would have a ton of upper body strength.

>> No.6621145

Are you planning on darting it in under the bustline? It's pulling really strangely.

>> No.6621156

Ah, I wasn't planning on it, but now that you mention it, it is kind of pulling a little weirdly. How do you suggest I go about darting it?
Also it might have something to do with the fact that I haven't actually sewn the top part and the bottom part, they're just tucked into the hoop skirt for now until I finish adding the ruffles and details to the skirt, haha.

>> No.6621157

Plus, if you look at the page where they're all god tier, he's def' more buff than Jake

>> No.6621158

A magnum could work well if you trim the bangs and straighten the flips. I was planning on tossing one on this weekend for a valentines meet, so I can test that out for you.

>> No.6621168
File: 17 KB, 407x300, mhx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Note the shoulder width difference.

>> No.6621173

Thanks! I have no experience styling, cutting, or straightening wigs though. Can you link me to a tutorial?

>> No.6621175

Of course you can have broad shoulders without a lot of muscle mass, but the headcanon is still that he is still very toned (which makes since). Remember Jake uses pistols, but runs a lot. So most of Jake's muscle would be in his legs over his arms.

>> No.6621177

>implying bro was buff

>do you even know what buff is

>> No.6621181

do you even lift?

>> No.6621190

i know bro didn't

>> No.6621191
File: 529 KB, 800x600, tumblr_m1fowfrfmN1r149j7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got any good suggestions for an aradia wig that isn't from arda? i was planning on buying one, but the style and color i want is out of stock and probably won't restock until after the con i need it for

>> No.6621193
File: 11 KB, 320x409, Broseph_5900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, to be fair, canon Bro is a little noodle-armed. He's jacked as hell in the Strife album art, but that was also drawn by a different person and highly stylized.

But does it matter, really. Everyone has different headcanons and Hussie's art isn't exactly consistent

>> No.6621200

I really like this wig from The Five Wits, I wanted it originally for Fef but Aradia is good as well.

>> No.6621209

Bro is a puppet porn making DJ.

Are you really expecting him to be ripped?

>> No.6621218

Remember he is also a ridiculously fast sword fighter. Which if you have ever fought with a sword you need muscle to be able to handle it accurately. I am not saying he is ripped, but he needs to be toned minimally.

>> No.6621222
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x800, magnumrose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing! I usually recommend this tutorial for those new to cutting wigs, and the link to the second part in the description:
I also recommend trying out a razor comb if you can find one (beauty supply stores will have them, or Daiso has really inexpensive razor combs if you live close to one).

Trimming and styling a Magnum into Rose's style is a really good beginner project IMO; you learn basic trimming techniques and how to straighten a wig (if you have a flatiron, you can just use that on its lowest setting). Areas you'll want to trim are the back, bangs, and possibly the side of the wig. ALWAYS err on the side of caution when cutting; measure where you need to trim it while you're wearing the wig, and when cutting it on the wig head make sure you trim so the wig is longer than you think it needs to be, since you can go in and take out excess length later. The wig pictured was trimmed for another character and just pinned into place for Rose's style, but it gives you a general idea of what you want to aim for.

On a side note, CGL: how presentable does this look as far as Rose wigs go? Like I said, I have a Valentine's meet to go to this weekend, but I don't want to go as a troll, humanstuck or otherwise. It's 20s-themed, so I'll have to deal with wardrobe as well, but how passable is the wig for not actually being a Rose wig? Also, is it just my paranoia or are the black lips not working for me (meaning I get to invest in a dark plum lipstick instead).

>> No.6621223

He routinely kicks Dave's ass and even went head to head with the main villain. Yeah, he lost, but he held his own pretty well considering he didn't have any buff super powers or magic.

>> No.6621243

I love it. It has that volume in the back, almost like a beehive, that I wish more Rose wigs would have. I actually really like the little curls on the side too. Super cute!

I prefer a darker plum or purple, since black looks a little harsh on most people unless the rest of your ensemble is black too and you're going for something super dramatic. BUt if it's a more casual thing, a darker shade of a conventional lipstick color should be fine

>> No.6621245

dat stock image. I wasn't digging it until i saw the other pictures. Might consider this for my fef copsplay. (not the anon you replied to) But thanks for the link regardless!

>> No.6621249


I swear by animestuffstore. Their wigs are cheap and soft and American, it's like a triple threat.


^ that's the style page, all the colors are listed once you pick a style. They're really reliable for low to mid styling, which is great for homestuck cosplay.

>> No.6621252

Not the anon that posted the link, but it seems like this is FiveWit's big weakness: their wigs are lovely, but most of their stock photos are HORRIBLE.

>> No.6621255

I am actually in the process of remaking both the tines/ball, as many threads ago, an alt pic of me had been posted and there was quite a bit of helpful sizing info directed my way!
In terms of "sweatpants", I went that route( they're actually yoga pants) because I didn't like the look of tight capris- the theory was that Jane made her outfit to be comfy, and yoga pants seemed like the best route.
On that note, I had people going the opposite way and tell me I should have worn basketball shorts. Opinions?

>> No.6621258

oh wow. just. wow. I wish the jeans weren't blue and i guess the horns should be better but still wow.

whatever you all say >>6621055 still just looks like a little girl. Doesn't matter if Dirk lifts or not he will not have a waistline like that, arms like that, or hips like that.

>> No.6621261

Not Homestuck but holy shit I finally found my friend a good stocking wig that doesn't have shit colors

>> No.6621270
File: 712 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mi2yxsDwgN1r7jkzho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621271

I got my wig from eBay.

It's long, thick, and curly, although it tends to tangle easily. All you have to do is part it in the middle.
Pic related, its the only thing i have with me using it as Aradia. I really love this wig because I can use it as Feferi and Jade, haha.

>> No.6621275
File: 892 KB, 315x236, all i wanna do is gunshot gunshot gunshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot to add attachment

>> No.6621272

i bought my dave wig from there. Its pretty nice but its spikes at places in the back and the sideburns always want to move no matter how much i spray. Theyre also really great in a time crunch because american seller. I do warn though they get spikier as they get older. Oh i also bought a long black curly wig and it was great other then some shininess and it tangles pretty easy but then again what long wig doesn't.

>> No.6621282
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mi2yreGFIN1r7jkzho3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love this store.

>> No.6621283
File: 191 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mhkzhyPO8i1qbktqeo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621286
File: 208 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mi2xvl4gLj1qgy9dzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621290
File: 652 KB, 1276x1920, tumblr_mi0iwggDeM1qm0alpo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621292

he tried

>> No.6621293
File: 182 KB, 722x1280, tumblr_mi0dhijU0r1qg63kgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621294
File: 700 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mhzwj3or0V1rcp7gwo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621297
File: 92 KB, 720x960, headband blues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621300
File: 988 KB, 320x240, u are indeed a butterflybird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621301

hahao h my god

>> No.6621305
File: 728 KB, 1280x1920, puppeto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621307
File: 378 KB, 500x740, u could of done it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621312
File: 538 KB, 1280x1707, bite ur lip @ me 1 more time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621314
File: 523 KB, 1280x1707, going through tags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621315

>dat filename


>> No.6621318
File: 133 KB, 329x245, arnt her glasses red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621319

that make up.

>> No.6621322
File: 94 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mi1mlmUQNu1r4jbcbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wondering how long it would be till someone did Davesprite wings like that
oh god

>> No.6621324
File: 734 KB, 1280x960, why tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621331
File: 905 KB, 1280x1707, your shoes untied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621334
File: 246 KB, 720x960, sad signless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621336
File: 49 KB, 500x667, i miss cheeto handmaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621339
File: 887 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mi2cgtYnZO1rxr8uqo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621341
File: 438 KB, 506x464, take a quality pic looks nice!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621342

yikes that hair style. oh honey

>> No.6621347
File: 556 KB, 478x720, tumblr_mfajzaaOlc1qzcs8wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621345
File: 35 KB, 500x495, u almost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621349
File: 152 KB, 500x667, dont like double horn y hussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621352
File: 264 KB, 1280x851, tumblr_mi0iwggDeM1qm0alpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621353

I have my Terezi wig from there. It's soft, thick and easy to style.

>> No.6621355
File: 466 KB, 1280x1707, let me see your face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621357

I wish they would've trimmed and styled their damn wig.

>> No.6621358

...are those horns attached to the hood?

>> No.6621356
File: 229 KB, 500x613, WELCOME BACK POPCORN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621359

Oh good I was just about ask how the Terezi wig was haha

>> No.6621361


>> No.6621367

dem curvessss

>> No.6621368
File: 39 KB, 500x500, asian tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621371
File: 157 KB, 500x667, its a wip of what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621373
File: 130 KB, 355x266, tumblr_m70mxagJAI1rqnjfio5_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filename
you have something against asians?

>> No.6621380
File: 114 KB, 422x750, he says pirate dirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't think of anything witty.

>> No.6621385
File: 359 KB, 1280x761, nekodave, plz b kidding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621386
File: 222 KB, 381x671, homestucks anonymous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621390
File: 244 KB, 699x461, tumblr_mi1a0rp1m01qfbqoxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621392

dragon dildo eridan horn

>> No.6621399
File: 24 KB, 195x193, tumblr_lv8gxmMPpt1qf968l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those horns look like the things Rachel shoves up her vagina

>> No.6621400
File: 774 KB, 320x240, gasp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621405

I get second degree embarrassment from these things
>inb4 bucket

>> No.6621411
File: 187 KB, 483x750, tumblr_mi16lrFlCQ1r1puy6o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621409
File: 83 KB, 500x304, cries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't kidding, This was actually at a con im pretty sure.

>> No.6621417
File: 341 KB, 452x750, tumblr_mi13nhcRUt1rfs5q4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621416

what am I looking at

>> No.6621420

>dat dave strider poster

>> No.6621428
File: 994 KB, 1280x1920, this looks off idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621432
File: 98 KB, 480x640, shitty bathroom selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all for the wig tips! if I do order from Arda, do you think I'd look better with a dark ash blonde or ash blonde wig? I look a bit flushed in this picture but it's pretty close to my natural skin tone

>> No.6621435

I'd say dark ash blonde, but goodness you have a cute face

>> No.6621469

Holy shit not even a catty bitch but your hair is all fried what happened? Shave it and wear wigs all the time and start over it's totally worth it, your face is too cute for that shit.

>> No.6621474

I didn't want to say anything but yeah your hair :( you need to fix that, stat.

>> No.6621480

I know, it's awful. I'm going to get a haircut in a week to fix it.

>> No.6621495

i smell spasmodic

>> No.6621511

yeeeah this time it is her

>> No.6621523


>clown shoes jake

>> No.6621538

if you'd like some advice to help your hair, but you don't want to get it cut, you'd probably want to invest in a better straightener, as well as do hair treatments, putting things like warm olive oil on your hair while in the shower has proven to help damaged hair.

>> No.6621541
File: 276 KB, 960x573, tumblr_mi35z4TPFt1qbm9eco3_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621546

my hair is naturally straight but it frizzes/fries easily. I'll definitely try out the olive oil sometime. sage for off topic.

>> No.6621567
File: 189 KB, 1024x1365, gamzee_wants_to_by_sarahadams1993-d5unhif[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621619 [DELETED] 

Glasses? Feferi wears goggles. Not glasses. That Sollux actually has better ""glasses"" than most Feferis/goggles Solluxs.

>> No.6621623

Ok HSG. I need help bigtime. First time making a prop and i dun goofed. Try to make Dave's timetables. Decide to use fucking styrofoam. No, don't ask me why. Goes great until I have to cut the cogs out. Little styrofoam pieces go everywhere. All over the floor. In my clothes. Sticking to everything. Cog looks like I went at it with a steak knife. Failure of untold proportions.

Its four days until Katsu. I need a replacement material, get your laugh in but for the love of god help me please

>> No.6621628

I'm curious to see how its gonna turn out... from the looks of it seems like its just gonna be another slut up version of who she's portraying. I think someone posted a pic of her Dirk genderbend a couple threads back? Just a sports bra with an iron on.

>> No.6621645

I laughed at this. I'm sorry.
I would maybe paper mache over the styrofoam? Unless the styrofoam is long gone. Then try cardboard + model magic perhaps. Or google tutorials.

>> No.6621644

>No, don't ask me why.
I'm going to ask you why, because I'm legitimately curious as to what made you think you could decently make anything out of styrofoam.

>> No.6621646

so many good props are made out of styrofoam, what are you doing

>> No.6621651

While on the topic of wigs, any suggestions for a decent Nepeta wig?

>> No.6621655

Do you have a picture of what it looks like so far? For styrofoam you should go with a heat knife over anything for cutting it.

>> No.6621657

do you remember


>> No.6621660

Styrofoam that's been primed and paper mached or combined with some other method, sure. But if anon is just using plain styrofoam, as is, there's no way they can expect the finished product to look good.

>> No.6621662

Someone asked this a few threads back and I don't think they ever got a response, so I'll ask it again. When I'm cosplaying a troll that requires fangs, my lipstick rubs off really, really easily onto them. How do you prevent this from happening? I'm planning on first applying a similarly colored eyeshadow to my lips first next time I attempt it, but that won't stop the lipstick from getting on my fangs.

>> No.6621667



another classic

>> No.6621674

is it bad that I recognize that by the url

>> No.6621731
File: 33 KB, 188x247, 1360631291866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a jack cosplay
Should the arm be ripped or hemmed? If ripped, how could I give it a good effect without actually destroying the suit?

>> No.6621753
File: 394 KB, 900x675, motherofgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would be easy and simple and lightweight, and I wasn't too concerned about them holding up in the long run since I figured i would make mistakes, and that I could remake them from better materials after I sort of experimented the first go around and got my feet wet. But yeah, I did just try to use plain styrofoam and paint, so I pretty much deserve this grief, there's no way around that.
I'd be laughing at me too if I weren't me, haha. I never even thought of paper mache. If I layered that over the nasty cog wheels, could I reshape them some and make them look presentable?
Pic shows progress and current condition. I've been using an Xacto knife, and I painted white over the record label and thought I could mount the vinyl on a styrofoam disc covered in white acrylic paint, mounted on another disc coated in red acrylic, and then cut the cogs out of another styrofoam wheel and glue them onto the red base. Should I paper mache those discs and repaint them again? Top right corner is cog attempts. One on left is slightly less misshapen second try, one on right is heavily autistic first go. It just fucking crumbles. There's no stopping it. I found a piece in my hair, goddamn.

>> No.6621778

whoa hold on, what are you doing with the arm? how many arms do you have?

>> No.6621796



I am literally physically incapable of watching this without cringing. I get about 45 seconds in before my face is so hot from second-hand embarrassment I have to scroll away from watching or turn it off.

This isn't just bad acting. It's bad acting of The Room variety. It's so over-the-top and terrible you can feel it radiating through your computer screen.

>> No.6621805

First video to make me audibly say "Done" before closing the tab in a while
jesus christ

>> No.6621800
File: 40 KB, 334x319, 1312158123843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621814

I was expecting much worse, you didn't do too bad.

The best would be if you go with styrofoam is to go slowly with a SHARP exacto blade. If you can get it to look like your second try then it looks a lot better. A couple layers of thick paint should help cover up imperfections but the key is to go slowly [which sucks since the convention's soon]. If you want to smooth out the top, you can use some fine grit sand paper to help shape them.

If you don't like how that looks, just cut the pieces of styrofoam and you can clue craft foam on top then paint it.

Sorry if that doesn't help.

>> No.6621828

I've never had any luck with styrofoam, but i'd definitely recommend using insulation foam instead. It doesn't crumble like styrofoam and is definitely easier to cut and shape, you can generally pick up a giant sheet of it at any hardware store. If you dont have time, I'd recommend sanding the shit out of it and then tackling it with paper mache or just a ton of layers of paint

>> No.6621867

I'm really sorry to hassle you for clarification, but this is the kind of insulation foam that you're talking about, right? http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yv/R-100320343/h_d2/ProductDisplayatalogId=10053&langId=-1&keyword=am+board+insulation&storeId=10051&ampuperSkuId=202938960#.URnQrY7k9LQ

>> No.6621913


not the same anon but that's the stuff generally used for cosplay props, yeah

>> No.6621951
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>> No.6621955

By some hilarious stroke of fate it's unavailable in every Home Depot and Lowe's within a 50 mile radius of me. Looks like I'll be going with paper mache.

>> No.6621965

poster board! I made my timetables with this tutorial: http://oblivion-xye.deviantart.comrt/Dave-Strider-Turntable-Tutoria271434940 and they turned out pretty well, if you don't mind them being on the thin side. If you like thick, just cut out four of everything instead of two and stack.

>> No.6621967
File: 6 KB, 426x453, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't want to fuck this up

>> No.6621972

Just the alphas, please! Thank you.

>> No.6622018 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 370x750, baby tuxedo rufioh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo i was tuxedo rufioh at my last con
it was fun, also my first real cosplay. i know my horns should have been like 20x bigger
i walked around and gave qts roses
anyways i'm working on a fem trickster dave and i'm on an search for a proper wig
will this suffice?

>> No.6622026
File: 11 KB, 650x450, 05454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622094

Sorry anon maybe tomorrow

>> No.6622099

What's the best makeup for white facepaint?

>> No.6622250
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>> No.6622252
File: 110 KB, 474x750, tumblr_mi3g2nCCiJ1qezfugo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened to their face

>> No.6622258
File: 667 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mi3aqw2JHJ1qcggf6o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so many dirks have sad, deflated hair

why do so many people take photos in their bathroom with the toilet visible

>> No.6622261
File: 158 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mi3958jYcF1r43mdfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jade, apparently

>> No.6622264

I am 99% sure this is not the case, but it almost looks like she's wearing those glasses that have pictures of eyes where the lenses should be.

More probably choices: she's wearing glasses that have a lot of magnification, or she's wearing circle lenses when her eye shape/size really isn't suited for them, or wearing circles of too large a diameter. The only reason tiny-eyed asians don't look TOO weird when wearing circles is that they know better to open their eyes wider to compensate for the expanded iris effect.

>> No.6622273
File: 481 KB, 1280x1715, tumblr_mi2gtbCQ1U1rv4bqeo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622275

Is it bad that I want to make a smuppet kigurumi now? Complete with the plushest rumps possible? Like, shove some pillows in that thang.

>> No.6622279
File: 530 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mi1mlmUQNu1r4jbcbo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622301


You should probably read this if you're going to the UK Promstuck this weekend. THANKS FOR LETTING US KNOW KRAIG

seriously, NO mention of this on the facebook page, I only found it because I was looking for his cosplays on his tumblr.

>> No.6622306

How much creative license do you think is appropriate when doing a humanstuck version of a character? For instance, if I was to do a humanstuck Exile, would a long wig be too much? or a dressier version of the rags/tape?

I've never done Homestuck cosplay before so I don't know what the norms are, I guess

>> No.6622310

In all fairness, it looks like they just found out recently about the closure? I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trying to arrange an alternate venue before making hasty calls.

>> No.6622316

I just think they should have let us know this was going on, so people realise there's a possibility it might be cancelled and don't book travel if they haven't already, etc. I really hope they can get another venue, but the possibility is there, and it would have been more professional to tell us.

>> No.6622344

I couldn't get past 30 seconds

>> No.6622411

if it looks off, well i'm redoing practically everything so we'll see how that goes

>> No.6622422

So many Meenahs have inacurrate pinks like they don't know how to mix fuchsia or something.

>> No.6622428


homestuck is a lot more lenient with AU versions than most fandoms. I'd say you can use a longer wig as long as you stick in the right color. don't make it too unrecognizable

>> No.6622431


instead of getting tooth black, since it's SOOOOO expensive, put waterproof eyeliner inside your mouth

one of these kids is going to get heavy metal poisoning one of these days

>> No.6622496


wait wasn't she just here a few threads ago telling us to LET THE PAST GO SHE'S NEVER GONNA DO IT AGAIN
that Disciple I mean, mira whatserface

>> No.6622498

Still here. Past mistakes. Oh well.

>> No.6622509
File: 107 KB, 500x749, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it, I actually feel bad for you. It's rare for a video to become a classic on cgl but when it happens we just can't let it go.

>I can't imagine how the Meulin and Kurloz would feel if they found out.

The only ones that honestly deserve all the shit are the bucket spitter people.

ok, I'm done being nice. Someone tell this ho and others like her to stop spamming the hs copsplay tag with shit like this. I mean seriously wtf

>> No.6622517

It happens, I don't particularly care, anymore. I've put it behind me and that's pretty much all that matters to me. Like I said, oh well.

>> No.6622535

Desperate timetables anon from last night. I managed to get my hands on the foam insulation board - it's an inch thick, can I cut it with an Xacto knife or should I buy a utility knife? And is a sanding sponge better than regular sandpaper sheets?

>> No.6622538

...What about this then?

>> No.6622552

whoops forgot to add that picture posted was me
sage for no contribution

>> No.6622553

her voice is a little grating but the worst part by far is all that backfat and floppy ass all around her that I'm forced to look at.

>> No.6622555

Oh god I looked

>> No.6622573

oh god no

>> No.6622682


Get a utility knife they're handy as shit regardless of cosplay

Sanding blocks are nice for making level planes but you're fine with sheets if cost is a factor

Remember anon you can't put spray paint or hot glue on foam or it melts.

Good luck on the katsucrunch!

>> No.6622698


I actually went to the paint store and matched the shade exactly for my Meenah cosplay because this was frustrating me so much. It's a little sad how excited I am that all my pinks match.

>> No.6622712

Yeah, make sure before you paint foam board, you lay down a couple of coats of gesso and sand in between. It'll provide a barrier between the foam and paint. I know you're in a time crunch, but try not to rush it. You can do it! Also, if you're somewhere that's cold, try to do your painting and sealing inside where the temp is above 70 degrees. I was making props outside all summer with no problem, then made some Aradia horns in the fall when the temp dropped and had some weird buckling issues with my spray on acrylic sealer.

That reminds me of something I've been meaning to ask. I use foam to make horns and then screw them on nails in a headband. I've been using hot glue to anchor the um ... anchors inside the actual horn and haven't had any problems with melting, but always wondered if there was a better glue to use.

Also, does anyone have a favorite sealer that will make larger props made of foam more durable? I'm not confident with resin or bondo. :(

>> No.6622801

Mod Podge makes a spray-can type that's pretty good if all else fails.

>> No.6622838

Jesus, are all of these monologue panels this boring? The whole things just comes off as a massive circle jerk.

>> No.6622939


Some of them were pretty good. Go find the one where it was normal (not dreamer) Nepeta in tears while watching Equius die through the vents.

>> No.6622998

It's not that bad. What was so wrong with it?

>> No.6623004
File: 15 KB, 560x398, 1337838192228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See a million homestucks at my last con
>My community is filled with Homestucks
>I constantly see homestucks walking downtown, at the mall and near other shopping centers
>An on-going page 1 Homestuck thread every single day on /cgl/
Kill me. I can't escape from this fucking fandom.

>> No.6623006



This one. This is the good one. It's got exponentially more views than all of the other monologues for a good reason.

>> No.6623008

Hide the thread, moron.

>> No.6623009

Idiots like you come into every single thread of ours and bitch about it. Just hide the threads and move the fuck on.

>> No.6623015
File: 80 KB, 350x335, 1360575834748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An insult from both responses. Awesome. That's why everyone else fucking hates your fandom.

>> No.6623023
File: 14 KB, 361x481, maillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then, why don't you stay a while and tell us more about your burning hate for Homestuck?

>> No.6623025
File: 162 KB, 427x640, 7713238954_a561f95b5b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6623031

god i love this nepeta. Not to mention she had a hole in her leg and was in a wheel chair really sick the whole convention. (spiderbite pretty sure) Even through all that she did an A+ job. (You can see her wheelchair in the back of the video actually.)

>> No.6623035

every time I see this picture it makes me wanna try roboAradia. Looks like complicated fun

>> No.6623040

more from this convention.
this was the ask panel
>Jade harley as rose in the background
>That monologue nepeta again

>> No.6623059


'Past mistakes'. Lol.

Honey, if you're still around here, I think you need to accept that acting is never going to be your thing.

>> No.6623118

Do you guys have anymore videos? Anything from Panels to CMV's is fine with me! I just need something to watch now!

(I prefer good things, so give me what you've got, as slim of a chance as that is)

>> No.6623130


>> No.6623134

and two more that damaramegido were also in

>> No.6623135
File: 182 KB, 730x1095, homestuck_trickster_roxy_02_by_obscuravista-d5dt3u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for Ms Crocker, I suggest making her shirt out of 100% cotton, look for the section of the fabric store that carries t shirt like fabric. For the skirt, look for Kona cotton, it'll come in many colors, and can be dyed easily in case it's not the color you want or there's not enough on the bolt. If you have trouble keeping the skirt shape even with a petticoat, put some horsehair braid in it. If you have trouble finding stockings, you can make them out of jersey material.
You can find a tutorial on how to make striped stockings on Angela's (doxiequeen1) wordpress blog, just look for her Mizore cosplay writeup.

For Roxy, you can make her shirt out of t shirt material like Jane, but since she doesn't have puffy sleeves, you could alternatively use jersey. For her pleated skirt, you can make it either out of polyester or Kona cotton, however while polyester would make the better pleated skirt, you can't dye it. So you would have to find that shade of retina burning green. The skirt and gloves can be made out of fleece. For the stockings if you can't find any online, use jersey.

For Dirk, most of his outfit can be bought, like the suspenders, bow tie, t shirt, and pants (however you'll need to paint black lines on it)
Like Roxy's, the gloves can be made out of fleece.

For Jake, his t shirt and bow tie can be bought. And the same deal for stockings I talked about earlier.

Now here's where Jake gets more tricky than it has to be. Jake's shorts can both be interpreted as lederhosen or shorts with suspenders. Due to the fact that lederhosen usually have fabric across the torso connect the two suspenders, I suspect it's not that. But if you want to go that way, lederhosen is traditionally made with wool, leather, suede, faux suede, or corduroy.

But if you go the shorts and suspenders method, buy a pair of suspenders online and make the shorts out of cotton or polyester.

Here, have a Trickster Roxy who's wig just absolutely amazes me.

>> No.6623166
File: 204 KB, 500x346, tumblr_inline_mhmny7Pbty1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat saturation holy shit my eyes

>> No.6623177

oh that's actually a cute concept

>> No.6623194

Her cosplays are nice but she's so bland. I don't see why you all hype her up so much and never have anything bad to say about her.

>> No.6623204

When I see her face I always expect her to be a lot skinnier than she is.

>> No.6623205

I wouldn't go so far as to say that she doesn't deserve the hype, because her costumes are almost always uniformly well made and she photographs very well. But I will say that sometimes she makes minor errors in design (see the collar of her handmaid's dress) and that acting in CMV's doesn't particularly suit her. That said, she's still one of the Homestuck cosplayers when it comes to difficulty level attempted and actual success secured.

>> No.6623206


We don't have anything bad to say because she takes critique really well. Last time that point was brought up she came and asked how she could improve. No need to hash it out all over again.

>> No.6623221


this, there's no need to bitch about someone who actually takes critique into consideration


>Jake's shorts can both be interpreted as lederhosen or shorts with suspenders
i don't understand where the lederhosen thing for jake comes from. i've seen people arguing about it over and over on tumblr though.

>> No.6623230
File: 439 KB, 1280x853, 1359343590040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSG, I saved this picture several threads back because of the Dualscar, and I think someone sourced him, but I didn't save the URL. :( Anyone have it? Or more pics of him?

>> No.6623237
File: 363 KB, 800x533, 1358839904165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are so dull lately. I really can't wait for Katsucon so we have new material to freshen things up.

What are you working on for Katsu, guys? All I've got on my plate is trickster Jane.

>> No.6623241

I don't quite understand it either, but like you said, people seem to argue about it.
Someone said it was tumblr user Flayer because they have the same gun, but I find that hard to believe as the build of that Dualscar and Flayer's Eridan look entirely different.

They must be really good at illusions and makeup if it's the same person.

>> No.6623248

First the Tulip paint and now this

I am sobbing

>> No.6623254

I was gonna post some pictures like i have the past two days but im looking and i cant really find anything remotely new. So yes cant wait till katsu, even if im not going we'll finally get a new wind.

>> No.6623258
File: 572 KB, 1280x1920, 1359682731503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please take pictures of the shitty fancy tier Kanaya in person

I have to know if she actually wears that piece of trash to katsu

>> No.6623267


It looks like some kind of bizarre J-rock stage costume.

>> No.6623273
File: 153 KB, 500x750, 1359320756443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her makeup probably supports that as well.

>> No.6623280

>Come into Homestuck thread
>Bitch about how much you hate Homestuck because it's so popular
What exactly were you expecting?

>> No.6623284

I can't get over her uneven lipstick

>> No.6623285


Part of me really wants to see this horror in a photoshoot done in a beautiful setting with an incredibly talented photographer. Just for the dichotomy and to see if it can at all be redeemed by a good setting and good photos.

>> No.6623292
File: 574 KB, 1280x1920, god tier kan wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have enough people patting her ass for this cosplay, the last thing we need is for her have a good photoshoot so people on tumblr can be like "omg this is perfect"

Also, I'm 90% sure these wings are paper.
She'll be wearing it on Saturday folks, so keep an eye out for her then. She also said she was doing a last minute gothstuck Kanaya on Friday, but nothing can compare to this disaster.

That's it folks, we've come so far with this nightmare already, all we need to do is get some pictures at the con, and then we can move onto the next trainwreck.

>> No.6623305

the lipstick tho

>> No.6623322

That really rustles my jimmies. All the asspats she's getting for making something so perfect. From what I saw, no one was offering criticism or advice or acknowledging that no, it's not perfect. So, she'll probably think it's okay to do costumes in that quality and throw another disaster and never learn. I'm not sure if some people are just afraid to speak up because how DARE someone say something bad about such a gorgeous piece of unique work and craftsmanship.

It doesn't look like it's held together very well so I wonder if parts and pieces of it will be falling off as she wears it around the convention.

Dat eye liner, those chewed down nails and uneven lips.

>> No.6623328

It's because her jawline/neck/face is pretty thin/defined for her size. I love her body though, personally. Ain't nothing wrong with some curves, she's pretty hot.

>> No.6623329
File: 490 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mhgd106VEx1qinpkvo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that her armpit hair or just organza?

Here, have a close-up.

>> No.6623339
File: 609 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mg7sz2kgep1qinpkvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god why.
And yes, I believe it is armpit hair.
I didn't quite notice this before, but is that fucking squeezy bottle fabric paint on her costume for the details?

Here's the original costume she made in a day, she later changed it so she made it in two months.

Funny how she says that when not much time had passed since she posted the first one.

>> No.6623341

There's like, this weird five o-clock shadow that I'm seeing here or maybe it's my screen. But there's a U shape of color difference on her face that looks weird.

>> No.6623343

So I guess in this respect, tumblr nurtures mediocrity

Whereas /cgl/ is like a hellish trial-by-fire and you either run away crying, emerge triumphant, or come out crying AND knowing how to properly finish your hems and seams.

>> No.6623344

not going to katsucon, but making a last minute feferi trident for anime milwaukee. unfortunately i have to use the 2 party city pitchforks attached to each other method, but it doesn't look too bad, and i'll make a new, better one for anime central.

>> No.6623369
File: 219 KB, 800x1195, homestuck__co8alt_thief_by_gv_c-d53zyuf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm doing ALL of the homestuck cosplays at Katsu. Got Vriska, pic related, then Porrim, John Crocker, and Pinup Vriska for the ball.

>> No.6623372

Any pics of porrim?

>> No.6623381
File: 100 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mh1mouy2FO1qduoh3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with paint, but here's my cosplay! My horns are kind of crooked in the picture but whatevs.

>> No.6623386


finishing up Disciple stuff. it's wearable, just a lot of little details I'd still like to add in. and hems.

>> No.6623407


>that unfinished edge

please, please, fix that. you've got a good shot at being one of the few decent porrims, don't let something easy ruin it

>> No.6623413

AH yeah no worries I fixed that. I also made the train a little longer because mine didn't drag on the floor.

>> No.6623428
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Which homestuck characters/outfits need more cosplay love? I really want to see some one at least attempt this, even if it ends up a horrible trainwreck.

>> No.6623430

My only homestuck is Condesce, but because of the distance I'm travelling via bus, I couldnt bring a trident without it breaking on the way. Considering bringing my Kankri as well.
My friend is going to the fantroll meetup... I'm wondering just how much of a disaster that will be.

>> No.6623434

jesus, a fantroll meet? who has the balls to organize one of those?

>> No.6623435

how would it even be possible to do that? i had a friend wanting to but she couldnt even think of an idea on how she could move with it on?

>> No.6623444

to this day I have no idea.

>> No.6623446

actually I think a lot of good cospayers/bnf types are going to the fantroll meet. It might be pretty cool.

>> No.6623447

I imagine similar to what fursuiters do of getting down on your hands and knees, except in metalic horse form

>> No.6623449

They're going to be cosplaying rumminovs fantrolls, aren't they

>> No.6623450
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Like how that one guy did Hecarim from LoL.

>> No.6623451

Two different groups are filming CMVs at katsucon (both posted in the katsustuck tag) so we have those to look forward to as well.

>> No.6623456


Which groups? Link?

>> No.6623454
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>cosplaying fantrolls

>> No.6623460

beats me. i assumed people would be cosplaying their own fantrolls.

>> No.6623461

just look at the katsustuck tag on tumblr you lazy fuck

>> No.6623467

AR, WQ, exile slick, exile BQ
any A1 god tier who is not meenah or aranea

>> No.6623471




>> No.6623472

>cosplayers still not replacing their body with a robot horse for cosplay

fucking casuals

>> No.6623473

>cosplayers not permadying their skin gray

>> No.6623476

shit, forgot the sprites (save for dave and jadesprite) and lusii. If I had more experience I'd try my hand at jaspersprite.

>> No.6623498

The day a homestuck finds out about Argyria and thinks getting it is a good idea is the day hussie kills himself for introducing a source of endless stupidity to the world

Argyria is caused by exposure to too much silver and turns your skin permanently gray

>> No.6623515
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Another manly cosplay brought to you by Elaroh

>> No.6623523

This is actually a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.6623526

it turns it dark grey though. not canon.

>> No.6623532

I don't think that'd work, since it's made obvious horsebody!Rufioh's head comes straight out of the horse. I would love to see a centaur Equius done that way, though.

>> No.6623556

fixing up my god tier roxy so it's canon-accurate. pretty glad the actual design showed up a couple days ago and not thursday.

>> No.6623563

Like that would stop them, I've seen enough with wrong colored body paint.

Never underestimate the limits of human stupidity

>> No.6623584


girls can cosplay boys boys can cosplay girls.
its 2013 jfc if you need to bitch about something bitch about the shitty horns or the ugly shirt

>> No.6623591

What contacts are you wearing there?

>> No.6623593

Anyone heard anything about either of these?

>> No.6623594

I think it's more stirring up the fakeboi angle.

>> No.6623596
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we're not doing this shit again
it derails into bullshit

>> No.6623674

Those are the most disgusting teeth I've ever seen, brush that shit good god.

>> No.6623693
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>> No.6623695
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I didn't see that before oh my god

>> No.6623696

rip it, but put some fray check on it so it won't fray

>> No.6623708


carefully remove the suit sleeve with a seam ripper. use it to eyeball pattern a new arm out of a matching cheap fabric. attach the new one and rip the shit out of it. frayblock. you can reassemble the suit later.

>> No.6623742

My main Homestuck project is fancy dreamer Rose (Rumminov's design). On that note- is it possible I could post my progress here for some concrit? I know that fancy dreamers/fancytiers/etc are not well-liked; will I only receive a chorus of 'why are you cosplaying an au you fat nasty trash' or can I hope for some actual constructive feedback?

>> No.6623757

50/50 chance. But I wanna see it so post it

>> No.6623764

Go for it, I want to see it!

>> No.6623765

well rumminov is cosplaying her own fantroll too I believe

>> No.6623783
File: 310 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mi4fa0xTfR1qgfew9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bolero not pictured because I'm still sewing it, and a friend is making the tiara. Basically, I have a list of known issues, but with Katsu only a few days away, I don't think I'll have the time+money to fix all of them. What are the worst parts, /cgl/ that I may try and target them?

>> No.6623785


would be happy to offer crit, I want to see somebody really do Rose well

>> No.6623790


Well, the lace on the sides looks incredibly cheap, and if not cheap, it just looks tacky. I doubt you'd have time to replace it, though.

Also, your wig is really chunky/choppy. :(

>> No.6623801


your bodice would really benefit from extra boning along the bust seams and probably the front. if you're a good seamstress and there''s a lining it'd be doable by katsu. your skirt is way off model but I'm assuming that's on purpose?

>> No.6623834
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Cowbuttcrunchies posted their signless

>> No.6623835
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>> No.6623846

christ what is that

>> No.6623848

Miranda is that you

>> No.6623853

looks amazing, of course

>> No.6623855
File: 113 KB, 563x800, tumblr_mi4z7g0vHu1r35os0o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually made the cloak out of more than 2 yds of cotton
>holy shit

>> No.6623856
File: 684 KB, 600x800, tumblr_mi1faoFmsy1r149j7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Adebimpe's going to Katsu, she's also recently done a fantroll cosplay.

>> No.6623859

Meenah, GT Rose for a CMV and Plush Suit Dave and Prince Gumball. Meenah's the only new one this time around

>> No.6623862


Something about it seems kind of plain? IDK. I'm not actually complaining because the Signless's design IS plain, but I guess with that cloak I had expected something super fancy over all.

>> No.6623869

she isnt going to katsu and that is not a fantroll

>> No.6623872

I may be able to replace it- I have enough extra of the inset fabric that I can make completely new insets with a different lace, and I'll be going to JFab tomorrow anyhow. It's just a matter of getting that all accomplished tomorrow night then, I guess.

The wig is terrible, I know. Wig-styling is my weak point; I'll work on it more.

There's a lining, yes, but I'm not sure exactly where the extra boning should go? I put a piece along every seam- do you think that two more pieces, evenly spaced between the two seams in the front, would do the trick?

As for the skirt being off model- it's intentional that I did not want it to be as form-fitting as the original design, but I think I may have overdone it a bit. At this point, I absolutely cannot remake the front and back panels in time for Katsu, but if I'm already remaking the insets then I may be able to bring it back closer to the shape of the original design, by making the smaller (they're 10in at their widest point currently; I think I may cut that in half) and exaggerating the curves further.

Thank you so much for your feedback, both of you- I don't know how much I can get changed before Katsucon (I've still the bolero to finish, as well as other costumes I'm working on) but I will certainly try to incorporate as much of your advice as I am able! Basically my nightmare is that I will end up like >>6623258 , completely unaware of how awful something I've made is.

>> No.6623873


Wait, how is it not a fantroll? I'm pretty sure it's a character from a fan adventure on the same site Guidestuck is hosted on.

>> No.6623874

The small details are enough for me. They'll look beautiful in close-up face shots but carry the spartan-ness of the Signless' life in far-away shots.

That draping is doing funny things in my pants. Hoooooooooly shit.
Does anyone know what that pin/brooch is?

>> No.6623878


I think the skirt is fine, provided you were going for off-model. it doesn't look like you fucked up making it tight or anything.

I would add second boning channels in the front, yes, sort of in a V shape as opposed to straight up and down, and also considering putting in second piece right along where there's already some in the seams. fabric store boning tends to be crap so you have to overcompensate.

good luck on the crunch, anon, I feel you.

>> No.6623880


it... it looks like a silver mockingjay pin even though there's no way that's what it is.

>> No.6623887

autosaging guys

>> No.6623888
File: 840 KB, 1275x1920, tumblr_mi501cr8UN1qbjtjgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the photography just turned her makeup bluer because it's not as blue in other photos.

That was my initial reaction, too.

>> No.6623893
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>> No.6623897

I think its the cancer sign?

>> No.6623943
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>> No.6623957
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>> No.6623959

De-anoning real quick to say that it's actually just a random little faux cloak pin that I found at an antique store. The wool keeps wanting to slide off my shoulder, so that and the back pin are there to help keep it in place. I did want to try to paint the little stones yellow/olive/jade but it really doesn't show up in pics at all unfortunately.

What sort of boning are you using? If it's featherlight, you can try swapping the ones in the seams for something a little heavier. I've had good luck with the 1/2 inch heavy-duty zipties from Home Depot - they're not as good as steel but they're way better than the fabric store stuff.

>> No.6623960
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>> No.6623966

it is; she explains it in this post http://damaramegido.tumblr.com/pos42639088923/y-need-naught-else-torevayl-than-my-desyre-to

>> No.6623969

you did a fabulous job on it m8

>> No.6623970
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>> No.6623976
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>> No.6623988
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>> No.6623990
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All of the purple on this is kinda making me cringe. I think it's the seams/hems.

>> No.6624002
File: 47 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mi51mkfk5t1qi92p8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An actual dirk wig I like, jesus

>> No.6624004
File: 364 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_mi40euxUUA1rf263co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624021

can we get a new thread going please?

>> No.6624022


I love the drape of the cloak, and how it has real weight to it.

>> No.6624025

Thank you very much! One little question, what material should Jane's puffed sleeves be made out of?

>> No.6624030

It is possible for t shirts to have poofy sleeves, however it can be tricky depending on your fabric. If you're sleeves are giving you trouble, try putting batting along side it.

>> No.6624032

oh that is a damn fine wig. source?

>> No.6624035


Yo, unrelated, but thanks for setting up Barstuck. It'll be really nice to hang out with some 21+ fans for a change--I'm looking forward to it more than any other HS event all weekend.

>> No.6624037
File: 1.99 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to decide what skirt color works best for jane. i had a black skirt lying around, but do blues generally look better?

>> No.6624040

black looks fine to me

>> No.6624043

It doesn't look bad, but it's not canon at all. I'd go with a blue that matches her shirt or the canon white. (honestly, I prefer canon white, there's just something about the all-white look that appeals to me. but blue is perfectly fine too, as long as it matches.)

>> No.6624046


I only just now found them from the katsustuck tag

>> No.6624051

New thread, please.

>> No.6624053

Oh, good idea! Alrighty, thank you very much :)

>> No.6624057

new thread