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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 6 KB, 144x66, coscom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6620469 No.6620469 [Reply] [Original]

Last one reached the post limit. >>6578970

>> No.6620482
File: 107 KB, 916x333, wigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sucks Arda's dick like he's being paid but he's only ever used two of their wigs and he didn't even want them.

>> No.6620486

I wonder how many other coscom kids think they're trans simply because they crossplay

>> No.6620490

Browse the LGBTQ cosplayer thread and you'll probably see one on every page. A lot of them probably mean it and they're transitioning but you know there are a few idiots who can't grasp the concept that you can be a feminine boy or a masculine girl without actually wanting to be the opposite sex.

>> No.6620506
File: 38 KB, 500x326, 1353812411020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to his dA questionnaire he's 5'5".

Oh my God, he's a manlet.

>> No.6620530

Such as Jason. Like that one Anon on the last thread pointed out, he's more of a drag queen than anything else.

>> No.6620531

He kinda reminds me of the Penguin.

>> No.6620535

Yeah, I don't really see Jason ever getting the surgeries. Maybe getting the hormones whenever he stops buying junk he doesn't need to afford them.

>> No.6620828

I'm kinda convinced it's a ruse. I doubt he'd even bother with hormones. It's easier, cheaper, and gets him attention to just act like a bitchy princess.

>> No.6620960

KKroxas returned as LindaChan, was outed & promptly banned.

>> No.6620968

That's a pretty quick turnaround.

>> No.6622424

I wish the mods would step in and just monitor the marketplace. The front section is filled with selling ads, the used costumes/wigs/props sections are filled with buying ads, it's just a mess. No wonder users like JasonTerror are being forced to mod for themselves.

>> No.6622426

Also Jason changed his Jeimi tumblr from forever-v to... cute-loli-girl
Jason... I don't think that means what you think that means.

>> No.6622516

lolwat. He's too ugly to be cute, too old to even be a loli, and sure as fuck isn't a girl. Is he a pedo all of a sudden?

>> No.6622619

Do you guys like any coscom people either past or currently on site? Seems like only lolcows get mentioned in these threads. But they can't all be bad.

>> No.6622643

Coscom members that aren't seagulls?

>> No.6622729

No, not all posters are bad. I don't go on regularly enough to notice good posters though since the worst once stand out more.

>> No.6622731


>> No.6622784

Any person that is liked - that specific anon poster gets accused of being said person...

>> No.6623167

Oh, I guess I can see that. I just kinda wondered if there were any people that were actually helpful/not full retard.

>> No.6623548

There are but it's like what >>6622784 said. But to name one, Kukkii-san was immensely helpful until she left. Seems she got tired of the stupidity of the wig forums.

>> No.6623949
File: 280 KB, 900x1200, i_put_my_soul_on_the_line_by_kurotaka9-d4hotvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda new to coscom, but I recently bought a long black wig and from the pictures the buyer gave me, it looked fine. I guess I should have known better if the wig was only 24 dollars.

But I got scared that she took the money and ran because after I asked her if the payment went through and she confirmed, played PM tag with me for the next few days sending one PM at a time getting my name my address and my number. After getting all my info she disappeared and it took 2 weeks to get my wig. She is from Cali, I'm from Texas. I used to send handwritten letters to my bf in Cali. It does NOT take 2 weeks...

Maybe I'm just butthurt but I think that it was terrible customer service

>> No.6623962

terrible service. You can get 2-3 days shipping service on the cheap cheap and fast with USPS.
She was just lazy with getting her ass to the post office.

>> No.6623998

The wig I got is tangled beyond belief, but I don't think I'm making it any better by brushing it with a regular brush. Gotta get a wig brush from my local Sally's.

>> No.6624000

That is unacceptable. It should never take that long for someone to get their ass to the post office.

>> No.6624008


Kukkii-san was pretty much the only one that gave good wig advice. I'm surprised she stayed as long as she did.

>> No.6624705

I am too. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't become a good wig stylist. Thank goodness for her tutorials and advice.

>> No.6624779

Instead of using a brush, try gently combing it, starting at the bottom. If it's heat resistant, use a straightener to get the frizz out. That's what I always do, and it always turns out fabulously.

>> No.6624989
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, 778686_10151226085111510_1608708318_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can also mix lotion and water in a spray bottle to go from this

>> No.6624991
File: 193 KB, 1536x2048, 325709_10151226085326510_628026111_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this

>> No.6625004

I wish it was this easy to have hair like this IRL

>> No.6625047

if you have dry hair, making a water/conditioner spray and spritzing your hair with it when it gets frizzy is actually pretty effective

>> No.6625054

Happened to me too. I was about to open a case because the she never told me she was not sending it right away and took 2 weeks to mail it after I paid. She also did not answer my message for a few days when I asked if she had mailed it once the first week passed. It arrived and the fibers were not the condition they looked in pics. I resold it for what I paid, because fuck that shit. I was also told it was a full skin top when it was a fucking circle skin top. I was really mad...and probably too nice considering how off the stupid thing was once t arrived.

>> No.6625324

Fuck. I'd be pissed off too.

>> No.6625332

>black friday/cyber monday sale
>foolishly purchase a coscom wig
>it is shit
>barely thick enough to cover my hair
>go to Marketplace forum to sell the wig
>i really just wanna get rid of this thing
>get a PM
>thank fucking god
>person asks how much I'm asking for it
>ask $21 for a wig that is priced $30 in the coscom store because it seems reasonable enough, I don't really give a shit
>person asks what's the lowest I would be willing to give it up for
>uh, okay.
>i tell them $15 because that is precisely the monetary equivalent of how many fucks I give about this wig
>get a PM back
>"I'm gonna have to think about it. I don't wanna waste my money lol"
>all i ask is $15

It's not like the wig is ULTRA SHIT, it's just too thin for someone with a ton of thick hair like myself. Plus if it wasn't to your standards $15 + $10 per 60cm weft = a potentially decent wig. I just want to get rid of it.

>> No.6625335

...was the person interested in your wig 13 or something? because wow... about a cheap ass.

>> No.6625393

Had something similar happen
>selling wig for 15 shipping included
>get pm asking to lower the price

>> No.6625399
File: 131 KB, 908x563, hahahhahHAHAHh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coscom at it's finest

>> No.6625402


>> No.6626154

OK I'd have to say there are some people posting in that thread I didn't expect, LMAO oh wow. I had been avoiding it but now can see the lulz.

>> No.6626167

I do have to relate though. I've been cosplaying a while and don't really put a lot of priority on how great the wig looks as long as it's the right color and I can work it.

(I get decent wigs from chinabay all the time for under 18)

>> No.6626181


I can usually get the wig I want for cheapsies too if I look hard enough.
I usually pay 15-13$ for long wigs, 10$ for short ones~

>> No.6626197

To be fair, the amount of money that the seller spent on the wig shouldn't matter to the buyer at all. Since you said the wig isn't thick and it is "shit," why would someone with the right mind want to pay more than $15 for it?

>> No.6626915

This is one of the reasons I'm apprehensive about buying wigs on coscom.

>> No.6626988

Ask every question you can? Definitely as for photos of the wig with it turned upside down with the net facing up.

>> No.6627379
File: 33 KB, 388x461, crapwand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The result was better than expected and looked great

Coscom user quality at its finest. Not all users have shit work but god damn this is horrible

>> No.6627484


>> No.6627497

Yes, it is.

>> No.6627607
File: 154 KB, 245x163, 1358678948414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the world have to be so cruel?

>> No.6627681
File: 82 KB, 480x368, 1305527670494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Seeking (gender / type of relationship): Deffinitly a male, who is sexy and has
long-ish brown or blond hair (Hair does not matter as long as they love cosplaying
and don't mind wearing wigs! Please don't be bold. >w<) must be white or asian or
any mixture just as long your not a black boy.(Not trying to be racist just not into
dating black men for virus reasons) Well thats about it.

>> No.6627693

Why are girls not allowed to not find black men attractive?

>> No.6627697

>virus reasons

Best misspelling

>> No.6627699

THAT'S what you got out of that? Seriously?

>> No.6627703
File: 21 KB, 380x247, 1258395370331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Not trying to be racist just not into
>dating black men for virus reasons)

Because that's her excuse.

I don't find most black guys attractive either, but not because of "virus reasons".

>> No.6627742

Because "virus reasons"

I'm generally not attracted to black males either but that is hilarious.


>> No.6627771

Come on, black men have something like 20 times the rate of AIDS of white and asian men.

>> No.6628026

>virus reasons

Hate to tell her but I went to a mostly white high school and according to the nurse's records, over 60% had HIV. Girl, just say you don't find black men attractive so you don't look dumb.

>> No.6628052

nah bro, white men and chicks are the ones getting HIV a lot these days.

>> No.6628120

Oh, shit, you think it was supposed to be various?
Oh, girl.

>> No.6628128

That is hilarious.

>> No.6629602

I miss the Sunshine Brigade and the entertainment they provided.

>> No.6629651
File: 191 KB, 1600x1200, 208ieit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Someone actually commissions these. $25 each.

Makes me wonder who in their right mind would spend money on this? Not to mention you can buy official ones for cheaper.

>> No.6629659

What exactly is this supposed to be?

>> No.6629668

Looks like those shinigami captain/lieutenant badges from Bleach.

Looks pretty shitty too.

>> No.6629669
File: 135 KB, 774x1032, vice_captain_kuchiki_by_pikeishd45ni0g.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The badges or whatever that the vice captains wear in Bleach.

>> No.6629672

It's supposed to be the arm-band for an Izuru cosplayer (from Bleach), if I'm not mistaken. The brown part is actually supposed to be wood with the symbols cut and painted.

Jesus, it looks really pathetic.

>> No.6629679

Is that brown thing.... tucked on the white fabric?
O'h god, please let it be safety pins.

>> No.6630306

Everything about this is so terrible. The stitches are so huge, the cut edges are ragged and fraying, the inner part of the star thing is printed on paper which hasn't been cut neatly, and the part in the middle looks like it has a glue stain or something.

There's babby's first cosplay, and then there's this, which looks like it may have been put together by an actual legit baby.

>> No.6630849


>> No.6632202


Such an odd troll.

>> No.6632320

My first instinct is troll but it says they've been a member since 2010.. but they have a low post count... so many conflicting feelings.

>> No.6632356


Suddenly everything makes sense.

>> No.6632365

I thought all that was common sense? As long as they've got red revenue and the wig shop sales from newbie cosplayers, they could care less about the actual website.

>> No.6632372

Based on their customer service, I'd say they couldn't care less about the wig shop sales either. Admin probably considers the shop and the site itself kind of a nuisance. Hosting's cheap and the mods are all volunteers, so whatever's coming in from the ads is effortless cash for him.

>> No.6632376

Ad not red. Cannot /cgl/ at 1am.

Probably. They still have to pay for the wigs though so it looks like they've gotten to the point where as long as people keep buying, they don't care about shipping or quality control because it still sells to noobies who don't know better.

>> No.6632463
File: 159 KB, 736x1306, 3351159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, does he never clean his fucking room?

>> No.6632475

Count the empty bottles. Then count the waifus.

>> No.6632576

That urge to clean my already tidy workroom is rising...

How can people stand to have so much garbage laying around like this?! Throw it fucking away!!

>> No.6632579

Or at the very least, don't take fucking pictures of the garbage.

>> No.6632583

eeH. That makes me want to clean my room all of a sudden.

>> No.6632850

Future hoarder right there.

>> No.6632852
File: 29 KB, 294x580, 3351232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made another one. This time, she didn't have blue paint for the handle, so she just wrapped a blue ribbon around it.

>> No.6632859

It's like a grade school art class project but as long as she's not selling them it's not a big deal.

>> No.6632917

I actually like the ribbon instead of the paint. The sheen is nice. If she could wrap it evenly, it might look good. Still kind of blown away by the paper top though. I just… don't get it.

>> No.6633336


>> No.6633363

Except that everyone willingly pays through the nose for their wigs normally, so actually finding one for a discounted rate IS a good deal considering what idiots normally pay.

>> No.6633881
File: 105 KB, 720x480, 1311589347963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet sixteen
>alice in wonderland themed
>lolita dress
>dress looks nothing like Alice in Wonderland

>> No.6633990
File: 46 KB, 640x480, gluejewelry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was going through Featherweight's photobucket because his pics with cardboard katanas make me laugh my ass off, and I came across this.

I-is this hot glue jewelry? I know he pretty much only uses hot glue and cardboard...

>> No.6633999

Those could look worse, considering. They are utter shit, but for something made from glue, they look okay. Like, if I saw someone wearing that I would think "Wow, you're an adorable idoit."

>> No.6634004

All I can think about is that crown getting tacky from the wearer's body heat or summer's heat and sticking to their hair (because let's be real, someone with hot glue jewelry won't have a wig).

>> No.6634009

>pics with cardboard katanas make me laugh my ass off

Wtf? Featherweight is like a cardboard god. His swords, shields, guns, armors, fuck even his statues and busts are amazing.

>> No.6634012

Should have been more specific, it's his poses with them that make me laugh. He's got that perfect stereotypical "weeb with a katana" thing going on.

>> No.6634185
File: 24 KB, 534x225, oh god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on jason's tumblr

>yoko littner
>obvious troll question
>"I want to though"

>> No.6634298

Link to tumblr?

>> No.6634340


>> No.6634348
File: 13 KB, 566x240, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6634349


>> No.6634355

...the fuck? Then again, it's not hard to believe he doesn't know what it is considering his low ass IQ.

>> No.6634610
File: 280 KB, 339x570, Screen shot 2013-02-17 at 11.50.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this doesn't haunt your dreams tonight!

>> No.6634636

4chan - Where we assume foreign terms for pedophilia are common knowledge.

>> No.6634643

That fucking room will.

Clean your room. CLEAN. YOUR. ROOM.

>> No.6634642

If he's in the anime fandom, he should fucking know what lolicon is. It's not some obscure term.

>> No.6634647
File: 61 KB, 710x637, bigmeatyclaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he got /fit/ and didnt act like a fucking idiot he wouldnt even be that bad.

>> No.6634690

There are terms all anime fans know.

>> No.6634694

somebody told him to and he flipped

>> No.6634701


>> No.6634696


>> No.6634707

LOL WOW that is hilarious. Imagine how badly he would flip if someone offered constructive criticism on one of his cosplays.

>> No.6634708
File: 16 KB, 514x273, 62839570235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6634719

I'm not wading through his entire tumblr for one ask

(thank you)
all that mad

>> No.6634716

Christ that is pig disgusting.

>> No.6634750

Holy crap. That has to be the most insane and irrational reaction I have ever seen to someone suggesting they clean their room.
I can see him yelling that same thing to his mom when she asks him to clean up. I am of course assuming he still lives with his mom, because, well look at him.

>> No.6634768

>kill yourself
>after being told to clean his room

Holy shit, is he serious? It's like they insulted his whole family or something.

>> No.6634781

Dude still lives with his parents and according to his dating profile, dropped out of high school. It's no wonder he acts like he's 13.

>> No.6634795

Seriously? I knew he was full of shit. He does the "Teehee I'm MtF, dolls! Kawaii desu!" until someone says something he doesn't like then he reverts back to his "Go kill yourself retard fag!" self.

>> No.6634860

Looks like he went off to sulk.

>> No.6634886
File: 9 KB, 520x272, rusrz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a 25 year old man throw such a stupid tantrum about people suggesting he clean his room. He'll never be able to survive on his own in the real world if something like that is enough to make him go psycho.

>making them immature, think before you type to me

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black

>> No.6634890


>> No.6634893

And I don't get how he thinks that they were telling him how he should live his life "the way they want him to" just because they made a simple cleaning suggestion...? There's something seriously wrong with him. That is not how a sane person thinks or comes to a conclusion.

>> No.6634904

>think before you type

>> No.6634905

>"I frequent many cosplay sites and everyone berates you for the messiness of your room"

Jason's a dumbass and all, but how are you shocked by his reaction when this was included? "EVERYONE MAKES FUN OF YOU LOL" isn't an innocent suggestion.

>> No.6634909
File: 66 KB, 914x373, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6634919

I'm sure she'll bring all the boys/girls to the yard

>> No.6634918


Not innocent, but more or less true.

I think the same of any duckfacing young girl taking glamour shots in her smeared mirror and "vintage bohemian living space." Background noise.

>> No.6634936

I told Jason that someone was posting screencaps of what he said on Coscom and he suddenly popped up on the Online Users list.

>> No.6634940

So we should expect one of his extremely stupid white knighting self posts soon?

>> No.6634946

More than likely. Not other anon but I actually did post the screencap and someone deleted it so instead I left a few comments in related topics mentioning what he had said in the hope that someone would take the bait and ask about it.

>> No.6635000

Wait a second. You're all raggin on at Jason over the tiniest things and yet become surprised when he told one of you to go kill yourself? Also, you all really should stop being such pussies and coning out of anon when stating "innocent suggestions" on his tumblr, coscom, etc.

You really aren't doing yourselves any favours. Not necessarily whiteknighting. But get a grip.

>> No.6635011

Hi Jason.
Seriously, clean your fucking room you slob.

>> No.6635291

oh my god
I live right around that area too.

>> No.6635526

Every single picture he takes has piles of trash in it. Even if he wasn't an asshole and he was actually a cosplayer we liked, it would still be a matter of time until someone suggested they clean before taking photos. No one wants to see days worth of trash when you're trying to show off a new costume/wig. It's distracting and it makes you look like a slob and people remember the trash more than what you're trying to show them.

The anon wasn't even all that rude and nothing they said was a lie because we do discuss his messiness on other cosplay sites. Jason overreacted, waaaaaay overreacted. He was just fine answering anon asks until someone said something that wasn't there to kiss his ass.

>> No.6635552
File: 84 KB, 891x309, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why people like Jason and Lady-ProudWhore get away with so much shit on Coscom.

>> No.6635742

No, the tiniest things would be if his floor wasn't vacuumed or her had a smudge on his mirror. Having piles of trash and goodwill bags on the floor when you take a picture is just asking for shit. I have a messy room, but if I'm Skyping for work or need to take a picture I either clean up the room or move the junk out of camera sight. Online you are who you present yourself as, and he presents himself as a slob, so he got called on it. Then he immediately jumped to "Go kill yourself", a reactionary and downright laughable response. If someone had said "Yo, you ugly tranny! No one wants to see your fat ass and fat legs in a skirt, so act like a man or I'll fucking kick your ass!" Then such a reaction would have been justified, but being told your room's a mess and people notice? Yeah, that's what we call a harsh reality.

>> No.6635744

"Don't rock the boat" seems to be an enforced mantra on Coscom.

>> No.6635853

Sadly. It just encourages people to throw their weight around because no one will come out and say anything against it. Case in point: JasonTerror.

I ended up getting the "This message will be posted after Mod approval" when I tried to post the link to his tumblr when people asked about it. Oh well. At least it's out there and I posted it in well seen topics so the rumor mill will get started.

>> No.6636198

This girl actually annoys me so much on the Canadian forums (why I don't visit them anymore). She posts pretty much everyday in the forums about her cosplay progress like she's the most complex cosplayer in Canada or something while her cosplays are 6/10 at most.

>> No.6636388

I'm glad someone else feels that way. Her posts are pretty annoying. We don't need to know every detail about your cosplay

>> No.6637375
File: 20 KB, 552x325, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay if the room is filled with trash because I can still get to the bed to sleep so who cares

>> No.6637384

>I'm gone most of the time

Does this mean there's time for shit to grow in all those pepsi bottles?

>> No.6637398

Probably because it doesn't sound like his mother cleans up when he's not there.

>> No.6637401

Sorry, father. I got confused by his post.

>> No.6637421

Please tell me he does commissions/sells shit
I'd love to see his reaction to someone saying they decided not to buy from him because of his room

>> No.6637423

Ugh. I'll be the first to admit I'm not the tidiest person around, but I just have clutter because I'm a packrat. I don't leave shit that can become a biohazard lying around and I don't understand how others can.

>> No.6637493

He does. He has commissions and sells costumes. Hell, I think he's even used some of those photos to sell stuff.

>> No.6637519

do it anon
do it for science

>> No.6637557


Saying "go kill yourself" is a harsh reality. It's not meant to be taken literally. It doesn't matter what the tone of the anonymous asker was like - it was still someone from this thread.
And being massive dicks isn't helping. There's no need for asspats either - you're no better than him not cleaning his room my indulging your lives into discussing about trash.

>> No.6637562

Shut up and clean your room, Jason.

>> No.6637570

No. "Go kill yourself" is an insane overreaction to suggesting you clean your room. "Fuck off" would be a bit harsh, but less insane. So, please, fuck off.

>> No.6637585

>it was still someone from this thread
And yet no one has owned up to it.. which is pretty odd since that's what we enjoy doing.

>> No.6637679

And you being dicks isn't harsh. And no, I'm not Jason. You guys suck a assumptions.

You guys really need toget the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.6637684

There was one comment. ONE. He flew off the handle from one suggestion that he at least clean the area in front of the mirror before taking a picture. He takes so many that all you see is days worth of trash behind him, around him, and at his feet.

>> No.6637750
File: 5 KB, 148x150, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm laughing 'cause I started this

>> No.6637937

I'm not talking about that one comment - I'm talking about this whole vendetta thread.

>> No.6638044

Wahhh, someone is talking about a disgusting human being! Call the police!
Jason needs to be taken down a peg, this shit is gold.
PT, Ashley, and Jason are the cgl holy trinity

>> No.6638090

Saying a filthy room needs to be cleaned isn't harsh. He's got fucking food sitting around in there, that's unsanitary, especially if he's trying to sell shit that's lying around in that trash.

>> No.6638157
File: 22 KB, 459x301, will smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saying "go kill yourself" is a harsh reality.
This really isn't a situation where you can just say "No U", dude.

>> No.6638168

heh. Not that Jason isn't on the level of PT, Ashley and NCN, but we haven't given him that kind of treatment yet. NCN, PT and Ashley could handle the less aggressive comments towards the beginning, this guy is fucking time bomb. One comment and he jumps to 'Kill yourself, retard." It's somewhat less fun than the whining, excuses and wapanese anger of lolcows.

>> No.6638176

>vendetta thread
Well excuse all of us for thinking Jason is a disgusting human being from his horrible personality to nasty ass room. The dude is a fucking lolcow at this point.

>> No.6638186

I don't see how a whole thread can be about one coscom member under the guise its about the whole website.
But there can't be pt, ashley, ncn, and other dramu threads.

>> No.6638199

Well, our mod doesn't really look past the first post. Try starting a shit from dA or Tumblr cosplayers thread.

>> No.6638224

The whole deal about coscom is making it a polite enviornment for new commers. We all know that. The user should know that. Their post probably would have been deleted though upon request.
Why do we still act surprised about things like this?

>> No.6638294

You guys are disgusting human beings in other ways.

>> No.6638297

But we anonymously post it and clean up our act when it's attached to us. So, only some people know this side of us. Everyone knows Jason is disgusting. And that's why you're forever alone, Jason.

>> No.6638299

Feel free to make a thread about us on coscom.

>> No.6638301

God, I fucking hate this annoying bitch. Her posts are the most over the top for such mundane daily things. Another reason I avoid Coscom except to sell things is because of the whole 'play nice' mantra even when the users are being complete dicks like the ones already mentioned in this thread.

>> No.6638317

I'll give you that, Jason is bumped down to lesser saint.

>> No.6638455

>vendetta thread
Because this entire thread is clearly about JasonTerror. We haven't talked about anyone else but him which means Jason is a girl in a Canada and a Card Captor prop maker and a chick who doesn't want black guys.

>> No.6638464
File: 156 KB, 930x609, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap look who's posting again!

>> No.6638473
File: 73 KB, 910x445, baw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean someone who makes their costume themselves should get more respect than me when all I did was hit the 'Buy Now' button online?!

>> No.6638474

wtf am I reading

>> No.6638505

Surprised she didn't manage to shoehorn something in about some type of building.

What the actual fuck. You didn't make your costume. All you did was spend (probably mommy's or daddy's) money, and wait for your costume to show up. Maybe went to some fittings/gave measurements. Of course you're not going to get the same amount of respect in regards to your costume.

>> No.6638525

Lolwat What an idiot. It shouldn't be a fucking surprise to them that people will be more impressed if someone made their own costume rather than someone who bought it. It's just the way things are in a crafty hobby like this.

>> No.6638552

she makes it sound like it's fucking physically impossible for her to even learn. people like this are pitiful

>> No.6638560


omg check your craft privilege.

>> No.6638600
File: 258 KB, 950x852, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are actually agreeing with this shit?

>> No.6638607

The sunshine is blinding here...

>> No.6638614

>It's disrespectful to say that the one who puts more effort into it deserves more respect

>> No.6638644

This is honestly most of the reason why I left coscom.
>well they have pretty simple hair, just cut bangs into this wig

>they're too obscure, you have to commission it or make it

I used to give step-by-step instructions (sometimes with quick sketches to show garment construction, too) whenever someone asked for help and I knew how to do what they wanted. Not anymore, fucking tired of people ignoring good advice and just wanting their laziness validated.

>> No.6638692
File: 105 KB, 922x333, bless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless this person right here. Too bad they probably won't be able to talk sense into Tak-kun.

>> No.6638747

That's too much common sense for the average Coscom user to understand.

>> No.6638753

What the hell? Do I deserve the same respect as Calvin Klein, since I own some of his brand? Hell to the no. Putting on an outfit is easy. 95% of the human population does it every day. But to design and sew an outfit requires one to learn a skill, which earns respect.

>> No.6638763
File: 99 KB, 921x300, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder how many people will ignore his entire comment and focus solely on "It's mostly the women!"

>> No.6638783

..Funny you should mention Calvin Klein as an example, since he's really not so much a
"designer" as an extremely good tailor of things that other people invented before him.

Just saying.

>> No.6638793

Makes it a better example, cosplayers do the same

>> No.6638817

Fair enough

>> No.6638874

>There's too much trash-talking in cosplay...so I'm going to trash-talk the trash talkers.

Dat logic.

And no shit it's "mostly the women", online cosplay communites ARE mostly women.

>> No.6638975
File: 80 KB, 707x367, what in the actual fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so bad for this user. I wanted to message her and say she should have filed a claim over that wig or something...I've seen some ridiculous wig prices and commission prices for shit tier wigs, but oh dear god this takes the cake. More than $120 for a $20 wig that is so horrible? Maybe they made her pay up front? At least I hope no one in their right mind would pay for such garbage after the fact. I'd refuse. Unless this person was charging like $50 a minute there is just no way they could wind up with such an astronomical price. It's unjustifiable.

>> No.6638987

So much is wrong with this.

>paid a lot more than $120
>can't style wigs so I can't fix it
>only styling is four pigtails

>> No.6638988

Oh.My.Fucking.GOD. I feel bad for that person. That's so much money for such a horribly styled piece of shit. I wonder who in the hell they hired to style that crap!?

>> No.6639690
File: 85 KB, 930x566, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And everyone saw this coming.

>> No.6639723

>I'm sorry that when my genes were assigned (which I have no control over) I wasn't given any artistic or crafty genes

What in the actual fuck? I'm the only artist in my family and there sure as hell aren't any "artistic genes" in my DNA. She acts as if she's fucking handicapped with an actual disability. Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.6639741

I hate the idea that being able to make things is a talent that you have to be born with. Has she never heard of a sweat shop? Making clothes is not that hard, it just takes practice and effort to do it right. Lazy-ass people like her will always find excuses.

>> No.6639757

Yea, she's just looking for an excuse and pity. "Woe is me, I don't make costumes and I can't WAH WAH WAH".

I make my own costumes and totally understand not having time or money to do so given certain circumstances. I typically run right up to my con deadlines with my costumes because I teach full time. It happens.

But to say you simply "can't" because of genetics or some shit is just hilarious. Some of my friends were of the "I can't" persuasion and they've slowly started making their own costumes, maybe just 1 simple thing per con. It started out with bought items assembled into a costume, then progressed to modifying them, and now they make nearly all pieces of their costumes. They're not "ZOMG FUCKING AMZING PRO" level but they are building their skills and are so proud of their work while I'm so proud of them that they gave it a try and realized they had more talent than they thought.

I guess it boils down to the "I can't" people who don't even give it a chance. I run into this with my students and to see it happen in a hobby just irritates me to no end. If you are more comfortable buying shit at first, fine, do so! But don't say you "can't" because of genetics etc. simply because you don't want to even try.

>> No.6639762
File: 8 KB, 230x219, imad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. As someone who is actually disabled (and didn't have magical 'artistic genes' that made me instantly amazing at sewing) who still manages to make her own costumes, I have one thing to say: Fuck off, you whiny little douche.

>> No.6639780
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>> No.6640297

Read this to my (non-cosplaying) boyfriend and he got really pissed about it. "What, does she like world peace and therefore should be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize too? What the fuck, what a lost cause."

>> No.6640306
File: 16 KB, 400x225, 1308353119232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because every cosplayer that makes their costumes has all the time in the world and is born with magical costume-making skills. I don't think I know many cosplayers that don't have full-time jobs (or part-time with school) that they have to shuffle their cosplay around.

Ugh, now I'm stupidly angry.

>> No.6640390

would someone please link this thread to me? I can't find it, possibly because I am dumb.

>> No.6640395

oop. andd right as I post that I find the thread.

>> No.6640400



>> No.6640404
File: 16 KB, 96x96, avatar329596_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't link it but you can look up tak-kun and find it in their posts about Cosplay Pet Peeves

>> No.6640944

I think the problem lies in the fact that people like that can't distinguish between respect of all humans on a certain level and respect for craftsmanship. When you buy things from a store, assemble them from closet items, or commission someone, you're not going to get the respect due when you make shit on your own. This is sort of an understanding/agreement when you lay your money down like that.

When you build your own props, make your own costumes, etc. you typically get that respect for crafting your own things. That's not to say people who don't make their own stuff don't have to try and style a wig (if they don't get a prestyled one) or add accessories but putting EVERYTHING together isn't the same as buying most everything and adding a few touches of your own/not at all. I kinda feel like this is a very N.American issue too. In Asia and Europe, they don't seem to give a shit whether you buy or make things and people seem more judged on how well they portray their character/how good the costume looks.

I would certainly hope all people are treated with the same sense of respect and dignity due to all humans. As a personal aside, wtf, I don't expect anyone to gush over my HP ensemble because it's stuff I bought and whoopty doo, I styled a wig. Sometimes they do get a little giddy because I have some official stuff, but it's not the same as when I make my own costumes, style my own wigs, and build my own props. And it also has to do with the *what* you're cosplaying too. I didn't expect anyone to care about my Jack Frost costume, but a lot of people complimented me on how I painted the pants and hoodie and liked how I made the staff.

>> No.6640972

How the fuck do you even interpret 'respect for making a costume' as 'I have no respect for the dignity of any human being that doesn't make their costumes'?
Also I call complete bullshit (or at least heavy exaggeration) on her anecdotes.
$10 says someone asked how she made something and there was an awkward moment of silence when she said she bought it.

>> No.6640981

Probably what happened. She sounds super young and when you're that young, everything is very black and white. Like in cosplay people either love your work and put you on a pedestal or you're a hater and you don't respect that person as a human being or give them credit for even cosplaying because blah blah blah. Oh the travesty.

Goddamn, I hate it when people treat cosplay like some massive cross to bear. No, shut the fuck up. It's a hobby you willingly picked up and can leave at any time. If you want more praise and attention, then either assemble a team like they do in other countries to make you fucking fabulous or make your own shit and then you can absolutely say "Yes, I made this! It was a huge learning experience. Here's how I came up with this...."

If anything, it's people like her, pulling those shenanigans, that lower my opinion on purchased costumes, kinda the opposite effect she was going for I'm sure.

>> No.6641029
File: 110 KB, 925x419, reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying someone can't be taught to make a starship out of LEGOs.

>> No.6641209


My mom hates sewing. My dad can't sew. Yet I took up sewing. And amazingly enough, I succeeded with enough practice.

I want to slap this entitled bitch so hard.

>> No.6641223
File: 48 KB, 927x223, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because we didn't make our costumes doesn't mean we didn't work just as hard losing weight and putting on makeup!

>> No.6641314

I hate when they default to this argument. Oh boo hoo you have to work to look good...so do people who make their costumes.

>> No.6641538

This just reminds me of the people posting in progress threads, "Ordered my cosplay!" "It shipped! Can't wait!" "Got my costume today!!!!!" shit like that will never get you the same kind of respect/recognition as someone who made their costume and is actually posting progress pics.

>> No.6641580

Ugh I hate this shit...Damn, wish I was on my old comp. I had a cap of two successive posts in my local con's progress thread. First was a woman who'd just finished hand-sewing something like 4000 beads to her insanely ornate cosplay. The next was an OMG JUST GOT MY COSPLAY IN THE MAIL I AM 100% READY FOR THE CON NOW SO RELIEVED!!! post. I loved the contrast between the two.

>> No.6641626

"I did the bare minimum of effort I DESERVE YOUR RESPECT AND ATTENTION!!!!"

I wish the lazy people would get out of this hobby.

>> No.6641633

That's it. Everyone go home, she won the troll competition and I don't think she's even trying
So fucking rustled right now

>> No.6641665

That's pretty much true for every argument they give, isn't it?
>I have to do my make-up!
So do we.
>I have to lose weight!
So do we.
>I have to buy shit!
So do we.
>I have to work for my money!
So do we.
>I have to style my wig!
So do we.
>I wasn't born with the magic craft gene!
Neither were we.
>I suck at sewing!
So did we.
>I have to deal with the awkward moment when they find out I didn't make my outfit!
Then learn to sew or quit bitching.

>> No.6641852

Oh man, that sounds so delightful. Did your old comp die or something?

>> No.6641890

Yeah. Been meaning to copy everything from the HD, but lazy. It was in the Anime North 2012 progress thread, good cosplayer was doing a Granado Espada cosplay, if anyone cares to dig.

>> No.6642220

I lol'd

>> No.6642313
File: 41 KB, 918x343, Ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really surprised, after the thing with her and the nipple petals that got posted in the last Coscom General thread.

>> No.6642775
File: 71 KB, 930x195, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the general top peeve of most marketplace sellers...

>> No.6642879
File: 538 KB, 245x320, tumblr_mhgius1puJ1qk1fk3o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not all about the costume

>> No.6642903

I posted this in the last thread. Xekaz is a huge faggot

>> No.6642913

Lol He's adding to the annoyance factor that most sellers face there in another way. Really, what the fuck is the point of complaining on a thread that you don't have the money for something? It's annoying, stupid, and pointless.

>> No.6643103
File: 109 KB, 719x653, there are two kinds of people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6643120

Yep, that's most likely it. Thank you based anon.

>> No.6644366
File: 78 KB, 981x315, wig-master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a bit of a mystery to me. He's apparently a Master Level costumer and is so epic all his wigs are heavily styled and cannot even be washed out to be reused. Yet when I click on his gallery, I'm not really blown away by the work. He hasn't updated pics since 11' but he's always had that "Master Level" tagline for as long as I can remember. Maybe he's the most awesome cosplayer in his area or something? I don't get him at all.

>> No.6644384
File: 31 KB, 322x432, 958289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to imply that a wig like THIS could be used for multiple costumes!?

>> No.6644411

Of course not, shit it's not like it's as reusable as a Yugi wig or something.

>> No.6644413


Capsule's a woman.

>> No.6644485

her yugi wig is hella terrifying

>> No.6644496

>guy guy guy
Woman.. Not the prettiest, but still obviously a woman in photos. C'mon.

Anyway yeah, I don't get it either. She's been around forever but none of her work is impressive looking at all. I remember her once bragging about something related to Costume Con... like implying she was hanging out with all these super high level crafters and I was just left thinking, 'what have you done to compare??'

>> No.6645183

There are a number of cosplayers who've been around forever (re: early 00's and before) and just don't seem to make any progress ever yet use their "time in" as a way to sound like they're better and more skilled. It's kinda funny to me.

>> No.6645458



>> No.6645491

watch her gallery. she uses that wig several times.

>> No.6645489
File: 141 KB, 1078x538, bestcosplayaevaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6645492

and the yugioh wig too

>> No.6645522

and the sanzo wig...fuck she reuses everything and is cheapo as hell.

>> No.6645532
File: 42 KB, 552x464, 1205834046345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A+ for reference. I approve heartily.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6645566

Oh god, I'm so relieved that someone got the reference. Linked to the story because I assumed no one would, lol.

>> No.6645610

Not same anon, but I use snippits of Harrison Bergeron when I teach a certain unit. I tots got the reference. LOL nicely played.

>> No.6645622

pls go

>> No.6645640

I feel good knowing that I didn't make a useless reference.

>> No.6645680

So what would be the point in pretending you never reuse things except to sound so rich or whatnot that you don't have to reuse items?

I reuse a lot of wigs, its so easy to wash out the styling products and cut them or style for another character. I guess if you did a lot of fancy stuff to w wig, you wouldn't want to.

>> No.6645714

I hate this chick, always acts like she's better than everyone when she's mediocre.

>> No.6645756

ProudAsian is back.

>> No.6645760

I guess he bounces between Coscom and /cgl/.

>> No.6645808

she said she can't reuse wigs because all of her wigs are heavily styled, and that she has like 20 of them. but if you watch her gallery closely you'll see everything is a lie. she reuses the 4 or 5 shitty mall wigs she has and also uses her hair for more than half of her cosplays. and those few wigs are horrible quality and badly styled. she sounds like she is the master of wigs and never used her hair or a wig twice. but her work is just plain crap.

>> No.6645894

Small rant. I hate how when posters ask about an ebay wig the same three people jump on them and say NEVAR BUY EBAY WIGS.

Especially the one with text grammar. Grinds my gears to get lectured by someone in text speak.

And yes, I once got yelled at for wanting to get a shitty ebay wig. Yesimad.

>> No.6645949

OMG but how could you want an eBay wig when there's the CosCom store??? They have everything and it's the best quality ever!!!

>> No.6645951

Maybe it depends on who is replying. I'm pretty sure I saw someone post that image from here with all the eBay sellers grouped by general price. But I thinly the thread died after that, too much logic and proof that you can buy decent wigs from there if you know where to look.

>> No.6646536

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Her wigs are so crappy and costumes mediocre. It's like she uses the cheapest quality kanekalon wigs... that super shiny junk.

>> No.6646588

Apparently she's the president of her local chapter of the International Costumers Guild... how the fuck...

And her website http://www.strangelandcostumes.com/

I just don't even get it. How did she get such "clout" with that standard of costume and wig work.

>> No.6646856

and she's selling "zodiac patches"


>> No.6646875
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>> No.6646886


This entire thread.

>selling for roommate
>no pictures
>3/4 of the items have no price
>person offers $10+shipping on a wig they haven't even seen

>> No.6647309

Seems legit.

They posted pics now but yea, no one could ever steal images from another person and pretend that person is their roommate and that the items in question are in their shared apartment space, never. It sounds so sketchy.

>> No.6647470

the same way there are professional seamstresses and taylors who do a totally shitty work.

>> No.6647568

I love when people make comments in the makeup forums and say that they are professional makeup artists or that they trained with them so their advice on products etc is therefore more valid. Really?

Do you know how many people on youtube have no training and consider themselves makeup artists too? The term is overused as fuck and unless you legitimately have a full time job doing makeup in some capacity, you're probably a hobbyist who may or may not know their shit.

>> No.6648024

Good luck finding something to look good for that budget


>> No.6648110

Daym, I could easily see the little dress being under $100 although she probably expects the dress to have a nice bodice with boning and everything to keep the shape and have it stay up without issue but she wants wings and shoes and shipping for all under that amount? Good luck is right! The only people who'd accept that are shitty commissioners or people who are selling their soul for a shit amount of money.

>> No.6648678


This could be interesting

>> No.6649209


I am so surprised Admin hasn't swooped in yet to try and save face. I doubt they will ever finish the site unless he hires actual web designers to finish it and do it right, but that requires caring. I agree with one of the comments too, Coscom did reach its peak a few years ago, but since they don't bother doing maintenance or fixing any of the bugs in that hugeass bugs thread, that just stunted the growth. As such, coscom is good for "babby's first" and new cosplayers to get some footing but beyond that, it seems like most of the advanced cosplayers are using facebook, devart, ACP though it's a circlejerk of epic proportions, and other sites.

And speaking of things past their prime, cosplay lab. I can't believe that site is still up and running and getting new people signing up daily. That just blows my mind. I set up an account in 03' and kept it up until around 09'. The functions are so limited but people still use the place. That's kind of amazing and gives nostalgic feels.

>> No.6649513

>cosplay lab

holy fuck, this. I used to use it as a checklist for stuff that was in progress, since I found that checklist function to be really useful and no other cosplay site has anything like it, but wow.. that place is so outdated, how is it still up??

Also, does anyone still pay attention to WorldCosplay or has that official come and went?

>> No.6649710

I think everyone 'good' has moved on to Curecos since it's got an English version. I don't use it all that much but I like the privacy functions and it's neat to log in and find messages from cosplayers in Japan.

>> No.6649754

Really? I follow/know a lot of people on Cure but none of them ever update, so I'd figured most people gave up on that too.

>> No.6649882

Yea, Cure is hard to get your footing in but not as bad as WorldCosplay. I don't know what it is about WC, but the minute you upload a pic, it gets buried forever so sort of became a moot point in uploading. Probably the sheer number of people using it. Cure wasn't that bad. I also never understood the ranking on WC. It makes no sense.

>> No.6649906

Well, if you don't care about being ranked or whatever then they're not terrible as just gallery sites. I didn't like either of them because any kind of social interaction is pretty much impossible due to either language or lack of communication tools.
I still like ACP better since there's at least a slight bit more communication going on, still nowhere near the levels of what cosplay.com used to be though.

No site has stepped up to fill that spot and I think that's what we're really lacking. dA isn't cosplay-centric so it doesn't really have the necessary all around tools; facebook is too personal life-centric.

Ideally.. I think a good cosplay site needs something like
-the gallery capabilities of Cure/ACP/WorldCosplay
-The communication/forum activity of old coscom/facebook
-The personal costume/con attendance management of coscom/cosplaylab/ACP
-And needs to be cosplaycentric, not just a section of another site like dA/fb

>> No.6650037

I really wish CosCom was still trying to be a cosplay site, not a way to draw in customers for their wig shop. If they really got on making the site functional, we'd be set.

>> No.6650054

Basically, yeah. :/ I really wish they didn't just drop the ball. Does anyone even know what they.. do.. anymore? Since they barely ship wig orders and they don't do anything with the site, but they claim to have full-time employees..

>> No.6650232

I'm wondering this as well. Is Jia still going around basically promoting the site? I know she kinda was a few years ago at its peak. I also was under the impression she and Admin were the only full time employees. Everyone else was a mod/volunteer and for a while it sounded like both Admin and Jia were filling the wig orders by hand. Most recently after a few warehouse moves etc. they claim to have a dedicated wig order handling team, but seeing the threads about how people still aren't getting their orders, that's either a lie or they picked derp-as-fuck employees to pack and ship orders.

Makes me laugh thinking back to how they wanted to do paid memberships. No one in their right mind would've done it then or now because the site has always had major issues they never seem to fix. Does anyone else remember how they were touting the possible paid memberships with unknown "exclusive" features and a laminated coscom membership card? It was priceless.

That would be a pretty awesome site. Even in a down economy people still have money to invest in cons and cosplay. I'm surprised no one has really looked into what would be the 'next best thing' for a cosplay site and made it happen. My issue with Cure and WorldCosplay is that I kinda like having galleries for each costume like what Coscom and ACP allow you to do.

>> No.6650242

>My issue with Cure and WorldCosplay is that I kinda like having galleries for each costume like what Coscom and ACP allow you to do.

Same here, although I do like the levels of privacy Cure allows you to have, but those are the *only* separations you can make to galleries and for WorldCosplay they even removed those, so...

I also like that ACP has cosplayers and photographers somewhat separated, so that photographers could have a gallery style that suits them more, and cosplayers can have a gallery style to suit their individual costumes- and that you can tag photos back to that photographer's gallery, as well as import them from their uploads.

It couldn't be that impossible to create such a site, seeing as they all exist in some capacity already; just not together. ACP's forums go pretty much unused and I always wondered, if they integrated those into their site more fully or encouraged posting more, maybe they could have become more like a new coscom.

>> No.6650487

I can't think of a single person that actually keeps up with that site. It's pretty much blah now. It was in style for what, a month or two then became a ghost town?

>> No.6650492

That's exactly what I thought, too, which is why I asked... But I guess I was sort of curious as to whether keeping up with it was a regional thing, if it's just American/English speaking cosplayers that abandoned it or if it's overall abandoned.

I think as soon as people figured out that the same 10-15 cosplayers would be top ranked every single month, they gave up...

>> No.6650498

From what I've noticed, most of the western cosplayers have abandoned it. Only the ones from East Asia seem to use it so I pretty much gave up on the site. It's so boring over there.

>> No.6650516

I made an account when the site was a couple of months old and still haven't used it.

Pretty much my stance on the site.

>> No.6652078
File: 133 KB, 1309x262, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he understands that con schedules don't revolve around him.

>> No.6652093

>Why aren't con higher-ups looking at my shitty threads on a non-con-related website?!

Ahahha that was great. What a narcissistic douchebag.

>> No.6652197

>con staff would be stupid to show stuff to the entire convention when us cosplayers are having our photoshoot!

Because you all can't change the time of your photoshoot?

>> No.6652346

I am legit worried for this guy's mental sanity.

>> No.6652373

I hate this entitled faggot. I'm thankful he stays the fuck away from California cons.

>> No.6652377

I'm not so lucky. I told my boyfriend to steer me clear of him if we run into him at Sakura-con. I am purposefully going to avoid any fandoms he might be cosplaying from just because he seems insane...

>> No.6652381
File: 872 KB, 500x326, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd think they'd read these threads

>> No.6652383

I hear you on that one. I'd do the same if I were in your position. Dude is friggin' mental

>> No.6652411

Why would people go to a screening of the show they're cosplaying? That's such a waste of time. Unless, I'm misinterpreting

>> No.6652416
File: 121 KB, 1320x303, nop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. even the author of SAO must schedule around his photoshoots, and give him a scroll and autograph.

>New Procedure for Autograph Lines-Priority Entrance Tickets for some guests
>This year Sakura-Con will be issuing tickets for Priority Entrance to Autograph lines for some guests. You can only obtain these tickets by attending the guest's Q&A panel.
>Any Priority Entrance ticket holder showing up after the first 15 minutes will need to get into the back of the line just like non ticket holders.

>> No.6652417

You cosplay from a show because you're a fan of it.
You attend the screening of a show because you're a fan of it.
You can do both simultaneously because you're a fan of it.

>> No.6652418

What in the ever loving fuck?


>> No.6652422

Okay... But why would you pay $50 + hotel to go and watch something you can watch at home when you could do other things that you can't do at home? I can put on a costume and watch an anime in my house. For free.

>> No.6652423

Does he always have to go "lol" after every sentence? What he's saying is never even funny. I can't be the only one who finds it stupid and annoying.

>> No.6652427

People typically do that because they are insecure and don't want to be called on anything they say.

>> No.6652429


Anon, I am literally laughing my ass off at the autism

>> No.6652431

She doesn't know the difference between message board and facebook, does she?

>Skype me about wigs! I don't know how to deal with wigs not being wrapped in bubble wrap!

>> No.6652433

I agree. I never understood the point of screenings at cons other than exclusive premiers- and even those those are usually not as much premiers as 'legal premiers' unless it's a dub premier.

>> No.6652434

But it's the exclusive English dub premiere of SAO and the author is there! What would he ever trade for that "I saw it first" experience and allowing the author of SAO to bask in his glorious presence?

>> No.6652439

Apparently not. She's asking for anyone who posts even a smidgen about styling wigs to come on Skype. This... is just plain sad.

>> No.6652475

I am literally the only person who questioned their sanity.
Wow I am so done with those boards if they ENCOURAGE this kind of crap. It's laughable.

>> No.6652489

Yeah... it's a terrible forum. No matter how much you try to talk sense into some people, they never learn. I was tempted to post something on that thread, but I know whatever I say will only fall on deaf ears. The encouragement these people give one another to just continue the behavior is inexcusable.

>> No.6652533

I'm new there and... wtf.

>> No.6652549

As it currently stands, the forum is only good for a cheap laugh at its idiot users and a place to sell things in the shitty marketplace forum. I joined back in 2007 and it wasn't as bad but in recent years, it's become overrun by idiots and lolcows along with the occasional annoying user. Very few of the helpful people still come around so asking for things like advice/tips on its forums is pretty much cosplay suicide. You're more likely to attract an idiot to your thread giving bad advice out their ass like JasonTerror rather than someone with actual talent.

>> No.6652565

I had one or two people give actual help on sewing stuff but... not much.
It's a toss up between being insulted here or being bombarded with idiots there.

>> No.6652577

So did the "server update" last night even change anything? I swear they just do them to make people think something's going on.

>> No.6652582

my sister and I are really tempted to get on skype to see if she'll even let us try to help her or just insist we go to her house to style it

>> No.6652584

Nope! Not a thing. Admin claims that he's going to get around to finally upgrading the site soon but we all know that means the Thursday after Halloween.

>> No.6652596

You'll be asked to get on Skype immediately if you posted anything. Save yourself, let them go quietly into the night.

>The encouragement these people give one another to just continue the behavior is inexcusable.
Agreed, they will never step up their game in a big way unless they can get an honest and critical view of their work as well as GOOD feedback and ideas on how to do things better than before.

Asspats and candy hearts though, that's all the forum is about. So anyone offering really good advice is going to get ignored and eventually they leave. I used to give fucks about the makeup and contacts forum, but after repeating myself for 6 years I had enough. If they can't read the stickies other quality users made and contributed to, fuck them.

>> No.6652616

If you two do, please report back.

You're wrong anon. He meant the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

>> No.6652952

Holy shit, it's like watching someone have a breakdown.

>> No.6652990
File: 734 KB, 800x600, 1341348696395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please stay out of my thread now I am giving you 1 and only 1 warning.

>> No.6653129

New thread >>6653128