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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6619349 No.6619349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Evening /cgl/. I usually lurk on /b/, so this is my first time going on this board, I have a friend who lurks here often (do you guys even call it lurking? idk). I was hoping you guys could give me a taste of what it's like here, it'd make a change from the usual guys from /fit/ you'd get. Hit me!

>pic related, it's who I would cosplay if I was dedicated enough. Something to start with.

>> No.6619369
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>> No.6619391

Oooh, edgy

>> No.6619404

Edgy means being obnoxious about how unpopular or how unusual your opinion/taste is.

>> No.6619409

Yeah, but I meant no harm, I see no reason to be treated with disdain

>> No.6619423

Can I put it this way:

/b/ is the place I go to when I get fed up with /cgl/'s idiotic bullshit.

>> No.6619428


>> No.6619432

There is no point to this thread. Why mention you are from /b/? that's a dumb thing to admit on any board. Just continue to lurk /cgl/ or whatever.

>> No.6619435
File: 91 KB, 800x600, 1334295914470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ lurker
>friend that lurks here
>mentioning /fit/ guys
>offhanded "I'd cosplay this if I wasn't lazy enough" comment

Get out and ask your friend.

>> No.6619441

You got a point, /b/ is pretty much a shithole, the only thing worse is probably tumblr. But in all honesty, it's because my friend and I pretty much joked about seeing /cgl/'s reaction to someone from /b/. We wanted to know what would happened.

It's not laziness, it's a lack of money. Refer to the point made previously.

>> No.6619443

I'm not sure what you're looking for?

If you want to see people make things, head for the progress threads.

If you want to see people planning or discussing conventions, click on a convention thread.

Looking for something to cosplay? There's a suggestions thread somewhere.

If you want to oogle lolita dresses, click a lolita thread.

And if you're in the mood to spend cash, there's Taobao, /cgl/ sales, ect.

Your thread really doesn't have a purpose and we're just gonna heckle you.

>> No.6619446

So basically you just wanted to go "lawl i troll u"

Just sage and report this fail.

>> No.6619457

Ah, see, that's more like it. I literally knew nothing about /cgl/ other than the title. Pretty much all I wanted to know. So essentially, /thread

No. Trolling is for 14 year olds who think saying "The Game" is hilarious every five minutes.

>> No.6619486

Did you completely miss the sticky or something?