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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6618462 No.6618462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this truly necessary? I mean why.

>> No.6618468

they do it because they have fun doing it

and because they have no concept of self-image

>> No.6618481

this looks the same to outsiders as a lolita walking around in their mall

>> No.6618484

>Gf and I were shopping in the mall.
>Had on convention T-shirt
>Hamsteak group in full cosplay comes running up to me
>I pointed at them and shouted "DONT YOU DARE, TURN AROUND AND WALK AWAY"
>Walk off
>Their parents tried calling mall security on us
>walked away before anything could happen

Whenever I go to the mall I'm on a perpetual lookout for hamsteaks.

>> No.6618498
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>> No.6618500

This never happened.

>> No.6618506

That is the best way of dealing with hambeasts ever. Just be prepared to give a good telling off.

>> No.6618511

sooo cooool

>> No.6618519

True, true.
But I probably wouldn't have reacted like that if they didn't have paint on.
In retrospect I should have said "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME"

>> No.6618527
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>convention T-shirt
Don't you dare, turn around and walk away.

>> No.6618528

There's always that one freak that thinks its perfectly acceptable to wear a Finn hat at all times

>> No.6618537

I used to do this about 2 years ago.
For us, it was just an excuse to cosplay between conventions.
A good portion of the group were the "LET'S FREAK OUT THE NORMIES XD" type.

It was just hanging out with friends, taking silly cosplay pictures, so on.
I'm rather glad the mall nearby banned wigs because looking back on it makes me cringe.

>> No.6618558

at least it's not anime-related, in that way he/she will be seen as "quircky and cute" and won't get as much shit as say.. someone wearing a sailor fuku

>> No.6618567

>yesterday strolling around the mall
>spot horribad tohsaka rin cosplay in the ice cream booth queue
>her bf(?) with Cradle of Filth shirt, fingerless knitted gloves and rave pants

all of my whys

>> No.6618594

Lol, dem Tripp pants.

>> No.6618595
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I see nothing wrong in cosplay in public. Look how fun it can be!

>> No.6618611

so its acceptable for a big fat sweaty guy nearing age 30 to be wearing this all the time?

>> No.6618663

I know nearly every person on /cgl/ looks down upon this, but I've seen some cosplayers mill around the mall before...and i thought it might be....a little...fun. But I'd feel so fucking retarded since all I cosplay is military stuff.....

What about cosplaying in public in general? not just malls? I'm just now getting into cosplay and a local cosplaying group wants to do it in a park for like meet ups and stuff and I just don't wanna be thrown into the weeaboo label.

>> No.6618666


Really, just wear something flattring and don't make an ass of yourself.

>> No.6618667

that dude getting into the car with the trench coat kinda looks like ADF.

>> No.6618671

Well I don't act like a retard but usually people, especially other seagulls judge on sight and....I'm not sure what you'd consider 'flattering'....

>> No.6618673

Personally I think no matter your age or level of being a non-weeaboo, you look stupid outside of a con. I'm part of a fb group for cosplayers and they have meetups a lot, and I think they're just dumb. Just my opinion though, i could see why people think it's fun.

>> No.6618689
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>mall banned wigs

What's would be the reason for that... and how would they really even enforce that?

>> No.6618691

and yeah that's pretty much what's stopping me. Other cosplayers thinking I'm a fucking retard because I'd be cosplaying in a public area with other people. Despite being a well adjusted human being, I'm afraid that other cosplayers or even seagulls would take pictures and be like HAHAHAHA LOOK AT THESE WEEBS!

oh well.... its just kinda saddening. I think it'd be a lot of fun.

>> No.6618693

>large black women no longer allowed in the mall

>> No.6618702


If you're cosplaying in public outside of a con, then what other people think needs to be the last thing on your mind.

My drama teacher would have us to go public locations in a costume to teach us to get used to being jeered at. It's a good exercise to build confidence.

I used to host meetups with my friends, with the stipulation that we were all in character the whole time (within reason). It was a little strange at first, but we all had a good time.

>> No.6618704

Gonna take a wild guess and say its an anti-shoplifting thing

So you couldn't go into a store while wigged, lift something and then ditch the wig somewhere without security cameras.

>> No.6618712

thats what I'm wondering.

I just imagined a person being kicked out of the mall that was in chemo..

>> No.6618710
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>> No.6618725


What if you have cancer? That's a stupid rule.

>> No.6618726

Yeah well I can imagine it'd be easier with a cosplay with wigs and trench coats or dresses and stuff of the like. I dress in my MGSPW cosplay which is military gear from the 60's and 70's. I'll look like a fucking bafoon but...god damn i just wanna cosplay with other people and stuff so bad.

>> No.6618734

FUCKING bostonstuck. i see them in the prudential every single fucking weekend, taking up unnecessary space in the food court and running out like complete idiots. dont get me wrong i love cons and i have nothing against homestuck, there's some pretty cool character designs but seriously... cant you pick some other place to hang out? i dont want you mucking up the prudential with your grey painted bodies that you forgot to seal properly.

>> No.6618739

I meant unnatural-looking wigs.
And the reason they banned it is because a group of teenagers dressed oddly bothered people.
We didn't really do anything, people just got nervous.

Kind of stupid, yeah, but like I said, I'm not complaining.

>> No.6618745

There's no way they could enforce it. The first Jew who uses a wig to cover her head (a rather common practice) to get kicked out for such a purpose would cause a lawsuit and get that entire mall label antisemitist.

>> No.6618744

or they could just not have a meetup every fucking weekend.
its like they will die without their fill of dryhumping and screaming in each other's faces.

>> No.6618775

... did they ban unnatural looking hair, too? I just don't see how that's feasible, given how hard it can be to tell the difference sometimes.

>> No.6618782

For someone who lives in a country where there is hardly an anime convention scene...I would like to ask why do they pick malls to cosplay? Couldn't they have some gathering cosplay events or something like that instead?
I mean...why malls?

>> No.6618793

Not that I've heard.
It's a fairly conservative area, so I'm pretty sure they didn't think a lot of things through.

>> No.6618794

most of america doesn't really have many other readily available open places to gather. it's sort of the equivalent of a town square or main street or something.

>> No.6618800

Big open space
Food courts
Lots of shops to go around

>> No.6618829

I live by this Japanese grocery store that's a very popular place for japanophiles to go. I go pretty often to eat out at the food court, and personally I haven't seen any obnoxious weebs around. But I think Lolita meetups have been held there on days when there wasn't a festival or event. I mean its just a damn grocery store and you'd look pretty off going around in full Lolita to buy Pocky.

>> No.6618832

omg why do people buy pocky at nippon stores.... there are so so so much better things to buy. spices, rice, noodles, all sorts of delicious things and they choose fucking crakcers dipped in choco. why. at least get the cofffe in a can or calorie mates...

>> No.6618835

It's a hang-out place for people too young to drink.

>> No.6618838

People do it to have fun. I don't really see what's wrong with it, as long as they're not being obnoxious/actually causing issues(Ex: getting bodypaint on things)

>> No.6618847

>fucking pocky
it tastes like sawdust dipped in glue and sugar, why do they even like it when there's so much other goddamn japanese candy that's actually good

>> No.6618853

Does it really matter?

I'd like to be able to take a quick run to the walmart on my way to the con or a photoshoot because I broke my prop and needed glue to fix it without being called a weaboo, ok. just because some cosplayers are obnoxious little shits doesn't mean that there aren't people that legitimately need to go out and do stuff and don't have the time to take off the costume in the middle of it.

>> No.6618855

I don't fucking do that. But it might be because I make japanese food at home, yohshoku style specifically. Hambaagu has much better flavor than salisbury steak imo and I love me some curry.

>> No.6618857

awww god those chewy candies... i forgot the name but they come in a package much like hubba bubba.

>> No.6618860

people like it because you can buy pocky at walmart for 1$ and other japanese snacks you can only buy at a specialty shop that will def. charge you more for it

>> No.6618862

that sounds delicious right now

>> No.6618864

>world market has pocky and other azn foods
>no weeaboo has set in world market ever


>> No.6618866


>> No.6618868

that girl in the middle
>she's cute...
>but thats weird..
>wait is that a replica of ap's shooting star bag?
>holy shit I think it is
>oh man she's got the necomimi
>but why in public
>oh well

>> No.6618867

yes! hi chew! i bought a ton of that shit once. and those little candy kiwis.

>> No.6618869
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>cosplayers in a bar

>> No.6618875

Yeah tell me about it. It's funny this thread turned into this because I have to make my list for the Japanese mart near my house, I need essentials like kombu and bonito flakes for dashi, (I'm making nikujaga) but I'm going to pick up some store made beef curry croquettes while I'm there as well to eat as soon as I get home.

>> No.6618873

Because anime artists play with it a lot.
ie. Pocky Game

>> No.6618880

>Alright, you're either the biggest weaboo, or that's something else entirely
>Wikipedia it
>Gives me Salisbury Steak
>You're the biggest weaboo

>> No.6618882

ahhh god. I wish i knew how to cook that shit. or find waifu who can. I crave various asian foods daily and all we've got around here is chinese, which is delish but i get tired of it....

>> No.6618883

i love them, but they stopped making my favorite flavor... so sad.

>> No.6618886

But it's the name of the dish. It isn't the same as Salisbury steak and you can't actually use a Salisbury steak recipe to get the flavors. The ingredients are different. It's the same as every other yohshoku dish. Things like hambaagu and omuraisu and hayashi are the names of the dishes, not just some weeb way of pronouncing it.

>> No.6618893

not poster but theres a difference between that and salibury steak, the recipes and ingredients are a little bit different. cooking with dog has a great recipe for it. it's like the difference between regular short cake and japanese short cake, they are slightly different items.
I'll go back to /ck/ now.

>> No.6618895

I used to really care about this stuff a few years ago but now I just don't. It's not so much "lay off, they're having fun" as much as "why does it matter what they do?"

>> No.6618900

it matters because sometimes people really do cause property damage, like body paint getting places. Also awhile ago, someone posted a thread with a bunch of mall cosplayers trying on little girls disney princess dresses over their costumes at a store for photo shenanigans and they totally ruined them.

like, most of the time they're just annoying kids but you get a bunch of annoying kids who ruin shit.

>> No.6618901

I feel that way too except in cases like >>6618537
I dye my hair regularly so I've actually been hassled in malls that I'm wearing a wig when I wasn't.

>> No.6618898

So they're just similar, and the name was an unfortunate translation?
I see now.

>> No.6618902

it makes an image problem for those of us who like weeby shit but aren't socially retarded.

>> No.6618907

I fear the time when all these underage homosucks turn 21.

>> No.6618917

How do you not realize that this thread is about people wearing cosplay outside of a convention, as in not during it?

>> No.6618923

Basically yeah, it's an understandable reason to think weeb though. Yohshoku is just the term used for western inspired dishes. Things like curry, tonkatsu and everything else I mentioned also fall into that category, so they took English words since they don't exist in Japanese. Omuraisu is omelet-rice, hayashi is hash, katsu means cutlet. It's just food Japan took and made different by using their own ingredients.

>> No.6618924

yeah my cosplay group and myself and all above 18 and we're well behaved. we just like doing costume stuff at parks and what not. Sometimes we get into antics but its nothing like super embarrassing or very loud but its all in open areas where we wont disturb anyone and take photos and what not. and of course people will still call us weebs but whatever. fuck you. we didnt do anything to anybody.

>> No.6618928

This. Is it so wrong to want to talk about my interests like a stamp collector or sports fan would without being lumped in with ADD teenagers?

>> No.6618930


You won't look any more of a buffoon than people in cat ears or lolita.

Just get in character and stay there. It'd be fun.

>> No.6618933

The first and last time I went to a Naruto cosplay meet was at the mall.

>be 14, shy, and with a friend
>surrounded by other teens and probably 20y.o.-somethings
>quietly observed the noisier people making fools of themselves
>get shooed away by a nearby spa for being loud
>as we walked away, some of the girls dressed as Sakura and Ino started licking and eating fake plants like deers (probably were referencing Shikamaru's family)
>wtf'd so hard
>the meetup split apart; the obnoxious went one way, and the calmer cosplayers went another way
>my friend and I met up with the calmer few and we chatted a bit
>all agreed that the meetup was kind of a bust and went out of hand
It was nice to have met a few nice people.
>log onto the forum later that day
>see people talking about some people's immature and disrespectful behavior while at the mall
>turns out the obnoxious group was moved outside the mall after complaints
>soon after this, the mall security disallows cosplay meetups

I'm sure people can get around this if your group is small, you're respectful, no props, no masks, and reasonable clothing/cosplay. Otherwise you may get the boot.

>> No.6618938 [DELETED] 

Display Scotland.
Enough said

>> No.6618936

Not part of the -stuck community, but in defense of girl in OP's pic, their meetup was originally supposed to be somewhere outdoors, but there was chance of rain, so they changed it to a mall and specifically said no paint.

>> No.6618943

Cosplay Scotland.
Enough said

>> No.6618950

Might just be my area, but the local homestucks here ban horns and paint from most of their public meet-ups, and are usually okay on the whole.

>> No.6618969


i can't imagine cosplaying in a bar, though.

actually, i can't imagine cosplaying anywhere in public that's not at a con, its nearby venues, or a photoshoot.

>> No.6619001

Hey just out of curiosity, does nikujaga fall under Yohshoku as well?
When I was in 10th grade, this weeb-guy at my school brought something made from beef and potato for lunch, me and my friend asked if it was nikujaga, and he said it was.
A week later, same type of thing was brought, and when we asked if it was nikujaga again, he got really offended and said it was beef stew.

>> No.6619009

Yeah, when I went to Hetalia meetups, they banned military outfits.
There is some sanity in this whole mess, but a big chunk of obnoxious weebs just ruined it.

I'm surprised that "Vocaloid adventure in Wal-Mart" video hasn't been linked.

>> No.6619042

How funny, I actually saw a huge group of Homestucks at the park today on the way back from the movies.

>> No.6619045

In my experience, people will come up and ask whats going on and take pictures of people. As much as you're acting normally, you'll get lumped in and look stupid. Sorry, anon. :c

>> No.6619059

I would almost be MORE okay with that? Running aorund town at night being goofy makes more sense than screaming in the mall.

Of course, the people in the mall usually aren't old enough to drink.

>> No.6619086

>Have friends that live relatively close to me, but go to a different school than me
>Can't see them outside of the weekend due to school, but I spend Sundays with my dad and they spend Saturdays at the local Homestuck meets
>Decide to tag along to one of the meets so I can spend time with them
>It's literally just 50-70 14 year old weaboos in a mall food court, smearing paint all over fucking everything (they thought it would be funny to "mark their territory") and blasting Gangnam Style so loud you couldn't hear the live music (iirc it was some older woman playing the piano)
>Weather clears up so the group decides to go to a park a couple blocks over
>There's a fountain thing in the park that 10 or 15 small children (I'm talking preschool age) are playing in
>Like thirty hambeasts charge into the fountain and scream at the kids until the kids run crying to their parents
>After the kids were gone, they proceeded to chase and pick up pigeons, and throw them at other pigeons.

I legitimately hate these people.

>> No.6619084
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i think by the time you're able to legally drink, you've outgrown the thrill of public cosplay. i do have fun hitting up bars and liquor stores on con nights, but we only stay in the area so it's not like we're the only cosplayers around. just the thought of me cosplaying in the mall or, god forbid, an asian grocery store makes me cringe.

to each their own, i suppose, as long as they're not being obnoxious, rude, or destructive.

>> No.6619105

I had a nightmare where that happened once

>> No.6619108

I've done it a couple times (to movies, bars, etc). It's not so much the "thrill" of it, I just like to have fun dressing up with friends. I agree the weebfests are cringe inducing though.

>> No.6619115

I think super casual, unrecognizable public cosplay is sorta fun. A character with a normal looking wig and a casual outfit either canon or related to the character, maybe, just with friends.

But I wouldn't want to make it super obvious that I'm cosplaying and screaming weabish things and all that.

>> No.6619122
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> they picked up pigeons and threw them at other pigeons.

>> No.6619132

If I saw a mob of weebs in my local World Market, I would pitch a fucking fit.
They're not likely to go there, though, because it's not just ~azn food. Hell, my local WM has more furniture/general objects than food.

>> No.6619136
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>> No.6619147
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Mine has a load of Asian sweets at the back, you just have to weave between all the wine and decorative objects to get there.
Most weebs wouldn't make the trek because it's not obvious.

>> No.6619166

and that is why I love world market

>> No.6619227

I lol'd so hard at the idea of pigeons getting tossed then felt immensely guilty.

>> No.6619281

I remember eating chocolate/coffee mushrooms by Meiji when I was in Japan. Shit was so cash, and they gave me a free K-ON pencil board with the purchase of two. I wish we had those instead of Pocky. Meiji's over here, maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

>> No.6619315

I've definitely seen those in the local Asian (Chinese and Vietnamese, around here) grocery stores. Check some of them out?

>> No.6619367

My friend had a box of those once, so I know they exist in the States.
They're not as common as Pocky, though.
Not sure why. You'd think weebs would prefer 'nomming kawaii mushrooms' over a stick.

>> No.6619374

This actually happens with surprising frequency in my country! Cons are usually held in malls, so seeing cosplayers everywhere in a mall while one is being held isn't unusual, but it even happens when there isn't a con going on. I don't mind them, and it's a common enough occurrence that most regular mallgoers don't really notice them anymore. /shrug

>> No.6619382

I get those all over the place, they're pretty common.

They taste about the same as Pocky to me though, maybe the cookie is slightly richer.

>> No.6619619

Yes technically, it's 'stewed meat and potatoes' it's beef. onions and potatoes and sometimes carrots a sweet dashi/soy sauce reduction. It's got a different taste but very similar look to soup or stew.

>> No.6619621

I love the hell out of meiji black chocolate.

>> No.6619772

>go to first homestuck meetup this past fall
>group picks small park that not many people go to
>a few "hurr durr let's find children to scare" people
>rest of group keeps them in check
>meet goes on for awhile
>only a handful of people left
>decide to get dinner together
>everyone removes eccentric wigs, horns, etc

our group is pretty well behaved. there are a couple of middle schoolers and a couple of people with the maturity of middle schoolers, but most of the group is mature and keeps the others from doing dumb things.

>> No.6619787

Some Homestucks went to a weeb store at my local mall, and stuck baby dave printouts everywhere. The people at the store didn't really understand them, but kept them up.

>> No.6619835
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I'm laughing WAY harder than I should be right now.

I can just picture a sassy black lady "WATCHU MEAN AYE CANT SHOP HEEYA CAUSE I GOTS A WEAVE."

>> No.6619848

Actually cosplaying in a bar is pretty fun.

My friends would have their stupid ideas "80's night" which evolved into just wearing outlandish shit and I just started wearing costumes when I went with them.

No one fucking cares, they're either older and too mature to go around inciting shit or they're younger and drunk and find everything fun.

These are MY experiences though so I can't speak for all bar cosplaying.

>> No.6619850

Meiji chocolate tastes like ass, though, and it isn't real chocolate most of the time.

>> No.6619860

What the fuck is it about malls that bring out these Get off My Lawn types? Or people that are literally scared of shit as silly as hair color? I was relatively quiet as a teen and in college, I didn't wear too much out of the ordinary, and neither did a friend of mine aside from purple highlights, and we constantly got hassled?

We weren't even a suspicious kind of quiet. Just...adults shopping.

>> No.6619864

Is it necessary that I drink my own urine?

>> No.6619876

No but it's sterile and you probably like the taste.

>> No.6619887

Old people are scared of everything that doesn't conform to their expectations. "That looks slightly different than I expected, I hope it doesn't kill me and take my wallet."

It's really fucking sad. Ironically, their old power-walking non-shopping asses should get punted for loitering.

>> No.6619892

>having no respect for elders
They're more then men than you'll ever be.
Look at the shit they lived through and dealt with.
For what?
So faggots could run around screaming like howler monkeys and rubbing their paint on everything?

>> No.6619893

I doubt cosplayers would cosplay at a bar. Even if they do, they will prolly be jeered harder or messed with physically because of all the drunk people.

>> No.6619904

Read the thread.

Stop going to bully bars if that's the case.

>> No.6619910
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ask and ye shall receive

>> No.6619913

but how would they play the pocky game without sexy fanservice pocky? mini kawaii nomnomnom mushrooms wouldn't build up the romance in their awkward first girls dressed as boys posing for yaoi kiss.

>> No.6619994

Well said.

>> No.6619997


>> No.6620053

Link please.

>> No.6620093

You can even youtube search 'Vocaloid Adventures in Wal-Mart'? I mean, it's not like there are a million of those videos out there.

>> No.6620111

I'm on my phone, that's far too much work. Maybe later.

>> No.6620117

>hetalia shirt
>it must be reaching it's final form...

>> No.6620138

You just have to look for the chocolates, my boyfriend always has to hunt for his for the hot chocolate he makes. Melts that chocolate and adds whatever magic he does and delicious as fuck hot chocolate for a cold day!

>> No.6620314
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Public weeabooery is something that makes me cringe, but cosplaying in public shouldn't be judged as weeaboo-ish. Not all cosplayers are obnoxious and want to make everyone know how "~~SPESHUL~~" they are. If you and your friends can behave in a civilized manner and don't disturb people there shouldn't be anything to cringe at. What's so bad about wanting to have a photoshoot or a cosplay meeting? Okay, maybe prancing around in costumes in a mall full of people isn't the wisest thing to do but if you pick someplace not so crowded there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.6620364

I don't get the baby thing.
I heard of someone sticking baby Jade and... someone else on an elevator sign once. Is there a point to it, or just, "lulz, hurmsteak fan waz here"?

>> No.6620368
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Don't Google Hetastuck, man.

>> No.6620519


I think it's okay at the park, since those are generally more open and such. If it was like an every week thing, that might get weird, but it's no different than SCA meeting at a park or somewhere. You'll get looks, but nothing too bad. A mall would be a lot more dicey, I'd say.

I've only ever cosplayed out in public when doing a photoshoot or at Hetalia day. In college, I always cosplayed for our first anime club meeting (I was the president at the time) or when I had an outfit relevant to the anime (Death Note was hosted by "Misa Amane") but from experience can say it is fun, but you have to be prepared for what the public will say potentially.

I don't think doing it every now and again in a group is weeaboo unless you're ACTING like weeaboos. In the context of a photoshoot or meetup, like with Hetalia day, or a holiday meet, etc, it's fine.

But cosplaying one Saturday and roaming the mall? That's just lame.

Also, other places very unacceptable to cosplay: cemeteries (unless you are doing a photoshoot, but be respectful, and don't have a meet up there!); Japanese or other Asian festival (that's just insulting); war or other memorial site (generally just a bad idea, it can be really insulting); place of worship (if you get permission for a photoshoot, yes, but otherwise, probably best to steer clear).

Also, when at a park or public garden, please be mindful of other photoshoots happening. At a botanical garden, it could be anything from prom to easter to someone's wedding. No one wants a hamsteak photobomber in their rose garden wedding pictures.

tl;dr --> Cosplaying in public is fine if you're not acting like a weeb and do it in appropriate places. You can get away with more if it's a photoshoot than a meet up.

>> No.6620520


Or maybe it's a self-aware troll? Think of the fandom wars that would start if that were a con.

But I think that's giving that hamsteak too much credit.

>> No.6620945

I used to love my Homestuck cosplay group. There was relatively little drama and there were lots of mature people. We went to public places for pictures and stuff, but we never wore makeup and we were always respectful.
Then there was a convention, and the numbers started growing. Most of the original members dropped the hell out a while ago - with good fucking reason - and I myself almost regret ever associating with the Homestuck fandom in my city.

Sunday, they went to a rather large mall, and began to act like a bunch of wild 6 year olds without their parents present. There was alleged sexual harassment, they admitted that they "invaded" a video games store, and at one point, several of the male members stripped their shirts off and began dancing - in the middle of the mall.
I was ALMOST debating going to see some friends who've stuck around in the group, but I was unable to go and I'm so fucking glad I didn't. I really wish the younger fans would get their shit together and stop acting like babies in public.

>> No.6620972

I'm not so much in this scene - What does "Homestuck" refer to?

>> No.6620974

MS Paint Adventure's latest story.

>> No.6620994

It's not even the elderly. I would almost understand that. It's these 30s-mid40s types. The same types who probably have shitty teens SOMEWHERE?

>> No.6620998

I'm not impressed at all. Why does it have such a big fanbase?

>> No.6621032

Because it has a long, complex and at times epic (excuse me for using that word but it is epic, in the literal sense of scale that epic means) storyline, a large cast of characters that are easy to find at least a few you like or can relate to (especially for youngsters, almost all characters are teens.)

It's told in the form of a text-based adventure with self-referential gags and metahumor about gaming, programing, internet, and homestuck itself, which appeals somewhat to older fans. Also all written communication is via instant messenger (until recently.)

The giant fanbase is mostly gaga about the characters and character interaction moreso than story or humor, and the interaction is pretty entertaining if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.6621040

I'll guess I'll take a look, your description sounds really appealing.

To come back to the topic:
Cosplays in public are looked down at, if the cosplayers behave like shitheads.
But everyone is looked down at if they act like shitheads, so just enjoy what you do and don't fuck around, just be normal for fucks sake

>> No.6621054

>Weebs claiming they LOVE sushi.
>Fucking finds out the go near is vegetable sushi.
>They hate raw fish.

>> No.6621080

get out /pol/

>> No.6621082


The only reason I go to a local convention is because they host evening events at a pub.

Much fun is always had.

>> No.6621091

Let me play armchair psychologist here
My guess is that these young weebs were/are picked on for being shy/geeky/weird (or not hidind their fucking power level)
So "freaking out the normies" is some sort of subconscious societal resistance. In their minds, they are making others look like fools for not understanding their memes and activities, which in their minds should make others feel like the outsiders they've always have felt to be.
It's almost "we're here, we're weebs, get used to it"

>> No.6621136

I think this was explicitly "hetastuck meet up"

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with someone liking hetalia, and homestuck, and dressing up. Have fun!

But you're kidding yourself if you think this meet WASN'T surely full of screaming, hooting, dryhumping and "trolling", much to the irritation of any "normie" in earshot.

>> No.6621878
File: 48 KB, 849x640, WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason for this to exist. It's like blending the Black Plague with brain cancer. All of my why and I just can't even.

But while I'm here, hey

>> No.6621905

I think it's also kind of like the geeky version of dressing up to go somewhere? I did used to occasionally cosplay outside of the context of a con, and it's kinda self esteem boosting? You feel better about yourself because the cosplay is something you put effort into and you feel like you look good wearing it. However horribly misguided that is, now thinking back on it.

>> No.6621924
File: 45 KB, 249x498, 1332016756139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not read this thread but that Jade is so cute, she can dress however she wants because she is cute.

>> No.6622523

Haha speaking on World Market, I was just in there yesterday

>local store that sold some weeb snacks is going out of business, kinda bummed about that
>go to world market, a little moe out of my way but eh, I thought I would try it
>get Chocorooms, (been wanting to try them for years but I'm lazy and j-list shipping is FUCKING NUTS. Glad I did they are do fucking good)
>Some Taro Mochi, hello kitty flower candies, and new kusagi gummy flavors I didn't know existed.
>Girl at checkout sees my loot
>"you like japanese snacks? Me too, meiji makes some good goddamn chocolate"
>"Oh yeah. Meiji is so good and I thought I could only get it online!"
>we chat for a while about good stores and snacks
>She was a really cool
>just as I'm leaving some weebs run in by me
>Not in cosplay but ya know when weebs dress like fictional characters? To many colors, belts and shit, ff-10, ect


Dude, what are weebs hoping will happen when they shout their interests? Another weeb will find them and join the herd? Uhhhhhggg.

>> No.6622530

I don't care how much of a weeb this makes me seem, but what's the point of even saying you like sushi if you hate raw fish? For more weeb points? Like, the fish is kind of the most important bit- vegetable sushi hardly counrs.

>> No.6622543
File: 49 KB, 704x441, 3253543542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a self-aware troll

>> No.6622545

They're probably just excited. I don't see why they can't try any asian food either, you're not the only one entitled to it for not being loud.

>> No.6622560

I don't like the texture of raw fish (although sometimes I'll eat spicy salmon, that's about as close as I can get) but sweet potato sushi is fucking amazing, especially if it's still warm. I'll eat stuff like teriyaki chicken sushi and shrimp tempura + vegetable sushi.

Sage for irrelevancy.

>> No.6622557

They can certainly have them. Decorum is the issue here.

>> No.6622626

wow, really? I thought meet-ups THAT bad were just a myth.

>> No.6622690

No no, I'm not saying I'm the only one entitled. They can totally try that stuff. What I'm saying is they literally charged in there, screamed about everything and made a huge scene out of fucking candy. Can't they just -"Oh no way, they sell *japanese treat* here. Thats awesome" happy but quietly? And another thing, they weren't kids, these girls were about 17-19. Too old to be screeching about candy.

>> No.6622745

My friend dresses in Lolita 4/5 times when we hang out because she doesn't get much of a chance to unless she's at a con. I don't see anything weeb about it since its just her dressing in a certain fashion style. She's a self proclaimed weeb, actually. Which I find funny because she's far from being an ita.

Our other friends and I generally spend the hangout worrying about her brand.

All my friends can't seem to stop wearing wigs, though. They've all pretty much amassed a large collection of wigs and wear them constantly. Nothing outrageous, some light pale colors to natural colors. I can't remember what their natural hair looks like anymore.

I don't think cosplaying/Lolita in public is weeaboo unless the person is being a complete shit about it. I've been to a few hangouts back when I was a weeaboo and I'd really just want to shoot myself before I subject myself to that shit again.

>> No.6624145


just look up the user name

>> No.6624651

I wear my Jill Valentine hat quite often in public, but only if it goes with something blue that I'm wearing or looks good with an outfit.. I don't go out wearing her full outfits at all though, that'd be weird, unless it's the RE3 one, but RE characters tend to have somewhat normal looking clothes anyway. Wouldn't know it was a cosplay unless you knew RE..

>> No.6624765

Baby Dave clinging to everything sort of became a meme in the fandom a while back, and people started doing it with the other characters as well. Pretty sure when people do it in public it's just a way of saying "a Homestuck was here!"

I always think it's neat when you find small fandom related stuff around town (all fandoms, not just HS), but I'm pretty sure covering a store in baby Daves crosses the line a bit.

>> No.6624777

Silly anon, don't you know??¿? The Homestuck and Hetalia fandoms are moirails now. *w*

But seriously, they apparently are on good terms lately. If anything, a Homestuck wearing that shirt to a convention would just cause both the fandoms to band together and make asses of themselves. It would probably involve loud singing and group hugs.

>> No.6624803

I wear my John outfit (the one Vriska makes for him) from Homestuck from time to time so I guess that counts.

No-one's ever paid any attention to it aside from someone coming up and giving me a hug, though if we're talking about a full blown cosplay, that's a different story.

>> No.6624857

Oh it's you, it's fucking you, you're the douche from that other thread talking about how someone came up asking your halo friend if they were cosplaying iron man

>> No.6624858

If you think it's going to be fun then fuck what other people think, jesus.
You're probably going to have shitloads of fun too, I was once there and sure I cringe at the thought of it and wish I could go back in time for the sole purpose of preventing it but I know I had fun there and then.
So go ahead, just don't bother people around you and you'll be fine. There's always going to be people judging

>> No.6624952

I've done the bar cosplay thing before. Mostly because I was at a Doctor Who meet up in NYC and our group was trying to ditch the annoyingly loud cosplayers. Every trash can was OMG! DALEK! Or doing the Yaoi thing with Multiple Doctors.

So we decided to duck into a bar. Figuring the kids wouldn't follow us. . .turned out they were of age or at least had fake IDs. That was. . .painful.

>> No.6628836


>> No.6628869

The hamsteaks in melbourne seem to meet often because I see them all the time in the city and they're just plain cringe worthy, its worse that I have a friend whose one of them, having to play nice with her about homestuck is killing me.

>> No.6632430

They aren't hurting anyone. If you don't like them, don't look. People may not like looking at you, but I doubt they bitch about it after the fact.
STFU and grow the fuck up.

>> No.6632461

Oh god, that video was awful.

When I saw "When this was made Miku and I where slightly weebos" and looked through the channel to see if they truly got out of it...

I wonder what their definition of "weeboo" is.

>> No.6632479

>"They aren't hurting anyone" comment
>Replying to OP
>Half a day after the thread was started
I always thought that there were a lot of newfags on this board.

>> No.6632484

Everyone was a newfag at some point. Moron.

>> No.6632486


Yeah, and the ones who weren't complete idiots lurked before posting.

>> No.6632492

Ah. Right. Thank you for reminding me that this board is no better than /b/. I will take my leave now. Have fun being snotty little cunts for the rest of your lives.

>> No.6632495

we will all cry ourselves to sleep at night in your absence

>> No.6632501

I am sure you do cry at night. On your cock shaped pillow.

>> No.6632499


I remember this! They stretched out the seams and then just tossed them on the ground. Fuck that shit.

>> No.6632525


I thought you said you were going...?

Please, don't let us keep you.

>> No.6632534

God, You are SOOOOOOO MUCH COOLER than those other cosplayers you wanted to ditch. And totally not at all like them! You were at a Doctor Who meet up in NYC after all! Your brilliant plan of walking into a bar should have worked. PROTIP: Only people with autism cosplay outside of a Con or at Halloween.

>> No.6632547

>I will take my leave now.
Who let in the talking fedora?

>> No.6632571

Cooler than homeautist fans, yes. They're brony tier but more obnoxious

>> No.6632976
File: 167 KB, 720x865, Suzuha_Amane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one time, when I used to work at the mall, when a pretty good-looking girl walked through the store with her bike (you had to go through the store to get to the mall). She had braided pigtails and an outfit really similar to Suzuha from Steins;Gate... but at the same time it's just normal athletic wear.

>> No.6632979


>> No.6633015

Hah. I was just at the mall yesterday and saw a group of girls cosplaying something and a pair of guys with cameras. I'm assuming they were going to do a photoshoot, but I can't really imagine that going down well at a mall (it also bugs me because I couldn't figure out what series they were from but it looked extremely familiar)

Ah well. Everyone was looking at them weird, but they were quiet and just talking, so that was fine. Just as long as they weren't "THIS PUBLIC PLACE IS OUR PLAYGROUND EVERYONE ELSE IS IN THE WAY/A NORMIE LOL"

>> No.6633049

How does a mall ban wigs? That's kind of ridiculous, especially since people color their hair/ don't have hair and need wigs.

>> No.6633052

dude same. That's be awful.

>> No.6633061

Went to Olive Garden with a friend once as Luigi and Princess Daisy.

No fucking regrets.

>> No.6633072

Girl on right is smoking hot

>> No.6633073

Do they all congregate at f.y.e. in your city? Because that's where they all hang out in mine.

>> No.6633099

Honestly lolitas look waaaaaay worse. Any mall with a Hot Topic and a Gamestop will be used to weeaboos. Lolitas look a whole different level of out of place.

>> No.6633128

This. Lolita is still more of a uncommon fashion in most Western places (no matter how large your comm seems to be), but weebs are everywhere. I'm not saying lolitas look worse than weebs when they're out in public, just that they look more unusual. Though let's not get into weebs who are into lolita.

>> No.6634796

Oooh, details, please.