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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6616663 No.6616663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up! Watch the post be deleted again because there are several Vitae secrets.

>> No.6616686

>removed due to request
alright who has the caps

>> No.6616685

That secret just kind of annoys me.
Unless the people who made it have never bought a replica or a trickle-down knockoff of a designer item (highly unlikely), I don't think they have a lot of room to criticize.
Nobody ever has a problem with secret shop teaparties, or rocking horse shoes from Bodyline or eBay which are pretty much all knockoffs too. Or even Taobao fashion ripoffs.

I just don't get why people act like it's okay for these instances, but then when someone indie (and particularly Western) does it, it's a huge deal.

>> No.6616684

Out of curiosity, but in the first BtB post, is that Pink Zombies' work? I haven't heard much about her in ages and I wondered if she was still making lolita clothing.

>> No.6616688

The point is because if someone even SLIGHTLY copied anything she made, she'd fucking go apeshit at them and has done in the past - anytime someone has made a mario dress, shes flipped her shit.

>> No.6616692

This, and the fact that she's lying about it being a replica.

>> No.6616702

>The point is because if someone even SLIGHTLY copied anything she made, she'd fucking go apeshit at them and has done in the past

Good to know but I'm just pointing out that that's not what the secret conveys. It doesn't say "Hey, you're a massive hypocrite," it just looks like it's attacking another indie designer on the grounds that their product looks like a knockoff of another product.

>> No.6616707
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Are you thinking what I'm thinking

>> No.6616731
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I am mad over this secret because wtf thats not a halter neckline, OP. none of those dresses have halter necklines and it bugs me. so much.

>> No.6616733

hey, I am the OP of that secret and the person who originally posted a comment on the jewelry photo which was then deleted and I was blocked from the Facebook page. The point was they are blatantly LYING about it being even inspired by any other brands. Secret Shop, Replicas, Whatever else don't lie, they know that everyone knows they are copies, or they blatantly say it's a replica or inspired. Vitae basically just said 'OH REALLY, WOW IT LOOKS SOOOO SIMILAR, THAT'S TOTALLY WEIRD!' as if they don't know what they are doing. Also, not that it matters or that you would believe me, but I don't own any knock offs (knowingly) of shoes/purses/prints/dresses.

>> No.6616738

You're right, I don't believe you but thanks for clarifying.

>> No.6616746

Sure thing. Sorry you don't believe me about the knock-offs, but hey, that's the internet and anon for you :)

>> No.6616760

Well no that's you actually just being a lying bitch but hey...

>> No.6616765

Well that escalated quickly.

>> No.6616766

That hurts my precious feelings!

>> No.6616768

oh well even if i had posted a wardrobe to link to i doubt anon would believe it was mine anyway

>> No.6616771
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>> No.6616775

You know replicas and rip offs extend to other things besides lolita clothes you know. Besides we'd only know what you decide to show up so I don't see how it proves anything.

>> No.6616777
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>samefagging yourself this much because you're that butthurt that someone called you a lying bitch
Wow newfriend, welcome.

>> No.6616778

well yeah... hence why i said *knowingly* and also why I said you wouldn't believe me anyway, which is fine. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO MEAN THOUGH, GEEZ. Get mad at vitae, not me friend!

>> No.6616781

The retarded thing is why sell an overpriced replica when people can get a cheaper version via taobao?

Anyways, did she pull it from the shop? I can't find it.

>> No.6616780

Nah, not all me, sorry anon that people don't 100% agree with you

>> No.6616782

Haha right. All I know is if someone called me a lying bitch and it wasn't true I wouldn't throw a tantrum over it.

>> No.6616787

Holy crap they did pull it from the facebook, at least it's not in the same place as before. Bravo, I win at the internet today.

>> No.6616790

Don't be upset anon, I know I'm not! It's ok if people want to call you out on blowing up, it's not the end of the world :)

>> No.6616789
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you need a hug, letting 4chan comments make you rage out is not healthy for your blood pressure

>> No.6616797

>hurr I troll u naow
Lol nope, not even once chicka. 2/10 for having me respond to your crap.

>> No.6616798

>still thinks samefag even though timestamp is the same

Oh you are just so damn cute! No one is calling troll, we are just trying to get you to calm down!

>> No.6616799


Your butthurt is showing.

>> No.6616802

But you wouldn't post a wardrobe link because then it would attach your face to the secret you admitted posting, and then people would be on your shit and looking for skeletons in your closet too. Nobody's stupid. Sorry that what that anon said to you got you rustled, but your threats are completely empty and you know it.

>> No.6616807
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>telling someone else to calm down
>keeps responding and crying butthurt
Ladie(s)...just get back on topic.

>> No.6616811
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but this is much more fun

>> No.6616814

Well, this week some secrets weren't accepted because they were too big or hosted on the wrong site. I would like to see those if anyone has them and would care to share here.

>> No.6616816

i don't know which one you are but this is literally the pettiest squabble i have ever seen on /cgl/

and that SAYS something

>> No.6616817

lol, I'm sorry you're upset that no one is backing you up on this.


Wat? hahaha

>> No.6616821

I don't even know what this autism is about anymore
shut up and move on, people

>> No.6616822


But those posts aren't samefags. Both chicks are butthurt to maximum levels and are trying to get in the last word. I just happened to contribute my observation.

>> No.6616824


Just. Shut up. That's not why you wouldn't post it and you know it.

>> No.6616825

? I said I didn't even make one. Reading comprehension fail so hard hahaha. God you are making my damn night!

>> No.6616826

the other chick that keeps going on about how she's not a liar though is really more annoying tbh. If she would just let it go and not spam things would be alright.

>> No.6616828

But you said you'd post it if you did, there's no difference.

>> No.6616831

they are both fucking irritating. the one chick who started it by flying off the handle with 'lying bitch' and all the others replying back to her

>> No.6616834

Calling someone a lying bitch is hardly 'flying off the handle.' So, are you girls 15 and sensitive or are you just not used to 4chan yet?
Nobody even gets why you're defending your honor when you're anonymous anyway. Who the hell cares?

>> No.6616833

nah, I said it wouldn't matter either way. keep proving you're a dumb ass, it's hilarious

>> No.6616836

It actually does matter in one way. So...

>> No.6616837
File: 79 KB, 280x373, toy drops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there so much hate for Toy Drops? It's one of my favourite prints. It's bouncy and adorable and it's got a candy alphabet on it. What's not to love?

>> No.6616842
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Oh dear. Seagulls, you need a good spanking and to go back to drama school. This is terrible! Let's talk about secrets now.

>> No.6616845

They totally ripped off Meta from way back.

Just kidding, I like it because it reminded me of that Meta print, not that I'd wear either.

>> No.6616844

>thinks making mountains out of molehills to piss people off means you're a newfag

really? I think you're the one who doesn't understand the internet rules here

>> No.6616848

No, stop trying backpedal on your actions and move the fuck on. Someone post secrets for the love of shit already.

>> No.6616849


>> No.6616851

clam down, jfc

>> No.6616854

Speaking of vitae clothing, what do people think of their dress construction? I was looking at the gloomy dress but the claw straps look a little wonky.


>> No.6616859

Looks like shit to me. And not worth 400 in my currency what so ever

>> No.6616858


I think the difference is is that the replicas/knockoffs on taobao/ebay/whatever admit they are knockoffs, while she tries to pass off her stuff as original concepts.

>> No.6616860

It looks very awkward to me.I wouldn't pay that much for it.

>> No.6616862

I like the dress, honestly; the design is really cute and they have a lot of cute colours for it, but at the same time...
the print just looks so fucking kindergarten. It's colourful bubble-letters, for christ's sake. I think a lot of lolitas hate that dress because it's difficult to tell someone you aren't an age-player when that's floating around the subculture.

>> No.6616863

Yes. That was my point of posting the secret. She tried to make it seem like she had never ever ever seen that design before, but then goes on to admit 'but lots of people are releasing this style' which is a direct contradiction. Anyway, the jewelry is no longer on the FB that I can see.

>> No.6616864

Yep, so I suppose you can lay off your tirade now. :)

>> No.6616866


Let's not start this bullshit again.

>> No.6616868

I know, it feels good to win! it was more like jumping up and down and seeing if anyone would pay attention, duh

>> No.6616869

ugh, but it's so much fun :(

>> No.6616871

It looks pretty bad. I want to like this, but it is too hard.
I'm also wondering about those arpakasso bags, does anyone know if they are made by them (from the plush) or resold? I have a bunch of those huge alpacas I won, it would be so hilarious if I made them into bags and sold them. She would be so mad.

>> No.6616874


Just do it without the emoticons k?

>> No.6616873

You're autismal as fuck if you think you 'won' anything because someone took a product off their page lol. Aren't you the same girl that got assmad when your comments got deleted on their page? You seem like you're the same person.

>> No.6616876

>implying you're having fun
No, we're pretty sure you're rustled as fuck and acting like a passive aggressive cunt to hide your anger. We'd really wish you'd go away :(

>> No.6616877

I'm kind of wondering the same about the bat bags... they look like those kid's stuffed bats you can buy for like... 20 bucks at most? And she's charging nearly 100 for putting in a lining and a zipper and sewing on a strap? I mean, this girl is nuts. I guess if people buy it though...

>> No.6616884

? I already said I was the same person. Come on now, keep up! Sorry you believe in supporting liars and thieves. it's your prerogative I guess! Oh yah, I so mad, oOoOOo anon, it's like in the cartoons when steam comes out of their noses! So mad! Looooooool
Come on, implying I'm mad this whole time! Stop being so upset! See I can do it too, except in my case your buttmad is obvious! hahahaha

>> No.6616885

>implying it hasn't been you the whole time

Come on, let's get real here. WHAT WILL YOU SAY NEXT?! Oh my day is so lively right now.

>> No.6616890

I don't care if you retards argue, just fucking sage for your shitty shit posting.

>> No.6616891

>implying you haven't been samefagging the whole time either
I really don't get why either of you bother responding to one another. People already said they hate you both and want you to shut up. And the whole 'but I'm not mad!' thing really fools no one.

>> No.6616896

Holy shit woman. Learn when to drop the subject. I'm half tempted to ask vitae who you are, so you can be shamed off the Internet and I'm not even a part of this stupid argument.

I know that arpakasso bags are a thing, but that sounds a tad excessive.

>> No.6616894

No seriously, I had at least one person on my side, I promise! And nah, no reason to be mad, I mean, if either of us were actually mad that would be silly.

>> No.6616895

>I already said I was the same person.

oh, so this is a vendetta shitpost. it makes sense why you're so upset and trying to defend your secret. lol, you have emotional investment in this.

>> No.6616900

Oh man you really came in late to the game. Never was talking about the secret in the first place this whole time. Keep trying! I mean, did you really want to pay their prices for their rip-offs? That's what I'm curious about, since you can buy them for a couple dollars on taobao.

>> No.6616897

Right? They're just pissed because their comments got deleted. How fucking petty haha.

>> No.6616898
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>> No.6616906

So what if people did? Not everyone shops or wants to shop on Taobao. Drop it.

>> No.6616904

>I'm half tempted to ask vitae who you are
Do it, I gotta see who this person is and find out if they're as aspie as they sound.

>> No.6616910

? As if I didn't make a trash FB profile to comment. This hurts me, this hurts me real deep that you would think I was that stupid.

>> No.6616911

>ooooh! look at all those comments on a secrets thread
>"trolls" "trolling "trolls"

You guys are retarded as all fuck

>> No.6616913
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>this hurts me real deep that you would think I was that stupid
Can't imagine why.

>> No.6616917

Can janitors ban people? Please, someone ban this bitch.

>> No.6616915
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You did? Well there you go, /cgl/, I think we have our answer.

>> No.6616922

Gosh, who would have thought this would derail so quickly? Good golly gosh!

>> No.6616928

I see what you did thar

>> No.6616934
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>> No.6616937
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Yeah the bat bag (pic related) seems pretty cheap? Or is it just me? Also looks like it can only hold maybe a phone and a small wallet? Almost 100USD once shipping and currency conversion take effect.

>> No.6616941

I said the same thing when I read it. Who doesn't know what a halter neck is?

>> No.6616942

I don't really follow her, but yeah, I wouldn't even pay that for brand.