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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6613810

Urgh..still a whole week till CNY ends.

>> No.6613842


I'm sure you'll live through another week anon.

>> No.6613846


Let's hope the waste of O2 over at >>6609310

>> No.6613850

Holy fuck no one cares, shut up with your hateboner already

sage for shitty fucking troll

>> No.6613905

You replied to a troll. What's the point in saging?

>> No.6614095

in b4 guys my other order

>> No.6614148

is this legit or replica

>> No.6614197
File: 101 KB, 310x310, T1nrI9Xe8hXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you be the judge

>> No.6614204

What site is the galaxy seifuku from?

>> No.6614206


>> No.6614299
File: 53 KB, 480x640, purplewig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone would't mind helping, I've been looking for a wig similar to the colour in the picture, but I can't find any that don't look like they will be shiny as hell when I get it in the mail, much thanks in advance.

>> No.6614343

This one is a more brown version. I don't know if it's any help, but it looks like a good wig to me. I don't know much about wigs, though.

>> No.6614392
File: 906 KB, 648x600, taobaofeb13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making an order pretty soon. It's mostly mori girl clothes. I might add some makeup brushes and eyelashes to the order, but I don't know. (Those also aren't interesting to look at.)
What's you guys's fave shop that would have accessories that would go well with those clothes? Just if you happen to know of one. I'm looking for hair stuff, like headbands and whatever you think would look good with this style. Also leg stuff. Maybe shoes, too, but I don't know if I want to add to the weight of my order.

>> No.6614460

any shops for fattychans?

>inb4 lose some weight its not that hard

yes its hard to lose weight when you are on medicine that makes you turn into a whale.

>> No.6614470

oh gosh I love it all, what sites did you find the clothes from, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6614507

Can anyone vouch for the quality of Fantasy Sheep's cosplay costumes?

>> No.6614547


oooh, love this shop! anyone know any similar ones?

>> No.6614549 [DELETED] 

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>> No.6614555


I'd like to find stuff for taller/broader frames, I am tall with very broad shoulders. Shirring would be great, and reliable custom sizing.

>> No.6614584


What stores can you find Mori stuff from?

>> No.6614606

Have you checked out the first post in this thread? the store spreadsheets have plenty of mori shops mentioned.

>> No.6614609


>> No.6614619

Did you check the store list on the first post? It says which stores do custom sizing. If you want any reviews, pick a shop and ask for a review.

>> No.6614662 [DELETED] 

The clothes are from here http://diexi.taobao.com/
I haven't known anyone whose bought anything there, so idk the quality. It's adorable though. I'll probably review it.

>> No.6614668

The clothes are from here http://diexi.taobao.com/
I haven't known anyone whose bought anything there, so idk the quality. It's adorable though. I'll probably review it.

>> No.6614681


Do they do custom sizes? Probably not but it's worth a shot.

>> No.6614687


OMG, I love their stuff. Is there any way you could inquire if they do custom sizes?

>> No.6614874

This one is darker, but I bought this one: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id7500279130
I love it to death!

>> No.6614900

This shop has some nice hairbands you could use. A lot of flowers and toned down natural colors.

This store has a lot of nice tights/leggings/shoes but their mori girl clothing is really cute too.

>> No.6614911

I ran out of taobao stores with stuff I like to browse. Does anyone know if there is an updated spread sheet being made or anything? Are their any taobao haul blogs tumblrs?

>> No.6614932
File: 87 KB, 640x427, GetImg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lace and other DIY stuff.

>> No.6614936


So now that shitty small order troll is gone is this our new taobao thread troll?

>> No.6614933

Just wondering of anybody knows of any lolita dresses or skirts with teddy bears on them.

>> No.6614944

You could ask your shopping service to ask them, I guess. I have no clue how to tell. I'm kind of risking it in the bust with one of those dresses. I just really love their frilly mori style. (and the pre-layered look!) It's a little different from other shops, but I'm a noob and maybe it's super common and there are other shops just like it.

>> No.6614946


Orange Bear is one of my favourites, their size range is freeking amazing and their quality is really good for their price. I've bought from them everytime I've put in an order and only once have I gotten a dress that wasn't the best fit but still pretty close.

>> No.6614967

I forgot about Red Maria. I had only really thought about them for lolita. I like how they have really interesting stuff. Or maybe just how they put weird things together. I found some cool stuff on there.
The other shop is very good, too. Thanks for the recommendations!

>> No.6614973

Cute shoes here http://lady52.taobao.com/

>> No.6614982

I forgot about Red Maria. I had only really thought about them for lolita. I like how they have really interesting stuff. Or maybe just how they put weird things together. I found some cool stuff on there.
The other shop is very good, too. Thanks for the recommendations!

>> No.6615015
File: 202 KB, 439x311, mysteriousroundcats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen these guys before on a different shop like this, but I was looking through different shops on the spreadsheet and was on http://jie.taobao.com/
What are these little round cats? If I click on the link, it doesn't take me to a place I can purchase them. They must be common, because last time I saw a thing like that it was this weird microfiber pineapple towel that a million shops were selling that I just had to figure out how to search for.
But I want to do what they're doing. Make a decorative bowl with round plastic cats in it.
Anyone find these guys?

>> No.6615030

That photo is stolen from flickr.
The source is kawaii shop japan.
And I think they don't sell those cuties anymore.

>> No.6615035

And....They are called Maruneko

>> No.6615052

Shit. That's why they looked so familiar. Because I got caught on the end of the maruneko craze and looked really hard for like 2 weeks for them. Then forgot about them because they were selling for ridiculous prices.
I was thinking they looked like something I had wanted really bad and if taobao sold something like it that would be awesome. Man, I wish they did. You get some derpy looking stuffed animals searching for round cats!

>> No.6615194

Hey guys I have a question about saging.
Do you need to type it into the Email field or can you just type it into any part (name, subject, where I'm typing right now) in order for it to not bump the post?
Sorry, just curious after anon from last thread said you have to put it into your email field for it to properly work, and that people were saging wrong.

>> No.6615202


>> No.6615208

sage goes in eurry field.

>> No.6615210

Sorry I missed the last thread. I was banned from 4chan for, I don't really understand why. At least it's kept me off of Taobao for a while!
So my order is still at sea (and may take a few more weeks), but as a remainder, it had been dispatched on Monday, January 28th, 2013.
Almost two weeks have gone by and I'm very excited to be receiving furniture.

So to the people I was quoting at the top (in order):
I don't believe you can use SEA shipping because there is a certain (HIGH) weight limit that they accept (40kg+?). The reason it is so cheap is because of the high weight required to ship it this method as well as the dangers/risks of it getting lost. I remember Sydney telling me. If you order a piano or a couch... Anything LARGE, SEA shipping would be the only method they can ship. As other people said, most SS won't even ship umbrella's because they are too big/long. So think of the dimensions of a bed -- SEA shipping is the only method.

Yes, the estimated time arrival is long. I live in the USA and Sydney told me it would take 1-2 months. However, when I checked on other websites and reviews (not for Taobao, but for miscellaneous sites), I started panicking. There was a lot of commotion about things taking up to 4+ months to arrive via boat! Also, things with pirates? I never knew pirates were real, and I don't want to feel stupid by questioning it. I hope my items don't get lost at sea.

>furnatiure anons bed will be ikea status or something
I was happy you mentioned me in your post (I skimmed through most of last thread). (;
What do you mean by ikea status?

Until again,
Furniture Anon.

>> No.6615220

Hey guys I'm placing an order for about 300 little figurines. Each one are 3yuan and they're little anime figurines. I'm not a reseller, I just love collecting figurines (call me a hoarder if you will).
Some of this stuff is the exact same as the stuff I'm seen at Walmart, and I was just wondering, since this is coming from China... Are these products I'm buying at all dangerous? Like do they have lead poisoning or anything, do you think?

>> No.6615222

Fake nails.
I love seeing all of the Taobao resellers on Etsy, charging 100x more than what's on Taobao. Especially 3D/Deco/Hime/Gyaru nails.

>> No.6615226

Wow, it's cheap too! do you have any other lace and diy cheap stuff? The last time I went to Joann's I shoplifted $500 ($30 on Taobao) worth of lace, ribbons, and other spools of materials. This is why I love Taobao: Somewhere where I can buy stuff for reasonable prices almost directly from the source without those high American mark ups.

>> No.6615228

Where can I find these on Taobao? PLEASE HELP ME I NEED THEM SO CUTE OMFG

>> No.6615227

Can someone explain to me mori style? It looks like old grandma baggy lace clothing. It just looks really ugly to me... Like Victorian slips/lingerie (I'm talking about sleepwear, not sexwear).

>> No.6615231

Agreed with this.
I can't believe that fucking retard over there KNEW she had a package coming, and fucking took the time to go on vacation worry-free, and then later bitching that she missed the package.

Bitch deserved to have lost that package.

>> No.6615233

God damnit I am going to be so pissed off if my package doesn't get to me tomorrow. I am not going to want to wait until fucking Monday to receive it. WHY CAN'T POST OFFICES WORK 7 DAYS A WEEK!

>> No.6615235

Pretty much. yeah- layers and lace, mixing textures in natural colors. What's ugly to you is attractive to others; what is there to explain?

>> No.6615234


obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.6615237

I live in Washington and my package always goes through LA's custom in California.

On February 6th, my package made it to California and it said "Inbound Into Customs".
The status still hasn't changed. When do you think I'll be receiving it? I'm really anxious that it's taking SO FUCKING LONG, but I'm really excited because SAL has never been this quick for me! (Less than 2 weeks and in customs of the last place before my local post office!)

>> No.6615239

I'm not the above anon. I do think that person in the other thread was a fucking retard, and I won't say that the girl should die however, because that's fucked up. I'm just saying she's fucking stupid.

>> No.6615242

Does anyone's SAL package say "Priority Mail International Parcels" on USPS.com?
Just wondering. I've made a few orders on Taobao before, but never paid that close attention to the tracking. I just wanna know that I paid for the right shipping method.

>> No.6615240

3 days isn't THAT long for customs.. Give it over the weekend at least.

>> No.6615241


Oh hi anon!

I realize I am replying to a troll, but I'm in a good mood so why not

The package wasn't lost, it ended up being a mistake and I picked it up a few days ago!

It arrived the day after christmas, I was with my family. Lesson learned, etc etc. Note to self, if you are going somewhere for Christmas, ask usps to hold your mail!

>> No.6615243

They potentially can since we don't know the regulations of taobao compared to imports at say Walmart.

I hope the furniture is awesome and can't wait for reviews.

>> No.6615245

I'm not a troll. I genuinely think you are THAT fucking retarded. What is troll-ish about having an opinion over someone?
If it was me, oh God I would think of myself as a stupid retard.
And good, glad you learned your lesson.
Didn't you check tracking AT ALL when you were on Christmas break?
I mean, when my packages deliver to me, I'm always notified with when it's at my local post office, and when it's out for delivery via the tracking. Usually when it says it's at my local post office, I know it will be delivered that day or at the latest, the next day.

>> No.6615247

EVERYONE I just added 179 items to my cart on Taobaoring. Do you think Taobaoring is going to manually go through every single item to confirm? Or are they just going to say "yes" to every item on each shop on the confirmation?

Also, I'm buying a bunch of DIY, cabochons, deco pieces, nail art, cheap shit, and plushies.

>> No.6615249

Different anon, but what is "eurry" field? Is that a typo, or did you mean to say "Yuri"?

>> No.6615251

It's a fucking image on a public website. Do we really have to use the word "stole"?
Fucking liberals.

I just wanted to know where on Taobao I could get them.

>> No.6615253

Why are you so upset lol

It was a poor decision, going to visit my family on christmas

I should have asked USPS to hold my things, but to be honest I didn't even know one could do that

Try not to get too bent out of shape over this, dear~

All my items are great and everything worked out so, I'm happy!

>> No.6615255

Do I have a shopping problem?
I am a first year college student
The only "job" I have is selling old clothes (not for much) and EGL
I spent $3,000 on 8 orders in the last 2 months on Taobao.

>> No.6615257

Dif anon
Would you still be happy if USPS would have sent your package back to the return address?

>> No.6615259

>lose some weight its not that hard
You forgot "fat fuck"

>> No.6615261

If it gets in the way of other things (paying bills, saying up in an emergency fund, etc) or you're using it as a crutch such as the anons that have posted who said they don't have friends, then yes it is.

>> No.6615262

I want to know this too. I don't know much about American brands, but for replicas, $100 seems kind of pricey for these simple looking purses.

Also, I want to hear about times people have bought things like Coach, Gucci, etc from Taobao and had customs take the items or happy endings? My aunt wants me to buy her some replicas of Coach (the kind with printed fabric so it's noticeable that it's coach), except I'm hesitant that customs will take my entire package, and I don't want to pay shipping for just one itme.

>> No.6615264

I know this feeling, I know...
so far I have 16 carts open (yes sixteen) with Taobaoring. I keep making new carts saying "Okay, this CNY break, I'm going to stop my poor impulsive spending habits and make carts of stuff I actually NEED"
Well, I ended up with each new cart with the SAME stuff as the last cart, PLUS more and now I'm over $2,000 on my 16th cart!

>> No.6615269

>using it as a crutch such as the anons that have posted who said they don't have friends
I'm not understanding your grammar, can you reword this part?

>> No.6615270

God damnit why is lolita so fucking expensive. I feel like my order of $1,000 is so fucking expensive and all I bought were 7 lolita dresses. Why is lolita so fucking expensive!

>> No.6615274

I just feel so addicted to Taobao, I can't stop myself.
I've made orders with multiple shopping services now, just to see when they will respond. I will go with the soonest one that opens up again before Taobaoring, and then make my even bigger order with Taobaoring on the 18th. I can't wait. Just 9 more days and HERE I COME WITH LOTS OF ORDERS.

>> No.6615276

Well of course not? What kind of question is that lol

But I'm pretty happy now

Either way I would have learned my lesson

I don't really understand why people are so obsessed with me and my package? I shouldn't have went to see my family on christmas if I knew my package was coming, and I should have asked usps to hold my stuff. Ive said this many times :<

I don't think I ever blamed anyone else (I think I made a comment/joke about how the 5 day time period was pretty crazy) other than me, and my need to see my family on christmas lol

I should also mention that I live in an apartment complex where all packages are left at the office, nothing is ever delivered to our door. So even if we're not there, packages are signed for and kept at the front desk, so that was another factor contributing to me not being super worried about the package :s


Sorry for not contributing anything

Here's a shop link with cute homewares and stuff


>> No.6615279

Does anyone see a point with paying with Paypal? I mean, if you make large orders, you're paying a heapload of PP fees. People in the past have mentioned paying as a gift (no protection) as well as Western Union (no protection). so why are people so against WU but open to paying with PP via gift? They both offer no protection.

Just curious, why would anyone file a claim or open a case with a SS either? In the last year (starting from January of 2012), I have paid over $400 in Paypal fees from all of my Taobao orders. I always pay with Paypal, and I've never had a problem or had to "do anything" with Paypal or use the "protection", so I don't understand why people are so concerned with not having the "paypal protection"? I just feel like that's a waste of money, having to pay PP fees.

>> No.6615282

>I should also mention that I live in an apartment complex where all packages are left at the office, nothing is ever delivered to our door.
How can I have this done to me?
I am so terrified of USPS knocking on the door and then leaving the package on my doorstep if I don't answer.
Has anyone ever had this happen to me? I'd much rather be the one to go to the post office and pick it up, rather than it being left unattended at my doorstep.

>> No.6615284

>Here's a shop link with cute homewares and stuff
Dat shit aint cute.

>> No.6615287

I think a good thing to do with Taobao orders (as future reference) is to screenshot whatevre tracking website you use (after the package is delivered and the latest status says delivered).
I'm going to do this, starting with this last order I just made. It should be arriving to me any day now, it's just in a state east of where I live. I just wish i would have done this sooner. A lot of my "how long is this gonna take" with each status would have really helped if I had a timeline.

>> No.6615292

>I am so terrified of USPS knocking on the door and then leaving the package on my doorstep if I don't answer.

When I lived in a house, this happened to me allll the time. Maybe you could contact your apartment complex office and ask if it's something they would consider doing? You may have to change your shipping address to the address of your apartment complex office, though

I dunno, I kinda like that little blue elephant guy and all the merch he's on!

>> No.6615289

Um, for shoes made in China, that's really fucking expensive. 300 - 600 yuan for one fucking pair of shoes? That aren't even lolita or catered to any style? Yeah, fucking expensive.

>> No.6615293

Any stores for "underskirts"? I keep hearing lolis bitching about shit being too short (I'm 5 foot 9 and shit is shorter on me than them), and I think an underskirt would help, but look awful at the same time. I just see those two as clashing. I'd like to have a store with nice IN STOCK pettis/underskirts - whatever can act as an additional ruffle or tulle under my dresses and skirts.

I'm not referring to indie brands like Dear Celine or Kidsyoyo because the shit they have sells out way too fast, otherwise I would have loved getting some of Dear Celine's organiza skirts.

>> No.6615294

>Maybe you could contact your apartment complex office and ask if it's something they would consider doing? You may have to change your shipping address to the address of your apartment complex office
Where I live, there is a manager's office, is that the address you mean I should change mine to? (If that makes sense). I don't quite know what you mean by apartment complex office, other than the manager's office!

Thanks for replying, I've been really wanting to know this. I've had stuff from eBay stolen off of my doorstep. I know it was stolen because even tracking (the few that had tracking) said "delivered". I always live in a low-income black neighborhood, so it's self-explanatory that thievery would go around.

>> No.6615296

>I'm not referring to indie brands like Dear Celine or Kidsyoyo

Then what ARE you looking for? The underskirt needs to be able to hold a petticoat so it still needs to come from a lolita shop.. Not sure what you mean otherwise.

>> No.6615301

You can get this one custom length from Classical Puppets

>> No.6615302

Yes, the manager's office would be the same thing!

Just make sure that there is always someone there, where I live there is always someone available at the front desk to take packages

I used to live in a low income neighborhood as well, luckily I never had anything stolen off my porch, thank goodness

>> No.6615304

Wait... So saying "sage" in the text field doesn't actually sage? The only way to actually sage is to type "sage" into the Email field?

>> No.6615305

I think anon means they don't want the stuff from the indie brands offered from Qutieland and Clobba, those aren't the only indie brands after all.

>> No.6615306

Different anon, but I am tall as well, and this right here is the reason why I hate underskirts.
Why? They look like that.
They're ugly as shit by themselves, and turn the dress you're wearing with one even uglier. It's just doesn't go. And you normally can't find any "good" ones for sweet lolita either, only classic/goth, because stores only seem to make these basic, ugly skirts in black, different variations off white (off-white, cream, ivory) and other ugly dusty colors.

>> No.6615310

Magazines, has anyone ordered them?
All of the cheap Gothic Lolita Bibles on Taobao are .pdf files. But the Popteen magazines aren't. I was thinking of buying some. The languages are dubbed in Chinese, which is fine with me since I can read/write/speak fluent Mandarin. I'm just scared of the weight, if it's going to kill my shipping expenses.

>> No.6615311

Ah, I guess I'm just confused since most of the known lolita clothing shops on taobao are Chinese indie brands (CP, WhiteMoon, Krad Lanrete, Chess Story etc included). At least I consider them to be.

I'm sure you can get them commissioned in a different color though if you ask? I do agree they often look very off, though.

>> No.6615313

This is what pisses me off more than anything:
I buy something in an American store, thinking "oh it's cheap", and I find the exact same thing on Taobao. But instead of the $ I paid for, it's in Yuan.

For instance:
Shirt I bought from Papaya for $20.
found in on taobao for 20 yuan.

>> No.6615315


I saw someone several taobao orders back with it listed in their collage, but mother fucker never came back to the thread to link to it!

I'm referring to her archery bow, not a bow as in ribbon.

>> No.6615327


>> No.6615329

Buying pullips, byuls, and dals.
Anyone ever done this? I'm talking about the little ones that are fairly cheap. Would customs take them? Are these dolls legit (from the brand)?

>> No.6615344

lmao jesus christ
are you that anon who was asking why people use tripcodes the other day?

>> No.6615349

No I'm not. I'm just wondering.
Typing sage to see if sage in the text field actually sages or not.

>> No.6615350

i didn't say they were cheap or lolita? Sometimes things are more expensive when they are better quality. Not everything from China is 5 bucks, jfc lol

>> No.6615361


>looks at store
>sees shoes ranging from 150 to 500
>awesome classic loli styles to pick from
>1 blue crown

You need to clam down. There are plenty of shoes around 150-300 (you know, the same price range as Antaina, where you get your shitty shoes?) and lots of shoes that can be used for a variety of styles outside of lolita as well as great classic loli style shoes.


Oh you

>> No.6615362

It says they're made of real leather, so it's not really that expensive?? They're about the same price as regular shoes.

>> No.6615364


>all my why

>> No.6615367

Yes, and Prada on Taobao says it's real Prada.
Your point?

>> No.6615368

Samefag is obvious.

>> No.6615385

That's kind of like saying there's no real Prada on ebay, but whatever. As far as I've seen, most taobao stores don't lie about what their shoes are made of. And they're still cheaper than the shoes you find in regular shops, so idgi. Does it have to be a specific fashion for it to be expensive?

nope, sorry. nice try, though!

>> No.6615400

agreed. this store is full of resale

>> No.6615402


>Equates a Brand name with a construction material

You're an idiot hahaha

>> No.6615483

It's 'every'. As in the well known phrase, "Sage goes in every field."

>> No.6615518
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x2568, Chess Story Starry Night Angel vest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review for starry night angel vest from Chess Story.
If you have any questions, ask away!

>> No.6615522
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x3272, Infanta Butterfly Coffin Embroidery JSK Cape Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the review for Infanta's Coffin Butterfly Embroidery set.

>> No.6615529

link to some of the shops you're buying from?

>> No.6615530


Theres a link through here

>> No.6615545

does anybody know where i might find versaille's guitar picks?

>> No.6615546

alice nine too, while i'm at it

>> No.6615547

how small did this run? was it true to the measurements they listed on the item?

>> No.6615553


Much smaller than stated.
I went for their xl because I have a large bust and I'm also a bit of a fatty.
Their given measurements were bust 100 cm, waist 82 cm.
The waist would have been too large but bust should have been good.
I measured the dress and the bust measured flat is 47 (=94cm), waist 39 (=78cm) and for this dress to fit you need to be at least 2-3 cm under these measurements.
I would say this is perfect for someone with the measurements 90 to 92 cm bust, waist under 75 cm.
My dummy is a eu small and it's a bit loose on her, especially around the waist but that isn't noticeable due to 2 petticoats but I expected it to be huge on her, being an xl and all, but surprisingly it's actually not that big on her.

>> No.6615562

Aw dang it. I liked SEA shipping because it's so cheap but you really have to have at least 40KG to use it?

>> No.6615565

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa1z10.1.w375103038.5.BXeLpi&id=177455646 would it be unwise to purchuse a thermos?

>> No.6615571

This seems to be a common problem in a lot of Infanta dresses, I've noticed? Their measurements are often off by a good 5-6 cm.

>> No.6615600

Whoever can edit the Dictionary, I have a few more cosplay series terms for it.

Air Gear - 飞轮少年
Angel Beats - sss战线
Bakemonogatari - 化物语
Blue Exorcist - 青之驱魔
Cardcaptor Sakura - 百变小樱
Chuunibyou - 中二病也要谈恋爱
Dangan Ronpa/Super Dangan Ronpa - 弹丸轮舞 or 弹丸轮破 or 彈丸輪舞 (dunno the differences, but different results)
Darker Than Black - 黒之契约者
Durarara!! - 无头骑士异闻录 (this might be more than the title?)
Hetalia - 国家拟人 or 黑塔利亚
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - 寒蝉鸣泣之时
Inazuma Eleven - 闪电十一人
K Project - 原创动画 K
Lucky Star - 幸运星
Magi - 魔笛
Mirai Nikki - 未来日记
My Little Pony - 小马宝莉
Rozen Maiden - 蔷薇少女
Shakugan no Shana - 灼眼的夏娜
Shugo Chara - 守护甜心
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - 凉宫春日
Tokyo Mew Mew - 东京猫猫
Touhou Project - 东方Project or 东方同人
Umineko no Naku Koro ni - 海猫鸣泣之时

>> No.6615620


Yeah, that seems to be a real problem with them, and they don't do custom sizing either so it's a bit of a gamble when buying a dress, you never know if it's going to fit or not it seems.

>> No.6615621


Generally, SEA is for large objects such as furniture, so if you're just buying things like clothing, shoes, etc, and want cheap shipping go for SAL instead.
SEA also takes a long long time.

>> No.6615627

I don't know whether they're genuine but to be honest when it's coming from China I'd lean towards no.

As for customs, they really wouldn't care. I highly doubt there are many customs officers out there who know what a Pullip is. Think about it.

>> No.6615641
File: 52 KB, 500x750, T2qBe4XcdaXXXXXXXX_!!53170890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really like the brown x light pink mix, but I can not find it anywhere for human heads.
Anyone seen something like pic related?

>> No.6615650

I think I'm having a bit of trouble with something. I'm trying to order a purse for something and after shipping, it comes to $17.17. When I put it into the spread sheet, my balance turns out to be $26.65 which includes the seller's fee. This is a lot more than the 10% they claim to charge. Is this right???? (I'm using Taobaospree)

>> No.6615653

What's the original item price and what shipping method did you choose?

>> No.6615660

The original item's price is 89 yuan ($14.28). I chose express since that's the only option they have available which is 18 yuan ($2.89). This is for shipping the item to the shopping service so I find this a bit... high.

>> No.6615661
File: 666 KB, 761x762, alright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Translate time.

Chuunibyou - two diseases have to love
Durarara!! - Headless Horseman different smell recorded
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - cool house spring day
Umineko no Naku Koro ni - sea cat Naruto sobbing O'clock
Blue Exorcist - Green exorcism
Code Geass - the rebellious Lu road repair
Hellsing - Royal the state religion of the Knights
Madoka Magica - Magical Girl the small round
Penguindrum - slewing penguin tanks
Power Rangers - Power Rangers beasts not even persons
Steins;gate - the fate of Stone Door
Star Driver - sparkling Take Te
The World God Only Knows - Only God doth know of the world
Zach Bell - Blonde the card repair

>> No.6615664

Strange. Is there some other fee it could possibly be? If that's all you're ordering, a minimum purchase fee? Or maybe some kind of fee for working during CNY if that's what's happening... $10 more does seem out of place.

>> No.6615668

There doesn't appear to be. This is really strange as if the spreadsheet has been formulated into "rip-off the buyer" mode. I think I'll just try shopping elsewhere. Thank you for trying to help though. :)

>> No.6615676

Mori Girl=Girl that looks like she is living in the forest

>> No.6615677

>Headless horseman different smell recorded
>Magical girl the small round
>Power Rangers beasts not even persons
Why did I chuckle

>> No.6615679

Lolita is not expensive but if you pay $1000 only for 7 dresses it is your own fault, you can get lolita dresses even for like $40 each these days as long as they aren't brand.

>> No.6615684

Thank you,I hope so..

Wow,your taste in clothing is awesome!
Would you do a review of the dresses,when they arrive? That'd be great.

Exactly the same here with bhiner,you are not alone,anon.
I picked out the stuff I 'really need' => CNY => added the old stuff + $ 800 worth of other stuff.
Oh well,how the anon above said: We are going to survive it!
But I'm curious now. What did you order?

That sounds interesting. Which shopping services did you try?

I thought about buying it too,so that was really helpful,thanks.

>> No.6615686


You are lucky if you can get 7 brand dresses for 1000 imo.
But you're right, depending on the price you can get a whole load more than 7 dresses for a 1000 bucks.

>> No.6615699

Any stores/links for boots?

>> No.6615739
File: 266 KB, 400x595, T2KJPjXgdaXXXXXXXX_!!11942814[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infanta, you are my favorite offbrand

>> No.6615769

Agree, I really love the prints they've been doing.

Since there was discussion of it earlier >>6615553
do Infanta's reserve print items also tend to be 5-8 cm off-sizing? Or is it just their regular print items? I assume for reserves they don't do custom sizing either...?

>> No.6615786


Their Snow White series was supposed to go bigger but there was a mistake with the elastic being cut too short, so that was smaller than stated.
They are making it again though (yay!!!).
I wouldn't be surprised if this new print also runs 5 to 8cm smaller as well.
They never ever do custom sizing, unfortunately.
Pretty much everything they make runs small.
I always take in account that the measurements they list are not the max, but probably flat and you need to be under it, and I always go a size up with Infanta.
Only once I had a jsk from them that was true to size which was the nightingale jsk they don't sell any more.
So 1 out of 5 Infanta jsk's I own(ed) was true to size, the other 4 all run a size smaller.

>> No.6615789


I agree, they are the best offbrand for sure!
Too bad about the sizing problems though.

>> No.6615801

Boguta has good underskirts that they can make custom sized for really cheap.
I wouldn't buy anything else from that shop except for shoes, since they just resell those. I bought a dress from them and it's the derpiest fucking dress I've ever seen.
But something like this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa1z10.3.w430281127.49.qJ8h0y&id=129164716&
or another color would probably make a good underskirt. I wear mine as a casual skirt. I know you were looking for more chiffon ones, but maybe this would do.

>> No.6615814

Not furniture anon, but yes, there are weight limits on it. I asked Sydney and you have to have at least 100 pounds I think.

>> No.6615817

On the order page, when you confirm order with Taobaoring, SEA isn't a shipping method because you have to inquiry them whether your parcel would qualify for SEA shipping. They're not going to waste room shipping a few dresses and handbags on a boat, when people have furniture and cars being shipped.

>> No.6615818

Oh like in the 1999 version of a Midsummer's Night Dream?
That is really retarded.
So people actually dress up as fairies and elves and think they live in a forest?

>> No.6615819

Thanks so much for the Higurashi translation!

>> No.6615820

Assuming she bought from reputable brands and not just DoL or other offbrand things. Kidsyoyo charges over $100 for their dresses. Infanta and White Moon are close to that price as well. Add in the fees and I can easily see that as $1000.

>> No.6615821

>lolita dresses even for like $40 each these days as long as they aren't brand.
Show me the links? Even replicas aren't that cheap.

>> No.6615822

>Exactly the same here with bhiner,you are not alone,anon.
>I picked out the stuff I 'really need' => CNY => added the old stuff + $ 800 worth of other stuff.
>Oh well,how the anon above said: We are going to survive it!
>But I'm curious now. What did you order?
A bunch of gyaru and lolita clothing. Lolita dresses are easily up to $100 each (Chinese indie brands, not stuff like DoL or Boguta). And gyaru clothes are 100yuan ($16) at least for each piece. I also bought a bunch of silverware and home decor... About $500 worth of.

>> No.6615823

these 40$ brand dresses aren't going to be NWT you realize

>> No.6615826

I can't add things from ershou (secondhand) .taobao.com to my cart with Taobaoring.

>> No.6615825

EVERY FUCKING LINK IS DEAD. Like everything is sock old. How old is this post?!?!
Also, no link to bow? Unless that tree branch in the 4th photo is suppoesd to be a bow?

>> No.6615852
File: 77 KB, 500x282, 7547657567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615862

my face exactly

>> No.6615877

Only the wig and Kyubey were out of stock (and still had listings up),everything else was fine

If you don't know that Madoka's bow is a rose branch, why are you looking for it

>> No.6615882 [DELETED] 

Not good taste, just found a good shop. Everything's from the same place, lol. I'll definitely review it. I'm getting pumped about it, lol.

>> No.6615910

Cosplaying as Madoka...?

>> No.6615909

Hey guys, I'm looking for a black Miku wig from Taobao.
The options are:

假发+3件套 已选中

I just want the wig and the 2 pigtails, but there's no option for that and I don't know what they mean by "pieces" or "set".

>> No.6615911

They could. Where I work, everything is mass produced in China and sometimes even we have to recall things because the lead content is too high. Also we sell these things to children so it's pretty horrendous.

>> No.6615913

Items under 500rmb are charged a flat 50rmb service fee regardless of whether it's 499 or 49

89 (item) + 18 (domestic) + 50 (service fee) = 157rmb

157rmb * 0.16 (usd) = 25.12USD
If you aren't in the US, it'd be converted RMB->HKD->whatever currency you use

You're not very good at maths

>> No.6615916

Check the pictures of the listing, usually that's what all the details of the "sets" are

In almost all the artwork Madoka's bow is a branch, so.......

>> No.6615917

Had a feeling it was this.

>> No.6615937

The link works for me?

>> No.6615955

Is it worth it to buy $115 worth of hime gyaru accessories on Taobao? It's REALLY pretty but I'm not sure if I'll even wear it. I love hime gyaru and the accessories, and I want to try it, however do you guys think $115 is much for a ton of accessories?

>> No.6615958

Yes, please review! I want to know if it's good since the clothes seem to be the same from this shop but cheaper: http://xyyy.tmall.com/shop/view_sh.htm
Which I've bought from before and really like.

>> No.6615962

Guys I can't find a "cute" version of QB from Madoka.
By cute I mean:

See in the first photo? That's cute. The second through the last photos? A completely different QB. I want the cute version, but I really can't find one juts like that!

>> No.6615966

If you think you'll use them or be able to resell them, have the money to blow, and it's better value than if you were to buy it retail in your native country, I say why the hell not.

>> No.6615972

And I thought the wholesale on eBay/alibaba/alipress/dhgate were cheap ._.

>> No.6615980

How do I make a new cart on Taobaoring? I haven't made a new cart since December, and I don't see anywhere that says to make a new cart. Help?

>> No.6615982

Quick Order
"My Shopping Cart

This is your default shopping cart, if you want to add items to new cart, just click here to create a new one."

>> No.6615988

Get a PO Box

>> No.6616002


>> No.6616026

Is 18 plushies for $50 cheap?

>> No.6616029

Different anon, but I wouldn't trust the stolen pics just because they are only heart rating.

>> No.6616038

I really don't know which one I like better.
Which color is best for Miku?

>> No.6616049

My boyfriend doesn't like the maid outfit I picked out for him. God I thought it was really cute especially for the price (not talking about the cheap lingerie type of maid);

>> No.6616055

Are there any cheaper versions of this?

>> No.6616070

Depends on size and if that price includes domestic shipping + SS fees

>> No.6616086

These anons bitching about packages taking "SO FUCKING LONG" in customs need to calm their shit. I've had stuff sit in there as short as 24 hours to as long as 10 days, so don't start worrying unless it's been like 2 weeks. Not to mention, some packages I've had sat in customs as far as tracking told me then weeks later when it still never updated, it showed up at my door. Sometimes shit just doesn't get scanned.

So calm the fuck down. Have you never ordered from overseas before? 3 days in customs is nothing.

>> No.6616100

are they arpakassos? how much will they weigh?

>> No.6616103

the darker wig, first one looks like it'd be really shiny under direct light

>> No.6616110

Thanks for all of these! They've been added to the dictionary

It's a well know problem, you need to email TBR and they will check out the seller then manually add it to your order if they don't look too shady

They won't be genuine and unless there's a doll expert at customs then they should go through no problem

>if you are using shopping on taobao to substitute for the fact that you don't have any friends (other anons have posted saying the same thing) then it is a problem

It might be easier to separate your order into multiple carts
e.g nail stuff in one cart, DIY/crafting in another etc.
It will make it easier to organise and they can combine shipping and payments

-General Announcement-
If you post asking for help finding an item then can you please be specific and include a picture of the kind of thing you're looking for if possible
i.e >>6615699 "Any stores/links for boots?"

It would be helpful and you're more likely to get a response if you list your size, male/female, colours you want, budget and say what style because boots is such a general term. Military boots, Lolita boots,Biker boots etc.

>> No.6616108

No, I don't know what that is.
They're various anime chibis from the same store. The domestic shipping (only one price listed) is 10yuan. But since I',m buying 18 of them, do you think they'll add more than 10yuan to the domestic shipping? I don't see how they can combine so much into one shipping price.

>> No.6616117

Damn. I'm so jelly. I have a job and I can't even afford that. But at least you're in college.

>> No.6616129

does anyone know where I can find vivian westwood wing sandals in a size 9 womens? I can only find the largest size 8 (L 38, 39).

>or if anyone know where to find these shoes on an english speaking site would be easier, I don't care if they are knock offs or real.

>> No.6616132



>> No.6616133

No where

Trust me I've looked for months

The closest I could find were some winged sandals that were made from fake leather and nowhere near as cute

>> No.6616134

posted this in a previous thread, but does anyone have stores selling cute buttons for diy?

>> No.6616135

Usakumya or that bunny thing from BtSSB accurate replicas on Taobao?

>> No.6616137

I've bought a few pullips from Taobao and they are the exact same as when I bought from pullipstyle.com. Pullips are made in China afterall.

>> No.6616141

Petrovna, I've seen your name around here before. Who are you? Are you a mod?

>> No.6616144

Why are taobao threads so full of newfags?

At least read the 4chan FAQ so you can pretend like you've been here a while

>> No.6616150

Can you guys tell me about Momo and Jia Baby's quality and service?

They have some pretty cute dresses

>> No.6616159

Bless u anon
No I just contribute a lot in the taobao threads (sometimes the sewing ones as well)

They used to be an ebay shop so try having a google or search on egl

>> No.6616162

LInks to where you got them?

>> No.6616161

Does/Has anyone ever used taobao to stock items in their own personal shops? Is it possible or even worth it?

>> No.6616166

Taobao SS anon here. Updated the spreadsheet with taobao focus and taobaobuying (thanks Petrovna for review links~).

If anyone can find reviews on:
that'd be awesome. These SS aren't as well known so I haven't added them to the SS. I'll start looking today

Maybe because of traffic from other sites where they eventually find themselves here (i.e. from tumblr or some other place).

Lots of people resell. I remember seeing posts about an anon who bought a bunch of backpacks to resell and other anon who asked what s/he should sell in booths.

>> No.6616181

Also added new section in "Which SS to pick" about large items (since I was "inspired" by furniture anon). Will add more details later.

>> No.6616185

Are all of Secret Shop's socks replicas? do they have anything original?

>> No.6616186

They're like Oo Jia - all replicas.

>> No.6616189

Do resellers write on their tax filing to the IRS?
Sorry for bad english ^^

>> No.6616192

Oo Jia is apart of momo & jia. I've bought a few of their dresses. They're replica-quality. I trust printed dresses more, because they have a print. Plain dresses are kind of thin and flimsy, much like Milanoo.

>> No.6616193

Oh, so they ARE Oo Jia?

>> No.6616196

For those of you interested in the strawberry choco dress by White Moon Lolita, and also the anon who had her dream dress (that dress) stolen or seized or lost in customs, Milanoo is selling it. I don't know if they already have it in stock or what. It's 2x the price, but that's the same price as the person on eBay was aunctioning it for. It's safe to buy from Milanoo's Taobao reselling - if the Taobao shop doesn't have the item in stock (I've bought from Milanoo for their in-stock items that weren't in stock on Taobao).

>> No.6616198

Yes. They are Oo Jia's non-printed replicas. You didn't know that...?

And all of the dresses in their shop are AP replicas.

>> No.6616197

Sorry I do not know because I do not resell stuff in business-like settings.

If their business is their main source of income, then they are supposed to.

>> No.6616203

I'm not the anon who originally asked, and I'm not interested in AP or their prints in general, so no, I didn't know.
It's not like Momo&Jia is as well known as just Oo Jia...

>> No.6616206


some of them are...sort of accurate...i guess?

i lol'd

>> No.6616207

Different anon. I don't like AP or sweet anyways, but even I could tell they were replicas. I don't know who Momo in the shop is though

>> No.6616215

I.. didn't say they weren't replicas?? Not sure why you're reaching so hard to dispute a simple question.

>> No.6616226

Fuck everyone and their shitty small orders.
Guys I'm back.

Anyways, for legit, I think I'm going to stop saying people have small shitty orders. Why? Because my order that I'm making is only $50 and consists of 18 items.

>> No.6616234


I missed you, never stop trolling ok!

>> No.6616259


Original anon here, all posts up to >>6615231
where me. >>6615231 isn't me.

Totally agree with them, mind you.

>> No.6616260

Wholesale on Taobao is heaven.

>> No.6616268

>>6616259 Again.

just kept reading and wow, where'd you other anons come from?

Anyway, way to go sucking that cunt's metaphorical dick.

I honestly hope that cunt does die. She's entitled, ignorant and a complete retard. The world has way to many pieces of shit like her ruining the place.

>> No.6616274

Anon, you've been replaced by a new troll with an irrational hateboner;


>> No.6616300

>irrational hateboner
The fuck is that?

>> No.6616298

Uh replaced? If you're talking about the anon who keeps posting some other anon's order with "NEW TAOBAO ORDER" every single thread, then that's not me. Sorry I wasn't around last thread.

>> No.6616307

No I'm talking about you

>> No.6616332

D'aww thanks <3

But really, I wasn't trolling. Or at least trying to. I'm just very blunt with my opinions. I don't sugarcoat shit. Truthfully, I do think every single of those orders was a waste of money. Especially newbies at Taobao who don't know about SAL shipping. After my first mistake of choosing Taobaospree and having to pay 2x my order thanks to EMS/AIR shipping, I will never go back. Never. That order was a huge fucking waste of money. It was small, too. And guess what? My taste has changed. I hated everything I loved two years ago.

>> No.6616335

what things are you wholesale anons are buying?

>> No.6616340

cheapskake anon have you had any experience buy male clothing?
trying to find reliable store with cheap clothes. My boyfriend is a qtpie azn

>> No.6616346

I just bought a batch of 10 wigs at wholesale. They are rhapsody style gradients (pink to white and lav to white) very excited for them to come in and see the quality. Also planning on re-selling them if they are nice, for less than half the outrageous prices of GLW.

>> No.6616358

Wigs, non-brand plushies, cosplay stuff.

>> No.6616398
File: 241 KB, 570x847, T2RSWTXhBXXXXXXXXX_!!199340297[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So infanta has sizing problems, what about chess story?
dat marriage d'armor is pretty fucking sexy

>> No.6616412

>cheapskake anon
I have had experience with buying male clothing. Not good experiences - everything is too small. My boyfriend has the body of an Asian. Stick-thin. Problem? He's over 6 foot tall. What type of fashion are you looking for for him (please don't say preppy, there are way too many faggot azns wearing hollister and a&e and aeropostal). I have a lot of links to male fashions. In particular things that are "edgy" and leaning towards gothic. Still haven't found many results for visual kei though.

>> No.6616416

>Also planning on re-selling them if they are nice
And if they're not nice?

>> No.6616415

Where did you buy the wigs? What store?

>> No.6616423

Oh God, Chess Story. I have 4 of their dresses: Chocolate Party, whatever that cake one is called, Starry Angel, and this one. All of them... THE SIZES ARE TOO FUCKING SMALL. The measurements don't add up :/ I don't know what kind of scale they're using.

>> No.6616426

He is short like me just barely 5' 3". So pretty much the whole site is his oyster when it comes to clothes. Looking for casual wear. He doesn't want to be edgey nor preppy. He does like prints though.

>> No.6616432

When does Chink New Years end?

I want to know when I can order some new shit.

>> No.6616429

Then trash them, no point in selling a shitty product.

>> No.6616435
File: 88 KB, 620x413, 1357179103725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know what preppy is

Stay tween.

>> No.6616433

how small is small?
measurement vs actual?

>> No.6616434

She could still sell them but around holloween where no one cares for the quality just the price

>> No.6616438
File: 17 KB, 308x448, F8A99688@9C162818.55CD0851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shop has a decent reputation and the sample pictures look decent that they gave me. We shall see. If I like the quality and people want to pay, the seller told me she can do any gradient colors for me.

>> No.6616446

I'm a size medium (XXXL by my height lol)
My measurements: bust 34'' and waist 29''.
Well, I buy things a size up in case it's too tight in an area or too loose, then I can alter it. Better safe than sorry, right? NO. Chess Story makes shit a size smaller. I swear the dresses I got ended up being a size XS-S. It was tiny. And I don't mean just based on my height. The lengths are all the same, mostly differ by a cm or so, but the garments are just tiny.

>> No.6616448

Link plz?
I need a true brown to pink fade in a nice wig more then I need life right now.

>> No.6616449


>> No.6616454

hang on a min, I have to check my email. The rhapsody wigs are NOT on their store and I had to buy a batch of 10 at wholesale to get the colors I wanted. Give me a moment and I'll find it or just give you guys the email address to speak with the shop owner.

>> No.6616456

damn, that kinda makes me skeptical to buy from them seeing as how I am dying to have that Starry Angel JSK...

>> No.6616457

can you not wear the dresses then?
i've a 36 bust and a 30 waist
should i give up? that's disheartening because the XL size is well within my measurements

>> No.6616462

Random lurker anon here, what's your height?
I'm small in every which way except my height. 30-24-30 at 170cm; I really like the Starry Night dress but I dunno where it'd fall on me.

>> No.6616463

The shop http://haizhige.taobao.com/ the email for a catalog anne1002@qq.com as well as just speaking to her about colors and options (the rhapsodys are not even on the catalog haha) I would probably just email the owner. The wholesale price is 98 for a batch of ten, if they turn out nice I might do several batches for probably even cheaper.

>> No.6616467

Looking at the wigs in their shop now. Are these prices for just one wig or for the batch of ten?
And wow, 98yuan for ten wigs?

>> No.6616473

haha no no 98 yuan for each wig is the wholesale for the rhapsodys since they appear to have a lot of volume/more fibers/different production than her twin tails. Also you can order directly from this shop, but she only offers FedEx or DHL (which is a steal) but it does come out about 5 bucks cheaper to go through a SS and use SAL. I ended up spending...230ish? for the batch of ten wigs (split down the middle pink to white and lav to white) and DHL shipping. hope this helps! They also won't be available until after CNY. She was really helpful and speaks english very well!

>> No.6616475

Also i plan to sell them at 30usd plus shipping (in the us about 7 bucks for a padded mailer) if I feel the quality is worth it (soft fibers and what not) which nets about 6 bucks profit for me, so I don't want people to feel like I'm scalping. Which is another reason I'm sharing the information, I don't want people to think I'm holding out and I def want there to be better options for this style of wig over fucking GLW, because fuck them... 64 bucks for this shit, seriously??

>> No.6616477

It's weird how Chinese people over in China are so obsessed with Americans. When I lived in China (I'm Chinese so I blended in there sort of), I went to middle school there. Every single kid was obsessed with America's Disney.

>> No.6616479

Starry Angel JSK is one of my favorite dresses, actually scratch that. It is my FAVORITE dress. I can't fit into it though (I'm not even fat, 5 foot 10 and 130 pounds) however I am very muscular. The dress is just so tiny, I'm not even sure if it's worth staring myself over.

>> No.6616480

I can wear the dresses, if I starve myself. I am very atheletic and most of my body weight is all muscle. I have very little fat on me and the only way to get "thin" is to starve myself so my muscle disappears. There is no hope.

>> No.6616483

Oh, you're not too tall. It'd probably go 4 inches above your knee. I'm 5 foot 10 and it covers my thighs... Well, my midthighs...

>> No.6616490

I don't understand the appeal of the "Rhapsody" wigs. They look like as if my boyfriend (who's black) straightened his hair. It looks very ratty, messy, tangled, and just disgusting. (God why won't he shave his fucking head). But really, why do people want that messy look? It's just looks... Gross.

>> No.6616492

-_- so not even with shapewear?

>> No.6616496

not sure, just going with what I know will sell. Especially since the gradient/fades are not available on taobao (unless obviously you go digging/emailing/asking sellers personally) so I was pretty excited to find a seller who was already in the process of producing them. Some people just like that look, especially with the pastel fades for like creepy cute/pastel goth/some sweet styles? Can't say why people like it, can only say I know they sell.

>> No.6616497

This person is a liar. This is NOT the shop she is getting the wigs from. This shop is a 1-diamond store and I guarantee you all that she just Taobao'ed (like Googled) "lolita wigs" and this is the first result that came up. She doesn't want people to steal her idea/shop to buy from, hence why she's not providing a legit link. Notice how long she took to respond to the link? But still, good call. If I were her, I'd do the same thing (not share where I bought the wigs from to scalp people).

>> No.6616502

? I gave the email for the seller... why would I do that if I were lying when the seller would obviously be able to say 'No' when asked. 1 diamond is not terrible... Especially if this seller is supplying overseas, meaning those transactions wouldn't be counted for their overall rating... This is not a business for me, hence why I'm sharing the information I have...

>> No.6616504

Side note, I said I had to search through my email for the correspondence, since the transaction took place via email, because the store does not have the wigs on their store front. It's hardly scalping if after DHL shipping and the price of the wigs themselves I'm only selling them for about 6-7 bucks more than it took to buy and have them shipped to me.

>> No.6616516


So the first one is 1400yuan and the second is over 600yuan... That's the exact same price I found on Amazon, and I have been looking for this cosplay everywhere, but I can't find a cheaper version anywhere on Taobao! HELP PLEASE!

>> No.6616526

Wow, I don't know whether to be scared or touched that you are so obsessed with me anon!

>> No.6616528

That person isn't lying

I'm the anon from the last thread who told her about that shop in the first place

They have one diamond because they recently changed shop links

>> No.6616535

I recently got The name of rose from Chess Story in the S-M size and it fit me quite well at the same time as being quite roomy - waist ties and corset lacing will have to do it's job well. So I guess the sizes on that one is correct. I have 31" bust and 25-26" waist at 5'3" so I'm a little pudgy.

>> No.6616543

Thanks for backing me up!

>> No.6616558
File: 28 KB, 650x580, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where to find authentic looking Japanese School "Sports" Bag?

>> No.6616561

There you go, overreactionanon.
Looks pretty cheap and the seller has no feedback, so buy at your own risk.

>> No.6616574

anyone know search terms i'd use for PVC, vinyl, latex clothing?

I've tried google translate without results worth mentioning.

>> No.6616576
File: 40 KB, 180x243, iw_bolero_skuld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I search for a wine/bordeaux color bolero. The dictionary only has the term for red. Also the search term for bolero in the dictionary doesn't seem to bring up many results. Anyone have any lolita shops that do nice boleros?

>> No.6616579

Check Kidsyoyo, since I know they have boleros, or surface spell or dear celine, and then you can find the term and search that way since I don't think they have any that are that color.

>> No.6616580


>> No.6616596

That's not at all the same cosplay

>> No.6616612
File: 12 KB, 638x170, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the stupid question but I just wanted to make sure. This mean it has left China now correct? And the next time I will get an update is when it's in the states?

>> No.6616614


>> No.6616637

Does anyone remember which shop it was that carries like all Liz Lisa replicas, but none of their items actually say "Liz Lisa," and they have like their own model and pictures? I can't fiiind it

>> No.6616667

Looking for affordable Aristocrat type stuff with custom sizing.


For more info.

>> No.6616671


Would love something like this too, for EGA outfits.

>> No.6616682

Try Ichigo15 http://shop35513190.taobao.com/

>> No.6616717

I love Paradise Kiss, Ai Yazawa's costume designs are A*
What kind of figure do you have? You mentioned you're tall but are you skinny, built, chubby etc.
I wouldn't buy a jacket or blouse from taobao unless it is completely custom sized as the sleeves have a reputation for coming up very short

>> No.6616722


Quite chubby. Not huge though and I don't tend to look fat when wearing lolita. Not on HRT till next month, so things with shirring that can adapt to a changing body would be great, otherwise I might leave a bit of space - this stuff isn't exactly form fitting anyway.

I haven't had a problem with sleeves from Taobao before. 90% of the problem is the shoulders.

>> No.6616737

What's HRT?
sage for not contributing

>> No.6616739

hormone treatments

they're trans

sage goes in the email field

>> No.6616812

Okay here's some possibly useful links:

>Plus size store that offers custom sizing and the listings have shoulder measurements
I think this jacket is cute and the ruffles at the top will add more volume to your bust

>Lolita store with LOTS of items that have a heavy victorian influence
This skirt could be nice for layering and if you go on the review tab you can see a customer picture of the black chiffon version which looks lovely imo

>This is a mori store but it has some skirts that might be okay idk take a look

>Loads and loads of hats

>Empty atm but when they reopen, probably after CNY, they should have some EGA suitable items

I would check the Lolita shops as they generally have a few EGA items but to be honest there's not much that I've been able to find and I have an absolutely huge list of stores? If you're chubby by western standards then asian clothes aren't going to fit you unless they are from a plus sized store or custom sized.
My best advice, and I know it's not what you want, would be to have clothes made by a seamstress or friend/family member who can pattern draft and sew. Everything looks better when it's tailored to you and it will be infinitely more flattering than anything you could buy from taobao given that you will have non-standard measurements. It might be worth investing in some pattern drafting lessons for yourself as you will then be able to create great clothes that fit you perfectly as you transition? I know you didn't ask for this advice but honestly it's the best that I can give you.

>> No.6616839

PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS SAME COSPLAY (not the cheap vinly/plastic/latex looking shit someone replied).

>> No.6616841


THanks, saved/bookmarked.

>> No.6616846

use the goddamn words from the listing title to find more that's how the rest of us find shit

>> No.6616847


Also, as it happens my cousin is studying to be a dressmaker but I'm not in contact with her curently and my extended family don't know I'm trans.

>> No.6616865
File: 21 KB, 340x571, ASS TK-OFFZ TUNIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to know where I can find a nazi uniform or just any similar uniform? I just think they're freaking pretty.

>> No.6616879
File: 138 KB, 310x310, higu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ordered these figures, how would they be?
They're a bit old and sold out, so they would likely be fakes. The 2 reviews are postive, but don't give much info. They just talk about the shipping being fast and having good packaging.
If I tried to find them on ebay or something they'd be just as likely to be fake. I don't really care if they're the real thing, I just don't want to spend $45 on pieces of shit.

>> No.6616908
File: 19 KB, 240x320, atelierbozKyaroruminiOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get lolita dresses with this kind of style (nun lolita?). I've only casual dresses, or if I look outside of taobao they're either too tight on the hips, or way overpriced.

>> No.6616931

Uh that's expensive as shit.

>> No.6616929

I searched through all 29 pages of Panty & Stocking and their Chinese names and "Devil cosplay". Believe me, I have not found anything cheap of the same costum that's under 650 yuan.

>> No.6616946

What would be a good price, then? I've seen them sold seperately, but I couldn't find a place that had all of them. Yeah it is expensive. It's more like $39, but with shipping and fees, it would wind up being $35. I can't imagine paying less for the real thing. But I don't know if it's fake or not. Any way to know? Or should I just assume? Higurashi didn't really get that big. I don't know that anyone would bother making fakes.

>> No.6616956

>lolita dress
>tight on the hips
i don't think you understand what hips are or what lolita looks like or both

>> No.6616967

have it commissioned or lrn2sew

>> No.6616971


What? Higurashi was pretty huge. You must be thinking of Umineko(though that was still pretty huge by VN standards).

>> No.6616972

You can always search on tsukiboard if there are bootlegs. I was trying to search but it's not working for me at all(The site I mean)

>> No.6616985
File: 1020 KB, 1055x1500, galaxy fucking d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this dress and I'm not even lolita.

Help, guys. Convince me out of buying this.

I just... this whole galaxy movement shit is bad for my wallet. I wish it never was.

>> No.6616988

What shop is that from?

>> No.6616993

dark whisper is the shop, It is on reserve until the 28th and they do custom.

>> No.6616992



That's the reservation page, and the final price if you reserve it is 456 RMB.

Which is definitely affordable, but... then I'd have to get a petti, and accessories, and shoes, and... yeah, it'll definitely add up haha.

>> No.6616994


>> No.6617001

Did Guilty Castle ever release that Phantom of the Opera print they were working on? People seemed pretty excited for it back in Nov/Dec but I didn't hear anything after that

>> No.6617007

this is all i've ever wanted in a galaxy print

>> No.6617017

The OP reservation is listed on their shop, but there's nothing else there.

>> No.6617024

Lolita dresses flare out from the waist (or sometimes drop waist, or underbust). And by hips I mean the widest part of my thighs. Maybe YOU don't know what lolita dresses look like.

>> No.6617030


I have no idea what you are talking about

hips play no part in how "tight" a lolita dress fits

>> No.6617031

And when I was referring to 'too tight on the hips' I was referring to normal dresses, that have the right bodice style but then the 'skirt' section is tight.

>> No.6617044
File: 140 KB, 585x870, T2nuaIXhJbXXXXXXXX_!!873230024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I ordered it, just waiting for SS to get back from CNY to pay the first payment. They had 300 stock when it went up so about 50 have already sold since then.
Hmm interesting, I knew they had frequent updates back at the end of the year and I know several people reserved it. I was hoping they would come out with a non-empire cut but now I am just curious to see if they ever release it.

Another dress I'm reserving, not too fond of the gold trim on the waist bow, but I really like the colors! Too bad no custom though and the sizes appear to run pretty small vs other taobao brands.

>> No.6617047

Where can I get a chiffon underskirt like this? Most places just have plain cotton ruffle ones

>> No.6617048

Really? There was an intense following online, but I thought it was pretty cult. I've only met a couple people in real life who know about it, and I've only seen like 3 kinds of merch for it at cons. I don't go to a ton, but I went to like 2-3 a year in the years it was coming out and the 2 years following. And I was seriously addicted to the show so I definitely keep an eye out.
I guess it just wasn't very big in the US? I dunno.

>> No.6617053

link to shop?

>> No.6617054

I think the bottom ruffle is part of the skirt itself or of the lining. They don't sell it separately and I'm not sure where you would find something like it. You'd have more luck looking for 'chiffon skirt' rather than using the word underskirt I think.

>> No.6617057

Ah it's lethe's castle, here you go! http://ab1t.taobao.com/

>> No.6617104

so many 4chan babbies in these threads nowadays

what i don't understand is how so many fail to sage, there's the faq there's google how do people miss this information

anywho does anybody own 69th Department blouses? Are they any good?

>> No.6617123

I own 1 of their blouses. I was told it was custom, but either they lied, or they don't know how to read a body chart because it doesn't fit properly in the chest. other than that it's decent. it's a cordurroy which is kind of shitty for lint/dust, but I needed a long sleeve standing collar blouse. The fit is so off though I probably wouldn't order from them again. If you are within their ranges you should be fine if you want something OK quality.

>> No.6617191

Samefag is fucking obvious.

>> No.6617194


So the first one is 1400yuan and the second is over 600yuan... That's the exact same price I found on Amazon, and I have been looking for this cosplay everywhere, but I can't find a cheaper version anywhere on Taobao! HELP PLEASE!

Also, not this:

>> No.6617215

we are in autosage.

new thread:

>> No.6617218


It's a stupid thing to lie about

Go look at the archives if you don't believe it

>> No.6617222

hmm well the quote to the new thread is being weird (for me anyway) so here:

>> No.6618184 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 550x440, canonlydream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
