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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6604638 No.6604638 [Reply] [Original]

Are you one of those people? Have you ever cried at a con?

>> No.6604639


Having too much fun to care about what others think unless my good friends go through some serious shit or something.

>> No.6604707

I had a really jerky abusive boyfriend who basically told me to fuck off after I made a cosplay of his favorite character to match his at a con and he ditched me to hang out with other girls (when we hadn't seen each other in months) and told me to go to bed or asked me if I was on my period when I told him I was upset. I also hadn't had sleep in a couple days. I hid in the hotel bathroom and cried my eyes out.

but it's over now. I think it happens to a lot of people and you get out and get over it. My cosplay makeup for the day looked totally awful though, even after I tried to fix it back up.

>> No.6604720

Never, Faggot!

>> No.6604745

Just reading that made me really pissed.

>> No.6604746

everytiem ;__;

>> No.6604765

He probably had a reason to be pissed at you, it's all your fault.

>> No.6604798


I stayed up all Friday night with my best friend (at the time) helping her to complete her costume she had left to the last minute. She was super cranky the whole night, and it got so unbearable I told her to sleep while I finished the rest. Mine had been finished months in advance. I didn't get to sleep at all before she made me style her wig that morning because she hadn't done that either. And then do her makeup.

When I finished helping her with all her stuff it was so late she didn't want to wait for me to get ready and left. I got to the convention on Saturday by 4pm, and was so tired I threw up outside and ended up coming back into the hotel and changing at 6pm and cried myself to sleep. She stayed out with our friends, soaking up the attention of the outfit I made most of.

I mostly cried because I had been looking forward to the convention for months (and I had very little money to spend on cons), and spent that night and all of Sunday sick in bed, alone. The rest of the time had been making things in the hotel.

>> No.6604801

I almost did because my contacts dried the fuck out and I didn't have eye drops on me and it just hurt.

I figured the tears would help but I couldn't cry.

Not even when I thought of Mufasa's death.

>> No.6604818

you're too friendly =|
as a guy i don't think shit like that would happen to me

>> No.6604826
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>Mufasa's death.

Whelp, my days ruined

>> No.6604827

Good riddance, anon.
When a guy automatically blames the fact that you're upset at them on your menstrual cycle, that's a pretty big red flag that he doesn't respect you. Because you're not a person whose feelings matter and can be negatively affected by anything he did, oh no, you're just one of those irrational women with all the hormones and shit! Don't even bother trying to talk to her when she's not smiling, amirite?

>> No.6604831

I had some issues one convention and ended up sitting alone at night near the convention hall sobbing loudly. A group of bad bleach cosplayers were heading to their hotel and stopped to ask if I was alright and tried cheering me up. From that point on I can't bring myself to hate half-assed bleach cosplayers as they are apparently more caring than my actual friends.

>> No.6604835

I used to take too much crap from people. Not anymore. I learned after a couple terrible moments like these that it just isn't worth it.

My thought was that I wouldn't enjoy the convention if my friends didn't too so I bent over backwards for them.

Then I realized they wouldn't and didn't do the same for me and ditched. My friends are good now.

>> No.6604856

So much drama jeez, I thought my friends were pretty normal but now I know I should appreciate them more.

>> No.6604888

I only cried once, and I had had a car wreck Thusday of Pre-Con, and held it all well even though it was a bit of a total wreck and I was 8 hours from home.

No, I was hardly worried over the car, it was the fact that my dad was willing to leave me down there with no resources, as my phone, merch, and wallet were taken the same con.

Otherwise, I paid too much damn money to be upset.

>> No.6604891

good to hear

I should too

>> No.6604901

if i'd get annoyed by bad cosplayers i would hate cons
I just think they're funny =D
I'd only dislike them if they take themselves too seriously

>> No.6605050

please. stop.

>> No.6605123

Just once. But, I was alone in my hotel room. I forgot to take my anxiety medications, and had an episode (triggered by something so minor that I don't even remember it). Luckily, my sister knew the signs and brought me a Milka bar. We chilled for about an hour, I took my pill and everything was fine. No drama, just my own stupidity.

>> No.6605154
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I'm sorry

here i'll use this

>> No.6605665
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Didn't cry but I got pretty damn upset because a "friend" invited my bf's stalker to the con so me and her could have a catfight over him. He kept saying "the claws are gonna come out!" and other annoying shit like that all day.
Bitch doesn't even like anime...WHY INVITE HER?

>> No.6605706

I hate it when guys do that.

"Oooohhh, catfight~"

Apparently our emotional pain and frustration is entertaining. It's not an actual fight if it's just girls, amirite?

>> No.6605817

If I was a random guy overhearing girls having a catfight, I'd be curious, but mind my business and move on.
If it was between two friends, I might butt in, but likely just sit back awkwardly not knowing what to do.
But the very last thing I'd do is provoke them, by any means.

>> No.6605838

I helped my boyfriend make a pretty intricate costume (Canti from FLCL), and by helped I actually mean that I made about 85% of it myself. He waited until the last minute to start on it before thrusting it on me, and he had to have it done in time for a performance at the con on Saturday night. He got into the con for free, but I paid for a weekend pass, my share of the hotel room, and extra for an additional event at the con, so altogether I dropped at least $200 on the convention, excluding my own cosplay costs. We didn't manage to finish the costume before the con itself, so he kept me in the hotel room all of Friday and Saturday to work on his costume. Two days of the con were basically flushed down the drain, and the additional event I paid extra for was on Friday, so I missed that too. We finished about an hour before his performance and he wanted to walk around and show off "his" awesome costume (which I was actually rather proud of), but the costume had almost zero visibility and so I had to be his guide around the con. I finally was able to do something and I had to now babysit him, missing more things. When he left for his performance the stress of the past two weeks and my money spent on the convention completely wasted, I ran to one of the convention center bathrooms and had a good long cry. I hope to never have another convention experience like that again.

tl;dr boyfriend made me work for him, waste my time and money, and crying was my way of letting out the stress

>> No.6605843

I hope you dumped him hardcore style (however that would work).

>> No.6605857

You poor thing...

If I were there, I'd hug you...

Is he at least going to reimburse you?

>> No.6605878

It's been months since then, so no. He recently sold the costume for $50 and pocketed all of the money.

>> No.6605879

Did he at least let you be top?

>> No.6605882
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I've been a little more emotional at cons lately because of the relationship I'm in now. It's long distance, and because of a lot of reasons ( school and work schedule, her family can't ever know about our relationship, her church stuff, ect ) we hardly get to see each other. The only time we have any uninterrupted time together is at cons now, and because she's started college and an at home business with her mom, I get maybe one full day of con time with her before she leaves for fuck knows how long. So it's just really...upsetting, but I usually vacate to the privacy of my hotel room before I do any sniffling. I've only had one Grell catch me before I went up, and I remember her asking for a picture with me before I broke down. We ducked into a bathroom and talked for a bit so I could chill out. I hate crying in public, so that was kind of embarrassing, even if she was very sweet about the whole ordeal.

>> No.6605884

... he's not your boyfriend anymore, right?

>> No.6605886

you have not DUMPED HIM?! he is a BAD person

>> No.6605892

...Yeah, dump his ass.

What's going to happen if you don't?

>> No.6605899

That was probably his worst moment, but it's ending very very soon anyways for multiple reasons.

>> No.6605901


He sounds incredibly selfish. If he's like this as your boyfriend, how do you think he would act as a husband? Get out fast.

>> No.6605908

that's good. cut him out of your life after that. you don't need someone who will take advantage of your kindness.

>> No.6605910

Honey, you are a saint.

Get the fuck out of there.

>> No.6605915

Good for you, I guess.

>> No.6605919

One Otakon my friends were driving down in three cars and one guy (let's call him Jack) let his dumb-as-fuck girlfriend drive his dad's new Audi and she crashed into into my friend's car and sent that car into my boyfriend's car.

The hotel room was mine and when Jack asked to be in it I told him he'd have to sleep on the floor and he agreed. But when we arrived he said "I've been through too much today, I need a bed to sleep in" and kicked me out of my own bed by stripping down to his underwear with his girlfriend and getting into my bed.

Jack was mad at me for trying to make him sleep on the floor, so he called a mutual friend of ours who had commissioned me to make her two cosplays. I'd spent a ton of money and worked hard on them, and she was gonna pay me at the con. He told her not to pay me and lied about things I'd said to him. She refused to pay me and I had needed the money to fund a good portion of my trip.

I slept on the floor of my own hotel room all three nights.

I also made Jack's cosplays... for free.

Did I mention I also had to share the hotel room with Mere Doyle?

>> No.6605927

Wow, we'd really rather you name that name so no one else gets fucked by this windbag

>> No.6605935

but sometimes it is the menstrual cycle, my gf even recognize that. but even if you know if because of that, you dont bring that up.

>> No.6605945

wow, i need some cosplayers friends so i can abuse them, how do you guys can do this to yourselves?

>> No.6605955

>mere Doyle

Oh fuck no

>> No.6605967

I cried tears of joy with another girl after Tom Felton put his arm around me and on my waist. Does that count?

>> No.6605970

Once. My story is pretty immature though.

For a few weeks before the con, I was talking to some people on the con's forum about the cosplay gathering for this series. Everyone seemed nice and I got along very well with them and we'd chat daily until the con. I was slaving away on my costume to make sure I was satisfied with it. When the con came and it was time for the gathering, all the people that I chatted with pretty much ignored me and gave me snarky as fuck looks... some even spoke to me in a snarky manner. I don't know what their problem was but they shunned me. Maybe they were jealous of my costume or something? I really don't know but to be honest when I think about it now, that may have been the case. My best friend at the time ditched me to hang with some new people she met cosplaying from her series. I ended up wandering the con alone since my other friends were busy running the events. I felt miserable as hell by the last day, felt unwanted, and wasted a good $50 on the badge to feel like shit. I ran to the restroom to juxt cry it out.

>> No.6605971

Yeah. I had heatstroke and was upset I had to spend half the con alone in my hotel room because the con itself had no/shitty A/C.

>> No.6605980

›how do you guys can do this to yourselves?
How do you like the potatoes cooked that way?!

>> No.6606007 [DELETED] 

I either know who you are or this is not an uncommon problem.

>> No.6606008

...who are you talking to?

>> No.6606009

I either know who you are or this is not an uncommon problem.

>> No.6606016

I cried at a con last year. I had gotten food poisoning, and I woke up in the middle of the night to vomit up everything. And it really felt like everything. I hadn't slept the night before, and I was so tired. I had been feeling ill all day, and I was really weak. As soon as I got done vomiting, I sat on the floor and cried. It was just after midnight, so the people I was rooming with were either asleep or couldn't see me crying in the dark.
This all happened on day 0, so day 1 was a pain in the ass. I could barely walk in the morning. Putting on my cosplay was such an ordeal too.

>> No.6606067
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I am so sorry you had to put up with this anon. It's never fun to be sick, but at a con it's just hell.

I cried once. I was stressing out because I had been the one to book the hotel room and I was the one that was driving the group up there so I was worried about things being perfect. The entire way there, one of my friends kept muttering about how he hoped his bank account wouldnt fall through and how his money would still be there, and it stressed me out even more. I had just gotten done with mother nature's untimely gift but I still felt like shit, I hadn't eaten much of anything, so by the time we got to the con I felt horrible. I spent most of friday resting while my friends went and had fun and even spent the first night in the bathtub in case I was sick. Cried myself to sleep.

I wasn't sick luckily, but I had to spend the whole con outside because the smell of inside made me want to hurl, so my friends and I were separated for pretty much the whole con.

>> No.6606093

Plz tell me you got rid of that friend

>> No.6606094 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't doubt its common, but if you dropped your trip for this post we *might* know each other.

>> No.6606098

I wouldn't doubt its common, but if you dropped your trip for this post we *might* know each other.

>> No.6606149

Friends of mine invited me to do AA with them. I had a mental breakdown because I never had the time to draw and it was a day before the convention and I had nothing presentable (I'm very self-conscious about my art). I felt like I let my friends down and I dumped money on a gamble I couldn't handle. It did not help that I got into a fight with my mom who thinks all my problems are "all in my head" and I'm not imagining myself to be happy enough, whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.6606156

I did. She became super nuts shortly after and I couldn't take it anymore since it was stressing me out. The best friend that I have now is amazing and like a sister to me.

>> No.6606176

Once in the single most pathetic moment of my life but it was just a lot of pro-convention stuff that built up to a full on public breakdown.

>> No.6606188

Saw my girlfriend kissing an 11th Doctor cosplayer.

>> No.6606192


>> No.6606212

That happened to me too, but I ended up giving in and going home. Was my first con and only the first day, so I was pretty upset. Texas summer + no AC is a pretty nasty combination.

>> No.6606216

Oh I have a story somewhat related.
This year for Sacanime winter me and my online friends, who I haven't meet yet, were gonna try and debut our Skullgirls cosplay group together. Some of the people ended up falling through,, but I wanted to be there damnit. I was going as Parasoul, so I wanted every little stitch to be perfect, including the umbrella.
I went to this new eyebrow threading place in our local mall for a touch-up...
I ended up getting an ocular burn from the lights being too bright and the pain of eyebrow threading, which I had never tried before, So there was no way I could drive to the convention living in the central coast of cali.
When I came to the realization, I balled my eyes out. I wanted to meet my friends so badly, and have our cosplay group be together and hang out. And I had felt bad because I had alredy bailed on the group before for a meet-up. So basically I felt like I let my "team" down.

But I'm over it and were fully debuting the group at Fanime this year. Horray. I'm not going to that place again though.

>> No.6606241

I shed a couple of tears when I saw a guy propose to his girlfriend in the middle of a cosplay competition in front of 3,000+ people.

It was just moving.

>> No.6606262

On the way to a convention, so I started to get hoarse. So it ended up that I could not talk at all. I asked my closest friends to stick around given that I could only whisper if I would talk. Everyone left me alone ... Once I found one of them, I asked her to follow me to the store so I could buy food .. Then one of the guys came and took her away from me and then I was left alone again... I could not talk to anyone... I sat and cried for myself under a tree some distance from the Convention ...
Unable to speak for the whole stay there ... fml

>> No.6606285

>I ended up getting an ocular burn from the lights being too bright

? I've been threaded several times and each time, I was supposed to keep my eyes closed. I only open my eyes when I have to check how my brows look. Did the technician tell you not to? Because it sounds really odd.

>> No.6606290

I ended up going home the next day. I learned my lesson about wearing cosplays that cover up more than the average Japanese school uniform.

>> No.6606325

Decent enough reason to cry already
I will look forward to it. I am sure you look awesome.

>> No.6606683

I don't have a trip so I guess we don't know each other. Hopefully nothing like that ever happens to you again. I don't blame you for being upset/mad.

>> No.6606860

Yeah I kept my eyes closed but the light in the room was incredibly bright plus I would keep opening my eyes from the pain. It was a terrible mix of pain I suppose you would say...Plus I had just woken up.
I used to just getting them waxed, so it was uncomfortable to me.
I heard Sacanime is a shithole multiple times, but it was for the group.

>> No.6606862

I doubt they were jealous of your costume.
If you had a decent costume you would have gotten lots of attention with people talking to you and taking pictures and that should have made you feel better.
And don't say it's an "unknown series so noone recognized it" because it had a meetup - it has to be popular.

I get a strange feeling that you are a homestuck.

>> No.6606873

>Uses emoticons
>Overall unsightly typing
>Tiny ass thumbnail

Please go back to gaia

>> No.6606876

>Didn't break up with him immediately

Wow he must've been a real catch in other ways if that didn't make you want to dump him. Or you're a doormat, which is probably very likely.

>> No.6606882

Yeah, once.

>Stressed out finishing cosplays up til the last minute with boyfriend
>We fight over cosplay
>The stress drags into the convention
>Stress comes to head and we both finally let it out
>Both cry our eyes out
>Make up and vow to never take cosplay seriously again
>The rest of the con was the best con I've ever had, hands down
>We still have an amazing relationship

I probably cried at one of my first cons, but I don't really remember if I did because that was 6 years ago.

>> No.6606887

I don't think I've ever cried AT a con, but I've cried the night before several times while staying up til wee hours desperately trying to finish a costume. I usually have at least one break down during costume crunch but I'm just a crier to begin with.

>> No.6606895

I was kind of moody at one of my first cons 'cause I went like the day after my monthly prednisone infusion and I remember getting irritable and a little teary-eyed but I don't think I cried.

Now I just drink a lot at cons. I'm a completely different person when I drink- I'm happier and more outgoing. It's pretty sad that I need to be drunk to enjoy things...that I enjoy...but that's life.

>> No.6606906

you sound like an alcoholic in the making

please realize that this is not a good thing

>> No.6606920

We have a lot of fun together and good times when it's not high maintenance con mode, but he's also incredibly hot and definitely lifts. So while I won't deny being kind of a doormat to him, I had reasons for not ending it immediately.

>> No.6606927
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I actually only ever drink at cons really. I'm 24, but I think if I was going to be an actual alcoholic it probably would have happened already, haha. Alcohol makes me feel really sick so aside from the temporary emotional high I hate it. Damn good thing too, otherwise I probably would be. I have MS, endometriosis, IBD, seizures, migraines depression and anxiety. I imagine the combination is like to drive anyone to alcoholism/drug abuse

>> No.6606938

some one kicked my broken foot while it was in a cast at anime boston last yeat.
They said it was an acident.
I cryed like a bitch. fuck rembering it hurts.

>> No.6606946

No, I haven't. But I walked into a bathroom to find a group of young girls sobbing. I took a quick look around the bathroom to see other young women there- all acting to ignore these girls.
I scanned them over to see if they had any injuries before I approached them. I had asked if everything was alright, if there was anything I could do for them. The one girl who seemed to be most troubled shook her head.

This was seriously breaking my heart. To see four young girls at a convention NOT enjoying themselves. I then couldn't help but rattle on about how they should be having fun, go to the rave, go to the host club , see a panel, and just do something because they were all way too cute to be sitting in the bathroom crying their eyes out. At some point I did ask if there was someone giving them trouble and if needbe I had no trouble playing the role of the bitchy cousin (they were black, I am mixed). They laughed and said no. I at least got them to laugh a bit at some jokes.
>you sure?
>I'll check 'em for you. One of you may have to hold my wig, I will get ratchet.
stuff like that.
By the time I left they seemed like they were going to be okay. I didn't see them the rest of the weekend. I just hope whatever it was that upset them cleared up.

>> No.6606956

This does actually happen. I've been to meet-ups before and depending on the series, people can be very jealous and bitchy depending on the crowd.

I went to an SMT meet-up once that was hosted by a group who thought they were seriously hot shit, and when we showed up in our (much better) costumes with the props they didn't have they asked to borrow our weapons... and then refused to give them back the entire photoshoot, and refused to be in any photos with us.

It was like they had arranged the photoshoot basically to makes themselves the center of attention and to be swooned over, it was more of a meet-and-greet for them rather than a bunch of people hanging out and having fun.

They also held the worst in-character panel I have ever seen later that night... so much secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.6606957

I once saw some guy(girl?) bitchcry on a bench real loud. This was beside the reg line at AN when it was most crowded on the Friday. I was new to cons at the time, so I thought he just had a bad day, or maybe traveled a long distance and lost something.

Now I look back, and with my /cgl/ knowfuck I now think it's all fucken dramu over some stupid shit. Did I lose some humanity browsing this board?

>> No.6606962

I think anon meant around the convention they would have gotten attention, not at the meetup.

>> No.6606964

don't blame the board, youre just a shitty person.

>> No.6606984

Jet black styled wig and black trench with black lipstick. Was that you? Loud bitch scree followed by not as loud sobbing, repeat. It's just that I it to be more believable when the crying is done in bathroom stalls, hotel rooms, and in cars. Dramu crying is done in front of everyone.

>> No.6606986

*find it to be

>> No.6607045


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6607061

Once before.

I was at a Promstuck at some con last year. It was getting later in the night, and my wig wasn't cooperating, so I just took the dang thing off.
After I took my wig off, it seemed like no one wanted to talk to me anymore. When I tried to initiate conversation like I had before, I was ignored and shrugged off. Twenty minutes earlier, I was chatting and laughing with these people like I had known them forever, and now this? It was almost like I had been ignored just because I took my wig off, and now I wasn't included. (even tho that sounds stupid)
My friends had gone off to find food I think, so I stayed behind to watch bags and stuff.
All that didn't make me feel good to begin with, but after asking the host of the Promstuck to watch the bags for a sec since I had to go to the bathroom (which she was nice and said yes), I came back and my purse had been near soaked with Sprite. My camera got messed up, wallet and makeup were soaked, and a print that I had bought next to it got damage too.
All that kinds just dampened the end of my day. I sat where our bags were, turned my back to the small croud and got choked up.
A little while after my friends came back and two of them noticed me and sat and talked with me. We left soon after that and went home.

I don't normally cry like that in public, but a lot of things happened earlier in the day and that just made me feel like shit.
Sometimes Homestucks can be real rude, ugh.

>> No.6607065

wow go back to /b in 2008

>> No.6607076

Just once.

I was relying on a friend for a ride, and she decided to leave really early, around 5, I think? I was so pissed at her for making me waste my money (I had paid for my ticket, she had not) that I just exploded on her. I was definitely being ungrateful, but at the same time, why offer to be a ride if you're going to leave that early? I could have easily lined up another ride if she had told me sooner.

>> No.6607077

did you pay for HER ticket?

>> No.6607105

No, thankfully, but I did buy her parking pass. About $55 for the day; basically a ticket on its own.

>> No.6607114

how much did she have to pay for gas?

>> No.6607118

>implying I'm her?
Could you get more retarded? You're still a shit person. Stop trying to justify your shitty self.

>> No.6607127

Whatever about 20 miles in 2008 cost.

>> No.6607124

I know that feel popcorn- I was hanging out with a group of homestuck cosplayers all weekend at AX last year and the last day I saw them on my way out (the group of friends I came with had to leave early) and they didn't even give me a second glance eventhough I called their names and was waving...

>> No.6607133

Only once.

I was in a masquerade and it was rigged. I lost to a member of the organization of the event. I was so pissed that I cried all the way home. Never again.

>> No.6607139

I haven't cried at a con (yet)
but I ran into a girl who was sobbing in the womens restroom. at first I thought I'd just not interfere & give her space, but then I noticed her hands were shaking and she was cutting her fingers trying to open those little jars colored contacts come in. I managed to get it open for her, just in time for her friends to come in and help her out. Later I saw her getting her photo taken by a bunch of people (with said contacts in) and it made me really happy to see she was ok!

>> No.6607185

So I've been reading all this emotional nonsense from what I assume are marginally crippled folks.
And I think to myself 2 things:
i)Are you really unable to relegate that shit to the other 3XX days in the year?
ii)Beer and steak would fix most of this.

>> No.6607195


>> No.6607233

Went to a con to see some friends who go to different universities, we were all sharing a hostel room.

Unfortunately a couple, broke up a few weeks before, so there wasn't enough time to switch rooms. The girl tries to keep out of the guy's way, he drinks too much, cries like a bitch and wanders off in the middle of the night. It gets to 4 AM and he hasn't shown up and he isn't responding to my texts, this triggers a panic attack, left my meds at home accidentally so had my friends calming me down, not to much avail.

Well known creepy member of con staff stopping in the hotel tries to "comfort/fondle" me despite repeated warnings not to touch me when I'm in that state, so I lock myself in the bathroom.

Friend comes back at 6AM, I've been sleeping on a sofa in reception and he gets blasted for worrying me. Turns out he'd hopped over a fence and had been drinking in a park for 4 hours straight.

>> No.6607446

next time I will slather crying con goers in steaks then offer them beer with sirloin tips floating in it.
Shit happens m8. Can't control when and where.

>> No.6607547
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Never at a con where people can see, but sometimes after staffing cons due to exhaustion and relief that the stress is finally over. I've made a bad habit of not being able to say "no" when people task me with things or when everything goes tits up and I have to temporarily grab the reigns in order to steer the crazy train back onto the tracks. This leads to far too much stress and the urge to run away screaming near endgame.

If I'm just an attendee, I'm way too drunk to worry or cry about anything.

>> No.6607551

that sounds awesome
feeling like shit

>> No.6607560
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>not marinating your steak with your delicious salty tears
Fucking scrub.

>> No.6607570

At Otakon two years ago I started crying at the lolita swap meet. People on EGL were making cards with your info on them to make friends and no one would take my card or talk to me. I worked really hard on my coord and I tried to be friendly. Looking back on it, everyone was already grouped up into friends because I felt like everyone was decent this year.

Then last year at Otakon I got so drunk I couldn't stop bawling. I haven't drank alcohol since.

Otakon is very emotional for me.

>> No.6607582

If that shit aint braised don't bother.

>> No.6607587

As someone who is going through the same shit and insists on staying with him because of supposed "good qualities." It shouldn't be ending "very very soon." It should be ending NOW.

>> No.6607596

This is where a non-shitty person would say "It's okay to cry in public, anon. We're all gonna make it, sis."

No really, though. How much of the crying at a con is actually non-drama real shit to cry about?

>> No.6607601

*is actually for
>emotion bone is connected to the syntax bone

>> No.6607629

>one is actually non-drama
> people should cry about real shit
So what you think a good reason to cry in public more along the lines of "grandma just died" or "your mother was raped and her skin was strapped over the front door" or some shit like that ?

>> No.6607694

More like "I just flew here from half the country away and the airline lost more than half my luggage/cosplays" and "The whole con-staff dumped all this shit on me and the GOH is in the greenroom fuming" as opposed to "My bf/gf doesn't wanna (insert like fucking anything here) because he want's to go to the (anything fucking else here)" and "I MISSED MY CHANCE TO SHOW MY FMA OC TO VIC".

>> No.6607698

I had a panic attack and cried in a bathroom while I waited for my medication to kick in.

>> No.6607719

so youre upset that these people got overwhelmed by personal issues ?

>> No.6607718

Once, at ALA 2012.

One thing I see at ALA that I don't see as commonly at cons is couples and public displays of affection. Kissing, holding hands, sitting in eachother's laps, cuddling, just having fun together as a couple. I've always wanted to share a con experience with someone on that kind of level, but I usually swallow my jealousy and smile and move on. But I fully witnessed some guy manage to talk a girl into making out with him after meeting less than 20 minutes ago.

I don't know why that set me off like it did, but I headed out to my car, sat and shed a few tears and contemplated leaving the con. I spend a lot of my time at cons trying to make others happy, which in turn makes me happy, but my focus isn't ever any one person. And at that time, all I wanted was just to make someone happy and felt like there was something mutual between us.

I managed to talk myself into staying, but I don't remember what I did after I went back into the hotel that night.

tl;dr: I QQ'd about being forever alone.

>> No.6607722

But you didn't know their reason for crying, did you?

>> No.6607773

Not upset, just not buying it. I'm referring to public crying, where it's fishing for hugboxes.

On the case I mentioned at AN, I didn't know the reason. I am willing, though, to bet that it was for something that you and I would agree is trivial.
I personally know people that have cried at cons. The ones that I felt were crying for a good reason usually did so away from the general crowd, with friends there to support them. The notable ones off the top of my head where this has happened in a crowd involved those with social disorders.
Most of the full view crying I've seen from people I personally know were pretty much like the shitty examples I gave in >>6607694 . That's just my experience though, and reading con drama stories on the internet has reinforced that. Anecdotal evidence doesn't stand up in court, but it does have value to my gut feeling.

>> No.6607834
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Mine wasn't drama related, it was just a reaction to being all achy and sick from the infusion. I'm

But I do understand because I've been there. Shitty stuff tends to happen when you're out with your friends like that, and it's harder when it happens away from home. I'm an emotionally disconnected person, mostly because of all the shit I had to go through but I remember what it's like. I try not to judge people on it, but yeah sometimes it's over the top, especially crying really loud in public. That's just desperate asking for attention.

But before the Crohn's I'd totally agree that steak and beer fixes fucking everything haha.

>> No.6607849

Yeah, I did once. It was pretty bad.

>AN 2010
>parents were fighting, stressing me out trying to help. Brother and sister pretended like nothing was wrong so parents relied on me to vent despite my stress for a costume and school
>this happens for 2 months. I want to be there for them, but this is a bit much. They had a good relationship before
>An comes around, still fighting, looking forward to happy day with cosplay
>2nd day, get a call whilst in parking lot heading to the sheridan
>Crowd around me too loud, tell friends to meet at a panel and walk further into parking lot away from crowd
>Mother is sobbing
>she wants to get a divorce
>I beg her to wait
>break down in between two cars
>recover fast enough to meet friends
>Bestfriend pulls me to a bench afterward and we have a heart to heart. He noticed that I was out of it.

I think I'm in love with him now. Hehe.

>> No.6607860

red flag haha

>> No.6607864

I had a hypoglycemia related problem a few cons ago, I got really over emotional because of it and started crying. I was with my friends, but I was super surprised how many other people offered help for me. It was really really scary.

>> No.6607866

Did they get a divorce? Either way it's totally inappropriate for parents to vent to their children about their marriage problems.

>> No.6607873

No, they're still together and happy from what I can see.

To be fair, I wasn't that young when this happened and my parents aren't the type to openly tell other people their problems so at the time I felt that it would help if they vented.

>> No.6607952

We fought on Sunday and are in a period of not speaking to each other. I'm probably going to see him on Thursday and end it then. It would be over sooner, but I can't stoop myself low enough to break up with him via text or facebook.

>> No.6607966

Probably, but I don't remember. I did once the night before one though. I had a cosplay duo planned with my best friend at the time and I had worked the hardest I had ever worked on a costume, hands down, on mine. Literally as I was packing it she texted me that she hadn't even started hers and didn't want to do it.

Cried real hard for a bit then whipped up a simple cosplay to do with other friends and had a blast in it.

>> No.6607975

It would be wrong to end a relationship with someone via facebook or any form of communication that isn't in person. I'm glad you're waiting, and i'm very sorry you're in such a situation.

>> No.6607983

IBD-bros! I have UC. Well, had. I evicted my colon.

shitting acid at cons from stress was real fun

>> No.6607995

>Have health issues.
>With friends, most of them have seen me have dozens of attacks before.
>3 of them are lifeguards. They know the drill.
>One friend I've never had an attack around.
>She has severe anxiety attacks.
>Breaks down because she thinks I'm about to die.
At least we were in one of those random parts of the cons where no one ever walks by, so no one saw us.

>> No.6608011

>End of con, knows next one won't be for a while (was 3 months until the next one, it became 8 after it was cancelled)
>Con withdrawal hits way too early
>Feels sob coming up...

I'm happy to have done at least half of this stupid hiatus, moving away from the cosplay community i was part of to a town where there's ONE known cosplayer didn't help...

>> No.6608031

I've never been to a con before but a frequent /cgl/ constantly for con horror stories and stuff like that. There is a con I would like to go to by the end of the year but hearing stories like these all the time make me really worried I will end up in a fight and end up getting kicked out. Are most cons really filled with catty bitches that will talk shit about you for no reason or mess up your personal items because they don't like how they are dressed?

>> No.6608047

Cons aren't as bad as Weeb Horror Stories make them out to be.
Usually you may run into a creeper / weeb every now and then, but 5 minutes later, you're on your way and never talk to them again.
It's pretty rare that you have weekend-long drama with a complete stranger, because worst come to worst, you can avoid them for the rest of the con.
You're actually a lot more likely to have drama with your roommates / friends.

>> No.6608053

Yes. You know what I like to do when I smell someone at their first con? I snap photos of them. When they dont know it.
That toilet stall you just walked out of? I rush in and gather up whatever water is in the toilet bowl to preserve my memories of you.

Not kidding.

>> No.6608058

name the fucker and also, who's "mere Doyle"?

>> No.6608067

no shit? Damn...TELL US


>> No.6608069

just discovered that lovely piece of trash mere doyle on ed. you poor thing.

>> No.6608071

Never. Regardless of all the fucking shit, man. Never. Not once. Not to sound emo but I always cry when im alone, I try my hardest not to cry in front of people, especially women. Never let a girl see you cry, it's the biggest turn off.

>> No.6608075

Oh man this reminds me of Dragon*con 2011 where I went into one of the bathrooms and this girl looked like she was DYING on the floor sobbing like it was her last day. I was pretty tipsy but couldn't ignore her so I peeled her off the floor and got her tissues. Couldn't get much info out of her but apparently she got separated from people and was lost as shit, also scared because some drunk dudes creeped on her. Got her connected with con staff and she found her friends.

I stayed sober the rest of that night.

>> No.6608080

>was lost as shit
As a first timer at D*C '11, I got lost as shit so many times. I spent more than half the con trying to get from point A to point B. Walking anywhere at that con in costume with the humidity is enough reason for crying alone...

>> No.6608085

As long as the text/Facebook thing is the only reason you're holding back right now. Trust me. I've been there. He treated me like shit sometimes and I gave the whole, "Oh but we have such great times together; oh, his good qualities" speech to my friends all the time. Mine took 3+ years to end. Don't do the same.

>> No.6608104

It was also nearing 2:30am on Saturday night, and it was the bathrooms on the 10th floor of the Marriott, so it was practically empty. Poor girl didn't speak very good english either, I think she was German. She was borderline drunk when she got lost, which is why I decided to stay sober.

I was with a good group of people, but that doesn't guarantee you won't get separated. But I've been going for 4 years so I have the lay of the land pretty well, its just my friends who don't.


>Get there
>Friend isn't there


I realized soon that whenever I tried to find someone they would A) not know exactly how to describe the hotels and B) be moving while telling me so by the time I got there they were gone.

>> No.6608106

Yeah I know how you feel. Man I fucking try with females and am really sociable, and I still crash and burn. It hurts. Especially when you have 2 other girls make fun of you for it, as if i didnt get enough of that in high school.

>> No.6608107

Empty in the bathroom I mean. It was very crowded in the lobbies. She must've gotten on the elevator to get away from the creeps and some only go to certain floors.

>> No.6608114
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I feel for you man. I am in a relationship now but I feel hard for you guys because I had been there for the longest time.

>> No.6608120 [DELETED] 

Last Fanime I saw a guy curled up in the fetal position next to an elevator door at the Marriott sobbing and wailing very loudly. There was already someone with him helping him out, but there was also a small group of people standing nearby mocking him (laughing at him and pretending to fake cry).

I also cried during that con (in the hotel room when everyone else was out) because it was my first time at a con, my friends had abandoned me, and my ex and his friends were harassing me.

>> No.6608121

Yeah...same here. I remember what I was like in high school and my status with women. I've been in a relationship and fucked but I'll never forget the pain, and the pain my friends around me feel.

>> No.6608124

I stopped trying and just deal with it. If something ever happens it'll happen I guess. But seeing the couples at ALA always hits me in the feels.

C'est la vie. I guess it's one of the reasons I'm constantly moving at cons, to keep myself preoccupied. I'd rather try to make myself happy by making others happy than trying to go out and just make myself happy, if that makes any sense.

>> No.6608123

Last Fanime I saw a guy curled up in the fetal position next to an elevator door at the Marriott sobbing and wailing very loudly. There was already someone with him helping him out, but there was also a small group of people standing nearby mocking him (laughing at him and pretending to cry).

I also cried during that con (in the hotel room when everyone else was out) because it was my first time at a con, my friends had abandoned me, and my ex and his friends were harassing me.

>> No.6608127

I've only been to Dragon*Con once and hell is it confusing. I'm the sort of person who will consult a map before leaving, as I'm going to my destination and ask someone if I can't figure out where I am.

The hotels are all pretty distinct so getting them mixed up should be too hard... Also is the Hilton connected to the Hyatt? I thought the Marriott and the Hyatt were.

Also drunk creeps at Dragon*Con are the worst. I threatened to punch one guy if he didn't leave me alone. Staff is never visible when you want them to be.

>> No.6608131

Sometimes I feel like saying fuck it but I can't. I just keep on trying because I believe so damn much that I can land a great woman that shares similar interests with me. I keep telling myself i'll find her one day but sometimes....it just really gets to me. I can't stand the taunting.

>> No.6608138

>I'd rather try to make myself happy by making others happy than trying to go out and just make myself happy

but if you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else? -RuPaul

Seriously dude, bust out the confidence. Work on you. People will notice. If you throw yourself into the role of "everyone else's faithful golden retriever who fetches their slippers for headpats" you won't be happy :<

>> No.6608144

not him of course, but i have no problems with confidence. for me my issue is being in the right place at the right time. I'm always around older people at work, public, etc. I have 0 places to meet females that are like me besides cons and usually I try not to talk to females too much because i have a feeling ill get labeled 'as that one creeper guy' just because i was talking to a girl. i cant get past the fear. we start having a good convo and something inside of me is like nope wave off evacuate and im like alright cool see ya later and i wont talk to them if i see them again unless we kinda look each other in the face.

>> No.6608150

Do you not have any girls you like?

>> No.6608154 [DELETED] 

Not gonna derail this thread anymore than I already have.

>> No.6608158 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck no. This was before Homestuck was even a thing. 2009, Vocaloid. Most of the people cosplaying from the series that I was were in closet cosplays. I can't stand Homestuck and yes, I did have a lot of pictures taken of me in my costume and complimented by various congoers. Don't assume so much. I don't get why you're so... mad.

>> No.6608160

Not going to derail this thread more than I already have.

>> No.6608162

Off topic threads/derailed threads are best threads. But alright, good luck. You'll find someone.

>> No.6608170

Oh fuck no. This was before Homestuck was even a thing. 2009, Vocaloid Cendrillon ballgown. Most of the people cosplaying from it were in closet cosplays. And yes, I did have a lot of pictures taken of me in my costume and complimented by various congoers. I don't get why you are assuming this and sound angry...?

>> No.6608174

> i have no problems with confidence
>i cant get past the fear. we start having a good convo and something inside of me is like nope wave off evacuate and im like alright cool see ya later and i wont talk to them if i see them again unless we kinda look each other in the face.

These two things kinda contradict each other. You sound too anxious.

Do you live in the middle of nowhere? Ever tried online dating?

>> No.6608177
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>Always been socially awkward.
>Supposedly good-looking, but kissless virgin at 20, so have doubts / confidence issues.
>Over the last 3 years, I just gave up and accepted that I may never find someone for me.
>See couples, but convinced I'm happy on my own so it doesn't bother me any more.
>Meet girl through mutual friend 6-8 months ago.
>Start regularly hanging out around 4 months ago.
>Realize she perfectly checks off everything on one of those shitty "ideal date" things I made from some time I visited /soc/.
>Tfw last Saturday we both confessed to having a crush on one another.

>> No.6608183

My friend ended up walking through the hamster tubes from the Hyatt all the way to the Hilton because he misheard me and thought I wanted him to go to the Marriott's basement floor. I guess he got pushed along by crowds which happens a LOT.

Cops last year (2012) were pretty abundant, I never felt like I was not able to access authorities if I felt in danger, then again I know how to properly turn down most drunks.

>> No.6608185

Hell yeah. Did you ask her to be your waifu?

>> No.6608192

Homestuck started in early 2009. The sudden swarm of Homestuck cosplays seemed to happen in 2011, though.

>> No.6608199

it was during the troll stuff, so yeah, that was 2011 or so.

>> No.6608205

Yes I do live out in the middle of fucking nowhere....sigh. I drive an hour into town each saturday with my friend and we hit hte mall and our usually places and hang out. I try to interect with females okay I guess i cannot bitch too much, i only peruse asian women because i have yellow fever like a mother fucker and no matter what i do, i just cant get attracted to any other race, it's very hard. been surrounded by whites and mexicans my entire life

Okay maybe I didn't explain this in the right way. I don't have problems with confidence, I mean despite that im 5'6", missing teeth that is def. noticeable and weird nose, skinny and not really that strong (im working on it), i still keep a smile on my face and have no problems approaching or carrying on conversations with girls. but SOMETIMES i get this feeling and it's usually when they make a weird face or be like "oeerrhh okay" and start to sound very stern, in my head im like SHIT well i sure hope she doesnt start passing around rumors to other people that im some sort of creep because in high school i was very depressed and sat alone with my friends (didnt help we liked anime and games) and we of course were labeled creepy kids. and it doesn't help that my friend got accused of having a hit list (key word accused, he never did a girl made it up and the school ate it all up). So it's kind of something in the back of my head but if its just a normal convo and im not remotely attracted to the girl then im like w/e i don't care. But when I try to even just make friends, i get second guesses.

>> No.6608210
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Yeah. From today.
>Friend of mine I've known since 4th grade.
>She's always wanted me to find someone, and has started getting on me to ask this girl out, since she's "perfect for you, Anon!"
>Today the three of us meet up.
>As she's leaving for class, I say, "By the way."
>Standing next to GF (feels weird to say, man), grab her hand.
>We both just stand there smiling at her.
>She drops her bag, jaw dropped, then starts freaking out.
Her reaction was priceless.

We've cosplayed pairing before, but now we'll actually be cosplaying as a couple.
Really, I feel like I don't have to close myself off anymore. Still just trying to take it all in.
>Possibly coming back from the brink of despair.

>> No.6608213

good lord that sounds like a fantasy fairy tale! shit dude, i sure hope you keep her. females like that are hard to come by!

>> No.6608217

It was 2011 and cops were around but only in/around the hamster tubes (LOL, gunna use that term for those things from now on). I think the guy left me alone because he realized that's where I was headed and would have reported his ass. (Worst thing about Dragon*Con are all the non-con people who suddenly learn nerds can throw a damn good party. The control over this sucked and I can only hope it's gotten better.)

>> No.6608250

Oh its definitely better than 2010. 2012 had MUCH tighter badge checking security, especially after dark when all areas were closed off to all those without a badge. No badge = you couldn't even go through the hotel's front door. Also more cops and staff. Reports of sexual assault, drunken harassment, and lots of ambulances at 2010 and 2011 led to good changes.

>> No.6608278

She and her friend complained to me that "Jack" and his girlfriend being almost naked in a bed together was making them uncomfortable, but when I brought it up to Jack they both refused to admit they'd talked to me because they didn't want him mad at them too.

Mere's friend had a shitty closet Sasuke cosplay and they used SHARPIE to draw demon markings all over the friend's body. Spoiler alert: It took them days to wash it off. And she insisted on wearing the Mononoke forest spirit costume on the day the rest of us had to get ready for our huge cosplay group and she got blue paint all over the fucking bathroom. Getting ready was impossible because we couldn't touch any surfaces.

She isn't mean AT ALL but she is very much one of the reasons why nerds can't have nice things.

And that guy doesn't go to cons anymore, I'm sure. Don't worry.

>> No.6608283

Well that's good. I had my badge checked once the entire weekend (and it was when I actually forgot it but had my room key so they let me in.) and that was Sat night. I think. So glad they'be upped the security since I was there last. I want to go again but so far... so expensive...

>> No.6608288

Goddamnit I'm on the point of no return

Maybe I should get up on that

>> No.6608303

Exactly. Even if her mood is 100% caused by the period, he should have the decency to not bring it up.

>> No.6608329

I'm just saying, you based your whole experience on just a few shitty cosplayers when you obviously got attention from other sources that were more than likely much more worth your time.
I'm not angry, just kind of annoyed that you were so easily affected by shitty "closet cosplays"

>> No.6608332

>Implying vocaloid cosplays are on average better than homestuck


>> No.6608337

>implying that hamsteak is above anything and not at the bottom of the shit barrel


>> No.6608339 [DELETED] 

Whoa whoa whoa, if you don't mind me asking, what do you get infusions of that for? I get infusions too, and I've never heard of anyone else-especially on the con scene-getting them.

>> No.6608344

I have found my people.
I've never met anyone else with ulcerative colitis, that's really cool.
Pain from that is all I've cried from at a con. Running to the bathrooms and stripping out of costumes at full speed sure is fun.

>> No.6608347

>implying that its possible to prove that any shitty fandom can be worse than another shitty fandom


>> No.6608348

Vocaloid can be pretty bad but if wee look at the chart
1. God Tier cosplay
2. High Tier cosplay
163. Vocaloid
2153127361. Naruto
9999999999999999999998. Hetalia
9999999999999999999999. Homestuck

>> No.6608350


Guys, guys, stop fighting. Both of your fandoms are terrible.

>> No.6608353



>> No.6608355

>Implying that I would associate myself with either of those fandoms


>> No.6608356

>implying I belong to any fandom

nice try

>> No.6608360
File: 267 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mdruxaosG31qgp5aro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying homestuck cosplayers are bad
>Not understanding that the shitty ones mostly come from things that are ~not~ cons, but rather meetups

>> No.6608368

I'm not even in this argument but jeezus why

(also I might add that when someone pulls out a specific example to try and win an argument thats when you can tell it's going downhill for that person)

>> No.6608369

>trying to defend your shit fandom
>using pics like this
Sure thing brah.

>> No.6608376

Not really
Do you really think that all homestuck cosplayers are that bad

>> No.6608377

Just curious but where would you rank something as horrible as My Little Pony on that list?

>> No.6608380

Aw, anon! We should be friends. I have a dummy Skype account (email field) if you feel like talking sometime.

>> No.6608385

Ladies. You're all beautiful. Can we post more stories now?

>> No.6608383

It's on its own list

>> No.6608386
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>implying 90% of homoshit cosplay isn't terrible

captcha adyielv atrocious
It sure is, captcha

>> No.6608394
File: 248 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m1fowfrfmN1r149j7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of any cosplay is terrible, though
Have you considered that maybe not everyone that cosoplays takes it seriously, or even claims to take it seriously
Have you considered that they're having fun
I mean yea there are a few that claim to be serious cosplayers that are absolute shit but there are also tons of good ones

>> No.6608396

you sure are defensive about your shitty fandom

>> No.6608404

>Implying most of the Homestuck fandom didn't come from Hetalia.
Guys, grow up. It's one of the Big 3, which are all bound to have shitty, underage cosplayers everywhere.
Do I have to bring up Naruto?

>> No.6608408

I'm not a cosplayer and I find the actual comic fairly harmless, so I have no dog in this race.

I have never seen a worse fandom than Homestuck.

It is worse than the nadir of everyone in Org XII gowns, or Death Note closet cosplays, or fat girls heiling for Hetalia. It is the saddest steaming pile of shit I have ever seen at a con. Please stop getting your necrotic bodypaint on everything.

>> No.6608409

Higher than Voc.
Some of the gijnka's are fucking amazing AND TRUTH BE TOLD - how much work goes into making a fursuit?

That's some serious dedication.

Unlike Homostucks who buy tshirts at K-mart and rub grey paint on furniture.

>> No.6608414
File: 45 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lp02giIbSp1qecsulo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you maybe considered that cosplayers with unsealed bodypaint are hated by homestuck cosplayers as well

Also that statement is objectively wrong, there are much, much worse things than homestuck

>> No.6608445

I always come down pretty hard towards the end of the last day on any con, but I ended up in the AMV overflow on one to try and take my mind off of it and they just aired one depressing as fuck AMV after another until I started tearing up like a little girl with a skinned knee. Not my finest moment.

>> No.6608453

A lot of homestuck cosplays are bad because most homestucks want to be recognised and approached at a convention by other homestuck fans so that they can socialize, tell bad jokes and run around screaming together. The problem is that if a large proportion of a fandom tries to cosplay, most of them will be inexperienced with putting together cosplays e.g. sewing, makeup, wig styling, etc. This combined with a series full of unremarkable outfits (which these noobs think are easy to put together) makes for a whole load of crap cosplay.

It usually shows when a homestuck cosplayer started cosplaying before they got into homestuck, and sensible, competent homestuck cosplayers do exist as a quiet minority. But mostly we have conventions full of people with dollar-store unsealed bodypaint, masking tape horns on visible headbands and terribly painted shirts.

sage for off-topic

>> No.6608466

All these Homestuck cosplayer horror stories are scaring me into not attending any cons until the craze dies down. At this point, I'd rather deal with the bronys and hetalia fans since they can't ruin someone's costume with an unsealed bodypaint glomp of destruction.

>> No.6608477

It's easy to identify which paint is unsealed
Just don't wear a homestuck cosplay and no unwashed unsealed whales will glomp you

>> No.6608482

is the paint awkwardly shiny? it is unsealed. Is there tons of grey all over the homestuck's costume in areas where they would touch themselves (sleeves, collar, etc, not areas someone else would touch them)? unsealed.

avoid unsealed homestucks and hope that a homestuck fairy is running around sealing unsealed homestucks

>> No.6608485

I dunno... I've heard stories about Ouran cosplayers having blazers get ruined by them. My cosplay isn't from either source, thank goodness.

>> No.6608555

God, how did you all get such awful friends?

>> No.6608567

I don't blame you, why the fuck would anyone leave a con at 5? I'd be pissed too.

>> No.6608569

>hope that a homestuck fairy is running around sealing unsealed homestucks

Do people actually do that?

>> No.6608573
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Yeah, I've heard of a few people doing that.
Saints, in my opinion.

>Wearing white from head to toe.
>Fear for your life whenever you see grey and orange now.

>> No.6608581

Ahaa... yeah. One of my most detailed and expensive cosplays is white from the wig, cape, and dress. I know how that feels.

>> No.6608583
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Call me insensitive but I can't stand it when I see people openly crying in public. I'm fine if they're in the bathroom or something but if they're just walking around or sitting at a table in the dealers hall I can't help but just think they're attention whores

>> No.6608584

Yeah wow that's actually really considerate of them to do. I wish all homestucks would learn to bodypaint though so we didn't need a sealing fairy.

>> No.6608596
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Wait, are either one of you those IBD persons I was talking with a couple years ago about Prednisone? I miss that person, they made me happy.
I only just got diagnosed with IBD, but it's added on top of my multiple sclerosis and endometriosis (and seizures and migraines, etc). so the whole losing shitloads of weight (no pun intended) is weirding me out. I've been losing 5lbs a week for a month now and I can like feel the bones sticking out of my shoulders. It's all fucked up.

I think the reason I like going to cons so much, even when if I run into a relapse or something goes wrong (like one year I had vertigo so bad I had to hold on to the walls in the building to keep from falling over) is 'cause I get to pretend like I'm someone else for a weekend. I get to be away from home and my family that doesn't understand, and I get to get out of my head and pretend I'm someone else. I guess it's some fucked up sort of therapy

>> No.6608612


Why not

>> No.6608641
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Small update from about an hour ago.
And yes, her profile pic is of her beating me with a pillow while in cosplay.
>Is this the real life?

>> No.6608687

Actually, seeing guys cry turns me on. I just want to cuddle with them and tell them everything is going to be all right, all the while, juicin' like mad.

>> No.6608731

I've cried twice. Once at one of those party cons that are more about the room parties than the con... I felt really sick and wanted to go home, but my boyfriend at the time just wanted to smoke pot and troll for slutty girls to have a threesome with (and I obviously didn't want a threesome). He started yelling at me in the lobby for being a buzzkill and when he left me there for an hour or so I was awkwardly crying by myself for awhile.

Second time was getting ready for my favorite, biggest con of the year. Friends were doing a group cosplay and my character had full body paint and prosthetics. My makeup ended up taking waaaay longer than I thought (got up at 6 AM to get started) and I was so frustrated and tired and sick of painting myself and being rushed that I broke down and cried a little bit.

>> No.6608758

I ended up crying last year at one before I started on medication to deal with hormonal depression, which unfortunately started on the weekend of the convention. I was in a pretty bad place that entire weekend. I desperately wanted to see my friends that I don't get to meet very often, but most of them were busy volunteering or they left early.

I had intended to only go for the one day, but one of my friends that had volunteered asked me to go the second day because they'd have more time them. They didn't. I ended up sitting by myself the whole day not knowing what to do with myself and hoping something would change. Eventually when I went back over to see how things were going I was told they'd have dinner with me once the con was over. Like an idiot I stayed until the con was packing up not knowing what was going on.

It wasn't until quite some time waiting near where my friends were packing up that they'd been asked to take the special guest to the airport. By the time I found out I'd missed the train by about five minutes, I was in a city I barely knew, it was dark, and I was stuck waiting for an hour at a seedy train station where thugs like to hang out.

So yeah... cried quite a bit during that con. A lot of it was the fault of my own stupid decisions though. I really should have been thinking more.

>> No.6608763

crying is for women. /r9k/ was right, this board has the biggest vagina of all of 4chan

>> No.6608817
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>> No.6608822

No shit detective the entire board IS women

>> No.6608833

Are you stupid or what?

>> No.6608835

My boyfriend asked me if he could bring his ex along with us for a con and prefaced that with "she has a boyfriend so no sexy things!" and I was like "sure that sounds fine."

He spends the entire weekend with her, wakes me up while having sex with her in the same hotel room, apologizes for not paying me enough attention, does basically the same fucking thing the next night, and then gets mad at me for crying about it.

I feel like shit the next day and he says I'm being weird and creepy and rude because I'm not feeling social and I ruined ~his~ entire weekend and I'm not going to cons with him anymore.

His ex complained about other girls flirting with him at the con. I wanted to throw up.

>> No.6608840


I assume you mean ex boyfriend.

He was fucking his ex and wakes you up. He then does the same the next night.


You have my sympathy.

>> No.6608846

Please tell me you dumped that sorry excuse for a boy. He doesn't even deserve to be called a man.

>> No.6608853
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He is fucking lucky I am not your friend. I would've scalped the bastard.

>> No.6608854


I should probably mention that we're in an open relationship of sorts. We're both okay with the other having sex with whoever but I'm really not too interested in it and I'm bad at people so the "open" aspect is more his. But I'm not okay with being lied to and misled and having my trust betrayed, which is what happened that weekend.

I was more upset by the stuff he said to me afterwards, about how I "don't belong around people" and I should be put back in the psych ward and I'm failing spectacularly at trying to become more functional, et cetera et cetera. His whole spiel is about how he's NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP ON ME like other people in my life have, yet when I asked why he didn't try to figure out what was wrong when I was crying, his reasoning was that nothing he does helps me anyway so he doesn't see why he should even bother.

We talked about it afterwards and I told him that he had hurt me and his reaction was "well you've hurt me too a bunch of times and I'm not getting as upset as you are."

The times I've hurt him have been mostly during rape flashbacks, which isn't an excuse, but I go to pains now to try not to lash out at him when it happens, despite every irrational instinct in me saying to push him away. I think people might be more understanding of someone hurting their significant other during rape flashbacks/panic attacks than "you were being weird around my friends."

This wasn't even a month ago, so it's still kind of fresh and I'm still considering breaking up with him but he's basically the only person in my life willing and able to help me. We get along great when I'm not put into uncomfortable situations that upset him, but there's really no excuse for his actions that weekend.

>> No.6608860

>only person in my life.. able to help me

Please re-read your post. Obviously he isn't able to help you and doesn't want to even try. If you're try to get over psychological issues, being around a massive jerk like him isn't going to help, it's just going to make it harder to get better. It'll hurt at first, but I bet you will feel a million times better after he's gone, and I bet you'll find someone better, even if it takes a bit of time.

>> No.6608863
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>open relationship of sorts
>abusive relationship of sorts
This shit is textbook. Comparing your PTSD to him getting his dick wet with an ex and lying to you to do it. Jesus fucking Christ. I know from the inside it's hard to see how fucking dysfunctional this shit sounds, but SO DYSFUNCTIONAL.

It's not an open relationship if you don't communicate about rules and boundaries. It's just him fucking whoever he wants and telling you you need to be OK with it.

>> No.6608867


i'm sure there's a lot of things i could say, such as his misuse of an open relationship agreement, and i'm sure others will, but i'm only going to say what really stood out to me which is this - anyone that says "well you have hurt me too and i got over it/ i'm not crying about it/ we're even" is not worth it. they do not love you, they aren't mature enough, or they are just plain not worth your time.

the person you care about most is in pain and you blow it off? no.

>> No.6608872

>he's basically the only person in my life willing and able to help me.
Well obviously, one of the first things an abuser does is isolate you from friends and family that can recognize and prevent the abuse.

>> No.6608874

Girl, go get professional help: you need it. I'm not even being sarcastic, you really need it. You're dating someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about you and your excuse is "he's the only one who can help me"? Normally, I'd troll the hell out of your posts, but you seem really depressed - I'm talking about a disease which demands treatment. Now, get out of this board and go schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist.

>> No.6608893


>he's basically the only person in my life willing and able to help me
>We get along great when I'm not put into uncomfortable situations that upset him
>nothing he does helps me anyway so he doesn't see why he should even bother

Get help. I don't even mean that sarcastically, just. Gtfo that relationship, get help, therapy, whatever. It's going to be hard, almost impossible, but from what you're saying, you're much, much better off without him.

>> No.6608908 [DELETED] 

Thank you all for your responses. It's very encouraging to see /cgl/ be civil and show what seems to be legitimate concern for someone else's well-being.

I can say that he hasn't isolated me from anybody. I don't really have a family or any close friends and this was true long before my boyfriend was even in the picture. He's encouraged me to be more social and try to make friends and has helped me do so.

I've been diagnosed with depression, PTSD, generalized anxiety, and OCD and hospitalized multiple times for trying/planning to kill myself. I've been around the little corner of the mental health system that my insurance pays for long enough to recognize that it's not effective for me.

Overall, I've tried to consider the entire thing as a misstep on his part since he apologized and has actually been acting on that, but it's a fact that he's not good at empathy. I just don't know if I can handle being treated so poorly each time I fuck up in one way or another. It's a flaw of his and I'm supposed to be accommodating and understanding of that and help him improve just as he's been helping me, but it's a bit too meta for me to think logically about it when it's really just "he makes mistakes in his reactions to me making mistakes."

Considering how much /cgl/ tends to hate fat people, I kind of wonder if the feedback I'm getting would be any different if I brought up that I'm kind of a landwhale and my boyfriend has been successfully helping me lose weight...

>> No.6608910

> It's a flaw of his and I'm supposed to be accommodating and understanding of that

He's taking advantage of your willingness to forgive by treating you like shit.

>> No.6608911

Thank you all for your responses. It's very encouraging to see /cgl/ be civil and show what seems to be legitimate concern for someone else's well-being.

I can say that he hasn't isolated me from anybody. I don't really have a family or any close friends and this was true long before my boyfriend was even in the picture. He's encouraged me to be more social and try to make friends and has helped me do so.

I've been diagnosed with depression, PTSD, generalized anxiety, and OCD and hospitalized multiple times for trying/planning to kill myself. I've been around the little corner of the mental health system that my insurance pays for long enough to recognize that it's not effective for me.

Overall, I've tried to consider the entire thing as a misstep on his part since he apologized and has actually been acting on that, but it's a fact that he's not good at empathy. I just don't know if I can handle being treated so poorly each time I fuck up in one way or another. It's a flaw of his and I'm supposed to be accommodating and understanding of that and help him improve just as he's been helping me, but it's a bit too meta for me to think logically about it when it's really just "he makes mistakes in his reactions to me making mistakes."

Considering how much /cgl/ tends to hate fat people, I kind of wonder if the feedback I'm getting would be any different if I brought up that I'm kind of a landwhale and my boyfriend has been successfully helping me lose weight...

>> No.6608912

I'm someone with mental issues who stayed in an "open" relationship for far too long because I didn't think anybody else would care for me, even after he fucked my best friend in the next room while I was asleep. I'm still single now, but no longer being around someone who cares that little for me and told me nobody else could care for me that much is a big improvement and I wish I had ended it sooner. You don't need someone like him in your life, girl, even if he's trying to help you lose weight or something. He's thinking with his penis, so grab him by the penis and toss him out the door. It'll be hard but in a month or two you'll be happier.

>> No.6608915

NO. God NO. Stop believing the guy is the one who helped you to lose weight. YOU did it. You lost weight, not him. You don't need someone treating you badly for that. Do something for yourself for once and *always* recognize your own victories.

>> No.6608918




P.S. being hospitalized fucking blows but it's hardly the best the mental health system has to offer. seriously keep shopping for a therapist until you get one you like. it takes a while and it's hard but it really can help, much better than an abusive boyfriend who treats you like shit

the way he talks to you -- doesn't fucking matter how he's feeling, nobody should ever talk to their partner like that. and this is coming from a girl with borderline, so I know something about saying some dumb shit cause you're riled up.

>> No.6608922
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>Overall, I've tried to consider the entire thing as a misstep on his part
nothing about saying "you don't belong around people," or "she has a boyfriend so no sexy things!" is a misstep. nothing about telling you you're not allowed to feel hurt is a misstep. nothing about lying to you, disregarding your feelings, and making you feel unlovable is a misstep. it is abuse.

>> No.6608925


I've seen just about every mental health professional within traveling distance that accepts my insurance, which isn't a lot at all, and found that they all unsuccessfully try to treat the symptoms as apposed to the cause.

Plus, in six months, I won't be insured at all so I don't really see the point of starting all over again with one of these people when we've already proven that we're not compatible as doctor and patient.

I'm at a loss, really, but it's very refreshing to hear other perspectives.

>> No.6608926

Anon, you really, really need to break up with him. What you are describing really is textbook abuse. It will not get better unless you get out.

You don't know me, but I'm sending you good wishes. I'd give you my email so you can chat, but I'm not really qualified for that. I suggest you try the live chat at http://www.loveisrespect.org/, who do a lot of work for those in abusive relationships.

>> No.6608934

Have you tried doing CBT or DBT on your own? The thing about symptoms vs origins is, you often need to deal with the symptoms first, before a person is stable enough to do the real psychological work. But I understand how that can be frustrating. Insurance is a real cunt :(

>> No.6608936

You lost weight yourself, and it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to continue losing it when you're not with someone who treats you like shit.

>> No.6608948
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Never cried at a con, hell, I think the last time I really cried was when I found out my Step Mom's cancer came back about 5 years ago.

My EX however.....she did, alot. She was... well let's just say she was not well adjusted.

Lets start by prefacing this, I was an antisocial weeabo in school, stuck in the south (yeah guess how many people I could relate to, or rather, chose to.)

Because of this, I never learned any social skills untill sometime in collage, I forced myself to learn most things, and today I can talk and converce with the best of them. Hell when I've been called a social butterfly I consider that a fucking achievement.

That being said there are still things I don't grasp on the social interaction chain. For instance, when a girl is hitting on me. This goes doubly at a con as I just assume they like my costume.

My Ex would automatically assume that I'm cheating on her because of this. Start plotting a firey death for me and whoever was talking to me, then break down in tears, at which point I would have to sit her down and calm her tits enough to try and figure out what the fuck was wrong.

*SIGH* sorry for turning this into more of a rant, but context needed to be given.

That feel when your girlfriend accuses you of cheating, and you can't even tell if someone is hitting on you.

>> No.6608954

Yep, I'm the first IBD-bro. I thought that was you! I remember you talking about the prednisone injections and general fatigue. I had another surgery so I've dropped about 10-15 pounds and I'm holding steady. I gained a lot of weight when I was on prednisone and now I'm unmedicated for once... though I still have to down a lot of vitamins because of the osteopenia from prednisone.

Dummy skype account is still in the email field, or you can throw an email account my way if that's easier. It'd be nice to stay in touch, since I seem to keep bumping into you here anyway haha.

>> No.6608997

I would cry if someone shot me. Why are there not shootings at cons, goverment needs to get in on this shit.

>> No.6609049

Once, back at AX12. It was my first AX cosplaying and my first AX staying at a hotel most of the nights and not just commuting. I ended up running into a group from my series that invited me to hang out with them after the meet up. After hanging out in South Hall Lobby for a while, all but me and a guy had to bail. He mention he was hungry but all the con food places were closed, so I showed him to the melt place by the West Hall escalators. I realized I recognized him from some youtube videos and talked to him for a while before we played DDR together. After I left to go back to the hotel, I then realized that this dude I had known for maybe 4 hours top had actually kept me in an engaging conversation (I’m super introverted so getting me to stay in a conversation is hard), he had paid for me to play DDR with me and made sure I got some water afterwards before he went and got water, things my then boyfriend wouldn’t have even bothered with. As soon as I got to the hotel room, I kinda just balled my eyes out about how some random dude I barely knew was super kind to me, plus exhaustion and stress from it being my first ax cosplaying. My sister and co helped me calm down and brought food from the Johnny Rockets across the street, though after they wouldn’t stop teasing me about ‘georgia boy’ which my sister decided to nickname him.

>> No.6609090

Something similar, but not as bad happened to me. I posted about it in another thread, but I guess this thread is more appropriate.

I bought my boyfriend's wig and tie. He said he'd pay me back. It was for a generic school boy cosplay, so the rest were things he already had. That was only $30, no big deal.

I paid for both of our con tickets, our hotel room, our bus tickets to get there, and our food while we were there. That's a couple hundred dollars. I bought him a gift at the con. He never bought me a birthday present, because he said he'd get me one from the dealer's room of the next con we go to, but what a surprise! He didn't get me anything. When I said I liked something, even something that cost $10, he would be like, "GO BUY IT FOR YOURSELF! YOU DESERVE IT!" Then he'd come up to me and be like, "Hey, I really want this... you didn't get me much for my birthday. Can you get me this?"

The entire con, he was busy being a faggot with two guys he recently befriended. Note that he had talked shit about this one guy previously and didn't like him, but suddenly he wanted to be around him constantly. When he wasn't with them and was just with me, he wouldn't look up from his phone -- he just didn't stop texting the two guys.

This was my first convention. I hated it. I didn't cry, but I wasn't happy. He eventually paid me back for the con tickets, bus tickets, and half the hotel maybe six months later. In the end, I only "lost" money covering food, which is whatever by me. He would've paid me sooner, but he was busy buying figma and kits for himself. And no, he never bought me a birthday gift. At the next con we went to, he told me that he'll buy me whatever I want. I pointed out this small plush that cost $5. I never got it. He did get me a cute keychain, though, so I'm content.

>> No.6609098

ITT: Women rationalizing their terrible relationships.

>> No.6609131


lol google reverse rationalization

Women (and some men) feel first then try to justify their emotions later

>> No.6609138

literally had nothing to do with what you're responding to other than sharing the word "rationalize"

unless you're implying that the women hated their relationships and then made up these stories?

ugh why am i even trying. typical male logic.

>> No.6609154

He sounds like a fucking moron

>> No.6609160


No no no no, it isn't that bad.

I've only been to two cons, but I've only had one incident where someone ripped my costume, and she got kicked out.

Just be polite and have a buddy if you're nervous.

>> No.6609165

Went to a con shortly after my mom got out of the hospital from major hip surgery, and she needed me but still let me go anyways so my brother could take care of her. Of course the same week that happens I'm also sick as fuck and my divorced parents started fighting blah blah, shit ton of family drama, + being sick + menstrual cycle
Portal is my biggest, longest lived fandom, that I've actually participated in and i cried myself to sleep when I missed the portal themed rave and just because everything hurt and I was wasting the badge my mom had paid for.

>> No.6609173
File: 28 KB, 375x211, ALL MY CREYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being distraught at Anime Expo 2009 because my cosplay was falling apart. It was only my second year of cosplay at the time, and it was a shitty cosplay in hindsight, but boy that sucked. But luckily, there were some super nice girls in the AA who gave me some safety pins as a quick fix, I felt a lot better after that.

Then the next AX I lost my wallet with $200 bucks I had saved just for the con... that was another issue all together. Cue the water works.

>> No.6609178


My very first convention, I was a shitty TF2 Spy.

I have IBS, which I know isn't the same, but here's what went down.

> be me
> feeling ill all day
> bump into a positively gorgeous Spy
> she smiles
> I panic
> I puke


>> No.6609181

But from what she said, he paid her back. Where's the issue? Or is it only moronic when it's a male doing this and not the females? Boohoo, cry harder, girls.

>> No.6609190

I, personally have never cried at a con. However, my girlfriend has.

Her boyfriend at the time took her to Realmscon. She dressed as Luigi and got her picture taken with someone dressed as Mr. L., and her boyfriend yanked her away as soon as the picture was taken and started berating her for 'letting a stranger take her picture.'

Then he started in on how she ruined it anyways by smiling (she has a crooked tooth in the front), and all this other bullshit that basically wound up to say that he was a jealous shitnugget. Once she broke down and started crying, he took off with a couple of his friends.

Needless to say, they aren't together anymore, and lucky for him, I haven't met him yet. He has bipolar disorder, but regardless, you just don't treat someone like that...

>> No.6609195

He has bipolar disorder, you don't have control over that. So while the situation is bad, the blame isn't really on anyone. He just needs his meds.

>> No.6609202
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People with bipolar are still responsible for their actions. Unless he was actually psychotic at the time, he was being a colossal douche.

>> No.6609201


He was on his meds at the time.

He's one of those people that will use that as an excuse to be genuinely mean, like those people that use their Aspergers as an excuse to say what they want with no repercussions.

I mean, I work with bipolar people, and no one I've ever met has been more of a jerk than this guy was.

>> No.6609214

Hi, I have bipolar, and I'd never dream of using that disease as an excuse for treating someone like that. For breaking down and crying for no reason, yes, for spending stupid money, but never for being a jealous shitnugget like that. Even off your meds, you're a fucking dickwad if you don't accept responsibility for your own mentally ill actions.

>> No.6609219

People who suggest that bipolar disorder is a free pass to treat others however they want without blame make it more difficult for people who understand that they are ultimately responsible for themselves and try their best to keep that shit under control to be trusted by their friends and partners.

>> No.6609231
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>> No.6609327

ITT: people in shitty relationships being given advice and a shoulder to lean on
Why so jaded anon?

>> No.6609470

honey if he really cared about you I feel like that he wouldn't do something as insensitive as having sex with your ex twice with you right there.
That's just my opinion but I've been in abusive relationships before and it takes one to know one...

>> No.6609480

I'm >>6605838 and wow, I honestly would have been even more angry if my boyfriend did that. Mine at least paid for all of his materials and his share of the hotel room (yours did too, but 6 months later? come on). I guess when money is involved it makes things an even bigger deal, at least for me. My boyfriend bought me a birthday gift, but he never bought me anything for Christmas, so that's another reason why I'm ending it. If your guy is anything like mine, which he kind of sounds like it, you might want to consider ending it too.

>> No.6609491

That wasn't me, I was just diagnosed last May but ohh man prednisone is the worst. I gained 20 pounds last year but I get remicade infusions now.
Funny enough, I've never met anyone with IBD or another chronic illness that wasn't into anime. My biggest problem, still, is the shitty food I tend to eat at cons.

>> No.6609688

So... if you're not paid back right away, your man is terrible, enough to even end a relationship? I wonder how the bank feels about you worthless late paying bitches.

>> No.6609695 [DELETED] 

More like ITT: Women bitching about minor issues.

>> No.6609712

So... if you're not paid back right away, your man is terrible enough to even end a relationship? I wonder how the bank feels about you late paying bitches.

>> No.6609714

I had to pay for everything, because he didn't have a job at the time, and I did. I didn't mind, and if he had trouble getting a job for 6 months, I wouldn't care about the wait. The problem is that he got a full time job and started buying whole SETS of figma, figuarts, etc. He basically used me like a credit card with no interest. I just think it was disrespectful of him to spend $3,000 before paying me back. Yes. That's how much he made and spent before paying me back $350. I was unable to work full time that summer, too, so he had a lot more money than me for several months but never tried to help me out by simply paying me back.

I forgive him, though, because after he paid me back, he started treating me out and being fair. It's all good now. For Christmas, he got me three plushies and a small ($10) statue. However, he doesn't have a job anymore, so I'm more than thankful that he put some money aside for me.

He was just being really selfish. I casually mentioned that I was a little disappointed about he issue a couple months later, and he changed on his own. I didn't tell him "PAY ME BACK NOW, BITCH. START TAKING ME OUT!!!" But he did after I told him that I was disappointed he used me like that and was spending all his money before clearing his debt with me. I think he didn't realize what he was doing.

>> No.6609755

It's not so much getting paid back late if he couldn't afford it, but she clearly stated that he COULD have paid her back sooner, had he not been spending money on figmas and model kits. That's what's shitty.

>> No.6609784

You sound like you bum off people.

>> No.6609792

You sound like you're trying to justify double standards.

>> No.6609859

I ugly sobbed the last day at my last time going to my first ever convention. I moved across the country and I was probably never going to see those friends again.

>> No.6610033

Thread reminded me of my last con.
>Friend's mom was diagnosed with lung disease she caught from mold in their house.
>Expected to live another couples years.
>Over the last year, friend and her family keep taking vacations, going out, just getting family time together.
>Christmas Eve, go sledding.
>Friend's younger sister breaks her neck, miraculously isn't dead or paralyzed.
>She's okay, but has to wear a brace for 3 months, and is pretty much bed-ridden for now.
>Con is 5 days later.
>She has a breakdown at the con from all the stress in the hotel room.
Still feel really bad for everything she's been going through. Her boyfriend joined the Navy and was put in Florida for training a month before the accident, so he couldn't really be there for her.

>> No.6610054

Have you never been in a situation where you just don't care anymore and all of a sudden cry? A lot o things can go wrong in public, and it's not their duty to hold in their grief/stress if they can't.

>> No.6610056

Did Remicade work for you? I kept having to take Prednisone over and over when it was the only thing that would work for flares; Remicade didn't do much for me. The clinic felt a bit like being in Inception or something, though, what with all the IVs and people falling asleep in reclining chairs.

>> No.6610059

>neck brace with broken neck
>still decides to go to a convention
What are priorities?

>> No.6610064

My friend's sister broke her neck, not my friend herself.

>> No.6610072

If it upset her so much then I don't see why she wouldn't have just went to be with her sister, that's weird as fuck.

>> No.6610082 [DELETED] 
File: 619 KB, 1932x1752, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog takes Prednisone, and it makes him really fat... Pic related.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6610093

She already put a lot of money into the con, and her sister was fine and out of surgery, so just sitting on the couch in a brace and on painkillers.
Her little sister's also the guilty type and would feel really bad if her sister missed a con on her behalf.
So she went to the con as a small break with her friends from all the stuff that was going on for the weekend.

>> No.6610096

He's not fat, he's just a little husky.

I'm sorry, that was terrible. But he's really fucking cute.

Prednisone definitely pushed me from normal weight to overweight; I wanted to eat all the things, all the time. I only lost it after my second surgery since I have to be careful with food now. I also had moonface so I either looked kind of round-faced and kawaii or just plain belugaish in photos. Bleh. I've been on a cosplay hiatus for a long time.

>> No.6610102


>> No.6610722
File: 256 KB, 1214x1200, Welcome-to-the-NHK-welcome-to-nhk-5276119-1214-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misaki, is that you?

>> No.6613674

This made me dawwww so hard, man
Treat her well!

>> No.6614171

Once, but not in public, and it was more out of anger then being sad. I entered a costume contest with a costume that had over 500 hours of work put into it, last minute the invisible zipper busted and I had to be sewn into the costume while waiting to go on stage. Lost to three rather unimpressive costumes (with almost entirely bought pieces). I was already a train wreck because of the costume breaking, and my anxiety being through the roof I went back to my hotel room and just balled for half an hour. Then I put my big girl panties on, fixed my make-up and enjoyed the rest of the con.

>> No.6614199

Only once, but not in front of anyone, and it had everything to do with me being unable to manage my own shit by my own self.

It was at my second ever con, which I went to with a friend. I've got pretty severe social anxiety, especially when meeting new people, and I hadn't quite figured out how to manage it yet. When I told my friend about it, she said to just tell her if/when I needed a break, and we'd grab lunch. We got there a little before nine, and by 11:30, I was ready for my break.

Unfortunately, my friend was no where to be found, and after half an hour of searching, I found her with some of her other friends. She told me just to wait a little bit, but when I tried, 1:00 rolled around and she still wasn't finished.

I was in full-panic mode at this point, and an anxiety attack was imminent. My only option was to walk out to the car by myself and get it over with. She finally showed up around 2:30 so that we could go to lunch, at which point I had already thrown up, had a bottle of water, thrown up again, cried and hyperventilated for a while, and eventually sat down next to the car and fallen asleep.

She was shocked when I told her what happened, and then proceeded to yell at me that it was my fault for not telling her sooner (ugh). We went to lunch, I got my bearings back, and I made it the rest of the day no problem.

I learned really quickly after that, though, how to find my own quiet place either inside or outside the convention center to calm myself down when I get overwhelmed without needing someone else to hold my hand through it. I do feel kind of embarrassed by myself looking back on it, but I was only 13 at the time, and I've certainly learned to pace myself better and deal with the anxiety so I don't have to stop in the middle of my fun to deal with it.

>> No.6614361

I've never actually been to a con (well unless Collectormania or the first Hyper Japan counts) but I would have been shitting it if I got lost if I was 13, because 1. I didn't own a mobile until I was 15, 2. Didn't know how to catch buses/trains bla bla

>> No.6614738

Man that sucks. It's good that you've learned how to deal with your anxiety (I get panic attacks regularly so I know how you feel)

>> No.6614768

Ahaha I don't have anxiety, I just had learning difficulties when I was young so took me longer to be able to do things by myself.

>> No.6614798

I have cried twice before.

Once was in a hallway that led to the panel rooms but on the third day no one was really over there and I just kind of hid in my gigantic bunny hat and cried silently. Can't really remember why , had something to do with my brother but I vaguely can't remember beyond that.

and the second time was very recent. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia when someone whom looked exactly like my mother passed by me and it just kind of set off a torrent of feelings. (She passed away in 2010)

I had sunglasses on that time for part of the cosplay. I ended up having to go to the bathroom to fix my mascara because it started to run. Got stopped by this girl when I was fixing it in the bathroom and she asked me if I was okay and all that shtuff.

>> No.6614971 [DELETED] 
File: 761 KB, 135x180, 1332341596986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, and will do. We definitely had a daww-filled conversation last night, though /cgl/ isn't a personal blog, and this thread isn't the place, so I won't spam.
But I can say I've never had someone ask if it was okay to hold my hand, before.

>> No.6614981
File: 507 KB, 250x141, 1327481549339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, and will do. We definitely had a daww-filled conversation last night, though /cgl/ isn't a personal blog, and this thread isn't the place, so I won't spam.
But I can say I've never had someone ask me if it was okay to hold my hand, before.

>> No.6615495
File: 11 KB, 300x189, 1359231756347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh, that is so darn cute! I'm so happy for you :')

>> No.6615548

I was behind on Madoka and watched the finale for the first time at the public showing at Otakon last year. I rewatched 1-11 the night before in my hotel room.

I cried like a little bitch at the showing. In the same room as Gen Urobuchi himself, no less.

>> No.6620763
File: 177 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mi1q5fDxWl1qas9xwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I have cried at a con. Most cons, actually. This is why.

>> No.6620765
File: 55 KB, 413x491, tumblr_mi1q5fDxWl1qas9xwo1_5002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6620768
File: 32 KB, 284x281, tumblr_mi1q5fDxWl1qas9xwo1_5003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6620771
File: 24 KB, 200x165, tumblr_mi1q5fDxWl1qas9xwo1_5004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single time....

>> No.6620784


are those.. cut marks or stretch marks? o_O

>> No.6620785
File: 15 KB, 282x183, 1341617377451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the big deal with this?
Is there a camel toooooooooooo-

>> No.6620797

Those are stretch marks, though it's kind of weird to develop them there unless she was pregnant(and her belly stretched), had some kind of surgery that involved pulling the skin in that area and it was a bit too tight, lost a lot of weight fast.

>> No.6620801
File: 7 KB, 191x263, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are PLEASE-DON'T-COSPLAY marks.

>> No.6620802

She must've lost a lot of weight in the past. Good for her. :)

>> No.6620804

>> Good for her. :)

And bad for us. Ug.

>> No.6620809

A baby can weigh quite a lot.

>> No.6620806

Not if it's all right there.

That ain't weight loss.

>> No.6620807
File: 27 KB, 500x385, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I... want to send her a gift basket filled with cocoa butter. Seriously

>> No.6623050

Oh gosh, sorry I didn't respond to this.
It is working for me. I'm on the second from lowest dose and I'm pretty much fine all the time, but it never goes away completely.
Prednisone made me feel so shitty and pregnant but I got so much shit done...