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6610768 No.6610768 [Reply] [Original]

Alright seagulls. I've suffered some pretty bad acne most of my life and now I get next to none. So I'm gonna share my tips with you on how I did it.

First and foremost you need a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, exercise, yadda yadda. But one big thing is to cut DAIRY out of your diet. Yep dairy is what gives you acne. All these "pros" who tell you what you eat doesn't matter..they're lying.

2. Take supplements. Fish oil, vitamin A and Zinc pills are really good for your skin! take them.

3. Buy a silk pillowcase. Not as harsh on your skin like other materials. Also wash it once or more a week. I like to fill the sink with hot water, then soak the case in dishwater soap for two hours then put it in the dryer.


>> No.6610770

4. Ok lets get to face washes and skincare.

first off while it's hard everything you need should be paraben and alchohol free. That's right, sorry but no more cetaphil.

The following you do in mornings and night unless stated otherwise.

step 1. cleanse. heres a good one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B307JNGM/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i0
step 2. Tone. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016XJ4M/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00 THIS SHIT WORKS WONDERS.

step 3 moisturize. and i don't care if you have oily ass skin. you NEED to moisturize. You can't completely suck it all of of your skin. it leads to MORE acne. I usually like what clinique makes but any is fine. just make sure it's "acne friendly" per say.


you need to exfoliate once a week. A great cheap one is St. Ives. If you like a DIY plan try this:
(note: the honey can't be that factory made shit. it's gotta be organic)

you can choose to exfoliate day or night.

after you exfoliate: tone, moisturize and done. Don't cleanse before exfoliating.


>> No.6610771

Makeup: I fucking SWEAR on mineral foundation. Use the liquid or whatever for cons (special occassion) but for every day go mineral. Pur Minerals is really great as well as bare minerals.

don't ever fucking sleep in your makeup. NEVER NO NO NO. Wash your foundation and makeup off with extra virgin olive oil then take a shower. cleanse, tone you know the drill.

if you're on a budget you need to do a face mask once a week. I love the aztec healing clay. Queen Helene is good too. If you have the money go do it professionally.

Thats it fuckers. Hope this helps out for those of you who suffer acne. It fucking sucks so i sympathize.

>> No.6610774

why shouldn't you cleanse before exfoliating? can you cleanse after?
also what if you are using one of those exfoliating cleansers (the ones with fine pearls ) is i tok then to use that more than once a week?

>> No.6610776

I exfoliate once (used to do it twice) a day with St. Ive's Green Tea. You think that's too much? I've noticed my skin seems really dull and flaky if I go even two days without it. I've been thinking about switching to exfoliating with oatmeal daily, then using the St. Ive's less often, so it's not as harsh.
Also, serums? I use one every night, right after washing my face, and then wait a few minutes before moisturizing.

>> No.6610781

do you get really dry skin?

>> No.6610782

I think personally for me cleansing plus exfoliating is too much. unless you did a home made exfoliant then you can cleanse before hand. I should have mentioned that.

"also what if you are using one of those exfoliating cleansers (the ones with fine pearls ) is i tok then to use that more than once a week?"


>> No.6610783

Combination. Fairly dry on my forehead, and just between my eyes.

>> No.6610784

I'd use more moisturizor in places it gets really dry. just carry some around with you when needed. Don't exfoliate too much and not more than at least twice a week. it will really fuck up your skin if you do.

>> No.6610786

JUST TO CLARIFY: not a dermatologist or professional. This is all just based on trial and error through my life battling acne.

>> No.6610788

There is no such thing as "Factory made honey" Just in case you missed the memo, honey is made by bees. Organic honey can still be shit, the quality depends on how blended it is.

>> No.6610789

Okay, I'll try that, thanks!

I do have the Queen Helene Mint Julep mask, so I'll start actually using that again, and see if that helps much.

>> No.6610798

Just in case you missed the other memo, most "honey" sold in the US is factory made honey flavored stuff. Especially that bear jar with the squeeze top.

>> No.6610802


>> No.6610803
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>But one big thing is to cut DAIRY out of your diet.

You can eat dairy. It isn't that big of a deal. I drink a quart of skim milk a day and have no acne on my face. Just avoid drinking dairy with a huge fat content like whole milk.

Otherwise sound advice.

Long time sufferer of rosacea here, seriously go see a dermatologist if your acne is awful.

Also sulfur based creams are great for oily skin and rosacea.

>> No.6610805

Ah, I forgot that the US has basically no food standards laws. In the EU, if it's labelled honey, it was puked up by a bee.

>> No.6610809
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>US has basically no food standards laws

I bet you think we have absolutely no gun control laws, too.

>> No.6610878

You can skip all that if you just follow this simple advice: go see a damn doctor.

I've used an antibiotic cream for many years and the only time I get zits anymore is when I eat a whole bag of chips or do something equally stupid.

>> No.6610910

You do have pretty lax food standards compared to most of the developed world.

It's a far cry from NO food standards, but compared to most everyone else it's pretty bad.

>> No.6610956

We aren't a nanny state, your point?

>> No.6610957
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>> No.6610965

You're so fucking stupid, do you even read what you fucking type

>> No.6610967

This. Thank you anon. The dairy thing is BS.

>> No.6610978


dont put anything on you face without checking it out on beautypedia.com first!!

Menthol is bad for your face, so is sulfur you dumbasses.

Mineral makeup SUCKS especially for peeps with dry skin

>> No.6610981

I actually just ordered her skin balancing system. Shit is MAGIC for my skin. It feels and looks better than ever. Wish it didn't cost an arm and a leg but then again you get what you pay for etc etc

>> No.6610991

I tried one Queen Helene mask, not sure it's the same one, but it had sulfur in it! Sulfur is a terrible ingredient for acne, way too drying and irritating.

She does overhype the dangers of alcohol, though. The mains ource she links to about alcohol damage is actually about imbibing alcohol, not using it as an ingredient in cosmetics. Most of the derms I've spoken to say it's usually not a problem in cosmetics.

>> No.6610993

I use bare minerals 3% sulfur concealer/acne treatment and I've had nothing but good results from it. Smells like shit though. Also I have dry skin to begin with.

>> No.6610998

Irritation & sensitization usually isn't something that you can see right away, it just gradually damages your skin over time. Glad it's working for you, enjoy dem future wrinkles.

>> No.6610999

"Antibacterial agent (Source: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, October 2001, pages 282–286) that can be a potent skin irritant and sensitizer. Sulfur also has a high pH, which can encourage the growth of bacteria on skin."

>> No.6611000

"Antibacterial agent (Source: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, October 2001, pages 282–286) that can be a potent skin irritant and sensitizer. Sulfur also has a high pH, which can encourage the growth of bacteria on skin.".

>> No.6611001

whoops. theres sulfur

>> No.6611002
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>fish oil for acne
>cut out all dairy (not just milk)
>toner twice a day
>physical exfoliants
>only exfoliating once a week
>don't cleanse before exfoliating
>face masks
Jesus Christ it's like the holy grail of shitty Internet advice
At least you didn't say OCM would cure cystic acne

>> No.6611004

you're able to copy and paste from paulaschoice

what a feat!

I can copy and paste too

"Sulfur has antifungal, antibacterial, and keratolytic activity. In the past, its use was widespread in dermatological disorders such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, pityriasis versicolor, scabies, and warts. Adverse events associated with topically applied sulfur are rare and mainly involve mild application site reactions. Sulfur, used alone or in combination with agents such as sodium sulfacetamide or salicylic acid, has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of many dermatological conditions."

-US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

>> No.6611005


also found this really helpful

>> No.6611006

Id rather not chance it, regardless =/

>> No.6611008

Literally says nothing about irritation. Yes, it can dry out acne and therefore speed up the resolution of pimples. But it does so in a way that is unnecessarily irritating to your skin.

Look, other very very common skincare ingredients, like citrus oils, lavender oil, and menthol are also very irritating, and people swear by them. These aren't effects you're going to see overnight. But they are damaging your skin.

>> No.6611010

Basically any natural oils that make your skin products smell good are irritants to your skin :(

>> No.6611019

I don't even like the smell of lavender! It's frustrating that beauty companies refuse to give up on it.

>> No.6611741

I'm sorry, but I am not about to take sage wisdom from someone who thinks the secret to clearing up acne is taking zinc pills and sleeping on a silk pillowcase.