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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6600992 No.6600992 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any experience with Storenvy? They have quite a few sellers that resell taobao items, and I was wondering if they were reliable.

>> No.6601073


>> No.6601082

It depends on which store you order from, of course.

>> No.6601083

I'm also wondering, as a potential seller.

>> No.6601127

At least if you have a problem with anything you bought, you'll be protected by PayPal since that's the only way to buy things.

>> No.6601163

Chinese resellers abound, it's like Etsy.

I wanted to comment on an item that was obviously resold with no mention of the original company or item name, but I didn't want to bother with registering an account.

>> No.6601373

I made an account there earlier today. They have some tempting looking items, but I'd like to hear more about it too before I rush into buying stuff.

Time to envy ALL THE THINGS!

>> No.6601386 [DELETED] 

I have experience as a seller - I recently moved my shop over to storenvy, and so far, I really like it. It makes things a lot easier for both me and the customer, and unlike etsy, there's no listing fee - everything is free, unless you want to add special extra features to your shop.
They send you an email with buyer info and what they purchased, and then you also get a confirmation email from paypal saying they paid.
You can also view all the orders on the website, and when you ship, you just click a button that says "ship order" and you can input a tracking number (if there is one) and send an automated email to the buyer to let them know it's been shipped.

The one thing I don't like about it was that it was very tedious adding shipping costs before opening, and sometimes shipping comes out a bit much due to buying multiple items, which I feel a little bad about. Shipping is also different depending on which international country you're selling to (obviously), but I don't have the time to look up shipping to 50 countries, so I have to stick to something general. This, again, means sometimes overcharging for shipping.
But so far, increased shipping costs haven't affected business at all.

>> No.6601398

what do you sell if you don't mind me asking

>> No.6601487 [DELETED] 

Stuff I buy in Japan - Swimmer and san-x things, mostly.

>I might be giving my identity away but oh well

>> No.6601493 [DELETED] 

Oh, I should add that I also don't like that there isn't a feedback system - or at least one that I've discovered. Maybe there is one and I'm just missing it?

>> No.6601877

I just opened a Storenvy recently to sell cosplays, accessories, and shoes I bought but never wore. I had been using Ecrater because I don't always want to deal with eBay and if it's something I don't think will move right away, it's just cheaper to list and wait. Storenvy just is a bit quicker to manage and I like that you can create a shipping "group" and quickly pick what group you classify an item as so you don't have to keep redoing shipping costs. E.g. I made a group for wigs and light accessories, one for cosplays, and one for footwear (typically heavier) and adjusted shipping costs accordingly. It's quicker than ecrater in that aspect plus I like how easy it is to promote your items. The stuff I sold wasn't even to friends etc. someone searched and found them. I haven't connected to FB or anything yet. I was working on dumping all the stuff from ecrater into my storenvy first. I'm pretty happy with it so far.

I didn't see a feedback system either but since everything is done through paypal, the buyer is covered. Could always link to an ebay profile if you sell on there too.

>> No.6601884

You should link me.
You too.

>> No.6602384

I was guessing 877 is KumaKrafts

>> No.6602628

Anon from >>6601877, I'm not KumaKrafts. Just am using storenvy as a place to sell of stuff I don't need or want anymore to fund travels etc. I've been really slow about moving inventory over to there and have a few things listed.

>> No.6603691

There's nothing on Storeenvy that refuses to support re-selling. It's not like Etsy in the way it's supposed to be strictly home-made/original/vintage items.

It's more like E-bay.

>> No.6608481

A lot of them are resellers like Sweet Soul Shop but they say "preorders" in order to buy them from taobao in a large order. The only bad thing is no reliable feedback so you'd should have an outside blog to promote your store.

I would not use Storenvy to sell secondhand items from Etsy or Storenvy because that's just asking for trouble, just make an LJ post/blog and join garagesalejapan or other sales communities. But storenvy is a pretty awesome place for kawaii things as long as shipping is a reasonable price (you can always add the option for the buyer to upgrade!)

>> No.6608541
File: 286 KB, 612x1008, brave final_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No orders yet! The few friends of mine that have storenvy are artists and people like to buy prints in person I guess

Might as well selfpost a new print I'm gonna upload to it soon

>> No.6609338

I haven't dealt with LJ in ages, what are some other sales comms besides garagesalejapan and egl_sales?

Not really looking to sell anything right now, but I'd like to peek at what people are selling

>> No.6609473

Your arrow's on the wrong side the bow~
It's supposed to rest on top of the bowhand. Surprising how many people get this wrong.

>> No.6609484

I recently opened a storenvy to sell my art but everyone who's tried to check out has told me that the paypal page isn't working. I just can't figure out what's wrong. My paypal is connected to storenvy and is verified but I can't figure out what's up. I got one cause I though it would be easier than taking orders directly via email and it would give the customer a more convenient marketplace.

>> No.6609488

Nevermind I'm a fucking idiot. After days of not knowing what was up I figured it out right after posting this.

>> No.6609493

But when she picks it up vertical it would be on the correct side so it looks right to me

>> No.6610308

Fuck it is.

Also herpdefuckingderp I used the old untouched image so no bowstring and the arrowhead is uncolored. Fuck

no no it was my bad ;___; thank you though kind anon