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File: 44 KB, 467x700, 528863_525712687461258_2025327724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6601231 No.6601231 [Reply] [Original]

So vitae deleted my comment with the link to the Q-Pot necklace that they are copying and I assume blocked me from the page? At least I can't comment on the main page or any of the pictures anymore. I wasn't even being mean... nice way to do business.

Uh... indie brand thread, who not to buy from, who to buy from...

Going to put Vitae on my Not to buy from list,

>> No.6601234

I guess I can make another FB account and do it again... wish I had a link to the Heart brooch they are copying too, couldn't find it though.

>> No.6601243

avoid I Do Declare.

Flaky, poor workanship on custom items, basically seems like she opened a shop so she could say she's a ~designer~ without actually doing her work

>> No.6601244

A lot of places have done copies of these. Either Spinns or We Go had them for 500 yen or less. I really doubt your intentions were pure.
Didn't Vitae used to be one of the people who did the shitty tumblr print?
Vitae do seem

>> No.6601248

Ehhh at least if I did a copy or inspired by piece, I wouldn't get mad like that. I used to have an etsy and would even say so.

>> No.6601249

They did a mario print, tardis shorts (50 bucks...), and a katamari print,

True, my intention was to show they are directly copying the original Q-pot design (they look exactly the same, the same number of drips and everything) but I was not rude. I simply linked the original and said it looked the same, which is does. And that's it. I didn't say anything about them stealing the design, I just said it looked the same I think my direct quote was 'Isn't this the q-pot one? It even has the same number of drips'. And that was it. It would have been more effective if I had a link to the heart brooch as well (because i know that is also a copy, with the same tiny drop and the same big drip). Basically my intention was to show it was a rip-off of the original designs, which can be found for much cheaper. Deleting my comment and banning me from the page for that is pretty un-professional.

>> No.6601267

Monomania also has the drippy heart

Pointing out that their items is copied is starting drama. Banning you for trying to instigate is understandable.

>> No.6601269

See to me it feels more like hiding the fact that they are copying... Pointing out that a company is ripping off designs from others and selling them for higher? Sure, that is a drama-train... but I would think it is a well deserved one. I bet they would fucking come down on someone who copied whatever their new.. that gloomy bear drippy dress. Not sure why they don't get the same treatment for copying others.

>> No.6601272

>original designs, which can be found for much cheaper
The Q-pot melty necklaces are minimum $150 vs this one is $40ish?
Yes, these are very "inspired by" (copied), but several other brands and stores have done the same design. You were being a jerk by pointing it out.

>> No.6601276

q-pot showed up for like 2k yen for me... Yeah I don't mind being a jerk and pointing out it's a rip-off of another design, I don't see why I'm the bad guy if they are the ones doing copies /shrug The heart brooch is 840 yen...

>> No.6601278

Oh the ones on the q-pot site are not the one I linked to, fyi. Those are not the same design.

>> No.6601280

Someone linked me another of the q-pot necklaces from a japanese blog post in the last secrets thread.

>> No.6601286

>you're a meanie for saying they are making knock-offs, you jerk!

Since when did people allow companies to steal other people's designs and defend them on it? Oh right, the lolita community works differently than every other fashion. I forgot.

On-topic, I am thinking of picking up the Vierge Vampur Meal Time OP, I saw one review of it on EGL, anyone have experience with them to give more details on quality/customer service? I really love that damn OP.

>> No.6601294

The q-pot necklace, I believe theres one in flat gold too.

At least admitting it was (let's face it, obviously) inspired by another piece is better than letting it be out there that the comment was deleted and commenter banned for asking. Now there's no backpedaling, it's copied. As replicas go, there's nothing wrong with it (would be better if it were an original drippy design), but that's kinda shady.

>> No.6601296

>pro copying mindset
It's one of the things I hate about lolita fashion in the international community. This mindset is a negative to the fashion as a whole.

>> No.6601309


wow that's a way cuter concept (a bee! honey!) than... period blood dripping? idek

>> No.6601314 [DELETED] 

The blog was one of Closet Child's blogs - so it was used.

>> No.6601318
File: 45 KB, 488x251, vitae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hrm, that is also not the one i linked to... the one i linked was cheaper (i remember specifically checking the conversion rate) and looked to be plastic/acrylic.

Sure, I was a 'jerk' for saying it looked the same, but I agree that deleting my comment and just completely not admitting it was inspired (pictured is the comment they replied with, which I assume they will delete since it will just beg questions to what the original comment was...) and just replying with 'Oh, that's weird, they DO look similar!' as if they were completely surprised by it? Come on...

>> No.6601316

I'm not saying that copying is good, but the same design has been used by other brands, and the person who commented about it on their FB really shouldn't be shocked that they were annoyed by someone pointing it out.

>> No.6601319

>coming from neck
>period blood

In some instances guro loli and placement of blood on clothing seriously looks like period blood. But all the way up on the fucking neck? You girls are quick to call anything period blood. If seeing blood coming out of a neck reminds you of vaginas, perhaps you have some genital location issues you should get checked out.

>> No.6601322

Ah, was it? I wish I could find the original listing for that specific one, even at 2k used the original price shouldn't have been too much higher since it was (appeared to be at least) acrylic/plastic and not metal like the ones on the site now.

>> No.6601326

Not shocked by them being annoyed, shocked I was banned/blocked from the page.

>> No.6601329

i think that's also a problem if credit isn't going to the original designers. like i said before, you can bet your ass that vitae would come down on someone who did a copy of their new series without credit, shit they probably wouldn't even let them do an inspired version.

>> No.6601334

There are plastic ones on the Q-pot site (the chain is metal) that are 18,900
If the melt rings are around $90 there's no way necklaces would be cheaper. If you happened to find a deal on a used one, that's great, but saying that Q-pot is cheaper is incorrect

>> No.6601345

It's unprofessional to delete and block you, yes, but I can't say I'm surprised. Posting something like that on their public page for all to see is not in their best interest.

You should have privately messaged them about it if it was such a concern. If you were just trying to stir up drama (which I'm sure you are, because I see copiers all the time and move on) then you can't really be surprised about how they responded either.

>> No.6601347

That is the fakest reply I have ever read, and I'm saying this on /cgl/.

>> No.6601352

Could have given them a chance to act professionally and say it was inspired by/copy of. Sure, I see why an indie designer would be upset that they were called out on copying another brand's design. Maybe they should have some more ingenuity in the future, like.. I don't know, adding one more drip so it wasn't a complete copy?

Ok I can recant that statement that they are cheaper, the one I linked was cheaper, but as you say, I got lucky that someone linked me a cheaper one. At least the drippy heart brooch is obviously cheaper (840).

Hmmm, I guess I was expecting more support and not just 'Oh well of course they got mad, and reacted accordingly by banning you. Sure it wasn't professional, but it's in their best interest to keep their customers in the dark that they are blatantly stealing a design from someone else'.

Oh well, I guess that's just the way it is.

>> No.6601370

going to try and stay on topic here... Anyone know if rouge aerie is releasing her mermaid print any time soon? No updates on her FB even though she keeps hinting every couple of weeks on something exciting....

Also asking about reviews for Dear Margaret, would love to grab that pinstripe jsk they have for sale right now, but not too sure on quality. Googling reviews now.

As for brands to stay away from... uh, no clue, I actually don't own any indie yet... I don't like those We're All Mad Here designs at all though, but just personal preference on how they look.

>> No.6601372
File: 164 KB, 850x850, 420045_313395325380449_1625254216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.6601377


Why does the model look like a fucking drug addict? I guess no half-decent people would model her trash

>> No.6601391
File: 62 KB, 960x359, 747568u56848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol did you see the photo for their new release? It's like they found the most unattractive people around

>> No.6601396
File: 2 KB, 126x122, 1351597201397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6601400
File: 55 KB, 622x960, 408265_525712860794574_1205448046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about? clearly theyre total babes.

>> No.6601401

>dat chin
>those cottage cheese thighs

oh god, skeet skeet erywur

>> No.6601499

those fucking nails are hideous and make their fat hands look even fatter. seriously, what we're they thinking.

>> No.6601500

stupid phone

>> No.6601532

errrggg yuk! these jsk's and skirts make me sick!

The photos are terrible, the dresses are not fucking ironed, the models are FAT & the price this chick is asking for is the same as BRAND!

fuck this shit for a joke

>> No.6601533

bat handbags?


>> No.6601537

I don't know who these bitches are but I want this dress. Too bad it isn't in their store...

>> No.6601554

I don't think the models being fat is a big deal. Especially with Australia's growing obesity rate... Being fat, frumpy, horrible makeup, and ill fitting clothing makes it horrible though.
Though the excuse for a lot of them is actually the cost to make the items in their country. While I'm sure it's a lot of money... They're riding more on the print than actual construction.

>> No.6601593
File: 447 KB, 770x513, rouge aerie carouskel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know, man. I'm still waiting for Carouskel; the last FB post she made said she'd be doing a Carouskel JSK release soon, but I'm not expecting anything.

>> No.6601623

She's a solo operation so she hasn't even done another run of dresses after that one american fashion show, but she had all the fabric on sale on spoonflower until a few weeks ago.

>> No.6601625

Yeah, I saw that...unfortunately I'm a rank amateur when it comes to sewing.

>> No.6601667

Soooo...where can I get this stuff for the absolute cheapest price? I'm too poor to give a shit about knock-offs and who's copying who.

>> No.6601671

Get what stuff

>> No.6601687
File: 48 KB, 533x800, mealtime op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought from Vierge Vampur via a shopping service, and while their quality is wonderful, they were slow (said it would take 2 months, ended up being around 3), and managed to cock up my order (I asked for it to be made to custom measurements, my SS double checked to make sure, but I was sent a standard size dress). In all fairness, when my SS contacted them about their mistake, they offered to replace it if I sent it back, but I had to pay for shipping to and from Japan, so I decided just to keep hold of it and try to get it altered here. The dress itself (I got the Meal Time OP) is absolutely gorgeous, the print is nicely detailed, the velvet is nice and thick, and is well constructed. Unfortunately, it doesn't suit me at all, so it'll be going up for sale soon.

>> No.6601699

Measurements and i assume you'll want retail price? I am really interested.

>> No.6601709

Also interested

>> No.6601732
File: 286 KB, 736x366, innocent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? If you're going to copy shit, even if it's shit that everyone and their mother copies, at least own up to it. Going ~*Oh golly gee, what an unexpected coincidence!*~ just makes them look fake as fuck.

>> No.6601733

Another interested anon

>> No.6601735

yep, that's exactly how I felt reading their response. 'Oh god, what is this 'q-pot' you speak of, I've never ever ever even seen this necklace before... oh except that I have seen it so i'm going to mention that other places are copying the same design so it's cool if I do it too!' making se-ka-rets now.

>> No.6601739

It's the standard size, so 85cm bust, 75cm waist. I'd be happy to sell for retail plus shipping, email is in my post if you want to contact me about it.

>> No.6601740


But if they are saying they were sent the regular size for it, here are the measurements on the site:

Bust: 85 cm
Waist 75cm
Length 85cm

These all say 'about' in the translation fyi, so this might be the measurements with wearing ease taken out (so about 2-4 inches maybe be added to these, though seriously would not recommend going by the actual garment measurements, it will not be comfortable and will look like it doesn't fit...) and the retail price is 22900 which (in usd) is about 247 bucks~

Once again, I am not the anon selling the dress. It is also still available on the site if you guys really want it http://vierge-vampur.ocnk.net/prodt/4

>> No.6601741

bah, I'd have to go custom for that then, the bust is too small and the waist too big for me... oh well, best of luck selling anon.

>> No.6601743

It's like Kyandi all over again with her melty ring copied off of q-pot

>> No.6601751

No worries, the standard size is a little strange, and it was supposed to be custom size with the waist a lot smaller. It'll be up on the comm sales soon, once I can be bothered to make the post!

>> No.6601757

The drippy blood necklace/brooch.

>> No.6601768

drippy heart 9usd you can find even cheaper knockoffs on taobao, I don't feel like looking for you right now though. A much more unique drippy necklace on etsy http://www.etsy.com/listing/1134572/slit-throat-dripping-blood-neckce? another one from etsy with free shipping that I think is really cool looking http://www.etsy.com/listing/1114043/drip-necklace-free-delivery-redleeding?

But yeah, taobao is your best bet for exact knockoffs for like 3 dollars.

>> No.6601770

Some shops on taobao sell them too for few $.

>> No.6601773

I guess you wouldn't consider 250 including shipping in the US would you? You happen to live on the east coast?

>> No.6601782
File: 497 KB, 750x1646, 滴蜡爱心耳环2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can even find this shit on taobao, I even go as far as saying she is just a reseller.

>> No.6601803
File: 163 KB, 300x488, T1s_buXiplXXbnpicW_024024.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there are some that look just as bad from the shape as hers

>> No.6601813

i don't care about the copying so much I guess (they should have said it was inspired though, that was just dick pretending they've never seen the design before... but then going on to say they had seen it in other places?)... but what i really don't understand is why they didn't release these drippy dresses in blackxlav... I mean it's the most popular fucking colorway for this style and you don't release it? wtf were you thinking? blackxred, really? these dresses are rich ita magnets... i may have considered the price tag worth it if they had a blackxlav... i guess i could always ask them, but i doubt they will do a custom order. I mean... how can you try and be trendy and fail so bad on color choices.

>> No.6601824

How fucking difficult is it to design a necklace that fits under collars? Like, OPs photo looks stupid. Her necklace looks awkward and uncomfortable, and it obviously wont move well when she moves.

If you know you're designing something to be worn with peterpan collars, or any collar, make the necklace adjustable so you can wear it properly.

>> No.6601828

Was recommended that I post >>6601769 here.

So yeah, tl;dr I'm looking for any cheap dressmaker/tailor/whoever that does custom sizes, akin to Lady Sloth but preferably cheaper.

>> No.6601829

oh man, didn't even notice it's OUTSIDE the collar. totally agree, it would be pulling up the collar if it were worn underneath... even though it should be worn underneath, how dumb.

>> No.6601836

give us your measurements, like I said before... Bust, underbust, waist is a start... this way we can see how much tailoring is needed...

Also going to recommend you start learning how to use taobao, good quality, cheap prices, lots of custom shops... but without your measurements we won't know how big/small you are, so it's hard to recommend things since there are some designers who specialize in certain sizes...

>> No.6601883
File: 378 KB, 1440x1920, 35-151-thickbox[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fan of this dress

how do y'all feel about lusty n wonderland? do they ship to the us? these dresses are straight pretty

>> No.6601896

i think it'd look better with a black ribbon instead of red and white.

>> No.6601906

The original files for the mermaid print were corrupted and lost, so she is having to completely redo them from scratch.

It's also my understanding that she has been working on finding a new fabric printer, since she is based in Australia, and ordering from Spoonflower is too expensive/takes too long for mediocre quality. No word yet on if she'll be back at Frill this year, but I'll keep fingers crossed.

>> No.6602334


Because then they would have to add another $5 on the price of the necklace for "length"

>> No.6602345

If you are too cheap to afford lady sloth then you need to get out of this fashion

>> No.6602549

Does anyone have worn pictures of this besides the official Vierge Vamput pictures? It's so gorgeous.

>> No.6602551
File: 416 KB, 741x1000, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbit Heart Shop is a great indie brand to buy from, she has a small lolita skirt selection but the quality's pretty good and it's a very reasonable price. The owner deals with queries pretty quickly too. I've had friends order from there but I'm going to wait until her spring collection's in stock to order.

>> No.6602557

A little disappointing that she doesn't take custom orders, though

>> No.6602556 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have worn photos of this besides the official Vierge Vampur pictures? It's so gorgeous.

>> No.6602564

You could always ask on her facebook page?

>> No.6602577

I did

She doesnt take custom orders

>> No.6602585

Those are the designers and the people who run the company

>> No.6602600

Oh that's a shame :/

>> No.6602604

I know two good etsy stores that do custom orders that I've ordered items from recently, they're more basics and accessories though.



>> No.6602615

I wasn't impressed by Peacockalorum. I bought two sets of wristcuffs and the bows were sewn on really badly. They were really wonky, just looked like they'd been slapped on etc. Maybe I was just unlucky with them, but it's put me off buying from them again. I don't want to buy something and end up having to re-sew it when it arrives. I'd just make it myself otherwise.

>> No.6602618

It's not a matter of being "too cheap", it's a matter of being mildly interested in a fashion and not living out of daddy's bank account to fund it. I'm an out of work student, excuse me if I can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars on my first go.

>> No.6602620

Are you kidding me? Her basic skirts are like $40

>> No.6602624

I ordered the ruffled skirt and the bambi fur collar. Perhaps I just got lucky with my items though?

Bought some Kodona shorts from Gaia that are really comfortable.

>> No.6602629

$40 may not be a lot to some but as Anon said she's an out of work student, that could be their grocery or transport money for a week.

>> No.6602634

Then I hope she plans on learning to sew because she won't find a lolita skirt cheaper than that

It's ludicrous

>> No.6602692

I'm so baffled by this defense. If that's her grocery or transport money, she should be using it for that. It can be really hard not to spend money, but you still have to try your hardest to make sure you have what you need instead of what you want.

If $40 for a basic skirt is too much, then for now I would not suggest that she get into lolita.

>> No.6603253

Fucking this. Frilly clothes are a luxury. You do not need them, not by any measure. If you don't have the money to spend on such luxuries, then worry about your necessities and don't.go.buying.luxury.items. Wait until you have the money.

$40 for a basic skirt is more than reasonable from any store. If I'm sewing things for myself and paying retail prices for materials, then a basic cotton sateen skirt with lining, no ruffles, side zip would cost me around $30 in materials once I factor in tax. Sure, I can get by cheaper by skipping the lining, and using shitty broadcloth, but you can only bargain hunt so far before you just look like an ita trainwreck instead of a lolita.

>> No.6603269

I agree. If she's mildly interested, she can ogle pictures and save some money like the rest of us rather than looking for someone to undercut themselves and whining about how she can't afford frilly shit. Necessities come first, and if you don't have money for luxuries then you don't have it, and no-one is likely to hand you said luxuries on a plate.

>> No.6603270
File: 186 KB, 500x468, 1312479095873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone heard anything about il Sangue since she moved? She closed up shop back in the summer and said she would reopen as soon as she settled in, but there haven't been any updates to the FB or her website in ages.

>> No.6603273

She's on the list for the Frill 2013 boutique, so I'm guessing we should see some kind of update from her about that.

>> No.6603331
File: 183 KB, 1024x709, durrduurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess mods deleted since we already had a "shady bitch" thread.

>> No.6603416

I saw her post something recently about linen. Lots of linen. This excites me.

>> No.6603801

what was this about?

>> No.6603812


Some gogo dancer who is being a complete bitch for no real reason on the fb sales comms. Lies about having super rare brand items, but buys replicas and BL. Backs out of deals because she claims she won't spend $200 on a single piece when the sells tells her they're selling originals or finds out the item is used. Just an all around trashy chick who thinks her shit don't stink but wants to be queen bee of the lolitas.

>> No.6604080

Agreed. It's not really like lolita is going anywhere. I waited 6 years to start buying my wardrobe. Sure, it was painful to look at clothes, but it gives you more time to really think about the things that you would like in your closet rather than buying because of fads.

>> No.6604721

lol, everyone forgets unseelie, PT and that mistress dominatrix chick was completely okay to slut shame? I guess things are different when you're cute

>> No.6604924

someone make a shady buyer thread, then moot can't delete it. People need to know what this girl is doing.

>> No.6604933

Does this model have jaundice or is she just shit at choosing foundation?

>> No.6604945

Oh poor unseelie, I feel so sad for the adult who posted pictures of minors to a dolly fetish forum and said they were all dollies looking for a master in her sad attempt to milk the doll fetishists for money

>> No.6604948

lady sloth's skirts are 40$?

I don't believe they're that low priced. like even bodyline charges more than that these days.

>> No.6604963

sounds like a retarded question, but someone link me to lady sloth?

>> No.6604976

The basic ones, without lining and anything fancy or expensive prints are like $40 before shipping, that's about how much I paid for my clock skirt


>> No.6605007
File: 88 KB, 960x706, 3929202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady Sloth is a hit or miss for me. Her most recent skirt looks like a lamp shade.

>> No.6605019

I...I like it a lot.

>> No.6605043

god her shit reminds me so much of talia_speaks. she can sew fabric together but good god.

>> No.6605062

I'm sure a lot of the Jet J fans will really like it.
I don't think it's too bad.

>> No.6605143

Her prices for tops are really good. I'm looking to get two bustier/bodice things made because I don't have time to make them myself, she quoted me $50 each for wine and black velvet.

>> No.6605540

Small -
Bust - 91-97cm
Waist - 71-76cm
Medium -
Bust - 102-107cm
Waist - 81-86cm
Large -
Bust - 112-117cm
Waist - 94 - 100cm

Wth Australia???

>> No.6605545

I like OPs necklace

>> No.6605557

Australia obesity rate is high and growing. Almost bad as the UK and the USA. So this sizing makes sense.

>> No.6605917

go away rocketlaunching

>> No.6605960

that is one ugly ass model

>> No.6605969

Australia is 5th in the OECD in terms of obesity, nearly 1/4 of the population have a BMI > 30...and although BMI doesn't apply as strictly to people under 5'/some athletes where they deliberately try to gain lots of muscle mass, I'm pretty sure I'm safe in saying that most of those people with BMIs over 30 are not athletes.

>> No.6605976

Vanity sizing is nothing new though I think they're trying to attract more plus-sized customers in general, not just Australians.

>> No.6605982

She looks like she has a mustache.

>> No.6605988

As an artist the fact that the drips on the print look so unnatural is bugging the shit out of me. I just want to re design this in a way that looks realistic. FUCK

>> No.6606023


As an avid JetJ fan I can say NOOO. She always picks the wrong materials so the seams are too bumpy.

Her other dresses are also NO. I understand she wants to be "comfortable" by using stretch cotton but it looks like nightwear because the material can't hold shape or move.

>> No.6606034

How is Nintendo NOT suing them for those Mario dresses?

>> No.6606047


If their size small is 91-97 cm bust and 71-76 waist then trust me, they're already FAR worse than the USA.... Even here a small is an ~85 cm bust/66 cm waist...

>> No.6606049

I was wondering that myself. I guess it's a small enough run that, like fanart prints, they let it go.

>> No.6606053

The thing with Lady sloths stuff is that the pictures she posts makes it look worse than it actually is? Like on the facebook page there's some nice pictures of that magical landscape JSK being worn but the actual pictures she has for the sale pictures are pretty terrible.

>> No.6606061

Those sizes are larger than standard Australian sizing. We use the same standard as the UK.

>> No.6606072

Ah good, then is must be 'standard plus' sizing or something like that...

>> No.6606076

Fat Ausfag here, why couldn't they just do size 1, 2, 3 or something, that's ridiculous. I'd fit a medium, enough said.

>> No.6606105


That is SO not accurate sizing compared to REAL Australian sizing, nuh uh. L-XL in aus is usually like 98cm bust, 80cm waist and 100cm hips. dis is bullshit

>> No.6606109

no, aus and uk sizing is different

>> No.6606129


Another ausfag here. The thing is with sizing is that it varies from one place to another. I could be small in one shop and medium in another.
But as a person with a 90cm bust, its a bit odd to see that my size is considered smaller than small.

>> No.6606128


>> No.6606158

person in the OP is not and just a friend of theirs

>> No.6606161

I wear my magical landscape skirt as a normal non-lolita skirt because it sits weirdly over a petti.

>> No.6606170

No it isn't. I buy a size 8-10 in Aus, I buy size 8-10 in the UK and its exactly the same. Shoe sizing is different. It's the US that's different with clothes.

>> No.6606175

Well you would. Even without taking vanity sizing into account, a UK 8 is an Aus 10

>> No.6606183

Actually it all depends on the brand, style of clothing, and the store you go to. A 'size 8' in Jayjays can be different from say, Glassons, which can be different again from Max (which I find is sized slightly larger).

If you look at the topshop website, they consider UK/Aus sizes to be equivalent for their target market, yet if you put the glassons "size 8" measurements in, you get a size 8 for tops and size 12 for bottoms....

>> No.6606184

Even though I'm losing weight, I don't think I'll ever be small enough to fit these clothes. I wonder what's the biggest they'll make regarding custom sizing.

>> No.6606191

There is no such thing as a standard size in Australia anymore. The places that seem ridiculously small are the ones closer to the Australian Standard set in the 1950's. Oh, us.

>> No.6606195
File: 110 KB, 696x1000, Jemma_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get back on topic shall we? Look how fabulous this model is in this amazing dress, only $120 too!


You know you want it

>> No.6606196

fuck bitch! what did she do to her eyebrows? that's not how to make them look ~naturally~ pink or w/e. I dye my hair tons of weirdass colors and I can atleast make my shit look like it's supposed to match my hair.

>> No.6606197

Where I am from that would be:

Large -
Bust - 91-97cm
Waist - 71-76cm
XL -
Bust - 102-107cm
Waist - 81-86cm
Bust - 112-117cm
Waist - 94 - 100cm

Maybe even bigger. The bust sizing is pretty crazy.

>> No.6606199

Her foundation.. why is it so yellow? And tbh, I think that dress would look awful on just about anyone, ugh.

>> No.6606213

you can get black milk for cheaper than that

>> No.6606220

guro chan looks ugly as fuck

>> No.6606224

it makes her look really fat too - terrible angles and the dress design is as fug as shit.

Their sizing is a bir wrong for average Aussie clothes too - the L should be an XL to keep in line with most Target or Kmart clothes.

If a 112 cm bust is considered "large" only I want off of this planet......this is coming from someone with a 107cm bust. Why does vanity sizing exist? I'm perfectly comfortable with being a "large" or an "xl" - being an "m" just makes me feel uncomfortable because it SHOULDN'T be average/medium size >_<

>> No.6606226

feel terrible for the models tbqh

>> No.6606228


>> No.6606231

are these for insanely busty girls or something? The one with the waist that is correct for mine is like an insanely amount over my bust size... And I have DDs.

>> No.6606275

Speaking of shitty Australian stuff:

>> No.6606286

Mario, Katamari, MLP, Dr Who, Gloomy Bear.....apart from the heavily AP inspired dress can she plz do something original for once?

This plus that fucktard who used to run Tokyo hardcore's "tumblr print" - it makes adelaide and australia look like a copyright infringement party full of half assed designers.

Am I supposed to love this stuff because im Australian?

>> No.6606291



>> No.6606294

Fuck I hate that I'm from the same community as this shit.

>> No.6606298

you too?
feel ya sis

>> No.6606302

Hey guys, me too :( hi adelaide? lol!
I know I'm not a great lolita yet and everything but even i know this isn't any good ..
The girls who run it are nice enough but il never buy their things: too overpriced and bad quality. These are $100 dresses not $340 dresses. That's more then a week's wages after rent!
At meets when the lolis are gushing over the indie designers i just feel uncomfortable..i can't love their stuff...you guys too?

>> No.6606303

I'm barely a lolita at all really and i'm not sure i even want to get involved with it tbh, not if this is the sort of thing that goes on

>> No.6606306

Adelolis are a nice bunch but they are just too overboard supportive of rubbish designers

>> No.6606316

I'm so glad the worst designers are in adelaide, it's far enough away we only have to deal with whatsherface and her over 9000 shitty brands occasionally.

>> No.6606318
File: 39 KB, 403x403, 46770_593890537304214_1615860109_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gawd I just went on their facebook page and saw these. I was like "no way those are NOT brains", except they totally are. Fuck they look like some sort of beetle shell or techno easter egg.

Also for anyone who's interested, here's the blood necklace on taobao for 12 rmb.

>> No.6606326

>slut shame
You cannot shame she who is unashamed.

>> No.6606333

The idea of it is funny but no. It has been done badly, they are too big. Half the size of these rings and add a bow/crown/tophat to them and it'll have more of a cute quirkiness. If they had a crown on and were half the size I'd buy it, it would be like "Having fashion on the brain" a clever outlook to it.

But instead all I see is period juice dresses/tights with cat brains on fingers and awkward cheddar cheese models. Good promotion, photo shop and good idea planning is what makes an idea good.

>> No.6606335

And also what makes me more mad is the dresses make her models look bigger than what they are. Ill fitted garments
The waist and crotch area on this model, I feel so sorry for her it makes her look like a "tramp" squeezed into a dress 2 sizes too small for her.

I am all for natural beauty, but some simple skin correcting here and there would not only make the models look amazing but it would also make the product look more appealing. This vitae woman clearly had no idea on how dresses should fit onto a person correctly. I see 0 complimenting of these models figures, if anything I bet they regret doing this shoot when seeing how awful the photos are. I have herd from multiple sources that she doesn't even make the dresses, she sends the designs off to some sweat shop and has them made for her, then takes all the credit.

Her ideas, with some filtering and hard work could be good but from a seamstress/dressmaker point of view this girl needs to go back to basics and learn how dresses fit properly and whilst she's at it meet some REAL designers to see how a good idea can be made into something beautiful instead of this train wreck.

>> No.6606338

well i know the chick in op and she's def not embarassed. i think vitae is the one in green/lav with the purple gloomy doll

>> No.6606342

Then I am glad the model is happy with her photo's, I am just sorry that the dress is so ill fitted. If I knew her personally I'd remake the dress properly for her that fitted her correctly.

That is the designer? Sssssssst owch.

>> No.6606367

Different anon, I quit the Adelaide community, the girls who run it aren't that nice. So much drama.

>> No.6606379
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I tried..

>> No.6606411
File: 260 KB, 696x1000, vitae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photographer is partially to blame, bad lighting, bad set up in general, not having the products properly in view. It could've easily looked so much better

>> No.6606430

melissa and lumpy space princess?

>> No.6607192

Sorry to hear this, anon! I don't think anyone runs the Adelaide community, though? I've always had a good time at their meets.

>> No.6607374

Ugh me too, the girls who "run" the group don't even come to meets and as soon as they do, they start drama - one came to a swap meet and started bitching about ODIP in front of EVERYONE and then complained that someone snitched to Marie about her bitching. Everyone fucking heard her say it.
The girls who actually go to meets are usually really cool and dont cause shit.

>> No.6607384

Didn't she/ODIP host the swap meet or something? I thought I saw photos on their page. Kind of stupid to badmouth her either way, considering how many people use her to buy things.

>> No.6607398

Well the girl who runs the swapmeets at her house is actually really nice, shes the one who usually organises most meets and just wants everyone to join in but it was vitae who only ever comes to meets in a blue moon and just finds an excuse to bitch about someone. at avcon, i dont even know her but she came up to my friend and bitched about the loli parade and how people were givin her shit about the way she ran it and stuff. shes like 30 and bitches more than a 17 year old to anyone thatll listen

>> No.6607472

Glad I'm not the only one who's not impressed.

THIS. This is who she reminds me of. I kept trying to think of what other "indie" designer she was making me recall, and talia is it. Let's just hope she doesn't start power-tripping and flipping shit like Talia.

>> No.6607894

There was always something off about Talia though. Lady Sloth herself comes off as reserved but normal.

>> No.6607904


I read somewhere that her mom actually sews all of the clothing (?)

>> No.6608062

Aww, if that's the case I'm really envious...I always wanted to do a fun mother-daughter business venture with my mom but our interests are so different. Not that I don't want Lady Sloth to succeed anyway, but if she's running it with her mom I really hope business stays good!

>> No.6608101

Pretty sure that's true, yeah. Though by now, she may be learning to sew herself/help with the actual garment production. Her products are pretty popular, after all.

>> No.6608180


Talia was batshit crazy though. Lady sloth may make some ugly pieces but she also does make some cute pieces and generally stays on the downlow on the internet and hasn't really caused any shit as of yet.

>> No.6608190

It's her and her mum, Lady Sloth herself is a really sweet girl. I wish nothing for the best for them both.

>> No.6608229

So where can I get this necklace?

>> No.6608479
File: 37 KB, 416x305, ripoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adelaide "designers"

>> No.6608489

are you assuming that the rest of us use daddies money?

Kinda a bitchy thing to say brah.

>> No.6608492

taobao or q-pot

>> No.6608494

Really well said. A lot of people do the whole "but i want it now" attitude.

>> No.6608502

Jaundice! Seriously though- the white of the wig makes the yellow skin look soooo much worse

>> No.6608522


She is DEFINITELY a taobao reseller shes got a shitty store in adelaide (or atleast sells a lot in this store) and resells taobao stuff with HUGE markups, like $1 necklaces for $30

>> No.6608557

this is a time when photoshop could have been useful because nobody wants to see those thighs when buying things.

Also, how about tragic photos in indie shops when the skirt/etc could have been nice on a mannequin in good lighting and simple backdrop instead of the models with awful makeup...

Peacockalorum is also owned by SockingShock if you're looking for classic and floral JSK/skirts http://www.stockingshock.co.uk/

>> No.6608572

wow. that's shit. they probably can't even file a paypal claim at this point.

>> No.6608582

>lucky pack
>The Fantastic Surgeon set is for those who are morbid and fabulous, with everything in jet black and blood red.

My sides...

>> No.6608607

that fucking t-shirt is god awful.

>> No.6608614
File: 275 KB, 500x724, tumblr_m3fdosWsDU1rq65cio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gentle reminder of who runs Pastel Hospital.

>> No.6608616

Aren't they marvellous? I admit I have a couple of pins from whatever her accessories line is, but it is hard to wear something with profane language, even if they're cutesy.

>> No.6608618

It's sad, I can only remember her real name, but not her fake name or her brands.

>> No.6608621

are you thinking of sucre noir?

>> No.6608627


You can hardly be blamed, shes had so many failure projects - saccharine dreadful, saccharine desoluation, sugar kiss party, shoujo sugar, DJ lacehunter, sugar freedom, tokyo hardcore, pastel hospital... surely theres more and not once has she not fucked someone over in every process.

>> No.6608707

Yeah that one

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

>> No.6608738

Why did you say this?

>> No.6608742

you're so right.
they held a newbie metup last year and there was a Q+A panel where newbs could ask questions, people wanting to become lolita could ask for help and suggestions for first pieces to buy etc
vitae just gets up and starts telling everyone to avoid cgl, egl and oline communities in general because they're 'full of negative and horrible people w no lives blablablarggh'.
now it maybe true to an extent but if you are anewbie and the first thing you're told is 'don't look online because people are mean!' you'll never actually learn *how* to wear the fashion, or get concrit which is so helpful.
i didn't say anything becuase it didn't feel like my place to say, bu tit was unnecessary and overboard

>> No.6608776

she probably said that because she's been posted here so many times before and she doesn't want everyone to know how much of a shit stain she is straight away. although she does a good job of that herself anyway by just being a total jerk to people she's only just met. i noticed shes going to the valentines meet now and I was on the fence about going but im pretty turned off now, we all know shes just gonna blabber and whineg about someone in the comm posting her to cgl

>> No.6608931

Even if they've all fallen through, holy fuck I wish I had her motivation.

>> No.6608994

Not going to lie, I actually really want that drippy bodcon dress/skirt in mint and lavender. Wouldn't pay that money for it though.

>> No.6609326 [DELETED] 
File: 43 B, 1x1, OP is a faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is done.

>> No.6609337
File: 124 KB, 616x960, OP is a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try this again.

>> No.6609498

I have a confession, seagulls.

I used to often make seriously ugly shit, laugh at it, and it actually sold. I say used to, because I don't have the time for it so much these days.

Lately, I have made things that turn out quite nicely, but because I used my creativity, they will never be on comm sales, just at cons (and my own page if I ever find the time. )

This was how I kept my head above water when I couldn't work, so it is quite personal and close to my heart. But it's never stopped me making ugly shit, laughing at it, and watching it sell.

>> No.6609499

I forgot to add that I'm Australian

>> No.6609683

Vitae didn't speak at the newbie meet. She attended for all of 5 seconds, took that Nana chick with her (who was meant to speak) and left. :/ So other people had to fill in for her speech.

>> No.6609787

Ah, so you think they are just laughing at people buying their shit? I guess I would too... I just can't believe there are rich itas out there dropping close to 400 (in my currency) for these dresses.

>> No.6609836

I'm not sure. They could genuinely believe all their creations are just that amazing, which is why they get so butthurt. Whereas, I am aware that I make stuff that is or could be considered as awful.
I collaborated with a friend last year, and we made stuff we thought was so bad that it was good, that we both kept pieces and wore them.
I like the occasional tacky piece here or there, but when I made something so truly awful whilst experimenting, that I thought it would sit in my shop forever, only for a well known etsy seller to buy it (for their best friend's birthday), I feel a little bad.

When I describe such items, I do so in a subtle way, where I am slightly taking the piss out of myself, but seriously enough for those who do take it 100% seriously. I guess the question is do these other people do this?

>> No.6609854

I still can't get over no blackxlav colorway for this, so if they are making terrible shit on purpose to basically see 'how far can we take this and people will still buy it' they are really going pretty far to remove the most popular colorway for this kind of style. They could laugh at me all they want if they made a blackxlav of this dress, I would have been all over it and no regrets. I guess I could message them but I am pretty sure after reading comments on other items about different colors that I would get a big fat NO WAY K?

Unfortunately I think they do take themselves seriously.

>> No.6609867

I wish there could be a separate comm sometimes where we could just kick back and have fun. I feel kinda bad for the nooblets in the group who are getting the wrong idea about the internet comms. Some of them are kids but they're pretty nice from what ive seen so far and have plenty of chances to get better with some more clothes.
Did you see the blowup about that newbie girl suggesting after the newbie meet that some Lolitas do a million paws walk for the RSPCA and the NOTINMYBURANDO replies? She was like 15, how hard is it to say "not really my thing but hope you get some people interested", or wear BodyLine for fuck sake..?

I was there too: didn't pay attention at the beginning. I didn't know she was supposed to speak but she just started blurting out about EGL and pissed off. Talk about out of left field.

>> No.6609878

I believe someone asked and got a lolno from them. It sounds like they're bandwagoning without even basically knowing the style. The dresses look bad, I think you should commission someone who could make it a lot nicer and cheaper.

>> No.6609887

Holy shit your community.
Make a second community and invite who you want, and keep the assholes out.

>> No.6609898

That ain't gonna happen. Adelaide is too small to have a second community no matter how neutral you try and make it. It would turn into a massive mess and people in the 2 nd comm would get bitched out or ostracised from the rest of the Aussie community for "bullying" and it's just too small a country to support two separate, healthy factions.
If dramaqueenz just be stayin' away then the meets are a blast.

I just want to wear what I want, give no fucks about people staring at me or taking pictures [this is a whole other drama at meetups], have a beer or a cider or someshit and talk about regular life stuff, not just Babys new print or your Taobao order status. But I digress, not really the rant for this thread.

>> No.6610065

Non-lolita here. Do lolitas seriously try to whiteknight designers who rip off other people's shit?

>> No.6610089

if they're friends, yes

>> No.6610091
File: 99 KB, 600x450, cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some do, since they're smaller but to me it lacks a great artist integrity. But not everyone has or believes in such a thing.
With Q-Pot they assume it's a big company when it's really one designer (tadaaki wakamatsu) who designs the things and then has a few sculptors and factory workers making the goods (each item is made in Japan with a card of authenticity). Same thing goes for Mori Chax who the dress is "heavily" inspired from his Gloomy Bear character.

And here is a picture of Tadaaki Wakamatsu, just because he looks so fun.

>> No.6610151

i'm a lolita and I made the thread... so not all of us are like: 'oh no wonder they blocked you from the facebook because you pointed out their ripping off another brand, DUH' heh.

>> No.6610184


>> No.6610196

>site offline
This is a bad sign
Wtf is going on with this brand??

>> No.6610200

probably gave it up and moved on, just like before that and before that and before that.
artists are still waiting on her to pay them for unreturned stock from tokyo hardcore

>> No.6610221

that's pathetic. Gives indie brands a bad name. She need a gtfo for real.

>> No.6610352

This has already happened though, back in like 2009 there was a comm that already existed and vitae tried to join and they excluded her from it so she decided to make her own comm that was 'more open and relaxed' yet all she did was bitch about the girls in the previous comm.

Now she just gets off on the idea of being the queen bee. I know there are a few girls who would love to create a new group that is more kind to newbies and more open to discussion and also, have the mods ATTEND meets but no one wants to start drama because vitae and saccharine are just such assholes and intimidate people. its bullshit. im glad they dont come to meets

>> No.6610372

Holy shit, I'm so sorry guys. I know my community has some special cases, but Adelaide sounds so much worse. I've met saccharine a few times, it's so awkward, because I pretend I don't know she's a terrible person.

>> No.6610409
File: 46 KB, 500x667, 262647_508713795827814_1270294035_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of scalping she does $25 for this necklace that you can get for $2.39 on ebay with free shipping worldwide. she also probably gets it all bulk from taobao for even cheaper.

>> No.6610428

ooh more secret material, link to the ebay one?

>> No.6610439

Honestly, if I'm able to get some jewellery to pad out my shop really cheap, I'd resell too.

Resell, not scalp.

>> No.6610445


The cheapest one one BIN, seriously this shit isn't hard to find.

>> No.6610455

Thought anon had a specific example to link is all, clam down

>> No.6610469

..He looks like my dad in the 70's if he was Japanese... it's kind of creepy..

>> No.6610473

I pretty much just searched for carousel necklace. i see a lot of resold ebay/taobao jewelery and i just pop in some random words into ebay and sort by lowest price + shipping, give it a go sometime with some random buzzwords like rabbit, cat, paris etc, you find lots of cute cheap stuff that you dont really give a shit about breaking or wrecking because its just so dirt cheap

>> No.6610620

I do this all the time, sure it's $4 for something that cost 12cents on Taobao but I just can't be bothered when I can eliminate the Taobao middleman and make it easier. Seriously there is some awesome cute crap out there that's a massive bargain with free shipping and the sellers are still making 10-20 times the price off of them.

>> No.6610624

Adelaide has Salmon and nothing any other city can throw at radelaide can match that fucking nyaah video

>> No.6610638
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>> No.6610640

yyou..........haven't seen it?


aand that is just the edited version........

>> No.6610650

Lol you poor fuckers, I forgot all about that

>> No.6610663

Holy fucking shit, I had no idea that was in adelaide. so shamed right now. Packing my belongings and bailing this shitstench of a city

>> No.6610675

The best part was when someone flipped her off.

(Non-Loli here) Though seriously Adelaide, I feel for you.
I am sure Melb lolis have problems but they can't be anywhere as bad as you guys... Well I don't think they are...?

>> No.6610681

The newbie influx gives me hope that the drama of eras past will surely die one day soon.
The older people who are wrapped up in the drama are kind of self-alienating themselves from the group and by not showing up at meets they're low stress and awesome fun. We just need the younger kids to be less shy but that will come with time :)

>> No.6611282

thats what makes it pretty sad for me, the most dramatic bunch are all the girls who are in their 20's (or at least mid-20's) I really think at their age, they'd grow out of their teenage tactics

>> No.6612032

you aren't alone in that in general. what is is about niche fashions that bring out full retard in people who should know better?

>> No.6615088

>>The melb comm are a good bunch usually. there is one person who does causes trouble sometimes but most are mature enough not to stoop to her level. most drama somehow stems from her...

>> No.6615100


ugh fuck these look so much better shooped

>> No.6615127

Oops that was a reply to >>6610675

>> No.6620142

Didn't automatichoney make a necklace similar as well?

>> No.6620172
File: 25 KB, 354x223, ahvsap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm All I know about Automatic Honey is they made a very very similar line to the AP Magical Moon jewelry. The shapes of the moons are different on the drippy sides though, meaning they actually did have to make their own design (at least for the drops) and they stamped/lasered their name on the moon and put the hanging star in a different spot (looks like the moons are mirrored too, AH one faces opposite direction). I don't know if they ever came out and said it was inspired... which I would hope they did, but I guess it's consolation they actually did a little more than Vitae did when it came to making a different design than the original? Dunno, you decide.

I wonder if bumping this thread will bring the vitae whiteknight and the aspie vendetta chan back to start butt hurting all over each other again, it was so lol-worthy.

>> No.6620175

I meant that they made a similar melting necklace, but not a moon.

>> No.6620178

Yeah no clue, I'm only aware of the moon which did cause a stink specifically from some etsy seller... Kyandi or something? and then they had their own seperate bat jewelry line which was their own design (to my knowledge at least, it wasn't an AP copy), a saturn planet design, something reminiscent of the Cinema Doll necklaces with the little mirror, and the kuma bones line... I'm sure I'm missing some, but I don't remember any melty ones. But I only just kind of looked them up since the only thing I really remembered was the Moon thing.

>> No.6620181

That was AH. Kyandi is not capable of doing anything more than just glueing cheap shit together.

>> No.6620182
File: 23 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bat jewelry was a bit similar to Angelic Pretty's but not a direct copy.

>> No.6620184

Kuma Bones was too. The shape and eyes and shit are basically in line with Shy Bear.

>> No.6620188

pretty sure they are talking about went Kyandy threw a hissy fit at them for "copying" and made her tumblr sheep attack them.

meanwhile she did the exact same shit to kumacrafts

>> No.6620194
File: 26 KB, 432x367, il_570xN.323844460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, the bats look really different to me?

I guess I could see that, the top of the bear head right? Obviously shy bear didn't have a skull/teeth bottom and bones on the necklace haha

>> No.6620196

Sorry, meant to go to >>6620184 about the Kuma bones things

>> No.6620197


Not to mention Kyandi started copying Kuma Kraft's laser cut Sailor Moon line.

Which wouldn't have been so bad if she had jumped on the laser cut bandwagon but picked a different series.

>> No.6620199

The bats, moons, and bears are all veeeery similar to AP. On some items, the 'AH' in cursive even looks almost like 'AP'.

Kyadi rips off everyone

>> No.6620200

I guess I'm really curious if they ever came out and publically stated that these things (Especially the Melty Moon one) were inspired by AP? The bats I see a little I guess, and the top of the Kuma bear maybe... but the moon stuff is really really too similar to get away with saying it's not inspired...

>> No.6620233
File: 454 KB, 619x377, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think it's just mirrored.. Even the lines and eyes are in the same places. The only thing different is the skull part... They change a couple of things here and there so no one can accuse them of copying, just like with the melting moons.

I think they did about the Melting Moons but I could be wrong.

>> No.6620234

I actually think they admitted it because I remember one of the guys saying nobody wants to wear a necklace that says trick or treat all year round

>> No.6620236

[spoiler/] how do i spoiler [/spoiler]

>> No.6620238


[spoiler]seriously help and I'll stop[spoiler]

>> No.6620239

no spoilers here faggot

>> No.6620240

Well I can respect them for that. I mean, looking at their inspired copies vs what Vitae is doing... it's obvious that AH put a little more effort to making an inspire yet uniquely 'theirs' design I guess?

>> No.6620391

dayum i was expecting there to be more secrets about it this week lolz

>> No.6620426

You mean Gosh! Gosh! Gosh!

>> No.6620653

The shape is different but AP has released multiple bat series, and you can definitely see the influence in AH's stuff. They use the same phrase "Trick or Treat" and their cursive logo is similar too. Pretty much every line they do has an AP counterpart even if it's not an exact copy.

>> No.6620662

Yeah I agree with that. And if what people are saying is true, they were fine with coming out and saying it was inspired, which is fine with me because you can see they actually put in a little effort to make their designs different yet keeping with the same AP influence. I think that's much more respectable than Vitae pretending they didn't even know about the other brand's jewelry (but then going on to say that 'a lot of people are doing this style!' which is a direct contradiction). At least, I think it's better in my head, not sure what other people think?

>> No.6620677

Has it crossed anyone's mind that maybe Vitae seriously didn't know it was Q-pot's product but instead saw the design from a knockoff shop on taobao and copied it from there? And seeing as though they took down the advertisement and didn't exactly vehemently defend their "design" in an aggressive/bitchy manner, it seems the case to me.

>> No.6620730

I think it's better. There is a girl in my local comm who makes painting dresses, someone tried to start some drama about she was ripping off Juliette & Justine and she immediately was like "my dresses are obviously inspired by theirs". Since she said that I didn't lose any respect for her.

>> No.6620738

Ok so a fashion designer into j fashion wouldn't know such a popular brand design? And it wasn't just q-pot... the heart brooch is an exact copy of monomania`s design... but i guess it would be ok if they copied some taobao brands instead? I don't follow that logic /shrug

>> No.6620753

People are people and not databases of every single product a designer has ever put out.
Lots of people get shit from taobao and pass it off and theirs too, some even have the gall to say it's handmade. Yeah, I'm looking at you Etsy sellers. Point is I think you're blowing it out of proportion. Big time. And I'm not sure why.

>> No.6620783

I think comparing a decently big indie label with an etsy seller isn't really fair. They tried to pass off a product that wasn't their design as their own to a huge audience, either out of stupidity or simply seeing how far they can go (look at those carousel necklaces they scalp for 25 bucks pointed out earlier in this thread).

Obviously it was a big deal to them when they saw the secrets and removed the items from their store.

I still don't understand the mentality that it's ok to steal designs to pass them off as your own, and yeah no one should do it, etsy or indie label. But it's a matter of scope of audience. And yeah those designs were popular enough that plenty of people knew exactly where they came from, so I find it hard to believe she didn`t. Gosh!

>> No.6620919
File: 172 KB, 467x700, 17985_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6620927

That is still one of the worst brand names I have ever heard

>> No.6620961


I was just reminded why I hate everything "pastel goth" with a passion again. I hope it dies down soon. I just don't understand the appeal. Spiky headbands, spiky garters. Ugh. I sometimes feel like i'm the only one who thinks that shit is hideous.

And no offense to that model but gurl, that hair and makeup ain't cute.

>> No.6620982
File: 36 KB, 238x286, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set of two skeleton bunny pins with a little chain in between
>"Nyx and Aurora are the perfect complement to each other."
>they have shitty hipster names
>fucking $45

>> No.6620996

I hope that you know that Pastel Goth exists since 2008 already...