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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6607768 No.6607768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So seagulls, I'm curious... is there any drug use among con goers? Besides alcohol, that is. The main reason I ask is because almost all people I know IRL who go to cons are total straight edge motherfuckers. Same goes for most lolitas and cosplayers I know about online.

I'm a young (under 21) lolita, and I'm a huge stoner. I'd love to meet some people I could smoke with or something at a con, but I'm doubtful. What are my chances of meeting like minded folks at a typical con?

>> No.6607781

lol at Otakon some idiot snuck molly into the rave through emptied glow sticks and got arrested

>> No.6607782

If there isn't some other event at the TCC, the empty northern parking lot at AN(Toronto) you will find people straight up blazing while they drink beer.

>> No.6607786

I'd get high with you anon. Wearing brand and everything.

>> No.6607785

Your chances are fairly high. Just pay attention during after hours and talk to people who are already drunk and outside smoking cigarettes. Bonus points if they already smell like weed. Offer some cash for a sesh and you're most likely in. I ran around making deliveries at Katsu 2012 and ran out of stock within six hours. Just make sure that whoever smokes in their room is hotboxing in the bathroom and doing something for the smell. Ask to be sprayed down with Febreeze if they've got it before leaving the room. You probably already know this, but never toke up in your cosplays or loli dresses. The smell will stick forever.

>> No.6607789

Go to cons on the west cost. You'll have more fun.

>> No.6607794

Ugh. Molly is just something I'm not interested in. My friends who've tried it say it's like a mix between being on adderall, being really drunk, and tripping a little, which sounds like an utter nightmare to me.

I fucking LOVE lsd and shrooms, but I wouldn't really want to do either at a con. The most I'd be interested in is smoking some j's or something

>> No.6607801

I'm an East coaster. Forever stoned alone ;.;

>> No.6607808

NYCC or Katsu will be your best bets. I've seen people standing off to the side of the Javits Center passing a joint around in broad daylight and security didn't lift a finger.

>> No.6607811

Hey OP, another con-going stoner here. Me and my b/f are usually holding, and always looking for an e hook-up. We've only ever met one cool person to smoke out, some people give off a weird vibe- I think "chavs" is a good word. I can't wait for more states to legalize, so we can be more open about smoking at cons. I'd love to spark one with random con-goers.

>> No.6607816

It's....not like that at all.

>> No.6607822
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They are WAY over hyping it. If you can ride a ahroom high, let alone an acid trip, you'll love e/ molly. I think everybody should try it once, it's also way safer for you than drinking.

>> No.6607823

if there's an event with a bunch of people at it, there's guaranteed to be some guys high on something. especially senate sessions. i don't know how you could get through one without being hopped up.

>> No.6607830

I always have like brownies or something at cons. I did some really heavy shit at the last con I was at, and I got drunk of my ass, I was krunk as hell. Sometimes before I go out in Lolita though I get pretty high. It makes it much more fun.

>> No.6607837

good luck, lolitas are so fucking uptight about that shit. They'll be like "O...M...G.. how the fuck could you smoke in your brand omgzzzz liek it totally will make your brand smell"

when really it doesn't, and if you don't act like a retarded teenager when you're stoned, no one knows at all.

>> No.6607842

Some people in my old comm use to toke up after meets. No one here seems to want to though and it makes me pretty sad.

>> No.6607843
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I dunno, there seem to be plenty of chill lolita's and many admit to spiking their tea.

>> No.6607865

I smoke regularly and even more so at cons! I try to make brownies or something for the big ones though, just to make my life easier. people are more likely to partake with you if it's in the form of a delicious baked good! plus, you get higher that way. :3

>> No.6607875

I get stoned at nearly every con I go to (how else would I deal with the Homestucks?). I've shared a joint or two with random people at Anime North before too.
Damn though, sucks to have to cross the border. Theres no way in hell I'm bringing anything over it, but that means sobriety at Katsucon

>> No.6607897

But... it does smell. Maybe I just have a sensitive sense of smell, but I can smell pot on a person's clothes from ten feet away.

>> No.6607923

I don't have a sensitive nose and can smell it too.

>> No.6607927

London MCM is all about getting high and drinking the last time I checked. If it wasn't, my friends made sure it was at least.

>> No.6607933

It's a pretty strong smell, but it comes out easily, unlike chemical- smelling cigarettes. I wouldn't smoke tabacco in brand.

>> No.6607946
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Southern Cali con goer here. I ocassionaly like to drink at cons, makes things really fun. I smoke every now and then, but never at a con. For some reason I don't think it'd be very fun, like it'd make me feel down.

But I would love to meet a cool cosplayer to smoke/drink with. if only we had a secret code

>> No.6607957


I keep a 3oz flask in my bloomers, and have been known to irish up a little at high tea. My flask is even engraved.

>> No.6607996

I think there are lots of lolitas who do a variety of drugs but it's a little hard to broach the topic, especially if your con has a lot of under-18s. It's kind of hard to be like "hey guys, you smoke weeed?" in the middle of a meetup without sounding like a 80s PSA creeper. I guess you need to know them fairly well and eventually the topic will come up.

>> No.6607999

i'm getting the mental image of a pink bong covered in frills and lace

>> No.6608070

Man, I'd kill for at Katsucon toke-up party. I'm coming up from the deep south and I wish I could smuggle some of our shit up, but I know I'd be asking for trouble crossing through 5 states with it.

Also every lolita who admits to drinking/smoking in brand makes my day. I love every single one of you.

>> No.6608108

I went to AX last year after eating a chocolate bar made with hash oil. It lasted the entire Saturday I was there, even after eating lunch. I feel it really enhanced my con experience. I'm hoping there are more cosplayers this year to make it even better.

>> No.6608111

I flushed a roommates medical weed one time when he was out. Needless to say, he was pissed and butthurt about it.

>> No.6608115

I wanted to smoke a hookah. I had a chance at ALA last month, but I was recovering from a cold and I was still coughing. I might try to do it around AX time.

>> No.6608118

Age- 22
Drugs- Molly (including xtc), LSD, Weed, and whatever my x is pressed with. And alcohol, but that's legal for me.

I'm in grad school for S/CE, so I need all the creative help I can get. After all, I'll be designing brides, buildings, and dams one day.

But for cons, I only smoke weed and drink. I would say conventions are not teaming with stoners, but there are a good handful there. Just go outside to the smoking section and look for the eyes.

>> No.6608126
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SoCal lolita con-goer here.
Let's blaze it, op.

That aside, just about everyone smokes weed these days.
Drugs? Depends on the group you're running with.

Never done it myself but I've known people personally who run around snort shit.
Takes it a bit far for me, I mean it's just a con.

But hey if you're into that, won't be hard to find like minded individuals (as people mentioned before)

>> No.6608133

some dumbass cunts at otakon had my entire hotel floor smelling like weed. gave one of my roommates wicked sinus problems. we're pretty sure they were either right across the hall or next door to us.

do whatever you want but be fucking courteous to the rest of us that have to deal with your retarded bullshit

>> No.6608157

no shit he was mad. Why the hell would you do that?

>> No.6608161


Boohoohoo. Take a sudafed.

>> No.6608176
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wahhh but it's so healthy and straight from the nature you can't tell us what to do sheep!!!! besides I read on the internet that weed cures cancer and aids and that has to be true because it's on the internet we were just having fun you hate mongerer

>> No.6608231

>Needless to say, he was pissed and butthurt about it.

Naw really, bro? I mean, if somebody threw away my meds for my asthma, i totally be cool with it and not be angry at all! I mean, it's totally uncall for your roomie to be pissed about you throwing away his meds! :)

>> No.6608237

Here's a good fitting song for this thread, brought to you by Tech N9ne : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSHiTut4I

Normally, i just get drunk, smoke weed and blunts at anime cons. was offered pills by a friend but I'm not into doing hard drugs.

>> No.6608242

Weed at cons, but only edibles. That way, I can be inconspicuous and have a delicious snack to help me through the con. But then it just leads to more snacks... I seriously considered being high to cohost a panel at Animazement. Actually, I'm still considering it. lol.

OH. I've never been high with contacts in. I only wear contacts for cosmetic purposes for cosplay. How do contacts fare with being high? Do you guys take out your circle lenses, etc?

>> No.6608244
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And suddenly, an influx of children...

>> No.6608261

I want to take ecstasy in Lolita so so badly! The fashion already makes me feel light and happy and pretty so I can't even imagine mixing the two!

>> No.6608262

All the drugs I bring to a con are edibles because I'm so paranoid about having the weed smell on me. Stopped doing crazy shit at cons because I'm reaching my mid twenties and my body can't handle it. My party days peaked at around 21, since then all I can handle is weed.

>> No.6608265


>Meet some decent people I could smoke with

Ok, cool, I'd be down

>at a con

And, you lost me. I would never literally smoke at a con.
>under 21 but still legal adult and have all legal responsibility of being an adult

Fuck America, man.

>> No.6608297


Just for shits and giggles. He didn't have asthma or any really bad medical conditions. I'm not sure how he was able to obtain it, but he did put on a good act to get it.

>> No.6608308

>offered pills by a friend
>not into doing hard drugs

what kind of pills can help define 'hard drugs'
lol in my book, hard drugs are coke, heroin, and meth only.

>> No.6608316

I dunno man. It was a while back ago.

>> No.6608314

Fellow SoCal con goer. The last time I went to a con I was on Vicodin (to be fair, I recovering from a kidney infection and legitimately needed it). It didn't make the con any more fun or anything but damn could I walk around and not get sore feet.
Pretty sure the same year a bunch of my friends ate edibles and asked Maddox to go smoke with them (he said yes but I guess he had shit to do or something).

>> No.6608340

Nothing defines 'hard drugs'. There's just drugs that are more addictive than others. Taking meth is identical to taking Adderall, in fact though that meth actually causes less peripheral stimulation and side effects. The only caveat being that it's ridiculously addicting.

Heroin is neither neuro nor cardio toxic, it's really not "toxic" to your body physiologically but you can develop a harsh dependence on top of a mental addiction and end up in a downward spiral where it feels like you need it to live.

Coke is just overrated, and nowadays not worth how overpriced the junk is. Hardly a "hard" drug, and you either have a trust fund if you can support a coke habit, or too much money and not enough hobbies. Coke is so cut to shit now though you're very rarely getting any actual cocaine.

What else is a "hard drug" though? MDMA isn't addictive, and is less damaging/risky than alcohol. Psychedelics can be "intense" experiences that some people can't handle, but the traditional psychedelic drugs out there (LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, etc.) have next to no risk profile, no direct deaths as a result of toxicity, the only risk being possible temporary or long term latent mental problems manifesting. (I.e. if schiz runs in the family taking acid could potentially trigger full blown schizophrenia)

I've had my rounds with just about every mainstream drug and have left most behind, and really only partake in rare occasions it feels appropriate.

>> No.6608342

At Acen last year there was a guy handing out molly to anyone he struck up conversation with at the rave. Hour into the screens next to the DJ booth put up his name and announced that "Rosemont's finest are waiting at the door for him." Godspeed random hippy dude, whatever backwash prison you ended up in surely benefits from your esoteric love of Japanese culture and party drugs.

Just strike up a conversation, and mention going for a smoke or a drink and ask them to join; bonus points if they already doing either vice or invite you to do so.

>> No.6608352

Plenty of pills are either identical to or worse than hard drugs.

Traditionally hard drugs are anything addictive. Opiates, benzos, and amphetamines, primarily. That's how I've always heard it defined, at least. (Should that list include nicotine and alcohol? Almost definitely, but you know, cultural acclimation.)

>> No.6608371

Nicotine definitely is a "hard drug" if we're just calling any "addictive" drug that, but guarantee 9/10 people would raise an eyebrow if you referred to cigarettes as a hard drug.

Just about any mainstream recreational drug can be used safely or responsibly but often times (heroin, amphetamines, etc) are too good for most people to keep its usage responsible for long.

>> No.6608378

Well, it also depends on the person. Some people can dabble in meth, others get addicted to weed.

>> No.6608384

If someone has ever sucked a dick for it, it is a hard drug.

>> No.6608387

>Hey do you smoke?

>> No.6608392

Ha ha, damn. Shouldn't had been opened to it. Too many snitches. Does any sell any good kush and weed that's not laced at ACEN? Trying to convince my friend not to bring any weed on him on the AMTRAk train when we go.

>> No.6608397

Weed's alright to get addicted to at least, you don't have to worry about your health nearly as bad as being addicted to meth. Meth in occasional use or somewhat frequent therapeutic (adderall type dosages) use won't really do anything harmful in the long term, but if you're using recreationally a few times a week things won't be so sunny when you stop, at least not for a while. Most of the side effects will go away with abstinence and it's not a one way street. "Faces of Meth" cases are caused by users who stay up for weeks on end, don't bathe, brush their teeth, eat, or sleep. The drug by itself is not the direct cause of those symptoms.

>> No.6608410

I'd buy the fuck out of an AP bong. Hers had a more "alice in wonderland" feel to it, it was green and looked like ivy was growing up around it.

>> No.6608415

Amtrak doesn't give a fuck. I have carried pretty much everything on those trains, there is very little security.

>> No.6608424

I usually take mine out, but then it works as a good excuse for why my eyes are red so even if they didn't bother me I'd take them out.

>> No.6608429
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>laced weed
I'd spend some money on a brand bong. Must see what i can get custom.

>> No.6608447

Molly is nothing like that.

Imagine that sensation you get when you've just started a new relationship and you really dig the individual you're seeing. You get that warmth in your belly, and your stomach drops to the floor. Molly is like that for six hours. Butterflies all day.

>> No.6608449

My group of friends smoke hookah back in the hotel room.
Though we go back and forth between tobacco and pot, whatever we have on hand.

>> No.6608457

You become a social butterfly, no matter how anxious you might be, it breaks all your inhibitions and everything just feels great for 2-3 hours or so. You'll dance for hours and open up to people like you never thought possible.

But you're not out of control, you may feel a lot more open to people but you can still make decisions for yourself. They may be influenced by the great feels yeah, but you can still make conscious decisions.

>> No.6608533

I find asking someone if they "420" gets the point across easily. It's code that most stoners know (and even a lot of non-stoners), but sheltered weeaboos whose only knowledge of weed is what DARE tells them will probably have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6608588

I'm a guy who'd love to take DMT while dressed up in Lolita.

>> No.6608633

Yet to find any weed at expo. Might get some Maddy for when Gemu roles around.

I really need to start getting weed for myself rather than just chipping in with buddies and having them contact the dealer. The plus side of getting it through friends is that the dealer sorts them out with really nice stuff all the time now since they spend at least £100 a week on stuff.

>> No.6608792

Man, Sakuracon and Kumoricon are going to be the shit this year now that weed's legal in WA.

>> No.6608800

This might not be entirely related but has anybody here had prior experiences with Nitrous Oxide (happy gas/happy air).

I have a huge phobia of the dentist which has resulted in my not going to the dentist in years. My teeth are pretty jacked but I finally decided to start a dental plan to get over my anxiety and sort out my teeth.

For the procedures coming I've been offered Nitrous Oxide because my panic attacks are really bad, but I've never had it before and I'm nervous.

Can anybody tell me what it will feel like? Will it really calm me down? (I start crying from just thinking about the dentist), will I feel any pain from what's going on?

It's the instruments that get me the most.

>> No.6608803

and people wonder why we can't get any decent guest of honors a CA cons now...

>> No.6608810

It makes you really lightheaded, almost like you're going to faint, but it's not scary, just kinda... giggly. It's made me hallucinate before, but apparently that's not common.

>> No.6608815

How easy is it to get high at Tokonatsu? Apparently they'll kick you out for drugs, but obviously that's not an issue if you don't get caught. I really like the idea of sitting out in a field somewhere with some good friends and my bong, but if it's too risky, I'll just bring edibles.

>> No.6608816

I get NO gas everytime I get a procedure. Your whole body feels super light and you could honestly just fall asleep laying there and you have to fight to stay awake so you can keep your mouth open for the dentist.

It feels excellent imo. Almost impossible to feel scared when youre sooooo relaxed.

As for feeling anything, all you feel is the pressure of their hands on your mouth and the pushing on your teeth. The point of NO gas to feel nothing and it does a really freaking good job.

Get the gas. For 30mins-1 hour you feel like youre floaty and sleepy and calm. No pain.

>> No.6608820

My friend who had N2O at the dentist described to me what happened: he said he had his eyes shut, was listening to his heartbeat, and then he realised the beat reminded him of one of his favourite songs. As he thought of this, the other instruments came in along with flashing lights and he thought it was all pretty cool. Then he regained consciousness, and realised 1) everyone looked like they were made of craft foam and 2) this was the funniest thing EVER. It wore off very quickly, no side effects save for the growing headache as the anaesthesia wore off and his teeth started throbbing.

For further reading (on any drug) I recommend the Erowid experience vaults: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/bs/exp_Nitrous_Oxide.shtml

Try sticking to the 'medical use' section, since Erowid is mostly psychonauts prattling on about great spiritual revelations which are actually just total nonsense that they had on drugs, and the recreational users tend to slant towards that category.

>> No.6608823


Thanks guys, I feel slightly less nervous now.
I can't imagine lying in the chair, having my teeth done and NOT being completely terrified, but maybe it's as good as it sounds.

I hope so. Last time I went to have work done I vomited on the dentist and then passed out on the street whilst trying to run away lol

>> No.6608869

Probably the most fun drug I have ever taken. It lasts for like a minute, I've also hallucinated before on it, it's dirt cheap, and you take it through a balloon! Although I suppose you don't take it in a balloon at the dentist.

>> No.6608873

stoners need to be shot on sight

>> No.6608885

Unless you're an obnoxious cunt on drugs its not usually all that obvious unless someone looks hard at your pupils or tries to have a conversation that requires some brain power with you.

>> No.6608894
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I'd love a brand bong! Maybe a cute print-themed pipe?
I have questions for stoner lolitas: what do you guys do to keep the smell out of your brand?

>> No.6608896

So many east coast lolitas smoke weed.
Usually at conventions however, we'll bring it as edibles and carry a few around with us.
Nothing more fun than getting high at the lolita fashion show with your girls.

>> No.6608899

It feels good. Your whole body relaxes and it sort of feels like when your legs are asleep, just all over.
I felt no pain at all, just a buzz. Couldn't really hear that well or focus on the dentists, they where like blobs and so where the instruments.
I remember thinking there was nothing else in the world but me and the dentist room and that i'd fall down into a big nothing when i stepped out of the door. Didn't happen.

>> No.6608905

I envy you so bad. I wish girls at my comm would stop believing what tv tells them and, idk, read more. About everything, actually, not only drugs.

>> No.6608924

I don't understand why everyone needs to smoke or drink or sniff or inject shit.
Like wtf, i guess if people want to ruin their health it's their choice.
Does nothing for me tho.

>> No.6608928
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>tfw I'm addicted to money

I've done all those drugs, I'm still alive. In fact, I've done most drugs (and have done a number of them at cons)

Frankly, I think they're a bit overrated. Like, people think they're either the worst or the greatest thing in the world...all things considered, they're pretty neutral entities. For me, a drug starts to become a problem when it effects a person's ability to function in society.

Go ahead. Ask me whatever.

>> No.6608951


H-have you tried Nitrous Oxide? What was it like?

>> No.6608975

>opiates and amphetamines
>neutral entities
hey genius, maybe they're not just talking about your own personal life but broader societal effects? because people die due to these drugs every fucking day. no one cares that you tried e once and thought it was "overrated"

>> No.6608978

Surprise there hasn't been a special snowflake weeaboo here going off on a rant on how drugs and alcohol and partying shouldn't be a part of the cosplay and convention community and how all conventions are slwoly becoming party conventions because how dare people like things other than anime and having a good time.

>> No.6608981

I don't smoke pot or do anything else.

But I do love me some xanax, hydrocodone, and muscle relaxers.

Weed was nothing compared to the highs I've had on those pills.

>> No.6608984
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Its no fun when your not on some kind of downer, also I don't even dress up. I just rome around sipping whiskey from a water bottle.
Also I like the dress in this picture...

>> No.6608988
File: 43 KB, 500x500, drugsalcoholcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot this picture from my last post

>> No.6608996

Hey guyz i'm so drunk and high right now wooo so cool.
This makes cosplaying so much better.
One time i peed my pants tho, oh well.

Kinda embarrassing, oh and one time i like greened out and threw up on this kid, awesome.

>> No.6609000
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If your having this issue you might be overdoing your usage just a smidge.

>> No.6609001

>>peed my pants
Typical ageplay fetishist lolita.

>> No.6609021
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I drink and get high at cons, didn't use to be this way, but everything just becomes much more bearable with all the freaks around.

>> No.6609048

Dude, just because adderall and meth antagonize the same neurotransmitters does NOT make them as identical as they seem on paper. The high is SO MUCH more intense on meth, and so is the paranoia, come down, dehydration and lack of appetite. Especially when compared dose for dose. On paper it seems like oh, what can a tiny methyl ring do? But srsly, as someone who has tweaked on adderall and smoked meth several times... they are NOT as identical as how they're written about. I understand why people think it, but dude, please trust on this one. LL but for the record i hate meth. I'd much rather psychedelics or benzos or ketamine or downers any day :3 don't mean to be harsh about it, i just truly wouldn't want anyone thinking meth and adderall are that simiar because.... they're not.

>> No.6609118


How do you afford getting high and being a proper lolita?

>> No.6609128
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Itt lowlifes defending their drug of choice like its a religion.

>> No.6609155

Also from SoCal
I got really stoned at anime expo last year. It was actually really fun and everyone either couldn't tell or didnt care and was really nice to me! I even got a small sesh going later that night with new friends

>> No.6609186

mommy and daddy's $$$ obv

>> No.6609189

>>sugardaddy's $$$


>> No.6609196

>sucks dick for money

oh, so she's just a run of the mill whore.

>> No.6609224

I've said this before, but one of my cosplay dreams is to go on a con masquerade on MDMA and sing Christina Aguilera's You are Beautiful, dedicating it to everyone in the con.

As for the rest, I smoke weed and drink on almost every con. Never once found someone to smoke with me, but I discovered some people (famous cosplayers and whatnot) that also smoke, so next time I'll invite them.

>> No.6609256

Just so you know, that song sucks and everyone would just cringe.

>> No.6609393

I have a retail sales job and I get decent money from it. Plus, I have a full scholarship to college (I actually end up getting money back in my pocket from school scholarships each semester), and I still live with my parents. I don't drive so there's no gas payment, either.

Most of my friends smoke (none of them are really interested in cosplay/lolita, though) so they smoke me out all the time.

On the other hand, I have a way more positive outlook on cons right now. I'm definitely going to consider going to the one in my city this June. Thanks!

>> No.6609409

Isn't it funny how easily you can tell a girl is a whore just by asking her whether she does drugs or not?

I guarantee you every girl here who does drugs has slept with more than 5 men.

>> No.6609420

I smoke weed and I've only slept with three, two of whom were long term boyfriends. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18.

What now?

>> No.6609427

>Has had a one night stand
>Claims she isn't a whore

>> No.6609431

so true, fucking whores

>> No.6609448

>opiates all day errday
>hikki virgin ;_;

>> No.6609449
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This is no purity ring reunion thread, get your bitch ass out of here.

>> No.6609454

I've slept with 8 guys. How many chicks have you banged, anon? Sounds like someone might be jelly of girls and guys getting more ass than they do

>> No.6609456

>Men use me and I enjoy it

>> No.6609459

Truth be known I am still a virgin, but at least I'm well on my way to becoming a wizard. Only 10 more levels to go.

>> No.6609460

Confirmed for whore who goes on SlutWalks.

>Women in charge of having interests other than sex and exhibitionism

>> No.6609539

5? Really? I take offense to that. I have slept with over 75 people, men and women alike, thank you very much. 5 people doesn't make you a slut. Losing count makes you a slut.

>> No.6609553

different anon but whipits are amazing. they fuck my asthma up if I do too many, which is really easy, but holy shit they are great, especially when you are already rollin

>> No.6609555 [DELETED] 


Jelly of what? You? No, more likely jealous of the man that used your vagina. You didn't do anything to get sex, you were just born with the ability to get laid by being female and average to moderately attractive.

>> No.6609588
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So if someone lost count after 20 but didn't go above more than 30 it makes them sluttier than you, huh? Hilarious logic.

>> No.6609590

21 yr. old lolita from the midsouth here. I like smoking, too, I have a nice meerschaum pipe that fits in with my classic pieces beautifully. I've always wanted to do a smoking lolita photoshoot but I know I'd get too much shit for it. I've tried shrooms at a con before, which was a GREAT idea for lolita, and I've taken LSD while in petticoats as well. Both went off swimmingly, lolita puts me in such a good mood that there's no way I can have a bad trip in brand. I'll second the people who have talked about making edibles for cons, it's a much better idea than trying to transport your contraband in original form. My boyfriend sells, so I have a special expertise in this area. I really want to try peyote eventually.

>> No.6609595 [DELETED] 

This shit sucks. My girlfriend cosplays and all that cute stuff but she hates the weeds. She hates the smell of the weeds. I like the weeds though.

>> No.6609599

Addicted to weed, aww it's so cute how misinformed 4chan is.
You just made my day, anon. I was going to post that picture, but I couldn't find it.
Whenever we smoke at cons, we smoke in the hotel bathroom and use a paper towel tube stuffed full of dryer sheets. It gets rid of all the smell.
I have a pretty cool job. I get paid alot of money to do not very much work. I think I'm still on the clock now.
check it

>> No.6609601 [DELETED] 

What is your job? How do you get it?

>> No.6609600

>doesnt understand troll

>> No.6609605

Why don't you try finding something you both like?
Drugs are not synonymous with sleeping around.... in most cases. I smoked weed long before I was ever in a relationship, and I'm not the only one.

>> No.6609607 [DELETED] 

like sex amirite lelel

>> No.6609613

I'm a stagehand. I work on the strip setting up shows. You have to apply to the union, but there's a chapter everywhere. The training hall moved, but when classes resume I'll be able to take AV, Lighting, Wardrobe, all sorts of cool stuff.

>> No.6609616 [DELETED] 

That sounds gay. I don't get it. But how much exactly does it pay?

>> No.6609618

this shit sucks. I do all the cute stuff and smoke, and so does my boyfriend, but he refuses to participate in any of my 'weeaboo shenanigans' such as conventions or cosplay.

>> No.6609622

Lol, it's not very gay, it's kinda like construction. There's like maybe three women in the whole chapter. I make 25/hr. on a 4 hr. minimum, but today i made like 28.

>> No.6609632 [DELETED] 

I don't get it and it's still confusing but that pay sounds fucking awesome. How many hours a week do you work on average?

>> No.6609627 [DELETED] 

I go to cons and shit with her and watch animes and stuff but I can't bring myself to cosplay. No offence but it feels a little attention whore-ish (maybe not in a bad way, because a lot of respectable people, and pretty much anyone that celebrates halloween would be 'attention whore-ish'"), but I just can't bring myself to do it because I see no real point in it besides looking pretty and showing people it. I'd just feel awkward all dressed up. Plus I'm tan and most anime characters are pale so ./shrug.

>> No.6609628


I don't wanna sound like a dick but 25/hr is a little bit above the annual salary of an entry-level position at a bank after undergrad.

>> No.6609634 [DELETED] 

She's like 16, 25/hr makes you Bill Gates at that age.

>> No.6610181

They are similar, but I find meth feels smoother I guess? I wouldn't consider it more "intense" other than lb for lb meth is more potent.

>> No.6610188

Forgive me if I missed this, I don't have the patience to read this entire thread right now.
What's the best way to blaze/drink/roll during a con without being suspected that you people have found?

>> No.6610192


>> No.6610193

Preach it, brotha

>> No.6610199

>taking adderall identical to meth

lel. you've got to be fucking kidding me.

adderall in doses ~30mg is manageable. meth is not. people addicted to adderall start doing weird shit and act kind of different. people addicted to meth suck dicks for it and pick at their skin until their covered with sores. one of these things is not "identical" to the other.

>> No.6610234

Haven't done any drugs beside alcohol but I am mildly curious about marijuana. I have friends who are open about doing marijuana but are in no shape to be at cons.

On a related note, I was amused by a Suika crossplayer who snuck vodka into a con using a gourd prop.

>> No.6610246

Don't get nigga/ skunk weed. As the skunk name implies, it will reek and have a smell to it even when you haven't lit it up.

Drinking wise - Hide it in a container like a water bottle or a soda bottle. For best results, rum and coke in a coke bottle or say pineapple rum with pineapple soda in a pineapple soda bottle.

Rolling - Roll it up in your car or in the hotel room.

>> No.6610255

if I just want to get drunk at a con I snag one of the plastic cups they have in the hallway for water that the hotel provides and fill it up with my clear alchohol of choice and some ice. then I can just walk around and it looks like I'm just sipping water.

>> No.6610270

Ha, a boyfriend of a (lolita) friend made a cake bong for her. Sorry, no pictures, but it was pretty sweet. I don't do drugs myself. I don't have any reason to (hell, most of my creative ideas come from sleep deprivation). In spite of the many concerts and social events I go to, I can never get used to the sour smell of weed, which is kind of weird to say considering that I'd like to hang out in bars more. I'd actually love it if someday, I can go to a con (in a city) that I've never been to and I met up with a bunch of lolitas who would want to hit the town and find a nice nightclub to go to (instead of the con-funk infested rave) and find a cool bar to get some fancy ass drinks at, rather than dealing with a bunch of 17 year olds toting shit-tier wine (which also happens to be warm). Essentially, I don't mind if people host private parties to drink, smoke, snort...what-have-you, but I don't like being around people who obviously can't handle staying in one safe location while doing that; it kind of ruins the con experience for others.

>> No.6610276

>doing marijuana

>> No.6610284

Vaporizers are pretty cool, no smoke and barely any smell with more THC per hit. For alcohol, flasks obvs.

>> No.6610286

Marijuana is a softer drug than alcohol, give it a shot.

>> No.6610300
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Man, drinking and drugging is for faggots haha

>> No.6610359

I've found pot has made me more tolerant of shit at cons.
Before weed, if I saw shit like yaoi fantards at public photoshoots dry-humping each other and 12-year-old boys running around yelling "I LOST THE GAME" at everyone, I'd rage inside.
Now? Not so much.

>> No.6610510

If you're in Florida, let's party.

>> No.6610513 [DELETED] 

never had a problem finding someone to blaze it with, just pretty much do this >>6607785

plus most stoners will prolly be down to just blaze you out without making you pitch on a sack. You can probably score some molly at the raves too.

>> No.6610514

never had a problem finding someone to blaze it with, just pretty much do this >>6607785

plus most stoners will prolly be down to just smoke you out without making you pitch on a sack. You can probably score some molly at the raves too.

>> No.6610587

I was actually talking about rolling on molly, E, etc. It seems like it'd give you the best time, but I have doubts as to whether or not people would be able to tell. To some degree, everyone acts a little unordinary while rolling.

>> No.6610631

I took molly at a con rave in my Beat costume. I was not expecting a 'not a rave' so I just went out clubbing still dressed the same way with some friends and had a hilarious time.

>> No.6610687

I did some LSD at a con once, fun times. Usually I roll with benzo/weed + alcohol combo, though.

>> No.6611493

Drugs have to be allowed at cons.

How else will I get into character for my Jacket cosplay?

LSD is the only solution.

>> No.6611654

I am not a drug expert but I have taken RCs, smoked, dropped acid, and taken e at cons. Not all at the same time, but some have overlapped.

I don't think I have hung out with a single person who didn't use something. I've been offered about twice as much stuff as what I listed. It's really crazy. And if you're a girl/lolita, you'll have no problem getting stuff for free. But it's not common to see girls like us at cons I guess. I usually only see guys fucked up.

>> No.6611661



you are at an anime con. I have never been stopped or asked ever about being fucked up and I have literally been so messed up before I couldn't even walk. It's part of being at a con dude.

If you're asking about sneaking shit in, either don't do it (get fucked up in your room) or just pop the pills/smoke outside away from everyone/chug it. Best way to not get caught is to not have shit on you.

>> No.6611687
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drugs are the only way to get through a fucking anime convention, I swear to god.

>> No.6611693

I used to respect you.

>> No.6611715
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Always smoke bud at cons. Rolled a couple times. I've met a few of my stoner friends at cons. There's more drugs at cons than you would think from a bunch of japanophile autists. Try talking to the "ravers".

>> No.6611729
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I can't function properly when I'm stoned. I just turn ass retarded and my tongue gets all tied up. Being drunk is a different story though- I become really outgoing and friendly and chatty, so I drink a lot at cons.

I did just get my medical card though and I have some really good stuff I'm gonna bring with me to Sakuracon (hint hint). But that'll be like...an end of the day, ready to pass out kind of thing

>> No.6611744

I second the alcohol in a coke bottle btw. Pretty much every con I've been to, I get a bottle of soda, take a couple swigs then fill the rest up with rum and put it in my bag. It's literally impossible to tell unless you take it from my hand, open it and smell it for a good ten seconds to try and determine if there's alcohol in it (which no one will do).

As for smoking and stuff- do it in your room. Or edibles.

>> No.6611749

why do you stoners like drugs anyway? fucking edgy kids

>> No.6611847

Like maybe 2- 10 hours a week, but since we get minimums every time I walk out my door I make a hundred bucks. This week already I've made like six hundred bucks.
Yes, but I'm entry -level. This time next year I'll be making $35, etc. And I get to smoke weed and hang out all day, just like in high school theater.

>> No.6611872

For some people it's the only way they can interact because they have social phobias.

>> No.6611887

Can't wait for anime expo this year. I'm saving up for some LSD and sarsaparilla molly, should be a pretty good time. I'd love to find some seagulls to smoke out.

>> No.6611901

i thought I was on /cgl/, not fucking /r9k/

>> No.6611903


Vodka in a water bottle. No one will be able to tell the difference.

>> No.6611985

And a lot of people at cons are unordinary. You won't be out of place.

>> No.6611999

Fuck all this secrecy shit. I've carried 4 bottles of alcohol in my bag before for me and my friends. Normally I'll just bring my flask which has a mixture of about 3/5ths vodka and 2/5ths white rum to mix with any softdrink. Drinking it straight is ok too I guess.

At the last con I went to was the one where I had 4 bottles of alcohol in my bag. I accidentally went into a game area where they do bag checks on the way out. I went up to the guy, showed him the alcohol and he just waved me through with a smirk.

>> No.6612011


If it's straight you're a fucking champ. I get a gatorade or ice tea bottle and drink half and then fill it back up with vodka.

>> No.6612063

>implying /cgl/ isn't /r9k/ with a frilly dress
Nigger have you even BEEN to a con?
Go look at those people then sit and think about what you said.

>> No.6612133

Not the poster you replied to but I can't stand mixed drinks. It's way easier for me to stomach straight shots of liquor and chase it with some coke than drink the two mixed, for some reason

>> No.6612178


Interesting. I can't do more than one or two straight shots without getting sick, but mixed drinks are fine all the time. Different people different bodies.

>> No.6612483

I believe you. I don't believe in that whole gateway drug bullshit.

>> No.6613143

>socially awkward individuals using drugs at a con to escape from reality

This is just and funny at the same time

>> No.6613923

How is this 'just' you dumb cunt? There's no justice in using illegal substances.

>> No.6613959
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>libra having any right to criticize anyone in the world, ever

>> No.6616786

I have a pink bong with rhinestones and bunnies.