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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6602168 No.6602168 [Reply] [Original]

share your stories of customs cutting dresses, people stealing accessories, little bo peep name calling, weebs who make the whole comm look bad, ect.

>> No.6602516

Not exactly the stuff of horror, but I've got a good story.
>be at con two years back
>friend comes up to me seething mad
>she'd seen a girl wearing a nice dress and complemented her
>girl told her it was from Angelic Pretty and proceeded to lecture her about lolita
>while my friend was wearing lolita
>we pass the girl later
>her hair is in a ponytail
>no accessories
>no poof
>no socks
>wearing flats

>> No.6602523

I've only got really nice stories. Am I just really lucky?

>> No.6602534

>At con, in bathroom, mainly waiting for my sister.
>See cosplayers adjusting costumes.
>A lolita is busy spattering fake blood over herself/dress.
>Not even a white dress, something like pink or yellow with print.
>Hope to god it was a rep.
>Spoiled bitch leaves the gallon bottle of fake blood (still half full) behind in bathroom
>fake blood still wet/drying
>super crowded con


Was in cosplay/not lolita

>> No.6602542

Ditto. I get ridiculous amounts of special treatment anytime I go anywhere in lolita, even more so than I do normally. I'm probably an attention whore deep down, because I know I dig it.

>> No.6602543

>be at con some time back
>be in the girls bathroom fixing up my cosplay and putting on some makeup
>suddenly two girls wearing lolita bash into the bathroom and begin hitting eachother and pulling hair and wigpieces off and scream and shout
>be like wutthefuck, luckily some other people were fast to break them up, they were furious
>wonder what happened between them, one of the girls shouted "youre the fucking worst lolita ever you bitch" but i really theres more to the fight than just that

>> No.6602544

Not a exactly horror story, but
>went to a loli shop
>girl was there wearing a Toy Fantasy OP in white with black leggings and jewel purple shoes
>no bloomers and you could see her undergarments (my virgin eyes)
>very rude and spoiled attitude

>> No.6602554

Way better than any weeb story. I'd love to see that shit.

>> No.6602558

It was kinda funny because one of them were wearing sweet and the other more elegantish, it was like lolita race fight loool, it was too perfect
none of them got seriously hurt so it was fine

>> No.6602611

I heard if you go into a bathroom with the lights off and look into the mirror while saying "Bodyline" three times, Mr. Yan will slowly rise up behind you in the mirror, top hat first, and you'll feel his ghost place his hand on your ass. But I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.6602616

What about Milanoo?
I'm home alone and feeling adventurous.

>> No.6602619

Oh good lord, I had a good laugh.

>> No.6602625

Bloody Milanoo is slightly different. You have to leave a shit in the toilet, go into the bathroom with the lights off, say Milanoo three times and flush the toilet. The shit will turn into the most hideous, disfigured polyester mess that will haunt your dreams for life.

>> No.6603014

I love you guys.

>> No.6603204

this was maybe two years back
>Go to NYC
>at kino book store
>See local lolitas
>about to say hi
>Grandmother starts jumping up and down
>points at them and shouts obnoxiously
>try to introduce self to the NYC lolitas
>they avoid the fuck at me
>probably think I'm a casualfag thats going to annoy them about the fashion

feels bad man

sorry about my Grandma.

>> No.6603209

*they avoid me like I'm the plague

sorry what is typing

>> No.6609004

More sories.

>> No.6609018

>Moving back home for the summer after college
>Dress bags with all my Lolita are in the ski box on top of the car
>Going 70 on the freeway
>Box pops open
>My brand in their bags end up on the freeway
>U-turn at the nearest exit, go back an exit and drive slow to find the bags
>See them in the middle lane
>Put on hazards and slow down in front of them
>Random white SUV sees what I'm doing and stops behind me to help stop traffic
>Ninja out of the car and grab the garment bags
>Throw them into the front seat and continue driving like nothing happened

The wooden hangars were pulverized by the fall, but the dresses were okay. I stopped at the nearest gas station to lock the ski box properly (and to get my heart rate down), and never transported my dresses that way again!

>> No.6609029
File: 8 KB, 299x276, 1296954054493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so good

>> No.6609034

Got an order in from Bodyline, few dresses and boleros etc. Went to snip the tag off the Alice jsk I got, hand slipped and I snipped the damn dress in a horrible upside down triangle shape.
Luckily it was high up enough to be hidden by the pin on bow once it was repaired, but I still get mad at myself for cutting it.

>> No.6609039

I lost about $3000 worth of brand because some crazy bitch wanted to fuck my boyfriend.

>> No.6609052

How'd that cause you to lose all that?

>> No.6609079

There's our local "refined gentleman" (he genuinely refers to himself as that). He wears a godawful crushed velvet suit and a costume top hat, calls himself aristocrat and has hit on every girl in the group.

Then we have the weeb who owns one ill fitting, pit stained blouse and a few skirts that looks like they were made from curtain fabric. She said my friend wasn't as much of a "sugoi kawaii rori hime " as her because he's a boy and boys are "bakas". Bearing in mind he dresses immaculately whereas she resembles Stig of the Dump.

>> No.6609080

Mostly related, but what ever happened to that one girl that had all her stuff destroyed? She said she had several thousand dollars worth of really rare stuff, and had it marked down, or something, so it ended up being destroyed for whatever reason.

>> No.6609083


Not a horror story, but...

>be at convention, not wearing Lolita myself that day
>spot gorgeous head-to-toe AP Lolita
>go over and cheerily compliment them, say I am also a Lolita, hope to make friend or polite chitchat
>get given scathing look
>She walks off
>my heart </3 :(

>> No.6609097

I really hate customs. It happened to me 3 times that the custom office didn't send me a notification to pick up my parcels and shipped the stuff back to the seller/shopping service instead. It's actually not the customs fault, but the fault of DHL, because they are in charge of delivering these notifications but the local postman is untrustworthy as fuck and the post often "accidentally gets lost".
I ended up paying twice the shipping amount in most cases. In one case the parcel got lost because the shopping service moved into another town and the package was re-delivered to the wrong person.

I also gave 3 IW items to the laundry last year (1 blouse, 1 plain red skirt and 1 bustier) and when I came back to pick them up they claimed the items were "stolen by an unkown person". I only handwash my clothing since that incident.

There were also a douzen incidents with my postman, with not delivering packages. Or delivering them to the neighbor instead without leaving me a notification. Or leaving the packages in dark corners or somewhere in the garage, again without leaving a notification until I find the packages by accident a few days later after being heavily concerned.

Buying lolita clothing from outside the EU always means stress to me.

>> No.6609150


Ugh, I so know this feeling. I have to say I did this in the beginning because I assumed that someone wearing casual clothes coming up to you telling that they're a lolita too, made me think they must be some horrible itas... I was wrong. Stay strong sistah

>> No.6609167

Wait wait wait. So she had on a dress and leggings and shoes. But you could see her "undergarments". Do you mean her bra straps? if she was wearing an OP I find that difficult to believe. And if she was wearing leggings under her dress, how could you see her underpants? I am going to need you to elaborate on this.

>my virgin eyes

Have you really never seen pantsuu before?

>> No.6609218

You poor thing, especially that IW thing. I would flip the fuck out because of that. Also your postman needs some hard slaps across the face for not doing his job right.

>> No.6609236


>> No.6609288

I'm always a little confused by the customs stories. I live in the US, been buying stuff from overseas for at least 5 years and have never had issues with anything. Is it only a thing EU people have to deal with, or am I just super lucky?

>> No.6609291

The US just gets such a high volume of parcels it just doesn't give a fuck. it's strictly enforced in parts of the EU (i am in the UK) as its easy revenue. There's less of us, and our tax rates are higher than yours, so worth doing.

>> No.6609336

> Go to Hyper Japan with friends head to toe in white BTSSB. All came from Germany for a holiday to England.
> 4 of us dress up for the day in our best outfits. Usually we are a pretty laid back group and for events go all out.
> Waiting in line for to get in when its starts to rain.
>All came prepared so its not big deal. Whip out the parasols.
> 2 of the girls are twining in AATP and the other is wearing AP lyrical bunny.
> As we wait a few cosplayers behind us as if they could share out parasols. They seemed nice enough so we did.
>Both girls, in what we assumed were bad vocaloid cosplays. One was quite heavy and the other was average but her wig was almost falling of her head. Both in cheep satin and velvet dresses.
> We get inside after 15 minutes luckily for us and go on our merry way.
> Later that day we bump into said girls again and they ask for a photo. They are standing with a group of badly dressed decora's and emo's. We don't mind, join in on the fun.
> Through the photo the naruto cosplayer taking the pic asked us all the say "nyan" we laugh and do so.
> After photo the larger girl says "Its so nice to meet real lolitas"
> We proceed to say something like "Its just cloths and there are many other way more amazing lolitas at the event"
> The girls laugh and say "Yeah but we all look so much better"
> Girl in lyrical bunny is confused and says vary nicely "Well I don't know about that, we are pretty average clones. We aren't as creative like you two in your vocaloid cosplays "
> Bad wig girl flips and start creaming at her, telling her she is wearing lolita and that my friend is an idiot elite fatty chan.
> The girls twinning flip bad, saying this girl is out of order and that we all thought they were cosplaying. It was meant as no insult.
> FYI lyrical bunny girl is a size 8-10

> Larger cosplay girl comes over, calls me a cunt. Takes the parasol from my hand and snaps it on her knee.
> Me and one of the twins burst into tears.

>> No.6609343

Why did she target you if you never said anything?

Also all i can think of hearing this story is Miss Trunchbull in lolita

>> No.6609345

>>6609336 (Continued)

> Staff of the con watched the whole thing.
> Other members of their group all scream at the two vocaloid girls and tell them the friendship is ended and that they are sick of them causing drama and bullying people.
> One of the decora girls came over, snatch larger girls purse and takes out 30 UK Pounds for me to replace my parasol.
> Larger girl started screaming how "ita" I was and decora girl shoved purse back in her hands and tells ehr to leave
> Con sercutity escort them out. They end up with a life time ban.
> Decora girl apologizes to us and ask where we are from. She then explains they tried to steal stuff from a girl early who was wearing loli. When caught they claimed it was a joke.
> Spend the rest of the day with this group.
> They were really nice and they grouped together to buy me a new parasol from the BTSSB stall and got the other 3 girls wristcuffs as well.
> Leave con with the groups information, still friends to this day.
> Found out both vocaloid girls got banned from the cosplay groups and shunned for their constant bulling of members.
> We now visit London often and visit this group.
> 5 of the members are now lolita and really good. We all go to con's/events together now.

> Did get an backwards apology again from the wig vocaloid girl, saying ti was my own fault for being a brand whore but when I told her we wanted nothing to do with her, she flipped again and blocked her.
> All is well with world

>> No.6609348

some of those stories are legitimately awful, but lol@ suburban dwelling lolitas who think someone is going to steal their precious burando off the front porch because everyone knows how valuable it is

>> No.6609352

That is from Matilda yes? It felt like that. We did not understand attitude but the group were very nice afterwards;

>> No.6609356

If it's packaged up then people can't tell what's inside and a lot of mail does get stolen off people's porches because some people will steal it hoping it might be something valuable.

>> No.6609415

>Takes the parasol from my hand and snaps it on her knee.
I'm seriously surprised everyone around them didn't LYNCH them for doing that, it's fucking HyperJapan.

>> No.6609579

What the fuck is wrong with people? I'm always nice in lolita, even if the person I'm talking to is a creepy fuck.

I sat for 15 minutes talking with a furry weeb who said she liked lolita and then spent the rest of the time hinting that she was a age player. She ended the conversation by admitting to me that she was a baby fur and was a dragon on the inside.

I STILL didn't roll my eyes at that bitch, I put up with it and it was hilarious.

>> No.6609606

At my school we were doing a fundraiser where we'd dress up in costumes and deliver cards to students So I dress up in my BTSSB with fairy wings and a wand, though I brought in a different outfit with it. I decide to wear my baby but some weeb takes my other lolita dress and puts it on. The problem? I'm shorter than 5' and I weight all of 90 lbs fully dressed. She was 5' 10" and nearly 200 lbs. It's stretched out, evne with the back shirring panel, doesn't fit her at all. she carries around a whip saying she's a "BDSM maid lolita". (note: this was a HIGH SCHOOL). I never saw that dress again. It was offbrand but when you're 15 and that was three paychecks, it's a pretty big issue. It was also a really cute dress and i really liked it but nope.

She also took one of my older issue GLBs out of our school's art room, lying to our school's fashino design teacher that I said it was okay. She returns it to me personally with suspicious white stains over the Mana spread. I asked her for my dress and she said she returned it to me and told me I was forgetting when I say she didn't.

Fucking weaboos.

>> No.6609604
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I have something worse than this.
Finally bit the bullet and bought myself some things from Baby. Got myself a black parasol, and was cutting off the tags. Made that same triangle shaped cut in the parasol that I'd only just laid eyes on for ten minutes. I could have cried, now having a useless parasol that wouldn't keep out rain. Why am I so stupid?

>> No.6609612

>Participate in lolita panel at convention
>In artist alley after, talking to friend at her table with kodona-wearing roommate
>Hallway is crowded, people constantly brushing past
>Ignore 'tugging' sensation on skirts that results from the crowd pushing by
>Suddenly roommate starts yelling
>"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?"
>Turn to find random guy lifting my skirts and roommate slapping him off while continuing to shout obscenities and threaten him with con security
>"I just wanted to see what made it fluffy, gawd."
>Dude skulks off
>Thank God for Bloomers

>> No.6609636

They were thin tights, and you could see her underwear. I've seen some good pantsu but that was just godawful

>> No.6609717

I actually winced.

>> No.6609743

Why do you people call umbrellas parasols?
Parasols are for the sun.

>> No.6609747
File: 565 KB, 1000x747, brokenparasol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join Lumiebre group order
>everything seems to go smoothly
>organizer doesn't know how to do insurance via PayPal for domestic shipping
>figure it'll be fine, since they made it overseas safely
>what's the worst that could happen?
>pic related is what happened

I was able to bend the handle back into shape after a lot of messing around, but I was pretty heart broken when it arrived. The woman who delivered it said to take it to the post office and see what they could do. Took it in before opening it, they told me "tough shit", so I went home, opened it to see just how bad the damage was. It was pretty bad. I'm really fortunate it didn't snap completely in two.

>> No.6609749

Because not all "umbrellas" from Baby, etc. are actually waterproof. Some really are just sun shades with fancy ruffles.

>> No.6609761

They're talking about using them in the rain, both of them.
Bitches be dumb.

>> No.6609764

Beats me, then.

>> No.6609902

I know this sucks, but I'm really glad to hear I'm not alone in dealing with this ridiculous mail business

>> No.6609934

We don't get too many customs problems. We DO get a lot of mysteriously vanishing mail and a lot of run around when we start asking around for it.

>> No.6609933

This is horrifying. I've seen this happen to people on the highway before and, especially if there was brand, I would probably just shit my pants and have a heart attack. Glad everything was safe though.

>> No.6609949

Put a bit of black duct tape in the inside. YOu won't notice very much and it will block rain :/

>> No.6609954

Honestly the only good way to ship parasols in the USA or anywhere is to do it in a reinforced tube. Those shitty triangle boxes are crushed EVERY TIME. Its like they do it on purpose.

>> No.6609956

I just order directly from Lumiebre now, which is way safer. Their packaging is meticulous.

It really didn't save me that much on shipping to use the group order and the domestic shipping risks are just too high.

>> No.6609955

I was about to say that maybe it was a good idea to mark the package as 'fragile' but then I recalled that shit is fucking useless, too.
I've sent out some packages that were marked as 'fragile' seeing as what was inside was actually very fragile and they still came out on the other side fucking destroyed.
What's the use of making it as fragile if there doesn't seem to be a difference.

>> No.6610762

I'm so glad this story ended well! Those 2 vocaloid cosplayers were so mean. Thank god it worked out well in the end.

>> No.6611536


I snorted.

>> No.6611598

According to this study, carriers actually treat your package WORSE if you mark it as fragile.


>> No.6611625

I had a friend who worked at one of the postal companies, and he said once that the only difference between a packaged marked 'fragile' and an unmaked one, is that they say "oops" when they drop it.

>> No.6611638

omg. I dunno whether to laugh or cry or just...i don't know.

>> No.6611709

Noob to online shopping here.

What's customs? Why does every package that falls into their hands get destroyed? What makes the package suspected?

>> No.6611734

>What's customs?
The department belong to each postal service which assesses mail as it enters the country. It can also be used as a shortening for "customs fees", which are importation taxes.

>Why does every package that falls into their hands get destroyed?
They don't. Horror stories happen, but every package that comes into one country from another has to go through customs inspections.

>What makes the package suspected?
The ones that get delayed longest are typically those with high declared price tags, but each country also has a list of items which are inspected/fined automatically (ie: clothing in some, electronics in others). Whether a package is delayed or opened is pretty arbitrary. They do random spot checks to keep people honest when they have the sender writing out the declaration forms (not that it works).

>> No.6611737

Also, should add that international airports have customs offices attached to their immigration and quarantine departments. It's where you declare what you're bringing in (or out, in some countries) from your travels (souvenirs and so on).

>> No.6612176

Here's a genuine horror story for everyone

>be 16/17
>growing out of weeb stage but still a huge weeaboo
>go to a lolita meetup
>everyone gives you looks oh god what is that
>post retarded shit online
>years later, everyone still remembers you as "that weeb"
>have the gall to fucking fight with the local lolitas about stupid shit
>this was three years ago and everyone is still mad and calls me a crazy ass weeaboo everytime my name is brought up online
>tfw I don't even watch anime anymore and everyone still thinks of me as "that weeb"
Instead of being fake to my face and a raging asshole online I wish someone was nice to me, ya know? maybe this whole storm would of been avoided.

>> No.6612193

This sounds like an amazingly horrific story. Care to share it with us?

>> No.6612293

Yeah, it was insane. My husband (fiance at the time) said I should have left it because it was so dangerous to have stopped on the freeway like that, but there was no way I wasn't going back for it!

>> No.6613136

It's amazing that you were able to get your stuff back. As soon as shit hits the freeway it's considered garbage and anyone can and will pick it up at the first opportunity. Lost two bicycles that way :(

>> No.6613695

If they were in garment bags, ones that I assume were black, people probably just thought they were garbage bags or something and didn't bother